ICP Test Report Certification Packet/media/electronics... · 2013. 6. 17. · 1 ICP Test Report...


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    ICP Test Report Certification Packet

    Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: TVS Array for ESD Protection Product #: SP1005-01WTG Issue Date: May 14, 2012 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (2011/65/EU – recast of EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components.

    Issued by:

    Global EHS Engineer

    (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts

    This document covers the TVS Array for ESD Protection RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used

    Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1


    Form 585-047 Rev. A 2/21/06

  • 2

    Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report

    Total Parts Raw Material Part Number Raw Material Description Page(s) 1 HD-4100 Polyimide 3-20 2 N/A Sputter Titanium 21-26 3 N/A Sputter Copper 27-32 4 N/A Plating Cu (CuP) 33-38 5 N/A Plating Sn 39-44

  • Validi nownFor QuesliPlease Co ith scs


    Test Report No. : CE2012|15173A DaIe 201?,O2t17 paoe : 1 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEMS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD-BLDG. 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859.1241

    Thefollowing sample(s) was/were submitted and identified by/on behatfofthe client as:

    Sample DescriptionStle/ltem No.Sample Receiving DateTesting P€iod

    PO LYll\,llDEHD-41002012t1t312012,1t31 10 201?,02tO3

    T€st Result(s) : Please refer to next page(s)

    i ' i i o * , ] . i , " ' " * . * o t e c " . o a ; . ' ' . l r c n ' " t d . m o i o j ' d e s o ' d y F 3 0 € a M 8 9 r d m ? m'no io l . j * $om|oma ldoc *+ ,r ftalnrialt in hd6ir€ron md ,idsdddn ssa ddd seBi tuv hoderor b 3 ddumd isadvrsd b' he (neo ' f t i n1e ie i ' o i o i l vandwb in l he | imbo l c | i . d3 ruMons . in " g j t d n r o m i * . " . q . l " ' . d , o ' d 0 - " t i - i E o o @ m " 1 e ' '( osn, q y IaLro /;d an.€ oi o4.r o ;€ 'i o1o r" 6

    I e . o - e


    Egn d llor.td

    clsnH Libo..bry - TdD.l

  • Test Report No.: CE/201215173A Date,2012lOZ17 page:2 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEMS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD.BLDG. 424, PARLIN. NJ 08859.1241

    tm tI| ||tlllll

    Test Resultls|

    PART I'IAME No.'l

    Test ltem(s) Unit Method MOLResultNo.'l

    Cadmium (Cd) mg/Kg With referenc€ to IEC 62321: 2008 andpeformed by lCP.qES.

    2 n.d.

    Lead (Pb) mg/kg With reference to IEC 62321: 2008 andpertormed by ICP.AES.

    2 n.d.

    Mercury (Hg) mgftg With reference to IEC 62321 : 2008 andperformed by ICP{ES.

    2 n.d.

    Hexavalent Chromium Cr(Vl) mg/kg With feference to IEC 62321: 2008 andpertormed by UV-VIS.


    Beryllium (Be) mS/kg With reference to US EPA Method30508 for Beryllium Content. Analy6i6wa6 performed bv ICP-AES.


    Antimony (Sb) mg/(g With referenc€ to US EPA lrethod30508 forAntimony Content. Analysiswas performed by ICP-AES.

    2 n.d.

    DBP (Dibutyl phtharate) (CAS No.:u-74-2)

    With reference to EN 14372. Analysiswas performed by GC/MS.

    0.003 n . d .

    BBP (Benzyl butyl phthalate) (CASNo-:8548-7)

    With reference to EN 14372. Analysisr'vas perfomed by GC/MS.

    0.003 n.d.

    DEHP (Di- (2-ethylheryl)phthalate) (CAS No.: 117-81-7)

    % With reference to EN 14372. Analysi6ra6 performed by GC/IMS.

    0.003 n.d.

    DNOP (Di-n-oc1yl phthalate) (CASNo.: 1'17-84-0)

    With reference to EN 14372. Analysiswas performed by GC/MS.

    0.003 n . d .

    DINP (Di-isononyl phthalate) (CASNo.i 2855312{)

    o/o With reference to EN 14372. Analysiswas perfomed by GC/MS.

    0.01 n.d.

    DIDP (Di-isodecyl phthalate) (CASNo. : 26761 -40-0)

    % With reference to EN 14372. Analysiswas performed by GC/lVlS.

    0.01 n.d.

    DIBP (Di-isobutyl phthalate) (CASNo.:8469-5)

    % With reference to EN 14372. Analysiswas performed by GC/MS.

    0.003 n.d.

    DNHP (Di-n-hexyl phthalate) (cAsNo.:8,|7S3)

    With refer€nce to EN 14372. Analysis,vas performed by GC/[dS.

    0.003 n.d.


    ' i I l , l -o a n r e L $ 4 6 a G e , e r u . C o i d t o . ' d S e N e p n e o o F a r d € ' l d b l e o

    J b e f l o . T ! a , o C o ' d r d s ' o c do i, i 'o 01 ,sa mirso .1e?'n e/FodF o droocJ-s. Eaors l tA


    a , -F.

    co.pan/r 30a $poaibil

  • Test Report No. rCE/2012I15173A O.d'e 201?]02t17 page:3 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEMS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD.BLDG. 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859..1241

    t] |||:][tttt]t

    Test ltem(s) Unit Method illDL ResultNo.l

    Cobalt dichloride (CAS No.: 7646-79-9)

    mg/t(g SGS In-House method-RSTS-EESVHC-004. Analyzed by ICP-AES.

    5 n.d.

    Perf luorooctane sulfonate6(PFOS-qcid, Metal Salt, Amide)

    mg/kg With reference to US EPA 3540Ci1996 method for PFOS Content.Analysis was performed by LC/MS.

    '10 n.o.

    PFOA (CAS No.: 335-67-1) mg/Kg With reference to US EPA 3540C:1996 method for PFOA Content.Analysis was performed by LC/l,rlS.

    1 0 n.d.

    Polychlorinated Biphenyts (PCBS)(CAS No.: 133636-3)

    mg/kg With reference to US EPA 3540Cmethod. Analysis was perfomed byGC/|VS.

    n . d .

    Polychlorinated Naphthalene(PCNS)

    mg/Kg With reference to US EPA 3540Cmethod. Analysis wEs perfomed byGC/rVlS.

    5 n .d .

    Polychlorinaled Terphenyls(PcTs)

    mg/Kg with reference to us EPA 3540Cmethod. Analysas w€s performed byGC/MS.

    n . d .

    Alkanes, C10-13, chloro (ShodChain Chloinated Paraffins) (CASNo.;85535€+8)

    % with r€ference to us EPA 3540cmelhod. Analysis wa6 perfomed byGC/MS.

    0.01 n.d.

    PVC Analysiswas performed by FTIR andFLAME Tesl.


    Halogen-Chlorine (Cl) (CAS No.:22537-15-1)

    mgikg Wth rcference to BS EN 14582:2007.Analysis was performed by lC-

    50 n.o.

    Halogen-Bromine (Br) (CAS No.:10097-32-2)

    mg/Kg Wiih reference to BS EN 14582:2007.Analysis wEs p€rformed by lC.

    50 n.d.

    Halogen-lodine (l) (CAS No.:'1436244-8\

    mg/Kg With reference to BS EN 14582:2007.Analysis was performed by lC.

    50 n . d .

    AsbestosActinolite (CAS No.: 77536-66-4)

    o/.With reference to EPA 600/R-93/1 I 6method. Analysis was pg.fomed bySir, PLM and XRD.

    NEI|aTNEAmosite (CAS No.: 12172-73-5) NegativeAnthophyllite (CAS No.: 7/53667- Negative

    Chrysotile (CAS No.: 12001-29-5) NegativeCrocidolite (CAS No.: 12001-28.4) NegaliveTr€molite (CAS No.r 77536$8€) 1 Negative

    M n | h s t e d 6 p d . e | t r o n | y b l h e gc o m a f r , l | , :

    d jLlnddlon issus d€rined h€,e'n any horder d rh[ documenl dadvssd bbe rh. or a dgwton ont aid rt 't 6 ro ls c ieni and rh s docme 1 d

  • Test Report No.:CE/201215173A Date 2012t02h7 p€qe: 4 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT [/|ICROSYSTEMS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD-BLDG. 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859-1241


    Test ltem(s) Unit Method IIIDL ResultNo.l

    Sum of PBE6

    mg/Kg With reference to tEC 62321: 2008 andperformed by GC/MS.

    n.d.Monobromobiphgnyl 5 n.o.Dibromobiphenyl n.d.Tribromobiphenyl 5 n.d.Tel€bromobiphenyl n.d.Pent€bromobiphenyl 5 n.d.Hexabromobiphenyl n.d.H€ptabromobiphenyl 5 n.d.Oct€bromobiphenyl n.o.Nonabromobiphenyl 5 n.d.Decabromobiphenyl 5 n . d .Sum of PBDEa n.d.Monobromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d-Dibromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.Tribromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.fetrabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d.Pentabromodiphenyl elher n-d.Hexabromodiphenyl ether 5 n-d.Heptabromodiphenyl ether n.d.Octabromodiphenyl ether n.d.Nonabromodiphenyl ether 5 n.d,Dec6bromodiphenyl ether 5 n.o.Organic.tin compoundsTnbutyt Tin (TBT) mg/Kg With reference to DIN 38407-13.

