I , St. John.'a,· N1ld. - Memorial University of...


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\ I



' YABR.IAGBS 'At Ne11f Bar~, bylbe Re•d. o: F. Dabbard: (JW­

formed Olauroll of Eu111U1d). Ootobir Htb. 1880 Jobu 1')1oa oe, jr. to J&anha, daupter of William WoodiiWI, both of Nt" Harbor. ••

uea. • Yeaterdaymoroinr llher a abort illneea, Catberln•,

only dau&l\.&tr of lbe We Arlbor uraoJleld, a«od 4i yeara. ·

At liNrL'a • nt.., oa U.ttard loaL. Utorp Edwlo aon of F_... aocl ' . Hopkioe. •eel 11 mootbt.

'£here • •• an an ~ ha B•no T-.,.\; ..... DOt

God took oar lit To BU tla.e n


. p .CJJIB8 Per 8 8 ~ froavi.!Yerpi)Ol-lff .. Xent,

llr J H Mooroe. flr~eoc, Mr J M Kent. fo­tel'llltMli•tt ·Mttd•n'ltll Wltltalllt and tafant., OrM•••· J,lr J \YIIItnte. Por ifalifax-M-...,.llbarll<ul and Oaman: Lleul Len, S. A., 04lmmt..looera Ad•m• Mainn BoUnd and L~nnton, 8. A .. l Mttlrt J Oaman J 0 O•'•· J N' W .White. li' Pna.tnL. ~or JlaiUmore -Mra LA 0. \'food. I"wnudlate In HaiUaa-llra Locke aild child, lUu Jll Wrlabt, Mr N U )ltm ... 71 911o IIMI'tlf•

For Sale .by Private Contract . • TFU.T

Fee ·Simple . ~r~erty litn,te oo AantJ~treet, oproate beai of Coob-raoe ~tree&, ooa•l!lJna of ·

Shop, Dwellin g-J;Iousa and . . ,. . Gn-1en, ~

DOW (o the oooupa&.oy \It .\lr. I.) .ool1 W aleb. Pouauloo rfno Immediately. Aa the l' roperty malt be aolol trlthoa• ,..,"e

a aood • ioweato•t"M ··ao l•u o•aJe by applyi~w· qulokly

Furthar partlnul11ra oo appllt'B,(OD to , ·JAMES WALL. , .._

Jlclinyfur nll parliu concer11td. Harbor Gral'O, Uot. 1,, 1890, ·• ·-


.v I

• : t

Publifl'lted ~ .~uth.ortty. THE r~llolltfncr ttld .. • a.,d ReJrQl,tioDa. maae

• bJ tbetBoard.of, lll"hh for Uarbor Grace. atto approucl ot ao~ th~ publio:attqq,aalhot:aed by H1s E.~U.Etrcr TIJt;.{\olftsl~TnAson or TU GOV&IOOlUT lD CoqoCU. •

' J . W. 'WI'fHEllS, . · ' pro Colmtial &crttary.

Seoret&f1'• ~ft!oe, 6th OCtober, 1890.

RULES ·AN if -REGUtlTIONS Jlacleiby~~of--thfor ~B

GBAOJI, ~ -=by Y.irtue of S.Ot.ion 7 of the' u Publio Health 'AQt;'~ 18881 fbi' renderinc etr,otual all m...nrM of p~ cautio~ apbi.R" 'the outbnu 01' aprMd-inc of DiaMM. • . • • 1 •

~-~ . . ,, 1,-No hoateholder, lD wh011 dweliiDir tben

oooun a. cue· of dlplllberla or otber lofeotlo• dl~tue. 1ball permit aay peraoo 1u!erloa tropa tbe ultoua1.or aay olothlo~r or other property, \o be1remond froiD hie bon" wltboa& tbe ooo1eo& of tbe Board of Beal~b. •

2. -No i omate of aoy fofeotec! boo• ahall eater aoy other dwelllor booM. 1bop. plaoo wonhJp, ~abool. or pabllo sratllerlor of aoy ldod, wltboa1 parmlaaloa of Board of Health or aUeod· uttpbydolu. ·

8.-All penooa a!eo~d by dJphtheala or oth• tofeotloua diaaue, are .b1reb7 requlr~tt to adopt for tbe dl.elllfeotloa of olo"'lo •. bed•ilnll; uteo· 1111, aaa Other .e!eotl wh(ilb baye beiD llpoted to lofeetloo, •aoh meuur11 u ebaJI be prMCribed by &be llld ao.ra, .

'-No .periOD aderiaJr fro• dlphtb1rta or other lofeotloua dlwue. or ha•baa Y~rj 'reoeotly reco•ered~from· di~Uaarla1 or,, qthar lofeollo~ dtaoa~t, eball tltpoM hhn~tlf. or berMU, aor •h"ll "DJ pe"no npo .. an• one aoder bla charae wbo lt 10, ~' t1f ybo tiaa NOIDllJ !IOOY• er.~d' t'Mm dlptittienll or o'tber infeotlooa d!Mue, h~ &OJ OO!ffiJ8D~ wflbpoi h~YIDt ~YiOUaiJ ooda.d 1be owaer, ~ptnea)llk~ ol ~e fiCa of bla Nllat.IJ.hntac bad tbe. a-.....

6.-Tbe ow•er: or 5>'f80D lu Obarae.., ef aor IQOh OODYeJeDOt, IIJilltDOt after ~e .. ,!l r.f aDJ 'to lDJf~G&ed periOD fJI , Illl CIOifYeJaDoe, ai\OW &DJ otber pll'IOD to. eater It," wh'iloat IJulol la~­oleotly dllllll~&fd~ u. bader the 'cllniatioa of aoy 40 Upper Wattm Street,

H~LIF4X, N. B. · . Olftotr Of tb0 'B*rd•of u .. tth. I •

1 8.-No•pettea'ilball •af•e, lead, ttaoacalt, 1ell, Or Upoae, IDY bed8ior, glotblor, or Otbtr trtl•

Permanent and .ote, ·Jikelr .to <lO'I1'8fJctiplt&htria or otb.,,lofeo· Uou•d ....... wltboa• baripa Ant takea tbe.pre-oaallooa preaoribed ,~J the uld rol .. of tbr SO.rd

N'ewfoondland will of Beahh for ~ori-1 all daopr of ooaaaaaol·

_. Aooommndatloa for Tranlient Bo&tdera.

. Tr&vellera ~ anJ £rom at way11 be welcom~d. dotH

In Aid o1 the New Cathedral. --A. Christmas Tree lo aid of tbe Ne" Cathedral "ill be held dnrlo1r Cbriltmu "eek Ia the Academy Mall. ·

Contribution•. either of ltlooey or U~eful Ar­U41ea. will be tbaokfully reoeind b1 tbe follow­lost larliea "bo have obarife .of Uli l'•bl" : Mra .• Joa• Hoo.ur, \ Mra Iauo PI1)LPBlllf, Mr. P. FABRlLA Mtll t.Uooc Jona. ae 26. ..,.


Tbe Jlobeorlber hu oow oD haDd aod for aale tfery reqalllt.t ill Ult Faroltara liDt, maonfiClGr• ~ Ou tU pNmlMI frOID IOGDd- Ud MUODtd lllllttrlal.

• Uedtt...Sa, Ba,..aa, Chair• (allldod1) · ilde~, Wuh•taoda, Wla:dow PoiH &Del

JUDe•, 8prfo• Bed.l, -'o .. flo. Btdtoom Salttt: made ·so order-from 110

•pwtrdt. Other Faraltart m&at to order, UND&8'1'AitiNG J I

HarloJ bad tweoty yean' uperitooe lo 'b• 1tDdtrsDitloc depanmeae, eat.lafacmoa lu •••rr p.rtl~lar Ia tDiared. ·

Orden reoel•• promp' aod ptraooal atttataoa• Hearaeafor blre.

FANCY GOO-US AND tn'ATIONE~Y. Ja t bt Faooy Good• Shop, ooooao&ed wltb the Fnrolto,. ~&o,., MD bt h..t F4001 Uooda. Booh Stati.boerJ, Jeweller7, ud a lriDtn.l aaaorkDIUL of ...... ,.. . •

1 • E. PARSONS • .

eatlor tbe diM..- to otbin. 1

• 7.~1G tlae oA8 of tbe c!"tb l$f AJ 'O.rtoD IUfferiDJ from &D1 fOfecrt(Oal af .... e, the frieadt eball Immediately ootlf7 the mt41.6al- oftSoer, or Chairman of tbe BOud of Health, of aoob cleatjl,, who 1ball oat11e attpt to be t&iea to pre"D& Ia· feotioD, aDd for the Immediate lotermnt of the bod7. The funeral aball be priratt, ucl alllo­fected apartmeDta, clotblo.r aDd otber effecta 1hall be thoronabiJ dlali:Jtected.

8.-Aoy tucber, or peraoD lo obarae of a tchool, apoo riuouble aroaod1 ot •a•pioloa or belief tbat a popU Ia daoproaa to the bulth of the aobool, by reuoo of aopb papll I)Omloa from ao iofeoted 1:to01e or- plaoe. mo1& IJOlDde IQOb papll from atteo41oaaoJtool potU ~·e proJi~ a oertUlna~ fro~ a medlpal ·~.,D~'-

9.-The Board of Ha11lth aball bua po•er to placard tt•efJ •ho1:111 ot bllildlq ID wbiob ~7 oatt of lofedtlooa c:UHUe· may ocp~Jr wlt.bla &bat portloo of tbe Eleotoral Dlatrlct of Uubor Uraoe Ia wbioh tbe Board hu a~athorhr.

10.-No pe110o aball defaoe, kar, or r.tmo•• fro= aay boll.ll or b~114lar 4DJ plNUd of &be 11ld B~rd ot l:latl&~. wltho"t tha utbori&J of llld Boa.... '

lt.-N. perioo •JJ•ll IP Jo~, AJ oome OIJ' of ID lofeotid bo\}11 aftttr fa baa ~tao ptu.rdjtd by the Hoard of Ht~lda wlt.hoa• tbe aatborhr Iff llld Board, ot4ar &)taD • Dooto,, or Oltr.lfCUIJ, or mamber or oeoer of tbe Boa,4 of ~l&b.

li.-AIIJ ~OIJ .. _,, ~ulldloJ J!f408fCI'd. by &be Board abaJl rtfDaJp Iter .pt~·~ }!IIIII the ICUDe bu beto t~oroqaijty dJIJAf.tPtld, a\i~ the plaoard emo .. d by ord1r ot t.ba lfqard of 1:lefltJJ 18.- 'fbe J!oarct pf B,altb r ... r._. ~ ltHlf

tbe rlaM of aaperiDtto4JoB the woa~ of dlabi· feotlo1r all lAfeowd boallt Qr balldlo~re. ·

1,: -Eotr7 hoDMboldor !Jp~o boooJpioa It Wart of. tba exi.ttooe of •127. Ulfeotiooa dilt4M lo h~ or, her, .bqiJM ~·JJ lmm~Jat.IJJ report ~ e fA~Pe to tbe Qoard of H"al&b. ·

.16,_:.~o ~noD .J a1)1 wltblo t)le ~leo&oral

At I t • Olitrlct of H•tbor G .,. er tbtt ltCOOmala-

a n I C tloo upoa \Ia p~mta , 1 or ·~•· or peJml• ab• ctepoah t:Jr~ .... , . laU!J!oorto1 to httD. ~~

St. John.'a,· N1ld. a.aytbiDif wblo maJ tad..,_ tbe ~abllol:h&lUt. _ 16-'l'be Board.Df H•hb aDd lc. Ojpotra m~

ftP ~ ua4 1NU·buil' a.tabUtb111eD\ a•. all &lmtl . t•ter 1-.4 $Mpept ,~l b011111, a.,cl • • Ia DOW-. u4e •"" • , .., balldlop wbera tl:ttN It. aot~J~I.. or .,..peot•d

n' IAIUl ' AVD DrDDMIQJ dlaeut, aacl~l•, 4\l DtPH4"1 ora,,. aad "'NO· • ~-+ . • aa • UUMII ' t;lool for ftbelaol"f9D ····I ~U·r•!Jt1Diq ud- pa:

Ita tiM&doa ooauuocJt .ftDt .ten·of &lir &r- eral mao.,.mea• of au~~ l•u"INI. •"d lc. tama"' ~r. the l!larrowe, ~. , ADd I• Je ba Ill• floiai&J • maj ~ 4~ b.r rb• ..;6 ~ or 1&1

ball· om-,. ott'''' , ,,. ·~· ,...,.... of "" .. '"" ... .,Yn 1 Pablla H~tal ttJ. .

1 11 -Tbe 1-ol'" . ta..&l ..,.., tht Doatd, or Hea&aa. (wbea oooeaioa ebaU reqalre) ao 01rfJ oa1 tlaa foriJObaf Jla111.

