I I J - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · ull:iac )'OIIIt.o -t.el -.otnol.l"~u...


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...I -

--· - .; , ,/,. . ,,~

v .... ~/' .,

~~ -u, and U.411 1\awr. b 1a ........ lou. kDow U..t. ... I .. •t. MoM

t.o ,...u. Ute ~taU. I Mw ...ted lfN too ac:ne ...,_ • pnsr- tor ~

1-.~ dbput..a c!.url~~o~ U.. -.r ~rlodo I '-" llfMlt •lee\ed ..,.

t. _...,.to,.. o! t.bl o!Mllanaoe MC Uw7 ,. • ......,.\ U.. PreaLUn\. of tiM

OII.U .. auwa .n&! U. ..-llltc lll\erdt.. lMdoen ot bdu\.r7' ... l..bor .....

Ml.Mt.M. UtoM .t1o r.~t. ~-· ...., ~at. tM• Mnf-ce. I

'but :rvw' -.,.clf.T.,.., ,..... purpo• tNt u.. ._..,. t.na.&. 70'1• Then .....

lao-. t .. u .. a 1a tJMi IU1toJ7 o! Ul11 COIIn\r7 '8Mn - .ucb _. .t. at.b flllr

~·•• M4 tor ow- Clhlldhll.. %\ow.17 .-.rtcan h uk1n.l: t.oa.7, •Jbt.' 1a

., Job u uua wart•, -oc~ ..., of t.lMIII ..,.. be.lnc o.l.led oa rw -, .-1

Mil ~ .......teoa Nl4 MOr1t10N. I.ur UYWI aQd 19U" '-haW .,.. ~

lat.M 41N0\17 to ta. pr.duoUon of UM •tarl&l wwJ.l• • of t.bl ..,..., 0.

-.ppU•• wA!U tM JO'mC - 11M 10 ou.t. tor bll.~ under~ la plA.Me,

1a *1pl ...... '-'b, ... , Nl.t "'*' too 0... 1a •t.M-«7 .. .-plio ~-

-...;, pMplo ..,.. IJq1na \o u....1- tedaT 1 1 _.,, oU.Iil ,....,s to

-u • ..-a .. uttt~t. aM 10 bull •• to ~ u.. to '*' • "" abolpl.iM

~ u.....J._.. rr.. J*1111.eo PQ\ \IUa 4bo1pUna v;.>Oft u.-.J:,.., , .a4 \All\

1a wMt. I .,.ct. pw W 0. u 70'& t- UU.. ~ ®\:ro 0. ~ ot

..._.leu l.aldru~ ud .-...u.a h\or 7011. -..t. ,...- • ~ ·~

tor ... t41Ac all lA~UIJN 1n ..,. pnWG:u- '- to labor di.,_aMa, .nd

,_ _., 4q:iM a ~t.al.T .rr..u.,. ~"" tn IIMMU.lq oon\.l'oftFalaa

-'a tn. ot Nt.,.... o! ~ ...... \o - \rl"'-1 IM• Mol..._

l.a_.IIM ~~~ ~ la .,_. W ~J~ ~~_..,...,:_,.

aat,.. .s.u....,. eqlac .. .:!' • \lai•'n ""'" ...... t.Nl.T Mri ....

utt ........ ....... ,..., tn4 u.. ... h • U.. ... tor U.. 1~ of Jll"lftt.


~. l&oll of \Ia ... ~ li" ~ .- pet. f wde f.r \oM dl&n\lon aod tlM

on \al\7 wbift ..... -u1 owr .-.r1~ uto 11 U.. r.Mdt. of Jut. t.hl.t.

~u.. 1M -.ral wl.,. th&~ -. ou.t. of an. ...,.._..,, be._ t..o

pen.a: or w. ~ .,_ tawnoY u. .. ~ u.uw 11 1a 1t.Mll --.u ...

... of - .a1MI U.. wq patt.e.-. of o~ iN\ "'*' U.. flo. \be CNt.idol.

pleaV ot ..t4eD.oe iJa U.l.oat-11WV11.a1 001\t.Nct.o an4 ~ rt~la\.1-..IU~

be....._ labor .no 1a dnltl'7 1n Mn7 plac .. , end 1a tb• a-onl l')ocl will •b.lola

&11 .._r1cau "-r •'* o \!IN', that. Vl• «o;:adt.T t.o aq..., be'- ADI.r1oa.n

Ubor -.d lM!u\17 U cr-wr 1.baa bao ..._ ~ ...eopb..S. 1.4 a • t tAor

of r-t. b U.. periecl l1aol JW¥ 1940, •Mil ~ forMM1q W• ~or

ft1olt. bal l\oiW O .. r\&Jtoa \61, .. bepa to -.to prl;»nUOft for UW' det'IGM +- to ot.Mro rtPUn¥ ~ tM .. ,... of ,..__, bo~, •llo,..ro

&oil t.bor , ..... ~ ~~•ton or IJ.W.Wf hu-.. -~· alliS t.M ~ ~ 1ft ,...ri.., k"' t.bro• t.MI:r 'llllek lot.o t.Mt. t• a

_, cr-Ut')'1a.c -.,. !be ~1- or lkJ.l.l , u.. _.11uo ..DIS .. ,..\ell pro­

C:..Uga dri" of .t.lltc. or A.or1CIIII wort.. ba'N --~h"o, &Dd La

opitAo of~ 1~1 of "Grit ....U• Mt.U.Lnc a 4t~t.a, U. t.o\&1

proct~w~U.- Mo .._ coodt but. h Mo net. bNII a o cood u h - ... l '-•

...,_ja.., ll ..,. I • uk1nt: ,..,u, aDU \ be oouaW, b •lk.Lni: )'<No ~ • •

..,. ._,. U. Ml.lllon u4 ...U.ro MIS aria\.on ud axpo ... 11~ .,..

ull:iac )'OIIIt.o -t.el -.otnol.l"~u *lcb•Ul~~­~etcll. dolql 01.11' Vi" t.o ~ U.. •*-• of -.r. I ao., of ~ t.a.t. th6r1 an ot.bor 1'- OJ.ell allo 1..,... pNINeU.O. 11'14 .. ot.U t.alto

a p....,ria\.1 ..... \.1 otop \boll 1'-a, but. 7'0\11' 4ut;r 11 la ~ tbl• •

.-...tcau ...u1 bo l .anJ.at: _.,., ... ..U-ta;» ... dUcipl.tAoo. Moq \boa

wUl • lJM dboiplJ.Ae ot -s-nUOD Md lt. b a tn. Clhdpl.S.M, ot

wtdob \he tinti 1'-- h tn\.ellMtual ~ti aut UYlllo~t ot a • .,....

IA&I'PO•• .. all Ia" to trwitl ow-MbH lA thh. lou IMw er .,..

~ to .. t .a~· .tlioh .W biopin UM •billa 00UIItf7

ud -woap .U oU..r "-r1ouo wt» --.at al" ...U - ud dit CLoull.

ad,Ju~to lA t.hoi r u-.

I - of''--~ s."aMo _,.. ~t --~ told • by a triw.d

ot atae no ... • .t .. t-q to c:aun... "- MJ.a tut t bll - d&UJ

~r ot U. Qlta.M CbriiUa.. aa t.b.io •t.ont, Mon. 'fb7 •rlAS, bo&i~:~Unc

wUJa ••· PwrMpo U...t. to •M,.. ~ ....... to bo&in~

n ..... tb.1.M. ot r ow taolr. • • • part ot u.. .., tor u.o c-


Im'CRLU. RI:WliS or TKJ JIRESliE!ft' tol<tli!IRS"

't'HI n:oosTRY LABOR CCJ:nRI!fe! 11 .15 A.K. - - Dloc•~r 17, 1941

.. wov.ldn ' t pt I nto the .r, or tbat lt we did , the.t • wou.ld .op up, it

tt "" a w r ta the Pl.ctttc , In Yery ehort ol'Cler . Tiler. we N rather 4ef'Oil.-

tory rua.rlce tturot were lenled ell tl:iroU&h tbh country a:;;atnet llDY 4an&er

tna Jepaa. Ot coiU'ee , we ban begun to realize it now, and we will Nllhe

l t acre deeply e e tta. aoee on,

11 a llolw pb1lo.ollt:T 111 the world 'llhicl:l wou.ld en4 tol' all tilM -- tt h h

world -- 1t would ..an aA eod ot ~rlnte lt:ldll.ltry, and 1t wou.ld Mao \be

by a long eliot . It te gotna to ao on tor a loa& tta .

It JOII .. re to u.nifont.

I a• gotq to u• a WIJ1'4 wbtcb DOne ot 111 like, and I don' t ettbolr .

f rana l1n D. Moo.tr•l& &.4-,-... ~ 111 i t h • tran,er Jpt Eadt by U::t 'lla., lllou., u-.ccr~trb,.r f ro;a bt. •ho1 tbft~d no t~, tUfl! at tht , . ..,. th• '• •~h ... .. c! •• L'hdlrllnina: !r.4:1·4t ••.:;·.1• uhaJle,a.-:•~!y.c~d"t' h e ;., • ., k\·"17 PrtP,.J"t<t r<'td ll,K eq:7 t ~ • ' in P4l'tntll!,e•A.-,,,,.d.l '"~~t• -"'IUet • h•n the 'J'"tch•••d.e 1'~~" c!, tba~ tbt7 fi JIJIIIar In tho Prt vlou, l, PNIIJliU"eoC re~ad1nf c·:y


- 2-

to .,. .. lr.

A hOJ , tbt otber day , •• out lo a pla ... . 'nla GoTn'l!o::lltllt 414 llOt

tell hl .11. be had to dha on e batUaa.,tp ao4 1oM bia Uta . 'n!.at waa h1a

"• ut"; l:ta on penoaal word. i'Mre •• oothl..rlc ta hh or dan tbn told.

111& h bad to dha bh pl&D.a oato a J'apaaaM batHaaht p . 'l'hn .,., JOWl&

Azul MOb em. or you , and l , w b.aTa aot our per.ocal "au~ .·

So , wMD I u .. the word •:~un , " I want you to appropriat e it to

tha !la.'lla aoe.u- aso, beeallh 1 hlll'a uMd it once or twice before, trca

otM or the cburchea -- the word "m011arator . • U ' a a darn i!oo4 word . •baa.

two pot t-... 11 a re Wldara\ o r a . I don ' t think they will be.U to wtald &.nJ'

"btg attck . " I think t hat t hey can truly act aa e J:e<MC!l nalJ ~autull.olkra­

tora 111 J:r .. tdiAS: at yow -•Uap .

I kDOw that 1t I -" a l:.oderat or I would .a.~~t a Nllllt . ut CQUJ'N ,

e0111plata agft-.uDt . I would -nt .oMt ht nc alae , a od •• 1o:o<larator I .tsbt

help pt it . I waot a pHd.

Kclw IJI'Ie4 11 of t ba IIHIICI1 jUit U .II.UCb ill. \UTD1118 out thtQ,p

111 pl.-..au •• 1t la ..one N.PU1:14 torus . I\ ts Just. as DtOURry t.o turn

out. eq\ll.-nt u it is \0 4r1ll en~. or built up • liayY, etur tbe

equlpuct. ta t\U"!le4 out . Spee4 h "•1'7, YU'7 aucb ot tbe uaeace .

Wlt.b lpae4 goal - lt1:h lfl8 .. I ll kDo• t bat .. haYI IO't tobl'l'l lD

tbl nan -- .. 11, beginning Yery, Ylr.f 1001:1 -- next tew ... ks . Je hu1 sot.

8"lltb to 1nore1M our pr o4uot1on P'OF"UU· WI ere 1Ull la e MD" --

_, _

wtwt her JOU Ulr:e u. or ~:~ot ~- tM u·Mr:al or tM rr.e .orld. for nrtoua

rM.IOU , a.opphiCt.llJ .. CIUI tun:; OUt MUri&l l witbout IQY1;bi08 1111:1

ti'A - pbJ&l cal dt.Jl011r t o tba worker•, aud to t he pl.u.te , 11 U.IN 11

1rz Bzott atn , or Ct:ina , or Ruuta . •• !'.aYe sot t o do pertanb' Wlh .. rd or


I al_,a Uka a U tUa ~torr that ooa or a:t pecoph wtzo c ... Melt

fl'O& Ruella told .. the other <.&J . Jbeo ti'A7 atarte4 -- I 101. \111Dk1Q&

what wou.ld we MY •• 111hat. would -nap .. u\, all4 w!lat .ould labor M.J 1C we

did that he~? I tbiolr: we would be aU rigbt .

wiU1 lradulltrtal planta tbat wen tu:n~l~~o:: out. tigttuo.o r:Nn1Uone , tba Ru..­

dau, re.lhiq; that tbay pr obablJ t.Oilld loM the city, ~po to .O't'l

tactort.. . "'f!.d how 414 tbay .OYI tl••' They ran a t'Nlf'bt tratu -- backed

tt tot.o the ractory , and they would 1011.4 the tooll tuo the rrll&ht eara .

And witb a't'ar y tool -- toto t he hill t'Nl~ ear -- .. ut the l..4n who ••

operet.lnc tbet tool . l ab, or courM , \he a1mpla objact1n -- wuo they

Ft ah: !lluldr.d or a ~bouaaDd a1la1 -- ~o ra-aa~abltlh ~b• tac \ory , liiii t~7

woul~ tan tbl J*Opll with t he tooll , •Hbout. ha•tug to pJt r~• people -­

UDtraictod ~opla -- octo t bon toola.

And I woc~r j111t a llttl t b1\ what t ba anns• Al-Ar1oac would do

tr t bl Go"naact becktd a rreteb~ train ln and Aid to nary wouer : "F11't

a1c11tea notice. You can't aay I!Pod· b7t to your o&ail7 . O.t into tba~

trelgb~ ca:r wUb tbt tool that JOU a.ra wortr;iq on. Thera la a 1111\- ca"

-- a buJ*r with toocl. ln 1t , Tl!.tl't art a coupla of bon lea ot •ttr. ••

trill ltt JOU Ollt .tlan you. get a ~bouMnd a1lu baclt lnlalld . " A:ld lock b lm



actuall.J bapplllilll Ut. tbAt O'NI' here. !kit speed , aDd aor11 11"4 la u ­

M nt11ll , ... n4 tbot. 11 wb7 &IQ' lc1114 or a noppas- or wor..:, &l'l)"'lbere, enn it

tt aee~• to be •~thing t he •••np •naetr ot the plllllt, or t '- avaraga

.or;cer t.a thl plant don aot dee• to M p&rUcullllrl.y 111,port Ltlt to winning

t llla -.r, 1l _,- M t.r 1:10:0. laporU.D\ ,

An4 .o I tblllk - b .. • t o r .. l U~et • llnl all or us au.bjae\ to

a aelt- 1JIIpo"d 4llc11'11ne . I:: ot~r words, I thlg.k you b.&•• -- ..,.111 u

1tlll11'14~b you s;ult - - I Ull not ulU.ag you that ito tha IIAH ot a n .r.zecutln

Order, or u l'rea14ant, I u u lltna: you aa an A:ler loan elUteD-- you

lndh'lduall.J' auat r.cb an ag:re-Dt .

r;o., to go ll4ck tor a 11.111uta , tr I .. ,.. ..o.S.n~tor, I thlAk I

would blpoM a U.u li:H on apeecbaa . I tb1nk you know jUI1. what I •&.11.

h only t o a Ylry ~~:reat cnere;ency that tM S.llllta lmpona 011 ltHlr, without

any rule, 1 l1a UaUon on lpet~cbea , They 4o it YOlunta.rUy . Yo\1 atpt say

h at 1 a1n1-. OD the otber aide ot tt. Capitol 11 the Eou.a . It 11 a

nry lVSI body - - tour llw:.lire4 and •-tbin& people 111 tt . PNotty liu'd to

Um.it tbat dnd ot a dabata wit hout • Nh · SO they II&.,. a ruh . ".Dd wban

a bill coaea out t'l'OIII a CO!'lllitt .. , and tbay adopt tba rule, they allot eo

liNCh Ume to aacll aida . Tb.a reeult h that 011 tremendOY.Uy Hriou.a -•ur ..

"'''7 larp bod7 .

lM, ot oourH, tllla aMUill -· you are a lot GU.Uer tt.a:z tha

the UnH• d Sta t .. U.D.l.a r e .. r~ney colldUlone . And I lloJi' n r y aucb , and

I ' ll tall )'0\.1 'llih)' •• it iu' t j\.18t M - - HU l , 110 -- it ' a the COUAtry . Tba


COW1U'7 11 11rpt!Cti.A& -U:l ac Oln of J'OV 111 I hurry ,

1 doa 't 'D..Dt t o -.ay b)' tOJtOtTO. Dl&ht , but. U wUl M a tll.rlllln&

tbl1:4!: lf " could 8i't 10111ethlD8 out in the •Y or a uo.aal•O\Ia agreoant

t aaorrow 11lsht, Thu r.4ey nigh\, or by Friday 11l&ht . Iao14ntally ,.., would

t..u a ohAMa t o 10 bo&e and do J'UIU' reftUlar -.on: a lot q;ul cUr thaD 1 t you

waH al"'U..Dd aDd talk . I • • • no r~eaoa 1lhJ' la tilt a 1aat&!ICla J'OU ab~lt!.D' t

111lnutea you could H1 'lllb.ll.t rou w11..11t to aay . Aak or your fellow eto~~bera

tor Rlaue t o print . " (laughter)

r:o.. aotuel..l.7 , •• we Jr:now, • are all attar the la!M tbl~. I

thiDll: tlw.t ana it tbere be.da' t beer: a •r whh t.l:l.Ha .-ery large a11.1ou -­

Ge~DJ'. Japell, h.aly -- I aa iiicUaed t o thlllil: tbat tbl dlf'farenua oo

J:lllklng "'l'Y dtitlclta pJ"OgreU oa the wb.ob IUbJeet ot labor and DIDeg>NJ:ent.

We are gotog \o continue to ~~~alee prosr-", of eourae . I tb1Q.lc: "''Z'>' aendbl e

earnl~~.p ot \lie couLU'J, tlle't • o"ded better woricl ns co.lld1Uona, tbn

bel.and •• ah•d of ~a , lllld tbe Sean41o.a'l'lan cou.ntrtea •n at.ad or ua .

