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    A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

    in the University of London

    and for the Diploma of Imperial College

    NOVEMBER 1962


    Department of Mechanical Engineering,

    Imperial College, London, S.W.7.

  • 2


    An entirely new theoretical concept of hydrodynamic instability, oil

    whirl, is presented. Starting from Reynolds' Equation and employing the

    short bearing approximation due to Ocvirk the equations of motion of a

    journal on an oil film are deduced. Only plain journal bearings and rigid

    shafts are considered but an out-of-balance force is included. Instead of

    linearization of the system, as in every previous investigation, all the

    non-linear terms are retained. The complex equations are solved on an

    analogue computer and produce some notable results. Non-linear modes of

    vibration occur which have the characteristic frequency of,whirl, namely

    half that of rotation. This is an important discovery and shows the

    inadequacy of linear stability theory. Also the frequency changing

    properties of an oil film are demonstrated and some of the apparent

    contradictions of previous experimental work explained.

    An attempt is made to establish the non-linear theory in practice and

    to investigate the effects of imperfections in the geometry of the shaft or

    bearing. it is evident from earlier work that misalignment, ovality, etc.

    have an appreciable influence on the occurrence of whirl. A large clearance

    bearing based on Dr. Cameron's idea is used for it is pai.ticularly suitable

    to these studies. .However the thick oil film of the model approach is

    found to produce undesirable distortions of the oil film forces. The main

    cause is the high oil inertia, an effect which is normally negligible.

    Even so it is found that its influence can be beneficial in preventing whirl.


    The author would like to thank Professor Hugh Ford, D.Sc(Eng.),

    Ph.D., r.I.Mech.., M.Inst.C.L:., Professor of AiOied Mechanics in

    the Department of Mechanical engineering, Imperial College, for his

    useful and critical supervision of the research, and the many people

    who have contributed in numerous ways.

    Thanks are also due to the Central Electricity Generating Board

    for their generous support.



    Chapter 1.





    Page No.




    1.1 Definitions 8

    1.2 The Problem B

    1.3 Basic Bearing Theory 10

    1.4 History of the Theory 16

    1.5 Previous Exprimental Work 23

    Chapter 2. The Non-linear Concept

    2.1 Some general remarks 28

    2.2 Non-linear Indications 30

    2.3 Basis for the Non-linear Theory 31

    2.4 Derivation of the Non-linear !quations of 33


    2.5 'excursions of the Variables 45

    2.6 Analysis of the Equations 46

    Chapter 5. The Analogue Simulation of the Non-linear

    Equations of Motion

    3.1 Introductory Remarks 48

    3.2 Programming the Comiuter 49

    3.3 Checking the Analooue and its accuracy 54


  • CalITTS (contd.)


    3.4 Computing rethods

    3.4.1 Initial Conflitions 55

    3.4.? rethods for the free and forced 56


    3.4.3 M2thod for Variable Speed of Excitation


    Chapter 4. Analogue Solutions of the '.questions of notion

    4.1 The form of the results 59

    4.2 Analogue Results

    4.2.1 For Equilibrium 'ccentricity katio of 0.1 60

    4.2.2 If ft II 0.2 61

    4.2.3 It It 0.3 61

    4.2.4 II ft It

    0.4 74

    4.2.5 I, fl II If 0.5 74

    4.2.6 ,, fl ft 0.6 75

    4.2.7 II It It If 0.7 75

    4.2.8 fl If II 0.8 76

    4.2.9 Amplitude Contour and Fr2quency raps 76

    4.2.10 Solutions where the Journal and Excitation 79

    speeds are different

    4.3 Discussion of the Analogue Results 82

    4.4 Application of the Theory 88


  • CONTENTS (contd.)

    Page No.

    Chapter 5. Experimental Apparatus

    5.1 Introduction 90

    5.2 Design Criteria 91

    5.3 Practical Requirements 93 5.4 The Final Design 95 5.5 Vibration Tests on the Bearing Supports 100 5.6 Experimental Procedures

    5.6.1 General Remarks 100

    5.6.2 'S1 Parameter versus Eccentricity Ratio 102

    5.6.3 Friction versus the 'S' Parameter 103

    5.6.4 The Onset of Whirl, Frequency ratio, 105

    and Cessation of Whirl

    Chapter 6. Experimental Results

    6.1 Data 107

    6.2 Notation 107

    6.3 The Onset of Turbulence 108

    6.4 Description of Results

    6.4.1 Journal Centre Locus 113

    6.4.2 'S' Parameter versus Eccentricity Ratio 114

    6.4.3 Friction Characteristics 114

    6.4.4 The Onset of !Thirl


    6.4.5 The Cessation of Whirl


    6.4.6. Frequency Ratio 116

  • COTITETiTS ( contd

    PaEe No.

    6.5 Gil inertia and other Considerations 130


    Discussion of Experimental Results 143


    Application of the Results 157

    Chapter 7.

    7.1 General Conclusions 155

    7.2 Suik.octions for 1-Urther 156

    References 157



    1.1 Definitions

    It is generally recognised that there are three types of vibration

    of a plain journal bearing. Firstly there is half speed whirl, or oil

    whirl, which is characterized by its frequency being approximately half

    that of rotation: it is a property of the journal bearing alone. There

    is the response of the journal bearing to an out-of-balance force; the

    frequency is usually assumed to be exactly equal to that of the force.

    Thirdly a vibration caused by the interaction of the shaft and the oil

    film and generally occurs at rotational speeds greater than twice the first

    shaft critical. This phenomenon is called resonant or oil whip and has a

    frequency approximately equal to that of the first shaft critical.

    1.2 The Problem

    None of the vibrations of a plain journal bearing are fully understood

    and it is still impossible to predict their occurrence with certainty.

    Both whirl and whip can be of large amplitude and constitute a considerable

    danger to the machinery. The first problem is oil whirl and the consequent

    possibility of hydrodynamic instability since it avoids the added

    complexities of a flexible shaft. Although resonant whip will not be

    specifically discussed it will be necessary to make reference to it as

    there are some points of interest common to both subjects.

    Oil whirl was first observed by Newkirk and Taylor in 1925 (29) while

    studying the critical speeds of shafts, but since then very little

    experimental work has been performed. What has been done often appears

    contradictory for the researchers rarely discuss their results in terms of

  • the conventional non-dimensional parameters. Thus Pinkus (35) discussing

    the 'desirable conditions for the prevention of oil whip' finds that a high

    viscosity oil is required whereas Newkirk and Lewis (30) conclude that a

    low viscosity oil is better. Another cause of difference may be that little

    or no attention has been paid to such effects as misalignment of the bearings,

    though it is apparent from several papers that they play an important role.

    Newkirk and Taylor in their initial studies found that deliberate

    misalignment of the bearings prevented the vibrations occurring. Other

    influences may be the position and pressure of the ,oil supply, ovality

    of the bearing surfades etc. but in no case has a thorough investigation

    been made although it is clear the effects are not negligible.

    A complete experimental investigation was therefore proposed with

    special reference to the imperfections which may well occur in practice.