    Analysis was performed by GC/FPD.0.03 n.o.

    Triphenyl Tin (TphT) mg/kg With reference to DtN 38407-13.Analysis was performed by GC/FPD.

    0.03 n.o,

    AZO1): 4.AMINODIPHENYL (CAS No.:9247-'tl

    mg/k0 With feference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis ,,,€s performed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    2): BENZIDINE (CAS No.: 92€7-5)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was perfomed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    3): 4-CHLORO-O-TOLUIDINE(CAS No.: 95€9-2)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was perfomed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    ( M i b s b n E p d r i l e l o n | y b l h e a' . ' )

    ' P ' d o s s o | . o n . d ; 8 4 4 s ' ' o dqa sado, tuTs.e'asins r|hPi

  • Test Report No. : CE/2012'f5173A Dane: 2012to2.t7 page: 5of tBHITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEIUS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD-BLDG. 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859-1241

    tJtfltl l|ttmIl

    Test ltem(s) Unit Method MDL ResultNo.'l

    4): 2-MPHTHYLAIVINE (CASNo.r 91-59-8)

    mg/K9 With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.


    5): O.AMINOAZOTOLUENE (CASNo. : 97-56-3)

    mg/Kg With referenc€ to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.


    5): 2-AMrNO4-NTTROTOLUENE(CAS No.:99-55-8)

    mg/kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis wa6 performed by cc/llls.


    7): P-CHLOROANILINE (CAS No.:106-47-8)

    mgKg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by cC/lrs.


    8): 2,+DIAMINOANISOLE (cASNo.:6'15-054)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis wEs perfomed by GC/MS.

    3 n .d .

    9)" 4.4',-DIAMINODIPHENYLMETHANE(CAS No.: 101-77-9)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis wEs performed by GC/MS_

    3 n .d .

    10): 3,3'-DICHLORoBENZIDINE(CAS No.: 9'1-94- l )

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.


    (CAS No.: 119-904)mg/Kg With referenc€ to LFGB 82.02-2.

    Analysis was perfomed by GC/MS.3 n.d.

    '1 2): 3,3'-DII,TETHYLBENZIDINE(CAS No.: 119-93-7)

    mg/Kg With refefenc€ to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    '1 3): 3,3'-DIITETHYL-4,4 -DIAMINODIPHENYLMETHANE(CAS No.: 838-88-0)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis wEs perfomed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.


    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.

    3 n . d .

    15): 4,4 -IVETHYLENE-BIS- (2-CHLOROANILINE) (CAS No.:101-144)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82-02-2.Analysis was per{ormed by cc/l\rs.

    3 n.d.

    16)1 4,4-OXYDIANILINE (CASNo.: 101€0-4)

    mg/kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    17): 4,4'-THIODIANILINE (CASNo.: 13965-1)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.m-2.Analysi6 wa6 perfomed by GC/MS.


    18): O-TOLUIDINE (CAS No.: 95-534)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis wes performed by cC/lVlS.

    3 n.d.

    19): 2,4-TOLUYLENEDIAMINE(CAS No.r95-80-7)

    mdks wath reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was perlormed by GC/MS.

    3 n.o.

    samp eG) rered rh sie*rcponemc r D a r y , . t l , ! 1 .Thi'd@menti9s9!€dbytiecmpany3ubiedbi|'G€m6|cdd]liodso'

    rm blon d riabi'ry ,emnfcron and linsidon is€s derrcd uere i a.y rro d€r d rh s d4umd 'tadv sed o

    : i r ' ! : L n i i i : 91 : t \ i

  • Test Report No.. CE201?/15173A Oate 2012t02ti7 paqe: 6 of 18HITACHICHEMICAL250 CHEESEOUAKE


    [[[tItI[tltt l

    Test ltem(s) Unit Method IIIDL ReaultNo.1

    20): 2,4,5-TRIMETHYLANILINE(CAS No.: 137-17-7)

    mg/kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis !,,ras performed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    21): O-ANISIDINE (CAS No.:90-04-o)

    mg/kg With reference lo LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was pertormed by cc/l\rs.

    3 n.o.

    22): P-AMTNOAZOBENZENE(CAS No.: 60-09-3)

    mg/Kg with reference to LFGB 82_02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    zJ)r 2,4-xYLlD|NE (CAS No.:95-68-1)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysas was perfomed by GC/MS.

    3 n . d .

    24)r 2,6-XYLIDINE (CAS No.: 87-62-7)

    mg/Kg With reference to LFGB 82.02-2.Analysis was performed by GC/MS.

    3 n.d.

    Note :1. mg/kg = ppm ; 0.1M% = 100oppm2. n.d. = Not Detecred3. MDL = Method Detection Limit4 . " - "=No tRegu la ted5. " = Qualitative analysis (No Unit)6. Negative = Undetectable / Positive = Detectable7. Asbestos : Negative = "< 1.0 %", Positive = "> 1.0 %"

    PFOS Reforence Infomation : POPS - (EU) 75720,10Outlawing PFOS as substances or preparations in concentrations above 0_001% (1Oppm), in semi-finishedproducls or articles or parts at a level above 0.1%(1000ppm), in textiles or other coated matedals above 1pg/m,.

    ampsls)teed ftG bn re@d €nno- \ I h ! t

    D s d o c u m n t s i 3 s U 3 d b y l h e c o m p a n y s U u d b { s G e i . l a c o d i ! o n s

    ; { d o L A a n e d t $ r ' 1 s ,be tme ot ts deMntm ont aids

    Co-pra &t11" hoq7"d a-'4o


  • Test Report No.:CE/201215173A Datet21l2l12t1|7 page: 7 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT [/|ICROSYSTEMS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD-BLDG. 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859-1241

    t|| |lt]tIlttl|||t

    1) These samples were dissolved tota y by pre-conditioning method according to below flow chart( Cf' test method exctuded )Name ofthe person who made meaburcment: CllmbgreatyangName ofthe person in charge of measufement Troy Chang


    Sample iraterial DigestionAcid

    Steel, copper, aluminlm, solder Aqua regia, HNO3, HCl, HF, HrO,

    Glass HNO3/HF

    Gold, platinum, palladium, ceramic Aqua regia

    Silver HNO3

    Plastic HrSO4, HrOz, HNOr, HCI

    Others Any acid to total digestion


    ; j t I ' .

    T h 6 d d l f t n l , ' . 5 u e d b ! l h e c o m o l s . f o i € o d n E n o w d e a t a € l a b e o,d b dd otu ro s 06o rs $, E

    o i ' { ' oo i l se 'md r€sn t uhermeo \ 'n'.vfuo' rv a{s i re aboi. €"! 'n{a(do' s, r

    comDad kv lnau$onzeir anerdd to@ery oJ rairsfi.dm d h€ ode o

    Cutting / Preparation

    Acid digestion by suitable aciddepended on different samplematerial (as below table)

    Add appropriate amount of

    digestion reagent

    Heat to appropriate

    temperature to extract

    Cool, filler digestate

    through filterAlkali FusionHCltodissolve

    Add diphenyl-cadcazide for

    color development

    measure the absobance

    at 540 nm by UV-VIS


  • Test Report No.tCE|201Z15173A Dale:2O1zO2t17 paqe: 8of 18HITACHICHEMICAL250 CHEESEQUAKE


    Chlorinated Flame retardant analytical flow chart1) Name ofthe person who made measurement: Barry Tseng2) Name of the person in charge of measurement: Troy ChangI Reference method: US EPA 8270D, US EpA 3S4OI Te6t ltems: PCBS, PCNS, PCTS, Mirex, Cp, MCCP


    . 1 .Ths ddmeni 's ffue br he comt

    b f d b ! m 3 5 t c d ' d ' 6 1 ' tdrtndidon 's€s ddd rhere n tuy ioderof b sdxumnf s adugsa Lh

    comoany ary unouho,:ed aneElon foro.ry o, falsturonof be oirent o

    I m " o - 'T


  • Test Report No.:CEl2olz15173A Date:2012o2t17 pase:sof.18


    mt |ltu|Itt]l

    Analysls flow chart1) Name of the person2) Name of the person

    ( Refelence

    Containing Asbestov

    for detemination of Asbestoswho made measurcment Vic{or Kaoin charge of measurcment WendyWdmelhod : EPA 600/R.93/1 1 6 I

    Not containing Asb€stos/N€sative

    r i \ lhDdou f rn l ! 65ueoo th r coaoanv !Lb i4 !5 . j 6 r c ' . . odno |goand ro rddon ' cbd6a reT ,J6h . r c -€ rEdmcond io ' t r o t .

    oi'{do .L"'eln.d €-'1 Anrhe rm. or d 'nlaistooi onry 6nd srhi rrre m(5otcrems'nsrrudions,irriyThecompanyseeesr.i6bilyislotrcistandlhtdoctrreld€hn*nMereos'mailhetr.1 on do@men6 rrirs dodmenr €nndcohD ary A.v u nadrhonz ed ark don loe.ry q fairs ficd4 or i h€ @ir€il or r poea6n@ of r s d@mnr s u n awtul and ofieidgc may be prc se&ied to lrre lulresi e{enr df rhd 3w

    'I I ;l air iitf::3rn

    Asb€stos idenlifi cation by dispe|sionstaining polarization light microscopy

    Asb€stos identincaton by X-faydiffraction method

    !!!!!!4:::14_.1L:1!:!:::: ... _.