Wall , " ba'' J:~ade a lot ot proan .. , aD-d at t ba au4 ot tbl a 'IJry

tp'ellll. world -r •• bac:auaa it truly ta that · · wall , • ara r.ot &01D& to

atop . All our k1Dd ot oeUODa ara to1DI 1.0 -.Ira -ore prop-aaa, a:ld I don't

•nt to Hn -tblii.J up a.Dd .-B tt a raun - u.a one tb.1A&. lAt ua

agraa not to go bac:kulrda ·- tbat 1a dMdwd&}lt ·- but lat u.a '"'"• that

dur1D& tbh war n won't pt tbiDia bald ~o~p.

Now t ha t h tba pr1-rr t htna, to keap tba wo:rk gp1o.1 .

- 6 -

I 4<m ' t. belhn you are COlD& to b.a"a ~·' cUttloulUe a , MeauM

1 d<m't think 1t Ia a~ agHIIIIan t t o IU.ka. You are gol nl to ba faced

wH b ooa tact , and tM.t Ia ILII aDON0\1.1 nuabar or add1t1onal ptOpla art~

gnoaa. But .. QCIO look for t.be •ployaGt Wring the ccalq ,.ar 1942 of

a Tary -· ot •UUou - - a sr-at -D,J' ailUon !lew workara Ia detanM. "•

hne cot to protect. t b.lll:ll . &n .. ban sot to k .. p the thlll& r;olaa . ...

eac ' t hun atopJ)IIg· a of wort .

A:ld 10 1 ,.., just tblnklnli> about thie -- gotnc Me• to t.ha old ldNo

or aelt-dlaclpl1na 11 an old - - IIO!'lebody calle4 ., athntioo to it -- IJJ

o l d ChineN proYarlil ot a Chi:!.aM C!trlatlao, wbo p:rayed .,.,ry Gay -- ha had

been told t~ prey t o our kind. of a God -- and !lis ,pl'IIYU' wa: "Lord, n -

tom Tl:y world , baJinnlog with 11111 . " .\od 1t h rst!ler a nice Una to '""P

In tbe bacie or our beads .

1 .up·o• I 'I'II"J' lup J:rGportion Of --c-=-c\ baa COOl , 11:1. thla COUAh")',

trc. tbe raM:a ot labor . wa know YUY &Uc!l -- tt ' a Uke t.b a old xtrUn,g

Aytos about ~J'udy O' Grady en.d the captdn' • lady . • Th17 an both th1 seae

UD.~Ir t he 1dn. Well now, that 11 true ill \b1s country , IIJIIC11ll1 ill th11

pr1IIt tbl~~p, tbi-J tau to b1p 111 tnurut COlli&. I ••• ru4111S a pt.~r

t hia aorD1Q& •ub •• tllitt ng abaJ. t how toa~i tlbl• -- jutt plain ha~1tlbll

_, _

Well , the Prute..at or t he uatu4 S~tn do.t.n' t _, l'lotol')' 11

be1'1t&ble. I ...a.nt to ••• what .. e&ZI do . '~'• ba.,. OlllJ Mea la tb.ia tb1Jic

tor a ... k ud • hlolt. I do tblnk u t e M rtoue a t the pr .. ent HM. Ae

you lu:10 .. , .. en 110t 11tt1Di on ~s..ay Sl:reet ." Out thtn ln tbt hotrto ..

hue sot a long, lo113 c!iltance to a o to bit tb.e other fellow baok . We are

uk1AA U OJ1 t ile chill, eDd we cen't -- .. can't Ngbt unle11 w ceo se1.

wUbln reag.e ot tbe otber tellow. ie caa't -- •• can' t tlgbt without caua­

t.ac • gront deal or dettrvctloo t o bla. OtberwiM he will oaUM ~etrvcUOD

to ue. Tbat h Mr.

And I bo~ "'1'7 aueh , in tact I 01 ••ry cOD.tldent. tbu JOU wtll

"alhe tbe - - I lll&bt e-ll U tbe q;>lrUual alde or tb.1a . le want our \fP'

ol' c11'1Uu.t.ion to so on. And nry de1'1111tely it h t hreeuned . " " nnt

rr .. dom or rel1,31on. Tboae are threatened . And I t hink ncy IIIUOb the oou.ntry

11 looking to rou potl-II to she ua , jult. u taet • • JOII po"lblJ oaD -­

tc.EOrrow -- the DUt diJ -- ac&e lr:1r:u:l ot au q;:-ea-nt wttl:l wtltcl1 n will all

1t n want to, 1t • l:lau to - back to \be ol4 i U.k•IUQ'• And JOU Go• 'llbat

• nlll:llli:IJ rtgl:lt ••· 'rbat la ao-atb.1ug that .. caa pat attda UJitU tblt

d.tta ca.aa . "' IUJ all be 4aad. l 11opa not .

And eo I thir:lk that tl1a oou..ctrr 11 l ookt na: at JOU. I 1.111 looll:l a.g

at you . The Consre11 11 looking at rou. And 1.11 I een .. ,. h God apaed

your 1tforte to abaka banda all aroWld tba t able aDd tell the Cou.Atl'J JOU

y,.. doDo~ it .

u , .... , or t.ae Pr .. u .t. \o • .-... or u a

u lAbOr Co:lltoroaao , DM.-u 17 , 19.-1 .

!tta 'llftDIDU! I t aa .OI'I'J' to k 20 alaw.Ma lno, )\It;

r U •• ~· kt.a• at • ••~• n .ea• UTa ' "'' .... ,t.e. u t a

~aalllla ... " at.r l•Sl:r •• u~. -···u. .. -- 3•' kMpa .oat ..

la, i a r aau"& \ o aa\ ual I A:r•h&l .. uoa i a a-.e paz\ ot \lla wrlt

1a .-su u on aonev .a.ad,

1 \U'Ilk , i a u k1q ' " " , . oc.o llua t o t ll ta • Atw.aao,

U.a\ w U. alA al l - • • eJTOM d "- - r ealb o \lao · - DO \ • n l r

\h.a auol u.a pu , oao lt.Cozo ••• '"'' alM Ulo au 14'1la JI"CC'etl• ll.t'on

7'WO ... _.. -co . t au.ppoaa \ be ••••s• IAWhu t ol \ oi\ba~

that; n wo'llld.a ' \ c o\ illt o t.lla war , or t .. a, it we 41d, Ua.\ we

-..-.14 ao,. v,p . it lt wero a war 1A tlta a aU'h, l a ••r :r a ar\

or4w . ,..,. .... r a\IMr Uroc ato'I'J r_,..t:. t.lta t WN"a la•olH

all t hro\l&k t 1a ac:to\.ry .. d u t ..,. ..... r t ,_ I a. u. 01" ao~~.r~~a.

•• •• U • o •acu u r -.llto aow, •• ,..a l t.aa 1\ .oro lta.pl.J u t t.a

10•• oa. n or a Sa ••rr r Ml , ._.. ... t o tho wbol a wrl &, , . ... ..

n.a - Lllfto S. a uw ,.._u oaopAJ 1D u.a worl& Wb.la ll wo\IJ.t • •• r or

all t;lM - lt 1\ 1a aw) '\ J..at.o t ab M llll\r1 0 aM • ., .. 11 i t 1•

.-.p t all o•w 1Jaa .... , or "'-• worl• - lt • aJ.• ... u _. Ill

.,.s..a\o i H ..u,-, ... lt w v.l& .... Wla ..,. fl4 \ra.4o ll&iolli•

aq~:r. n 1a • .rea~ &aacu. • u .... , IM4 " - • -.. .,- a 1oac

·-'· u Sa ,.taa q &O • • rw • l ooa u ... ... M I ba'IO uk .. J CiW. lion W )lolp 'lti a Uh ...,., Jut;

u fJf.1.l. •• it ' " .,.... 1a IIU..t.,., I aa c.oi.q to u o a .. ,., 'lllll. iell -

... or u lli.o, ..U t aoa't. ol\Ul'o on. _,, .._.-. . t ..

OJJ171ac U o ..... . ... , . LO ,.. aa U l.aHd 4'6al, a U \ 0 .,aoU o

J ~1. \ H o\a ... ut . ... •• ' U a 11..... Ttto o. ..... .

... , 11.141 .. , Mll .... a. .. , w • s.n •• • ~autealtJ.p ut 1 ... do

Uta. ...._, •• at a .. ,.., •• llh on J14N'Maol wor ll. -=••• ... IOtlll-. h au ori.,.• Wlat. "l' a.t.a • • aall -. llho ll.h f lue •W

• l op. a••• ... \\.loall1p . 'Tao\ .,.. ro~o~.aa r o.Ur' • •• parae•l ._., ••

Jail MM OU o t J 00 0 ... t , .. k/ TO .0~ 0\U' ("'t'MU&l . .,._., .. o , wMa t "•• \ U •H ••••••, I .._., ,.. to ••:o f'o_;r la\o

U LO ,..,•oJ.•••• l a«t • ICI"f.UJ · - • • ·~looa.

,.. , ,.. IilaH • • • £"1q0 h f Y-ot. I'J .,.. hMr, wt\ll o

u.tn .. .& , • • • aoov .t • • ~raMb ot Ulo eo • • , u .. \. ••• a • l 111 ••••~"""'

... t:nN~ t M lAch h\h'o . ... _... e.t tAo CO, N"aatlat, h oat. t ft&

•• - l .lle Q tAo ...,. .... ,, .. •co, •••11M l to •• ....... l t. . ...

w Wlaa \ ot"o-1'•, c ....... at c.a. . .. .,..... .. tiW .. ,., · - t •nw..-.

a aa • to.n .... "''· ,..• • • • t.-o p au ..... &1*9 ~o.oc.arat.o'' • 1

ua•t. U .llllr: u or ·wlU .... t.o d ol & • 01 He atlat. t tahi: tM\

t t.o r .. a t Nlr ._., •• u .. attqlt ,.. • .,Ill li~Ho.td•n la pr .. ttlq

I • • • \ lla t lf t .,..,._ a U " a,.Mr I .. u • .,.., a ,..r-.1\,

"'' ~'*'"• ...,lat.a ..,,...,.. ,, I tlllil'll.14 w.u\ ....toll .. oha, ut

oa V.4ua\or I alP \ Mlp c at. l\ o I wea t ·~·· !fa• a ;.oe4 1a

o r tAo • •••" • Ju\ • • •ul la \\U'alq .n. \lrolaa• la ,lana • •

h. 1a ~aa ttpU.q ton••· n 1a J .. , •• ...... ., M \ua .. ,

._.t,.., •• ,, la ,. crw ....... ... •..u• "-'. ..,, llt'\.o7

\U -.d,..at U \u•• "'· ,... S... ,.,.,, 't'IJ'J' ••Ill .r tllle

Win .,. ..... ....t.ll.lq w .U llaow t.U.\ .. lllue pt. \o

...... 1a ,..,. .. :n - w1.1, t.ecJ,..u.1.1tc: •vr, •eFT ... - au\ tw

weka. • • U.n p\ sr-\17 w t.unua ov.r p:ro4uUea procna.

WI an aUll 1D a HU& - O.thar JOU lib U or M\ - Ul.e

araazaU ot 111:11 h'ea wrld.. :ror ..uoloua raaaoaa. Oao&r&pbieU17

wa au. t\U'D ou11 uhrlal.a wi\laow.t ~1-. lll:a tba .... pb¥a1oal

4azl&u to the workua a.ad. t.o tU ~· •• 1\ 11 1A Brlt;d.D, or

CM.aa, or Ruala. h iu:.•• pt. to do parteaur ~6 ot t.ll.1Jlaa.

I al.WQ"a UD a lltt.l.e a\oi'J Uta\ ou or -.t~ paopU no

•-• '•8 t roll RV.aala t.ol4 • the ot!Mr Aq. ft'baa t b17 at.a.rtat -

I pt. t.blllk1q What wovU n ~ -- .U.t. woul4 -.ao& ..... t., uA

wbG WO\ll4 la'or aq 1t .. 414 \hat. bare. I t.hbJc n wou.ld. be

all rl&bt..

D • t.llle oera.u -.re a pp.roa.Uiq: ~~~»t. 011.1 d\7 lnat. -..,.

altlaa, 1a4v.at.rlal pl.aat.a taat. ..,.. \\lftlq a.'\ tl&).t.l ..

ua1Uou, Ua R .. atau r eallalq that. ikef pro\a\17 would. loae

t.lt.a aUr, '11...- h MYa taat.orlla. Aa4 Mw U6 t.ber ••• ill•'

ftar n.a • t Hs.a-t. Mr - ka.ke4 U laio t.ba ta.atorr, au. u..,. ••14 lMa .._. W.la lat.o t.ba tnl&lt.t. ....... Aa4 wtu ..,err 't.:ool,

la't.:o the .... h'eilbt. au· .... , na ... wM ... apara\lq illa.t; t;ool .

Wl\b, ot Mtll'aa, , .. da.,la ot.Jaa\ln, -.. \baf cot. 600 or a

U.O..U ..Uaa1 \o ra-aa\a)llalll t.ba t .. \01'7 1 u4 U.r wul4 bn

t.be P•Pll w1U ~• ioola, wlt.lloat. .......... t.o put. ... JMpll ••

uiniMa P•Jll oaiO U.aa t;a~.

Ad I ...S.u J&n a llt.UI U\ wild \M &TU' ... J.MrlM.a

w:4t M st '" ,_........,, ..._ .. • tnl&A\ tn.la la .,., MU.

teo «err .. n-u: ~fbo ata\oo •tleo. Yn. .... , M1' ,. ..... ,,.

M JOV tu11.7. Gd lA\0 \b.U t n l&bt ._,. •Stll , .. \Ml ' "-' , ..

.,. wwklac ••· n uo t. • o\llt·-•••• •• • ._. , .,. .,,,. r ... la .,.... lt. . ,.._.,.. k • ecnl.,lo of ltoUlM or wotol'. ~ wlll lot. to•

OU\ wJtel• J'OU Cll a \ llc.UMd ..U.o .. ltUit lala.nd.. • A .. 1M• U.


J1ow \M\ h ...... , ...,. ....... ! ti'OJ \M\ WW ... ,, ....

...,..u . , u t u.ll7 Mpp•lac U X• 1.11.•\ ner bero, lntt ., .. , , .,.,

•n •11M' 1a .. a.a\lal. I Dll U.t h wQ ea.!' • tat ot • .w,...o

or tre~.r• , OQT~ftluo, •••a tt 1\ ...,. u M ao.e\Qla.& # \be •••'!Me .......,,. ~ &:a• pbat, or t iM •••uao n r kor ln tk• flaft Aoea u \

~U• ~· h ~nlnlnl.T S..,Orkat \o duLAc nil ..,, lt ... , lto

tu Mn la;erkft.

J•t to a aolt•illrDOllo4 4t.al)llu. I a o\ber werta, I W ak '"

M•• - apb u 111419141'\M..l.o 7•• _., - I - ao1. 1..Utaa ,....

~' l a ~· .. aao of •• n .. •tho crcu, or •• ?rMlf ... ,. l •

t.Ulac r ou •• ... taN-1 ... otu-. t o" la4h1hallr ... ,. ,. .. .-

Mow, \CI ill lllaok tGI' • at..no , lt t nro XMara\or, I

\ldak 1 _.,,u, t. • •• a tiM llal\ oa opooUoo. I \lllU 70\l ll.aow

J•ot. ...... I Maa. .-11, tOI' OUIIillO, q .... 0 .. , .... ... ot \M

au. ...... , - no t.aato. n s. .. 11 1a a "U'J' P'••• ...... , U.\ ~ ..... -Noo oa lt..U, •l"oa aQ l't&lo, • lla.lMtl.oa

• • .,......, tiiQ' • U wl .. tuU,. t- alpt .., ' ' ......

....... .._.. la \S.. et .,..., .....-q, en\el7 b \h •••M

S. •• a Ilia&... oa tAo au ... aU• ec , .. OQ1hl la \M ......

1\ 1a • ftl"7 1uce _.,. - tev .....,... ....... ,..,._ ,..,b la

l\. r.."' .._,, W UaU Ula\ ldat et a ........ wt\liM\ a nl.e.

! e \MJ' llllno • Nlo . AM ,._ • ttl.l ..... w \ ,.,_ • ~,._

\h7 • ._., \llo nl.o \IIIlA\ 1:/tMrH au ... • •••• \b.e .. ••

d... fto :rea\&1\ 1e tbat •• \.-.ae•alr autou ... .,.... -

la• - \IIIIo MM\e ta 11aJ.tej U two 6qo, o:r •••• M1• ta .-..,

.,., • ... ...., J.u>c• -..,.

a.w, - .. ., .. , \Ala ... ,s..a, - ,.. ue a lo\ ..U•

n• \M •u, u& l hlh .. \M\ rou ... -.to noa h\\U ,._

t.Ua \be U aa\o et \M n.l\ot 8\atoa uf.u •vantr tMUU••·

Aa4 I Mpe .,....,. ...... , aa4 I ' ll \all J OV. wt1.7 ·- 1\ 11a1 \ Ju\ .. --

1-tl , H- lt:'a \ha eoU\':tJo n.o ••••UJ Ui OXJ .. \l.lc a..nu ..

"" ot 10• la a ••IT • I doa' \ ._., \ 0 tQ' '7 W.l'...., at&)!\ 1

h.\ l\ wUl -.a a \A:rUU.., Uln& 1t .. •Uf. p\ •..uall& c•

t.a \IIIIa ~ ec a uu.t.u U;HrN-j/ .,...._.. ._,...... atp\ -

ftvMa7 aic'\ 1 u ~~ ftt..,. a.J.P,\o Iaol .. ...U, ,. ... \11& ll.an a

U&aoo .. p Mao aal 6o 1C'U 1'..-lv ~lc • 1o\ ••lo&e.r \aaa

lt J'O'Il •1\ ...... ut \&lko I . ... .. ,... .. ...., la \Ah iaa\&aM

,.. Nlnl.U'\ • ..,, ~• c:-p.eala-.1 ••._ u• aM •1...,. \e

pia\•. Ia tin ataaua ,.. ~• .., III/UN~ ••• 7W ..a •

..,.. J. a.t at ,..,. taU• ...... tal' •1M .. \e prla\•o Cl&•••l

... •••u.Ur, u n k..-., .. are all at\u \M-.

\lata.. I \UM •••• nM tt \MH ..... ,, Mea a _, wt.- \arM

• .,. 1aJ'p •U••- C~en~MT, ,.,.., JW.,- t • taau .... w

tbiak o.at \Jla un·_..ac .. •• 110n aldea were, 1a n te ... u. of

O\ll'a, r elatinlT ~. We U Te baea .akl.Dc Yel"J' t.tiaiM proar• ..