    In the first instance it was necessary to design an apparatus where these

    influences were negligibae in order to form the basis of comparison. The

    design was to be based on Dr. A. Cameron's large clearance idea where

    radial clearance of up to 0.25 ins. on a shaft radius of about 3.5 ins.

    are used. Originally this model approach was employed to reduce the speed

    at which whirl commenced, thereby reducing the power input and heating

    effects and was found to be satisfactory. However though advantageous

    in these ways, it was considered even more beneficial in the present case

    as it would in effect reduce the comparative sizes of the geometrical

    imperfections in relation to the thickness of the oil film.

    The theories for predicting the onset of whirl are inflexible and

    cannot readily be adapted to account for any but the ideal journal bearing.

    The primary cause is the difficulty of integrating the basic Reynolds

    Equation with suitable boundary conditions. The theories are all linear in

  • character and deduce that under certain conditions of operation instability

    will result. There is some evidence from the previous experimental work

    that whirl is a non-linear phenomenon and it was decided to investigate

    the possibility with the object of ascertaining whether or not self-excited

    or subharmonic solutions were theoretically admissible. Out-of-balance

    forces were to he included but peculiarities in geometry still could not be

    taken into account. It was realized from the start that such an analysis

    would be mainly qualitative because of the assumptions necessary, yet it

    was considered that it would give useful information on the nature of oil


    1.3 Basic Bearing Theory

    Before discussing the historical background of the subject it will be

    useful to first consider the basic theory.. The foundation of hydrodynamic

    lubrication is Reynolds Equation which was originally deduced by

    Irofessor Osborne Reynolds and published through the Royal Society in

    1884 (38). The equation rests on the following assumptions:-

    (i) The flow in the fluid film is laminar;

    (ii) The thickness of the fluid film is small compared to its

    length and bn:adth;

    (iii) The fluid inertia forces are small compared to the viscous


    (iv) Compared to the velocity 7radients and-r), all others are

    negligible - see fig. 1. for the notation;

    (v) There. is no pressure variation through the thickness of the

    oil film, that is in the y-direction;


  • -Nom, Li

    J 0 OR.Ni A.1-.


    ti, v-

    yr- Jr.. , Li.



    PAGE II.

    co .0 Rap I NAA.-ria SYSTEM F-OR. 'THE. 01 1-- F-1 I-.1\11 .

    k .. Fii-M THICKNESS U, V- J OUR-NIA-I- .5‘.3R-F Ac- E.

    1/al-00 rr I as

    PIG. I .

  • 12,

    (vi) There is no slip between the fluid and the surface of the

    bearing or journal;

    (vii) The lubricant is Newtonian, the shear stress being

    proportional to the rate of shear;

    (viii) No external forces act on the film, such as gravitation.

    That the flow is laminar is a necessary starting point and implies that

    the Reynolds Number must be low. Assumption (ii) allows the curvature of

    the film to be ignored and thus the rotational velocities to be replaced

    by translational ones. It can be shown that the fluid inertia is negligible

    if the first two assumptions are satisfied but it is necessary to include

    (iii) in the first instance.

    In a normal journal bearing the flow is laminar. A 12 ins. diameter

    turbine bearing running at 3000 r.p.m. has a Reynolds' Number of about

    150 well below the value for transition to turbulence of about 900. The

    clearance ratio, that is the radial clearance divided by the radius, will

    be about 0.0015. Assumptions (i) - (iii) are therefore reasonable and

    indeed valid.

    Assumption (iv) follows from (ii) and that the dominant velocities

    are in the x- and, to a lesser. extent, z-directions. Assumption (v) is

    also consequent on (11) and is usual in connection with thin films as is

    (viii). No slip between the oil and the bearing surface is necessary in

    order to define some of the boundary conditions of the film. A Newtonian

    fluid is a reasonable assumption since oils are mostly used and in journal

    bearings they are not very highly stressed. In addition it is usual to

    assume the fluid has constant density and viscosity. Density is unlikely

    to vary much but viscosity is greatly dependent on temperature and the

    assumption cannot readily he acccted,although it is necessary in order to

  • simplify the development of the theory.

    Reynolds' Equation is, with notation as indicated in fig.1A-

    ( 41.3 ) T I \7 6x I+ Tzk = GL-) TiL 6 2)x_ rlv

    where p is the pressure at the point (x,z) and

    r2 is the viscosity of the lubricant.

    The equation (1) is exceedingly difficult to integrate to obtain

    the pressure distribution and load carrying capacity of a bearing.

    Simplifying approximations can be made by considering an infinitely long

    bearing (sometimes called the Sommerfeld case) or a very short bearing

    (Ocvirk's solution) in which either`;19,cz is zero orIbecomes negligible

    respectively. Numerical methods have also been used to provide solutions

    to the complete equation but whichever approach is employed it is necessary

    to insert suitable boundary conditions for the oil film and those in the

    circumferential (x) direction present a special problem.

    In much of the early work on bearings it was assumed that the oil

    could withstand large negative pressures, for example Sommerfeld (42), but

    this is unrealistic. They arise if the boundary conditions of the film

    are assumed to be zero pressure (gauge) at the maximum film thickness and

    that the pressure profile is periodic with respect to the angular

    co-ordinate of the bearing surface, i.e.

    (e) (e 21) ; 13 ° e=o

    In practice where there is a possibility of negative pressures developing

    cavitation occurs and the film is broken. Floberg (10) found by experiment

    that if air were dissolved under pressure in oil a slight drop in pressure


  • 14

    was sufficient to release some of it. He concluded that cavitation which

    is probably initiated by air coming out of solution would take place when

    the film pressure dropped just below the ambient pressure - generally

    atmospheric. Smith and Fuller (41) found experimentally that there were

    slight sub-ambient pressures existing in the film immediately before it

    ruptured - see fig.2. Such conditions are difficult to handle theoretically

    so normally it is assumed that cavitation begins when the pressure falls to

    zero. This alone is not sufficient to establish the boundary of the film,

    for continuity must be satisfied demanding that the pressure derivative

    with respect to the distance along the bearing surface should be zero as


    Various pressure profiles are illustrated in fig.2 and have been drawn

    so that the maximum pressure is the same in each case in order that the

    shapes may be more easily compared. Sommerfeld's actual solution (42)

    is shown in the bottom diagram and is compared to the theory into which

    the more precise boundary conditions have been inserted. The difference is

    marked. For a bearing of length/diameter ratio (L/D) of unity the

    discrepency is reduced though here the numerical solution of Walther and

    Sassenfeld (49) is contrasted to the half-Sominerfeld solution, half because

    the negative pressures are ignored. Comparison to Smith and Fuller's

    results (41) shows that the theory is still lacking accuracy. However

    the short bearing approximation due to Ocvirk (31),illustrated in the top

    diagram of fig.2 where again negative pressures are neglected, demonstrates

    that the simplified boundary conditions have a much smaller effect with

    this geometry.

  • Po-GE IS com PA.R. I CPP4 OF PRESS t-Igt_ 1=4:Z.OF-11-5

    Cce..a.r-s-rAtic.try Li/-T10 ---.-- 0- ES

    Lif) 0

    Co0 t1

    FIG. 24

  • The equilibrium of the forces of the oil film is shown in fig.3.

    The resultant couple caused by the forces on the bearing and journal

    surfaces being out of line is balanced by the difference in the friction


    \Nr.e. slts4 -t- Rb = .Fi

    W s the load on the journal

    e = the absolute eccentricity

    0 m the attitude angle

    R - the radius of the journal or bearing (since the clearance

    between them is very small the radii may be considered- eqaal)

    Fb = friction moment on bearing

    Fj mg friction moment on journal

    There are also friction forces arising from the assymmetry of the pressure

    profile but these are very small when compared to the load, being of the

    order of the clearance ratio.