18.-AaJ pe...OO Yloladoa ., ot &be ,.,,..o. lDJ rot .. tbaR ' t..lfablt'to a peul&J DOt eiOMd­fl•rlbO. aDCilDIJ be pro~la &lOIII·

_ .,. ... ,...,. ........ HIGH •111 lkt .......... or1f.- ol die 1'-. 1 Ia cltCaall ~ paJ•

......... , mea& of UJ .~IJ, &be. ,.,.D 10 la 1delltal~ ID&J be 1111~-;fot t ,. pol iloteciiDI tbrNIDOD&Iil ~.J.fb91 . , ' . tp~ bJ J}t Jwd oJ Jf--'._ taa, Jf' ~ .. ~~~) . . '

· ' . T. CJtt#t'!ttll·


~'Ahoy, Mister,' with the Package; 1 .wher.e did you Buy It ?"

- •' DOWN AT- 1

' in this here Town P" ·


FANCY & 'rOY BAZAAR, · . Victqria Street :

Csofu nnd W no I Slippera. W l!ol a 'ld UPI\IiPtl' Foot. s :oola, Felt Slipper~. Cu~bioo •. An'tt Wntch Pocket11. Filoaelle Hltk. Fauc• LampSbadee, Gold, Silvor,l'eariBnd Glo\11

llead1. · p, arl aod Cnr~al Neck leta, · .. ~ 'I orra Cotta J ara and Plaque" for pnintiol! T.adio:a' Card·C11ee, Cnrlloa 1'onl!ll, ~lbawe, lokataod1, Safety loka. etc .• eto.

A .. & A. BRU NLEES.

SALE1 AT TRINiTY·. To be eold by P OULlC AUCTIU~ on

Saturday.lst day-of November ne:r.:t, at. S p.m , ou t he prcmieu (i f oot pre\'iooely c:llaposed of by pri vale a Ill)

~ . . ~ill! S!~e [fo~iago -~---LD· iA'II the Flesh-Forming and wctb Frost l'roof Cellnr.Conii:Jouae, Stabl ... . &o. .n 1 alao, a Store nud Wharf \1dth " piece of l11nd oo ''St gt' h c· . El t the \\'1\ter Side,· there Are alan Ye(ll!lllble aod

... .., t

I ren - lVI ng. em en s Fruit GBrdeo aod two S;ning Wells • 'l'bla . property ia altuBto on the Sout h Vea&

Of PrIme ·. B'eef Arm of Trlohy aod witbiu. ll'Vell Olillutu walk of · tbe oeotre of that fowo. T be bocue oootaloa

are supplied by t9o room• aod Ia in trood rep~ir. Tbia plnce 11 cooaidered •cry .I !Jilable for 1\ mao en~nsted in the tieheriea or aupply boaint'&f. For further

BBof •· .·~~ii~:··SK~·~;~:;: .. u·





M:a.rble, Scotch and QUincy , Granites:

ALL WORK e:r.:e outed under oeraooal •optr-wlaioo. ... •

O UTPOR'l ORD ERSgiveo prorupuueutioo, • lH~SWNS furoiabod IJy leiter or otberwi1e. CEM ~:0..,- TOOLS aud l'laater P1~i1 for 1ale

' ----~25 & 327 Duckworth St., ,

St. John's. , 84 Commeroial Stre~t, BOSTON, Mcts~ P. U: Uo:r.: <122. -

Oct 6, 1890.


CQl) · HERt'<lNG & 0 .. \.PLJN SEINES Allthatvaluable

~ • ~ . ~4~0~ ~ · • WAT~RSIDE PROPERTY . · . • 1ntuate on the Beach at Harbor Grace, .. ' ; H ll' RJ{. J.N'' :_ N L' ,.f '-.! !'nd known as ?-'homey's Estate, consist-

.. D . . U ~ \J 9 mg of Dwelhng Hoose, Store, Shop, -AL~ Of THE 'ftER:f ~~·r .OUAl4lTY 4 lil> ll4.D~ OJ!' OUR- 9ttice, Wharf. Also, Dwelling House,

"' · Shop, Stnble and Yard on th e uorth·east

SHEPARD GOLD 'l . .f'EDAL sideof RoadleadingtoBeach. . 1':-J. · ,.fWJNE~ For further par ticulars apply to . . · . HENRY THOMEY,

qt whlop ,,_ • .._the tsflqelve m~qCaotqrera, A or, . W. H . THOMPSON, - Harbor Grace. ). . . .

Hlg~~t 4warda at floston, i869 i Ph~lphi~, lS16 , London Fiib BfiPI li!~l}ibi tion, 1888. ·

Hf>nd for Jllq•ti'Ated . n.-c. 28.2m.

Valuabt·e Prop~rty for Sale T he Subaoribor ofl'ora for 11ale, by private

oontrac~, the following FrPehold Propertiee, viz;.-

TRE DWELLING-HOUSE two tenomonta) with Out .Bouaea and Gar ,

dell, eituate on W ater Bt . near Noad St.

A .BUILDING LOT immediately weat of the Jaet. nruned Pro·

perty, and front.ing on W ater Street. -AND-

rrwo TENEMENTS aituate on Water Street, toot ot Ooohrane

Street. -ALSO-

c~~~~~9.~~ ~~~ . .For par~ionle&ra apply to

D. J. GREI!:N. tlarhor Graef', April gs.- tf.

A. SALE OF WORK .' IIJ aid or tb11 New Cbarcb Holldlor Food; will • t>e balci at 8paolard'a Uay In No•ember aex'

'rhe followloll ladle• baY~ obarae of tbe 'fabl" ~od will tbaokful t, rectlYe aoy oootribatloot wbloh m11 be ltD~ to &bem l Nre Yoaog I Mra WJ, · 6bt J F Wbeppard, lll• iAtle, MN lkfp, I Ht.a tloae,

•tn A Barrett ~qlard'a Har. J~&lyt. 1890

ST~WART MUNN & Co., ShippiJ:is and Commission

I Jterohanta, Jt St. Jolm 8treet, MontreaL

. '



\ I



l a compounded are teported by tba Dominion Qo,·6rnment. Analyst aa .

8 t&·$8fost t• mttnn nctnrin~ .Bttkinu; P QwdPr,

THERN a~e Compa.ny.

·----ESTABLISHED 1836.


I ~COllB AND FOND8 (1887) : " .Fire P'remiuma: ......................... £60'7,000 Life Prem.iume.. ......... . . ............ 197,000 lntereat ........ ........ ...... ... ...... ..... ld,OOO \.ccumulated Funda ................. £S,.al,OOO

HARBOR GRACE-STANDARD, OC'-rOBE·R :l8. 1890 . ....... . .

lliscellany. Tlll~B TBA'IIlf.I.VU Dl&.

The pure, the brlabt, tbe ll .. otlfol, 'f11at atlrred·our h•rtalo JOUth;

The impolae co a wordl ... prayer, The dream• of love'aod tralb;

The .looafoa after aometbloe loet, 'fbe apirl&'l ye&rDIDR ory,

Aorl atri•ioa after better bopee­Theae tbiogt oao uever die,

The timid baod atretobed fortb to aid A brother io hie oeed;

1'be ltiodiJ word lo lldef'a da.:k boar, That prone a frleod:lorfeed-

Tbe plea for meroyaoftly brealbed1

When juatice threateu-. biah, Tbe •orrow·or a contrite beart­

Tbeae thing• eball Defer die.

'Ibe memory of a cluplog baod, · The preuore of a ki11, Aod all tbe trlftee aweet aa·d frail

ThatjlO>tC\ make life'• bllu: If with a ftrm ooobaoator failb,

Aod Goly troll aod big b. Tboae hooda ban oluped aod lipa ba .. met,

Tbue tbloa• aball onar die.

fbe crnel aod tba bitter word That wouoded u II fell,

The obllllo!l waota of aympatb7; We feel bat aner tall-

1 he hard l'fpDIII that obllla the hear' Wboae bopea were booodloe biKb,

In ao uaradloa reoord kept-Tbuo \bloat eb'all oner die.

' I . miaed tha\ hi' would fe v~ canful in or paretl, at 1 ... Wui& bave &b~ future. B~ b' cfltaatd l\ till\ to m~ke oowdr)'. ·m. flflf ~ clue arran1e111ent ,, bit worldly_ a6'Aln, nor wu lt UD601Dly;-; and on tJle next da7 be 110\ for Mr. Jeane might ban been oalled aOod·IQOklng and bad his will drawn up, and hie l)uai· bad It not been ~r a oert.ala. ;beaYineu ueu matters p\lt .lnt.A ,proper abape for and ooan.eneaa of featu• whlob would tranaCer. His pro,l)!Ry that wu In f'ee aeeni to lDCIICife'ixtiiialifiOra11W aim ple absolute, he lelt fairly divided• be- in the ayle of' 100iety. PrObablf am.qng tween Joanna and her obildren, or rather the clus to which he belonged_:li{tlia\ between the-children, for ~ hia sister he et.rMum bf ~Y- mo.&. oonsenial-be left only the use of cenain property to be would have 'P&I88d for a hero; bec&use her children's fit;ULlly.' He left but little in a~ dlreotion-iD4the~~J of anl~ to Laura and ROsamond. He could not hfn and energy, ·ana downright well .tell what to do Corthem. DoubUe88 sioal stamina-he was superior j Jasper would shortly arriyf', and much tb.e cl~ss to wbich · his cornpantoDl WMB Qlust depend on the event. Really, be tlius introducing him he might present did not consider his will as properly tbe.tJimilitude of a snub·nosed bull-mae· made; but it would answer if be were titr,p.is~rting in a lady's b8nd0fr. wfth a called away beCore hli brother's Qoming. siU.~n r.ij>bon around hia neok. Hia dreaa The old lawyer saw t~at the buain888 was was of the aame pat~rh aa. U.at of hta excitin~ him, and hi brought it to a close. oof:!lpanion, though it did not appear to as speedily as he could. fi~ hsm_. ao easilY, nor dia he bear it oft'

It was on the da7 following tbia, as Sir as ~.Qn'~ ~e w-ere~ uMa ~ ~ quaUfj of " 'Richard sat in hia study in u with Mr. Kane, that a Hrvant Bu\-,:..meroy_ f Why needi we- wonder bringing a note, which he handed to hie ut all tbii? The man's llle th~ far ·bu master. The baronet took. it-and found been·~e'd in the wil~a otfQ/oft'South· it to be a simple envelo~. without direo- ern Afrioa, .jid ' he Pal, m~'lfkel1 been 'tion of any kind, oontalmng a card.· Be a toiler from day to day... Be ol~' to took out the card and looked at ita lace: be no' more. 0Qly in the..aoodneaa ot hla u JAsPER SEJ'TON, EaQmu:.u · heart ·be bu benefitted a 'lentleman in

Sir Richard oausht hll brbtb, and misfortune, nnrl baa now 'been taken in pressed his left hand onr hlA heart. hand by thr ~rnteful benetloiary. Sir

.. Who gave you thla r· to the eervant. Richard HiJ II ·Jt take to this man. Bla who &tood where he bad atofped on en- greeting, tboughhospltable, 1w., peculiar·

Let oothlog pa•, for nery haod tering, his face tbe. t>ioture o auppr111ed ly reaerved anci cool., He 1may not, at

Muet find aome work to do: wonderment, •· .that mom,ent. ·have experi~a anr very Loae not a obaooe to wakeo love- ,, Wb,. , 8ir. Ob my eyes 1 • Can I be- deep emotioDJ of aratuude towari:ia the

He firm aod juet aod true. :".! bo h d • l'ho undersiJZned ia en: powered to effeot in , so eball a llab& that caooot fade lieve it 'TWAS Mr. Jasper himaelf, alr ?" man w a aaved hb broUler'a life.

11urancoa o~ all kind!J of Pl'operty in New· Bean oo thee from 00 bigb, u Thtm you knew him?" But the man did not seem to oani; .. In toundlanUt. current Rates of Premium. ·A ad aogel• vo!Ma •1 to thee, '' Sartinly, Who oould ever forget ftw£, it ia doubtful i! be notic~ the mR·

'rhe· above Company is well known for ita ' The.ae tblo~r• a hall oavir ttla. him I" · ber ·or Sir Richard Sefto-n tt aU--doubtful iqoralit.y and promptneas in settling louea. -All the Ye?r Round. " How did he come?" ' lf he cnred about that individual: He

P•·o11pectuses, Forma of Application lo• ---------- '' I guess he must have walked up !rom ~u pArUQularly engased in contemplate Fire nnJ Life fnsurance, and all other 1 n· Th · S f S ft the village, sir." mg, with open-eyed wondt'r, the v,.mnua h.t~•u & >~.tion Clln be obtained at the office ot 8 co urge ~ e ondale u Je h.e alODtf?

11 rich• and }U~I\riOUj ap;!5tmentl-· •>f the

A. o. RA YW aRD, ' No, sir; there be another man wi' him greot old library. ' .ST. JoaN's, (Contintud.) -a gentleman, air, I aboald aay." · Bat not eo the Afri ot 10 Juper

A.gmt lor Newfoundland. .Slowly and dragainsly, as ~hough it Seftoh. He noticed hie brother's treat-W. H . THOMPSON, CHAPTER f{IV. cost him an effort, and with the band m~t . of . his~ com~:9ioii ~e~~qu\okJy

Sub·AC147Jt for llarbor Uract, still pressed hard :Over his hearl, the bar- nnd he nodded DlR Jiead·a-nt\ Cloaelt !iii ' WHAT POLLOWBD THE J,ETTER. onet eaid: · 1 lipe. •' ,

"Sir Richard. you must have a care,, u You m'-ay con'dact him hither." "Ah, Jasper," cried. the bari>~~t. wm· snid Doctor Winsby, atandins in the b~r· When the• servant had: gone, the old iog to·auddenly realize that he had apmt PH <EN IX

'' u.slloda~_.-....,_ x' .... c:&-...nta.&IIMI& ...... !'llllf- ............... . u auu to oBT Tim oaiUtx•

. i6o pe{.ibolUe.


