Identification and Epidemiological ... - · Myalgia 75 86 30 34 56 Arthralgia 88...


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Identification and EpidemiologicalAnalysis of Ciguatera Cases in Puerto Rico



Ciguatera is a type of food poisoningcaused by ingesting anyone of a widespectrum of tropical fish. The diseaseis endemic in parts of the tropical Pacificand the Caribbean. The current hypoth­esis concerning the origin of ciguatox­in is that specific dinoflagellates livingin association with macroalgae producetoxins that are accumulated in the tissueof fish through the food web of the coralreef. Humans acquire the disease byeating the flesh of these toxic fish.

Toxic fish have a normal appearance,taste, and smell, and the toxins they con­tain are not inactivated by cooking orrefrigeration. There are no specific

ABSTRACT-A survey of the emergencyroom records of10 hospitals in five areas ofPuerto Rico from 1980 to 1982 disclosed 122apparent ciguatera cases involving 212 in­dividuals. Assuming that these records rep­resented 10-15 percent of the total numberof cases during this period, an estimate of8-11 cases per 10,000 residents per year wascalculated. The sample obtained was separ­ated in two groups based on the clinicalsymptoms present. The frequency distribu­tion ofseveral demographic indicators, epi­sode descriptors, and clinical symptoms wasanalyzed. The most frequent toxic fish incoastal towns was barracuda, Sphyraenabarracuda, while hogfish (Labridae) andgrouper, Epinephelus spp., were the mosttoxic in the metropolitan area. Toxic episodesoccurred during all months of the studyperiod. Most episodes involved fish eaten atthe evening meal and the first symptoms, allgastrointestinal, appeared 1-7 hours later.The type andfrequency ofoccurrence oftheclinical symptoms agreed well with those re­ported in other Caribbean studies.


laboratory tests for the disease, anddiagnosis depends on the clinical signsand symptoms presented by the patients.These usually begin with gastrointes­tinal (GI) disturbances which are fol­lowed by neurological and cardiovas­cular symptoms. Sensory disturbancessuch as paresthesias of the perioralregion and the distal extremities, gen­eralized pruritus and abnormal tempera­ture sensations are considered distinc­tive features of the disease (Lawrenceet aI., 1980).

Although the disease is characterizedby a low mortality rate, it is occasion­ally fatal and represents a major causeof morbidity in areas where it is en­demic (Bagnis et aI., 1979; McMillan etaI., 1980). Sometimes the neurologicaldisturbances are prolonged, resulting inalterations in the patient's normal lifepatterns. In addition, the existence ofthis disease has important economic im­plications for the fishing industry intropical areas.

In view of the medical, social, andeconomic importance of this disease,this study was initiated to gather data onthe occurrence and clinical manifesta­tions of ciguatera cases in Puerto Rico.The results of this study complementavailable epidemiological data giving amore complete picture of ciguatera inthe Caribbean.


Sample Selection

Information concerning ciguateracases in five coastal regions of PuertoRico during 1980, 1981, and 1982 wasobtained through a survey of the emer­gency room records of 10 major public

and private hospitals. In addition, therecords of the Puerto Rico Poison Con­trol Center, as well as patients andprivate physicians, were consulted tosupplement this information. The local­ities studied and the approximate size ofthe population served by these hospitalsare shown in Figure 1. Cases in whichthe patient's major complaints wereacute GI disturbances, or whose finaldiagnosis was either ciguatera fishpoisoning or food poisoning, were iden­tified by consulting the records of thehospital emergency rooms. Only thosepatients with GI symptoms within 24hours of eating fish were selected forfurther study.

A questionnaire was designed to or­ganize the data obtained from the hos­pital records and interviewees. It con­tained five demographic indicators, 10episode descriptors, and questions aboutthe onset, duration, and intensity of fourGI and 17 neurological symptoms.Using this form we were able to iden­tify U2 apparent ciguatera episodes in­volving a total of 212 individuals. Allindividuals eating from the same fishwere considered as belonging to thesame episode.