    1.4 History of the Theory

    Considerable difficulties were experienced in integrating Reynolds'

    Equation even for stable running of the journal, as has been explained

    in the previous section, and the development of oil whirl theory is closely

    related. The early investigators employing the unrealistic full Sommerfeld

    conditions found that the journal position was always unstable. Various

    methods of deducing the restoring forces on the disturbed journal have

    evolved since then usually culminating in criteria for stability but it is


  • Po...G.= I T

    FIG. 3.

    rg-I Ca. it

  • only in recent times that the complete form of these forces has been


    Fc„ = -t- b b .

    All the terms are significant and influence stability. As some authors

    have neglected certain terms their theories lack generality.

    Harrison (16), Robertson (39),and Swift (45), were the first people

    to notice the instability of the journal position. They all treated the

    infinitely long bearing and included the negative pressures. Harrison and

    Swift's work was in connection with dynamically loaded bearings and both

    found that under a constant load the shaft position was unstable. Harrison

    made an algebraic slip in his calculations for the frequency of the

    movement. Swift corrected it and found that the frequency ratio (vibration/

    shaft frequency) varied between 0.4 and 0.5 depending on the eccentricity.

    Robertson improved on their methods and included the journal inertia and

    viscous drag terms though he found the latter of second order. He again

    found the journal position unstable. However inclusion of an elastic shaft

    modifies his argument and he concluded, from a qualitative discussion of

    the force diagram, that large amplitude vibrations could be substained only

    when the shaft speed was twice the first shaft critical.

    In 1926 Hummel (19a) published a theory of whirl which although it

    appeared seven years before Robertson's was in many ways superior. The

    displacement coefficients for the restoring forces were calculated from data

    obtained under stable running conditions but the velocity terms were over-

    looked. Even so some of the difficulties of integrating Reyholds' Equation


  • had been overcome and the unrealistic Sommerfeld conditions abandoned.

    Hummel found that stability could exist in the range of eccentricity

    ratios greater than 0.7 (Eccentricity ratio is the ratio of the distance

    between the bearing and shaft centres to the radial clearance. Its

    maximum value is unity and in the present notation is equal toe/(:).

    Hagg (12) pointed out that in a bearing with a complete film whirl

    must occur at half the shaft speed by considerations of the continuity of

    flow. His argument is as follows. Assume that there is no side leakage

    of the oil from the bearing and that the path of the journal centre is a

    circular locus around the bearing centre, as shown in fig.4. The radial

    clearance is '0, that is the difference between the radii of the bearing

    and journal. If a linear velocity gradient through the film is also

    assumed then, considering a unit length of the bearing, the oil flow

    through the gap AB (fig.4) - ,c2.4 a)/2

    Likewise the flow through CD is

    P- - e-)/2 The whole shaft has a translational velcity of (L e) producing a void under

    it at the rate of 2Runt.For continuity of flow

    — S2-R(c.- e)/2, - 2, P. = 0 and hence 1.A.:7- =

    The analysis, though simple, indicates how fundamental the half shaft speed

    vibration is to a journal bearing.

    Hagg, in the same paper, produced another theory using an approach

    similar to Hummel's but inserted the direct velocity terms. These were

    based on formulae relating to the tilting-pad journal bearing but, although

    realizing that some lack of accuracy would result, he declared that the


  • 2.0

    order of magnitude would be sufficient. A stability criterion was deduced.

    He carried on to show by a qualitative argument that instability would

    come about if the shaft speed exceeded twice the first shaft critcal.

    Hagg concluded that both of his criteria must be satisfied for smooth

    running. Together with Warner (14) using similar equations (the origin of

    the velocity terms is not given) Hagg employed an electric analogue device

    to establish a stability criterion, this time including the effects of a

    flexible shaft. Although their analysis was linear they suggested that

    whirl might be a subharmonic vibration. However it is thought unlikely

    because, it is remarked, unbalance generally inhibits whirl.

    In the same year Poritsky (37) using Harrison's equations deduced

    complete instability for a vertical shaft where the eccentricity is small.

    Realizing the falseness of the theory he introduced an unknown radial force

    to effect some compensation. Poritsky reached the same conclusion as Hagg

    for stability with regard to oil whip. He continued with an examination of

    the roots of the characteristic equation for when the shaft speed was three

    times the first shaft critical and found an unstable root corresponding to

    the shaft critcal - essentially in agreement with experiment. Furthermore

    he remarked that stable operation in these regions was unlikely even if the

    non-linearities of the oil forces were to be considered. Boeker and

    SternlictiM2), although disapproving of the imaginary radial force,

    demonstrated that such a force could in fact exist in bearings which,

    although not plain, still possessed a high degree of symmetry.

    Pestel (34) in 1954 deduced all the coefficients for the equations

    of motion by progressive analogies commencing with two flat plates. He

    assumed that the shaft rotation would not influence the velocity terms

  • at

    (contrary to the findings of later analysed) and found that the cross-

    velocity terms were negligible. The coefficients were given in graphical

    form calculated from Needs (28) data for a 1200 partial bearing under stable

    operating conditions. Cameron (3) neglected the velocity terms altogether

    in his treatment of the rigid shaft system. Essentially it was an

    extension of Hummel's work and was also based on results obtained under

    stable running conditions. In the eccentricity ratio range below 0.7,

    which Hummel had rejected as unstable, Cameron found that there was a

    resonance accompained by an amplification factor. This factor, it was

    argued, would be removed when the damping was introduced and so stability

    could exist. Instability, however, would occur when the resonant frequency

    was equal to half the shaft rotational frequency.

    In 1956 Korovchinskii (23) published a very long treatise on journal

    bearing instability. By a purely analytic approach of an extremely complex

    nature he deduced the equations of motion for a journal disturbed from its

    equilibrium position in a finite bearing. The equations were linearized

    and stability criteria found for various length/diameter ratios. The

    boundary conditions for the oil film were (apparently) taken as zero

    pressure and pressure derivative in the circumferential direction.

    . It is difficult to assess the accuracy of Korovchinskii's method

    because of the mathematical assumptions introduced. There is one point

    on which his theory differs from others and from experimental work. It ie

    that he found shorter bearings are less stable than longer ones and,although

    the variation is small,it is in the opposite direction to that anticipated.

    However this paper is certainly a landmark in the history of the subject

    being the first complete analysis based solely on Reynolds' Equation. It

    is unfortunate that it has been overlooked in the Western literature.

  • 22

    Prederiksen (11) starting with Harrison's equations made an attempt

    to account for the non-linearitics of the oil forces. He used an averaging

    technicre though it is clear he lacked understanding of the oil film.

    Halton (15) returned to the fully flooded bearing with a 360° unruptured

    film. He showed that if the whirl locus was assumed to be elliptic the

    frequency of vibration was equal to the natural frequency of the 'free'

    cylinder's suspension - which could be interpreted as the elastic shaft.