-~etON· · 'N CtJD OIL A Hr1l ,f.M:-SIIJA: :

Ill i ... w~~·Lm~P . ~-..atut·.-.,..

. llbUten acl ~c: S,._, • ·



·~· · ~t •• ..... ,.. oia &o !)natlta. ' .

· :.PAtiO~TA/tSoA~ •h ~~tbelWh,/:! .. • ...._, e~or


' ,. Pl'loe ~

H H ' I • • i

. Ph7delazal ~ noobullea4

~~!~:·\~ rn,;patt .. ta AlwlA~~= Ml'l'tal ~ ~ to hDp=:o ppe a, &o an1n

OD 0 a YlU '£011 0. • 40 O.aM per boUle • .., .. . I

fte a•t ..u.tao1orr BLOOD FO'llti'IJDlla

Channing's 8orsaparilla, Jt-b a Onn4 KD.UtTK JUIITOU&

'WID eue tbe wont form of 1kill 4lllue r wU1 ftl'lli.bellmAU•m 1 wiLl euro BaJU&heam..

~Arce aon~.., ~oo. ••

ALLEN'S • QJ~N-a BALSA·M · Fi.re Assurance Company.

onet's study; wbile .the master reclined in la'!yer arose to withdraw, buttbe.baronet an unseemly length of• time iJiluamiilitlg his grant ensy'-obair. "We must. not detained him. , MRBter ChristoplierSt011118 a-.nl llad•ofa think to conceal from ourselves' the "Ne, no, Kane-I wlab you would atop~ le~tlmate break- in'-tbe•Sdlrinele olintro­truth. The last time I was in Lon· ')o 'you know this thing comes upon us d~.Uo!b "here is. our old~f\'1~~ whom ~· don l bad a long oonversntion with Doo- kind of crushingly? I bad not tho~h\ tfnnk you will remember, He 'Jlaa' not tor . Hunter on this very subject, and 1 I sliould feel.i.re ihi11. Bl"a me, if I as al.lo~e11 hla legal lore to wear much upon

= OOli8UJIPtiON, ~ 14d~41 'Brobohltll, ~ ..




J oaeph \V m. Baxendale, Eeq. Bristow Bovill, r::sq. T ho Hon. Jamea Rlog. ,J ohn Cluttoo, Esq. Octndua B. Coopc, Eaq. , M.l'. tieoq:e Arthur Fuller, Jt:aq. Cbnrlca B. Goodhart. Eaq. :\1. lthode Hnwltiua, Esq. ::ii r.Joho I.ubboclc, Hart., M..P. , F.R. C har!e11 Tbomu Lucll&, Eaq. Charles Maguay, .l!:sq. l'he lion. l';dwio B. Portmno. Dudley ltobert Smi~, Eeq Wm. Jatnea Tbompaon, Eaq.



\\ lLLIA.)l c. MACDO!'lA.LD,} r'nASCIS B. llACOONALD, Join t Secretar1u

The cngi\Rtltl\en!aOf th ia Offioa are gunrl\a tee~ ~y a Jluru~rou~ 11.nd wealthy .Proprie~y add1t1on to 11. !urge 1nvested Capital ; ansYtbe promptitude nod ~iber.t.liry wit.b which claima have 11.lwaya been met, are well-known an4 ucknowlcdged. .

The importance of t.he tranu.otiona of the

PH<ENIX FIRE OFFICE may be e1tlmated from tbe f&ot tba~ II DOe 'lte eet.ablialuneot-now over ONE HOMO RID YIAJ.I­tbo p&ymeot•lo aat'iafaotloo of Clalma for Lou­ea huo exceeded FotmnEN M ILLipNt SnRLDto.

Ioanraooea agaiuat Lou by Fire ancl I.tebtn­iog are effectt>d by the Compaoy npoo every de•oription of Property, ou the moe~ favorable term•. ·

J aoll

W . & G RENDE LL, , St. Jon's

Agant1 l or Neu:{oundlnnd


.Assurance ·Compa-ny 0¥ LONDON -

ESTABLISHED A.D.', 1821 BoiJaoataBD P.ulT.u ....... ... .eg,ooo,ooo •tr· 't'O't.A.L ! nDTIID l'O!CDI t7P·

W.A.'RD 0~ .... . .. ,,,, . ........... 2,760,000 " AJUJl11oL l!COOWl UPW.t.B.DB 0~ 3~0,000 "

know better than I knew be{ore"- not half friptJned." him. ' · 11 How to treat it," suggested ~ir Rich- " Po'oh I pboh I Arouse yourself, my " Ah, our old Solomon!" excl~med

nrd. as the doctor hesitated. dPar Sir Richard. Bela but a brother"- Jaspe~ •. a cloud which had been, sa,beriDI The doctor took aaent aa be replied: 11 Ah, old fellow. that i!t juat it-my 9pon O}l brow paa~ingauddenly aw_9 aa ·' Yes, you might oall it treatment, brother. If it wu any o~er· man on lhe ne put forth bii hand. .. My cfear Kane,

though the only medicine must '>e ):&l'e foots,ool I But I shall overcome it. Only I am happy to mflet y,u., It jtlvee me and attention to diet on the part oT the think. It is sixteen years sinoe he went joy to meet old friends always. though I patient, and-most iatportant of nll-he away. Sixteen years l-and the senani suppose I ought to oonfeu that I cannot must not worry. You have brough~ on did not find him much clianged. Bless in jua~ioe and reason expect that those this' fit simply by worrying. If you my soul t It is .wonderful how these saDle friends will be aU .~ually slad to knew the nature ofthe ailment"- abandoned rakes, ab"'ing 'bemaelvea see me. I do not fp"rset that I have been

" Look ye, Winabr.-I shall not steal suicidally everJ day. bing pn upon lite?" ~ sad dog in •my lifetime, an'd it is more your ~rade-wby wlll you not explain ·• And yet. S1r Richard, we cannot envy than .,robable that I have oauaed them the thmg to me? Perliapa, if I under· them that life." ah.ttlediaqui~tudeat\imee. f ou&ht. stood it better, I mlabt know bow to help "Trui, Irane; it iJ but ·a living death to say w1th Horace-.Pu4et, hao you cure me." at beat. Ah I" nobU et potuiu~ diri; 11 non

' 1 No, no, Sir Richard-not oure you. The door was opened, and Rlobard potuute 'f'ejeUi. Ha, ha I You aee, Dlok that is im possibl#; but you may prolong' Safton arose to mee~ · I han not forsotten entirely my· Latin' your days. It ia not 80. 'fhe seat of the 11 J.uJ>za· t" .. notwitmtandins the blaokinJ tlioae old difficulty is in the brain. Now mark : · '' Ay,' Dibk, h.erJ f am." · coc\ca of the college save cpe when I waa you have eaten heartily-or, you have Richard wquld have known him any- ,giving the radiance of myf preaeltoe to eaten blood-making food-so that your where, and, aotlng un~er the firatimpulae \heir Clingy old hallJ,"

... ~f JJa tN .. tise4 NrilNI5o, 60 .. U4 tLOO.

' ... I e ' -POR IIIAP.\Otllf"AIU)' dURALGJA,


' J)A VIS" LA WBUCB CO.,Llm., • . MONTREAl!,

Preprletora or General Apdll I • 1'0& ~OI'!ftiS roJUUa •

,.,.,., N PhulliUellfiw•tdldll.._ · Tt/MI Al;tJdN w ""fiiW.I•

system is really overloaded J and you of the mMtlng with bia brother. be had Sir ~iohar.d •at down wl~ a brea~ 10 have not worked with your lhpba to use extended hialland quickly, and hit gr~p deeply c!rawn that it sounded like a moan up your blood. Now you sit and brood was fervent. Jas~r wai but little chang- of~· A.a be 'reaurQ~ hia own gr,at and fret, and worrv, keeping ux>_ a con: ed. In fa~· did not 'eeem poetible cbafr he waved hil Yiel n ·to $beir• .. \a Btant disturbance o! the brain. The re· that so many ,Y ara could' have passed nnd then caat a looki ·th'8old lawyer: sult is n rush of mora blood to the bead since he went way. There were but Tp,,~e was asony Jn e look. and·a Tol~ than is needed tnere, Well, you aee, very few grey bain amona hie ebon ume oC mu~ appeal !I r help • ., But K&ni som~ fine day, when you ought to be ou~ looks, and only a few linea ohilvedn hta could do noUnng. He felt out. ot ~ looktng for comfo~t, you eit here and beara. Hie wondrous mQuataohe wall 'beJe, and dld not take a ... t wltli the brood. Sometnins more than usual not ohansed.A partlol .. ~ ~ol a white hair otfien. Be bad reprded Ju~ with a It baa pennanenUy aDre4 ftr.OVIU"'II comea to fret you~otpes atop of other !n it, and it had the aamt_ ~eful, curv· l~arp, earneet- Jlanoe• U thoaih to look or OMee pnmonbcecl by dootoalaope. worriment-and the sqrglng current in 1ng sweep onr the mouth, and over. up- tlirougb hlrQ if ~slible ;. ~t-the 'upree· :a u yoq han pnmol11&o~9JD~ the brain finds a weak lpot. Pr-t.o 1 on the oheeke, aa of olcl. There 'were tfon of ·doubt and unrest 1i n hie dee~lv aa, euCb u Cou~rb, DUD~ of

b · ""' d d 1' ted ~ m · "· Breathing._ 4:o., donrt deJa:v. bnf 11M

t ere 1a a bru~k-a rqpture-ohn artery more an eeper tneat u~n the brow · corruga ,ace gava au~c ent token t at Prso·e CURE ~on OON8t:1HPTION and a wee drop of blood ~owe out upo~ ~e eyes had•grown a bib more blurred ! the etqdy bad no~ enUsbtened ~lm. .U 1 lmmed!ate~v. Bv T>ruataaa. a& cent&. the braip. Of oouJ'Ie, the result ia J!ror· tbe nose was a trufetbioker, perhaps, an~ for the other-the aavin1 m•nd-.Mr. ~ . . :----:......:..__..:_...::.:::.;::.::;;....::.==.-~ration-iakins awa.Y_ of the senses. That gave token of muoh drink at 10me bygone Christopher Storma-Solomon KGDe abed Q EN [ RA lz 1s the first ahook .. Well, now, naturally time. Not·of·late had be trauag~ in him do"n •without difficulty, end with ~ ·. • enough , beinJ without sense, the pros• that direction, if the signa Upon hie face DO doubt' of the OOrreCtnell ()f hia mental• uu····· a •• , .... ,.\~ tra~d man lYioreed to be quiet for a were to · be trusted. !Q fQrm he qtion, · He was a eoaree low-minded ._ wbtle, and b• geta ~p. Can't you aee now grown a trifle atQuter. and u he drew low, and wbatev6r·may be his former that there is Hp(St in the br&ln~in \hat his gloves hie banda, upon which spar(tl.. ' (el,.tions wi~h Sup¥ ~ft.o#, be was now one particular artery-weaker thad.. h ed aeveral diamond• of eurpaaaillg bill· th..t man'e moat ab]ttat tool &Jlcl puppet, ever wu be!ote? . By-and-by the a~nd liatioy, showed .no aig01 ofJDanuallaboqr.