Data Analysis

Files were created for each identifiedindividual using the missing data codewhenever information was not available.To identify more closely those casespresenting what is generally considered

The authors are with the College of Pharmacy andLaboratory of Neurobiology, University of PuertoRico, Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, PR00936. Address requests for reprints to G.Escalona de Motta, UPR Laboratory of Neuro­biology, 201 Blvd. Del Valle, San Juan, PR 00901.

Marine Fisheries Review

Figure I.-Areas included in the epidemiological survey of ciguatera in PuertoRico. Areas outlined are labelled as named in the study, and numbers in paren­theses indicate the approximate size of the population served by the medicalfacilities surveyed. Data were obtained from the Statistics Division, Health Depart­ment, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

the characteristic symptomatology of thedisease, the sample was divided into twogroups. Group A consisted of thosecases where at least one individual perepisode, in addition to the GI symptoms,showed any two of the following neuro­logical alterations: Malaise, pain, pares­thesias, temperature inversion, metallictaste, or pruritus. The cases not meet­ing these selection criteria formed groupB. The frequency distribution in bothgroups of all the variables studied wasdetermined using the Statistical Packagefor the Social Sciences (SPSS) computerprogram. Relationships among selecteditems were also established using cross­tabulations.


Demographic Characteristics

In both groups, the most affected per­sons were adults, nearly half of whomwere in the 20-30 years range (Table I).Sex ratios were also similar in bothgroups.

Episode Characteristics

The type of fish eaten was reportedby 68 individuals in each of the twogroups representing 85 percent of groupA and 52 percent of group B (Fig. 2).Hogfish (Labridae) (28 percent) andgrouper, Epinephelus spp. (26 percent),

were the fish most frequently reportedin group A, while in group B, barra­cuda, Sphyraena barracuda (46 per­cent), was the most frequently reportedspecies. Although some of the fish werecaught by the victims themselves, mostof the ciguatoxic fish were purchased infish markets or eaten at restaurants, par­ticularly in the metropolitan area.

Distribution of the cases among thefive surveyed areas is shown in Figure3. Most of the cases included in groupA were from the metropolitan area (43percent) but only 3 percent of those ingroup B were from this locality. The restof the cases in the latter group wereequally distributed among the other fourareas: Fajardo (Tl percent), Humacao(25 percent), Ponce (23 percent), andMayaguez (22 percent). No toxic barra­cuda were involved in the episodes re­ported in the metropolitan area (Table

Table 1.-Age and sex distributionof apparent ciguatera cases inPuerto Rico from 1980 to 1982,grouped by symptom pattern.

Item Group A Group 8

Age (years) (n = 76) (n= 132)

;>19 10(13%) 31 (23%)20-39 39 (13%) 53 (400,0)40-59 20 (26%) 35 (27%)

,,60 7(9%) 13 (10°,0)

Sex (n =80) (n= 132)

Male 45 (56°,0) 75 (57%)Female 35 (440A» 57 (43%)



- 30>­uzW::l

~ 20


~ Group A (n~68)

• Group 8 (n~68)30



~ Group A (n~68)

• Group 8 (n~1 15)


Figure 2.-Types of fish involved in the ciguatera casesidentified. Frequency is indicated as percent of the cases(n) reporting the common name of the fish consumed.

48(4), 1986


Figure 3.-Distribution of the ciguatera cases identifiedamong the five areas surveyed. Frequency indicated aspercent of the cases (n) reporting the locality where toxicfish was consumed.


Figure 4.-Distribution of the total number of ciguatera cases identified inthe study by month of occurrence. Size and characteristics of groups A andB are described in the text.


2). Here, hagfish, grouper, and silksnapper, Lutjanus vivanus, were thereported toxic fish. Barracuda were the

Toxic episodes occurred during allmonths of the study period. Peaks wereobserved in both groups in April andalso during summertime in group B(Fig. 4). In group B, 60 percent of theepisodes resulted from eating fish at theevening meal (6-8 p.m.) and 21 percentfrom fish eaten at lunch time (12-2p.m.). Those persons that became sickfrom eating the fish at the evening mealwere selected for information regardingonset of symptoms. Among these, thefirst symptoms appeared 1-7 hours afteringestion of fish (Fig. 5).