  • Test Report No. r CE/2012|15173A O.d'e : 201?]02t1|7 page : 10 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL250 CHEESEQUAKE


    t][tfl|l[t l||l



    Analytical flow chaat of Otganic-Tin content

    Name ofthe person who made measurement: Ginny ChenName ofthe person in charge of measurement: Troy Chang


    o ) . o o . ) - t . r t tt -

    a";;;n" , . | _ \i h ' i d . * . b * r d ; f t . o f t a i ' i , J b e n . o c c n d d r c 6 o o d o s . v e D r o o € r a d . a * , b e o '5id d eredo. rcmd odimenB idF- i, hr ' did @1d tons ro' Erec; ; ; ; ; . l ; t r " . d ; ; ' i " ] i ; ' . ; : . : d ' F { d 0 u g u s o i ' f d t r . P ' a ? T | d - d " . d o . . m a d ' ' 3 d J p do. t . ia r i iG iw"o ' - ' , " * i r ' e 'omp.1 'e 'epon 'b vt l ^ -o , j " r ' tm i ,e r " , .o , 'u . ,q 'o ioodFk

    - redoo- i }d1T ' on o { ldnaoord o t3Lo -e.' v anvL o i lorad 3 3'*o

    ConcentrateJDilute Extracled solution

    Analysis was performed by GC/FPD

  • Test Report No. : CE201215173A Dale..2O1ZOZ17 paae: 11 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEI,/|S250 CHEESEOUAKE ROAD-BLDG. 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859-124.1

    '1) These sampleswere dissolved totally by pferonditioning method according to belowflo/vchart.

    2) Name of the person who made measurement: Climbgreat yang3) Name of the person in charge of measurement: Troy Chang

    Florv Chart ot digestion forthe etemenb anatysis performed by lCp.AES

    Steel, copper, aluminum, solder Aqua r€ia, HNO3, HCl, HF, HrO,

    Glass HNOy'HF

    Gold, platinum, palladium, ceramic Aqua rcgia

    Silver HNOs

    Plastic HrSO4, HrOr, HNO], HCI

    Others Any acid to total digestion


    i B i . ; m f t E ! ' . d s h e c o . @ ' ; q D ' . n ' o 6 . ' T € | L o o ' ' o B o5id d eredoi c rcma, oiumenB *i.nn;i. n r"

    "al.mo'iji;.,i, i"- -.'-*'

    "i *0 t""' A r ros' d'' oo' med'tadJ +d

    ' h . i m e d t G m e i w n o n o n i . i o d i ' F c ' m ' B o r c 1 ' d a m r i | , _ e ! o m o " ! d e ' e " p o n s b r r v s b t c r F . r ' d rrmsdon im &emlio dihe r n c'onotur'L h\dodnele s-o i ono' { !e ' .oo ore o hcr r F | r k ' L ' a i 1 o ? d , . 8 ' d o i b F l o ' | r i ' 6 d o r d E . o ' u n . o

    Cutting/ Preparation

    Acid dige6tion by suitable aod depended ondifferent sample material (as belowtable)

    1) Alkali Fusion2) HClto dissolve

  • Test Report No. : CE/2012/15173ADale :201202117 Page : 12 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEIlIS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD-BLDG, 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859-124.1

    Anatytical ftow chart of Soxhlet extraction (cC/mS) procedureI Name oflhe person who made measurement: Roman Wonor Name ofthe person in charge of measurement: Troy Chang

    (Tesl ltems: Phthalate ' Benzotdazote , HBCDD . Np , DBBT ,

    Organic phosphorus compounds)


    t]tIltl| ll!tr]t

    samp a(3) Gned Ih sGslreponeii' t i : ; ; I-h'enod-.aF sJrd bY '? !o- D

    d ndsn djdn isuesdetdmeren bv hosrd h s dmnr 'iadvsed h

  • Test Report No. : CE|201215173A Date :2O|ZOZ17 Page : 13 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEIuS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD-BLDG. 424, PARLIN, NJ 0885S.1241

    Analytlcal flow chart of Soxhtet extraction (LC/MS) procedure

    r Name ofthe person who made me€surement: Roanan Wongr Name ofthe person in chatge of measufemern: Troy Chand( T6€t ltems: PFOS/PFOA. Benzotriazote )

    Sample pretreatmenuseparation


    - ^ 'I s o o {


    ' I ; Ir\\ dtuftd ! issuso by 'hc como'nt LLqd r 5 urraa (o rors o

    r e m r o ' E f l e E h i m t r d qHbon ono' trde, aooio.s d he

  • Test Report No. : CE1201215173A Oate 2012O2h7 page: 14of 1BHITACHI CHEIiIICAL250 CHEESEQUAKE


    Analvtical flow chart ot Cobalt dichloride'1) Name ofthe person who made measurement Climbgreat yang

    2) Name of the person in charge of measuement: Chenyu Kung


    t] | l I][t t l

    L r D raF lay subred b bGe€6rcoidro^sd

    imralb. oi riab lity 'nd.mn i€toa .i d ri ndidion $ps d6drhern tuyioderd6sdumd aadsd,h

    Sample pretreated by acid digestion andsolvent extraction

  • Test Report No.'. CE/201215173A Date: 2012t0217 page : 15of 18HITACHICHEMICAL250 CHEESEQUAKE


    lll[tat] ttttr]t

    Lh! ddtuftm;;;ed e 'he comoand ro, erd,oac torur;drc '3 (Jbi'.f l i ar!a,ocondio!b Eg

    diinsd'dod ssu6 6ned rbrc'n Ary{ r e r f r e o r [ s h r e i r e d s o n r v a d s b i n r h e r m i b o r o € d s i B r r u d o n s , i i n ! r h e c o m o , n y 3 3 0 e r c s . b !

    LomDaB $r .Drldn/naF,'oirolero Eirst@o o .r@ft o

    Analytical flow chart of halogen content1) Name ofthe person who made measurement: Rita Chen2) Name of the person in charge of measurement: Troy Chang

    Sample pretreatment / Separation

    Wdghting and putting sample in cetl

    Oxygen Bomb Cornbustion / Absorption

    Dilution to fixed volume

    Analysis wa6 performed by lC

  • Test Report No. i CE/2012/15173A Dale:2o12t02ti7 p€ge : 16 of 18HITACHICHEMICAL250 CHEESEQUAKE


    flfl|| lt tttl r

    Analysis flow chart tor determination of pVC in mat rial

    Name ofthe p€6on who made measurement: Ginny ChenName ofthe person in charge of measurement: Troy Chang



    flT.iI;",*;";*-.""""*";"'.".,",,""...".'".."*'..'*"-;""...',"""..;6;;t;;i iitn d*:; ;;ii; it ; i,..; co"di*,," .do1( Doc-e sr"ffito(6- e' ec!'d..D1dturs en, e ood-.;;i*;;;;i;',";:;;;;;;,i ;iji;oi . ; din"d n"-n & :"tus'r,,. oft'or m d.6o.m.imi c,i rs rnreiremon onv -o.tril i" r-s o cr€ds rfldo ' ri'' he'o pd'v'soFF

  • Test Report No. : CE/2O1Z15173A Date:2012toi/17 pase : 17 of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTE[rIS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD-BLDG, 424, PARLIN, NJ 08859.1241

    Analyticat flow chartr Name ofthe person who made measurement: Roman Wongr Name ofthe person in charge of me€surement: Ttoy Chang

    ( Test ltems: PBB/PBOE, TBBP.A-bis )First testing proc€6s ------> Optionatscfeen prccess ---, Confrmaljon proc€6s -,>

    ll |ltlu[tttt||t

    r t ! . . . r r r r r r r r r r r t

    Screen analysis


    Sample extraciion method

    ConcentratdDilute Extraded solution


    lssue Report

    a . 9 :t



    -h'.'o;;- s ., is seJ.d a rie (d pa1i nbFn .o 6 dn.d, cddrN d

    -;; k;.;;;i ';;;' A;;;d" 1d'Fd 6 rdns rnd hdd ton,lo' El- , . ; ; ; ; i ; i ; ; ; i ; i ; ; ; n J i j l i o o . i ' i i . " i ' * o r e a . ' a ' - q ' ' a o J s e d ' a l { o n 1 o 1 ' o n '

    h;i;;i di ts deiieiM onh ano H i;r, -ecompdl,s3

    a;;;! tuv 'Mdhond a bdd.

