^Ibion -I · Wellesley, Thursday, June 18th, 1903. WM. GLAISTER, M. D., C. M., WKXKSX.KT. Ornci...


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Wellesley, Thursday, June 18th, 1903.


Ornci Hoc*? -

H. HILTS*~«~Dentist.

W e l le s le y .W ill be in Millbank every 2nd and

4th Tuesday.

E. P. CLEMENT, K. C. Barrister, Solicit :r. Notary Public.

Conveyancer, Etc.Oe«« : 41 Qu*er. St., oppo.it« PnUic Library

BERLIN. ONT.Honey to Loan on Mor'eaza of Rani Estate

•j cink of I amiltonC AP ITAL (paid u p ).........12.000.000

[RESERVE F U N D ............... 1.600.000i TO TAL ASSETS..................19.909.94*HEAD OFFICE - HAMILTON. ONT.

i J- TU R N U B LL. General Manager. H. A . STEVEN, Asst. Gen. Man.

D IR E C TO R S: ~I .Jo h x S t u a r t , President.


Passed Away on Saturday Morning Last After a Gallant Struggle.


A . G . R a m s e y . Vice President.I Georgs Roach A. T. W ood.M.P. ’ John Proctor W illiam Gibson

A. B. Lee. Toronto.

In Wallaaley. on Satur-lay. jane 13th. o'clock, a. ns.. EckharJt Rainer, tot G.-anJ Eliza! ath Reiner, ace-l it year*, month* and one 'lay.

1 5 “ : about daylight he became unac- ^ i-C o u n ta b ly delirious and soon lapsed

Eckhardt is dead. The gloom of dition he renam ed until he passed : sorrow which has hung over this | peacefully away early the following } community for the past two weeks i morning.

BERLIN: Biri* will change into a hallowed mem- the funeral .I >ry us time,which heals all w ounds.1 C)n Tuesday afternoon an im j passes on, but the influences for j nicnse concourse, estimated at ove’ j good which eminated from the j 2o00 people, gathered to attend th*

genial, manly young fellow wh< j solemn funeral obsequies. After has gone so early to his grave w illi short service at the house the cor never be effaced. tege moved to the cemetery heade.

Eckhardt Reiner was the third ■ by a bevy of ^dr’.s dressed in whit, son of J. G. Reiner, Esq. He was [ >»nd carrying the beautiful flora born and raised in Wellesley v ii - , 'ribntes, the pail bearers beim sage, receiving his public school j ~oung men chosen from the em

, i31, ! education her^ After passing the j ployes of the firm. At the grav.inabj it -^ri it- : .mtrrtnce examination he attended; ; ide the casket was uncovered an.

T. E. Haines, j the Berlin High School and after the vast assemblage slowly filed BKVl, v j .i4\- -r | wards took a commercial course ir . Past to take a last look at thr pain

-L I — — 1---------L I --- ; Stratford Business College. worn t.nd loved face ere it was low

into unconsciousness, in which con-

, RANCHES.- ! Lr»n .Wan ■ c.vroian. i

W it:: Liun In'*. G -., il.or. ; Ea». Er."

Li.JovM L:\Suow. Har.it' ton. M: ter. cl) >!»r '.cr.. Me. Oranzirvi.ic : Owcr. •

! Plum Cost'**. Mar... Port t ', I an: aimcoc . han.j.' :

: C'fcei

^Ibion -IHOTEL

r Motley r


W E L L E SL E Y . - * ONT.


Savings Department.

He then took a position in his ered into its resting place.The chnrch was crowded anLeal j father.3 storet WOrkins his wav up

S l from the bottom, step by step, nn : hundreds gathered at the open win * ! ril the management of the mer dows to hear th* re’l aien

| chantile branch of Mr. Reiner's im -! I>Ia ed bT M r- L ' Peia(*' ofHamburg, and to listen to th<

(TTED tfcrna rbout on *be nvv ;■** ;:»n an l **11 li*bted an i neat*-. .

• very room. L.Amam * 0 0 * 8 * ★

* Every acoommo lation for th


The Montreal Dally Herald

A*J • SplWU Pkart w

King Edwsrd VH. . .50

1 mense business was placed in hi>; j hands. In the store he made the * a c h i n g remarks of the pastor

» ■ personal acquaintance of almost ^ v . Mr. Lochner. and to the ad- every person in this entire district, his natural affability endearing him to all. In February, 1001, when the firm of Re ner Bros. & Co. was

Goo-l Stabling and Ho»tler».

a i s . i ALL FOR S I.7 5

dress of Rev. Mr. Weinbach. o' Tli*

organized, deceased be nerlepartmental remained ever since.

g&mzed, deceased became a p a r t - ...................rand was given ct(|rge of tbe j j**® el* partmental store where he has tut

; Sobringvitle, in English.! church and'She large pipe organ ! were ta-tily draped for the oeca sion. while the floral offerings wene a part-.. 1— ----- -- elaborate ever seen here

bunches of wild fiowei gathered by little children wh

. . , - loved him, and the boquets am. •. . , . I I o s i c t o Ii h ta wa* a P *»>«> ; ! e. „ taai broasht br neighbor*

s s m “ ? s t u s r v s n z v S j From hia earnest youth he showed. . here were : A wreath, from hi.-ThU H *h« pwteit i

9 B E S T §E d ito r ia lly F earless Con sistently R e pu b lic a n .

New* from *lt of the worl I—Well writ-t*aori«ia»Utorie»- \a?w*r* <0ArticUi on Health, tbe Home. r r » iad on work *loa*. the r *rm an ' Gurden.