Oil tile 'dole nbJeot of labor eat .... ......,,, we are 1101ac \o

oolltiaue w ••• procra .. , ot oo11rae. I thhk aTei'J aaunle

peraoa Oil both al6ea - la .. or aa4 •.JUtl•••t. aa4 i a OOT.,...at

- real b aa that, l et ue •117 e i aht or llina ;rear• aao we ""

rather tar be•iltt 1a thia eouatn , that n needed - · aTU7bo&T

adrllt.ittad. it - a creater a praad. iD n.a •amiDe• tit t ile aou.av;r,

tb&t wa uatet batt.er W~:trklac ooa41Uou , that Znclu4 •• ah•4

of u, aBI1 t.he Sa011411larlu eou.atriaa ware ahead ot u, Wall,

•• baTe at4a a lot of procra .. , and at tb.a ad of tbia 'l'e:I'J' p ad

world war, beaauae it tl'Ulr ia tbat, wall n are DOt aoi.Ja& \o

.top, All our li:1Dd of Dation• ara coiq t o -.ka JDOra prosraaa,

u.d I doD't wut t.o lift ao .. tb1q up ud .aka it a tetlU. • • .-.

oae tb1D&. tat ua &&N• not to 1 0 Hokwarda, '!'hat 1a 4...._ .. 1Pt,

but let ua e.craa t.bat durl.lll tbia -.r we won't pt t billca bald. Qo

JJow t.ha\ h tba prt.,Z'J' tb.J.ac, to kH p t.ba worll: pi .. ,

I 40a't balifta ;roa are piq t.o lla'l'a ar•t 4~1aul.Uaa, ba .. uaa

I t.OA't tlai.Qll: 1\ 1a a ta.ar4 &&H-Ilt to aata. Toll an aoiaC to

be ta .. t with •• faat , a Dd that ia u n o:.ou .-Iter of aHitiouJ.

peopla are coi:Dc to be at work oa tble war propaa, I au•t tell

r ou t ba tataua. haau a I woa•t hue tll .. uatU the ~lrt ot

laAUZ7, ia ~ ••••aa• to ooacnu. J ut .. •- look t or \M ~

plo~ll\ &aria& tlla •-lac Ja&r 1942 ot a 'I'UJ' - ot ailliou --

a poNt ...., a1ll1oa ... wft:en 1a W•••· lf• ba'l'a 11tt \a

)11'0\aat tua. ht .. U.n 11tt to kH p tile tUa& Pbc• Wa Ma1 t

....... . w, .... ot .... k.

A.a4 ao I wa Jut Ul..b.klq aM. ~h -- &ol-e Mek M

t bo o14 14 .. or .. lr-4l .. bllao h u olt - ...... .,. 0&1.1 .. wr auaaUoa to 1\ -- u ol4 Cllboaa pN't'Wb or a OklDOaa car t.tlu,

wbo prqa4 ftaq 4q - ba be4 bau tol4 to P'a:r to ov kh4 fill

a cot - u4 bla prqu nat '"1.01"4, r e1'ora ft.7 .,..1t, bea.l.u-iq

wtu •·· Alt4 1\ 1a n\bu • aioa lla.a to k"P 1.a Ua kak ot

!'bora 1aa't av.oll 41t'rwau.oa bat .. an labor u4 .... ._,

aotv.allJ' · I III.J>poea a T01'7 lara• proportion or UM&aau.t bu

ooaa, ill tbio OOWlt1'7, r:roa tba rultl ot labor. Wa bow TU'J'

au.all - u•o lllto tba ou I1pl1Dc M;Ji.a& a~t •h4J' o •Sraq ut

\b. a OOJl\ala' o lad¥. • 'rboJ' are Mtb tba .... u.d.v tbl akh.

Wall DOW t bllt 1a true 1a \hla oov.D.tl'J', aopaol.aUJ 1a tbla

OOU\rJ', M4 WO WU\ to t .. p it ao. J.D4 kMpla& 1 t 00 , &D.d. u.prcw•

1q l\ - th.io 1o Ula -· tbl.o 1o t.ba pro'l- at taU tiM.

Doa •t llollna "HT'lli.Ac J'Oil ned. ill ~· pa»aro . TM7

ha't'o to prlA\ tbia&o, t.bter ban to koap ~ u hhnot sot.,.

I ..._. rM41.Jlc a paper \tala .oralaa 'DiO ... t&lkl.a& about it. ..

laarl\altla - Jut Jlala i aarl\a.Ua - , ... u .. wa uo o "1&&• •Uoa u4 wa ILna p\ -" nMU"MO ut prokUJ ' -'\Ol' obUi\1 .. ,

tba\ Jg\ '•aaua fd ov .tao - wb7 .... Y1a\orJ wnl4 lta laoTi..,.


l'al.l, no rr•lhd fll \it.o U.Ua4 SM.\ao 4oeoa't _,.

YiO\of'J' 1o lani\&Uo. I -.t to ..... _. W oaa M. Wa bno oal,J

ltaaa 1a tJlio tUq tar a WMk oat a Jaa1t . I •o tblaJI: it U

1vlou d \M pr .. aa\ tU.. M r ov. taw, .. ua no\ olttiaa aa

•Ja.IIJ a troo\•. oo \buo 1a tlt.o J'aaUlo wa it.na p\ a 1-., 1 ...

41ftU.M t.o .. \o llit tho 0\hor r.uow lut.t. wo an \akUc it

.. u. ellb, aa4 .. HJ1.1 \ - .. eu.'t; tl&Jlt; llal••• ........ wit"• ra~~~• ot no nha:r tallow. wo eu•t ...... n -..'t. ti&ht

wi'ta."t oaulq a ~at; 4Ml ot Uatn.oUOD. W lata. Ot.h....Uo

M will ••• ... t.ruo\lon \o u. ~bat; h .....

/.:1/; An4 I hope TV'J aueh, 1n taot; I aa TU'1 ooat1Ud

uaat rou wUl re&llH tho -- I a1a)lt oall 1\ tho •plri\ual. elcle

ot thta. • • want. our t~ ot obUba\loa t.o co oa. AD4 Toq

a..thl\olJ it b throa\OIM4. wa wu.t owtaln r :r .. 4caa. ft w.at

tn.a. to O"J::»r••• our owa. opb.loaa. Wo want t nodoa of

rti1&1oa. 'l'bo .. a:ro \llroatoae4. And I th1Dk nq auab. tbll

•• MllA\17 1a hoki.D& IS Jou aeau...a to &in ue. ju.t • • taot ..

J'OU poaal)lJ ou -- t0110rrow - tho urt 4aJ ...... aoao k1D.4 ot u

aero-• w1 \h whlab. wo will all ahako ba.ll4a with oaell otMz'.

J.Jll tlt.oa attor t.hla 'IIJU' la woa, let' • 110 Molr, 1t • • waa\ W, 11'

wo hno to - baok to tho old l ll.koUJ'. Aad JOU b.CN what. a

XUbJlQ' t l &)t\ waa. 'l'h&\ t. acae\hiq that; n oan pat u14o \UIUl

that. U.h ...... wa -:r all h ,.... I Mpe ••·

04 ao I \bbk t.U.t \llo OOU\%7 111 lookhc a\ TO•• I

aa loolr:la& at Jou. fta coasr••• 111 loekb& d 7... AU. aU I

-... _, 1a 004 ..,. .. )'Our ettOl't.• \0 Make haala all uou.t t.M

tatlla aDil \all tllo ••-'1'7 10• han loao 1\, ........ IUJlAK s&eRn'ART Pl1llta!l1 n.aak 70 ... *· Pr .. u .. ,.

'!'HI PUBIDDfl I wUl ... a1\\b& rl&h\ lliofti. (laqlt.ter ) It. ' • a.U riP,\.


uc.mu.n: kiLUSl

t~.-1 r-r1<1 of tNo ~411lt Clell"~ U'--JX>-17~.:> ..-,.no!U..lnialtU)' ~eont•....,«r-ool....,~lll.alhUtor-.

nt> Pnl.>liX'!to 1 • 10~17 too M to •U.t.M 14~, tNt • ,. ... U...ldn:l o! a ,.,.._1• lbNoe~ U.t. ... ict lt-tl.Mt UpHtlot. lor • t.o M 1wic:U:r on u...

tn aslci.ni :rou tt~ .,_ n..-" t.o ti'IU _.r.,....,., 1 Uott>k .., tllol.ll<l all - , ... ..,_,.,. or w - .,..auo 1>0~ only VIol ..,rtou1 pur~ before "''• but Uw Hrioo.o~ probl .. u ... u.

ywo-k.a ...:o, I "''lf'Oa• tn~'"'ill<r .t.aonc:analt dthool' Uo11t.., WOoll.<ln' t. 01'1~ 1nw uw war, or W....~ U "' <11.a, " '100111<1 .. p up,1f l~c- ttiWi.rtn t!oel'&dHc:,1nftl')'thelrtord-r. h&thl r dot~tor:r nat.rb """" 1.,...1..0 all Ulnqtl tl'lh o_,U")' &.;ilinlt 1r17 ll..nc~rtroDJ..,an. Ctcou..r .. , """"""boo,pm ttl r11aliu-...., I'Mllu Mrw -~7 u tiM ~· on, Wr.. h .,.....,. rul 4anpr t<> !.hoi whot. worl<l, "'--" tho:r.. U 1 ,,.., (11111-pbJ' ito lho wcrla 11'!11cll ~ MCJ tor au Ulll. - u H t1 -pt 111\o :llh 0011ntt7, .,....,., tr 1t 11 -p~ O"taf tAu ro.tt of \A<. .-or1" - lt _.,. - an •"" ot prh·U .. lndQf;....,., Wid tt.-u- VIOl ..a.~ at~ •i•t. t;>CtU&ll:r. It 1~1 ro;&l11M11'\.r, 4to.a-•two;m W•arb)'al~ .tlot . lth .;olnt~.:>10onfor1lon,oU...

Anl..to•ha..-..u.k~'fiN."'-""t.olklp•itolhhwu,~t U-cl\11 \t'fiN.-.,.l:luailor•. J .. Jol.a.,. t.ouo .. a-rd wMc:b IIOIIOOf,.IUU - Ii<ld-1 <kn>'t..t\A.r. ""'""'OrO 11 ,.._.,. , 1M ap~ U\., vaN •..,n• t.o 7""' 1.1 lruhL>..all, an~ t.o IQ'hU.

,1. boy, 1.11~ oth..r ~My, "" oo.ot ln ~ p)..o.n ... n1o> Cl<l""-m­-\O.Unott..llhill!»hi::<II.Odi'f"o" ll•ntl•Hilpan..le&•llil l.U ... l'h&t wu 1111 -....v; 1>11 a.on p...r1011al .._,. , fb.,.r.. 'lias no~lllnil 111 1'111 or<l..-n Ula~ toll hl.a h.."'""' 1.0 al.,.. 1\.ll pl..onw 1.111.0 & J&p.lofiO.. .. b.;.t.U~Ihi~. that •~• :tOU"4 X•llY'• o.<n P«Uon..l 0 1111t",

olrCio.&do """'a( )'011 0 an~ 1 \00 1 •· "'-""' 011r ~rton.J.

So,~!>.,.., l ... \boo .oorcl _,,., ... ...~~~ )'OU 1.0 ... ,..,llrl•"-' 1.tt.o:rouf'hl.""loil'l<lhi.C>Yll.y ·- ... ,!,:Lrlhf\l,

~ an.b...n.&.IG JI"D<<i'- iliii.UU"J Jll> 1<0bor - ritlla ~nllollcho....,!,..."""O.:.:..""ti"'-llt'U\Cboft.booCocrr • ......n', ..-" rl~ a~~oou--n r.- t-.... t...&ifLoU.•• br;.Mh ot Ill• oJoot • ......at, t.o o.c~. t<I. ... U..-oni......SCn.t.or•, tt••a"""'.-. ftl..kiADil·"'l.l.,A;tO &n. -re.ton. 1 <~<»>·~ tn1Ak ttl-7 dU 11~ ... 1.0 •l •. h 11117 tii% 1\ic:k. ltlllnllnU..rUI.Iyc.::.">U'Ul711Ctlll .. ...,._ .. .dA,;l:rp....c..MIIOQo.r,.ton

.\ 1npr..ll,oilllnyour ..... ~.

t kr>oot , l( 1 ••N a -"~r~t.or, J -1<1 ~""~ r..lllll.U -­lco.,llo.l.o..~t. J-l~w..n,_U\1AJ•1h..,....tll0<0..rat.or, I .ai~hl. h<.lp ao>t lt. I w&nt ..p....oc~ , Sp.. .. .:~ IIOW 11 of l.hw ... _...~.._ , J•Ut u -~~ 1n Wtnl.n,; out I.Mn•• in pl..nl.l Ill it U .oDO<lil. tho;, f1l)ltJ.f14forco.l . It.hj\lat.uon..c .. n ·.r7to\u.rn0\lt.,qlll.,..ntt;.IH h t.o orUl WI "'~• or b dl<lup t Jl;.vy1 111\o..or VL• .,q~lpoa.nt h wm.li wt. Si"~'"d lc ..-.. ry, .,...,. ~a~ch ot t.n.. .ll<.ftC:, ,

with .,..~a ~""' -t.l\1111 ""' .. n tr;no;r tMt •- II~"• ,o~ to 11 ... ~ ln \lllo.n..att.w ...... u • .,.. h.,;,., ,:O\Jr.."tl7 tolnc"-'•0\IJ' I'I"'OIuc\ion pl'l:let-· .l.. <lf(. 1U.llln" , ......... -- tm.t.ho.r )'O'J Uko. lt or not - t.'LII a.n.J>IIl ot '-.._ rn.~ worl~ . G..oKr-llft1nll)' .._ eu> w"' out. .._\..rl.-11 wl.!.hout~J\o'U..Uk..th..~~lC:&liUI.J•rtol.h..-rk<.n...,::itoU\• pl..,. ...... ,.._,,u 1118r'lt..111, crlnto.1lW, or ... nu. l>¥1\o...., ""'t tooo p..rt .. c:tl:r IWlb.uU ot t.~ln;,;•·

i alw~ lllr.. 1 UtU .. 11.017 \Mt on. ot tq p..a;~l .. Co~ b&ck t.- au...u t.ol<l..,. lA. ot.b.r a...:r. llll;n \b.. O..ra..n~~ .._,... ap....,.dd>:>C 1>0t­c:11.7, but_, ctU .. I lfo~r.. lldu•trl~ plJitl •-r~ ~ oa tt.ptlnl.mt­UOIII, ~ INUl<.nl r.A.htn.J; IJI..\ ~7 ~~b..bl7 ~~~ lo ... tho. c:il,J or c1U..•, bo.1 .n 1.0 .... th.J.r (:;c\.ctr1~•· lolli1 '- <1111 \&7- U\.,.f ~7 ran a

''--'•••1·"-"•ULt....,. nh h • ,_...,,-.., u..o ftou •• --..~r ...... u_,_ .. , .. tUM U Uiot II• U.0 . _,. ... ..u. Qlll6nlt•l11f•,.te.u.-. ........ .._!, ... ~ ... h lM r-t-1, ..._.... ..... :...,, ''""· fc..U.lll JIUMu.t ... .,.. .. .,..._..u...,..., n..s. ..,_,M..,.__IIall•• .... , t ....... , .. , .,...,.,.u.._._l, _,..... ..... uo.r 00,. lUI.



1r111M train-bK1<141t lntothl tactorJ, andthtJloto614 th·i~ll ln\Othth'IICMCC'Io Ard-.1.Uolnrytool-1nwthei1M ft'l l l)'lt c..,...­went t.hl..., who ... opll'l \11'11 that t.ool. 1'1\e i.r allple o~.)lctiw, 1fltn t.h17 -tel eoo or a l.hoi!Hnd .;1111 ,...,. Wll t o r i-IIUblilll t ill tactory, TheywOIIldhi'N\IWpiOplt , t.ht...,rklnwUh\hll.J'tooh. They did not hlwtoputntw people - uMrlintd ptepl e - ontath .. II.OOh,

.Lnc1 I .onder j\11\ 1 l1UlA blt 'IIIII~ \.111 lftr• .I,Mric., ~d cia it ow oo.,.r,_t b.aekld 1 ft'et~ train 11'1 IJid HJ.d t o l¥1r:r worQro•n ... c,.....turootice. Iouc.,•tll)'~to,-..tu:U,:r. 01\ into thU rn1i;ht car wUh the ~~ )'011 1r1 worlt111,1 w:l.\h. There 11 70W' 111i~IM- a ~r o! tood, ~ ~~· bonlll .:.t •wr. wee wUl ltt ,.... out wMn ,..,. I" 1 tboual'ld. .Un or 10 WUod".