  • scsTest Report No. : CEJ2012J15173A Dale : 2012J02t17 paqei 18of 18HITACHI CHEMICAL DUPONT MICROSYSTEMS250 CHEESEQUAKE ROAD.BLDG.424, PARLIN, NJ 08859-1241

    ' The tested sample / part is marked by an anow it it's shown on the photo. '

    " End of Report *'

    niu;; md 3 nd s me Lom"n; *bko .o ia.so. cmd @* tr spa* 011'{ o,ed.rs-d b srs6o1.b-,,dirdme-s

  • Test Report No. SHAEC1205862001 Datet 26 Ap( 2012 Page 1 of6



    The following sample(s) watlve.e submitted and identiied on behalf of the clients as I Ti

    SGS Job No. :

    Buyef :

    Suppl ier:

    Date of Sampl€ Rec€ived :

    Testing Pedod :

    Test Melhod :

    Test Resulls :

    sPl2-011419 - SUZ



    23 Apt 2012

    23 Apt 2012 - 26 Apt 2012

    Selected test(s) as requested by client.

    Please refer to next page(s).

    Please refer to next page(s).

    Based on lhe performed lesls on submifted samples, lhe results of Lead,Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB),Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) comply wilh the limils as set by RoHSDirective 2011/65/EU Annex lli recasting 200295/EC.

    Signed for and on behalfofscs-csTc Ltd.

    ,z3r-^Fan Jingjie, JJApproved Signatory

    M rd.br_!E3b* ffi enmaqdB@Mrrd.. hiIFiaol)fuil-sdii6

    r 'd b. DFlduEd ndt . r,ir fr6od edor dbi sbr d 'b c'rFry


    tttst|eimiade|notuor4rorr ae:+l .tl .i,!Aidrll69!l3rti ll z(a3

    rEl€fd46laaa63la€F2r)64!59,! m,6.r,@H:{d-2r,crurx HL F-21)6&! . tsdih&rm

    M€m!€r 0l tho SOS Group (8O9g )

  • scqTest Reoort No. SHAEC1205862001 Date 26 Apr 2012 Page 2 ol6Test Results :

    Tesl Part Descriotion :

    sp€dmonNo. SGSSandolD D€o.rlpton1 SHA12-058620.001 Grey metal

    ( 1 ) 1 m g / k g = 1 P P m = 0 0 0 0 1 %(2) MDL = Melhod Detection Limit

    (3) ND = Not Detected ( < MDL )(4)'-" = Nol Regulated

    RoHS Dircdvo itl 1/6gEU

    Test Method With referenco to IEC 62321:2008(1) Delermination ofCadmium by ICP-OES.(2) Deletmination of Lead by ICP-OES.(3) Detemination of Mercury by ICP-OES.(4) Determination ofHexaval€nt Chromium by Spottest/ Colorimetric Method using UV-Vis.(5) Determination ofPBBS / PBDES by GGMS.

    Test ltem(s)cadmium (cd)Lead (Pb)Mercury (Hs)Hexavalent chromium (C(Vl))



    Monobromodiphenyl ether

    t'arEl$eYcnuurfirNtudacar @!Sl ..ti. |jE8lUll{l8oCail l|:m3

    uDt la2 N D2 N D2 N DO Negative- N D

    5 N D

    5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D

    5 N D5 N D


    lar€{6'?!)a1aG$lEaE(6-e1n0trA fr.6..ss@flL{n-21011@!0. lt(i.21)51ffi3 ..rid[cs.m

    thlt ur100 ms/ks1000 ms/ks1000 mg/ks





  • Test ReportTest llem{s}

    Dibrcmodiphenyl €thefT brcmodiphenyl etherTetrabrcmodiphenyl eth€fPentabrcmodiphenyl €therHexEbrcmodiphenyl €th€rHeptabrcmodiphenyl etherOclabromodiphenyl etherNonabrcmodiphenyl ethefDec€brcmodiphenyl ether

    !!!!t Ud!- mg/Kg- mg/Kg- mg/Kg- mg/Kg- mg/Kg- mg/Kg- mg/Kg- mg/Kg- mg/Kg




    M9t 00150 ND50 ND50 ND50 NO

    No. SHAEC1205862001 Dal€:26 ppt 2012 Page 3 ofo




    Notes :(1) The maximun pemissible limit is quoted from directive 201'll65/EU, Annex ll(2) 'spoltest

    Negative : Absence of Cr(Vl) coating, Positive = Presence of Cr(Vl) coating;(The tested sample should be further verified by boiling-wateFexlraction method ifthe spot test r€sultis Negalive orcannot be confmed.).Boiling-water-extraction:Negative = Absence of C(Vl) coatingPosilive = Presence of Cr(Vl) coaling; the detecl€d conc€nlration in boiling-water-extraclion solution isequal or greater than 0.02 mg/kg with 50 cm, sample surface area,For corrosion prctection coatings on mebls: Information on storage conditions and production date ofthe tssl€d sample is unavaihbb and thus results of C(Vl) rcpres€nt status of the sampl€ at th€ timeof testing.


    T€st Melhod : With reference to EN 14582: 2007, analysis was peformed by lon Chromatograph (lC).

    Test ltem(s)

    Chbnne (Cl)Bromine (Br)lodine (l)


    i br rh. co.Fryaqd b b omdrehd eosrb.nqd b hm rd .noffirfiEa'irdj-ilE-lt$tHlna. i,i

    bn,' r did brEffi;i iE6nii|;intii:ii6xd d&.no. unc,'lx hinddd6n.nb. f ldbE9Fd!6d.rarlh'r. '*

    r ErsPL(rrb.k

    Membar ol nle 9OS Omu9 (SOg &t)

    '.hbgraYaredllrrrEqftlEc'|r z0m3tl .tl.$E8idrlts{r9331 l|: 2@33

    rEl€li6-a)i|.GarErE{6-2rF{sl9 m.o,4(@Hj$-21)al1@a ni{*-?lFaMr .rs.dftO5@

  • scsTest Report


    RoHS Testng Flow Chdt

    1) Name of the person who made testing: Jan Shi/YoF Wangy'Atten X iaocary Xu2) Name ofthe pe6on in charge oftesting: JeffZhang/C€orge XL/ Linda Li3) These samples were dissolved totally byprc-conditioning methodaccording to below flow chart.

    (Cr6+ and PBBs/PBDEslesl method exduded)

    .Lqd b rb o.!dr corrrd.or 6jebni.b!!!d!b!'@ib r.{..@drh1ti5.l-F 66rrebi drd*r,f Rr.|qrd&irJ.r6db.4'.^ryr*,dr*@rq'redbd-edd@,it$-!.trfu

    i ldi l lb.r 'F&6d'€,|lt| ' , .f,

    No. SHAEC'1205862001 Dalet 28 Nt 2012 Page 4 of6

    Sample Prepamtion

    Sample I\,,lessurement

    Paid digestio n withmicDwa\/e/ hotplale

    FillrationDilution ofe)d|action

    solutionAdd ing digestion


    H€ating to 90-95Cfof exlmclion

    1) Alkal iFuSon /Dry Ashing

    2) Acid to dissol\e Filtralion and pHadiustment

    Adding 1,+diphenYcalbazide

    tcPoEs Adding i ,$diphenycarbazide

    ind icat$ the


    tAtq|stcr|.^ederu(lnttmAct.! 20@33lFl .ti.ltEgEdrl€39!t99ll t* rrc3s

    iEE($-z)8|r@! rEl€t6-21!4606,! no.4.srt0l-a)cl4@l rltF6-aFr@ .4adr{9@f,

    Membe, ollh€ ScS Ooup (SqS S,{)

  • SGST€st Report

    1) Name of the person

    2) Name of the person

    No. SHAEC1205862001 Date: 26 Apt 2012 Page 5 of6

    Halogen Testing Flow Chart

    who made testing: Sisily Yinin charge oftesting:Zirco Yu

    ttr4,rblcrllitodn'|rbEtflDorn 2M33+!..Lil.*iE6ttlsP^e93.ll l,.. 2m3

    &q.d b b o{o' tudor or6'6b d rblllgffi bd d.ollsb.,htd r Ln! d @did! e B. r .{o.'l4ih rtiutira_&i.-t-6._FnEl6i d

    nhrffidondr rtun. d-r crh xdhb d.irdo, d.ro;ar rdbibr rroddn ' d 4 n F h r u n d J l i h ' d h ' D d ! B d } € , 1 h , ' , J ] u o d P n d i f u

    rE!E{6-a}dr4663 iEl€|6-AF4@?g m.6.tar6Hj(s-a)6 @r HL{*qFe3 . {.d.do5@

    Sample cutting/pfeparation

    Combuslion in oxygen bomb

    Dissolved in an absorplionsolulion

    Analyzed by ionchaonatography. Double confirm

    by other instruments, if

    M.mborot$eSGSOouc(SOSs )