I» a member of the Associated .Press the only Western V.rw,paper recetv.nz re en­tire telegraph"' new* servw e of t..e . * York Sim an i -pecial ce ■ "f the New York World—Luly report - from ove. -.{■?> special correspondents thron*hou- the country.

‘ove f ° r -son? ^n<l harmony, an d 1 1 he devoted his spare moments to

parents ; a Golden Gates Ajar, fronhis brother. Mr. Geo. Reiner, ii

•on* Nrca lh*? Icmdiaj p y ic <I Cjiua*1a . It ts now .% freot r

each UymT'.n* full news ilk lto. perfecting himself a-1 a mut-ii-iaii . , , - .. . . . _ r_devotms much vpnee to m«n»w» te 1 a ... -mid ; a Gates Ajar, I r.om th*until he had few superiors a» arf. { . a wreat'h. from th*

i arauteur- He h?car an ex^ rf Strarfird Lutheran Church choir »££:<«, to the waiu o/u,r.y hYrarr x i* p»* performer upon tue flute and other ^ 1; ^ from the Tennis Club ; •duced by • new process, and is cot o«c of tk» instruments. His greatest musicat |

W ellesley Stage.1 ...v s w -:-rt!“y for Baden everymorninff

7 oViock. reriirnin<f imme iiafciy after thrr Us*, of the Toronto Expre»».

P .ii-n zers and Expr-** Parcels carried Veesa-es’ carefully dell 'ere-i B a r r e l »= ': IT!kTalieof freight him Led wirh pr,.np.t:es» an l at reasonable rate*. Drayin* lone. 0

PETER OTTMANN,“ ■UJX pr o p r ie to r .


Jfext door south of post office,

Wellesley.M Y -

3 p r in gto o k


Have You Seen It?Don’t order your Spring

Suit till you D o!


Prices Always Right.Alw ays Good Fits.

W ork Ready on time

4a«hy colored portrait* to c e n c ^ .i love was for the piano, and he very


Cider MakingFrom and after Monday, August li

A t ZEHR’SChopping Mill.

Window Screens and Screen Door- made to order Cheap.

David R u d y ^Licensed

Auctioneera n d V A L U A T O R

For the Counties of W ATERLO O . PERTH and O XFORD.

T A V IS T O C K P O S T O K K IC K -Order* mry be left at the WELLESLEY

MAPLE LEAF OFFICE, where dates can be et and liberalterma made.


Brick and TileYARDS.

Finest WHITE BRICK, Wire Cut Brick an sock Brick, on hand. aiaafsasareFLlir rLA*-i FCTV? 0 r r t

oal to any fire brick made on the coutinentnADo a *pjcial CI3CD BR ! _ '.E

wreath, from Mesdames Lips an : , , , : Wilhelm ; a large boquet of «arna-

quickly became a skillful perform-1 t.cns and ro?e,_ from hi3 God. er, interpreting the great masters ^ Adel,a F or!er. an anchor with an intuition which astonished > from hi . fri(?nd M r. Phi]ip the professionals who occasionally U a x . u from the w eIIes!e, heard him. His assistance ^ Lctl, ch„ ir . a ^ from N e!j ; accompanist was always market: by pn?_ The was Ured w itya happy instinct of sympathy with ; everj?reens and flowers bT the gen the performer, and his aid always , - :to e n of tbe choir. cheerfully given, was sought for a t , Eckhardt ij5 gone. 0 a r pen mav almost every concert held in this wpU falter at the task of utterin.section. He ta^ been organist the Missouri Lutheran Church for

the efficiency of that

the heart-grief of his relatives, or the no less sorrow., of his compan-


many years, tne emciency or rnatu Bat bis hfe wa5 a fitting onesplendid choir being due in a large tho^ , oem;nglv too^s-hort; the measure to his abilities and per- wor,d . . £he -^ te r for his havm . sonality. , iiTed in it, and the pathos of hi.»

In out-door sports and social nntimely end should spur the com- pleasures, too, he took a prominent mnnity to emulate his noble, gen- part until an attack of inflamma- tlemanly character.tory rheumatism, a couple of years ------------------------------------igo. somewhat weakened his heart and warned him into carefulness.He was an expert tennis player and .;e=» :<?th. i.s-'o.ilways gook an active part in the The members of Court Crossbill, local club’s affairs. No. 33.d, C. O. F.. propose having a

On Tuesday evening, June 2n*’ , ‘ monster garden party c n Thursday he was taken ill with what proved j evening, June J3th. It will be to be appendicitis. The attack a p -; held in Mrs. Ccot^a beautifa. peared to be a slight one at first but grounds, just east of the village, the following Monday afternoon1 Before the garden party a foot ba.. dangerous symptoms developed,and match between Hawkesville and three physicians were called;from Crossbill will be played. Thes- Stratford and New Hamburg to as- j r i v a l teama have already played sist Dr. Glaister in performing an tie games tb,-3 season and a operation. For a day or two Eck- clean, fast game of foot ball is ex- hardt’s life trembled in the balance, peeted. Tea will then be served in but all that love, and wealth, anil tlie grounds from . to 8 o clock determined scientific skill and care ifter which the people ;will b e e n - could do were brought to bear, soi tetfained by a musical program, that hopes for his recovery again I The Linwood band will furnish brightened the anxious com m unity.! tnnsic during the evemng. Evory- His progress during Thursday n igh t. ^°dy welcome, last was marked and he had at Mr. and Mrs. P. Glebe, of W el- length been able to take the much- j lesley, were guests at the Ontario needed nourishment and rest. But House on Sunday.