11 I think, Sir Richard, I aball have to shock came, from jua' tbe same oauae aa They were alightly tanned by e~poeqre, bi~ TOQ a_ood-day. •Don~ rina' for the before-lack of bealtAful exerolae-ebut but delicate In textQre, Bta garb 'was ..nante-I o&D 1lioW' myaell out. I will up -with your sriet and ~ro\Jb!e, · eating evidently of' Parisian make, aud waa of noi lean the ~le." and drlnkins your fgl1 allPW'anoe, and the lateat t'Uhlon and the beatctuallty. Tbe 1barollet' amtohed oat hla hand, t~en fret, fret, fret, QQ\il, flnal11, oomua "Sir ~loliaila, tblt f• my; vel')' dear GQd b&V·Ufticl himaelf trdm lila oliair l o1g. fret, anc! tbe weak pl~e givu ou' friend, C~,taf.opber S~rnla_. · ltyoq ooqld iQu,, ·~der waa the eqa.otlon, . 10 le agam. or OOQtSe=tre it D)Ore #~ of kno" ho" ~qoq I 01!• hlQJ, JOQ WOQld lt p-. all~wed tbt h.~er to 10 blood upon the b Q ~la $izpe tb~ ~~~ not wonder tJJ•t l brQgcbt ~iDJ witb m_,e. Ola!J · was before, ·~d q t. altrP ctlot Jl em»~ I rhave ~een ., llo~ .~~·Q 'be lAt ¥,Or • Uttl• after Kl.• Kaae bad .IOU. ed. But nature Ia mlsbt"y, ~d • ~ 1ear, !D4 to thJa ~ .. ll I oweapy life. Be· nOf • •ont wu apok~. 1uJNll" 1&11d help itself. Enfbroed rest tlOmu again, gave J»t l9el"r iR lrl• QWQ ~ : !'pon'"~ir Ri®arq, and:Bir Blofmd, (~1· and perhape asain the aubjeol..reooven ; me bapk f,O lff,_ ,.ben J W&l tnl IA~P balitullii.Jla~· of t~e ·tiutlti~ but be aure. alr, ~ old weak s. 484Ci '; aqd ti'1Pr aole4 tbe part • kep$ hie bead~~ At lOQalh• at • weaker than eviJ DOW· The ~~ h rql b~her. Jqdelt4, I frollr ·hla OO~lOD, Cbrli&O~ aives out. ao muoh blood ! •r Uaa,. b• fQf hlJ I~ up aDd lila the rooai, o&qdq, aeatb mUtt follow, Y o1J)4 ~aye Dntr ~- ~· bebiDd lalm U IJt WtDt. · have Jtad p the ftelb. t 4 pipl.oq~ • ['1'0 • OOI'tDua&K] the third I ~ ba$ DO& ~· · ter at St. u.w'ftN~· B:OIIl4&al •.o.u.a.u• dMI~ta b7 lal~Julaoq

HBAD OHnOJJ: ~ . }0~ ~A.Nlf~N ~~· ~DVN, ·~~: . 9&Plta1 :--~1,000. OQO StJt , a.u,..... ·~ 011.. al~DG~t an klq;. g, · t::.-tr bi Newfoaadlaad ~t.low-. po.~.-..,;

I v

. -


'OONBER 28. m

Misn.:.11e-Aouet. r. I tbe doctol' lbe oaplala wlMIJ reraltd IO take ltrr ~~"" 5f wltbou' an t&tttodaat. . . _... ... ,...,. ..... -~14"-'"_..,....-1nror.---!77':r--,.----.... " Sbe aeedr at1e11daoce nfab' ud day. autl I he

(,_, tA. ~lo ~,... ~ 14. ) atewarde• bu all ebe oao do alrt.clJ," be aid. LA1JD 01' ~ AWD.,V8MM, :io tbia poow',~tirl *"rowed •••J ehoreirard tou·

....,... . • inac re~tleaely opou her s:-lle~ beoeatb ~be bot ~til Fq~·~~. T~if to lfe,rtt.\ucUaDd- 11un'a ray11 tend 'cnrried back. to ber l..-d to ti~bt

WheD \he &hip O'Oiliee H~e 'fllat i\ her fierce r,,er ooalded by medical altill. X.,. 0D, tb~ ~b~Of~1be OQt• ' llere. at U~y I St. (ieorJre, U1e lar~et~t ~etll~ break of Dlpb.~ at.~ If ...:4 Great me11~ oo th wcet coaat. our beartli b•'" ~eo 110r• Jleecl AloDa the Oo&ftt-~h~ ement of r,or the ai It folka, wh!' came ahyl1 over eacb dlly Ba.:r st. ~-:-~ of &be 81okaeu to aee • the doctor "

· -Oapw.in BlaWUord, tbe J'&IDOQa leal " What CI\D I •In ?'' htc M:fl fft whimsical ror· RUDter-Tbe Frlendl! .FeeliDar 'Be,t.ween pl!Wty. •• A •1rit•eo prucrip"oa ia valoelea to FreDch aud Bngliab OJtl~re-The Lobater them (or lbero ·are uo drul(a to be had nearer Fi8berlea-So~e Awf~ DoaraenL tb.u1 lllllif:ax or St . • Jobo'a, aud ~GO. wilea ie

t • I'>•


- I • BAY ST. G&otto~. Nltd., :t\ugu1t.

u Wbfn our abip oome' hom~·· ia not a •~ne goldeo futurity to ~be Nlwfoood&andor. but a 'fery de&olte detennioioJ( polut tlaat cbt.,, lhe bearta of wallioa fltberwiY .. or fllla tbem with forebodlnga accordioa to -the look exper&l'&tctd, aad. the a amber of qoilitala eeob retaroiug fiah­log-boat oootaloa. Affau• oatlooat. ooo1merciil. aoolal, domNtfo-all reeolve aodl. rHOive npou. aod about the &ablo~. aod tbe aallYM vle• ttYery pbue or life from •lhfl llAndpOfDl. "). 1rood YOJ•I•" u tbey uae tb11 term mea.oa phon11 of 81b aoct cooaeqaent' prueperity. "A bad 'fO.Yaae" meaua povertJ, dealltu&ioo, poasible all\rutioa ~or mmnJ loa.: mootfla· till lbe 6ebioa HIIOD oomea &~rain. _

h baa beeo eoalomarJ lo paat y .. re for the Newfoundland Goveromeo~ to vote a lar~te ap· propriatloo u a relll!f food for dntit.o~ tllber meo, a boooty tbat baa wroujlbt. "&Yil 1reeulta And beeo tomewbat oabttaed, , ... tba&, anertbeleaa. bu helped to tld•mnr a poor 'family over hard aeuooa. Maoy. of &l}ue aimple folk belieYe that. &bie reUef ia alforded tb~na by the Queen. aod oomM dlreo& from ber private pone. Ooe old womap who received a 1mallar amouut than uao.t laatyear. lookt•l pitiful at •n oftl,.jaJ aad rematk­ad: •• J!:h, •lleu: but tho Qu~en mu1t lla•e hMd a bad yoya,za. poor tbiu.,."

It 11 a alnaolar tbsov bow the 81bioa varlet In dlffereot lol)allliea. ppoo the deaolat11 oor•h a~ore ot the laland tlht flahJog bu been nry poor. apd JDPilb olelliiOilOD will eDIJJe dqrio~ tbto oomlolf t~~lpter oule11 ple81orea of rtlltf are taltttu.' Upon the lAbrador · coaa&, 10r011 tb1 atraitt. moat oLeery reporta awaited Ql, aDd we found mao aud women buaJ aplittlnlf. paokloa. aahiua, yet qeaable to biDdle \be fall drao11b"- of 6ebu Upon tbe weet ooaal the reporla are moderate, tbe berrlDif and lobe~r, ·~Job are lbe llhief flab· eriea oo tbe ~•tt beillg fal~lJaallllao&ory. '! 'be &ab may oome lo 1boala at oae apot, while teo mllee away there will be .Q,C]De.

W J toupbed at raJiona porta OD the Labrtdor , poa,t, ooe or two o~·~lob oolJ J abaJI meotloo

J:Jo• pold J~ wp Qo' tJs1 nortbe,u "'ore Wrap­pef)lp tJapDel• ~d •Jnter po•~· wft~ hanliJ lo opr poch~, w• ,&Clift JJp t~~d 4PWP "" d~pk In •PdtJror to lri•r w~r~J~, Jt ... ~ &o reall~

/ that eariJ 4aapa d.,. ••rut>oo• Jlt. •Pwrappiog aoutbtro ohlea aod towoe Ia anltry beat.

- J

We reaehed Bed Ba7 oae eYeoiag a& auoaet boor, wbeo eky and earth were roee-red aod a gloty &ooded laud aod aea. Jt !1 a pretty apot. a bill·eooiroltd lnlrbor bolilioa a awall leland io 111 centre, witb J11tle white oouapt aroaped ·~reap ; there 1re eot~•o~ tbe malolaod alao IP JJIJ ,.at~lemeal cppfHDJoe ftlout !JOQ lpbabit­Qlta. i• dJrided b.J f"""'P' a QUUIIIF mile of wat•r•oy. 'l'Jle l bip. bQat waa lowere4 aod •e w~re bait wa1 dowp 'h ladder, trbad 1 number of 8ahloa boatt that bad pu& oat from ebore oan alooalidf.

\ ~ . Golder's Patent Victoria' A.noruir'and on Buoy. . '


' ... " Ja there a doctor aboard ? • called oat, aad a

doaeo ansiooa, optoroed faeee awaited tbe re· piJ. .

" What'a tbe matter ?'' we auawerecl. wltb rt• tnro_qoery.

"Welt, ~h·r~·, a 11aeer ~IP.d of alo~p,.a broke on& b•r• Jaat ,.,ek-r• ~1t Ill obo.IR IJP of tbr "'""•'· •net "" Ullfl

1t ~qo~ b~Jt •~ot •• mi~rhc.

be dir.tltiiJ. .\ pbJfd dja'tJ YIM"t~aJ. AJ~<i &lOW tbaff' • 1 IQt A~ gth~o,~ M1 ,ife't preu, tJt.d I'Pd the oblld._ ,~a_cs; ~'i ~b., Ml on tbt hlapd lf there'• 1 d or a~aoaa fOil, uk Ltlm for Uod'e .Ut to eo•• ore. •t

· We were fortuaat1 In bavlo~r aiDOII oar p11· ••aera Dr. St.,rer , of Newpon, a well·kuowo aod e~alaeat Amerloaa pbJIIoi~. ~o 1a makia·a a'pl .. ar, triP ~rouod the bland, CQ whom I •w IPDQh IPdlibr,.4'fP.r ~~, l~ra! ,1, ~Ret ,.1m; l•partlal e>piDIPDI QODOtrRIPJ fllttll . t•f~qod· laud queetloa.. · •

Be a&Uie promptly at o11r allaUIIADio aod l•alu'r oflr &be ., .... , •• tldt 1Dtcle 1 few ta-qulrfee. • •

" No, we haven't an~ eect!,otoa oor liquor, a or ., ~!-!p't ~QOW w!Ja' Jt,ia. aDd &biN &ao't any dop&pr alAD} ~j)lf !~Pr~." 10 ,thJf aoatreiU. '

'fh~t dAPH!r ~til Ill ~A .. II ·i~hl ~Ret qrerbaqled tb• QllldiPIPP pbeat. • llipb·oootfio•4 oQIJ a few ta~ele .. drbll aod after · •••reblQg nlolr for a dlatPrtttaroa, ptt.ered aome elmple remedl• aad ••• ro••d aabore, 'fbe capCalo bad lteued ordera 'bat 110 ou~ 1bould ltue .&be , ... , or

( I • # I '- I '· l o • • .. Urdtra or • llO eQ oome aboaJd; ac out. or private atorea we found . Me".la' Is . Aw' ar.d e·>W Mlln til Co, Harbor G ."" . a law cJehoaoiu. aud dropvi~.~~t thirD Into ~be 6ab-. . liJ ·· · • .Ji'.l ~ · • U • ' · F. W. GOJ~Dl!iR,t IPa )?oat' we watched tbem row abor .. ard .1"-~ nol(jj,.f.O: Al!'OJ4! ~'li. ;..; ,_ '·' ' 'lA.Ie o.IJI-q/ A! A' T .'CD;'B. B. obrooab tho ,.,,~ol<t ••r~ J•f' •or•loo

ptol.alJ treclfo!.:¥J.J*tloa~o~ c{o.t~ altd r«:ipilflt of(M Gold Mtdlll lroal tbnlootor'• lip•. l bear' Mat ftotl of &be · of ..-.ta, rom •be f1ioi4t &utlf;Jt 'O. ~ DlploM /fW rioJilJ dt' Ill Filltmu OMe. • . •

. · IJa4-U aapeneclM all o•b•ra, ~ l' Jq'WWiioa, to ,'1888. " '1 foobd fc to be dlpht ... rla of a ••'1 riroleot

=~· ~ .a, olb•r .t••n~':P" • . GULIIBB'S flltFOBIA .PA'IH· OIJ, BUO f. ·!!.~·;o!:~~~icb;~ ~~ m:~~: ·:! ot~:~~~~~ lrd-Jtnaao• ~ fo.Wl bJ oabl .. onr l' or A~ 'A flol4 ...._, .. till atPMI•• ooYer.t 'fbe rtm•IDdtr ,of tbe , obUdrtD were

.,.., &tJ l.l4 o.,.a. . • • .. ~114Uoa• &Ill, plaJ&Da ab9os, •hb DO acte~p• M lto)adaa. I {tla-h•IDif• h• o••·fo~r~ '~'~"oqm oa Aad oow QMd ltJ' alt .. ~r.,. Jiltet of lltlloir for- "9,' • pbfld~a fa a thtd ud PY•lu&rootloaa

or rail, ctDlJ projeothir ~oo& a/~t from elp aod baaklnt V.bctl" uot of lhla- .U a"''' ~Pt~P•,r.M~\bo0,1 ~b1P11dfl!t'•'!.~'..!ll ~ .... r.'!/~4•. Y .... l't.W. ·~~~ -~~ --~ "'--L- 1 L.- baaal;eo c•••raJ....,f:aotJuD, utt~moblal•••· u.. ., .. II J·tl,...., tti .. -~--·• .. .., -~-- tomt ... lnJfo4JflJ. Wpro biJ

14114PDtr. ~ ... ID Ia. ••U bJ ....... of • 'laabler •• ,~oqJI.6lU&tl,f, ___,. • lhrt ilea 'bert •• •DO_....,. .. IID&a•a.