The type and frequency of GI andneurological symptoms reported by pa­tients is shown in Table 3. As expectedfrom the original sample selection pro­cedure, GI symptoms occurred withsimilar frequencies in groups A and B,with diarrhea being the most commondisturbance. From two to four of thesesymptoms appeared concurrently in anindividual in over 80 percent of thesamples. Interestingly, in group A,selected specifically by the presence ofa given set of neurological symptoms,all four GI symptoms appeared togetherin 53 percent of the patients. A few in­dividuals (7 percent) did not report anyGI disturbance but were added to thisanalysis since they belonged to episodesmeeting the criteria for inclusion.

Among the neurological symptomsstudied, the most frequent of those usedas selection criteria for group A wasmalaise (65 percent) followed by arth­ralgia (60 percent), and myalgia (56percent). In this group, characteristicsensory disturbances such as paresthesia

'Fish common names are those reported by patients to emergency room physi­cians or interviewers.

Table 2.-Frequency distribution of fish involved in the toxic episodes studiedin Puerto Rico by area surveyed.

Number of cases

Type of fish 1 Fajardo Humacao Mayaguez Ponce Metro Total

Barracuda 14 13 10 6 0 43Grouper 1 12 11 0 6 30Hagfish 5 0 0 1 13 19Silk snapper 3 0 7 0 7 17Others 4 2 3 1 1 11

Total 27 27 31 8 27 120



most frequent toxic fish in the areas thatare important fishing centers, such asFajardo and Humacao.

6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13


2 3

Figure 5.-0nset of first ciguatera symptoms. The timeelapsed after fish consumption for the appearance of GI symp­toms is indicated in the abscissa. Data obtained from casesin group B reporting fish consumption at evening meal.



~ 20III•<.>



..o I~

>­u~ 4:>

"~ 3..

~ 8III..III« 7u..o 6,;z

16 Marine Fisheries Review

Table 4.-Frequency (%) of various ciguatera symptoms reported in Caribbean studies.

Barkin Lawrence at al. Morris at al. Engleberg et al. This studySymptom (1974) (1980) (1982) (1983) (Group A)

GastrointestinalDiarrhea 100 76 91 81 83Vomiting 100 68 70 40 69Abdominal pain 88 39 64 74

NeurologicalHeadache 13 47 33 45 39Pruritus 50 48 58 66 45Malaise 30 70 65Myalgia 75 86 30 34 56Arthralgia 88 52 34 60Paresthesia, fingers 4 40 54Paresthesia, extremities 71 33 36Perioral paresthesias 29 54 36 38 38Temperature inversion 36 23 48Metallic taste 27 25Dizziness 21 33

•Not reported.


of the fingers and temperature inversionwere present in 54 and 48 percent of thepatients, respectively. However, metallictaste, recognized as another peculiarfeature of the syndrome, was apparentin only 25 percent of the patients in­cluded in group A. Within group B,dizziness appeared in 32 percent of thecases, but no other neurological symp­tom exhibited a frequency above 13percent.

It was not possible to analyze the fre­quency of occurrence of cardiovascularsymptoms in our sample since, unfor­tunately, adequate reports of vital signsdeterminations were absent in over 80percent of the cases identified.


The existence of ciguatera poisoningin the Caribbean is well documented inthe literature but the epidemiologicaldata available to date is fragmentary andlimited (Ragelis, 1984). Thus, estimatesabout the incidence of the problem inthis area are questionable. The data onthe incidence of poisoning episodes inPuerto Rico obtained in this study mayalso be incomplete and biased towards

Table 3.-Frequency distribution of symptoms in allcases stUdied, grouped by symptom pattern.