Mr. and Mr*. John H. Campbell ire nuking a tour through the vesre-ra c-unties this week.

A number of sight seers from here went "ii a trip to Stratford n Saturday to behc-ld the wonders •f the Rir.gling Bros, circus, and

aot-.v:th*tanding the unfavorable ndui-r of the elements report hav-

ng seen sjm e truly wonderful sight*.

Inspector Pearce paid his semi* .nnna’. visit to our school on Fri- lay, and found everything satis- 'actocy.


Jane Hth. L>C3.Tue teachers are beginning to

vear that far-away look that be-tokens holidays.

Everybody felt muddy last Sat- irday but the circus was a!’, fight. V ur correspondent sat on the ence . n i saw nearly a dozen vehi- •’.es roll by before 6 a m . Evcry- ne was busy witn the brush all

lay Monday.Mr Geo. Wismcr and family, of

dhilipsburg, were visiting' at Mr.Sm ith’s last Sun<lay.

A number of our young, people attended the Sunday School con­vention at Oetzol'j chnrch last week.

Miss Clara Goebel, of Nithburg. entertained her cousin from Seb- ringville this week.

Mrs. Geo: Stueek is this week visiting with friends in Stratford.

Miss Maud McDonald is visiting here to-day.

N ote.— Mr. Henry Kummor. of Erbsville, wishes us to state that the item referring to his -broad >mile” two weeks ago was a m is­take. He is not m arried— EdJ

FR©M G RETN A. AL.i.>iiO B A.

In renewing his Maple Leaf sub­scription Mr. J. D. Mi:ier. a former vVeliesley boy, writes, on June 6th :

-W e had a fine spring for farm vork. Started seeding around

Gretna and Rosenfeid on the 15th April and many were finished the .ast week in April. Rosenfeld dis­trict has quite a lot of prairie yet, hut on account of the fine weather many did a lot.::* breaking for flax, myself among the number with about 50 acres. Oats and barley are looking particularly fine. I have altogether about 200 acres of crops in the groupd this spring. The Leaf is a welcome news-letter ft :m home. May it prove to be i sugar’ maple to you. W ith best wishes to all the old friends. ”

Call at W . K e‘ ter born’s and get a pretty hot-weather gift fan.

County council is in session at Berlin this week.

An immense crowd visited the circus in Stratford Saturday.

Wellesley Maple Leaf. NOTICE.► EVERT THURSDAY

| 0 3 SE. HIDES W axteiM ---------- -i Also other hides and skins bought by

: v :D (on account oftl » l'r. ) to t\<- Orphans' Home

Baiidine. East End of the

Subscripti- :i 75c. a year in : Vance. Otherwise *1.00.

WELLESLEY PUBLIC SCHOOL : p.BERDUX & SON^yorirE i. h. r.b by tlio undersigned !

•tins Truancy and I—WIIOI.KSALK ANI> RETAII.—




riie charti*rcovering the rnilwayvn>i. n Li. Wt-ilcsk-y was granteil

the D iuini n ,government <•»xlnesday of laht week— ye edi-■*s birtlulay. Th anks. Mr. Lau-tor '

rier ! In applying tor the charter the provisi< nal directors desired to have a terminus at Collingwood.on the G ;crgian bay, but the opposi­tion to the.railway passing through ! Wellington county was so great that that route had to Ik* abandon­ed. The northerly trend through , this township to Linwood and as J ar as Glenalhin was retained an i ! the charter covers a territory from ! thut point west to Goderich.

It depends upon the activity oz : the people along the route how soon ;

' this road will be c cnpleted to God­erich. The initial project is t< bnihl as far as WcLesley village, the n- ft'e -rn cx&nsion to Glenal- ’ an to f Low as quickly as possible, the r.iadb d and guage and rails to lx; standard-built so that shipments can be made direct to the seaboard without breaking bulk. The scheme will be exploit d without unneces­sary delay and the Maple Leaf will keep its readers posted in affairs as they develop.

Yorkshire PigsF O R s a l e :.

I mi»<>m ed Boar kept for service.

Have ids •> a few head of Short­horn Cattle for sale.

Reasonable Prices.


MICHAEL G. ERB,-------ZDoalor in all kind* of-------

Agricultural ImplementsMcCormick's Harvesting Machinery, Hay Loaders, Hu^ Slings and Carriers. Plows. Lever Harrows, Corn Planters and Cultivators, Steel Land Rollers,Cream Separators and Dog Powers, etc.


To Horsemen.t:o: TR'imsa iirkd rraiuox. |

TISD ALE! W IL K E Si . " .i:,n Turf RecordMW.*

|MONV>'\- -i* J *. <'halmer»‘: night at j

i \\V .*■*!>■ v : ii r Jn oV B um V *. st. .