&all ........ irta oo iotfDtoe1Mf1. J ' .. ,'*'YU'W'\VIAT.. •lttbbora aa4 olaUitriD mlDN lletl7 ~ lllok t.a.-lt OMDOt polllbiJ foql tbefo,••ft»l ~ Tb~ f ' llo'l\t~~ -~-~~,.~ r~C • ~ 1 011 .. ~ber11r1 PO'f't~kslaf .. .DO eai!Atala"C. ._,4

pa6111 .... a. • .a.u...WaiHOQNd. . 1 , , . ;..: .... • 111 ., PP~·~ rom ~ptd 11'• -.od~oraotao~iDlbe~, hoal4doa,otblar 7tla-Ut. .. euler ~ CGt aodJ-• aad 110111 taa.o . H~''D~al& 11'dfMidPP:!fJL~!~ f u-!"' ba& nie a little alum til•• I •oarrlad wlua mf ud

..,'OtiM~aMIIot. . ,. . • , .. · ~· ~aolil, ~ ":'7,fHH-... "bo ... o u.r- 1tv~ ~111e afmple lottraa&lo- Tbe people an --Tbe nu·· GaD be Ida pill aucl bor-o ..... ~I . ' • \ \ l "" 1J1;1oraauod bave DO ld'ea wba&IO do. How

.......... ._, lfiM ,,..... . tlla -1 llan aaecl alae Ylo&orta OU , 11, \t~ cjlaeue will ep..a•l .. MI•JJ h bu ww.•.t ,. ..... ,., bJ ~e.':i~~· W~l Ia aile lllak fllfll1 III•PM. el ~ .· · · · •. J . ; . , ··• • :.'J~._f.i.:Odc~s::g • ..-,..~I .. -~••1• .. a otPI •II• _......._ "to -.:a... •.J• ~~~ ~· -"'t II ilafel'il• tor- 11 I••• &b ... I*IJ~IO lboald be ~-~ ..,. -:::::~ _.of


rather a IODfl journey." To-day nt.,dioner hour the doctor wl\llllummooed

to eee a mao who had tra velled 011 ro~a ao wilea 'fld'in n little 11e&tlemeot called Crabhe to get advic~t for hh• dau~h!er. · ·

"1 aat down beaille him oo a torr," eeid the doctor. "llnd be tolt.l hia atorr. Hia daughtH, "~eirl of aixteeu, bu had mearele, aud oow aee1o1 to be •iokio~e fro'm ioaoitioo. She oeilda wiu11 aut.l oonriabment prohably 'J'be mao bearrl 1 waa here. and atarted oir yuterday, tramping nli'' oiaht lhruugb the bueb. I gave bim wbu ht~le atlmulao~ we barl, loh. ond cbureci him up. 'l'be poor fl!llow toolt our a fuabby puree and eo. ~ulred JlY fee. He bae arirted on hi• rtturu JOoroey and will prooably walk all nhtbt &11aio. · It may ba to Hod hi• child dead wiJen luurrivn.''

It Ia dark to-oiaht aod the wawea are moaniuu ov11r tbe aand. ,Yt•t 1 beard only tba eouod of that fttt.er'a footarepa 111 be lrl\·elleiJ h!a weary ~0 mllea tbrouah aturoblloa brueb and O\'er rouab rock a, ao4 I' wonder wuh aobina·bea" what b11 hom•·OOillln~e will be. ·

•· Doctor," 1 aald. " we have aeeo a uood deal of alckoua In oar trip round t he lalaod, a&•d baard of more. \Vbat do you anppoee ia tbe cauae ?''

"Starvation," be aQs,ered •• F11h diet \Vhnt tbde people need I• a~ of rout beer The place Ia healt hy coon(l!!) Ano•her t~iOJr the.Y netd it a Govt~rumeot that will 1peud e little time In looklog af&er &hem hletend of ~uarrelliog among tbemat~lvu; and a little money Ju prQvldlng f->r p· gper medioal auneillaooe io. 1tead of equa.n4.,rtt•~t lhonund• oo revooua oque~ to epforce •he 8~it Act "

(Conoludtd in our uert.)


- '-Tlie Advantage or Preaenoe of IQ~4 in an

1 Emer~en,cy.

Daring tbo late atrike oo tbe Na" ¥'ork Ceo­tral llailroad, the Qlllltia trer- 1 ord•r•d CQ ba lo readloua sn cue of a rJot, bo' tbty were not called OQt.

lo ap loterfllltr, Uov Hill anid the troop• were ·not to be olilled upon nc.1pt lo oaae of an emerjriJ.IO)'· "Tbe- emergeooy ltad noc arleen, therefort they would oot be order11d out. lie remarked tb1t tbla waa the £rat ~treat. all ike wilb wbioh be bad bad nperieoce, aot.l be did not propcae to lo1e bia bead ; the only point at •bleb tbere had thea bsen acricut trqnble wu al Syracaae, .lud tl.ere a dpp!Jlf· •berilf had loat hia bead aod presipitl)l~d t o encounter.

Tbe atri~o eqntjouj!d aever•l weeh. and thoro W.. riotOJJI aQtjop at flriOUI pointt a)OUi tbe roat( bqt the ciril authorhiea 'fOre able &o cope with i& without calho~e ou thl' mtlltla. ~te•~ of a mao'• real ablltty cornea wben

·an emergency arilra wbicb makea a buty call on bia good judameot and dhcretioo. 'l'be mao who r•taiaa bia pretence of miod, maintain• his e~aipolae aod exerciaea acood d iaoretioo at auqb cnlioal juaoturea, ia to be rellod on a114 will bo 1:111' CQ Ule front.

Mea whb leyol ~ettdl bue tbe 1taylog qaalj. tiH 'fbJq~ d" DOl falter ia t.be face of daoier, Otla .\,. Cnle of J\.lm•m,n, 0, Jqoe lO 1800 :"'it~• : ·: Ji• ~~~~ fo~ll or JNStj ~ "" fuell~~r ver1 111 1 goo•Hilll~ It ~ogtor ac~d be aald 1 bad Brlaht'e dllfau of tbo iidooya aDd th"l t.e wool<! oot -••Rei lA my eboee for tho tlate ·of Ohio.". Hat lie dld oot loae QO\Iraae or ilve up 1 bo aaya: •• l !latr tbt CutlraoDial of 1\h Joho Coleman. 100 Gre~o11 8trott.. Now l::laYea. Cono, aAd l wroto \_9,blm: · lo due time 1 reoeivt4 ~n ftn'"" atallolf &bat tho te•liQIQPj,l Jh~f h• a•t• •aa reo14io' IH~· pof e>ferdrtttJo is aoy ~artioolar l tooj· a rqciii tiitto7~ottlp• of Waroer. Salt Oure; baYe pp~ ta~'" ttDf fpr AAI year '1

Qof fUll i1 aoooooted a Yorr •11eoe.afol mRo; he Ia tool aod oalolllatlo~t aud ~loop '<> 'be ol&~~ tiM• do Do' lo11 their beada when emeraeo. ·ot" arlit ·

-....,.. Mia Loqlae l:lepsdorlJh1 a highly reap~cted

and rer1 popular young l~&dy ot Gastonia, N. CJ, fll,ilin" to •ppelt' ., llre~~okfut one day laet weelc, her mor.hea· -ent. to ••certain ~he reuoq of her taadineaa, and to ber borror foqqtS ber d11112htrr lyins: t~till in bnrf, ~~t~ n 'l OI)OrlllOUI

r•t tleen•ke 110ile<J qpon her ba·eaaG. The youqg l•dT •u aL tirat ~bougbt to be dead, frotJJ bar rigid an:i ghKatly •ppear~toee, and her &7e•, ataaay and lixed, atarinq a~ he!' hid· eou1 bed fell~w; Lut, peroeiving that abe 11till breathed fr~intly. tbe f.~t~ily were coofroqted by the pt oblem of bow to kill thet reptile without. provoking it, ln wbteb ~ it waa inobaole t.h~tt lr. would llL~,.olf tbl! girl, '

At l•!t ~ bqwJ o( tPilk ·~ plsoed on the qoor jn IP tl&h', and •fU»~ 1 few minutea' ·~peAte tbe, brtd tbe aratitlcation of aeeing ~ije •n•k• unooll i'Aelf,and allele down the ai4e of tbe bed LO the bowl, wbete lt waa kill ·

~ bf Mr. llepadorpb, 84'orl .. were then

tle tQ rNtore· 'be young l•dy, bn~ it w..a ll ttY(dent ~ht&t abe hati )oat ·ber llJtQd1

When t~JC>Icttn to abe betraya nQ ttigq of bav. toa beard, bar. when 4iat"r~ed ttQi~ • •harp, lti.-JDJ eouod1 1fhiqb II aa14 to beuao.lyllke &baa mtad• bt•ul aD&II'J reuleauh, ancl wu p~l1 tl.- ••train( the reptile ,..,e her wl*ae•er abt moYed. 10 ,.. tbe lu' 'blna efte WQ OODIOiOIP pf, .

·&ow loua t~• poor Rlrl bad Jalq al4ring la\o &be ..... u. aa..mtaa .,~ ~' •h• aaa~

l•1loa l&a 'iT• ~l4 tllllr qalam be: akin .,m r lit ~ttewaa. bot liM or·

nat &o il 1 1'1~ ID&a abadder. hei bit4a liia·,to .. DO

•llllllllllu&ir• .......... •U'1bM .. dct ..... hittDi u b ID'*'t Tlie ~-

illl.~I.NW.-IIf•ltltirt·~ !!I


CONSUMPTION which can be cured by a timely resort to this staud­:ml preparation, as bas been pro,-od- by the htmdreds of testimonials reooived by the prqpl'ietors. It is ncknowl~ edged by many prominent phyaicinns to be the most 1·diable prcpar;ition evet· in­trotlncccl fol' t he relief and cm·c of nil Lnng compJnints, • 11<.l is offered to the public, s:mctioncd by the experience · or 0 \ .CI' fot·ty years. When resorted to in scnson it sel­dom fails to effect a speedy <:nrc in the most seyere ca ·es of Coughs, :&·ollchitis, Cmup, \ Vhooping Cough, lnO::~uzu, 4,sthma, Colds, ~o1·c 1~ht·oat, P ains or Sore­nt':-;s in tho Chest nnd Side, Li,·cr Complaint, Bleeding

• :1t f he Lungs, &c. Wistar's 13:lhnn docs not dry up · a , :ough, ond leave tho· en use ~ h"hind, n.s is tho case with a no. ·t pt·cpal'ations, but it bll. ens and c:lcanses the hllig>li, and niluys ~l'l'itntion, t hun rcmoYing thO' cause of tho complaint.

... l'nl\t'An£D DT C!:1'll \V, FOWLE 6: SONS, l!ost0111 Mu•••

.\n.J ....,;,\ p;· Druc;;IJ:,Q t~n:l D~!!l~~l:OIICI'IIIIt For ll&lo hyT. 'i\[';\{urdo& Oo,, St. bo's

NtJo. . ' •

Nbrmao'a EL£CTRO·~URATt\'£ Delta ood Jneolea

I UNt-:QAULL£0 I For tho Reller Clod C UR& or NtUt \·ous lh.BtLm-. I NDIO£STION, RaeulfATJSll '$LB£rL£SSN£SS, SEXUAL W EAKESS. and all N'erw'lna Diaeaaoa. Eetabliabed 1874. CoN-ULTATJON AND CATALOOU£ Fa&£ A. NORliAN ~ m t 4 QU££N ST. E., ToRONTO, OST.

N. 8 -TbeJO Applimocea are largely imitated bat DGVQr equalled.


Newfound land. No. 2, 1890.

TO. MARINERS. Northern Penguin Island. 0 rnllu S. W. mag, frow Offer \\'ad bam. bland

Light . Latitude, ..... 49" 26' 66~ North: . 1.,onaitude ... 6:l0 48' \V eat. •

A oironlar I noN 'l'ow£n a11d a (wood) keepera' dwellloa bave beeo Otllctert on the aboYII-oamecl lalaud. where tbero wil l bo exhibited olalitly, on •nd after Ootober lat, from aunaot to auorlee, a •tb Order Dloptrio

F•xed White Ligbt, l~-\\'ick Cooceotrio Lamp.)

It lllumfnatea tbo whole horizon to a d letance o( Nloe milu.

From bljlb water to buo of tower, 2~ teet. hom baee to centro or lijtbt, 42ft . liU. From higb~tator mmrk tobue of vane, 07 feel

10 loeb. Tbe ~oota aod tower are oaiotetl red aod

wblte altt~ruately, In vertical atripee. The booae Ia attached to th11 tower ou ita outaro aldtt.

· Uy order. W. It STlllLl~G.

ecrtlo"IJ• Board of Wort. f)IUca. 8t. Johu'a l ' · . ht. Sept. 1890. ' S Non-Tbe work of alterio~r \he lil(bt oo Wad.

bam lalaod, from a Fixed to a lhvolvio~ ooe, Ia DOW' 00 baod aod due DOtioe WIJI be &IYID of Ita oompletloo. tltpt. 2B.hn .

Balr·Dressing R~om, . » ater ·Street, Harbor Grace . ...

Paul ~•gins, Proprietor. 1'be RU<nl1baa b;:;;iOoved ooe cJoor w•• ?

or tbo ol~ itaod. Old·aod oew oattomere wUl reoei•• r-.ct1 at~udaooe &o &belr wute.

