I Verbi di ARE Conjugating regular verbs that end in ARE


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I Verbi di ARE

Conjugating regular verbs that end in ARE

What is a verb?

A verb is an action word.

~Examples: To walk, to run, to eat

~A sentence without a verb is called a fragment.

~Verbs are given in their Infinitive form then must be conjugated.

~In Italiano, verbs are broken into 3 categories: are, ere, and ire.

Conjugating in English

To talk

I talk We talk

You talk You all talk

He/she/it talks they talk

Rules for Conjugating in Italian

1) Identify the infinitive of the verb.2) Determine which category verb is in

(are/ere/ire)3) Drop are/ere/ire ending from verb.4) Add appropriate verb endings.

PARLARERoot - ending

Now conjugate in Italiano!

Verb = Parlare

Parlare = to speak

io – parlo noi - parliamo

tu – parli voi - parlate

lei/lui/Lei – parla loro/Loro -parlano

Verbs that you already know…ascoltare = to listen to Nuotare = to swim

aspettare = to wait for Parlare = to speak

Ballare = to dance Preparare = to prepare

Cantare = to sing Studiare = to study

Giocare = to play (a sport) Suonare = to play

Guardare = to watch (an instrument)

Imparare = to learn

Insegnare = to teach

Mangiare = to eat

E toca voi!1. The girl dances to the song.2. My mom waits for the bus3. She prepares the lesson.4. They play the piano.5. I listen to the music.6. You all learn Italian.7. Luigi does not swim in the sea.8. We study for 4 hours.9. Who eats the pizza?10. I play soccer with Francesco.
