ICTs in School’s Everyday Life Project 2008—2010 · about the latest developments in ICT ... to...


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ICTs in School’s Everyday Life Project 2008—2010

Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen & Anna Aarnio Helsinki University

21st Century Skills?1. Ways of thinking

Learning to learn, creativity, innovation, creating new knowledge, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making

2. Ways of working Learning to collaborate and communicate

3. Tools for working Learning to use ICT, media literacy skills

4. Living in the world Active citizenship, both local and global, personal and social responsibility, including cultural awareness

[KSAVE Model, ATCS 2009; University of Melbourne, www.act21s.orgICTs at Schools Everyday Life, Interim report 2010, http://tiny.cc./valiraportti]

Some megatrends

1. From closed to open systems- Learning environments, open learning materials,open application interfaces

2. ”Soft values” – slow life - ICTs to support sustainable development, collaboration and co-creation

3. New wave of mobile learning

4. Ubiquitous learning - Educational use lacks behind everyday use?

5. Serious games as learning environments[e.g. Mäyrä 2010; Gee 2008]

Use of ICTs at home vs. at school (OECD, 2009)

Information and Communication Technologies at School’s Everyday Life Project 2008—2010

Vision 2011 Finnish schools will have innovative and creative ICT models and practices for wide dissemination to all schools in the country

GoalsTo produce new knowledge and know-how for schools and educational administration about the latest developments in ICT

To develop the educational use of ICT in amultidimensional way


ICT innovations

Team workCommunity


and practices

Future School

Information and Communication Technologies at School’s Everyday Life Project 2008—2010The project is included in• the Finnish government programme• National ubiquitous information society policy of Finland

The project is carried out by• Ministry of Transport and Communications (co-ordinator) • Ministry of Education• National Board of Education• in co-operation with industry and commerce

The operational work is carried out by CICERO Learning, Helsinki University www.cicero.fi

Schools in the Project• 20 schools and 12 school projects from all around Finland

1. Espoo, Koulumestari School2. Helsinki, Both sides of the Kingsroad Project 3. Kauniainen, suomenkielinen perusopetus4. Lappeenranta, Joutseno secodary5. Larsmo, Holm skola6. Oulu, Oulujoki primary7. Punkalaidun, Punkalaitumen yhteiskoulu8. Riihimäki, Pohjolanrinne school9. Rovaniemi, Saari primary10. Ruovesi, Kirkonkylä school11. Tampere, Eppu’s mediabackpack Project12. Turku, Puropelto school


Knowledge Creation Lab for Teacher Education (Lonka 2010)

• Motivation

• Interaction

• Use of ICTs

• Authenticlearningsituations

Some recommendations of the Interrim Report

Improvement of the technical and pedagogical support

Collaborative and activating learner-centred working methods and communal models of studying

E-learning materials which are accessible for all and inspire experiential and reflective learning

Encourage a communal working culture in all schools

Updating the ICT skills and knowledge about media education of educational administration and school leaders

Updating teacher education to meet the needs of future schools

The Results of the ICT in Schools Project• The results of the project will include an educational

technology plan for the Finnish government’s next term of office.

• This plan will include models, recommendations and practices related to:

1. ICT tools, infrastructure and usability2. Learning environments (eg. using social media and

mobile learning in school’s everyday life)3. Content creation and learning materials4. Development of school communities, support of

professional development and cooperation5. Development of public-private partnership models

Advisory Board• The Advisory Board of the ICTs at School’s Everyday Life project has 23

members from the public sector and from industry and commerce.• Director General Timo Lankinen of the Finnish National Board of

Education acts as the Chair of the Advisory Board

Helsinki University Advisory Board Professor Hannele Niemi, Cicero Learning Professor Kirsti Lonka, Helsinki UniversityProfessor Seppo Tella, Helsinki UniversityAdjunct professor Heikki Kynäslahti, Dept. of Teacher Education

For more information• Project Manager Ms Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen

tel. + 358 50 568 8467 or + 358 40 571 2442, sanna.vahtivuori()helsinki.fi

• Ms Aleksandra Partanen, Ministry of Transport and Communicationstel. + 358 9 160 28671, aleksandra.partanen()mintc.fi


Media Education and Educational use of ICTs in Finland

(Kupiainen, Sintonen & Suoranta (2008), Decades of Finnish Media Education. [http://www.mediakasvatus.fi/publications/])


Media Education in Finnish Schools

(Kupiainen, 2009) [http://www.mediakasvatus.fi/publications/])

• Art teaching

• Finnish language

• Media and ICT projectswith local media

• Newspaper week

• National Magazine Day

• School Cinema

• Diploma in media

Media education includes

(Kupiainen, R. (2009 [http://www.mediakasvatus.fi/publications/])

• development of information management and ICT skills, recognizing how media texts convey meaning

• learning to product media messages (UCC, LCC)

• learning critical understanding of media

• learning how to participate and impact in the media (active citizenship)