· ltAVL JUCJODra, llropritt. Jaae 6. ~890. .





~~? l!lurbot -•~~·ue ftaullarll

~'.} .V<.:F./'7'/0N B:lY ADVEilTISER. _ ........ ~~--- ,.,., .... _.__,..,_..,,., .... _..,.. ............ --....... TUESDAY, OG fOU I!!lt 28. 1890.

THE MCKINLEY .. TARIFF. Bcvo:-~o all n~tmnl'r of donht. it is inter~t·

ing lo 1 6 ta Lhe effect. upon t he European rr.ind of tllllt Rw.coptng, if not. .-I moat prohihiti ve m easure- t McKinley T~&ritl, the ~lfect.a of which will 111ke themseh·es felt io. every cournry that h11a dealings whh the United ~ttt tes. h m y iotere~~t the render to know tha r,hriefiy, . ensure pro vidrR Lhr't after tho fit~ of next Mttrc nil ~trticle14 of foreig n mer· cha ntli:r.e, sr ar•e ll!llllllv markotl, 11t.amp od. l.ranJPtl, otnd l"hetlecl, :.nd rtl! pnckuges cour.u iuiog lmclr or otiu~r imp:>rtt!•l Rrticles,Hhllll be plainly uuu ked, lllamprd,t~r·antlcd,·or Ill bell­ed in logii.J I,> English wonl,.,ll., ll8 to iut.licale the country ot their· origin, and nQ.lep ao ru~nkod; stamped, bran ~ed, o t· I• belle~, tbey a hall n9t be admitted to entry."


Tho British pre~<s, lUI W'! have. noticed be· forA, ware n.uch I'Xoiterl over the McKinley Tud tf. T -> quota one ot• Lwo of them only, the l .onclou Daily Xews l'emllrked · thnt " the refuslll of the United StateA LO buy from ua cnnuot deprh·e u~ of the lneatimate advnntage of h'•ym~~ them, whenever they ba,·e

· llUJthin;z worth Ot\r acceptunce. Unr trade C.O''Ors ~he globe, a nu, in one corner or tbe other ot it,-in Aaia or Africa, or on the con .. tintmt of A m!!l'ioa itllnlf-tbe enterprise of our· tt aders will no doubt, in a 11bort t ime, tiuJ tt moro t hnn sutUcient compena\\tion for oi l WA m~y lose by thi11· incredibly foolish t."lc.lau r·e." .

anothe•· PRI'>Ol'; tho ~lidlamd Evening Newl, 81\ )' 11 : "we do not carA to_en1er into the quea· tion ot a European combination against the 1J u itNI Status. \V e prefer to confine our· sch·e" to thl' defence of the interests of the wm·k rng cl.ssst>s in t iH• United Kingdom. T lav)• wtli bo mo•e nfl't>cted bv the tarilfll than nny othut· l!eotion or'tho c'orumnoity, for it ur~l\~~~ t lte' closmg of mnrltets tlgainst huae ponillth:l of the tcoods which they ha ,.e been ttccn,;wmc•l to prodnco, Jhe conaequencll of which must be lillie work or lo wet· wa~tefl, AK J ohn tuart Mill, in hia book on the P rinciples of p ,1!i ticRI E conorur.'' tntly waya : "'l'hu llnly modo in which 11. conntry ottn sllve itllel f fro m bei ng n lo~e t· hy the rel'enne du ties i rn ,.ooscu hy other oonntl'iPS upon its commo· dt llt!i i~ tu impoae corresponding revenue tl u · tic11 upon thPira."

J '


Bu t it i11 not tha Briti11h public mind alone th .~t w .1s !.tte ly much exe rcisrd over tbe above oneronll measure. The French "lao wu equtll ly Bll. A. P11 ris despa tch of tbe 11th in11t. lit A ted t hat t he agitRtioo O\'er the new U ni tecl :3tntes tRriff In w has been greatct· than ed~r d uring tlee IR&t week. The \VildP.st ideas 111< . to the 11cope aud Pfft:o t ot tho law were vre,·nlent. Lyons virull'ntly remon· etnHecl .1~ainst hel\vily-increRRed dntie11 on "i lk: Bon lartux was ~all~· excited abortt wine, and Lhf! w ho!e of Frnnc~> Willi in 11 condition of irriltttion nod .11.pprebension, which waN re­flected Ly the newspaper11.

" The Meat Inspection Qill." VERY MARKED DECLINE.

I~ t he abo ''~' connection, there la "nother m eAAure uot long 3ince paaaerf hy the Ametigan Congres", \'iz. , what. is known as 11 the M eat Inspec tion Bill," the conaiderl'tion of whigh b ru1 much interest for the intelligent reader. 'fbis rne~tsure, W t! a re told, is, somethin~I like its Later - horn brothe r, tht> ~toKinley Hill,­" orre of the most RweApiu,2 meunres eva • da · vised by a law- makinJt hody; it puts a power in rho· hands of the Prcsidon t enablin~r him at will to min tbe trade with Awer!U& of any o( tho olfond\ng ntl~ionH. The Tariff' A.ota fix dutiea nn.~ methods of Ouawmv adruinlatr4 ti()n, which may bo Ji.Rtuteful to . foreign mMchants and transporters, but they do not &to(\ trade. This. law, however, pr.>videa for an ombar·qo, tntol o•· partial, llt the direction of t he Pres ident, upon the tradf' with the United States of auy nRtion continuinst ita ofi't! nRi ve inspections and exclusion11. It Ia passed in the ugrioulLural 1ntercat1 llnt.l that powerful claRS confidently flSJ>f!Ctl ~bat tbe radi9al reta liatiou11 it provides will fully re · atoM tbA European markets for' Amerloan cattle and pork products,"

We learn fu rtber that-Senator Edcnuod1. of V ermoot, waa tbe fr&llllf

ot tbie l&w. aod ha• been uraloa It Qpoo Coowreae enr •lace tbeae .Europoan dltOrlmlnatiooa begeQ. lta advocatea contend that American aarioult~traJ depre11ion Ia mainly traoeable t<*beae dieoriml­natlons 1ma tbtt h le the mlialoo of America to f~ttd ~uro~. • o1&aral oooclltloo agalaat wblob Fnuee, GertDaoy. and, Boalaad In rarfou. pu­dculare •t• wtooafully oootondloa. 'fbey .. y &bat tbe dutre io each n~t! la to noladt abe Amerloao product, and tb & Ule excaee for UQ• favorabfe aotioo, that por or cattle may be dlh eaetd, Ia merely a eubterfuae. A •iaoroua re­~iA&ion by eJOladioa lbe produota of tbOM oouotritt from t~e Uolted Statea, after datJ!aO• ttoe. Ia deolarid to be the ,b111 aod epeediiN reatedJ, date tbre•Moed atcaok npoo tbelr home &rade bt1DI frans:wlth h!Jh dirt OODMqUIDOH co tla .. th .. to ld ic &bey will epe1dUy oeue tbelr oofalr dWa loatloo.

Tbe TW. ardcle rro"D which we .IIDte .»naiaaee :

••'fbt etrtct o! lrottlle ·&aropeu ...._ bll beeo lb64rD ha u.e dlmiDIUioe·dadaf nonUMN

· oC oertain ..._ of Am_.ou eqorta. Doe• to 1811 ~a fOlk piOCiu•• lila nr•rfottd ..... 10 ~,.,......~··bot hi .... ~ J'naoeaa4'thrauj_~ .......... ...--. ..... ---po111r11111M ....... ....

were ihu• oal nt llritlata pot&a uoep&luc oo the 1tte diJ oLhor .a.,n \be' ~"'*P of au t~a&bllaa O.,ndltJI)ft nf elanflbllr ltft rt~ave Afr•• Am"l. At Or &be)lfool&aM\Ioii 'ohDirttal lew~in &he 'l'h• r11alt hu bela tba& •he aana•l eaoon or I &Arfl&orJ aflcMd, ...,tt'•,.. .E!f w)llola .... _. wu pork productta hu dtollotd froaa llO' OIJO oo.l t11 Mbo. Tbe alkaalilpsl· bai be-• ftr1 tle&riJ. 869.000 000 and the Dll&Ut ••pon from 517.000. • .. , fonb u f~ bt' Jtr. q ':411• in a ClOG tn •10.000.000 Tbe radloaleaoluuooof pork . . "n. ___ .. _• from Fraooe Ia ebowo bJ a oompaneoo or •rade letter to tbe LoadOD·0....-4cln. ~ I r-etaroe-pork esoorttd toFraooelo 188u ower 68.- 1 ~twfOQD~d .fi-JO,• ~blt Go•ma· OOO.OOOlb ·; lo 1889, oalf SI.OCOlh I& Ia DO woo- meat. . . dar tba' the • Farmer'• Alllaaot'IDd all the o&ber • 2. No pnwtr oua ~~ It' froiD · laer ln&t tbU of vu~ -.crlcnl&Oral lolel'llta up Ia arm• wbtD .,.elmPf"ri&l parHameo•of Gtea&·Udlalar aucb a abowlog ae lbla Ia tDade, r tba& CoDill't!., S. liar oharter bu uo• beto 1upeod~. aad DO baateDe with praotloal aD&Dlmlty. redr011 &heir ooeroioa aot ul11a bJ wbla!t '"- ·Oritiala aaftl wroou by euoh a ewteploa m DM aa 'hu re· p.ln'r le made 1aperior &o &be oi•ll power of .. e

I. I " • I ' ta tatory aw. • CO ooy. ·r • . " Mr. Roben B. HIU, of Illlnole, who hu been f . 'fht looal. OO!lrta were t6e proper loatra•

Secretary of the J'merloan Ltptioo io Parie, meota to eoforoe tbir ordfta of the lml'8rial an· aod Ia now obalrmao of the Forelsro Affairs Com- tborltiee, uaumloa tba& tbe powers ooolerred mittee of the Houee, deeeribed tbe object aod tbe D.ritleb 'fOweratuen&' had oo& ~eo gan,~~:~a•••u. aoimua of the meaaure He eaid that Fnuoe 6 No order from Uae·:Adtuiralty or Foqa he~rao ita war upon Amerioao pork a boa& tflo Oflioe oao override tbe ~'otioo of the oolooy. yeare ago, uDder Ule io8aeuoe of ~boae iateree&· 6 !lad aoy· loae of life' tuDed ·b,. ~ia&&oO. &o ed io French pork. which ooald Dot ataod!, com- Sir Haldwlo. Walker. be ~.Ill& have e&oc?d bia petitiqn io &be market wltb the obeaper aoa bet- trial for murder, -.or . laue been, rel!t•ed . bt • ter Amerioau product. aud th•t tbe preuoce ap•olal aot of •h• lm~~rial Puliameo&; au " Aot

-fW 'ID IDITOl Of m IN..DAID ] ' D lb.-

1 'JOG tflotr .... ·~ lo JODr ...-r 14. .. ; .... .,.,.. ...... bow ,, ll ......... r~ Wlill&le. oo Cape 8t FraGale 11 ao' blowa Ia roar ud ibloll: w.Uber, .. J& 11 eapP_OIIIJ i11c1 t&ptOted to bet

On SaodaiJ"f!i_..• • llb~pl. 1Mir 811111:· bttid. 10011 • ~- .......... tile whatle ,tOtj DO& beard. Capt 8& rtuaoil ... oeand, aod ~Ud Jl& DO eoa•d of ... •~le. Tile wta&ber a.au tlaae ... WI'J tblok. ao .. t&bouah "-Iliad OOIDI4 ... .....,_ dlrouah th fog. e&UI tilt~ ~ lo d- for eale raanlo~r eod tbl 'illl.,~ jboala oouequentlJ ban been blowa. If tbe wbiatle Ia, u I tblalt lf 'to be. more for orua .... a .... ut. tbea &bt~

aloker-tbe espeulve toth pa' awaJ 'ht •~r &he ooantry •• largo. ·

Ntl"- tbf're u aoob • tbiag u a f9ir-!bietle a& . C•pe St tr•ocit, deaigoed ud.pa& &here for~bt waruluj( of ebfpe aod veaaele \o tim .. of fOf( aod Ullck weather. That belor the oue, ebould I& ont be eou~ded la eaoh dao.erou diD..-. •sud

allowed co remain elleot ae waa tbe out

... 'DoM ',..,---... -~ ft!I!Niln &be ftAIIDAaD Ill_."' afte Ita ._...... oa &be da7ll fll ,aWioaW•-~ Uld.Hdq~ pleue DO&ifJ' u, aa4 tbe~WID 1ae...ode4.

I ---~--A .. LD,-ADOt..., • lo& ot epplel wu

idd to day bJ aaoti~ ~1 Hr. T. ~ Tbty were mqob ~~ ame qulbf u &laoee eold lalt week. and brousbt tiq.a .j.GO &0 13.60.