  • Test Report

    Sample photoi

    No. SHAEC1205862001 Oalet 26 Apr 2012 Page 6 ol6



    SGS authenlicate lhe photo on original report only*" End of Report ""

    4qdb[.o.r.Erclidfiord3d&tlE sdjo4$Mh 6r. @tunb,rdd b rrir rid c.rr dr b u&noft etutr.tu l ffi Ef,difr n....oDdlh-Tb.'.-i taEi;iltfi-lidlq ohbnryffiR.r.r!!d&nrJ.rdnfth64^4iokc'.rE@mirrR'dhd-edcrdin.udr-.n.ffih.c'n'mr r ri..e dhrrdcir rfltEdtaa-rdh @ nhN6t

    r El€ (6-al5r6l rerE (6,ar!4srgnj(S-?l)614@4 rt{6?i)54w3 .lrdnroltlm

    t'6bdhllw$i.a&rrr0|!t$r9ac]l| ?0@93+t.I|.$Eattftseg3llf, t* 200233

    M€mberolrh€ SGS Oroup {SGS SA)

  • SGS Job No. :

    Llodel No. :Supplier :

    Date of Sample Received :Testing Period ITest Requested :

    Test Method :

    Test Results :

    Conclusion :

    Test Report No. SHAEC1204157001 Date:01Apr2012 Page 1 of 6


    The following sample(s) was/were submitted and identified on behalfof the clients as : Cu

    sP12-008706 - SUZCuSOLAR CHEIVICAL APPLIED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY(KUNSHAN)CO.,LTD29 Mar 201229 Mat 2012 - 01 Apt 2012Selecled test(s) as requested by client.

    Please refer to next page(s).

    Please refer to next page(s).

    Based on the perform€d tesls on submitted samples, the results of Lead,I\rercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB),Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE) cofiply with the limits as set by RoHSDirective 201 1/6tEU Annex ll; fecasting 200295/EC.

    Signed for and on behalf ofscs-csTc Ltd.


    zt{ Y*Fan Jingjie, JJApproved Signatory

    ry&qdbr|o-d c.ndld..te u.r!d xelbb t!&ili4rft ..ffi ' rrd 6Ldr9..

    rdrlt fitkeo.d tu6dido. b6 d.hd b$rdi kr@rdhrdd.m'trd.dhdffidsE. -|.stfu;ni.ltrnrdai|iitrribhh.td rB.lnoonrrt,rrdrsrbi trrlbrbclsrsd$r.c@r.nrdo

    iy aqd b [| On{lC.!dnd..t 3€$@ Dddd own r. !v.[.u. o {q

    t'etd$l9Ydn&.d&tudri{SiaoJoir 20023F! .Il. i}iEAiuris&e+3€& ll:,oo233

    rE E(S-?r)614653 rl!€16t1F4953679 ffi ci.!{..nN!(86-21)614@591 rti(e6-21)5150653 rsssdlm€rg.m

    M3nberotrhs SGS Gmup {SGSS )

  • Test Report No. SHAEC1204157001 Dal€i 01 Apt 2012 Page 2 of 6Test Results :

    Test Part Descriotion :

    Sp€dfi€n No. SGS Sarnpl€ lD D6criptionI SHAl2-041570.00i Copper metal

    Remarks :(1 )1mg/kg= I ppm = 0 .0001%(2) [,IDL = Melhod Detection Limit(3) ND = Not Detectod ( < [rDL )(4) "'" = t1ot P"nu,","o

    RoHS Dir€div€ Z)l 1/83EU

    Test Method : Wilh reference to IEC 62321:2009(1) Determination of Cadmium by tCp-OES.(2) Determination of Lead by tCp-OES.(3) Determination of Mer@ry by tCp-OES.(4) Determination of Hexavatent Chromium by Spot test / Cotodmetric Method using UV-Vis.(5) Determination of PBBS / pBDEs by GC-[IS.

    Tesl ltem(s)

    Cadmium (Cd)Lead (Pb)Meto.iry (Hs)Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(Vl))Sun of PBBSMonobromobaphenylDibromobiphenylTribromobiphenylTetrabromobiphenylPentabromobiphenylHexabro{hobiphenylHeplabromobiphenylOctabromobiphenylNonabromobiphenylDecabromobiphenylSum of PBDESMonobromodiphenyl elher

    t!Ei! !JIi!100 mS/kS

    1,000 mg/kg1,000 mg/kg

    us! @12 N D2 N D2 N DO Negative- N D

    5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D5 N D- N D

    5 N D




    n ubt€d b h| qrdrc.idqorro' s!d6 rn{d .vr..r, .6r.bl. or t!M 'd,19!l!!!* fo6tr d6@rE!I4c 6 rlm hd c.tur b Edd . &*i*b .r ft.'r otur'm .nddhtri:iffir-r r arm i.-ri-rtu!o. d

    lrttlnEi o,'.|t*6n s. h,!.G.ft hdvdod. rrry. n cooD!!r! ..tu rnroj.lbjr trEtl|o'..rolrrglndr4.u uie{rnh f d ob 'irr. rirl do.mn anid b mm4nd.rirrbccmrcuLo.or nri..r.{, I or rh. 'ar

    II|e:"jIq!qt4!yrFP.tsqubr€dbhrs'drclidqrjFrs!46r"d.!.v,r..r..6r.br.d nq!.do,rdrdbr.dhror,wjor..dffi t^d 6,rq!6!

    y b rh. ..nF .{,) r&t

    3GlEEr'5rAY.r$tu d&!'0rr'.tdaddcrd 20@33+I.-tjt. *JEql|lll€8et3ll l,l: 2M3

    rEE&a)61102553 rElEl&-a)ess'tt tw.ci.e{!.coofi!(t-tll61@!e4 H!G6-?1I54500

  • Test RoportTest ltem(s)

    Dibromodiphenyl etherT bromodiphenyl elherTetrabromodiphenyl etherPenlabromodiphenyl etherHexabromodiphenyl etherHeplabromodiphenyl etherOctabromodiphenyl elherNonabromodiphenyl etherDecabromodiphenyl ether

    Test ltem(s)Fluonne (F)Chlorine (Cl)Bronine (Br)lodine (l)

    No. SHAEC1204157001


    Date: 01



    Apr 2012




    N D







    Page 3 of 6


    Notes :(1) Tho maximum permissibte timit is quoted from directive 2011/65/EU, Annex tl(2) ospot'test:

    Negative = Absence of Cr(Vt) coating, positive = presence of Cr(Vt) coating;Ohe tested sample should be further verified by boiling-wateFextraction method if the spot test resultis Negative or cannot be confimed.)oBoiling-wateFexlraction :Negative = Absence of Cr(Vl) coatingPositive = Pres€nce of C(Vl) coating; the detecied concer(€lion in boiling-wateFextraction sotution isequal or grealerthan 0.02 mg/kg with 50 cm, sample surface area.For @rrosion proteclion cratings on metals: Infomation on stoaage conditions and produclion clate ofthe lested sample is unavailable and thus results of Cr(Vl) represent status of the sample at the timeoftesting.


    Test lr€thod : With reference to EN 14582: 2007, analysis was performed by lon Chromatograph (lC).


    rh'. dsmd r. bn by lt c€d9.ry &!t& b |t s.nr.rcoididd dr sdi€ eddsd oE t.n. rEr.bb d n.qd .ntlg*lEtu tomn d.@s!,.!qd b rm! .id codNs b aeuon q o.ai.M .r !iq$r!ai!!!r@r ..dqm^rh;, a6iii6 E anh 6 ili-fidrei o'

    ldfhtuhnrdcrdr redor 6rrd.r;;,.rdib.'-eo,Ftfhr md.lrrdidr fo, h. hn br*'ooBduod *6pr,n tun.* ho||t .r4B4d{Eroroiiboi kdroF.trnni.ndd,o! d

    i rr ' ih..rhF.(r)h1bd

    i,t\ i'htErb3aY.|lntoa&|rl!rr,4tb,$ror! 20@3+ | . !i. *,lEtdrtl33eE3+ll l|l:20@33

    rE!€{86-2!)d1.laQ5$ rErE(86,?rl6'S53dr9Hlji86-211614025€4 NL{46-Zl5La($53 ..gr.diE€Fg..@

    Meob8r or rhs 965 Gloop (SAS SA)

  • Test Report


    RoHS Testing Ftow Chart1) Name of lhe person who made testing: Jan Shi/yoyo Wanqr'Allen Xiao/Garv Xuz) Name or the_person in charge oftesting: Jeff zhang/ceorge xu/ Linda Ll,r, I nese sampbs were dissotved totallv bv breclndjtioning method according to below flow chart.(Cr6+ and PBBs/pBDEb test method;x;tuoeo)