' WKI N E -D »V s. noon a* V .r ••• * hotel. it. I I . •.!'.••: l ight h? A I'.HM-ir >. con. t:. j

SATURDAYS. on «• <;. .. H e w in '. : n ightslj hi* own D.t all li i if . VVellri»l«y.' Sec Route B ill* .'or po ; i . : r .o - r n . - . ••te.

I. R K W ir r . Prop.


What is a home without a piano'/

The Nordheimer Piano

is the most satisfactory instrument on the market from every point of view. It is absolutely perfect in construction, tone and finish. See it and hear it before purchasing, Catalogue on request at

W AN LESS’ Music Store,*’N o.20, King St. W , Berlin, OnJ.

WIIf t

Don’t Fail—to sec the



Chicago InterOcean’s

.1If 1 NEW'


TLe horrible assassination of the King and Queen of Servin', togeth­er with their immediate relatives and high officials, which took place last week, shows that the dark ages and the twentieth century ure not so far separated after all, except by years. The reigning dynasty of that country were not acceptable to the soldier element of the pea. pie, so they took the simple but ccld-blocdcd plan of murder to re­move the rulers.

To Horsemen!The Hi:rh-Stoppin_' Sweepstakes

Hackney Sfaliion,

“Grand Fashion”No. 7583:

Will be n t-

De Ready.Let each day take thought for what

concerns It, liquidate Its own affairs and respect the day which is to follow, and then we shall be always ready. To know how to be ready Is at the bot­tom to know bow to die.

Philip*! ■ nrg—ever V Monday noon.Mayer*« note!. W..dle*ley,—every Monday

Lisbon --every Tut - lay morning.R. Hyde'*, Ratzbu r.v -every Tuesday noon

ee Routt• Bill* for j .. ligree. term *, etc.

Productiveness of the Sen.Every square mile o f sea Is estimated

to contain some 120.000,000 fish.

W hen Philadelphia Led.At the beginning of the nineteenth

century there were sixteen cities In the country which had a population of more than 4,000. Philadelphia was first In the list, with GO.000, with New York a close second, while Baltimore had taken third place from Boston by 2G,- 000 to 25,000.

Javentie Smokers.In a German periodical a teacher

named Boer reports that he has found fully one-half of the boys In the schools examined by him addicted to habitual smoking, none of them being over thir­teen years old.

The Dlngfo.The only beast of prey fopnd In Aus­

tralia Is the dingo, or wild aog.

EARLY CLOSING. Summer, 1C03.

W e, the undersign oil, business men of the village of Wellesley, hereby agree to close our. respective places of business at seven o ’clock sharp, from May 18tli to October 1st, every evening,— Wednesdays and Hatnrfluys, or evenings before public holidays excepted.

R einer B ros. & Co.,T. N . Z inkann W m . K elterboRn II. K. F ori.br H . K rlterborn P eter G lebe G e o . B ellinoer M. B. W ilhelm C. D. K oehlerR . .1. P R E IS SC. H ammer A . J. SaundersF . B k r d u x & S on L F leischhauebG . W o iw a d kH . A ltemanRat/. & FleischhAukr

*C. F. Ottmann*C1o*ch c-very evening.

To Horsemen!The Standard Bred Trotting


“DAN RING.”By Gold Ring 2,12*^

MONDAY—noon nt K riflm nn 's hotel, Lin- woo l : night nt hii- own stable.

TU ESD A YS—noon nt Kreutzwei*cr*s hotel W ellesl.y . n ight lit hi* own stable. rHUIt-D A Y'--1100:1 at ChulraerV . Honey i.rov,-: night nt K e lley * corners. North East hope

FRIDAY?*-noon at W itte 's hotel, Baden: night a* m arket Hotel. Berlin.T 'R I ’A Y —home by way of Jo*epb»bnrg i* mi Jnm biirg.;e Route Bills for pc liitree. '

To Horsemen.

Young McQueenM ONDAYS-noon nt J . . . Ilo.,b..rt s: ni

uf Mayer's ho 'el. Wellesley.TUE-DAYS—ut Mayer s hotel i.lliny. W KDN KSIM Y.--noon at Jm . It. I .R h ty 's l

nights nt J»« (Lrber's. /.til lihe. THURSDAYS -noon af.los. Ilay.*,', :-th Hue.

nights ittS p u h rs hotel, bin w ool. FR ID A Y S—.-non «t Halm P ro-.. 11th line:

nights a t 11. Foru ve ll's hot oh H aw kesville. | SATURDAY:— to his own stab le to remain

over Sun lay.See posters an:l card.-, for pedigree, term s,

J acob s . Mkvkiis, Manager.

^ Toronto WorldSPECIAL COMBINATION with the Bright Toron­to Morning Paix*r.

WelniTo m.i'le special arrangements with the publisher* of The World. Toronto, of which W. K. McLean. M. J*.. U managing editor. We can offer u special bargain in n<-wspaperdoin—good during the butane* of this year., _____

The World. *3 a year. ) ForThe Sunday World $2 a year ■ all 3 The Maple Leaf $1 a year. \ $4.50

W e will give worth fc r $4.50.Or. for the Maple Leaf and th* Daily World

for one year our price i* M.Tho World (five* the correct market quota­

tion*. It* market reporter was a furmer in York county for many years r.nd know* how to idea = information which is correct.

