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Song suggestions:

• ‘We are One’ - Andrew Chinn (People of Peace) • ‘Ubuntu’ - Andrew Chinn (People of Peace) • ‘One Holy Family’ - Andrew Chinn (In Joyful Hope) • ‘Life to the Full’ - Andrew Chinn (Rise Up!) • ‘In the Footsteps of Jesus’ - Andrew Chinn (Many Roads One Journey)

• ‘Shout Out With Joy’ Michael Mangan (Let the Children Come) • ‘Gather in Jesus’ Name’ Michael Mangan (Let the Children Come)

• ‘Act Justly’ - John Burland (God Loves Me) • ‘Christ Our Light’ - John Burland (One Family)

Opening Prayer: Reader: Loving God, who sent us your Son to show us the way, help us to reach out with respect and acceptance to all, sharing our gifts with others and bring us all together as one in you. We ask this prayer through Jesus, your Son. i All: Amen. Opening Prayer: Reader: Creator God, From the beginning of creation, you have blessed your children with all the good things of Mother Earth. With Jesus in our hearts, continue to lead us through the power of your Spirit and enable us to journey together into a future full of hope, justice and love. We make this prayer through Jesus our Lord. Amen.ii Scripture: 1 CORINTHIANS 14:10

There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.

1 CORINTHIANS 12:13 For in one Spirit we were all baptised into one body…..

JOHN 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth

Breaking Open the Word/Reflections • Students are asked to look at their hands. • Think of all the things you can do with your hands. • What signs can you make with your hands that are positive? (e.g. thumbs up, peace, high 5,

applauding, shaking hands etc.) Ask for examples. • How did Jesus use his hands to help others? What stories can you think of? Ask for

suggestions. • What actions can we do with our hands that help others? Ask for suggestions. • How can we show respect, acceptance, inclusion, understanding and support using our

hands? Ask for suggestions. • Many people believe in Jesus in slightly different ways, but all try to follow his teachings and

live out the same gospel message. We are called to reach out to others, to help them and share in the beliefs that we have in common.

• Let us take a few minutes of quiet prayer to pray for a spirit of respect, acceptance and unity so that we may draw all people to Jesus by the way we live our lives.iii

As this prayer is prayed play power point prepared earlier of people displaying these qualities. e.g. being kind, showing team/school spirit, joy, belonging, friendship/relationships. Some children could be standing near the sacred space and hold up the heart with the corresponding word on it. Student 1: Jesus, your loving heart is full of kindness. (Pause) All: Jesus, your loving heart is full of kindness. Student 2: Jesus, your loving heart is full of justice. (Pause) All: Jesus, your loving heart is full of justice. Student 3: Jesus, your loving heart is full of peace. (Pause) All: Jesus, your loving heart is full of peace. Student 4: Jesus, your loving heart is full of compassion. (Pause) All: Jesus, your loving heart is full of compassion. Student 5: Jesus, your loving heart is full of generosity. (Pause) All: Jesus, your loving heart is full of generosity. Student 6: Jesus, your loving heart is full of wisdom. (Pause) All: Jesus, your loving heart is full of wisdom. Student 7: Jesus, your heart is full of understanding. (Pause) All: Jesus, your loving heart is full of understanding. Student 8: Jesus, you are love. (Pause) All: Jesus, you are love.iv

Ask the children what it means to have team spirit. Ask them what it means to have school spirit. We use the word ‘spirited’ to describe a horse, or dog that is lively and full of energy. Having spirit means being passionate about something, having enthusiasm, being committed to something important. God wants us to be people of spirit, to be enthusiastic about Jesus’ message. God wants us all to be happy and to live in Jesus’ way. To help us do this, God sends the Holy Spirit to be with us the to give us courage and strength we need. Let us take a few minutes to pray to God to fill our hearts and minds with the Spirit.v Prayer of the Faithful: Reader: Lord our God, who listens to the humblest of voices, hear the prayers we bring to you today. Reader: We pray for members of all Christian communities … that we may celebrate the gifts and rejoice in the richness that each one brings. (pause) Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Reader: We pray for a spirit of respect and acceptance …. that we may not be separated by our differences, only united in our love of Jesus and our desire to do his will. (pause) Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Reader: We pray that we may help to draw all people together and show them your love and mercy (pause) Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Reader: We pray that we may be willing to care for all people… ready to live a life of service, reaching out to those who most need our help and support. (pause) Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Reader: We pray that the Holy Spirit create new hearts in us filled with compassion, justice and love. (pause) Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Reader: We offer our prayers to you O God, with hearts full of gratitude and love. All: Final Prayer: Leader: Let us pray together: All: God of all peoples, You have created each one of us in your own image and likeness. Help us to acknowledge and celebrate the rich contribution of the many people who make up our world. Lead us closer to one another, so that together we may be instruments of love, faith and unity in our world.vii

Final Prayer: God of Unity Your son Jesus calls us to be united with one another. Give us courage and awareness to celebrate our differences and to see diversity as gift. In our unity, may we grow in faith, hope and love, and joyfully proclaim the Gospel message of peace and justice in our world. Amenviii i Adapted from ii Adapted from iii iv Adapted from v vi vii Adapted from viii