    No. SHAECl204.t 5700.1 Date: 01 Apr 2012 Page 4 of 6

    Sample Preparation

    Sample l easurement

    Acid digestion withmicro\ /ave/ hotplate Nonmetallic


    1) Alkali Fusion /DryAshing

    2) Acid to dissolve Adding 1,5-diphenylc€rbazide


    Adding 1,5-diphenylcarbazide

    development indic€tes thepresence of cr6*. tf

    necessary,confirm with

    Pb/Cd/Hg PBBS/PBDEs

    d br rhl c.ntsa 4!j5d b b odaffid e@q.n6.a4d b rm! ,'r @.er Frb,r, .{oamd.ri; ed6 ; h;i;;;i;;i; ;!E!]s|rl94!!!r.,is!!!!I!r@ed s n (ridoiid hdh.red.r.rdr tu.'."r r& EM6Efi;;E;ihfi;i;o-i;;;i; r-;c;;;"-;iffi;;i;_;;;'bh'rddi^tr r*!tuo. r.a n.cryv. d';t,;;nt.hy,i;;ai;i;;;;i ;;;;;.-.;;;#;;;-;ii;;;,,

    J.idor.ld.a nr/!,eF.rui.dror.rn.itrddcrtr..,_Dr.erc.or6n;;e;.dis^rr ro,b ..mp .(.) bd.d

    trbt4r$loYdr4to dtuhrddn5r!'{lrcnd agB3F! 'tjl . S,E E FdJ*34943Sn an:2ooca!

    lErE€6-21)01,€45$ lfrE6-A)6453t/9 ts6.s$.onflji$-2')61!@sa1 -L s-?r)5.4@r . rerdEe.{rq

    Memb€rot lhe SGS Glouo (SGSSA!

  • Test Report No. SHAEC1204157001 Date: 01 Apr 2012 Page 5 of 6

    Halogen Testing Flow Chart

    1) Name of the person who made testing I Sisity Yin2) Name of the person in charge oftestingt Zirco yu

    ry subFd b rr ca..rCoidtsd..r s. .t o, .cesrtr. .r ilbl!bri.4!.an49!!!!t4_!o'!!!!!'r.ry subFd b rr ca..rCoidtsd..r s. .n o, .cssrDt .t ilb il!4ti:4!.an49!!!!t4_!o'!!!!!'r.

    ErlttFiifutri..m judrdbi r..s ds. h!b. ^'y bc' !f br' @n.d i. drd h.rE6 o-i6diEd-Tn;s;ai-6

    nsmrt ftr.dodmardriott hrb&6d.rarrrbturrrirhodp.it

    6d.ihMbn rnrnPnrtusry6rb3rhpr.(.)rrbd

    Combustion in oxygen bomb

    Dissolved in an absorptionsolution

    Analyzed by ionchromatography. Double confim

    by other instruments, if

    M6mb€rol lha SGS Glouo (SGS SA)

    ralqmr&YdErtodlturoitdsEthaoi. 20@33+l .tl .&}IAh|l||8a943!ttl ll: 2@3

    rElE(s-a)6{t!553 'E!E(S?1)6405619 tnii.!!5..ooflL(B-211611&!ai HL1*-21)545063 . €td'n 91016

  • Test Report No. SHAEC 1204'157001 Date: 01 Apr 2012 Page 6 of 6

    S€mple photo:


    SGS adhenticate the photo on original report only

    "' End of Report '"

    tra .id,b!!!!b* Mrr d.dndr r*uon . Do46.nb .r ryr!@&@r .-d.E!4d

    i y b ' h r I h ! . G r r . h c

    t'afBibl39YftrbxlhrDk 4stliddclie 20@33rFl.-L[ *ilEt|llftast3+|! lrl: zm33

    lEr€16-21)61l{a$3 rE!E186-2r)6495St9 ffi ci.sq3.cohHr€6lll614gl4 t{j{36-2l)&50c53 .slid'm&Fd

    Meobar ordr€ sos Grcsp(SGSSA)



    T€st Report

    SGS Job No. :

    Buyer :

    l\Iodel No. :

    Supplier :

    Date of Sample Received :

    Testing Period :

    Test Requested :

    Test Method :

    Test Results :

    Conclusion :

    No. SHAEC1115277702 Date: 28 Sep 201 1 Page 1 of 6

    sPl1-029695 - SUZ



    23 sep 2011

    23 Sep 2011 - 28 Sep 2011

    Selecled test(s) as requested by client.

    Please refer to next psge(s).

    Please rcfer to next page(s).

    Based on the performed tests on submitted samples, the results of Lead'Iv€rcury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB),Polybrominated diphenyl etheF (PBDE) comply with the limits as s€t by RoHSDirective 2O1 1/6tEU Annex ll; recasting 200295/EC.

    i';'1ff'##.:7.fr.ii;c#ffiii;il;-.;;i;iii;i;;fii ;;c"''i*"-to**t---rto'*'o'e'-a"iiail'iiiiii;i.i i;;rti'"#i:. rii d."*.ddd E 6@cu* do4 ! tlr-l119 9j:i^*'"',:fg'.:yiT::Jtsry

    The following sample(s) wasllvere submitted and identified on behalf of the clients as : CUP

    Signed for and on behalf ofscs-csTc Ltd.

    ,rQv,-Fan Jingiie, JJApproved Signatory

    t'8'tfJn&ta4iddx!tu0ar4sh.rddoitr 2o@3{!.}i,*traluft8o+33i Inr 24043

    lErE6-A)64€Sdrg N*rcil!.confitjl!6-tl)645063 .€.diE&tF@

    r ErE 6-A)6s0650f]l (6+1)614@4

    Mombetolth€ SGS Olbup(SGS9 )

  • Te6t Report

    Test Re6ults :

    No. SHAEC1115277702 Date: 28 Sep 2011 Page 2 of 6

    Test Pa Descriotion :

    Sp€cimen No. SGS Sdr|plolD D€cripton1 SHA'11-152777.0O1 CoPPer metal

    Remarks :(1) 1 mg/kg = 1 PPm = 00001%(2) MDL = lrethod Deteclion Limit(3) ND = Not Detecled ( < MDL )(4) "'' = Not Regulated

    RoH!; Dir€diw ml t/8dEU

    Test l\rethod: With referenc€ to IEC 62321:2008(1) Determination ofCadmium by ICP-OES(2) Determination of Lead by ICP-OES.(3) Determination of Mercury by ICP-OES(4) Detemination of Hexavalent Chromium by Spot test / Colorimetric l\,ethod using UV-Vis(5) Determination of PBBS / PBDES by GC-MS

    Test ltem(s)

    Cadmium (Cd)

    Lead (Pb)

    Mercury (Hg)

    Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(vl))

    l\IonobromobiphenylDibromobaphenylTdbromobiphenylTetrabromobiphenylPentabromobiphenylHexabromobiphenylHeplabromobiPhenylOctabromobiphenylNonabromobiphenylDecabromobiphenylsum ol PBDESMonobromodiphenyl ether

    Limit unit Mot100 mS.ftS 2

    1,000 mgikg 2

    1.000 mg/kg 2- , )

    1,000 mg/kg- mg/kg 5- mS/kS 5- mdkS 5- mS/kS 5- mdks 5- mg/kg 5- mSikS 5- mdks 5- mS/kS 5- ms4g 5

    1,000 mg/kg- ms.fts 5



    0' d t.u'bh d h'trlw t$ rci I

    ;;;;iiid"*d4&-i-iaairdbhn!rdc.d..ndud6r.&*@'nqFrt-l!qlq+:9+9:l-trE!(o;ll11tri-h **lHiiSis:g*"iTt?lfJJfi i'd*;:d;.id;i;-fi;-;-r#;;ad''frJii u lw;," . m*or r,ffi#ffi-rjlj"#X:fiH}dr* *yf,fr5,:inT$Tflil* Si::r"Y#.r#ig,f1*:t".it ffl.:y'd1;ii#il;1ii".-".,b,i,, tro'!c d.d hr @trF' !8, m' oo-.n oJM':q-r-Ei,'66

    '- 'rb aM h 6r ni €Dn nh. c. v I' rb rnPblr' r..s.

    y6&cj$t09YduR.d&ril&114!Edlcr- m6l+l.til.*iEaiUrtsssll3q|l !tl:20@3

    lEEEl6-r1)619536D ffici.lgsMH|j0a-sr)5r5qB6! .€rdmF+@

    I ErE (6-21161163ru (e-2J1611@r

    Membo. ol ttts SGS GlouP (SGS sa)

  • Test Report

    Test llem(s)Dibromodiphenyl elherTribromodiphenyl etherTetrabromodiphenyl etherPentabromodiphenyl etherHexabromodiphenyl ether

    Heptabromodiphenyl elher

    Oclabromodiphenyl elherNonabromodiphenyl ether

    Decabromodiphenyl ether

    Notes :