The Sunday World i* publish.<1 on Satur­day night me*, ha* to pace* of illustrated sketches and view* of al-sorbinr interest.

Has: xgs Unibs.. Prop: Erov.liill, Out

To Horsemen!The Canadian Bred Shire Stallion,


d. Yo*ts. lot*, con. t, Wellesley every ionday noon.

Topping hotel every Thursday no. n and night. John F. Lichty's lot <5 con. ft, Wellesley every

Friday noon.lis own Stable. Crossbill Friday night till

Monduy morning.Route bills for pedigree, D-rmi, etc.

JolIX SclIW grrziK, Prop.

Have You Got FEET ?

If you have, bring them to me. I ’ll do the rest 1

My Spring'Stock of :

Boots and Shoeslias lioon purchased R ight ! (I am a practical and ex]K?ricnced shoemak­er) ; they suit this section; they are the latest sty les; they wear w ell; they will always he comfor­table ; they will look n eat; T hey w ill S uit Y ou !

I have something for the whole family, from the tiniest baby’s foot up to the eldest grand-parent s.

Prices?— Oh. yes, they will suit you, too. Your money earns a whole lot for yon in my store.

Repairing Done,"and Shoes made to Order.

c. HAMMER,Wellesley.

Four pages of Comics

Eight feature pages in colorsNow issued with the

| Sunday Inter Ocean. |Write /or Sample Copy.



To Horsemen!The Pure Bred Clydesdale Sttllion.

“ L O R D C H A R M I N g " 2264, 7564,

MOND A YS-mi non Spnhr'* hotel, 1.in Wood; night nr Eorwell'* hotel, llawkcsville.

TUESDAYS—Yin m . Clement* to hi* own •table. Crowbill.

WEI >N KSDAYS—at- hi* own stable.THURSDAYS -noon nt Wm. Iliglmm'* 7th

line: night nt Cbnlmer*’ , Honey Drove.FRIDAYS—noon nt A. W. Rohert*on *. Nftli-

burg: night nt Kreatzweiser'* hotel Wel­lesley.

SATURDAYS—ut hi* own stable.See route bills and' eard* for pedigree, terms,

Wellesley Roller Mills.----------- -------■%/%/%/%'%/%/%'%-------

Have you tried our new Breakfast Food, called

“W HEAT GERM.“satisfaction onaranued.

300 bushels of SEED CORN for sale. Also a car of FEED CORN.

Tin* Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of Grain.

The Mills are now fitted throughout on the mo t modern Plans.

Gristing and Chopping Daily.

FRED. DEBUS, Manager.

Notice.You are' all invited to

take advantage of Bar­gains given in


• at;

V. R. BERLET’SMerchantfcTailor,


Get your Route Bills

printed at the

Maple Leaf Office.

_____________ — a«N e a s a r a


D E E P ar S H A L L O W Well WOOD PUM PS.• rm» Duilt. nil kinds of.I^mp Furnishing* supplied anil


D«-ep \. ell Pump* on tho latest model, anil orders taken for Well Dlggir.

Prices Reasonable. Goods Delivered.Chas. Winkler & Son,

Bamberg, ont.la fg w — "

P r in t in g !^ALL

(^)KINDS& & fe@ v--------------& W &

Sale Bills Concert Posters

Dodgers Programs


Cards, Circulars or any thing in the line

of Printing.LO CAL N E W S.

Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Leisure visit­ing in Tavistock this week.

The school children will hold their annual picnic on Saturday.

Inspector Pearce visited the var­ious rooms of our public school this week.

■banners’ excursion to the O. A. C., Guelph, on June 23rd See ad­vertisement.

Union Sunday School next Sun­day at 10.80 a. m. Rev. Mr. Dra­per will preach at 3 p. m.

Master Carleton Green took in the Tavistock Public Library excur­sion to Niagara Falls this week.

The road grader did a good job on the hill south of the n lle r mill bridge last week before it left the village.

The strawberry season is now on and Mr. Harry Forler has already uisposed of one or two largo con­signments.

Mr. F. W . Jucobs, teller in the W estern Bank, Penetang, was the guest of Mupagei W . B. W est in this village a couple of duys last week.

Mr. J. G. Reiner expects to start early next week on an extended trip through the western States and the Canadian northwest. He will be absent for several weeks.

County council is in session at, Berlin this week. It is expected thut the appropriation for Grahm ’s flats repairs will bo grunted in satisfactory manner.

The Foresters’ lawn social in . Crossbill, to be held on the 25tl?j inst., will likely draw a large at­tendance from this village to see tie bet ween the Crosshill and Lin- wood teams broken.

A cariole load and several other rigs from here braved the rain­storm last Saturday to uttend the j big circus in Stratford. They say the show was first-class and well worth the wot drive to see.

Mr. Ed. Cherry, who was linad miller in the roller mill hero dur­ing the eurly part of last year, cropped in on his Wellesley friends lor a few hours yesterday. He is now one of tho proprietors of the roller m ill in Paris, Ont. His frond s were much pleased to see Lim again.