'rhf.t 11 'lltla.\ C :r _,_, t prq that W'l lUI'\ haft~ ecwlllJ'hlpPinincliklthl.~"'""tw,.. • .,,_,.ICI, ~-••J'IICI,l• utcll'ltW. w ~ .. t 11 wh7 .. ,. k1l>d or • nopp.ce or .. rt:, 111,.....re ­t'l'lfti.tlt-toiii-~U..cwoc~~rot\hlplant, or • "" ,_. ... wo:rltl.r 1:1 ttw plmt doll r.ot ..... u be p.crtlcu.rl y tapor­"'" to '111llftilll \hta .,.... - JOlO' be _, l..apartU\\,

to CO baclo: tor ~ .tnll\10 i t J ~rt .:w:le:r~t.cr, I ~hink I wcWO 1"'PPM ~ U• lW~ on SP"Cehu . I think )"'U. knew Jwo~ <oh.ot. I ..c:l'll'l. Pt!r ••~. ~,.. 11 or.e 't:rNich ot the Oo'>'e,.,_,t - the~""" · a ta only tn • n r 7 vn~ -~cncy t.r.t the S<lrl&tl 1ap08Cll on ltMH, 'ld.\llwt ~111' nile, • lillit at1on on ao-chla . '!M Scna\ Orl 6o U ¥ol...,_ t~:rUy, b7 c_.., e-t. A:>d, tn t.1.•1 or vu.t _,,.,q, or1t.o:r7 in the ,.,_\Ill 1t 1 ..sm-. Or> Ull other ddl o.t thl Clpltol .... h the lieU .. or hpH-I.I.tt"'· It h 1 nry l&rJI bo47 ..vs u 11 P""Y b..:l \1 lla1t dlbll-0 rlUooot a nle, So t~.en h 1 1"1111 . .Lr>d ,._ft 1 b1ll -• o11t fro. '• o:-lU." thl ....a &ISopt.O allou .o ..:b UM to 1aeb tldl, 1M riWh il that ot> \r_...llf MriOUI ........ -1-W dll:oro\1 11 u.it..:l "' t.. Oa:r-, .,.. \llrH o.,.. or leu In tbat "'1"7• ....,.,.l .... bo~.

rovanoolo\.....U.Cr1.n.n~n\.llaro\haSen&tolftd,IOell~n,you. CII'IWI 0.,.., k ltw t~ t..'ur> tha ,!oenroto ot t.hl \r.l\<4 St.aUI Wider ... rcenqoord1~1Dfll. !1'11-nUJllup~c\tnc-tlll.""'out.or,.,..ln• !wrr:r - I <bn•t oq by _...,...u,.tlt. -but 1\ will boo o.tlv"Winc Wnc tt • o.ollld Cl' - tl'otnc-.' 1:1 \~""*Tor 1 1111-u-1 av- nt. "!I;> too­.orrow ntcht , Ttnl:radq, or It l.hl lt.t~n Mdt.7 ni,.~t . I lfll no rouon wtu', ln thU tnuance , you. llhollldn ' t ldopt U~o~~ Concrndon~l Clllto• o.rd u k "1""' " J)l'lnt• . In ti"" ail'l>ltc• yw oould II,)' 1ll )"'U. wsnt to II,)' • .l.lk'JfN' l'lllow.....t>tu ror- •l enotoprlnt• .


A.cot.ll6ll,)',u,..mc,.,, """"al.l e.t'twUM-tlllzll, I thU!k that I'NI!.U Ul- be.tln't.~ a wvvitl:! tMM ftl'7l.a"p MUGM •• Gena&n,r1 J~, Ite.l.T •• U. dJ.f't-1 011 bot.ll l id .. , 1n tlltl OOUDtl7 ot ~·• ""Hl..atinl,J -.u. v. ban bHD ~ "'"'" 4&1'1za.1t• P"ISNII m U. ¥bole nb,l«<t ot l.elloor 11114 ~t. Vovoaoh!ltooontlmloto ll&b~H. I~l1.n"TT:'J-1blo PM"-Clllbo'tlol14 .. -- labor&n4~t, lln41n~t-­roallln \bet, otlfl)>t or n.1J» )'011'1 aeo w ...,... "thor tc bob1n4 1n t.hhc01mtq;tbo.t""'noodo4as:roetotoePftdlntbo~ottho countq, tbatwo;o ......s.d'bettervort:i.ll8cc:a:Uttonl, !!ngland.,.... ~oed.otllil. 'ftlo8oen4.1M.'I'1ancountrtoewora~otu.Voha"' ..&lalotofpr"'6r''II, an4atUoo:n4otthUftT7groe.tWI:IZ'lil war, 'boQ......., tt.tNl,r 11 Ulat, vo U"G not goillg to .to;~ F"OB"''· OUrldndotnattoo•"1e 8101n&tolOIU:o_..~ ... l.oti"$UM not tosobec:kvw'd.ll. But lot"" 1161'00 that, 4u::l'iqj thtewv, W11'Qn1 t bol4 thinp liP•

ftat te U>o Jll"~ thinB··1Dboptbo 11W'li: &OlnE:• I dQrl't bollO"t<t)W.&n~8Q1ngt.ohe.YOgi"'flt41ff1cl>lt1ee, ~I4on't Ull.nkltUahud.egroo::cmttor~t.o..n. You.,... ao1n&t.o 'be t~ vitll.,... :t100t -· an....- n\C:Ibor ot a4dlti<:rl&l pooplo are sot.nst.oboatWW'II:onUihvv~. Ican't t.oU;rou.tM4o· ta1U,bllt""oanlooktOZ"t.l>o~Q1ftOI"'td.l.lrinfl:thtOCI>i.Jr,Broer ot 1942otc1Wont~oiMY...,rkol-• ln4otoMO. \loh&'ftlsot.toprotoet tll...,,lloba"'S(It.t.ob>eptht:lpsotnll, \loee."t'tha'I"CCI~ .

AndllOi w .. JIIIItt.blnkillsot.nolAtdoaot .. lt'-4.1.c1pUno ·· mol4Ch1llO .. proTOI'b -· otac:bineHChrietta."'. Ke;>r.,red.onnU¥ · · blba4\>Hn ~14~ Pl'S1 ~ow ll:1ndota0o4 •• dhl l pn.J'tll'VM! "Lord, rdorD~ Tey VW'l4, boo~ vtt.ll • · · It 11 n.t.blr a nlc• limo t(8 WI all t.c ta.p 1n t.bl bolclr:at ow beadl ,

fb- l""''tllllodl 4itt.rencobetVHnlabor Md~t &etuallJ',I ~&¥Or)' llz-ppn>po:rt1c:m.at~tbucc.o, 1D t.ll11 OOimtrJ, 1'rOIII Utll'Mka ct llbor, It' llib the cl4l1pl1nl!; ~abou.t •,Tu4Jto'Gl'o4J'""'t.b1Colootl' •IM;)', • n.erarebotbtho -\I!Kllrtho 1 lr:1n. 'nlllthtn...intblloountl")', .. J>I'Cl allrinthll COIII!.tl')', lllll4 va vent t.c toop lt 10. AM. bopin£ tt 10, lllll4 il!;l>'oTitl£ tt, llt.biPI'Obl ... attlllltlmlo,

Don't lillie" 0'1"0qtbln6:rouree.41n the pe.peu. 'l!le)'hiTO topr1ZitUlllliJ", tberbeonot.okeopM1nt.eroltgoll'.fl, lVUI"'I4ina lp.LpOr tbl•I!IOI"n1ne:>lhtebVMtell.1r\sbovlniT1tehlo ·· booft1110vaan 1 btgeor r.et1c:m.lnll. he.TO!Xn'O rot~O\ll'OOI MdprobolblJ'bott<lr&bllltlel •• rtct.or)'VOIW!'bl,

Iventto-vtlotVIIClln4o, llebiiTOcnl,JboonlnUlll vvforaYH.tand a h.alt, Itlaaor l<IWI,attbepi"'IIOnttil:le. lie -notetttinSoo"!:aarsu-t, •

l bopeYW)'J:U:.b, lnf'aotliiii!I'"""'C<lnt'icl.ent,)'Oilvtllnalho tho lpl:rltual at<kl at tbla VU' IIEID'r'SJII'l'C7• 1o1o VUlt ow t;rpe ot o1T1lha­tlant.o&o""• Itll thro6.tono4. Wovan.tQUr~, Wuventt'roo4clm. t.ooxprouov;rownopWoruo. Vflvantt'roo4clm.ati"'llstc:m.an4Uleotlltr:rl 1.1>1011, 1'bll7-tbro•tono4,

I tbinlr:TO:r)'I:Ulll tho COt.llltl')'Uloclr:1ns t<I)'OilSI'J>Uoalm to $1ftlll1 J Wit Ufut u )'OilpOIIlblJ'CM•• bytoD:::Itto\lortbonoxt daJ' •• - ll:1nd ot M e.vo-t 10 that ""' all can lllab hMdll . Attllr U!h ve.J' 11"01:., lot' e &o b &Clr: l.f'VOVMtt.o1 l.f'VII haft to, tocld ltinol'lnT· AM.:rouknovvllat a nlkonn¥tlflht il, lNttbatla i<X»ttllnS tllatvocanput .,.t.S.unt lltlll.td.ateo.-1 ,

'l:'!lOeOWJtl')'illoc.lr:1nE;to)'OU, l "" l.oolr:lne;&t)'riU., !tleCon6;1"1n 11 J.ook1ZI&&t)'Oil, All.lOIID ..... l & Oo4apeod)'OIII"o1'fortlo,


liU'Gr.&l .....U ot W Pn.Ucl•\ aell,..NJ ""'--fiO-lJ'to.-...nortMt.aotU')' tabor eoat•r.ee r.cod...-.J bf Ala lilt. tor-.


nK l'i!W!!Cifo I --.r17 toM lOai.M~ Ut.1 1 tiU~ 1 Mft "'- ld.ld or a •<:Mdu.lto u.... ~ ~\ ~•• 1\ - \ 1li!N ~1ibt. for • toM n.ricU)' liD u...

lJiuld.ni:)'OIJ.to~ll•ntoUIU-!II'Inot,Jthll!.k .. t~~oulcl&ll-•"I")'O!Mof~,g-I"Mlllan.o\onl7~ .. rl.ou• P"l'i'O"IMCoNIIIt, but UMolerlou,probltaM••ll·

rwo-k•"4o, l~~q~pollaloha•""'",..r1canltlt•ll.bior lh•t .. •cul<.ln't 6"t.l.ntot1M•.u, or\.llllt1t••a1<1, ,.._l <1.,,. ""• it U - to ..,r 1.!:1 ~ l'&el.Jlc, 111 'N'7 8hon oNoor . 1\&I.Mt clto~tory....,.rlal.,."' lwt~l.ooO all~ tl!.h -l.t'J'a,;&inn .. 1 Jw\(erti"'llJ~. orcou...-,u•~hl<o•"D.~tonoallur>o-"aru ..-11111 ..., ........... 1)' U tiM 10111 01'11 w .... h H'7 r..-.1 clatlltr to \lW:I .bola worl.O , b.e.a~ U..no 11 a ••• phU-;>11)' 1n tloo worl<> "''l.cb ~ lftcl for &lll.l.a. -1! h 11 -.p\ 111'-0 :All OIMIU]', ·-l.f it 111 -pt. .,...r Uw r-..n ot u... ..,,.l.Q - 1~ -1"- an .....tot prl .... "" la4111~, llllocl lt ~d- tM -.1 ot u- unt•l.aa ...,W.l7· It haf\.&11111'11'-r. Jou..., •t•m UM.•arbf&loa.&:-.ot. . ltla ;;oirljltoFOI'IIOr&lOO<;U..•

Alw .a' b&-ulttod 7011/.b..N to Wpwl.n t.llhwu, ~t N ..cllu it 70/11. ...,...., 1:1 W>!lor•. ! • cola~ to-...~ • ... ...s whicb ,_.otv.tUkl-ancstcloll't..ith.r. tto. .. -.rc~u...,at•. 1• app.ly1ftcUI"vord"aaat•to)'OU&IiN.hi.Guall 1 .. <1toiQhlf•

A boy, ~~~~ oth..r cl.ay, wu out in • pun~ • !'bot Oo~m­-.ntoJA not t..llh1Ahb lllcltocllwoc••bllttl••ll1pan.~l"" 111 .. Uh. Th&t\o'Nhh • ... to; hho..,p..non&l. -.u..t• . 'f!l.,.r..,. .. • nDtllln.J1Jihl.IOniUTII.''IIt10llih1.ah..ll.a<li.OOl .... fti&j)Lon"1ni.O • JAplolloo .. ~tt.l~lh1p. nwt ..... )'01111,1 l~lly'• o.rn purlon..l ... I\ • •


:io1 •lulliii'"U...•orcl-t•, .w.A\f04U>&~,li"'j)li.IW l\107fN.n.tl""a,la•1h1c:u.llt- ... ~rlo..,,.

4..an.b.f\.UIII"'\\P - iniUII)'.olll>lllb>r-w1UI& cll&lrwoa clo:>""" £,...,.. \ho. io.n.O>ti"" br..ndl of 1.bo eo.~ma..A~, .JW;& a Tle.~Cibo.1n&tltrc.~J...cial.AU••br...tldl.orth•I)QO'·m•·llt,to...::t. I4ac~Uio.worcl~tor•.It'••po~.-. ~ .. tc~,....,\l......n ....., -nt.on. 1 don't tn1nk U...)' ~lll 11...,.. 10 wl..l~ Ill)' bll n.icll. 1\hlllkl"lllhfr\b...yc;.">tnil.)'&et a • ... ,."'"....u..;lyp....c..l'Glliodl;rat.on 1JI pf\.llo.S.-. <.t )'OUT ~Un,p.

1 blow, if I •~N & -..r.tcr0 .i -10. >.Ill\ 1\.l\llU -1 oo.;~l .. .._ '-&~t. J -..1-> •..nt to&.UWIC ~~~- "'""' ... aod.,n.\Or, J llil:lll.ho.lp;vttt . t• ... t .,..._.:~ . sp....o.- h ot"'"--H.nc~, Jlll\ ... -hin1.16'111n,;OIItUl1n•alnpl..n\.tuHLIIoiiOC"CIIIo !il:htlllil torou. 1\ h J~t u n .. o..u-ry to ~111"1'1 out .,qu.t.,..nt"" 1t U to Clrill an an:q, or b dlcl liP ~ !l~vy, .tt...r th~ •qa1puc.nt h wm..clout. S~ltvo..ry, ...,rywchot\.llo.. .. aM.nov.

lfl,th IP'o'..cl F~l -~ - all blow tAM •• II~•• cot to h .. N illth<.lllo:<tt .. w-U . .... 11;.'"'-"'\11\.0it.l)'toli!.C"'...._OW'PI"'CCIICUOIO pro&r•· J .. ~•ellllnaa-.n ... -· ,.hoolboor )'OIIllki.Hornot - l.lw ..._&l.oru... r.....,.,rla . O..OCr;,piUc:r.llJ' ... OMtAimOIIt,._~o.rl.J.• nu-t .... rt-"11111 Uko.. u... ....... pt~tslu.l -c .. r to 1.11.. ""''"""" .n<S to u. ... plm\.tNpN"t"..U1nJ:Ir1.l.Al.ll,or1111.lU.N.,orllllll11 •• ., h..Y>o.;ottoGO p..rt .. c\olTYIIII..ANott.'>~.

I &l•~ llko.. a Uttl• 1t.ory !Mt oe.. of oq p..oi>l ... Co c..a. bad< ,,_.,...u 10lcl.., I.A. o~r<lo.J. lbo.ll U... 0..-.11&.._,... ~ddrlc DQtOCM> cl\1, bllt. -r ctu .... -.tt.ln. l.ldoo•t.rl&l pL.nu ....... wndno': ""' ttct>ti:t.l ...u­uoa~, ~ JtoUilUII r=111.1n1 \b.\ \A.y .,.nb..llly ~_,lou Ul~ cl\7 or cltl .. , , b..c .nto..,... .. t.ll..ir f::.ctorl .. •· AllJ"'-<IloUio-JIO"+'" UI'"'' lt>oyr....,a

lllllll\ traifl-bllt.kod U 111\otlll fle\OI'J' , alld Ult)'lo.s.d U.i ~.,.;11 1111.0 the ft'otpt ctrt, And wi.UI '"1"7 WOl-ln\0 thl ·- ft'ol&M C­WO!\\ thiNnwho•n opernJncthlttool . Tllolr tlJIIIl•obJectht, 'lllhlfl l.hl)'-td.eDOor athoiiH!Id..Uua .. ,.,..ttor-ttabllllltllef.o.ct«)'. 1'1\1)'1t01lld II&.,. thl peoplo, thl.orktrt W\\11 t~dr tooh. The)' did not 111.,. to put ne• pooplt - llntralntdpeoplt-onto UltMI.Ooh,

W l ......Hr jlllt a lhtW ttt ...,,, \!It tftrtp Aol.rlt.lll would cto it our ao-.-nt 'otcnd a /'I'd"" trail\ 1n and Nld to r<'lr)' ..,.w, • Ph• "'""''' r.ot1co. to11 c .. •t aq ~to 'fOIV tWlr. 0.\ l.ntD \Ill\ t'Ni&bt ur ritll U• 1.0011 ,ou are oa:~r'd"' vhb . Thlro 11 )'OW till'""',_ - a t.n;::.r ct toocl, 11. coa,plo MU.!U of •tor. \II vtll lu ,..... ..,, .,....., ,.... '"' a tbouand lliln • ao WMC•.

!tlath ... t•r•-· IprqUw.t .. ~ll'thaft~ tow.tlr ~P'II1tt.oi: Uta tbu OTV '*"'· lilt .,...s, and -• •poecl, u. .. ..,..,ual .a.nd tNtll-.b)'-.ykl.ntllotr•~or.,n,~ro ­-un -t.oba-Ulilii:UMt.t>Cr•..,~roL thl pl.,,,.,.. · 1.bl •-·• vorltar 1n U•o plmt ..,.,, Ill\ claM \o ~~~ puUcul..u'l7 Up:or­\WI\ to 1dmtnc Chl.l ..,. - ..,. bl -~ ~tent.

:telle,..tor-.1 \h:tn, tlloru, .,.,.,bjlct loOIIINlt­lmpc!Nd 6ltolpUno, In o~Mr ..,...,, I th.lnk )'011 M" -Mel I u. not 1.111lllni,.:OII 1nUI08«1MOf ~nb<:C'IIti ... O""r, OII'U .... tld<tnt ­b\lt u 10ft Merlcan C'\then - th:t )'011 ""''" rt.oeh en •V''""'"'·

topbii.CII:for tBinut., lrlwcra-ocler·tcr, Jthtnlll ortlllld 1-wM ~ H• lt.dt on ~em... J \hlnlr. )'011-..:- Jun 11h•t I IteM. lbr ,.,~ •• Ulc,.. 1a or.e br\ftelt of 1.11111 Oo'to,.......t - till Smaw , It honl)'ln• •arrva.t ...,..l"nc7tblt tlotSon-.tti.JapoMaon haalt, 1111."-t •n:" rule, ~ ll&lt£~lon on •poedw•. ~ .SCnMorl do 1\ •ohln­vrUy, br ~~- c...-il\. Ar>4, 1n U•• of,...., _r...,>=J", or&\ar)' In \11.1 S.l'lllh h •t • od~. 0> \11.1 otto.r ddt ot tbl Clpitol-1111 u .. MouN of lepre..,\ett .. a. H h 1 ....,., l.&r~ bo¢1 and lt ll pnur "..-dl.ollJdtd<obtl.lrttllout•Mil•• SoU...,.harU• • .&nd1ftln111 blll -• •"'- rr- '• Ca!:a1tt.H \bl ..U.. adoplad d.lou .. ~ tl.M to each ddt, !til r&..t\ h d>&t on ~d.)'MI'IOIIt-........ 1 - la­W dtbaw h Utdted to ,..., d.ql, or \liNt cl.f:rt~ or hu ln U\1.1. ~1"7. ftt''Jl• .. bod7 .