    The analysis is in line with observations though based on doubtful

    assumptions. Orbeck (32) produced a relationship between amplitude and

    frequency df whirl for a vertical shaft. It is similar to Robertson's


    Three years after Korovchinskii's work was published,another complete

    theory appeared. Hori (19) treated the infinitely long journal bearing

    but assumed the oil film ruptures at the minimum clearance. As explained

    earlier this is not a good approximation. Starting from Reynolds'

    Equation he found the linearized restoring forces and deduced a stability

    criterion: both rigid and flexible shafts are considered. As is common

    to this subject the shaft is simplified assuming a central massive disc on

    a massless, perfectly elastic shaft. Hori argued that instability would

    occur when both the shaft speed was above twice the shaft critical and also

    the stability criterion was violated - subaely different to Hagg's opinion

    (12). Holmes (18) produced a very similar theory based on the short

    bearing approximation but without the inclusion of shaft flexibility.

    Sternlicht, Poritsky, and Arwas (43) published a complete analysis which

    was later reprinted in the book of Pinkus and Sternlicht (36). It is the

    best one produced so far. Reynolds' Equation was integrated numerically

  • 2,3

    for finite bearings for various journal centre velocities. The boundary

    of the oil film was defined by zero pressure and pressure derivative.

    Coefficients for the linear equations of motion were deduced assuming

    that the journal centre had no velocity and was located in the equilibrium

    position. They produced a stability criterion which inextricably involves

    the shaft flexibility. However one result which is independent of shaft

    stiffness, is the frequency ratio at the onset of vibrations. (Frequency

    ratio equals the vibration divided by the rotation speed). This ratio is

    far removed from the usual half varying between 0.37 and 0.22 in the

    eccentricity ratio range of 0.2 to 0.8. It is possible that this analysis

    indicates that the assumption of linearity is unsatisfactory when better

    approximations to the oil forces are obtained.

    Kestens (22), reverting to the long and short bearing approximations,

    introduced a refinement by allowing viscosity to vary. He assumed it was

    proportional to the film thickness. Drawing heavily from the work of

    Tipei(48) he concludes that for stable running the eccentricity must be

    greater than 0.4. Capriz (6) has reached some interesting conclusions as

    regards oil whip though his equations for the oil forces are valid for low

    eccentircity ratios only. An analysis by Morrison (27) for the modifi-

    cation of the natural frequency of a shaft supported on an oil film provides

    a useful discussion of the oil forces.

    In all the theories it has been assumed that the journal and bearing

    are of impeccable geometry. Also it is assumed that whirl is purely a

    linear phenomenon. Both require further investigation.

    1.5 Previous Experimental Work

    Since very little work has been done on oil whirl resonant whip will

    also be discussed in this section as it may help to elucidate the problem.

  • a+

    The first investigation of bearing vibration was performed by Newkirk

    and Taylor in 1925 (29). Initially using a horizontal shaft in two bearings

    they found that the shaft whipped violently at all speeds above 2,300 rp.m.,

    the speed of the vibration remaining between 1205 and 1280 r.p.m. which was

    approximately equal to the shaft natrual speed of 1210 r.p.m. Although

    the bearings were suspected of being the cause other possibilities were

    eliminated. The first positive evidence was produced when it was found

    that the vibration stopped when the oil supply was reduced and returned when

    the supply was restored. Different shafts and bearings behaved similarly

    but deliberate misalignment of the bearings prevented whip. Nel,kirk and

    Taylor built another apparatus this time having a vertical shaft, a ball

    bearing at the top and the test journal at the bottom. Whip did not start

    until approximately a speed of three times the shaft critical was reached

    though a large resonance peak occurred at twice the shaft critical. Only

    with a large clearance bearing (0.008 ins. on la in.dia.) and at speeds above

    250 r.p.m. a half speed vibration of the journal in the bearing was

    observed, the shaft not flexing. Increase of the frictional restraint on

    the shaft was found to decrease the frequency of vibration. An explanation •

    of the phenomena was formulated as follows. The resonance at the speed of

    twice the shaft critcal is due to the natural half speed vibration of the

    journal. Failure to pull through and become stable again may be because the

    increased frictional resistance and side leakage of oil reduces the

    journal's natural frequency thus still acting as excitement to the shaft.

    They presumed that in the case of the vertical shaft the damping of the

    upper ball race was a major influence. When a little extra restraint was

    applied to the horizontal shaft system by means of a carbon ring similar

    behaviour was observed.

  • 2.5

    Hagg and Warner (14) used a single disc turbine to study whip using

    different shafts and bearings. They found that at the onset of whip the

    frequency ratio was about 0.43. Their results compare reasonably with

    their predictions in form but not in magnitude. They discuss the

    possibility that the onset of whip is related to some resonance of the

    system, often that of the shaft but sometimes that of the bearings or

    something else. They conclude that every part of the machine has some

    influence and that friction could be decisive. Hagg and Sankey (13)

    attempted to produce in a generalized form experimental results for the

    spring and velocity terms of the equations of motion. Unfortunately they

    overlooked the possibility of cross velocity terms so that the results are

    only applicable to bearings of similar geometry. Boeker and Sternlicht (2)

    using a rigid vertical shaft found that with a plain bearing whirl

    persisted from the lowest speed attainable.

    Newkirk published some more results on resonant whip together with

    Lewis in 1956 (30). The apparatus was similar to that used before having

    a very flexible shaft. They reported that slight misalignment of the

    bearings gave completely different results but gave no details of degree.

    Another investigation of resonant whip was performed by Pinkus in

    1956 (35). He found that whip commenced when the shaft speed was

    approximately twice the shaft natural speed and had a frequency ratio of

    about one half (i.e. vibration/rotation frequency). As the shaft speed was

    increased the vibration continued,remaining at the same frequency except

    under certain peculiar circumstances. At these times the speed of vibration

    jumped to be synchronous with that of rotation. It is likely that

    resonances of the test stand were influencing the observations. Pinkus

  • also tested other types of journal bearing, such as lemon shaped and

    three lobed, and found that they had better characteristics with regard

    to vibration. He also found that oil starvation reduced the tendency to


    At the 1957 Conference on Lubrication and Wear, two papers were read

    on journal bearing instability. Cole (s) obtained results which he himself

    regarded as exploratory, and tentatively concluded that whirl occurs at

    any speed where the eccentricity ratio is less than 0.2. He associated

    whirl with the unruptured film condition which existed in this range rather

    than any other parameters. Cameron and Solomon (5) described some

    preliminary work done on the very large clearance bearing with clearances

    of the order of I ins. on 3;1 in. radius. They found that the frequency

    ratio was always about 0.49 and that it was pos'ible to drive through the

    whirl region into stable running conditions beyond. It is concluded that

    whirl is a resonance. However it is probable that turbulence was changing

    the conditions in the oil film, thereby producing forces sufficient to

    restore smooth running.

    In all the experiments it is assumed that the bearings and shaft are

    perfectly cylindrical, though, from the work of Finkus it is evident that

    departure from the circular does cuppres vibration. Finkus, and Newkirk

    and Taylor both found that oil starvation was beneficial to the maintenance

    of smooth running; Newkirk and Lewis indicated the importance of alignment;

    but none of these effects have been investigated. The bearing supports

    are assumed to be rigid and excitation from adjacent machinery arriving

    through the foundations ignored. There is no thorough investigation of oil

    whirl or whip where every possible effect has been examined.