The new pipe organ recently pur- clms-ed by the Canr.di Lutheran Church of this village from the Spencer Co., Hamilton,arrived this week and is being placed in posi­tion. It will be formally dedicated on Sunday next in special services, to be held at 10 o ’clock, a .m ., and 3 p.m. Rev. F. Veit, of Tavistock. I w ill preach in the forenoon, and Rev. Mr. Langholz, of Philipsburg in the afternoon. The choirs of Sebastopol and Conestogo will as­sist the local chcir at both service*. Miss Martha Veit, of Tavistock will preside as organist. The new pipe organ is a splendid instru­ment and cost $573.

Those who wish extra copies of this week s issue can purchase them at the drug store.

Crops have taken on now life since the late rains, although the hay yield is sure to be much be­hind lust year.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLeod, of Stratford, accompanied by their ittle son, Charley, drove to Welles­

ley on Tuesday to be present at the funeral.

W . C. Shier, B. A ., principal of the Bracebridgo public school sys- tern, was in town from Monday to Wednesday asisting at the funeral obsequies of his bosom friend, the late Mr. Reiner.

Foot-Ball.— The contest for the intermediate championship has narrowed down to three clubs. On Mondu.* Tavistock was put out by St. Georges, who are now in the finals with Berlin and Brussels.

Mias Alice Taylor, who has been at her home in Burlington for _ few months past recuperating after an illness, has sent in her resigna­tion as a teacher in the Wellesley public school, and intends to take an advanced course in music,

TERRIBLE ACCIDENT.On Monday morning last two

small children of Mr. John Z. W a g ­ner, Berlet’s Corners, were very se­verely'scalded. Mrs. Wagner was carrying a pail of boiling water across the floor when the elder of the children ran against it. upset­ting the contents upon itself and the infant child. Both were fright­fu lly scalded about the head, arms, shoulders and body, the injuries to tho younger being specially severe. Dr. Glaister was at once called in and everything possible was done for the relief of the little ones. It is now expected that both will re­cover.

Residence for Sale in Wellesley.

y H E fins two-storey >,rlck residence next T h .-t ;.* ,f horn#,, .hop in Wolleeler There is a good cellar and tho room, nro w*1 lALt out. Good well and cistern. One-fifta or an ncra of land with fruit tree*, garden, °*£- *-.v<"-ything first-class., / , 9r * nd 'all particular, apply to the proptietor. * '

c h a a . f . o t t u a x n ,Harne.i Maker, Welle.ley.

| ^|vseAgaAsaAsa/^aAsaAiaA«A«AsaAfleAseASCAfle/y«>AflaAseAsa/^v«Asa/ssaAsaAsa/^^

P a r is G r e e n |Farm for Sale or RentBeing One-half of Lot 11, Con. 5

w . s. township of Wellesley.T'HF. farm contain* ino acre*. About M

i of bu*h. the rest being fine farmingland iu exce^ent condition. About It acn •own to fall wheat Three good well* and fine never-failing ipring near the barn. On the Property i* a log house with Inew frame kitchen, bank barn, etc.

Title perfect. Term* liberal.

IN RICHARDSON",Proprietor,


NOTICE.County of Waterloo.The Municipal Council of the

County of Wutcrloo will meet at the Court House, Waterloo,On Tuesday, June 16 th, /QOj,

at 10 o ’clock, a. m. HERBER T J. B O W M AN .

County Clerk. Court House, Berlin, Mav 16th,


Waterloo Marble Works

FAR M ER S, A T T E N T IO N !If you wunt to see tho best ma­

chinery in town call on me at the new shop, opposite the veterinary barn. McCormack hurvest machin­ery, wire corn planters, and culti­vators. buy slings, Elmiru hay loaders, also the celebrated Cock- shut t plows. Kangaroo, two-fur- row and Fleur > plows, tnad-i at Aurora. My prices are the lowest. Mike G . Erb, Wellesley.

LO C AL M ARKETS. To-day’s quotations, a r e :

W h ea t.....................................G8c to 68cO ats......................................... 28c to 26cB arley................................................... 40cPeas........................................................65cCorn........................................................65c

Other products are bought at

Monuments,Headstones--------AND A 1.1. KINDS CF--------

Marble, Granite and Stone Work.MADW TO ORDER.

GEO. B. SC H A EF ER , Prop


these prices:Butter.....................................................14cEggs......................................................... 12cLard......................................................... l ieDried Apples..........................................4c

C AR D OF T H A N K S.1 wish, through the Maple Leaf,

to express tho sincere thanks of m yself and fam ily for tho many acts of kindness and sympathy shown ns during the Illness and death of m y son, and also for the beantifol and costly flowers seat on the sad occasion of the funeral.

J. G. Reiner.\

The Farmers’ Annual Civic Holiday

Excursion-TO T H E -

O. A. C., Guelph,Tuesday June 23Under tho Joint Auspices of the N'or^haod * .lildinss.

South Waterloo Farmer*' Institute*. For particulars .... . , the proprietor on the farm.

Adult.Child ...... "E lm ira .. . . . . .

That Please


C R E E N & CO'S



Gcaranted Pure.


Slug Shot,

THE DRUG STORE,W»llct»lcy,. Ont.


W e s te rn $ a n k of Canabo,Capital I-


/N O . CO IVAN,President.


iS1.000.000OSH A W A , ONT.

T. / / . M c M IL L A N ,Cashier.

\A/ ELLESLEY BRANCH.A General Banking Business Transacted. Monet Loaned.