'lo-t-alot...U.Cri~:ll.-..rau..tltbi.SCI>IiUand, Ito.l1n•, 7"" 11&11 aakt ,.,.. Mll.lr H• '-"-' \h• ~w ot U. \:r..t"d Stu .. ....s.r -CifiC100n:l1t1ono. ,..OOIIM17loUpeUtnc.o;~•\llilli011\0(J'I)\Iittl INIT)'- Icbn1 \ tQ"b7~1"'011111Cht- but ltwillboathrtWnct.hlnc it • ool>ld 1n IIOM\hlnc; .....,, 1tt l.'W .. -.u or a 1>11-m-.1 &IV-nt !>t to-• ..,.ow ~J.cht, TtluroclaJ', or u \ht: ~t~l\ Mcll¥ Ill.""\, J Nl no"'''"" ..tQ>, ll'lthlt1nltanct,10\llhCI>ldn1t..:lopt\MIConpnrlontlclllto• onduk •ht'l'l Wprint• , ln tivo;: lllinutot)"'OI 001114 1~1U )'OII•Int 1.0&11¥, Uic 10\a' t ollo•llol!llbera tor •lcuo 1.0 print•,

_, _

.f.o\llall71 M _ __.,w _e.Ll an.tM -Ut.!.n$. I

tkldt Ull.t - u u... 111111:1'1."-- ·- vtUt. UlrM ft17la'p .. u ... •· ~. J.,e, It&l7 -- u. UN'- • 'to\11 n ... , 1a tilt• -tr7 ar _.., ....... 1au,.11 -u. v.-.. "-- ..t1nc ....,. W1Alw ,..._.. ... u.. .-1a .,.Jo .. u. ot ~ d ~· v. .,. IIDI.IItto~t.mwtoab~. JMu .... .....,._lblA peNCIDCIII'k'UI I ld.ee ·• l&la' ..... .., ...... ~\\, -111~ •· ,.,.,u"' tMot, tl.flbt or~""'"..,.,. _..l"'lUior r.-~ 1a tlll1-\z7J the.tveft004od.t..,....torl"""'1atM~ofU.. O<Nntq, \hat vo ~ bett.r _.ld.ns oondJU-. ~,... UM4 or u , n.. &.....un..nm oowttrloe von """"ot u , vo II&TO .Ut.lo\ofl'l"'ffN'U 1 ...!atthe...totU.h'lft71P'Mt -l4 vv, ~n~1tu.t.t., ,.. .... notp>l.ne:to•top~•· OUr kin& ot ~~atlec>.· "1• IOU\1 to aiDt _.. pr"OFeM. W u terM IIOt to liD llectwvu.. lilt let ...... U.t, ~ Ulll ...... - """'' " holiUt.~lql.

ftlat h U. JE'~ 'YI11:11 · ·'10Rip U.-": Fi:!c• I b ' t 'looll- ,_- Fl..ce to lie."'.,_, Urtlnltlu, ~I 4an't UII.DII: U.h alou'4...,.......,.tr ... ,_ toaiDt. 1'011-IIDJJ:w to be taoM.vi\11- ,..,, -- - ~- ,....._ ot .,..u~ ~ .... eolJICto'Mat-t.oaWt.'IIV~ t-•ttoll,.u.­~. 'lon.,.. -loc*rar tM ~t krtJiil u. -.,.,....or 151'2ollllW,.. of....,-"'" 111..,._, \lo .. ,. p to~t Cliota. V.kwFtt.oiiiMptll.lJlliiiiD!.!oe· VOtc'1.11Pe~.

And. .., 1 ,.,. Jut tl>i:IJd.ntl at - ol4 1 ... ol Mlt...U.clpll:. •• 1110140.~~ ·· otaCll~ChJ"1Hl ....... Jift.J'I4'"'"'74lQ' •• MIIM.l11Mat.ol4topn;rtoourld.ll4ota0o4••111411t.~.,..,

"'.on., Htorw.ft,J',.ld, "«im.iJ\eVlU•, • Itt. n.t.beratlio- U:w toru..Uto111Mp1:1U..bloctotou;r~.

n .... s .... •t~:~~.~ellllltt-nM'Mt- ~ w~t lolltl>lll.l.T, I~ a nrr:lw'SII>""'POP'Uonot~t.bu~.-, 1nt.loh_,trr, tr.:..U..I"8lll<<lothlloor, It' ol1bl.bool4llplill6 ~u...rt"~O'Gnoi..J'an' l.boCol-l'otwl.¥,"1'1le7""'bothl.bo - ..,..l.bo ot1n, tt.at h uw 1n thh oountrf, .. ,..,1&11J' 1n \hi• 0011l\171 11D4w~to&oop1\IO,An4.....,lfii1\100 11D4~ lt, U l.bo prolllaat tlllo U..,

b'tbeU-~lfiiJW"""1AU..,.,....,1'1le7U.... toprilltUW..,U..,.-....toiDNp .. 1nterNt1011:11• I-l'MOU:I& &JI&PVt.lo.h~""1ch-t.lliiiSIIowiM'rl~--~ ... -·"~ .. t!CII-boWI ....... ........._d~lortt.erlll>WU .. •• 'rl.o'IGr'J'-ube.

1-tto-w..t--~. V.bow.cab"""'1nthto vvtora~&Q4abe.lt. Itlo-1-,atu.e,.._.ttta., w. -DOtoltti:l&an"l:.qstnoot, "

I lloplo ""7 IDCh, 1n floC\ I - ....,. O«<t!Mnt, 7011 Yill 1'Ml.ho l.bo eplrltll&l. otU ot t.hl• VV .... .....,7, 110 -tOW' \n- ot dTUI•a· tlantoiOan. Itt.t.hrw.tenad., lloVMtour~.Vowontt'roo4m ton:priMO\IrOVDop1n1""'· \la~t~otrou.,.onanoi.U.ou..r. u ~u. 1'M)'A'tt.hroot.onoo4,

1 tl:l1nll: TOZ'7 ....o~ l.bo oounU7 U lootilll to TQI&Ptl""""' to _,.,.....,,J\IIItututu7011.po .. 1\ll7oan · ·\17\CIIIen'OVOI'\110noxt kl·· -k1n4oiM~tl<ltl:latwa.uo .. -..hano!.:l . .l.ttft Ultevw-tovan,bt'•aobaek1tw.....ntto, 1twbl-..to, tooU 11ll:l:nv. AII4JW b:lv ..,.t anu.q. t tFt u . Jvt Ulat u ....U.lnti u.at ... _PI\Mta. .... ulthatt.w-.

Dlo001K>tr7U1.ook1Jicto70U• I•looiW\Iat)'UO. n..eoncr­U 1.ool:1rlc &\ ,.,.._ Ul I CCI 11q h Ool.,...,.,.... .rtcrta.


.......... !Atb.-1 ..-.b of tiNt f'ru14011\ ~tHrW u~po..,_l.)' to -. ... Ill 1M lacllti.I'J l,.abor Oonfenne.f'K"olft.ib)' lll.ll\lli.t t or - .


l* tir.L:>UB:I fo I .. IIOM'7 to 1M to al•~ tatoo, out 1 r."" v.. k1ftd or • •=-le u-~ U.t ••• h ·-u . .. 1.11poiJIU~l• Cor • w be ~t1"1ct.l7 oa u-.

111 ulrini:rcu to .-n ..... to u.tt _r,..,,., 1 U.l1\ll: "tllo\l.ld all - "''~ of,.. - Nalhe not OD17 U.. .. r l.ouo pllrpoH beforeu , but \boo "riOII•probloaQwvU.

r-o -u "'lo, I IIIO)poll \llo ,..., .. ~, '-or lean u lt oi\!Mor Ul•tn•<lll<ln 1 t..,.t 1.1\~o~>thowltor, orU..tUwe<>l.(l1 .,.-..lo.op 11p , HUe- towuoin thl i'&eUh , l n '"''711\or t. oroioor . ... w r cWo~o.tortnM.tlul .,.,..l...,.l.ood all~ 1.1111 c-1.17 a.,;lllnlt 8'17 liMIIorfrcaJ..,...>. Ofcour .. , -. ... !Ywb.,pllltor..,J.iu-M'IIJ .... u,, ..,,.. -..17 ... 1.1- pi on, w .... h ••rt rnJ. O.ana•r to t.bl whola-U, bo.-=-v u.,.,...u ..... w pllil-flll1"1tl Ulowor\dtrllicbWOillr:l ..s tor aU u..., - u h h - pt tr.w :1111 0011llt"7, """" u u. u ,..,, oor.r u... ""''or IJI .. worh - lt ""OUl~- an • .w or prhat.o. lndue·...,., &Ddlt~d.-u.....A.~o.ltn....tUilloa.~~ly. tt lca,...&l..an~r, "'--'t.w,..I.Mw&rb)'llOAO:-'Iot. It.11 ~lflll toJIIonforaloo.;U...

""'M J ""-...., ukood 104 ~N to hlp wlll t.llll •u, Jun u ..dl11 it 70" -r.o L" ....Uara . I .. lOlA~ to llh I"""' wtllcll ,_,.or u Ute- 51><1 1 <l<llll't. ..tu..r. n- "W'II it -.t•. 1 • ap~ til .. woN ._It" to you u lr>.~.hl.aWI, -~to _,ulf,

A boy, tb4 ~th..r day, ..u CN\ ln M pUn.. . Jb,o Go"'-m­...,t.o.l4 nott..llht.ho> h<:o.t.odl.,.. onalloHh!Jhlp&ft.L 101"' hl.a ur... Jbt.t.wullll"••.ot•;b.la .... np..nonal-....t• . 'J'tl.,.l'\.11 ... notbln,~ ln 1111 ~..O..n t.'lat. tolJ hl.a h.. n;...o t.o <ll"' 1111 ;~lan~ 1nt.o 1 Japwo. ... b>ot.U4ah1p. n.,.t .. ..ayoo.>f>4 x.. U y ' &l).o'np.non..l.....,n• .

.v.s o.G.c:ll - or you, .,. .. I -· •~ 1\o.¥~ our po..rtcmU

So, Jb;.Q I wo~ U... .n;>rd ... 1t.00 ~ •.nt. )'1>11 1D IP>'f'O;>ri&t.. lt.IDJC!Urhl .... l, \l>l;llda.ally - a&lotll.riCWII o

~ &1'\. .._,.,. u a~ - \r>:l<11ti'J ..ru l..tor - ri1.h a dl&lrw.:~ choiUI r..,. v ... U..cud"" WN!dlat t.bo..OO..~,..nt., ..- • n~ obo.inan r... u.... l.o.11J!Ud."• bnoncll or ~ ~.ma.t~t, t.o ~t.. I d'IICQP U..word -.odontor•, lt'• a 1110<1 •ord. tho. .. ~.;c t""'U...-.a u..-nton. ldoa.'t.Wnll.u...y><lllll.o.,..tori..l<>~~~qbi.$•Ucl<. lt11Wn.Wrlbo.7c&nt.nllyllct.a&..x"'-.. "'1D.,;l7po-.l'lal»od<.r .. t.on 1n PI'\.110.\:W: at. yoo:r a..<r\.ln,p .

1 ~. ut ... Na~r~to.r, ~-w~ .. ar..IUlu -1 ~t.. ~t. 1 -..1 ... ..., .. -thin& ~lh loN "'-.odo.r:aor , 1 Al,!M. bo;lp "'" it . 1 •&nt IJI'N'I• Sfl<.~" now h or t..h~ ~u...nc4, Jlllt M -~~ 1n wrnin,o out Ul\n•' in pl..nU U H 1.11 ~ ~ tltl'd.lll for~•· 1t h j"' " 11.1 n~o~n~t'J' t.o tlltfl out. ..qlll.,..nt 111 h 11 to orUl u. """1• or b oll<l "P" ll:.vy, a tt.o.r u.~ ~qal...,...,t. il Wm.<l wt. G~ 1~ "'-'7• w..'1'7 ..,o::h ot tA. ~•-c~ .

!1'1tlltpo~..S ID"I-..t..'\111,1..,allkrloooWt•~II.¥•10t.t.ob...'N

~,.,;-_~s~.~~ ~tiull ~ • "-_:;;~~-~~~r~~~f' ...... l .. ~ :.~~u~ \ '"""41 or t...._. r ....... - r ld.. (lo.o&r,.:oMo.;.ll.J' w.. - w m 01.1t .._l..ri...la wlt.llout 411)'\..\ln& Ulw t~~~ -.-. ;:ol>p1oal G.A&~r t.o Ul.. wol"'to.n ltld t.o 1.11 .. pl.ltl~wpro<nlll.IIBrl.f.•.lJI, or llol.'b.lN. , ar..u1U. •o~llo..-..~t t.ooo p...rt~oll.t llllll.ud. or i;.~l.D.;•.

I ll•J.llll1b. allnh tW1'7 Wt-..ot &ITil'-0;1~ Gel e.-. N.dt r,_ -.1.11. told ... \b.,_ ot.lloor o...y. """"" ~ o....,.,. -.n. .. ,..,.._~not­clt,t, WI. ...., ctU~• ""'.;"" l.ld ... t.rtal pl~n •~r• Wl"'\1rrol wt tlebU.., ...:d­uon~, ~ 111>"lu>' n.<:llhl.Qj& 1.11..\ \A.y ,•t&b.ti7 ~<l lo ... U.. d\,7 or dU"'• to..1.Vl t.o -~ tb..l.r r""'wrl~•· W '- <1.111 U..7 .,.. .. \ll..at ftlo.y r an &

!rtlCI" t r ain - baclt.cli\1n\ o \ lletaUorJ'1 tfldthl;rlo.s.d th·1.~11 1n\o t hol f'ra t cht e••· Atd •Hh '"''"' t ool-into the •- tUtcht ~ar­-..o~t thl""' ..no .. , O!)IT&Unc thn tool. Thatr 11.~1 objacti 'OI, 'llt!.n th•J'-ItdtoOor aiJiouaand•Uua ... , .. ,;o r l-lttabltllhtheltc t<r;r. nw:rWOW.dhaw till ~opla , tM"M>r klr aw!.th thal r tooh . 11Mycltd 110\ hawt.o putntwptOpla- untr li1W4paopla-ontothiH\OOh.

1..-.d I _..wr Jun • Hnl.e l:tt "'"' l.ha '"riC' .U.rtc .. JIOI&ld4ottovOo..,.,_ntblockl<latratolht tr&!.nlntrdN.id ~e"rJ' 'll)rQI'o •nw ldlal\11 nottce. 1'011 un•t NT~ to J'OIUr tu;UJr. Gat lnto \hi\ traicht c..- with t hol tooll J'OII arl 'M>rktllij: wttb. tMrt 1a ,_ tul~• .. - , lla.IQI:r o! rood, o c""''>l• bculu ~r -tar. lJI wUllat. yn ..,, """"" J'OU.ltt a thoooa&nd .Uu or .olnl....:l•.

'111&\ll.,.t.,r•-·lpreytbll\ .. .,n•tb.I.'N~ aetolll7 ~plnln,j; lite t ill\ O"llr hllra. tRt apud., lll>d ..,, •pHd., 11 •-Ual. lr>d \llrt 11 wb7 &J' kind or r noppap or ..,,.,., "'""'._,., ­...,.. 1t it - ~ ba -~ U.e uar~ -ecu ar till pl.,t, ar · "" ,..,.._. wwftJ' 1n tho plnlt '*'<II r.Q\ &.-.to ba pa\1cvhrl7 iap>r­tWI\ to od.Ml .. VIii _,. - MT bo - \ UiportU\\,

.,.ha.,. tot..J. loh.:t.,.., alloru, ara..,bjactwlaalt­l.olpoM dl.elplt,.., In o•..ho;r warda, l think )'011 ...,.,. - md I && not \lllt,.JI)ulntho acnNol~ntJu;~1'010r4ar, orul"na141111t­but u M "'""'lean clth•n - tl\!"t )'011 ~WI\ raaah m •v•-nt ,

To co bACk r or ~ :oin""• 1t I ~ra .odorf"tor, I thi.Jlk I IIOIIld 1-po.o • tt• lhd.t "" ~p~cchu. 1 tl!1nk ,w t..- Jwt oto• t I -=•n. 1oru~.opl.oo, "'",..\I or.• br'Uic:hot t.hiOo'l'oi'TIMnt - tlle 5!n.t.\l. n it Oflly tn ~ nr:r ~~'""'' -.,.rcnc::r tile~ thot SQn.l\1 1topo~e1 on UMlt, '111\hoot •Ill' nala, ~ ll•tt .. uon on lpocld'wl . 'I'M !<.Mtor1 do u volW>­t•rUJ', to,. a-. o-il\ . And, 1n U•l ot fi'N\ -rl*"e:r, orator:r tn U.. S.C.ta 11 1\ "'ldnt.a. On \hi o~hllr 1141 ot t.hl C4>1Wl..11 \hot lloo.l• or a.~ ... ""-'1""''· l\ h • ~r, lar,p bo47 and H 11 pren:r ll#dtaU.IIit<llbti.Orl\hcoatanll•. 5olt..er111&rul•. AIX!'IIfloft" bill OOMI 011\ ,._ 'a (:coo!:mti.M U. ..W,. •<lop>l.-.d dlotl 10 -b ~lal to a.ch n.w. 'D>I nllll\ 11 U.t on ~ll:r Hrt0111 •....:'il• - 11-u.a debt\1 11 lWted to ,., &q. , or \hrM 41)':1 or 11 .. tn U...t ...:ry, ...,.,.l•c•t.~d:r.