T1tt IMJ Glowr ;;-a& J:.UJI....-...- ~er ••J blU.H from Labrador, 711terday Sbelef' TwHI­I•tt a' oooo aud Daaj be looked for btre tuiJ c.o ·Dfcb'- ao.p& lbt pa& lo eo me plaoe ou& of the Jbick wee&ber

-!'be aeoret.uJ of the Uotted Statel .-., ope.aed bide the o&ber daJ for three ba"lllbJpt aodJ a faet oralaer; reoto&IY aatborbed by ooo­Rt~ &be &otal ooel ol whlola will be ower ·1~,000,000.

. ,

made to juetify Ule esclDiioa wu that Awerloao of [ndemol&y." ;. - • ' •' ... 1 •

pork waa uobealtbful 11~d daogerolll compared 1'be maio qu•ti•n to bedeoided, .&.,., &be Mail, witb tbe Freucb article. Tbia baa loa a eiooe Ia wbttber tblt Imperial 6o•enuoen& haa the rhcb&

1 been ahown to be aa&rutbfal1 bat the falae cbar~re whbout •he authorltr or parllamn&, to order ha baa never been wltbdrawa, aod i& beootDM the naval pftloors &o aaeame the fuaotlooe of ooloDial · · more olreoain beoaDit l& la a kiod of dtfamatloo oourta. Ir h bu. h miltht ' at toy tlrne direot intended to iwpatr tbe commercial ataodard of'" &he oommuder of one of Ita war vo11ele to pro· • esteoaive prodaot lo wblob oar farmera are deeply ooetl up.the SL. L'wreooe aod oloae up tbe ••· intereeted. Tbe l01peotloD aye;tm provided io tAbllahment of a Mootnal merobaot for eome •I· the Bill, Mr. Hit& ooodoued, will remove, by le~red bNaob by him of tbt pro•laiou of ao lm· oft:lclal proof. or iDooatrovertlble obaraotu, tbe perlal treaty. 8uoh aotloo would lteiD ost&· laat vtatllle of. tbe gretaDoe opoo whlob pork l• '"lltoae and at1eur1d .and ye& h woaltl be leaal lticluded, aod will apeedlly obaoae the altuatloo If Sir H-l.dela' Walker'e defeoo• to Mr. 1 8alrd'a by removing 'be problbltloo or by retaUatioo acuoo 11 a aood ODe. 'J't..e oue, therefore, Ia oolit from our aldt, beafooiaa. ftJr toataooe. at wloea. Ia wblob all tbt ooloolta.,.. tatereeted.

Sonctay moroio~e? Sorely eo. 'fbaol.log JOII f9r apace. I am. yoan waiJ,

HEC"EOR CO~flS, · Muter H.IS. GrWila11d.

Harbor Grace, Oct, ~8. 1, 90. i


-P&UOli'.U..-Tbe BeY. 0. Saddingtoo, , fnerl1 of Pon·~e..o,..., ucl laM ot .ll'op mllllion, ia about. to lean for NoYa eootla. H" latelJ reoel•ed• oall from a Pariah In t.hd Dioetle and baa aooepted it.

. , , Tbe above JtlltmiDtf' ttlll a tn the Eoaliab I .~ •••

reader aa idea of the objeot aod eoope of tbla · . : ·• ' •, • -important meaaare. wblcb iaexptoted to re-opea NOTES AND .CO.KI[ENTS. (oreiaa inarkete &o ao exleot that will IIIli ~Q to • _ 60 mlltiooe of dollars woHh more of American N.,w York citv '•~ poJJU!a~ioo it put down at 011ttle and s;ork producll anouQ!Iy. Tdheloibpeo· 1..710,11~. · . tioo iy1tem proYided le &borou~tb ao oua ' &o ~ aaod out a•erJ ooaalaomeDt .with a oleao bill of ,~a• 10-. LC!lfDOif.--, We IHrn fiom tbe bultb, ao that the pl'lltDt objeotloo and bael~ B ..:tiall f'loJurobL 0-1-;., that. tbe nu.diiOn'e for e:roloalou will oo loapr ~old "ater. BQt '' l-' .. '"' H<N,,. q. the mo1c ·tboro~b par& of tbe oe" Ia• I• tbe · Q•y Qo 'e bii ebipQJeot. for Lbtt AJerob ule in &llOrtOOUI power• of rt&&llatido It airel tbe Pre· the ~ndon rnarket •ill be rea4y 'in the ponree eldeo t-retatiatioo aQOOQHIIlab"4 in varioqe ~~ray•~ of a ehort time. . Jt oornprla~te a good·et~li'Otion aod oooferria~e ·a ClQQtrol oyer tra<ht aod ao abll- hoth iq 11i11e anq q~alitf of 411 'indt of tun, ity to throttle tbe oomrnerot of ao olJeodioll Dl• h b ... j b r ... li t 1 J tioo thllt , io tbe oploloo of t~perlenoed leglala· If liP 118 e•v,er, IJ1&." nl ea • e"'' ' tJ no ea l

tora. i• more ••eeplog tb•n •ny, eoaolmeut of ' Vhfl v~tlqe q( tbj' •h\pmpf) t, wJII arpra,lm•ee the ~iod ever before made bf tlje 4~tri~Jaa OoD, SJ-lSQ.QOQ, lln{i it •lit b:t-LY larp& indivldq.al are11." gonaigJJIJ)~tnt. ,Pf. C.~ ~~:S ~f}qr~. this ieaaoJJ..

••• J "' • •

"A NEWFOUNDLAND HERO.'' UNoEa the above u .ption, in ~he ijoeton

AduerLit<n' of & l•ta date tberp app8llrt t~e fol lowing. I

"Mr. Jam11 Baird le the berq of N'ewfoQud· !ani. li ll lethe Sootohmao ~bu b' a •u~t! Ad· mtrakWalkor of tha Hriti•b ouytor t5000 d!UJJ· agee inflicted by tbe admlral'e O'lmmacd iQ lollr · inll do"o a lobater fa*ry wblub lialrd bad ereot­ed and w111 c>ndnotinlf on that oout Qf We•­foourllllnrl whlcb by the treaty of 1788 • •• II& nstde for the Frenob ftabtrlee Admiral Walker told Mr. 8Aird that be " " ' tuakio~t a mletalte Ia refuai o~t to oloae up hla eat•bliebu,eut when oall· ed upon to do ao,; but tt loolla oo• "~it the 114-.,Jraf waw the ooe the~ !Jl&da a 10i1~"k• ••• rleatrOJ· in~t lialrd'e pl l\ot atcer that refrl\1\), Tno~ It•· yera have dieoonred tbat Baird ia io tl)e ri~~t. aod tb11t tbe Hrttleh GouromeQt will be oblitte<l to rtcompeoae blm for the damae• doqe. l 'btJ have fuuod ou' lo ad.Sitloo that. uol11i parliaJJJeD• taltee aome actloo, oo further iu!lrftreogea oeq be ruade wltb &DJ Ne~~rfouodi11Dder "Ito dft ir" to avail blcneelf of tbe ftaberiea. thmt year• aao tb& acL of parll•r»eot. nnder "'hloh the admiral acted In de,troyiQf f:Jaird '• e11abli•hme111, wu rJt,ealed with a lpt of Qtlutr Ptrliameatuy ru ll­bi•h who~ a qaefQiqe" ... euppt111e<J to b"'' d• · parted, and b~r••H•' q'q l:bitil~ o~c•r <iil l <J.art lattrfere wltb aOf "-jt!(lqt qf ~••f<lqo!Jl•q4 '4"' le11 urartial lew aball be proplaitRBdJ" ~~·t P."'l· ooy. l'be Fr•aob, a lao. art de barre frqm prq­teotioll their rigbta. &be E,l(llab I(Ovaromeqt bGJ• log olw•r• uken the ~tround that i~ wouhJ nn& alto" any l•q~Joa of Freaob tor~• to uecut.e the term• of the ~rt••r, b!ft &bu h !'lo" be tloue bf Enjlllth fora·~ ~~~· HI~ !Q'h~r!'Y or tbe laU•r no longer ealatt ·

"Appareotly 2ogl•A4 ha• ~'4' Plfl' ~f lt;fO {)Ouraee to pnrauo, elthi• to r• ·ttoaet ~ fi ll •~l!fte wbJgh alna tbe righ& to 1 na•al olftoer tn IIIIOrAa (or ~~~~ Yr,Arh 8ahermeo tbt term• of the \rlltJ, or olu bJJT .QIJaNarrsach ri11M1 to t(b~ IIeber· 111 Ofl th.- 'l h9rl' . o'foaodfaad. f ·'' a.~ .. the ftr•t hoto ., !ht I''»IJI•· It ~~aU ·lind r•· bolfioo I• 1ure to to w Ill ~P."fqqq41t~4· ~~~~~ tbe o'}ler i• ~uob muM oaeaor 494 _pprll•a• !'f tbe eod "R~ mor11 ••plualv~t MeaoMtA• , ~ 'f" have raid , t.Jr. Jt•lrd la tbe.btro"'f tbe hour. an4 rbp woDder ie tba& ~~, t;rr~eliah Government baa (or IUJ,.J 1ear1 &brOJJtl~ jtt Ofll :it.~. prooteded e'&Q\Iy u •1 ~111 atatqte to •hlplJ fP ~J•ve refer­red, bad uot J)tlfll ~pealey ancl hlf ij)qp Pf~F· oiud" ~Jia~ :'·•q4e.4 *llt1Jo;tt1· wbi<'b •eP."''1'l1 would uurer .,.,, ~!tq 1l•hlr4 JJ9tiJ ,am• aw ul m4u, 11~" Uelr<l. JlrQIII~~ lb; oa'' t~ ~~' Ollurl.a aud e•llblie'lt«< 511@ rfJ~Y g ~bp #t'aR4,rt·" . ~

AzlZA~o ..... TLe fQN)DW> Mv.W of a rtotDt '"" -~~

pff'era ~b~ fol~'Uf}Jaf relleoLiuu• iuJhe lbOvt rea•ui, It ny•l II Nest lDOnLb " New· fonn<Jllmfi Oourt will lly ~~~ 110tioo broqh' lty M,r. ~rei of Sc. J'nbn'• .,_iJJ" Sir B"ld· win W•lbr, J~C~W~andet o( H.M S. ~lfl4rald, tor illegal ·~ Jo ••~ius rmli oloafaa r.be lob• tar ft&Cturifl ot ~~· tqr~ne~r q~ .the· ' ' fie~o~ Shore'' or •biS laiaRQ, Sir U••4•iJ}'e .4e£.~nqe ie ~hat be wu .aot.ina undor hJ•trusti9Q.t frc•'•'H Jbe lml'8rial Ooveracaeoe, 11\4 the ~~ettio~ Ia 'b»t 1aiaed wbetber •bat GoverAIJit'Jlft IJa4 any ritabc ~ si•e eaob llut~rr1o,iou. A• ou 'ime h oer&a&.ol1 had, for the Imperial Ao'­~ in 'bo reip of Geor_.e Ill., k) p•e elreo& ~ ~be tre.,, of 1 n3 IIPJJOWered oual •ad mlli&;tr' qfloel"' ~· pull .4~•n baildiup, remo•e inlt•bitq.., trret~ i~d!Jt&r,_., #Ml·t. if n..,...r,, foe 511• du 8Aforoeweqt qJ ""·' ~&,. b M ...... , b01.8lr8P •

...,, ..... ,.#, .,_. IIIII'RtHI!J

~ ....... ~~~· · l'ol' the ool abM Jt•MI'*


. ··:..· ... -. ~,, ~:n--~ ... ~., Tq.~ A~41IJ:A. · 8A~·o· J~og~.-A San

Fr~tncjiCI) d~~&ol)o t4fe, tbMt: ~~~~ ahip Afer.qm ,,rriv~td on the~d..iu,t. fro~ .ij:ocjia~ •i~b a OllCJCQ qf uJU)OO, aeflOrLI broqg~t from tbe g lDI}ing tli4trio~ jn 4l•tk• indioate tbr&t LbQa f.•r lq. th• •euon · t.~e t~•o~ bu been lerpr 'h"n l••t ye•r· 'J'he "l" of fl11h at ~odLtlr, whiP.~ ••• ah&rq)ingly li·.;IJt "' the oomm~~ce· IJ)AQt of tl)p J~r, i~prove<J as tinJe .,.ent on, ,.n4 t~e retqrqa a.., o_oq.¥~deri!CJ highly util(&p tqry. QnrinJJ t~ja ~~ ~!$ vqaele have ar r iv,q rrotJJ 4JaaiJ~ !)ot'nn~tri.,., t)riqging in an 11ureg•te o.r#~H.~H; N~M q( ••lr»on f'r1ltp ~ nly ~~tl1 to <~•~· . ~ttrin~ the eame &im lllllt. ye.~r the p-9k. 'r ... ::~§J~S~~!