  • Comparison of the results which do exist is difficult because of a

    lack of information and also very few investigators have urged the non-

    dimensional parameters appropriate to bearing work. Me meaning of

    curves of amplitude versus speed are lost since the eccentricity is

    continuously varying. Also it is unlikely that the resonant whip phenomenon

    will be understood until oil whirl is conquered because of the added




    2.1 Some General Remarks

    Up to the present all theories of hydrodynamic instability have been

    based on the assumption that it is purely a linear phenomenon. Little

    thought has been given to this point though occasionally it is remarked that

    only small oscillations are of interest from the practical standpoint, there-

    fore linear theory is adequate. The argument is seeminfAy confirmed for the

    theories indicate that at the boundary of instability the frequency ratio will

    be a little less than a half as found experimentally.

    Linearization however denies the possibility of certain types of

    vibration. A velocity term which is negative for small displacement but

    positive for large ones produces self sustained vibrations. The most famous

    case is the Van der Pol equation (see, for instance, Stoker (d0). Any

    initial disturbance will produce a vibration which tends towards one periodic

    solution called the limit cycle. With complex forms of coefficient for the

    velocity term several limit cycles can exist and then the initial conditions

    will determine the final solution. Hon-linearity in the displacement forces

    can lead to periodic solutions at frequencies which are submultiples of the

    exating force - subharmonics. Stoker (44) puts forward a simple explanation.

    Since a non-linear free oscillation contains higher harmonics of its main

    frequency it is to be expected that a force at one of these harmonics is

    capable of causing a large amplitude vibration at the basic frequency.

    Ludeke (24) has built some simple models which,demonstrate sub-harmonic


    Another non-linear characteristic is the 'jump' phenomena.' In fig.5A

    a typical response curve is shown for a hard spring with a little damping.

    As the frequency of excitation is increased the response follows the line

    OAB, until at B a sudden jump in amplitude occurs down to point D. On

  • 1/3 Z.S e1I-4 15.4a4"00.46C 6 i12.


    / /




    Li 0 3 I. :i a. 1 d

    FIG. 5e.

    Li 0 3 I.

  • 30

    decreasing the frequency the response follows the curve DCAO, a jump

    occurring between C and A. The result is a hysteresis effect. Jumps can

    also occur between different solutions of the same equation as illustrated

    in fig. 5B - after Ludeke (25).

    Linear systems can also produce subharmonics if the spring force is

    an explicit function of time and the damping is small. The vibrations occur

    when the applied force has a frequency approximately twice that of the

    system. It is Npry interesting that Reynolds Equation for a gas bearing

    contains a term in which on integration might lead to the above

    conditions. With out of balance as an exciting force and natural frequency

    of approximately half shaft speed a gas bearing will then be particularly

    susceptible to whirl.

    2.2 Non-Linear Indications

    It is possible that half speed whirl could be a subharmonic vibration

    with the residual out-of-balance acting as the exciting force. Hagg and

    Warner (14) have already rejected this argument because they say unbalance

    usually inhibits whirl, but this is not necessarily logical in a

    complicated non-linear system. Shawki (40) obtained values of the frequency

    ratio of about 0.499 and the explanation of a subharmonic is indeed

    reasonable. However in practice the ratio can be as low as 0.43 or

    further in which case, even allowing for experimental error, it is an

    unlikely solution. Nevertheless the possibility of subharmonics occurring

    in certain circumstances cannot be denied.

    ,On the point of the frequency ratio at the boundary of instability

    the linear theories are also deficient. For instance, Holmes (18) using

  • the short bearing approximation predicts that this ratio will be between

    0.4 and 0.5 depending on the eccentricity. He has made assumptions as to

    the extent of the oil film which Sternlicht, Poritsky, and Arwas (43) have

    managed to avoid by their numerical method. For this reason the latter

    is.superior. But for the frequency ratio at the onset of instability they

    obtain values which are always leas than 0.4, contrary to normal experience.

    It is therefore apparent that when better approximations to the oil forces

    are employed the linear theories show definite signs of weakness.

    Very occasionally a third speed whirl has been observed. It is quite

    feasible that in these cases an exceptionally strong resonance is occurring

    in one part of the system. However a subharmonic vibration of order one

    third could also be an explanation.

    Several investigators have noticed that the shaft speed for cessation

    of the oscillations is lower than that for the onset - for instance Pinkus

    (35) and Cole (8). The effect is a sort of hysteresis and is common in

    non-linear systems. It provides another indication as to the importance of

    the non-linearities of the oil forces but it is again easy to refute.

    Once whirl has been initiated the oil flow pattern, oil flow rate,

    temperature gradients, etc. change considerably. Therefore it is not

    surprising that whirl• ceases at a different speed.

    None of these arguments are at all conclusive. Yet it was considered

    there was sufficient evidence to warrant further investigation.

    2.3 Basis for Non-Linear Theory

    To set up the non-linear equations of motion expressions for the oil

    forces on the journal are required. Two approaches are possible. One is to

    use one of the approximate theories for the infinitely long or short

  • bearing or alternatively to use the computer results published by

    Sternlicht (43). The latter would require the use of empirical laws

    based on the calculations which would, of course, produce some error.

    Also there are not adequate results to cover the eccentricity range. The

    infinitely long bearing theory was immediately rejected because of its

    known inaccuracy. The short bearing approximation however was considered

    for as DuBois and Ocvirk (9) have shown it predicts the performance of such

    a bearing with reasonable precision if the eccentricity ratio is less than


    A solution to the problem of finding suitable expressions for the oil

    forces would have been to re-compute from Reynold's Equation, on the lines

    of Sternlicht, but to use much smaller intervals. In this way quite

    reasonable equations of variation could have been produced. It was

    considered that the amount of work involved was prohibitive especially

    as the investigation was of a preliminary nature, the object being mainly

    to establish whether or not whirl was a non-linear phenomenon. Further-

    more an examination of Reynold's Equation revealed that the character of the

    oil forces was dependent to a large extent on the terms in film thickness

    cubed on the left hand side. As long as these terms were retained it was

    considered that the nature of the forces would be preserved, and an analysis

    based on such an approximation would be qualitatively correct. The short

    bearing theory was therefore chosen to form the basis of the investigation.


  • 2.4 The Derivation of the Non-Linear Equations of Motion

    Reynolds' Equation, which is given below, must first be integrated

    to find the oil forces on the journal.

    ( 23-U

    1 3 4)- Gr2D-3 The notation has already been introduced, but it will be more convenient

    to replace x by R6 where R is the radius of the journal and eio defined below. Also,use will be made of the following:-

    c.n . the absolute eccentricity - the distance between the journal

    and bearing centres;

    • . the radial clearance between the journal and the bearing;

    n ▪ the eccentricity ratio;

    the angular speed of journal (shaft) rotation; .

    0 the angle between the direction of the resultant oil force

    and the line of centres (journal and bearing);

    e the angular co-ordinate around the oil film measured from

    the point of .maximum film thickness;

    h the film thickness at any point. As the axes of the bearing

    and journal are assumed to be parallel h is a function of a

    (or x) alone.

    represents differentiation with respect to time.

    The bearing centre, which is fixed in space, is the origin of the

    co-ordinate system. post of these quantities are demonstrated in fig.6.

