IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency New IAEA Safety Guide (information) Human Factor Engineering...



IAEA HFE in IAEA safety standards SSR 2/1 Requirement 32 Systematic consideration of human factors, including the human– machine interface, shall be included at an early stage in the design process for a nuclear power plant and shall be continued throughout the entire design process SSG-39 Design of I&C Systems Chapter 8 Addresses SSR 2/1 Requirement 65, 66 related to MCR, ECR Focus on providing the information to operate the plant in all operational states and accident conditions HFE not discussed in detail (this was not the objective of SSG-39)

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IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

New IAEA Safety Guide(information)

Human Factor Engineering for NPP(DS492)

Alexander DuchacSAS,NSNI


DPP Justification

Why HFE safety guide?• A cross-cutting activity that affects I&C design, plant procedures,

training, and many other things and that addresses the interfaces between these things

• Advances in I&C technology (digital)• Implementation of EOPs, SAMGs• Enhancement of human-machine interface

• New plants (soft controls, large screens, etc.)• Modification of existing plants (CRs,TSC, etc.)

• Some MS require a specific chapter on HFE in SAR A systematic consideration of HFE is needed Currently no specific IAEA safety guide available


HFE in IAEA safety standards

• SSR 2/1 Requirement 32• Systematic consideration of human factors, including the human–

machine interface, shall be included at an early stage in the design process for a nuclear power plant and shall be continued throughout the entire design process

• SSG-39 Design of I&C Systems Chapter 8• Addresses SSR 2/1 Requirement 65, 66 related to MCR, ECR• Focus on providing the information to operate the plant in all

operational states and accident conditions• HFE not discussed in detail (this was not the objective of SSG-39)


Objectives & Scope

• To provide specific recommendations to meet SSR 2/1 Req. 32, 65, 66 related to HSI:• Operation and maintenance of plant systems• Accident conditions• Design of controls and displays navigations e.g.

• Soft controls• VDUs• Large screen displays

• Equipment layout• Control room, Supplementary control room, Emergency response center, Local

controls, etc.• Guidance for new plants & modification of existing


Some topics (although important) outside the scope

• Intentional acts as well as aspects of human performance relating to ‘trustworthiness and background checks’

• The plant organizational factors such as:• Multiple challenges to human performance, including challenges

to situation assessment, planning, decision making, communication, coordination, and task execution

• Lack of relevant procedural guidance• Interaction of human organization and technical factors across

all stakeholder organizations• Risk management • Analysis of human, organizational and technical factors with

regard to behavioural aspects


Fukushima Implications

• Relevant Fukushima accident lessons to be considered:• Availability of the information and displays giving to plant operators

and other critical personnel during accidents

• Optimal layout of displays and controls reducing possibility of erroneous operation

• HSI in the field (accessibility during accident states, equipment status, local controls and measurement devices, etc.


Account for related IAEA standards

• SSR-2/1 Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design• SSR-2/2 Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Commissioning and

Operation• SSG-25 Periodic safety review• SSG 39Design of I&C Systems• GS-R-3 Management System for Facilities and

Activities (DS456)• GSR Part 4 Safety Assessment for Facilities and



Account for related IAEA standards

• NS-G-2.6 Maintenance and Surveillance• NS-G-2.8 Recruitment, Qualification and Training of Personnel• NS-G-2.14 Conduct of Operations at Nuclear Power Plants• NP-T-3.10 Integration of Analog and Digital Instrumentation and

Control Systems in Hybrid Control Rooms

• Now discussion is limited to HFE specific issues to consider when applying these guides


This document will interface with the following relevant international guidance• IEC 60960:1988, Edition 1.0 (1988-08-30): Functional design criteria for a

safety parameter display system for nuclear power stations• IEC 60964-2009, Nuclear Power Plants–Control Room– Design”.• IEC 60965:2009, Edition 2.0 (2009-07-16): Nuclear power plants - Control

rooms - Supplementary control points for reactor shutdown without access to the main control room

• IEC 61227:2008, Edition 2.0 (2008-04-29): Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Operator controls

• IEC 61771:1995, Edition 1.0 (1995-12-13): Nuclear power plants - Main control-room - Verification and validation of design

• IEC 61772:2009, Edition 2.0 (2009-04-29): Nuclear power plants - Control rooms - Application of visual display units (VDUs)

• IEC 61839:2000, Edition 1.0 (2000-07-21): Nuclear power plants - Design of control rooms - Functional analysis and assignment

• IEC 62241:2004, Edition 1.0 (2004-11-02): Nuclear power plants - Main control room - Alarm functions and presentation


• NUREG 0700-2002, “Human-System Interface Design Review Guidelines”• NUREG 711, Rev. 3 Human Factors Engineering Program Review Model• NUREG-0696-1980 Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities• NUREG-6400/CR-6400-1997 Human Factors Engineering (HFE) Insights for

Advanced Reactors Based Upon Operating Experience• IEEE 1289-1998, “Guide for the Application of Human Factors Engineering in

the Design of Computer-Based Monitoring and Control Displays for Nuclear Power Generating Stations”

• IEEE1023-2004, Recommended Practice for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities”

This document will interface with the following relevant international guidance


Provisional TOC rev. 1

1. Introduction 2. HFE program management3. Analysis

• Review of operating experience • Functional requirements analysis and function allocation• Tasks analysis• Staffing and qualification• Treatment of important human actions

4. Human system interface design• Main CR• Supplementary CR• Accessibility and work environment• Procedure development• Training programme development

5. Human factors verification and validation6. Design implementation7. Human performance monitoring


Provisional TOC rev. 1

8. Special topics• Consideration of human and organizational factors• Decommissioning• Severe accidents• Commercial of the shelf products• Mobile devices• Computerized procedures / automatic sequences• Alarm management

• Annexes• Examples of human factors assessment methods• Bibliography of international I&C standards



• April-November 2014 Internal approvals, NUSSC• April 2015 CSS endorsement• May 2015 – 1st CS meeting (structure, scope)• November 2015 – 2nd CS meeting (advanced draft)• May 2016 – 3rd CS meeting (final draft)• July 2016 – NSNI internal review • November 2016 – NUSSC• April 2017 MS Comments resolution• July 2017 – NUSSC• November 2017 – CSS