. . - r --Lo""""· Oct. 7.-Tile CiwrtlcM •1• tbe ab• IPot of ' Parnell from "• oooferetio. of DatiiiD IDdloatea oo& ooly .._ dl.tcreemecu wi&b bla ool·

Aa haa b11a nlr.-r&~ty noUoed lu Utllf oolumDa, INIJDII oa &be ' 'PIU of oampiUao, baa· wba& Ia tbe •ery etntu.v *lithe~ e:rperleDoed oo the far more lmportaoa, ble laablll&J \0 propoaaclanJ Cana:Uao ooeat • huut the lStb or &ht pr .. aa fa.ora!)le tebemt for tbe permuea& rtiW of &U mooth rnuhed iu tbe lou of .... ,, ud or. life. ooopt&ed dletrlote lo Ireland. ' One b~rque, amooa other ..... It, tbt Morl4. oi · · .. -~ · · Obrlatlanla-.beoamea total wreoll: a& AePl Hay,O. B --9411D -Some tblrtJ toDa of eaod, of tbt

' Another barque &~t 4l · for. ~~ Job'o from · ' q~all&J .. kDna .. GraDite. ~ bfoqba .bl&b!f •. llelfaa&, belaod, CO · oalla&' • .,.. wreoktd from Lablidor. b1 C.p•. \V ..Lieoo ... J, lo &lit at Gal=• Uolp~lo opeolnit lot l. AAo'e bay, bri~tl. Pearl. 'fbla te~ I• for

1aae a& t~e Catbe. _

G U gbe eucoaotered the fall foroe of &be clnl, ud Ia eepecUIIJ aullable for .. tloe ud par• 1 11urrloaoe off Soaterle. , T&t fll•el becacpe llD• doalar work Near CapL Htoo .... J'I fleblDf. • manaaeable and In tbeA.necloa duhed aaalon etatloo at Taroa•lok lelaud, oooeldtrable qD&Dtl• Cape polpblo. a perpvodtoular ollf tOO feet . Uee 'of U.. eaod ou be prooaNd, ao.d &be nl• ~

' ))l,h, 'Tb-e oapt•lo and ore• had a thrilllb• .,. of It maJ be reokooed from &be faot &hi' lfUIIt perleo~M a ad a zparr•lloqe ......,. wlab &heir Uw11. eaocl Ia DO& reoarall1 ,ped, bellla &QO UP'otl.., . The ab{p atruQk "alnat 0111 of ~~ moat deeperaa. -- : : . · puta Qf liov• &otia'e roct-boAa4 •boi'J+ •"'I' -8l11oe SatardaJ, Ule weathtr ta., bNa. moM ~aa only. a 9ueat.too of •• few hoa,. wheo tbe aarMablt thetnhat p'rei-aPlbr- ~.~ ltl&' •oo&b• wreck wo&Jid be poQ.odtd ~ ruat11b wood Hlabt .'l'be wlod 'Jo.tll &ord•J baa beta lo from &be ...a. ""' QOmloa oD a tbert ._. qo eaoape. ao helj). · ward. llae& &P!t wUh a driallqa nla. Too.daJ The roerlnll .,. "" ~h~ad lh1m aod betore, bow,Ytr a llroa}. b,.. frpm ·tlae S W le b!o•• ,o!J ooeJtber elde waa ttao·~a•• eli,. Ooe of the IDif, ao4 .. llke1J Ia ,felt' btu~tr .~telde, llle .. ilore bravely rolaoteerecf to ••it~J fro~ &bt wlad It a oos&rarJ Oue for &hJ l.brador • ._., "repk tq a root at &~e bate of Uae lllllr. He bad . ~· «'Mter ~aambe~ o.f •~lela mill& be oo abeb • tre!Jleo4o~J• e&ruaad• ror lJfe, bas wqe. ,.aod .,a,. bOIDt Tbe hu to. cf&J h~ ebow lf.atlf, IID4 m11d1 a IJoe fat& lo &IJe rook. ' lfJ t!Jle ~-DI &1¥ · •pptar&GOM baYe I IDOrt aafl'iable tllpeO& . oaptalb aod ere• • .,, ,Da~llld t.o ·.,a oa .... -- • ~0~ lo • rope bMke&. Tb,, ,~- OD U.JI IWMM a4 v£De...,. . . roo~ JfDtll cta.Jb,.alt, "ptotJq •r•'J mJaQtt to • . · J. ~e t~eJr laa&, ae lbJJ were Ja JrM& fJ&DfjiiJ' qf be· t• J. hare OOIDt tQ taU roa, deer Oat, JDJ wllbed o' by tbe ••11'7 •a.'e, wblpb •••P• l'bat Jlo•• JOD nrllJ~ .' Otllr tc. Wbeu da1 da"o~ ooiJ pa,. o' &IJp Jtee& of 111 tbe cf.rle OD eanb, dter-.' biJI~ yaa rJijble 'fhe ree~ of the ebap htd ~ · Beat ladled, .Ob. •1 .0 =• · po~Joded to epiJot.,e f.Otl cbe wreo~aa• w .. bar l'oa will be mJIIltlt wife, lo•• I" jo.c •""ecJ aahor~t a& t;&, 4ao'e QaJ. teo mil• .. No J ,..117 wo91'"" eald abe. tllttaot, Notwhhat4adloa tbeJ had lllleiJ eaoapt U. · ed Jh• borron of t .. e ol¥llt aad of tbe barripa~e ,, f oa are .,.., pial a

108 koow, 8lr

1 •tJlJ uemed &o be tqeYittble 'l'ber •er• I am IQY•IJ u -~a .... aw., from aoy hoqae aod daelr O.DIJulra· 1 ' "-'-:...:.. __

Ia.!. lp ch!pbJnJ up the ftpe ot t.h• blea~ pao plpt aDd pauuq it •Pl. ilr -·l-11• DJttO were &oo nbauue4 ~·· lR •&· FloeS • huabaod -..n, ..

'"mp~ to <Jo it f'io~Jiy Capc:llin ij~o, a ~·w , J •ao& bear aooUIJr •o!_d,llr." Uroptwic~er, madt t.h, bold attempt., aod bJ al~ "VerJ ••11 ~~~~. dO..'~" ._.d be. 1 moat IJJperbqiJliLD efona euoceeded lo epoom. DITJN L.ua>J&e, • pliehlaK •b.• dariP.a (i a&. fJ• mtdt a rope faa&·~ -tbe top, eod bJ tbJe 'P.'t!Ja tbe rut ot tile crew Th• eobr. W. &>dger lately arrifld &o Meeen wwe .cJ~w.~ 9~ fA4 ,q *.ped tbJ 4ta!JI trow JJro•M IJ Soae, 6t. Juha'• wltb 160 CJtll. of lila, c'poeore •114 tttrratlop •II~ whlcb ,~,1 •ere a .. d ntpQrta hanor oome tbro~a~rb "" btut• 1 ... -t -r.. t ad "'• f t" Ja .~. Ia,& fort7 fatbQIDI ot oable, aubor, ud

' ·~a..,.oe". t .. ~ ma • • ~·.o .,e meu .,.. recelrrd •uadrJ utbtt 'dazpaaee. Tbe 'J, W. ar Jed_lt.YortJ. <fy~oey. ~llert4 baa arrlred altO to MNtre Pro.,.. •

fat aqqtb-r barCJue1 the :'{dt!Jtrb,y, waa loa& at :lODe with TO CJtla., ud &tpona 1011 ol .,.,. of Hhtfa tJar~r. Satl to &aJ, ~ 01 tbe ore• •qee& "able, aopbor ao~ 1111 bar t ... wla. 'l'be oao·-•o ... ,; watery flmf•· The remaluder of the buda ,. .. ... - .,. were l{all•n Jy rMCUod by1 yofuotetr orew. ! be '" J. W ~ aleo IWporta llOf'IPJ "~lrl v ,." &be &oke. ' · I!Jeo·wer' rer1 much ••baqeted aD4 were ~utcl' lrt,. ,Jawea Baird'• eo~r. IJ. 8. N$CQ_.. wJtb a,a~ di~oal ty. The boi& "hh w.bi!)b &bit rl'td · •t Itt. 'oba•e oa 1'ueecta1 laat J froca~ rr~cae ol ~be aarrlro'• wae •Weot.td w .. dnarect 8 " .lo~ tfip bcaab tbrM·<Jilarten of • bJIIe to t~e ID~t wltb l60 q&la Of ftab, . ~be elptrit !OI1i.ee qf 'repll.. 'l'be •l'4!o,tators Off ~Ort!)b~ttrecJ ttrrlfto •eatber. aod oa 8Da.ilaJ Jut ebi~ • 1 \ b b ..t 1 1 d-... ., t. h~J•7 eea ~blob carried a•a1 bar bqJwarh. ea.. I, ~·II 1 w en t I !J!eD 'Yere t 1 •q ... &.,rOIJih !ott. ... me qf btr '"Y. Ia. Cap& LArei ... , .. I& ., .... tblf •nrf, Qae of the moal alreo&loa iaol4••'4 ,.. r ..... .,.., ,_ • t~~ rn~tloaor Captalo' Jloatf'routad ~le eoq, w~ Php roiJI~- wee&lter be ,,.r ''P•rleooecl, 1 .. ,. one of t• r••cqtor parlJ. 'fb~f h-t R&rted il•••l!borbqra aqd 'J'••ler•• eolf'oqo.r, tbt

1 ' b 1 - ct b ... ::r lid tb J W HpptJ"' · arri,ed a& H-ar&1a CJooteal ... w teo ~ • o . man !t.Jt l we t, • I • &&~·, ·•••oloJ •hb ltl/\. ~ulD•-•a of •.a. ,......_ •o~oou•r wh &bjt avo oa ~ ..Ut for Biotoa f'", " !fV ... - .._.. ·r ~·· eobooo~r ar~lred' eafelJ, b~aa ~ uioualla Ul• •1 •~e eeoaped lol '1 from tbe lte»N, tb• t t. 1 t ~ut•., • a& &b " d lib ' l'b• eotaooaer E.~'« M atrlytd a& 'blah=

r 0

" " 01

u,.. r-~1 1121 • 'rtp .. aD • utMrs .r A .T Horne, oa FrldaJ monla .. · ~nu•JDa rnay ~ bele,r IDMtlo~ ~b'o :CC.acrl~ ~ " "

~ •qhouott, ~h~ ~·IIU· artlpcJ '' !f~J tu~er· ::r::." .._ w.,t~er u ~etoa·•,l'J roq~ ..,cl . 1ld•, J:f £ I wltb lo• Of ~_, bOaJ, ·ealla, aoob~r ....-or

~:1~f:a4.'n~o~ ybg 1p"~· rw';pl ~f~~r~· 'ftb C~!l ·IY '.J'~lfJIP'21oJJJI., . . , .. . . , -~""'""":"' .... . · - . . .. · y 4~u,~, Oo~. 2e -leq~tl•P4 oWen ·~·

SIJI~~'"'? N.01!1fo-:Tbe.1 9:8· .f.oilqryl, (!&pt. 'geouo~aTr tn4emqlty for her rfahta oa &be .,.

H. Gollile, fflh por' on. ~ta+, qporatna: Cor rolfDdl .. d oqatl. 1• ad4Jtfoo &o. mODIJio , qpt~Y· ~"Lra4or: for t~e,'!rpqeti ot ~nver·· oJty Fr.IJ!M aleo u~ terrl~orJ. Io \flit Arrto., ir,i ~hence ~bp ~ealerJ.. an ere'• of ~eara. 'ia.. , .. , 4mt~ '»AAl reaobtd L.oD4oo to JPJ}n''Mu~pi I t.[,: :l'li." .riabc. Ptm(ederqlf, · rv•o d'fD 'rom~·~ J'or.k7 tbe ~aat.t .... oa.. Oapt. Allan,· for ~ydney, 4elay,.d b~ · for • '~cttJne 0~ \Itt ,.aa.;1 *-... ~tael week. by advtl'f!l wio<Ja, ... &owp<J Olf' b1 the ,Teraealem b~•• reached ,lefa. 10114ntl. · 04e»,tri fqtenle~ Oriapl ae,e •te- 1& (hGQt

'l'bi 4~ Q•pt, 4n~er_~4Q for 8y1a•1• 4 •Jtre ·~arrf.-olt wae •lPf'l•oltcl ha'lf•• aaJie9 on S.t.urcJai J:ROr~J~, ,~~~ "~~rll forlt fM~r«J41, ,

~o.JO. a".wd~~ ~ Ofibort'!olti &<? 18t!r• l:' • Al!ftitlua rt~ ~~a., """ ••tel r~ttt \..~= ._,.1 a-t~,~~ 1 • L Jlaff14. P'rt.ode art ~tJG•dtd •I'll , ... , 1 ._... 1

11.,: arr • ..... I'll .' 1•· PNflODf •& of the ~tdapa-.4 _......, lllte~o~a pttfldtt rq._ ~~ t.nt!t•, ~lt. .,.n ,.,.. qt ~trriDf .,~J•b•re ~tad faoto'*rtiiD ... -*IlL• - . ~n4 ~ lara~ lqt. of dca ~r-'4-la tro&Jt th• w,..g · 'J b~_tlllpJ!.loa melt Ji dt~aQrallf.ed 11114~ ·

ff!'ID lftw Jorll: for Jqa.Ope.., ~--·~ ·Mt"'tfit ~·~" a& &DJ ~are. , 1

• l'lf• t4poY'4 of'Oaqcfe for ..,._...._ ...... ... '..q ~J~JJf!qot..., • WI~ "'~ C11 W· -rl-.tJ~r.

four _... dttlded eo aab a &c~~ar..tlt ...... Wte .... D lrolt.od. •

oor 11 -'1'11• 4Utnltaa ....... ,abikt .. ..._ ed. • . • . •.