Toll - 1 lot .Uler 1n nlllfxra U... till :soa.uo .n.t, ! bdb"•• JUII eUI ...,, l¥lfl bc:tt.er HM !.."-o Ull ~"' ot U. lk-.1~ 5'-l\11 .....S..r ... ,.,.ncy ooncltUen.. n.o -nt17 u oxpaottnc: -Uiil'oll ou~ or 7""' 1n • 1Nn'7- 1 dcn't IQ' b:r toa!rr<>11ni.Ch\- bu' 1t wUl bl a thr111111C \ll.1nc tr "" oo\lld ' '' 10111tht"4 "Wt 1n L'Mo•"ftl ot • Wlanlaoolil IV'-"' !>t t.o­aorrow nt,cM, T!Nridq, or d U.. l.a\ut Mda:r nt.~t. 1 "' no rouon wh)', 111 thU lnnanc•, )'011 lllo\lldrl't aoklpt. tho Convnl'lon•l euiWII or.i ut 01 M\"'I 'oprlnt• , In /hollim.otOI,W OOUld If:/ I ll )'OIII"anttOIOJ• Alit)"NZ'fallO'Ifo.nt>.rltor•loln t qpl'int" ,

AG~,U W JI:IIow,w-&1110('\.W\M - Uili!Co I UllAII: U.\- 1t' ~ llliiD' tloMe ._.,\11 UlrM YW7 J.arwl lllo\1- •• ~. h;lc, It&lJ • • \M .UN- .. WUI 114M, la Ulll ~ <4 """•- "UUNlJ' -a, V. Mft ..... -.ti:'6 'OW7 WWt. ,......... 010 U.. ~ .. ""' ol Woor d __.-,t. v.-eo~.z~~to-tU..to ..-~. IMU_.....,._i'DlO ,.._ .. k>UI uu. -- la:tocr-........,t, -lao....n-t .. f'Mltln U.t, 11&!1\ orrt.t-,..,.. fllllll" _.. ... u.ort.z-1ll4 1n UIU - b71 U..t - IIOOd.o4 1 &rMt.cl' 1pa'014 la UIO MnUrlp Oft \boo 00W1tl'71 U..t vo .-u4 'bot t.r -~ oeftiJUOM, ~CIIl .... t.IIM4of ... , !belk...Unt.TiNICOW.tr'lOI"'""'-.bHdotiOI , \lo~ftl -.4e l lo\ot~a., an4.tU.....Sott.hll...,. ..... t...,.14 ,....., 'Mo ..... l\tnal.Tl•tll..t, w-not.IOineto•t.op~N, O....klnolof,.UOC>• "i• I!IOtnst.o-.11»-.PI"QQI"''H. llllt\1.1..,_ 110\ to.,*~- lv.t lOt ........ U.t, turU. \1111 - · - _ . , lloUtll,.,.. ...

!Mt 11 U!o p-s.r,. UWtc· · tD .... U..vorl"Fln&• I"""' ' kll..,. ,roa..,. F1:tc t.o .. ¥0 &rMt llN'lolllUM, ~I b ' t UI1M:U.IIIIMri.,._,tt<:r,.,_t.o..t.,1'0111...., .. 1JI&toM tuMvtUo-tact -- ""'-......,ot_.,u~,...,a .... FI.JIIt.o .. 1\vorkoa U.h,...,...,.._. I_., wu.roau.. M­W-11•, '"'"" oenl.ockfar U. ~t a..rt»t: U.. ~7MZol l~OJtmw_or _ __..la..r-. Wobe..,.pw)II"'tect u.... ........ ptoa.pu.u.p~. "•-'t llrN~.

AM -o I v .. ~t Ulitlll1:>& t:ll .. oU u ... ot Mlt-41oocl,U:. •• .. oUCh~~ -- o~.o.u.. .. ctrll'tt ... • ~ nerr~ --Mbe4'11Matol4toJ~N<~to"""k1n4ot•Cio4 --WIIte~r -• "L:>H., ...,_ ft,J worl4, beS1m1nl vl.UI • · " It l• ,..u.w & c.1,.. :u:. rar ... auto tHp t.D.U..b.ct at DID' bMd.l,

~ t ... ' tiiUCh .un-- .,.,_lMor w ~' -ctW!¥. I~a......,.l&rpproporUew~<:tl........,thMc~, 1n \llu ......,tr7, rr.:.u.......uo.or lAbor. It' alll<• tM ol4 npllnc ~Pov,t. •J1>14C'Grod.;Jen' U..Col.onll't.r.41, " n.7 .... bo\IIU.. - Wl6ar U. Hln, !hat U U.. 1J> Ulll -..tr7, MpiO! aUJ' 1J> UIU OOIID\170 d .. ¥Nit. to twp It to. Mil tMp1J>C H to,.-.!.~ U., II U. pr<lblM t.t Ullt. tb»,

%al' t.Nll-~1J>C1'001~1J>U.,.,..._. n.7U'"' to prtnt thl:lp, \bq t..... to tMp 111 1J>-t. F1l!c• I - .....U.. t.,...,. tlt.U -..!QII >Obtch- WUl.cts )low '-rti.Ull • • '*"'- ...... • 'lolaPJ' "*UCIII-.1. 1111:"'...,.. .-.--.,. ~ 'loet.t..- utuu .. · · 'l'lotorJ-aloe,

1"""'"' __ , .......... W.t.....W,'Iotoft1J>tltl• -tCII't.-ri t. NJJ'. ltll_.l_,t.tUII,..-lUIII, VI -noti!U1J>&CIII"''.u75troet, •

lllopi>YO:I"J'....,II, 1J>twtl•'"'"7oonfi6111\, J011 VIlll'Nllco U. .-pt r ttllt.l 1161 ot Ull• _. ..r...,cr. 11o Vllllt. our \1JII ot ot .. nt ..... t.IOlltiiFCIII. ltt.\Uwt.let. V. ... tour~. v._.t.~ toOII»>''Mour,...,op1.!11aM. v.,.,.,.t~ot roup .... ttnAU..ot.ber~ .. voll, 'ft>or,..... U>rot.WI:IOd..

It.lt1nkYaf7""""IIU..oountrrl•loold.rllto70U_..u-t.o &1 ... \UII. Jlllltt.ltutt.170UJ1011lltl7Hft •• 'lo7\0ai:II'TOIICII'Uioi>O:rt. <lt.)'·• ICalt!Dloten~t.totlle.t .. t.llMalbt.IDJ~. J.tt..r \IIUvv u-, lltt.' •&Oloaclr If,.,.,.,., to, sr ... t..... to, too14 l1lJDI:Inrl7. M47001blaw...Utt.ll~ tl.tll, JutU.tl•~ that .. '*' p1rt Ml~ Wlt ll that 61.W -·

'ftto-tr7llloold.teto)'Ofl.. lllllootl.lllat.,.., !lll~ 1IJ..ooii1T4.at7011. AJ.ll-M,7110....,....70Wet'I'OC"U,


latb,..l ..-.rill of the ,...alA.,, o.J.h•* u~po-..al)' to .....," ot tM Lwaiot\1'7 L&bo~conf•...,.,.~l.-.JbJ•I.ashUfor-.

IJICia&k l? , lMl

!*P ...... IZilllft JMIIO....,.tobetolliat.Hl..t.t. , llln. I hue u.. k1A1 or a tcbno.!Ao theM ~ U.\ -•• 1\ _,laM Upo .. tll!oo !or 10t to be ttrteU)' ... \.l.aoo .

1AUkin()'OIIto-II"Nto thll-fi,_OI,l\hlnk - lhov.ld aU - '"1")'011'1 ot .,. - N&Un no\ onl)' t.ha "~lou• P"'oiO""be!Ort lll , bu\ Ulllaulou•problt•M••ll•

rwo-u-.~o, ;: Wl)polal.h,.a .. ra.;:o.....,~lc.,teHal\hoor u..t .. wwllln'\ p\ into'""'.,.,, or U...\ 1t •• oto , •• WO\Ilii.,P "~'• tr U- tour tn W l'w:Ule, tn '"1'7 tl>o~\ orO.r. lo.lotbtr llei"O!:IotofT ~rb ..,,.. 1-1~11 Ill \ltrolltll thb -IZY a,:Untt IJI)' liM'IJCCr troD Jap¥1. Ot cou.-.., u h "-" b<o~U."I to notllu now IIW I'Mllla MN ...,..1)' u U• pi on, WN 11 .,...,. r.lll .s.,..r to IJIOI 'llbolooworl.O,bo.-o thoonolaa •"•ph.U-pllflllthoworlll'll!debwv.at tnS tor aU U111o - U 1\ 1s -s>\ 111\o ~la 0011nU7, • ....., lt 1\ t. -p\O'h~ til.. "'"or U....110rlJ- h~"- lll..w.lof prlnw ~·,.,, .....s h.~- OM.,.. ot t.n...1 ant .. I.M ··~uau,.. I\ lo I r..&l....,iC'or, V.Mftii1\WGII U..wu bJaloo,; lho\ • It b ,.'OlftltoiO<Oil foralon,:U...

Mu 110~ hl""'ubd,..,.. h..N to b.lpwllo \h11wu, SV..\ .. -oaaau,..,.. ... ,...i."IW>lior•· I•loiA~ tou• .. •-nl ..td.el:l -oroaun - -ldon'\~U..r. Jbo~h_., • . J• 1p;>l)1.Azth.,wN"au.n•to)'OU&IW1Yl.o..-l1 0 1n<lto.IQ"I<Olt.

Abo)', th~ o!,h.,.r ciay, '41 011\ Jn 11 pla.n.. , fb.< Go'l\.m-10.11\0U 110\t...llhl.ahi> I>;OtoOlT\10<11\ki.Hhahlp.,...lohi\U ur... N\ wu 1\h "IUit"; hit 04n po.nontl ·-•""· 'fho..r.. -• noUWI~ J.nl\honkn l.ha\ tol<i. hl.ah.. 1\.W t.olll...,llit pl..n .. tnt.o a J~M b;;.\tl~lhip. TN~ .... 11Nt14 I(,Uy'• Ooo<n p.~non..l ._u• .

Atlll OilCh ...., of J<>Uo Ill\-' 1 t.OG 0 ·•~ 11..'1~ our p.r~cn-4

So, ~IUl 1 ..,~ o... ~n -.,,. , • <ant J'OOI t.o ap.=;wtat.. U.to )'OlH'hl'l\.&1 inclht<:u.all)'- .. I.CLr1.Ciolll ,

.I.. a"" h..n.II&V'O"P -ino~l\ory ...tiro> l..OCr -riiJII dll1n~M clr:>~U~ r ..... tno. ~'h~ b.nllda or \boo ...,.,~~n,, J>~> • rte.~ •~ rro. ~ Loo&Ulo>U.,. brand> or tl'la <Wr.nla.ol\1 t.o .e~. liWI'IIfl tl'l;.wol'O-...sontor• . 1\11 •CJIO>.I•oro. n... ... t.-:>.,:.nU.:o.a ..,.._raton. I0on1\Wfti:""'-7.11llll~tori.lo~t.li•Uct. J Ullnt rnh•~ U...,. c:n u.ol7 o.c\ •• """"'""'~" p....e-.1'111 »ad<.~t.ora 1np ... a1os:.;at)'OW'....O\ln.,p .

1 know, lt 1 ... ..., a .w~r~t.ol', '~ .,..,, r...nlu ­aco.,ll""'-!.C...........,\, lwoula•Ofl\-~•la..(;IU..&&IC4..r::>tor, tal.~l>\ho.lp"'tit. !wan\~. Spo.oonowtaott.J\,~II..ne<., jaat u -..ell 1n wmtn,; cut t.Mn·• tn pl!oiiU u H a '-"''<loii: \he tl&ftU!Q toreo.o. Hh Junn.tnvo..ll.r)' t.o\111"11011\,.q\IJ.p.o..nLIOS i t 11 worillWlurny, or btll<illp!.ll;.vy , U'""r tll, ,.qu1pac.nL11 wm.<l wt. sp.>u>~ h .,.,ry, .,,,. ... ch or Ulo. ~•.u~et.

!11th ..... ..tFd-thlt\i•.,loll kr\(IIIUiotw.I\~'I•IOt\Oh.,.,., 111 u... ..... tr~.-..u. ,.,. ~ .... to' , ..... u,.t.otnc"'..a .. OW' prv~~11c1.1on pro~. 41lN 1UU 1nc.lo.A'I~-IIh.t.b.r)'OIIllt.. t\ortll>\ - ~ ..,....,~lot t....., r .... worlo.. Go.o~;r-9h1e;.ll1-..MR wmout .... "'-rt-11 witiiOII\Ul)"t.\1l\cUI<t,o th..I.A. ;>liJ'IlCtlo.tl&~r \0 l.b,.""'rk.;f'lan<it.o IJI"' pl&Dt.auPN""ll1Airi~,or1111.11lt>a,ora>~~IU.. ,..,.._n,;~:~tt.ooo ,..,r .. etl711Mo.o.r0oftl'l~•·

I &J.•~ UD. c nul .. tt.ol')' thi\OLot q .....,~ .. 4oo c..- tNod< t.- -·1& wlo- lob. o~r "'-1· fllul tl'l.. G.o,.,.,.. -..n. '";lr'Oiddn4; ""' oa;: dlq, \lou\~ c1Uo.l 'llh.:"' lldao\rl.&l pl;nU w,r,. tumln,; Cl.l\ ha:;bUn.l-.....1-U-, til. ~ni.LA• r..:lhl..QC tl>-\ tl>-)' ,'r'Ob.lil)' ~<1 lo"' tho. cii,J e>r c.fU..o, bo.l-"'t.o..., .. th..J.rf<OC:\Orl••• ,\llJ-<1lllU...)'-"th ... 1 l'llo.)' r &nl

~~::·~ '~~~~~~--; :::~ ::a J.::~~ ~::.~;o::r!.!~,:~~ l:~ &~~J~!:r-""' t hl...,llboQtopouuna t ll&ttool. tlltlr t1111Plt ol:IJtc\1.1'1, ..,., thtyiiO'I'eciiOOor t tl>oustrdl!dlut__,. .. ,,,r-Utbl1ell thltlct c:ry. ,..,.wwl.d.ht"'theptooplt, thtworktnwt\h thtlrtooh, 11>1yd1d not ht"" \0 put ,.., ~rh - untraiNd. ptooplt - onto thtM toolt,

Arid I ....S... jun • Unl.t bh ot!t\ \ht ,.., .. .,. W r 1ctr> ~d do it o.... GO..,..,_, ""kood. t htl.oflt trtin 1n and utd ~ ...... ,. worQro •nwe lll.llll.ttt 1'>0\tct. Yov. can't~~ to,.....,. t"..Cly. Get 1n'-O thn !H~t car wtth tbl \0011 7"11 tre •rki:v wi\11, ttlut 1t )'OW ni~.-<:tM - t 1\ui;lcr o ! too<!., a c~t bot\ltt :.t -wr. w. .Ullnyou ""'-"""''' a t llooM.and antt ar "llllMld•.

1hath,....tocr•-· lprqthii\ .. 'Gn'tlll"'~ ... w.tly lurpplll.ll,r like t!wt Oftr Mrt. lol.t tpeecl, Mill.,.., tpHd, 1.a ... ~~tw. Ancl\h~tttwhyar.ykl.nd or••\Ojlpapor"Grtt, ..r~,..,_,.._

•- it h - ""bt •-lhlzlc W c"'r~ -.acer or tht pltnt, or • thta ... r•.p..,rkor tntbo-;>l~Mdoo.tnot..._Ubtpcr\tcllltrly~


:!viii.., tototl th""• aU o r ... , a-t ...,b,J.tct \01 ttU -1apoiiiCicl1actpUne. In other word•, It.hl.nky""h.t"-l'nd.Iunot "llinc :ro~ 1n tht .., .. ot en IXJ;c,"i" Otdtr, or u l'ntid<tnt­blat u "" AnoricU~ C'l.tt&tn - tt.r-t you ..,n rtach "' ~v•.-nt .

TO ro b~~ek for ~ llinll\10 1t l w<rt !!Odor• tor , ! tllink 1 1r'OI>ld1"'DDH'\I.Nll.a,1ton~ectwt , 1\binkyoull:nowjuttot;• tl IWM. Par ••~. thtN u .,. br""dl o r till Qoft......,t - u.,. S•na". It h only in ~ Tt1"7 VN\ Ull'I'ICIIC7 \hU tho ~l\1 lapONI em 1\tdt, >d1.hool\•f11rult , ,.Uod"t1ononapotchtt. '!ti4S<IIO\oradoH¥olun­lrrUy, bye-~\. A.'ld, u. U•• or lf'M\ -....-c:y, or1tor7 In U... Stna\th It 1 ooJ..u-. 011 U... otha- rtdt ot" the Cc> U.oL.11 tbo iiDI>Morh~WlhU, 1\tlt'""'lar~~tboclyand I\ hi'"'H7 b.-.ltolJ.a1\tHbtWw:ltbouarGlt. SoUM"thtl"<<lt. And,._n, bUt -· "" r..- • .. CcaoJ. u.ee ~._ Nlo adopted all"'' " -~~ tiM to a..::h rtd.e. tt.. rt.all 1 • tht.\ on ~tlJ' M rloat • ....,.., - l..a-­thttHIMwltlWt..,tol-d"J',ortht-MG.,.orl"aln\be.t"JCfl', ..,.,.l ... boq.

TOll 11"1 1 lot .,.,.Ucr 1n n-.a..rt Ultn U• Scfto.to ond, I btlb"'• yoa oanukc t ""'liolll.trtltoeUIIIIIJit ::.....wot tht I:~IUS\oiWtu:dor -llf\C70CI'II1Ucnt. '!!'a.countrrtat:rpectiiiC-thin.iOIItof,-oiOina lnlrry- 1 ""'"'' ,., b7 \OCIOr'ro•n.iaM - '1111\ u 'C!.ll bl c thrUllnc tMftC it wa oculclen HMthlllol -t u. l.."lt..,..., or a~· ..,._nt ~!'too­.orr.,. n1f:b,, n,..,.ec~q, or u lM lal~U P\'lclay rtJ..,nt . 1 "' 1>0 rotten why, lnUilt 1nttanct, J'O'I' 11\oul.dn•t tdopt. \boCol\pttrtontlclltto• andnk •lent to print•, In t1.-cll1n\I\OI)'OU OO>Uld lt,Yill yoa•ltltt.oto.,y, lllcJ'OUI'hllo•~nt .... •lc,.e toprtnt•.