    The right hand side of Reynolds' Equation (1) involves the surface

    velocities of the journal which may be rewritten in terms of the journal

    centre velocities (see fig.6),

    See over -


  • L. I N C Of" C.EfrailTRICS

    PAGE 3.4-


    F .

    ar...."-Au NAG c cpair ca.E. ( rox..c.o

    Di la-CC:1'10N COP" 1..001.0 •

  • I—Y — EA,4E3

    V - crt . cos e . SIN e

    Also = C (I -t-- r\S-05e).

    to a good approximation as long as the clearance is very small in

    comparison to the radius. (!:ormally c,-/R o 002).

    As the short bearing approximation is to be used, allowing )13/2))c_

    to be neglected when compared to '2A57, substitution of (2) and (3) in

    (1) gives

    ?1,z. (4)

    Terms of the order of the clearance ratio have been neglected when

    compared to unity, and x has been replaced by RED

    From (3} 31N-s e

    and since h is not a function of z, (4) becomes

    ,21D 62

    )z z ca (t e)31—

    = ek

    (LLT- 23Z) -4- Z r'vc.-osej (,5)

    The right hand side of equation (5) is independent of z so that the

    integration for the pressure is not difficult. The boundary conditions

    are that at 2 = t L/2, p = 0; where L is the length of the bearing.




  • 36

    As has already been explained the short bearing approximation assumes

    that the oil film only exists in the range

    The forces on the journal will then be given by

    Q, 9.R &O. . LiL/2,


    '-‘ R_L r Q, - — - .-.-T1-7s -f n t-G-ic_z,s8cLe • 5 Q -- la 2 4511--lede. (7) j 0 o

    Integration of the equations (7) is complicated by the factor

    -+-rtc...05e occurring in the denominator of the function 6'4. A

    substitution method must be used which is called after its originator,

    Sommerfeld. It will not be reproduced here as it can be found in the

    standard textbooks - for instance Pinkus and Sternlicht (36).

    Equations (7) become

    11 ,...,2. where Q.is along the line of centres and Q2 perpendicular to it - see

    fig.7A. As the pressure p is a product of two parts, one dependent one

    independent of:z, the whole integration can be effected in two parts.

    e. cle


    f- ADC uat ix-Nteafel ( A Tff, "72_

    2. r‘a ( — r \-1)4

    a) h CI an!) ( — r\9.) 5



    Q2.- cz a 0 (-to-- 20) -+

    At this point the present analysis departs from the theory of

    stability for a short bearing as deduced by Holmes (18). He next

    linearized the oil forces whereas here all the non-linear terms are


  • '37

    Having produced expressions for the oil forces the problem may now

    be treated as one of particle dynamics. There is virtually no choice of

    co-ordinate system, the forces being described in terms of the angle

    and displacement (eccentricity) cn. It is unfortunate since a problem is

    more difficult to visualize in the polar form. However the complications

    which arose when conversion was made to a rectangular system were quite


    Figures T demonstrate the various forces acting on the journal. The

    first one shows the oil forces, Q t and Q2, for the journal position defined

    by eccentricity, en, and angle 0. 0 is as yet arbitrary though later it

    will be aefined from the line of action of the static load on the journal,

    usually the vertical. Under equilibrium conditions, that is zero journal

    centre velocity and displacement, the oil forces •Q,0 and Qao will be •

    exactly equal and opposite to the components of the static load, 131 and P2.

    The vectorial sum of P1 and P2 will give the magnitude and direction of

    the static load. The equilibrium attitude angle 00 and eocentricity_cno

    can then be precisely defined.

    2 2r 2 c_a — r‘;')z.

    az° ".-L2 'T-t ca a (i

  • 01 a C.A. M.111%.1 42. C.C.Pb4 -r

    de.= c:rt,

    .J 0 Voa."‘A.t.-. C.C.P.Alrore.E.


    OA. • C.-Y1.0

    P. Qs.

    Pr i Qs,

    Cc) F-0 P.C. CS I -rs-4c. (D') -rg-ta Fa..crrfrzr I NG mos-I-us:Loco Pos-n".

    B C.F.'


    \ (ust-i-n—cc


    P-OR.Cr.. T:31 os...GP-A.- SAS PAGE. 38

    (A.) THE OIL FORCES. 13 • at.Ec.-7" • c.r.i op-

    S-r-Ak...1- I C

    (B) EctuiLi 136:kW NA CrC:).4 Corr I ONE ,

  • The suffix zero refers to the equilibrium position. Q,, is negative

    because it is, in fact, an upthrust suppong the :journal.

    The resultant oil force iff Q0

    EQ 2 to -4- Q20

    P.1.2r2. 7-7 YA.c> p; .... 2. .4_ Lo aCa 2(1- r‘-g- Y4


    The total oil force, Q0, is equal in magnitude to the static load on the

    journal. It will be assumed that there are no others forces beyond its

    own weight. Taking M as the mass of the journal

    Q0 mi Mk

    Substituting for Qo from (10) gives

    2L?R 9 I"(

    where K = "moo ~l G ‘rk a ( 1—

  • 40

    An out-of-balance force will also be considered and it is illustrated in

    fig.7(D). It is shown separately for clarity though in reality it is

    superimposed on the system of fig.7(C). The rotating force has an angular

    velocity about the journal centre exactly equal to that of journal rotation.

    At time t = 0 the force is at an angle to the equilibrium line of centres

    and its magnitude is given as followa:-

    The distance between the centre of gravity of the journal and its

    axes of rotation is 'q'. Such a quantity is not only mathematically

    convenient but is also used to describe the fineness of the balance of a

    shaft. Thus the magnitude of the force will be

    crr,32 = NA 5

    It has been written in this form in preparation for the non-dimensional-


    Hence the complete force system may now be written down and equated

    to the journal's inertia.

    tV1 c. ( n. -4-

    Q2 — 2 cosO( -- Rsit-a0k. r M. t+25) _c

    Ac ._ — r\.6.(2)


    Q,— P, cos a— Pa -I- 1\43 g —

  • where Q4, and Q2 are both functione of n, n, 0, 0 and Pi and P2 are

    constant for given equilibrium conditions (being components of the

    load, Mg). Inserting the expressions for the forces into the equations

    (12) gives:-


    Mc (n.F.c-÷ a rt,_6() = •


    ati-n-n-6/2- _ 2r\.! To- 04.1

    4 ,\_r.. (I- r`'-)2 )Z/2.C-C) 5 C3C

    HI- N/15 g a si t ZS) - a.] ('3)

    ) 2"2' (I+ a r-?--) t!.‘

    (1 _ (1 r\:i)s/-2.

    Y\ c>.—t-j-3. 511,4 043

    -+- M9 C-OS E(sLo _ (sL]

    R r_ L -t-

    a r-L2.-Ez- c....os CY- ( -

    'These equations can be considerably simplified. Firstly, non-dimensional-

    izing time thus

    P -r 0.

  • if The notation h, n, etc. will be used to represent differentiation with

    respect to 27. Putting

    - 12, (9/c)112


    and substituting the factor K into equations (13) gives

    r\C,, -t- 2kOk r 4"-'-

  • Since \r'aness are both exceedingly small powers above the first may be

    neglected. Equations (14) can then be written in the form (omitting the

    exciting force),

    b,, br.5

    (Ls) — b„. 1655 — sass =0

    where the a's and b's are all constants. Expanding the coefficients of

    (14) by Taylor's theorem in terms ofrianesi but neglecting powers above

    the first

    --r11- .4.. 4,_ .1-1K (1 -1- 2 r -) _ S4n., K.

