IB English Language B Discourse Markers 21/9/2014


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IB English Language B

Discourse Markers21/9/2014

Homework: Vocabulary• Diesel• The general public• Rural• Radically• Legislation• Determine• Consumer• The environment• Mechanisation• Environmentalist• Processed food• Breed

• Pests• Reproduce• Gene• Genetically modified• Yield• Resistant to• Produce• Genetic• Assert• Urban

Linkers / Discourse Markers

Beyond the text


Watch the Ted talk

• Make a mind-map based on what you hear:




• Study the photographs and choose one to present to your classmates.

• Your presentation should not exceed 4 minutes• First of all – identify the topic and sub-topic.• Make ten points on what is most difficult to remember.• Remember to include your opinion and be ready to

defend it. • Be spontaneous – Don’t memorise your points.• Check the Individual Oral criteria (20 points). What

advice would you give.