“Media education is the process of teaching and learning about media. While media literacy is the outcome—the knowledge and skills learners acquire.” (David Buckingham: Media Education: Literacy, Learning and Contemporary Culture, 2003)

Objectives of Media Education

(Kupiainen, R. (2009) [http://www.mediakasvatus.fi/publications/])

• Media proficiency and media skills• Active citizenship• Democratic society, cultural diversity and respect for

human rights• Encourage production, creativity and interactivity

“Tribes” or Approaches of Finnish media education

(Kotilainen & Suoranta 2005, Mediakasvatuksen kaipuu. In: Mediakasvatus 2005. Kansalliset kehittämistarpeet. Oikeusministeriön julkaisuja 5/2005)

• The technology ”tribe” ICTs, educational use of information and communication technologies, media proficiency, distance education

• The protection ”tribe”Harmful content and children protection

• The culture research ”tribe”Participation and empowerment

• The critical ”tribe”Cultural meaning-making





Education Media Profiency

Net Environments


Life Long Learning


(Tella, Vahtivuori ym. 2001)

Towards Media Profiency

Media Education 2.0: Participatory culture

(Kupiainen, R.(2009), [http://www.mediakasvatus.fi/publications/])

• Being open• Peering• Sharing• Acting Globally

Tapscott & Williams 2008, Wikinomics.

• Contribution• Connection• Collaboration• Creation

Leadbeater 2008, We-think. Mass innovation, not mass procuction.

• Affiliations• Expressions• Collaborate problem solving• CirculationsJenkins et. al. 2006, Confronting theChallenges of Participatory Culture: MediaEducation for 21th Century.

Social media..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFYPQjYhv8

OPTEK – Educational Technology in School’s Everyday Life Research Project

OPTEK in short• OPTEK is a research project which is funded by Tekes (Finnish Funding

Agency for Technology and Innovation), private companies and participating universities.

• The research consortium consists of 12 multidisciplinary research units, 28 enterprises and 20 pilot schools, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Education and National Board of Education.

• The project includes four research packages (seven sub projects)

• Leader of the research consortium: Professor Marja Kankaanranta, Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä

• Co-ordinator of the project: Maarit Viik-Kajander, CICERO Learning, University of Helsinki• The project is closely linked to and collaborates with ICTs at School’s Everyday Life Project,

Project manager Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninen, University of Helsinki

The purpose of the projectIs to produce:• Innovations linked to educational use of ICTs, new research

data and linkages between previous research• Processes and contents for the educational use of ICT in

schools’ learning environments• Operations models and service concepts, which will help to

implement the use of ICT in Finnish schools• Functional co-operation models for research departments,

schools and businesses• New business activities.

Research areas

1. ICT infrastructure, hardware and software2. Learning environments and pedagogical models

and best practices3. Content creation and learning materials4. Development of school communities, support of

professional development and cooperation5. Development of public-private partnership models

Research packages1. Pedagogical models and technological innovations2. ICT and different school subjects

2a Improvement of teaching mathematics using Open Source programs

2b ICT innovations in Finnish language teachingand science education

3. Mobile learning and content creation4. Business practices, infrastructure and impact

4a Public Private Partnership and business practices4b Open Source programs in the school context4c Evaluation of the impact of schools ICT services

Thank You!For more information:

Sanna Vahtivuori-Hänninensanna.vahtivuori@helsinki.fi

Media Education Research GroupCICERO LearningHelsinki University


What is PISA?What is PISA?

Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan

2000 >

Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan

PISA 2003, 2006http://data.desmoinesregister.com/education/worldclassschools.php

PISA 2003

Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan

PISA 2006

Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan

PISA 2006

Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan

PISA 2006

Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan

Reasons for Finnish PISA SuccessFinnish “literary” culture: trust for educationEducation policy

– Widely accepted vision of a knowledge-based society– Educational equality– Delegating decision power and responsibility from

central administration to the local levelsComprehensive school (= basic education)

– Core curriculum– Headteachers as pedagogical directors– School practices: several subjects, free warm lunches,

small groups, high quality equipmentTeacher education

– Teaching seen as an academic profession– Highly-qualified teachers– Excellent students

Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan 33

What is written about school?

Out of 35 countries, Finnish pupils spend

the least timedoing their homework.

Criticism• 17 researchers from 7 countries (a book)• “more politics than science”• main problem: does it measure what it is

expected to measure? (Stefan Hopmann, Vienna University)

• “questions very Anglo-Saxon” > culturally-bound; results should not be used when planning school systems

• some kids (Dutch, American, British) bribed to take part (Spiegel)

• “hidden curriculum” (Michael Uljens, Åbo Akademi)


Seppo Tella, University of Helsinki and Waseda University, Japan

ReferencesFinnish 2006 PISA pageshttp://www.pisa2006.helsinki.fi/

OECD 2006 PISA pageshttp://www.oecd.org/document/2/0,3343,en_32252351_32236191_397


Seppo Tella, 36