    'CI' ti- r\tffk S/(1— (A3,)1

    1- -1.._ 4 I-

  • AN D

    01 / 4.,s

    b rs


    bps 1:D s

    4 IN.1012

    = 2 cx.s

    _ SL

    _ 20 S2,


    By comparing equations (15) and (16) the coefficients, brr etc. can be

    found. Substituting the value of K from (11) and, for the sake of

    brevity, writing

    THEN aTT

    No = T12(1-- rI2')

    E3(1 r\;:n

    (1— r\) r•,-1o2

    .11 (1— rQ..) 2' rA., NJ g2


    These coefficients are identical to those deduced by Holmes (18). The

    non-linear equations (14) can therefore be presumed to be correct.

  • 2.5 Excursions of the Variables

    The quantities involved in the equations (14) are:-

    The eccentricity ratio, n, is physically restricted by the bearing

    surface so that its maximum value is unity, i.e. the journal and bearing

    are in contact. The angular co-ordinate has no limits whatsoever.

    K is a constant for a given value of the equilibrium eccentricity ratio,

    and the phase angle of the force, has values between 0 and 3600

    The speed of rotationta is related to the actual speed of the

    journal N r.p.m. through the relation


    21-1 c — = 0- 00 5 2 i\-1 C-j4 -

    where c is the radial clearance in inches.


    Shaft Radial Diameter ins.

    Clearance ins.

    Speed r.p.m.


    2 0.0022 20,000 4.99 5 0.005 10,000 376 8 0.010 12,000 6.39 14 0.012 3,000 , 1.75

    Table I demonstrates possible values for 524. It will be seen that the

    excursion of the variable of up to 6 or 7 should amply cover the practical

    range of speed.

    The residual out-of-balance quoted by the distance between the centre

    of rotation and the centre of r7ravity is usually of the order of

    0.0001 ins, which in he present notation is 0.001 ins. as

  • 4-6

    the minimum value of the radial clearance then the factor (42 qjc) will

    have a maximum value of 0.1 units.

    2.6 Analysis of Equations

    There is very litLle published work on the solutions of non-linear

    systems having two degrees of freedom. That which has been done is mainly

    concerned with very simple mass spring systems without damping. The type

    of non-linearity in the displacement terms is similar to that normally

    associated with the Duffing equation, i.e. force proportional to

    x + bx3 (see for instance Stoker (44 where the coefficient lb/ can be positive or negative, but always small.

    A formal analysis of equations (14) was attempted. The variable

    coefficients were expanded in terms of the displacements but convergence

    could not be obtained without severely restricting the amplitude. The

    non-linearity not being small made the present equations incomparable with

    previous investigations and furthermore the occurrence of terms in

    displacement squared introduces extra complications.

    Inspection of the cross velocity terms shows that the coefficients

    are always negative (n, Ronal' positive) whereas the direct terms will

    always be positive and act as damping. Hence the likelihood of self-

    sustained vibrations is not obvious. But as Morrison has pointed out when

    commenting on his linear analysis (27) the displacement terms also govern

    the stability of the system. It is therefore apparent that it is

    important to consider not only the individual contributions of the

    displacement and velocity forces but their interaction as well. Realizing

    the intricacies of the problem and its uniqueness as regards to previous

  • work an analogue computer was programmed for the solution. It was

    . considered that in this way the salient properties of the equations

    could be easily found.




    3.1 Introductory Remarks

    An analogue computer is an analogue in terms of voltage. It has as

    its basic unit a high gain d.c. amplifier which, used in combination with

    resistors or capacitors, can function as a summer or an integrator.

    Multiplication of a variable by a constant is performed by a fixed

    potentiometer. The output from this operation will obviously'be less than

    the input and will necessitate correction when the multiplier is greater

    than unity. It is done by 'scaling' which entails choosing the ratio of

    the input resistors on the succeeding amplifier to maintain a true analogue.

    Scaling is also used to keep the maximum voltages as close as possible to

    the limit of t 100v. in order to preserve accuracy. Overloading an

    amplifier is automatically detected and displayed on the control panel.

    Multiplication of one variable by another is again performed by a

    potentiometer but in this case it must be set by a servo-mechanism. The

    whole unit is called a servo-multiplier. The introduction of mechanical

    linkages and the resulting inertia requires that the frequencies involved

    must not be high. The time parameter must be scaled to suit the computer.

    On the other hand it is necessary to reduce the time taken for a particular

    solution to eliminate, as far as possible, the drift of the integrators.

    Sine and cosine functions for a constant angular speed can be easily

    produced. A closed loop circuit of two integrators, with multiplication

    for speed between, is self controlling and the functions can be tapped off

    as required. Sines and cosines of angles are simulated by special

    generators which approximate to the actual functions by a series of straight

  • lines over the range t 900. To cover 360° it is necessary to have two

    units for each function coupled through a switching device. It is a

    'noisy' operation - that is, produces unwanted voltages - and is better

    avoided. It was therefore proposed to restrict the excursion of the

    angular co-ordinate to ! 900. This was also considered to be practically


    The output of an amplifier is always reversed in sign:to correct it

    an inverter may have to be inserted into the circuit.

    3.2 Programming the Computer

    The equations were simulated on an Elliott G...PAC, Mark II, analogue

    computer. The following equipment was used:-

    4 Integrators;

    9 High gain amplifiers;

    22 Inverters and Summers;

    8 Servo-multipliers;

    2 Function generators (sine and cosine)

    For recording purposes:

    2 Inverters;

    1 x-y plotter;

    1 Double-channel strip recorder

    The computer itself imposed some restrictions. One has already been

    mentioned which was the limitation of the excursion of the angular

    co-ordinate to ! 900. Secondly, the eccentricity ratio, n, was only

    permitted to be positive because of the complications which would have


  • 50

    arisen if it passed through zero. When the displacements exceeded these

    limits the computer became unstable, brought about by the servo-mechanisims.

    Solutions in which this happened are quoted as being 'beyond the range of

    the computer' or merely 'unstable'.

    It was initially specified that the equilibrium eccentricity ratio

    should be variable between 0.05 and 0.9. A value of zero was impossible

    because of the restrictions above, and unity from physical considerations.

    Variations of the parameters within this range could not be handled by the

    computer unless the programme was extensively resealed. The case of

    n.Q.0.9 was therefore omitted but it was still found necessary to perform

    a limited amount of resealing for the cases of u.7 and 0.8. A few

    solutions at 0.9 were obtained but their reliability is not certain.

    The restrictions unfortunately Lleant that the cessation of whirl could

    not be investigated. Once instability had started it was necessary to stop

    computing and return to the initial conditions.

    The magnitude of the force was limited to O.08,also because of

    scaling difficulties.

    See over -

  • ( 1-2 ) /̀' LL = r1..2 •D('

    (11_, r-1- i""° ) - r\7-)

    je, ( nai cos csct


    (1— r\-V- b =

    To obtain the most economical layout of the equipment the

    equations were simulated in the form:-

    r C a. -t, — K — L.124

    - 2. r"\,4 -t- b COS0(—Yrt:Sir\I -'i

    1-\.(34: = - a rv:. COS CX b C(\,.1


    r J Z ) gS N 111-0.2"-r- 0(1

    'n, and fal are the variables and

    andare constant for a particular solution.