    ;;it; ;;;; ;;;;;iy rlii. j,ni,l.r..*

    No. SHAEC1115277702 Date:28 Sep 2011 Page 3 of6




    (1) The maximlm permissible limit is quoted fiom dkective 2011/65/EU' Annex ll(2) o spottest:Negative = Absence of CrVl coating, Positive = Presence of CrVl coating;The tested sample should be further vedfied by boiling-water_extraclion method if the spot test result is

    Negative or cannot be @nfirmed,o Boiling-water-extraction:Negative = Absence of CtVl coating; Positive = Presence of CrVl coatingThe detecled concentration in boiling-wateFextraction solution is equal or greater than 0 02 mg/kg with 50

    cm' sample surface a€a.For corosion protection @atings on metals: Information on storage @nditions and production date of the

    tested sample is unavailable and thus results of Cr(VI) represent status of the sample at the time of



    Test l/lethod : With referenc€ to EN 14582: 2007, analysis was perfomed by lon Chromatograph (lC)'

    Test ltem(s)Fluorine (F)Chlorine (Cl)Bromine (B0lodine (l)




    t'lltlteYd$to dxrlrr&f4ll4dlfllr zI)233+t ..t*. eiEEt&|!a9.93!itl al2M3

    rElEt6-2 ,6r.@5! 'ErE6-21i64S46'c ms 60..mhtj(s-2 ,6111!54r {j06-21)5.ffi53 . :ssd tgr{lm

    MemDff ol ths sos Gloup {scgsA)

  • T€€t Report No. SHAEC1115277702 Date: 28 Sep 2011 Page 4 of6


    RoHS Testing Flow Chart'1) Name of the pe6on who made testing: Jan Shi/Yoyo Wang/Allen Xiao/Gary Xu2) Name of the person in charge oftesting: Jeff Zhang/George xL/ Elim Lin3) The6€ samples were dissolved totally by pre-conditioning method accofding to belowflow chart.

    (Cr6+ and PBBVPBDEStest melhod excluded)

    d b r t h c o n [ s . u ! l . d b | . c . I a ' ! 4 i . o | ' o i a q u . n o ' x . . s ' b h l ! ! ! Pid;n d.arsdj4d b b! s n !!4!-4!l9.4t.:!l+!!!r!4dodiin d.adilitd b rm. h;dtdel;;ddrid'i.Dh ^ lEiff idM6aMni..r 'r

    , ft.Conedyt Fr..aM$|nU r.doongib,IhL''odn.ito.iolb!Eiiiia,ii,{"irtjiiiioi?'tiriG;i;a;ijii,-'inii.-itii,ijamin" iuq.e..{46r'htur'*,hodrorr


    ttrErt SgY.r"iFod&r Dsrd,rngcofi 20@3+!.ti.*iE8turl6&et3q|l ll:2@3

    'ErEi6-hl6t.@53 iErElc 2 r64t56t9 l*.nlg.LdntL{6-21t6!4@!a4 Nltr(S-21)545d053 d4sdrFgLllM

    Sample Preparation

    Acid digestion withmidowave/ hotplate

    Concentration/Dilution of extraction


    1) Alkali Fusion /DryAshing

    2) Acid to dissolve

    Adding l ,$diphenylcarbazide


    pfesence of cP|.

    Pbrcd/Hg PBBs/PBDE8

    Memb6. or tt6 SOS Goup {SGs SA)

  • SGSTest Report

    1) Name of th€ person

    2) Name of the person

    No. SHAEC'1 '1 15277702 Date: 28 Sep 20'1'1 Page 5 of 6

    rh,. ddmd 6 tu.d by ib Gntsry {bFd b n oodrc.dlrd.orsfvi6tdibd otsr..r'.6r.u..r dqlnr d..olru..!L!gita tr| !q!!!!!!-rj!!!oi{!'i!;;;;;;ii;;i. (;d ku;sir *iE b rffi .n. coNtr.fi b 6*Fffi

    :*:i'fi?;Ilil#ffitrr#il.i$,ii$siriitf].#fiil9;;;;;;;iil$;1"-et;a;'*ro; t ft a ;tu;i.' ii,'!n*. or!'tr d

    Halogen Testing Flow Chart

    who made testing:Daisy Gongin charge of testing: Alex Jiang


    Sample cutting/preparation

    Combustion in oxygen bomb

    Dissolved in an absorptionsolution

    Anall/zed by ionchromatography. Double conf irm

    by other inskuments, if

    f !!$artoYdu hdx'rdlxdl4orfi crr &3+t'-ttt.* al0*369!}3:t|l !l2@3

    tEE16-21161.@53 rE!E{6-a1)6a€536? Mqi!e3cnH:@-2J)614G51 filj136-2llsa5@63 . slld'rE{hF.o

    M6nD6. ol ths SGS Go('D (SGSS )

  • _sG$Test Report No. SHAECl1 15277702 Date:28 Sep 2011 Page 6 of 6

    Sample photo:


    SGS authenticate the photo on odginal report only

    '". End of Report ""


    i.-4!:;"#;L;ir.d-.;:;;i coftr-,$' c.x'io. " o.atrtE d p!r!s! lia:f?-."cBi!-- --.-a flY--:"ql:1"i"":.]i111'l:l:il ffilli,ii.:::."-!"..*":l lT,!ix".i,"lxl"i".i']1111'*l :;;6i.t;hkdobd! b*utuc ixv rhco"Mvt Dr. r.Ioidbrli' l

    I EtE @h)6140?55! IE E(E6-al64SSr9 lwc^tlscontu{s-21t6r4(,lt4 NLl!6-?1)545ru3 .E d@€69g@

    J &rgl$laY6rd l@dxlnr oiiJd,sravcoft 20@3tl.-t'i.*[EE{t349!3sil It.:2(0?33

    MemDdol$eSOsGroup (SCssA)



    Test Report

    SGS Job No. :

    Model No. :

    Buyer:Supplier :

    Date of Sample Received :

    Testing Period :

    Test Requested :

    Test Method :

    Test Resulb :

    Conclusion :

    No. SHAEC1114051403 Date: 06 Sep 2011 Page 1of 6

    sP11-027361 - SUZ


    SOLAR CHE[/tICAL01 Sep 201101 Sep 2011 - 06 Sep 2011

    Selecled test(s) as requested by client.

    Please refer to next page(s).

    Please .efer to next page(s).

    Based on the performed tests on submitted samples, the rcsults of Lead'Merorry, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB),Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE) comply wilh the limits as set by RoHSDireclive 2011/65/EU Annex ll; recasting 200295/EC.

    The following sample(s) was/were submitted and identifed on b€half of the dients as : Sn

    Signed for and on behalf ofscs-csTc Ltd.

    /Qr''Fan Jingjie, JJApproved signatory

    sh! | on d(n o' k@t' b' n h$r{w rl3 6retu-rd-6idirm'

    *T;;;;i;-,r;-;d;';;;.dbrF EbidE o."-idiit!.44q++..a*!!*:I'::1.'"*::Y:.',n"*l3tn;idE o.*Nd. *IErcer'{.4.dt!4dd@n'db rdtdhiin6iffiF;{Ea r...dd*E Er loom/r idi$ 'ttutri'd

    6 E ; i ; M i d d d ' h o . f u ' '6dn;d.xaD'rni'r.*trh.d@rfr

    fdfulct0rts&.d)rlrii$r!9ruct ! m0d3'Fl.ti.*EEit!l€3o!t3!t* l* r@

    iEL(6{'Fr953En ys.,n 4rcmHj('6.Ai6,l5OO6! .sFrhiig!.m

    I EtE {S-2r) 81442551

    ttsmber ol th6 scs omllp (sGs s )

  • Test Report

    Test Results :

    Test Part Desdiotion :

    No. SHAEC1 l'1405'1403 Date: 06 Sep 201 1 Page 2 of 6

    Sp€dme.r No.1

    Remarks :

    SGS Sample lD D6€.'lplbnSHA11-140514.003 Silvermetal

    (1) 1 mg/kg= 1 PPm=0.0001%(2) [,tDL = Method Deteclion Limit

    (3) ND = Not Detec.ted ( < MDL )(4) "-" = t161 P*,,","0

    RoHS Dir€dir,6 2011l63EU

    Test lvethod: With reference to IEC 6232'l:2008(1) Determination ofC€dmium by ICP-OES.(2) Determination of Lead by ICP-OES.(3) Determination of Mercury by ICP-OES.(4) Detemination of Hexavalent Chromium by Spot test / Colorimet c l\rethod using UV-Vis(5) Determination of PBBS / PBDES by GC-MS.