Aota&U.T, M w -.., w- ..U..,_ tM- UILIII. I Uo.LU U.t- 1.1 U.... llllkl' t W. a.,... ¥1U. ~ ~ 1-. ... u- .. ~ • .,._,, ~~ -- u. urr- • k\111 •ta.., taUata~fll.......,, .... ,.t..u ... lT..U. V.MnMo...tiD& "-7 •ra.u .. ~or> u.. ,.,!to NJMt <lllaaa' d _.........,, .,. .. .,llle""-~""..-....,....,..· IMu .... ......,._.n.lA ~on~a14M·-lallorw14~t,d1n~-­r'l$11naU...t, a~'l.crr!OJ.IIIJ1'0U'Ia&D,..,....,..tharfQ"-11:141a t.lllt ~~ \Mt""D006o4•.-tor .,....l.n'Uio-.u,.. ot tM ......,b'J', Uwlt vo -aM Htta' _.ld.l!lll oondJttOM, ~ wu ~ollli,'DIO$con4i.ne..Titi>C<MIU'1U"""""-4oiiii,VOb&TO -.41alotot.....,. .. , an4at.U..IIn4ott.IIII"J'7P'M.\_.14 var, ~ 1t tnal,J 11 t.bat, vo .... not Flnl to .W, l'""'lll""• 0Urklnll.t¥t.Notl.«>• "ia iDtne:toMiat..,...Jr'CIP'"I, J.ot\11 ... not to 1D t..ckwvb, Ill!.\ ltot ... ..,... U.t, lbrlJll UIU wv1 W """''t Jlol4UI~oq.

Dlat11\hoJr~UIUtt;·•"'boie>~-'<FLIII• Jdclll't .. u .... 70'"-- Fl:wtot."' .,_t 41ttt~t1M, ~ 1 0«11\ t.II!.*U.Ua .... ~f«' JW\OMb. YIIII-Fl.zrc\O'N f .... w1U.- t..>t •• Ill.....- ........ al Mldi.U~ pi07J.e­tDi!OII\0 .. 1\_.kcmU.Uwr~ 1-'\WlliOIIU.­tallto, "'""""" ~r .. u.~t411rlnt u.~,_.,r 19'2ot.sw- t:ll--Dn1DW-. \lob& .. .,t.t.oPI"'Wct U..,, V.b&.,.pto....,UW.Flftl• Wooe~'t .. .,.~.

Al:lol.-oJYM,..ttll1:1k1lrcoflllolii4MoiMlt'-<UK1~ ·· lllOl4CI:ttt.M.""'""" •• olaCI!~(2ortat.llttl ... ~"":l'7o!q •• lit 11M bMa tcl4 to 1'"¥ to_. k1JIIl ot aOCI4 •• ..... h11 ~r _, ~,nt'onlfttV01'l4,~w1t.ll•,"lt. ta,..u..ranteal1I>11 tor • ..U to tHp 1.n u.. ~ll: ot OUl' IIHdA.

n .... ,.,,,....., .urr..._ ._,_ ~ w ..,......,t -ot\lallJ', I ~o.T<lf71N'pproportimot..,..,....t huc_,

1tiUI11oountr)',rr.:.U.......Wcr~. lt' •llbU..Q141tlpl1liS ~e.loou\~.1.,y0'Cnld.JNI' U..eou...,l1tfMli, "11MotN"OI\IooUit.ht - lnlft U. tii::U>, n.t It tr.oo U:1 Ulit .....,lrJ', .. ,.cl.U, 111 Ult _.t:rJ, tnl.,._tt.okNJnao. J.n411NJlflC1\ao,lr>4~

1\, 11 U. Jr'O'a. o.t Ulit tW,

Doc't -.u"" ~l:W J'OIIi"Mol La u.. I*J*N, Doet u.... t.o)11'1.11\ Wftp, U.,.baw \o .... ., U:IWrN\iDLfll• 1-~ • ~ Ullt .......q ""1dl- Wllillellov 111n1\Ulto •• "---.,. -••1(8or ... um 111>4 """'...,... ~ d ~k\W:r MU1UM •• '1"1~-u ...

l_,t \o- -t•c..,6o. V.M"' llftl.1 .... 1t1UIU

- tor • -~~ tn4 • MU', n 11 -~-. o.t u. ,.._t. u-. llo -not•ttuncm-z..t5'\rM1.."

I toop. ftf'1 -~, In tact I - ftf'1 ooN'IMnt, 7CN wUl N O.lho U.. -»lrlt\lal dM ot tUt _. ....--1· 110 went ow~ ot cl..Ulu· Umto 10on. 1\llttr.tentd.. llowwttour~. W.WWI\f"r'oed,a

to"""'" 0\lr.,.... Oll1tliaM, 11t1 want t"rM4ca at Nllelon ..au.. crt.bon Mlll:lll, 1'hoJ''"'t.broo.\M>ool.

l Ullnk'JOTJ'I:IIr:lb tiM OOIII'lti'J'11 l oolttlli: tot<NI'I<!u-to ii1""Q•,I\IIttMtU1.Mt<NPO .. I"olJ'CM ••IIJ'~OI'tbo"";n

4o.J •• - tl.n1 ct WI o.sr-t .0 \M\ ... t.1l OM IliaD blaQ, .\t\Or Ulll-ll-, lto\' t110-kU.,.....,\to,U'.,. bo.ftto,t.ool4. ltlllan'q. ADl 1011 m.v .,..,. • ltll.bml' fllbt 11. art. U..t l• ~IAI U..\ ... _pu\MlU...,UlU..t4o.W-,

Doo-U')'IO.~to,_, l-looll:1ne•t,.... !bt~ IO.looiiS.Jlco.t,..., Alli--I•OM.,....,_..rr ......



1'0R THY. PHESS DSCDmER 17, 1941

I nfonaal nraark• or Lhe PreddonL delbered exLopo,...,..oualy Lo aa•b~u .. ot tit• Irw:tu• Ley Labor Conference r.ceind by hi.JII thia forenoon .

~:! I'RESIDln\1'!' : I 8:!1. aorey to be ~~t!} late , ,but

I have the kind or a sc'l.edllle t heee 48..18 t iat eor:etlmea ...,... /.-.. ....._ A

lmpossilhe/1 to be etriotly on tl • .-.e. J1 s ~ .. cups w ...... ~i.b

¢V;-- • i t 02012 6 6 DI N

"n 'ttJ'£h we ere n 11al:t: a

J • L .-_;n nskine Y'U to •"'"• here,.~t~conterenoe, J ~.._, we eh .. uld o.ll -- everyone or us -- realize/'t:Je __ .._ __ ,...._,_,.,

.._ aeri- us urllose bet ore us , but ~ the serious ~oblem. ~

-~~. TwO a'eeks ago , I aup~.ose the avera.ce :.:~erioe.n felt either

that we 'WOuldn ' t set into the ·.:o..r , 01' tr.at if we did , ~ we c.o.,........a. .,.

would mop up , it it. ·~war in the re.citic , in very s .ort

order. ~eRatber deroeatort re!U.8r>-:a t~ were le•eled

all throudl t 1a country against anY. 4ana;er troa J tan . or course ,

as we haTe besun to reoJ.iz e no.,~~ealize IJ I!.Ore deeply as time

goes onJ tf'1here 1a very real denser t o the wOOle world, because

......,. there 18 a new philosophy in the world which woultl end for

all time -- 1r it 18 swept into thla oountr.t , .-. e ven if it 4

Jf swept ..._ oTer the rest or the world - - it would :~~ee.n an end or

prin.te industry , and it woald aean the end or t r ade unioniaa

equally. I t 1e a real danger . We he. ven 1 t won t 1e war by e. long

shot. It i s gotns to go o n tor a long t i me .

And so I have asked you here to hel p win this war, just

aa '!ls11 as it you were in uniform. I am go1neo to use a \.Ord which much

"' none or us llkel'o~ I don ' t elthcr . The 'olltlrd/\ "must". I ea

e.p,Plyl ns the word "must" to you as ._ lndividua~ and to myself .

A boy, the other day , was out in a plane. The Govern·

ment did not tell him he had to di~~ on a b~,~~~,ip and loee his

lU'e . 'l"hat was his 10muot" ; hio own personal ~. There waa t

nothing i n his orders that told hL":l he had to dive hl a plane 4nt o

a Japuneae battleship. That waa young Kelly ' s o·.tn per aone..l "must", 7•o,

And each one or you, an4 IA ·•• bl"ve -"' our personal


so, .1hen I uee the word "oust" , I \liant you to ap:pro, rle.te

it to yourael.ves , inc11vidually : -..!a .\:lerlcans .

~ ~~r~S~6l'OUP,C.. industr y and l abor"-. with a

chairman~ Bxecf:.r;;"' branch or the Govurnment , nnd a vice chair ­

san from the Legislative branch or the COvernr::.ent , t o act. I dug

up i !;•:;f ; : -: :·-r:: I ::::USC 1 li fC GUN ~ \IIOrd •moder ator" .

I t a .a..; good word. These two gentlemen ar~eratora~~

don ' t think they will have to deld any big stick . I think~

t hey can t ruly act e.s exceedingly peacetul J.:oder atora in presiding

at your meatili8S•

fii..-I km'N~~ if I ·.rere ~eratorJ I would want I reaul t S-­

~complete ogreement. I would want somethi ng ela:J. nnd1

a.a wSderator I might help set it . I want speed , ~eed 1~ r · ~ ~ or the es~e, Just es much in turni ng out t hings in plant s aa

it 1e emon~ighting tor oea . It 1a just as necasu.rr t o turn out

equip.ent a a it ia to drill an army, or build up a I:aTy , atta r

the equipment is turDOd out . Speed is Tery , Ter y much ot the

'ifith speed goes so:nething we all know that we ne:n got to

haTe 1n the next _._...,..,......,.,_.__..,.,._..,.. __ next few . weeks. "iVe have got greatly to increase OW' production progru.

-::e a re still in a sense - - whether you like it or not -- the

arsenal or the rree V«Jrld. ~------- Cecsraphically

we oen turn out 111nterie.ls without anything l ike th,.e same phyai cal

danger to the workera and to the plants a~ Brit,in, or ~ China, or Ruuia . ";e h ve got to 4o perfectly unheard or things.

I al.wara like a little story tha t one or -.y people who

-~ t e; seazcoo--

',1ben the Germana were a.·proaohing not one city but IUDJ"

o1ties4l ~ria.! plants ._. were turning out t1gb.t1: a ~

munitio~ ~:sio.n~izing that thoy probably would lose

the oity/' began to move fac t ories. And how did they 1110ve them?

They r an ~~eight~~- backed it into tbe factory , and they

...-.;t loacJ"the tools int!: ;!!:., f reight car a . And with every tool­

into the seJDe fraigh~ O;..r" ent the aan who '>illS ~nj that tool.

1 L; ~ -rF.• a1m.ple objective , when they ~600 or a

tboua~~atab~:t-••t~:f!"' lh,, "'uld havo

the peopl e with thQC#oole • tia~ to put new people - -

.1 --untrained people,_.onto those too~s .

And I wonder jus t a little bit wbat t he nerase .A::Ierlcara

~ would do it ~ Government beaked a f reight t r ain in and s aid

t o ever y worker: "Five mlnutea notice . You can ' t say good- bye

to your tam~Cet into t hat freight oe.r with the toolS~ you

are working -=: ~here 18 ~~-cue · - a ham_,;,er \~ rood 1..,._

Jllbo::w¢1 1 a couple e flottles ot water . 'ite will let you

out when you get a thousand. 111.11~~ inla nd. " ,. - - ~t is wh: t 'l.llt.I' meane , I prey that we won 1 t heve

anything e.ctuel.ly he.pp1.nlng like that over here• lut speed, end

more speed / a ea:t~. Ani that la why any kind or a stoppage

of 'fiOrk, onywherc,.._even it it see:na to be so~~ethlng AJ ~ver11_ge

1114Ilager or the plant , or t he aver age worker in the plant does no t ---­;&;to ~ particularly important to winning this w~ • me.y be


· i £ .,. _...kw. h •• to reel thet we .-!' o.ll or u~-1 J

jeot to a eelt- imposed dl$~l~Jn other words , I think you

have- -!e:.t t 'tl"'- s >U'?'- Uta ;

" ~ : he sense or nn Executive Or deru.r as President_...

u as an /i.m.erican clti:r..e~-;. .:1; 2..":"'], """"";.' !':ach

an agreement •

._,To go back tor a ainute , it I were~erator, I

think I would !a. one a time U .ait on ~·- . I think you know

just what I mean , ._.,For example, ~ ':ne branoh or the

Covernment - - the Senate. It l e only i n a very great emergency

t hat the Senat e ~~itaelr , without any rule , a lim.ltatl on

on speeches. 'the/. do it volunte.rll!J " · · gi 4 by OOlZIIZIOn

consent . And1 ill times of great amcosenoy , ore t or-; in the sens~e

is at a minimum. On the other .eJ.de. ot the Capitol h the House\

It ia a nry la.rse body a..,~t ~ I.~ a 2 ;t

..._ ~tY, hard to limit debate Without a rule ,

So t~ a rule. An~~_r.JfJUl comes out troa a Coaaittea '

~t the rule ~~--;_llots so auch time to eaob. •

aide . The reeult h that on tremendously serious mea~etlt-is

laws - - tho debat e 1a limited to two days , or throe dayax_n that

very, very lerse body,

~~ '' , , CUb LUSC!iifl --lou are a lot eraller k.. " than the senate j and J I be!1He

1 ..._... yna can .c:e.ke cveo better time

than the SenPlte or the United States under e:::~ergenoy c~dd.ltions .(.

' ' ' • ::•· "::r :·• osQ r " W';lol; s - it ISh & ssee &I -.lielL pg UJ T a ........_,, /The country is expecting somet hing

;;.t.fr you in a hurry,... I don ' t ~ say by tomorrow nightA

-.: it wUl be a thrilling :hi.J.S it M oould get ao:aetbing cut

in the way of a u:lllnlmout~ ~/ aereemen~-·row llt.ght. • Arm JA.n;r-· "' )

Thursday c::::=.. or • ,rriday night . rwwas t ·??s 5 •

cw ae to (D" b en? Co JrO!! 7 g warki @ 1 Ph1&*trh'' ••

tf e It I . I ~I sae no reeoon ,;hyJ i n thh instance )

you shoul dn ' t adopt the Consressional cwstom and eslc ;;;.a•e to

pri nt". In ft.Ye ainutes you could •*-1' '11 ' 11111

.,.;JOU Nant to * aa.y . Ask 'If your fellow a_fll!lbera ror "leave to print" . ·

~otuell:y , as we know , .e are all a!'t er the ae.me

thing. I think that even 11' there hadn ' t boen e. war with three

very large ne.tlona -- Germany , Japan , Tte.ly - - • 25 ' • ·

~ ~ the dltterenee• on both aides ~. in t,, la ~ ot

oura,~atively amall . "Je hn·e been making n r t detlnite progress

on the whole subject or labor twd managecent . '.1e are going to

continue to make progress~ I ~ery aeneible

per aon on both sides ~- labor a nd ..lB.Meement , and in Government

-- r ealizes that , ~ e!~ht or nine years ae:o we were

rather tar behind in this oountrrj that ...-e needed ~

..,_...._..,._ n s re, ter ::rread in the earnings or the cGuntry ,

that we needed better <~Dr·.ir'C. c ot~lt!.<"nl\c,_~ tne!en" wee ahead

,"Jt us , ..-..dP-e encnd!nevltn couotrlea were ahetJ or !.!.a , ._.._

~ haTe made a lot or ".rot;re. a , ~n at tre end or tl.!a very t.:reat

plo.)'l:lent during the cominB year 1942 ot ) ELiQ a 1111ona -

'""'------~f.new worlcera 1n defense. "!ie he.'Ye go t. to

pro t ect t hem • .....,v.2: hnve eot rto keel.--. tbtnfrgo!ng, We can' t

hen noppegea•~

And ao I ,.!I jU!It th1nk1n4 ~~~-101&--.a ........ --ooo ...... ~ old i dee o: selt~dhcipline,_,_.__,... ___ ...,_,... __

'ft: ·t ' t o.n old Chinese proverb or a. Chinese Chr1at1e.n "

JJif-pra.yed every day ~~ he had been told ':"o pray t o our kind ot

a Cod·· and hi prayer wtu : "Lord , 1·etorm"1hy world , beginning I ""'._l..u.

"Wi th me . " ~olt is rather a nice li~e to keep in the back ot

our beads . /'

There isn't much difference bet.;een l ttbor and management

aotulll.ly . I au .ose a ver y lcr~e Jll'Oportion or ranageJtent he•

co.te , 1n thi s country , fro:.. the rW~ka or labor . .e .Jtbh ld'f

~~-·.J..ike the old iplio ,.,.,.,. •bout •Ju<1y ot rndy .,; the ,~\.aey." They are both the same under thfl akin,

~ r:t 1:s true i n t hil oountry , especialJy in tliB

c<:untr y , and we want to keep it ao, And kecpi n_; it so , and lti.Prov-

i ne it~-------• 111 the problem at tbia t!Jz:.e .

Don' t believe cnryt .ins you read in the p(lpera . They

bc.Ye to print tbinss, they hue to keep ~/! ~~:.r't going.

I waa reading a pa_per this morning which was trul!. l tj .... t how

ineY!table ~· -...------- because we are a b igger

nation and ..,.. have ._ more reaourcea and probably better sb111tie.,...

victor y would be. t -.w..,

¥ 1Qf?TY 1 a ·~t~ want to see wbst we can do. !'Ia have only

been 1n this ~ tor a week and a halt . ............... !t 1a

n:n " ' ,. • · e '" one "'''""" seaces aaesn e sa) ~

.. riou~ at the pr esent time • ..._.,.,_,Jile are -.ot sitting on ~ "Easy Street" . On .. t h itz::CA& P!oiric we b,.v 8 t a io&z. tone -

/.$/ ,.., I hope very much , in ractJr am very oon1'1dent)

~ you will realize the the eplrHuul !Jide

"""' "-""< ...... . or this,.._ ''lj wo.nt 1)ur t rpe or clvUb.at~ e;o on. ~

~jt 18 threatened. ··;e want ~ l'reedOQ;.S. :-;e want

freedom to wre~ _own oplnlona. de want freedom ot Q.o..t#(N. .. ~~ ~.,.

rel1g1o~ Tb.Jtf ar~0 t eatened • .J..oioli.AI thlrJc very muob tbe

country is loo~ng ,_t you gentlemen to e;tve us , Just aa ro.et e.s

you po~aibly ~ "?oroorr owr,. the next dey -- some kind or an

agreeaent~ we ....,.1 al.~s~ke honds .. , ·- ·---"""'

~litter tt&la war is won, let ' a go backJ u we want to, 1t

we hc.ve t~ ~ to .a old Y.ilkenny. A.nd you know what a .,_ ll-r-

Kllkenny •t&ht -...e. ~.. Jhet 1a aom.ethlng that :e can put aalde until

that date comes. w~ &if) l' ) q ' ?r htte t -j;;"

-lcttd s .. I>Ai·~ Jthe country 1a looki ng ~ you. I

e.m l ooking at you. The Con _.rea a 1a looki ng a t you. "1:1lll'(J.l I

can say ! a Cod epeed your ettor t -.&e sl: her do o' 1 §&Qqt!d the

o.e.hh e n1 rell t b u h; ;ou nai& Gi s " •

Thank a . .::j/:: r.:,anw SECM:'flt! .I P!RKtN§ : Thank you , Ltr . Presttint .