Notes Discounted and Collected. Cheques Cashed. :Money A dvanced to Farmers to buy Stockers. Sale Notes Bought.

Drafts Issued to a l l Parts or America.

Savings Bank Department.positor. who has every security in the large, i.gg—and the protection afforded by it* being remeuts.*

..............of One Dollar end upward Received. Interest allowed from date of IN-poeitat highest current rates, and Compounded half yearly.

Your Banking Business, no matter how small or how large, will be appreciated, and receive onr Careful Attention.

This Rank is essentially untile and well d,-*~ ** Chartered Bank


■|fT«’ ” T *' “ n” nk for deposito: ,*.»;*• defined s b s .3b *.bGovernment


Mr >*-. ^ Ate >te >te Ate Ate ’te ->te >te Ate . Afe

* For Spring

O N T A R IO .

Heidelburg . . .W aterloo .........Blair .................D o o n .................German Mills.Ham burg...........Baden..................Petersburg........B erlin .................Breslun...............Branch ton.........G alt.....................Preston...............Hesjxder.............


. . . 55 3035

. . . 65 3530353535

.. . 50 252035302520

the morning andi in tho euenmg;return by regular train

Everybody should take advantage of these cheap rate* to visit the O. A. C.and the Roy­al City. A day of recreation profitably spent

Lunch Served at the College.ALLAN SHANTZ,

Sec N R Inst

Farm For Sale.A First-Class 100-acre Farm;

/ OCATED on the Section Line at the corner of thefith con., one mile south of Crnsshill

and three miles noith of Wellesity Village There are eight acre* of hush. Ten acres are sown to fall wheat. Balance all in good state of culvitation. Two acres of pood orchard with best murketablo fruit Never failing water at house and barn and rnnning spring in field. Land well drained and fenced, on the property is a good, large, gravel built house, with frame Hummer kitchen and wood­shed. Large hunk burn with cemont floors throughout; driving shed, pig stable and out-

to terms, etc., apply to farm.

WM. BEILSTE1N.Proprietor

Wellesley P. 0






The Choicest Staple and Fancy

^ ^ ^ G R O C E R I E SPine Apples;Bananas,Oranges,Lemons,

ICE CREAM Wednesday and Satur­day Evenings.

S T A T IO N E R Y — The best selection of Stationery in town. A big selection of W riting Tablets, both ruled and plain, 5c to 10c. Box of Paper and Envelopes, 5c.

Wellesley,H. K. FORLER’S.





v'Av Tradem arks

CCSIGNSC opyrights A c.

ikel rh and descriptionAnvone sendlnr a sltoich and deserlpth quickly urertam our opinion free wlit-t Invsntlnn Is pmbnbly pivtoiiluldo. Coim: lions strictly conOdoutfal. Handbook on sent free. Oldest earner for securing patents.

P*lent* token through Muim A Co. rocelve notice, wit houl charge. In tho

Scientific American.A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lsrgeit elf.

o.36,Br»“-.>'New York►. t* V Bt, Washington, D.C.


Harness Maker,

St. Clements,

Has rented the Adam Steiss hotel in Heidelberg, and will take posses­sion at the end cf this m onth. In order to close up his harness

business ho will sell off his present stock

-A t Cost and Below,-

Including everything in the line of Harness Goods, etc.

W ill also offer the

Brick House and Harness Shop for SaleA t a reasonable price and on easy terms. This is a good chance.


CATCHING AN EDITION.A I le p o r te r ’a E U ortt to Get HI* S tory

o n th e W ire .News o f the blowing up and sinking

of a steamboat on the Ohio river reach­ed the olllce o f a I'ittsburg paper one evening sonre years ago. The city edi­tor sent* a young reporter out on a search for the facts. The search de­veloped Into an adventure such ns any newspaper man may tumble into at any hour o f the day or night World’s Work tells the story:

He hurried to the station and caught the first westward bound express. When the train had started, he learned that It did not stop within sixty miles o f his destination.

A cautious hint from a Pullman por­ter apprised him of the preseuce o f a division superintendent on the train, and in a few minutes he received an order from the conductor to stop the train for him.

Reaching the station late at night, be asked the telegraph operator to remain until lie returned. Then he walked several miles, got his “ story" and hur­ried back to the station, only to find that the operator had disregarded his request and closed the office.

Time was creeping Into the morning hours and he had the prospect o f all his work coming to naught unless he secured an operator to get the story to his newspaper office. He tramped about the dark village and found that the operator lived several miles away. Uusyinpatliizing country folk could not be induced to rouse themselves.

Thinking, hard, the young reporter walked back and forth on the platform of the station. Huddled against the station he saw the sleeping form of a tramp. H e ’Tricked the hobo and o f­fered him $5 to make the trip for the operator.

The man got to his feet."D o you want an operator?”“ Yes.”“ Well, Pm a bum, but I was an

operator, i f you can get into, that sta­tion, I’ ll send your stuff, but I won’t touch a door or a window myself."