Percent ofpatients with symptom

Group A Group BSymptom (n = 80) (n= 132)

GastrointestinalNausea 69 70Vomiting 69 42Diarrhea 83 77Abdominal pain 74 62

NeurologicalMalaise 65 13Arthralgia 60 9Myalgia 56 6Paresthesia

Fingers 54 10Perioral 38 3Extremities 36 13

Temperature inversion 48 2Pruritus 45 5Metallic taste 25 2Headache 39 11Dizziness 33 32Respiratory disturbances 18 2Visual disturbances

Photophobia 11 2Others (diplopia, etc.) 16 4

Irritability 13 0Toothache 11 1Unconsciousness 4 1

48(4), 1986

the more acute cases due to our use ofhospital records as the main source ofinformation and the fact that not all thehospitals in each area were surveyed.

Assuming that the cases identifiedrepresented only 10-15 percent of theactual cases occurring annually in theareas studied, one may estimate this in­cidence as 8-11 cases per 10,000 resi­dents. This estimate is based on similarcalculations made for the population ofthe U.S. Virgin Islands (McMillan etal., 1980). As indicated in Figure 1,residents in the areas studied representabout half of the total island population.This calculation was made using onlycases reported from June 1981 toDecember 1982, since those were over90 percent of the total sample obtained.The large number of cases identifiedduring that period may be related to anincreased awareness about the diseaseafter press reports on the death of aciguatera victim (Ghigliotty, 1981). Thisalso resulted in a government ban on thesale of barracuda and a few other possi­bly ciguatoxic fishes. In this study, ageand sex did not appear to influence oc­currence and type of symptoms experi­enced in a toxic episode.

Information concerning types of fisheaten showed that barracuda was themost frequent toxic fish but only in thecoastal towns, where it is primarily con­sumed by fishermen and their families.This, undoubtedly, reflects the fact thatthis fish may not be sold commerciallyin Puerto Rico. Similarly, Lawrence et

al. (1980) reported that barracuda is fre­quently a toxic fish in Miami where itssale is also prohibited.

Our data did not show any seasonal­ity of the disease, as ciguatera episodeswere identified in every month of theyear during the study period. The peaksobserved in April and during summer­time may reflect an increase in fish con­sumption rather than peaks in fish tox­icity. In particular, the peak in April isprobably related to more use of fish inthe diet during Lent.

The diagnosis of ciguatera cases de­pends on the patient's clinical presen­tation, since there is a poor understand­ing of the pathophysiology of thisdisease. This clinical picture, apparentfrom our study as well as from otherCaribbean studies (Table 4), includesearly GI symptoms, appearing a fewhours after eating toxic fish. The con­current appearance of all four gastricdisturbances in over 50 percent of thecases selected for presence of certainneurological symptoms (group A) docu­ments the importance of these symptomsas a manifestation of the disease. Ingroup B, which included those cases notreporting together the set of symptomsconsidered characteristic of the disease(Table 4), no obvious association of GIand neurological symptoms was ob­served. Thus, concurrent appearance ofGI, neurological, and, possibly, cardio­vascular symptoms appearing at a latertime still seems the best criterion for aninitial diagnosis of ciguatera.

Neurological alterations seen morefrequently in the selected sample A andappearing 12-24 hours after fish inges­tion were malaise or general weakness,bone and muscle pain, distal paresthe­sias, and temperature inversion. Dizzi­ness appeared almost equally frequentin both groups, suggesting that it couldbe a side effect of the intense GI dis­turbances reported by all patients in thesample. Close agreement betweenciguatera studies in the Caribbean(Table 4) suggests that our conclusionsconcerning the proper diagnosis of thisdisease may be applied to most cases oc­curring in this region.


During the course of this work thefollowing students in Special Projects at


the University of Puerto Rico, Collegeof Pharmacy participated in data collec­tion and organization: Laura Pagan,Mildred Pancorbo, Victor Quinones,Edna Lopez, and Jorge Figueroa. Inaddition, we recognize the invaluablehelp of Gerardo Garda de la Noceda ascoordinator of the Ciguatera Project ofthe Medical Sciences Campus. Thiswork was initiated under a Student Re­search Award of the American Associa­tion of Poison Control Centers to L.Pagan and M. Pancorbo and continuedunder the partial support of USPHSgrants NS-07464 and RR-08102 toGEM. This paper is Contribution No.152 of the Laboratory of Neurobiology.

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Marine Fisheries Review