THE ~SIO~ •• io. J '4ti 66 situ® r1rht ;;;;:---o;\ifl!H!..l It ' a



tm.-1 ,_m of w ,..Ud.n~ ci!UlnNd u-po-u\J'to..-...notU..t.<li&U')' l.A!lorODnl•rw~eoo.--..1.-..J b,-•l.achUtor-.

M P.iJ,.;,:;m:r, I • .om ~ M tO aiaw. U\Ot, b•u 1 ~'~~~" w ld.lld or a a~la u- 11.q11 w~ .. ~c. u. -~w.. ~tlot. for • ""be n.rtoc.l:,r • u ...

tAuld.niJ'O"\Oc...n.retotll1•-f•Na01,1Ullnlt •~ .. 'loul~ all - '"170,.. ot ,.. - realha not 0<111 UM M r loua P'l~ Mio,.. u~, bot W u riow problta 11 ••ll·

/'IJO-k.IOI!Io, Iau?ponll\~awra;:e .uoorlc&tlf&l\t10.r U'l.fltQWQildn 't ol"~1nl.<>l.lloO •.ol" 1 <>r~t 11q ol01 •tWONlO_,p 11p1 IJ1to- taurln UMor'..e1Ho ,1n 'tCrytl\cr\OI'J.or. ~~&llwr ~ro,:~o1o0rr ,..,.rita .. r... l.,...bd all ~ thh ffWI'It.rJ' a.;air\at 1n7 IW'Il'-r rrocJapll'l. crcov.n.o, .... ~~ ... boo .. ~~.-.'"' .-.au~•- MW rea1J.•• ..,., .-;olr u u ... pa on, u-.tr. h .,.,. n-.1 clanpr 1o0 u. .-bol• worlO , bt.-" \Ia;..,. 111 a,,.,.. pllll-tlh71n clio. ftrlu1fllicll ~ ....S ru aU U• •• 1t 1t h -pt 1nto :lilt -nt.l)', ..... n lf u. la -pt oor.r VN rut or Uk. wocrl .. - H "D''Ilu - an ~114 ot prh•~ lMQa;.t)', Nld tt WONld- UM '-""or ~ .nt•'-- uqaall:J. u l~ai'.Al...,,:..r. ""*-'t•or. lhowub)'alon,:lllot. ltl& ,;olJICtopoatoralon,; t~.

14. M 1 "'-""'uk<od 'f<J"Io..N to lloolpwlll t.lda•u, Jun ulllcbatltJO'I'""'r'Wl..."' 11Dil<;ra. J .. ,GlJI, tou .. a-.onl ootdch -orua Ub - -l<X>n'l..10.-r. floo.~- h '"'"""· I • ~;>l)'ia& ~woN ._,,\• w J'<N u lNhkouab, ..,~ 10 ,.....u.

1o bo)', v.~ ot.hor day, ,... <N\ ia 11 p4n~ . ltN Go..,..,. . .... t G.Ll not Wl hl.a ta. ho.d w <llYo~..., • bo.\U.sbt p ~ loh bil Hr.. 'fht.~ ""' hh ·--~·~ h.h o.,, p..raontl -.ou t• . ,.._...,.,.. nothiMinhhotdoonl.!~attDlJhlall..~\.ooi""IIUpl.all .. into a Jap..n...., b<.uJ.~ahip. 1tw.t •~• :f0W11 K~llr'• cwn p..uOI\41 •.an• .

.IJIII. ... cll.....,o! ,...., an.ll t.oo, "'- h..""ourp.nonll

So, .. ~ I ...... """" "oa'<~ ...,,~·, • """" :rou 1.o •wro;>rt•t.. 1tto)'OU .... l ..... 10 l .... 1wi:u.all7 - U.VO.ri.CIInl ,

-an. h..n. u a croup - La;1~1117 "'" l..oor -•h.h. a cll&1t'Mn clloau~ ln. ~ t.Jc..eu~h .. br~ or t.lk \lew .. ......,. , _,a nee cn..u-.n fro. v.... t...pat..u. .. , ~ ot tha llii'J~...-t, w '""'"· I <lVI IIp Ul.. •oro ~tor•, H'a a 11J10.1 - · rt.. ... ~ r.: .... u_.. v.. _,..ton. I Goa.•~ WAl< "'"'-7 ><ill b .. ,. to wt.J.~ ~ blt aUek. J UII.D.k n!Mr t.lk.7 ccn l.Nl.)' a<:< 1.1 ~•"'"-..4.~ ,...o.tld ~ruon 111 pn.al.11 • .,. n ,.....r ...... Un,&;J.

I..._, itlw<.n.l-.lo.r .. tc.r , l>o011ld •WI\n.nlU - -1 coa.>l>ot.. ~t. • -~~want a-.\Aifta: .,.Ja. '-"! u .ado.ntor, Jod~lll. bclp""tlt. I•antap<ou<~. spo...anowlaotl.h.. .. lkllee, Jv.n M -~~\II wmtn.; oon Ultn•a tn pl..ntl AI it U ...-t;O U>c tlchUn,o to.rC<o•· H h Ju~t o.a n .. o..u~ry to t\IJ"ff out ..qu1.,..nt "' it h to orUl M •"""• or b•UU. 11;> 1o Ia.¥)', l.f"'-r u..,. .,qutpu...nt 11 Wn>.ooi <N t. :>p.....J. tc v~ry, , ... ..,. .. ch ..r 1.n.. ,,...,.~o.

1n.l.hap.o~II).S-\Mn,l""llllkrlljootlllltw.,.h.'f•IO<t.oh.'N lllt.'k."-""r .. w-ta. ""l\.v.,.i:Otl""'tl7\.olnc"'"'""""r prooueUOII P"'tr-• •~ .ore. lUll La. a ....,..., - wh.U....r JOU Hko. h. or ''''" - \boo u...,n3lotl..'lo. !r.. .. -.orlo.. o..o&r..pldo;:l.l.J.T""euot>omo:.ta..t..rl..ll wtu-t UlJ"-~U..: Uk. !.b.. ._., ;>/u':t1ul o.AI .. r \0 t.bo. -""'""' and. \0 loll.• pl~\1 u '"'""11 t.o 8ri~tn, or \II ~"ld<la, or .... uu. S.. M..., ,;c~ to Go p..rt .. ~~...n.III..U'do!l.'ll.<l.o;l.

I U•3J'll 11..._ a lhU. 1tory tba~ ODo. or q p..o;~l .. - ~ back t ... loou41a told._ U.. o~rQo..)' . .... ~O..ra...Aa-..""ll;~IIOt­e l\;1'1 ""' _,. c:1u ... ""'""' itdoln.rlal pl.J\ta •~r• ~ '"" !ldiU.O, -s.­u-, u.. ..,,.luoca ....:.lhU..: t.'l-.~ \b-.1 '"'too.bl7 ~o! low tb.. cU,y u- clU...I, bo.IJ.-fl\0-.. v...tr!::.c:tori ... a . A.I>J'-duu...r-~t n..,. rua


I -

lrU(IIt. v ah1 - b&oeked 1\ tnto t M rauorr, and u,.,. lo.:led u,;. ~ooll in\0 ~he rretcM c••· .t.nS -ttb ' "ur tool-into t M •- frel.i-"'' e­wenttllenao~whowu~raunrthntool. TtMtrthlpltobJccU._ , 'lf'.on U~tr.o .. d«<Iorathoustnei•Uua .. ,.,..,,or-1\ablttlltMtaet..-r. 'nltrwt!Uld.ht .. the ~ople , tMW<~rktrswiUI tlllirtnoh, tt.ordtdno\ lit.._ \OI'IOt nt• fltO:'le-wot r .,..,.dptople-ontotheH t ot>h •

.L~I_,.;IorJuualiUlebltWiatl.lleanract""""''~ ~d do t t OW' Go...,,_,., bo;ebd ' het~t ~r.t.n 1~ anoi uJ.d t~ twtrr W<~rbrt •n .. aif!Utu nolle•. tov. e!ln't tat~,.. t o rov r...u,.. on lnt.o tbn tnl.o;bt cv wUh t l-. toola :JW trt W<~rkln,: whll. Then h )OW' tult<tH - t t.uo;;.or o! !ood, ;o c..,...le ~Ullt ;,! •t.tr. lie ..Ullnraoo.t.,.,:JO'III"''~.u.u..-toOllllMCI.• .

tbu b tit..,_, •-· 1 rz~r tM.t.,. oon·~ t.s"' ~ K\Oullrhlfoponitl,j:l.ii<etMt OWtrbore ... ,.,.od,an.S-etpeed, U tnt'ltl&l . And U..t. h 10b1flllJ kl.ftd e>t 1 ·~ ~t oorll:, ,..~..,,. ­t'wtn lt \t.- WIll ll<:IIK\h1:1c Ule ~wr~ AMICU' e>( tlw pl1nt., or • Ult awtr•p -ur 1.'1 tbe ,>ltM -· ne>t dNa to bt p:rttcul.trlr ~ Un\ \0 'lliMitll thl.t -.r - &")' bo;l _, UpcrU.nt,

!'leha¥1 to!eel \1\'t", allotu, ,,., t~~bJect wt M ll­Upottd d.tK1pl1no. In other wordt, J think )'011 """'- ..,4 t u; not Wlll"l )'Oil 1n tilt aentD ut t n ~evt.J¥1 Ord.tr, or u ,.,...,,~,­bol.lt•emnr<,cancttt:en - tll•t:rou"'-'lt r ... oh:n t ltl'l•-... 11\•

Tcocob•clctor •dnut.o, 1t I wen ...clolr •tor , I think l woW.d 1~110ao • n ... U..tt con tl>"l'RI . ! think )'OU kfKIW jun 'llh~t I Ml'll . 7nr u~e. ~ll"lllbr'lllol'lt>tthe(loYc,....nt - tlle5-.r..._w, H ta Ol".lJ in ~ ftrJ l""t -.. .... ~...::)' t llt.t t~ S.;n•.t t lapOM'I on 1\Mlt, '111\.hclut ~"¥rule, ~ ll.tt~tl"" .,.. lpollehot, ft'_. So:Mt~rt do H ..olun­vrUr, br c- c..-o\. And, m U•• et [1'11\ .,.,I"'CY, cratorr In U.. Stnah h a\ • dm.-. On U.t ot!wr llliH ot \ha ~1\ol 1t U.. llwM or kpr•Mnt.a~t...... n tt , "'r'l' l.tra .. bo¢r ard a h (11'1\\7 llud\e>lWt<Hb.\lrithoot lro>lt, Sotbon'llea!'lll• . .t,r.dtine bill -• e o\ rr- '• c""=u~ U. ...a tdcos>t.O llle>te ao -h U.M to e.e'lllldt . T!lt runlt.lttlw.\on\.r.....S.,..tlrttrloutM....,..• - la.­thtiHbe~,tlelWttd\O\WII4ap,<>r\"""4a,..GI" lcttln\.Mt..cry, .,..rrl•lfbo4l•

Tolltrttlotaill(:r !Jin~rtt.blntl'ltScM\Iend,lb<illon,,.,.. oanNitat...,....,t.vtlaltha'IV.a_..Motthtllr.l!. •. dS\IWa....der -r"'I'IC)'eond.lt1cM. n..-ntrrltupectl.tlrac.,..thi""outot J'DV i.l\ 1 11...-rr- I don'\,.,. b)'~~~~' -\Ill.\ h -tll bt a thrlllin& t.hlnc 1f•eovldllt-t.'ll"<' 'CIU\ 1Jll..:.e·~•r ot e ......U.COU•IQ'et:W"t~:to-­..,"'"""S.:H, n.ur.cl-'3, or at\1!4o la~.o,nrrtdarnt.nt. l aoeno rcucnwtlr, 1.1\tht.lnnll'll:e, :roullhc>Ol<lrl'ttcloptti>IIC:O..Vttlllondcllttoa on:l.uk •l ... H \0 prtn~•. In l"iVC •11'111\<11011 GOUld 11,¥111 )'0\IWW\\ 1.0 ·~· Atil.,..,...tallcowloll!!lbtnfOII'"ltt 'f · \e>prl"\" ,

""~· .. ... ._.., -- ..u .n.w Uot- U.t.cc. l U1U; U..t - 11' u.r. ..... \ ...... - YI.Uo Unot ""7 t-.. .. u- --~ • .~...,, 11.&1.7 -- u..tuf- ... MUo•t••· 111 tilt• ~or ""'"• '" ... ~u ... ll -u. """'-" ..... ~ W<ttr7tet1Alw ~· an u.. ~-~tor 14ar -'~'· v..,..eol.!!cto-t~to.-prQII"'N. r,.u,.,..eftl"7-n'l6 ,..._anktl11td.H -· ~tn4~t, dlll~t •• n&llMI that, ll"'t « n1nl 1"N .,.0 ... VW. raUicr f go "-!!iDS 1n uate o11Wrtr71 tllot ... ....w , II"M\01' •PI'M4 111 u.o Mrn1np or u.. •~1.17. Ul&t ..o .-.s.i ,.t t.v ...,..k1De ~u-. ftwl...S....., aiiN4 Of \18, 'n>lo lclllrl41MI01M OOIII>t.rlOI >101'0 .J>M4 of ... , Wo haft _. 1 lot at l'ftiiF'H'• an4 n Ule MIS at \1111 YW7 P""t V'CJ'lt!.

VN', -- lt \1'\&1711 \ht.to W -IXIt(IIOinC \01\o) pr'<IF'eMo CIITlti.Matn.tt o;m• -u 80111&14_......,. Jr'OII"'"• Lotu. .... nottoao~. ~utln•..,..u..t, lba'ltJCUit• ..... , ,.....,.,•t llaltt.billp'IQ).

n..t s. u.. P"i!m7 tltll>I · ·1Da.- *-"eo~.~:~&. r dcft' t MU"'" J'CI'II...,. Fi.!ll to t.a ... v-at 41ttl<Nlt1M, '"- I ob:>1 t U.l:lku.s.•I>IIZ"4....-.tr..-,.,.to..-. y.,....,..,~.q;to'be

t.oM.vU~- t.ct • • • _._. ....... or .us.u~ pocpt•-1011Ct.o'"n~<mU111..,..~Jca'>1 \Wll,.,.U..4.1· t.Uoo, M,.. cenl.oall: tgr U.. ~t uut: tM ~-ot liM or..u..u-or .... ...n:.n LIIW-• .,..,.. ~t.oproWct U... V.Joo."'i&!Ot t.o'-7tUIWIIF1A&- vo..,•ta.n. ·~·

Az14-oi Y .. ,...tU.~otiii\OU14MotNlt-4.1..,1pll.-.. •• _, oll.OiriHe~ •• ot aCht..NCbr11t1.,, • JIIV'Mft'ft'JU.r •• '"'t.l.bMG tol4 t.oprq t.o aurkiDil<>t •Co4 •• dll11 ......,....,.., "Lor4,rdon.'n!7VOI'l4, ~v1UI•,~ Itllntllwln1C41U.. tor • ..u t.o keep 111 u.. b.ct ot-~-

n. ... tm•t-11 oUtr'"'_,.,._ ~ W~t o.otou.ll7. I~ • YW7lu-(IIPI'Ol'CI¥"tlonot~t11Nc~, 1n t.ll11 0011nt.r7, rr... tbe neD or UbCJ", It' • ltD u.. o14 llpUZ\S ~ allout ".riM!¥ O'Groo!J" an' U.. Colonel' • ~.· "n>e7- 'both ,_.,. - lln4lr Ull 1t1n. !bet 11 tn. 1n tl>ll OOW!tq1 11pecoi..U,. 1n tl>11 oowrt.1'7, M4.,.......,. to Dip 1t ac • .l.llll Dlplfllllt eo, tnl 11oiP"<>"tinc lt,UUIIpr'Ob~l.ttl>lltt..,

b ' thU""'""'.,.Ui:llrwi"M41nUII,_...,. 1!»7-topr1nttl>!..ap, U.,.-toDip-in~\.,11;&. I-I"M41tli& & ""'"" tl>l1 ~ wMcb- WllliiS !loot llln1\Ul& -- "'"-- -• ~'-"" ra\lon llnll ""'"'.,.,.. .....,...._ d ~bitter ~UitlN -­~ot.ar7-ullot.

IVWlt to __ t_c..,!lo, v. .. ..,-1.7.._ 1n tl>h

wvtor&-llend.e.b&lt. Itt•.arl-,atUII~ttt... V. -CIOtUttl.:lllon"EuJ'S~t.•

lllope 'f'fiT7 ~. 1n tact 1 • 'f'f/T7~1~, rwvtll I"Nl.Uo tbel)lll"1\llalll.S.otU.11-~J'.IIo-tou:r"'"ot"1'11l1 .... -tlonto,om.lt11tt.zoMt«woo. v. ... ll\ou:r~. v. ..... trr-o.4<;a to OJq>HN ou:r _, op1n1ona. Vo ....,, n-b ot .... u,:~on .:14 tbe ot1>or1 uvou. "l'bo7llr'Otl>rol.t.ot104. •

ltl>l.nli:YeJTtuebt.beOOIIn\r7UlOO);II'Cto1011 .... tl-to &l..,,.., ~tututu:JOII~•nlToM·· 'b)tt.c:wrrovar\llonort

4-.r -· -tind.otM-cr-teoUI&t.,.ll.luaeMiot..U, After tl>ll,.....hvm, let' •sobael<1t•....,.tto, s.t•M"' to, toal4 nu-r.,.. .l.llll ,..,.. m.:.w .o!ll.t • nu.m,. t1Ft 11. a.t u.t 11 ~tJlc u.at ....... port .. ta. .... t lltha1.4at.-.

fto""""tq11~to1'0'1. I•laotlnc•l-7"11• ftleCQQsreU 11~1.\JOfll, A.lli01D11iJIIOof..,...70NI'Itrc."tl.

