I. Use Excel to make bar graph for questions 1, and 5. Use...


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I. UseExceltomakebargraphforquestions1,and5.II. UseExceltomakehistogramsforquestions2,and3.III. UseExceltomakepiegraphsforquestions4,and6.IV. UseExceltomakeabargraphforquestion4comparingmalesandfemaleschoices.




Constructing a Pie Chart To make a pie chart: (FOR #4 – PLANE SEATING AND #6 - GENDER) 1. On a new sheet (rename this sheet Pie – Plane), create a frequency distribution for survey question #4 using column’s A and B. The class (column A) will be the choices (Tatum, Perry, etc.) 2. Enter the frequencies corresponding to each choice in column B. To get the frequency use the “COUNTIF” function. This function will count the number of times a specific data value occurs in the data set. a. Type in COUNTIF( b. Highlight the data values for survey question #4 in sheet 1, then type , (comma). c. Type “name”. Replace name with the data value you are counting. Make sure to type it out exactly how you typed in the data in your sheet. For example if you are trying to get the frequency for Channing Tatum, but have just the name TATUM on your sheet, that type “TATUM” (including the quotes). If you only typed CHANNING in your data set, then for the function use “CHANNING”. d. End the function with a close parenthesis ) e. Press ENTER. ***** Repeat this step for all data values. Make sure the total frequency adds up to 50 (the number of data values you should have collected when you asked 50 people these questions). 3. Highlight the data in columns A and B and select Insert from the toolbar, then select the Pie chart type. If the Insert tab does not give you the option to insert a graph, check under other tables such as Charts.

4. If your graph already has a title such as what is see above, click on the title and change it to Who Would You Rather Sit Next To? If the graph does not have a title to edit, Click on any region of the chart. Then select Design from the Chart Tools tab on the toolbar. This tab may able be called Chart Layout, depending on what version of Excel you are using. Click the option that allows you to add a chart/graph title. Click on the pie, there should also be an option to include the percentage of each slice. Include this. Dothesameforsurveyquestion#6onanewsheet(Pie–Gender).TitleyourpiegraphMalevs.FemaleorFemalevs.Male.Includethepercentages.

Constructing a BAR GRAPH To make a BAR GRAPH chart: (FOR #1 – RANDOM NUMBER AND #5 - VILLAGE) 1. On a new sheet (rename this sheet Bar –Random), create a frequency distribution for survey question #1 using column’s A and B. The class (column A) will be the choices (1, 2, 3, … 10). 2. Enter the frequencies corresponding to each choice in column B. To get the frequency use the “COUNTIF” function. This function will count the number of times a specific data value occurs in the data set. a. Type in COUNTIF( b. Highlight the data values for survey question #1 in sheet 1, then type , (comma). c. Type “1” (include the quotes) d. End the function with a close parenthesis ) e. Press ENTER. ***** Repeat this step for all data values. Make sure the total frequency adds up to 50 (the number of data values you should have collected when you asked 50 people these questions). 3. Highlight the data in columns A and B and select Insert from the toolbar, then select the Column graph type. If the Insert tab does not give you the option to insert a graph, check under other tables such as Charts. Remove the legend for the frequency (as seen on the left of the graph).

4. If your graph already has a title such as what is see above, click on the title and change it to Numbers Chosen If the graph does not have a title to edit, Click on any region of the chart. Then select Design from the Chart Tools tab on the toolbar. This tab may able be called Chart Layout, depending on what version of Excel you are using. Click the option that allows you to add a chart/graph title. Dothesameforsurveyquestion#5onanewsheet(Bar–Village).TitleyourbargraphWheredoyoulive?

Constructing a Histogram (For #2 – HOURS OF SLEEP and #3 – AGE IN MONTHS) 1. On a new sheet, copy the data for survey #3 in column A, one number per cell. 2. Find the upper boundaries for a grouped frequency distribution with 7 classes. (You’ll have to do this manually, remember to round up to nearest whole number for the class width (since your data values should be whole numbers for survey question #3) 3. Enter the upper boundaries into column B. 4. From the toolbar, select the Data tab, then select Data Analysis. (If you are using a Mac, this is only available on Excel 2016. Those with older versions of Excel Mac, you must install third-party Data Analysis tools, such as StatPlus:mac LE) 5. In Data Analysis, select Histogram and click [OK]. 6. In the Histogram dialog box, type A1:A50 in the Input Range box and type B1:B7 in the Bin Range box. (This may be different depending on when the data values start. You can always click the left button with the red arrow and select the data values)

7. Select New Worksheet Ply and Chart Output. Click [OK]. Rename sheet Hist - Age Do the same for Survey question #2 (new sheet Hist – Sleep) Repeat the steps for survey #2 but for 5 classes.

Editing the Histogram To move the vertical bars of the histogram closer together: 1. Right-click one of the bars of the histogram, and select Format Data Series. 2. Move the Gap Width bar to the left to narrow the distance between bars. To change the label for the horizontal axis: 1. Left-click the mouse over any region of the histogram. 2. Select the Chart Tools tab from the toolbar. 3. Select the Layout tab, Axis Titles and Primary Horizontal Axis Title. X-axis should be labeled Age (Number of months). Y-axis should be labeled Number of people. Title should be Ages For survey #2 X-axis should be labeled Number of Hours. Y-axis should be labeled Number of people. Title should be Number of Hours Slept

Constructing a bar graph for comparing. ToconstructabargraphcomparingtheFemales’andMales’choicefor#4.

1. Onanewsheet(renamethisBar-Compare),copythedatavaluesforsurveyquestion#4and#6inorder.Enterdatavaluesforsurveyquestion#4-planechoiceinColumnA.Enterdatavaluesforsurveyquestion#6-genderinColumnB.

2. Selectthedatavaluesfrombothcolumns,andUndertheDatatab,selectSort.SortthedatabyColumnB.

3. Createafrequencydistributionforthechoices.Thisstepissimilartocreatingthedistributionforthepiegraphfortheplanechoices.Thistime,youwillhavetwocolumnsforthefrequency,oneforfemales’answersandoneformales’answers.***NoticeinthepicturebelowthatforTatum,tocalculatethefrequencyunderfemale,IonlyselectedthedatavaluesfromA2:A25(therearetheanswersgivenbythefemaleswhoansweredthesurvey).

4. Highlightthefrequency distribution (include both make and female) and select Insert from the toolbar, then select the Column graph type. If the Insert tab does not give you the option to insert a graph, check under other tables such as Charts. Selected the clustered type. Leave the legend so I can distinguished between male and female answers. Title of the graph will Who Would You Rather Sit Next To? - Comparing Choices

