Ideas about Government. State of Nature The natural condition of mankind What would exist if there...


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Ideas about Government

State of Nature The natural condition of mankind

What would exist if there were no government, no civilization, no laws, and no common power to restrain human nature

Hobbes would define a state of nature as "war of all against all," in which human beings constantly seek to destroy each other in an incessant pursuit for power. Life in the state of nature is "nasty, brutish and short."

Locke described the state of nature as that of perfect freedom and equality, but only for those who act in accordance with nature’s laws.

Absolute Freedom

Similar to a state of nature

Freedom to do, act, think without limits

No higher authority over the individual

Natural Rights

A political theory

Holds that all individuals have certain basic rights and that no government can deny these rights

Life, liberty, and property, have been identified as natural rights by different philosophers over time.

Social Contract

Idea about government

This idea is based on the notion that people can give their consent, through the social contract, to limitations on their rights.


•Equality has served as one of the leading ideals of government in the United States

Equality was a central tenant of natural rights philosophy as demonstrated by the idea that all people have the same natural rights.

Civil Society

It is created by voluntary participation by individuals.

A civil society includes not just the individuals who participate, but the institutions they participate in.

When people form a social contract, they willingly enter into a civil society.


The legitimate use of power


Sovereignty is use of power with authority

Under natural law, every individual is sovereign

When people enter into a social contract, they give up some of their sovereignty in exchange for participating in a civil society


The ability to get something done


It is the foundation of governmental power

Power is exercised both with a consciousness on the government's part that it has a right to govern and with some recognition by the governed of that right

When both the government and the governed agree to the scope and limits of power with authority