I CARE Community project. The project goal My project main goal is to provide warmth for poor...


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Community project

The project goal

My project main goal is to provide warmth for poor children at winter and provide the basic first aid supplements for poor schools. In poor Jordanian schools if any student needs the basic first aid they would not find it, and their injury might change to a serious one. My project aimed to provide as many as first aid cabinets and its supplements to poor schools. First aid is essential in any school specially for younger classes due to the fact that children play more and get injured more and these injuries might get serious.

Community/social back ground Here in Jordan education is essential, but

Jordan is not as rich as other countries, poverty and ignorance leads. Schools are available but at a lower safety measure providing an unsafe environment for education. Many children look for a clothe to enjoy at eid or to provide his body with warmth at the harsh winters but a large percentage of kids don’t have this essential thing (cloth) in their lives but still having hope and strength to challenge and live their lives.

How am I conducting my project?

- For the clothes donation: I designed a leaflet that was distributed to friends and family and other Jordanians. In these leaflets I encouraged people to donate their “old but good” clothes to benefit the community.

How am I conducting my project?- For the first aid cabinets and their

supplements: an engineering company (Lemasters consulting engineers) donated the wooden first aid cabinets. For the supplements different pharmacies donated different supplements (asking not to mention their names)

What's in the cabinets?

1- Medical Cotton 2- Medical Alcohol 3- Iodine 4- Elastic bandage 5- Gauze 6- Plaster strips 7- Paraffin Gauze 8- Plaster Roll 9- Panadol tablets

The cabinets goes to:

1- Queen Haya school for girls 2- Al Hussein first mixed school 3- Nayfeh secondary school 4- Zakat el Jofeh organization 5- Orphanage camp organization 6- Hay Om Teena school 7- Om Ammar school 8- Zeinab Bint Al-Rasoul school 9- Ein karem scool 10- Al-Heraf EL Nasawyeh school 11- Alnozha girls school 12- Tarek Bin Ziyad school 13- Girls Amman School 14- Hussein Boys scool 15- AL Wihdat orphanage center

Clothes donation!

First Aid Donation

Importance of the project?

The importance of my project is to grow the idea of first aid importance and to be a good influence to different people so they would donate and start a community project or even a small family donation that would benefit the community and the least lucky people. I hope my Humble project would hit its target and be a good influence to people. Hoping to see Jordan one of the best countries in all sectors of life . AHAMAD AL MOHTADI