    Test ltem(sl

    cadmium (Cd)Lead (Pb)Mercury (Hg)Hexavalent Chromium (Cr(vl))

    Sum of PBBSMonobrcmobiphenylDibromobiphenylTribromobiphenylTetrabrcnobiphenylPentabromobiphenylHexabromobiph€nylHeptabromobiphenylOctabromobiphenylNonabromobiphenylDecabromobiphenylSum of PBDESI\,4onobromodiphenyl ether

    ti!i! Udl UD! 003100 mS/kS 2 ND

    1,000 mg/kg 2 441,000 ng/kg 2 ND

    - 0 Negative1,000 mg/kg - ND

    - mS/kS 5 ND- mS/kS 5 ND- mdkS 5 ND- mg/kg 5 NO- mg/kg 5 ND

    mdks 5 ND- mg/kg 5 ND- nS/kS 5 ND- mg/kg 5 ND- mSltQ 5 ND

    1,000 mg/kg - ND- mg/kg 5 ND

    rr obi.d bk c'drclidudrds. 6r d kd$Dh ihdtr4w 19' 61\^'nP-rE-6ddr,Ebid c b&Mb n *n$otu'T .ji4!rl!!!4

    H,trlitsiiiii-niJiilifii diq;irnt-i6i o m.nuu ii,i,--"c. dst d.&n.d b unbm;.^d d.

    3'etBbl39Yvs&.4!t ust,$4ltoE e33'Ft .-Li.etraldr|3eelt3+& In: 2M!

    rtuE(t6-?1)614@54] lEl€(6-a)OrgO',n ts63{66H! t!6r11614u!4 Hj{6-?1)51ffi63 . €tdiE(ls$d

    MEmb otthescsGlouolscss^)

  • Test ReportTest ltem(s)

    Dibromodiphenyl etherTribromodiphenyl etherTetrabromodiphenyl etherPentabromodiphenyl elherHexabromodiphenyl etherHeptabromodiphenyl etherOclablomodiphenyl slherNonabromodiphenyl €therDecabromodiphenyl ether

    Test ltem{s)

    Fluorine (F)

    Chlodne (Cl)

    Bromine (Br)lodine (l)

    No. SHAEC1 l'14051403 Date: 06 Sep 2011

    Ulit MDt 093mgftS 5 NDmg/kg 5 NDmS/kS 5 NDmSftS 5 NDmg/kS 5 NDmg/kg 5 NDmdks 5 NDmg/kS 5 NDmS/kS 5 ND

    Page 3 of 6

    Notes :(1) The maximum permissible limit is quoted from direclive 2011/65/EU. Annex ll(2) o spottest:Negative = Absenc€ of CfVl coating, Positive = Presenc€ of CrVl coating;Thetestedsamp|eshou|dbefurtherverifiedbyboi|ing.water-extractionmethodifthespottestresu|tisNegative or cannot be confirmedo Boiling-waterextraciion:Negative = Absence of CrVl coating; Positive : Presence of CrVl coatingThe detec.ted concenhation in boiling-water-ext€ction solution is equal or greater than 0.02 mg/kg with 50

    cm' sample surface area.Forcorrosionprotectioncoatingsonmetals:|nformationonstorageconditionsandproducliondateofthetested sample is unavailable and thus results of Cr(Vl) repres€nt status of the sample at the time of



    Test Method : With relerence to EN 14582: 2OO7' analysis was performed by lon Chromatograph (lC)



    iai; d.i"d fts'^. ary &u' dd. doeim' L dv d 'l!t

    M9t 0p350 ND50 ND50 ND50 ND

    ;:,f; fr ####.,,4i!D**rJ:,S...;.t&,t#JiHi*::;rcodsM'or6di4nNor.d.i dp awrc'$Ttum_Ei' .didr

    b^,do"-.ih'brdr,rie,.a cdm-,"'.*.^.,"-"iiri-i!.+slE+]!:*#+**i!D;*,qn^:"T1"-1*'.1t'*::;

    lfirfrT,tr'x'ffilil'i$$;HtrilSii;-1tr'Lq:l;$qi Hir$ffi#frl"r'i?i*xrr;bE4thr{4ioi.rh.. 'M'drE&ls.2r)81l@63 lE&E16+1)04S3619Hlln-ell6lrser H!{6-21)g|fi$3

    t'eibtl[raoYlsblrde!qa$dtc1r'i! 2!m3+l .-!l *it6,llrl€ost3.t|I lr: rM3

    MomD€r ol rhs sos GtouP (scs s )

  • Test Report No. SHAEC1114051403 Date: 06 Sep 2011 Page 4 of 6


    RoHS Testing Flow Chart

    1) Name of the person who made testing: Jan Shiryoyo Wang/Allen Xiao/Gary Xu2) Name of the person in charge of testing; Jeff Zhang/George XL/ Elim Lin3) These samples were dissolved totally by preconditioning method according to below flow chart

    (C|€+ and PBBJPBDEStest method excluded)

    ry sti.cr b hr o.rnr tuddmr.ts !'d d rdtM did!'h' rs' cd'fLrnqnddtsd,

    dirqdb 's.mouftn;;6i di;nr odrb.' +41$!-r444q!31!g] 1r*::^1"1':l}:'.'1tr;j:::;ffi $Tis""_4!q..*,*;:yJi$.?,q,,.:tl;s.j1tr!i4!:

    ;;bibF h r.r ' tr i.a*-h oi,r b'hr lhr.krbrEd

    i;';;;;; ;;;;i; tur;idini'iiJi--i-iliio;r;; a r- -r-r .

    Sample Preparation


    1) Alkali Fusion /DryAshing

    2) Acid to dissolve

    Adding 1,5-diphenylcarbazide

    for colordevelopment indicates the

    presence of cr8*. lfnecessary,

    Pbrcd/Hg PBB3/PBDES

    M€mb€rol$s SGS GbuP (SGSSA)

    t.alBrtri9Y.ti.ri4drdrrl*tldiEdlcnr 20023!lFl.!l.Sic8tt!l8ae!13+l ll 2ma3

    lE&€{s-2!)d1!0a553 lElE(86-a)649536?9h! t86-2I 614U04 llL 16-21)5{600363

  • SGSTest Report

    1 )

    Halogen Testing Flow Chart

    Name ofthe pe6on who made testing: D€isy Gong

    Name of the pe6on in charge of testing:Alex Jiang

    rNhrab6bMrn6rdnl.i6 vi'rh.in.!.(.,'..bd

    No. SHAEC1114051403 Date: 06 Sep 20 1 1 Page 5 of 6

    Combustion in orygen bomb

    Dissolved in an absorptionsolution

    Analyzed by ionchromatography. Double conf irm

    by other instrumentg, if

    ;l;ed;i;;;idt"afun"&vh|dscnhEd*uft.mk.dndhdt.6ffiEEi[i--Fm;;;tuhi.ded! rM!. r'rn. nrcqmvr pn -oiu-- "^.-.,-""r. n. i^-,-d ;;;,; -i.6d"d .!ad h iun.* rhour o'fi;$i!t;;;d;i;Ea;iil.iL-iiii''inrioinn-;i;;i;c;;cuod.;6nniun'*thNtp"d

    'oa.ad'bd-i".d'h.6fui '.

    f aivt&llu todnfi idtjqltdaoi. 2!@3Sl .}jt.SilAlltftaea39tl ll M3

    iEL.36-2,61.@53 rErE6-21J6405361 ffi c30!.mHrj{s-2 )6r.@0r rL{$-21l54auBlil . !93cf(t9d

    .hborol rh6 €Gs Grouo lscss^l

  • Test Report No. SHAEC111405'1403 Date: 06 Sep 2011 Page 6 of 6

    Sample photo:

    SGS authentic€te the photo on odginal report only-* End of Report "'

    lhr oud n ed bY th. contsa &qd b k o'dr clid$dt.t s.Md gnnr!' od*'r' 'v rtrooiaqud'G€F6kridPrlrwr9r€tr;;;4!;;r@* d.d d"d-n.ai,rd bbm.d co..'; k.ndi4. D.*Mt d es+e4q+4!g$r lrya:-1.:L::',1*1:3:;ffi. iii;rifiitn.=.=._.m r" th-,;d-" "r

    iiil:afi ifiliiliilii;-"ffi;[ r'na' r-'*-'"&ndr ftLtu+h' ddb dtultpordgr' lonFrY

    iiio-&iti^n u liaia "

    o.*ct d ft$ dirn.'T .r...,d;-^;;iE-"r;kc;11,!-_sa$rffil***im$":jH; jjfgi. ;'*l:Hl'HJBi'hT' 1T''1trffiLli''Ji;.jil,ffi,i'ii;;#:''ii;-#u-nifi,i;;;;iii 'niin " hod Eddtu.;1;?;;;.:i,;t;;;;;F-annr! d d. doan.d'' o .wiiiiin i- r * * -rr -r.. or,;ir 3.6p,.1i',..bd

    Mombo. ofth6 sos G,oop(scss )

    !'llqlnerltlbxlrrlttd'StEdtlfid 2@Ft .l'i.*i[al|lll3l|943s|l l|: 2ooca3

    rEtE lF2lldr@550 rElE€efi pFs6?9i!{&-a)614@a rilrF6-n)545oeo