Knowing that the newspaper would gladly pay damages, the reporter* took a cudgel, broke the window and clam­bered in. The tramp clicked off the story, and it reached the office in time to go to press.


i ■- ••

W ill please the most fastidious. W e have just received anot’n large shipment of the LATEST NOVELTIES. tCall early wa our stock is complete.

ttt.D u wpatfttiiti o n n n q __Summer Underwear, Summer Corsets, Cotton and LysleGlod25 uSmSl* for drrawa »nd « . hab!e good,, dainty, dnraMo and cool. “1A full range of Japanese Silks in black and colors, from 30c. up, just the article for hot weather}

Also u full rungo of Parasols, from 50c to $3 0

W e have a most complete stood: off Haberdashery: Hens' Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Collars, (! Hosiery, Gloves, Huts, Caps, Umbrellas, etc*., etc.

Reiner Bros. & clHaveYou tried

Fletcher Johnston!TH E EARS.

Large ears, drooping at the top, be­long to persons more animal than hu­man.

In human beings of low or debased mental standard tbe ears are large and flabby. Note those of idiots, cretins, etc.

Ears In which the “ hem" is flat, os if smoothed down with a flatiron, accom­pany a vacillating mind and cold, unro­mantic disposition.

When there is no lobe and the car widens from the bottom upward, the owner is o f a selfish, cunning and re­vengeful disposition.

Large round ears with a neat “ hem** around their border, well carved, not flat, indicate a strong will and a bull­dog tenacity o f purpose.

When the oar is oval In form, with the lobe slightly but distinctly marked, It Indicates for its owner a lofty ideal­ity. combined with a morbidly sensi­tive ijature.

The person who has ap ear with a rounded, ovate top is almost without exception one with a placid disposition and a nature that pines to love and bo loved in return.

Mice That Snbnlat on Scorpions.Among tbe queer forms of animal

life that inhabit Death valley Is a mouse that has acquired such a taste for scorpions that they form its entire bill o f fare. The scorpion carries its formidable armament in tbe end of its slender, elongated abdomen in the shape o f an exceedingly venomous, hooked sting. When disturbed, It ele­vates this in the air and goes in search o f its disturber. But It is comparative­ly slow in its motions, while mice are proverbial for tbelr quickness tbe world over. The mouse learned many gen­erations ago where the scorpion car­ries its weapon, and when he meets it he leaps at the uplifted abdomen, takes off tbe sting at a single bite and pro­ceeds to make a meal o f bis helpless prey. It is supposed to be the only an­imal that relishes scorpions.

A Bimple, harmless and Infallible enre fo r earache is effected by making a small funnel o f stiff paper and saturat­ing a ball o f cotton tbe size o f a hick­ory nut with chloroform and dropping it Into the funnel; place the small end o f the funnel in the ear, draw a long breath and then blow tbe breath into the large end o f the funnel. The fumes o f the chloroform are thus carried into the ear, and all pain ceases at once.

There Are Exception*.“ Do yon mean to say.” she Inquired

Indignantly, “ that there never was a woman who conld keep a secret?"

“ Oh, not at all,” he protested earnest­ly. “ To the contrary, there was Lot’s wife, who never up to the present day has revealed what she saw when Bbe stopped to take a farewell glance at the town she was leaving.”


. ©- \ S P L A S H I N T H E R I G H T P L A C E


Js scal%j'ed in golden showers all ov*r this section every week' It is a message of profit to the reade^Q nd a vehicle oj trofit to the advertis‘dW e splash on the LEAF in ink’.Tt returns to you in gold

Everybody rcii'li tli# MAPLE LEAF. Everybody will ••• 70or Advertisement.

How to Save Money.Farmers and others wishing to purchase an implement or vehicle of any kind will find it to tlieir interest to call at m y Show Rooms . . .

S H O S S ?W e carry a big stock of all kinds, Recently we made a big of STRAP SLIPPERS! Over ICO P a irs!! To seli for 99 centMj

{These Siippers are worth $1.25. All the leading stylos.!Watch for the Brown Stone Front. Q f -r» o 4* f n r A INext to British Mortgage Loan. © U r 9 » I / I U I u |

Opposite the Drug Store, Wellesley

Deering Harvest Machinery^ .__„Of all kinds, which for lightness of draft, doing good work, nhd I durability are now and always were the best, their motto being:

IVe Lead; Others Try to Follow."PROPOSE!) LEERING WOL> » HAMILTON,'OXTAlilu.

Carriages, Buggies & WagJI keep in stock the McLangblin, whose name for best made bus never been disputed. Buy a McLuugny you will get an A-Standard wheel. Buy a McLau^nll yon will get a drop-forged fifth wheel. Buy a SicW" and you will save money, as the bost are alwujs the cl

I aLo keep in stock Buggies made by the PahnsrsWj ria ;e Co. that never built a spurious vehicle.

Ev( ry buggy warranted to give perfect satisfaction |

I 1 eep in stock

Wagons and Farm TruckscManufactured by the best

Seed Drills, Cultivators and Disc Harrows.Manufactured by G. W . Mann, of Brockv-illo.

Every Implement Guaranteed to gi\e the best of satisfaction.

You can buy from me at low priced------

Churns, Schultz’s Washing Machines,Cream Separators, Step and Extension Laddeij

REPAIRS kept in stock for all goods I sell.

The above cut may give the reader a faint idea of the Deerino- Plant m Hamilton now being erected. Don’t hesitate if you want a ifeerinff machine your money no longer goes to the United States but helps fur­ther the Deering industry at Hamilton which now covers over eiebtv- flve acres of land. & J

SS C H W A L M .
