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Ethics is a major branch of philosophy, encompassing right conduct and good life.

Potential ICT related harm

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Ethics and Netiquette

From: http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html

Remember the human

Communication on the Internet does not replace/ substitute normal contact.


Ethics and Netiquette

Don’t abuse your new found anonymity

Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.


Respect people's time and bandwidth

Avoid chain emails; large attachments;Use a subject that defines your email; Always read FAQs (discussion lists).

Before forwarding the next chain letter, check at www.snopes.com if it’s a hoax


Ethics and Netiquette

Avoid sloppy language/ grammar

Don’t use ALL CAPS (which denotes shouting)Easy on the exclamation marks!!!!

Avoid using short forms in formal communication

Respect Ownership

Ethics and Netiquette

Respect/ acknowledge intellectual property

Copy/ share/ modify/ sell rights

Ethics and NetiquetteAll Rights Reserved

Some Rights ReservedCreative Commons

Creative Commons

Ethics and Netiquette

(by: Attribution)

(sa: Share-alike)

(nd: No derivates)

(nc: Non-commercial)


Ethics and Netiquette

From: http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html

Respect other people's privacy


Ethics and Netiquette

From: http://www.albion.com/netiquette/corerules.html

Don’t abuse the power entrusted to you

Code of Ethics

1. Contribute to society and human well-being.

2. Avoid harm to others.

3. Be honest and trustworthy.

4. Be fair and take action not to discriminate.

5. Honor property rights including copyrights and patent.

6. Give proper credit for intellectual property.

7. Respect the privacy of others.

8. Honor confidentiality.

General Moral Imperatives