    Y, bo,q, are functionsof no.

    Figure 8 shows the symbols for fig.9, the analogue simulation

    schematic. it is programmed by F.ssuming f to be known and then

    integrating twice to obtain n and n. In combination with(andcX, also

    assumed to be know, the richt ;and side of the first of the equations 117)

    can be evaluated and ri is then found. This is the first circuit loop

    and is called the radial equ,tion in fig.9. The second loop is formed

  • PAGE Sa

    SYMBOL—S USE.0 IN .ANA6-1-0G.I.AE SC-NEI...4AT i C

    r 1G 8

    •-ucie-o a Amtial ApoiCIPLo or's= Ar. .

    --Ar>----- $up ..sr.4 • ilea ....thegivi....•-soCin .

    I NO -ir- CoGOILArrat=1. A. 00 ,i1:3 6,. i ni c.,04.,

    il. 5 > SCsa.se0 - Mc. ii-rr. 6 Ppd.-IC.12 . 4 .11.✓ni:Pe.... • r- i r..4=t Ai...Sp 6.40-1-04;1..

    SERVO-mui..."-• P.1.4=5;t w01..i-OW- VP Par="1"T" I ONIC-1-E-gt. , Co Crr-r GO 1-siNtE OCA‘Crr CIS ovtC..Cs-eibbik.i I c.^.1- 1........4fre.A.c.C.. ,

    64....,..•c•-sr...-r Pcrrir.,ffiarr • eivtiCTC.a..

    rlauti.C.S aspo ghbovIPL.111,40.3 Or."10'71r. 43^.1045.

  • in a similar way, the value of &being initially assumed and eventually

    calculated. Secondary circuits are used to find various terms. The

    imposed force is generated in another loop whose operation has already

    been described.

    The diagram is largely self-explanatory and does not warrant further

    discussion. The labelling is in accordance with equations (17)•

    3.3 Checking the Analogue and its Accuracy

    The checking of the analogue presents many difficulties and in the

    present case, where no approximate analytic solutions were possible, the

    situation is somewhat worse. The normal checks, static and dynamic, were

    performed but they cannot he reAily employed to estimate accuracy.

    For the static check the output of each integrator is disconnected

    from the circuits it feeds and replaced by a known voltage. The

    integrators are converted into summers but the ,,7ains remain the same. ti

    Under these conditions the computer is static and simple calculations can

    be made to determine the correct voltages at each point in the simulation.

    Discrepancies lead to the discovery of faulty amplifiers or errors in the

    circuit. The dynamic check is similar except that the integrators remain

    as such. The computer is allowed to run for a specified time and then put

    into the 'hold' condition, freezing the solution. Since all the inputs

    are known the integrators can be checked.

    The recording equipment was calibrated against the computer. For

    amplitude, a known voltage was applied and the internal gains adjusted to

    give the required displacement. For frequency, the output of the forcing


  • 55

    function was connected to the strip recorder, the period of oscillation

    measured in terms of machine time and compared to the nominal set values.

    In this way, errors in the chart speed were eliminated.

    The overall accuracy of the analogue cannot be precisely specified.

    From experience and using the checks as a guide the operator estimated

    that the margin of error was 4- 4;. Accuracy was limited because of the

    resolution of the servo-multipliers. Also integrator drift introduced ,

    some error especially when solutions took a long time to reach a steady

    state. Regular checking of particular solutions showed good repeatability

    within the estimated margin.

    3.4 Computing Methods

    3.4.1. Initial Conditions

    The choice of the initial conditions is an important part of

    a non-linear analysis as the final solution may well depend on it.

    For instance, with a system capable of self-sustained vibrations

    several limit cycles may exist, but which one is to be the steady

    state solution is determined solely by the initial disturbance.

    In a two dimensional problem the velocities and displacements in both

    directions must be chosen, and there is obviously a large number of

    combinations for even a few values of each. To avoid the

    complications the initial conditions of zero velocity and zero

    displacement from the (presumed) equilibrium position were imposed;

    random noise and any slight unbalanced voltages in the computer being

    used as the disturbance. This is not a rigorous approach but it was

    found, in most cases, to give repeatable results and was thus considered

    satisfactory. The exceptions arose :her. the amplitudes of vibration

  • 56

    were so small that the voltage swinge became comparable to integrator

    drift. however there was still a fair degree of consistency.

    In one or two instances experiments were made to ascertain

    whether or not large disturbances would e fact alter the steady

    state solution. Up to 20 volts were injected at various joints in

    the circuit while it was computing but the solutions remained.


    3.4.2. :cthods for the free and forced solutions

    Once the difficulties of scaling the analogue had begin overcome

    obtaining solutions wae'reasonably simple. Values for the various

    parameters were chosen and set on the appropriate potentiometers. It

    was then only necessary to release the analogue from the imposed

    initial conditions to start computing.

    The programme had been designed to solve the equations in polar

    co-ordinatesbut, in order to make comparison to experiment easier,

    the results were recorded in a rectangular system. Conversion to

    x • n sinO( and y = n eesekwas automatically made by the computer.

    Continuous traces of x and y against time were taken but only the

    steady loci of the shaft centre were recorded.

    During the preliminary studies of the forced solutions it was

    found that variation in the phase angle of the force only affected

    the initial transients. It was thus set at 1K0 and remained so

    throughout the tcsts. Occasionally a very long transient occurred

    in which case the results were always confirmed by runnins the

    solution again.

  • Sometimes unstable transients unexpectedly appeared. It

    became obvious that in these particular instances stable solutions

    could exiet, and the procedure to find them was as follows.

    Computing was started at a slightly different speed to avoid the

    initial instability. The speed was then slowly returned to the

    required value while the machine was still running. The process

    took some time and therefore the integrators begain to drift

    introducing some error. Where such phenomena occurred has been

    indicated in the results.

    3.4.5. Method for variable speed of excitation

    While the free and forced solutions were being obtained it

    was decided, mainly for the sake of interest, to briefly investigate

    the system Aere the speed of the force was different to the speed

    of rotation, but both still in the same direction. The analogue had

    not been designed to take this problem yet it was found that by only

    a slight modification some results could be obtained. Primarily it

    meant that the servo which set the speed had to be divided in two,

    one to set the speed of shaft rotation (1/R) and the other to set the

    speed of the force (Sir). Also it was considered that the force

    should have a constant magnitude and not vary with speed squared as

    in the previous tests. The parameter was chosen so that the total •1

    coefficient of the force, (;S"), would be maintained constant and

    equivalent to the case where eaireneand = 0.04. Variation of the

    speed of the force was restricted because of limitations inge


  • The testing procedure followed similar lines to that described

    in the previous section. Long initial transients frequently occurred

    especially at low fractional values of the rationw/E/R. It is

    hoped that constant checking has eliminated any freak solutions.



    4.1 The Form of the Results

    Solutions to the equations of motion (14) were obtained for

    eccentricity ratios in the range 0.1 - 0.9, though the reliability of

    the case of 0.9 is not certain because of possible overloading. For the

    ratios 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.8 the free and forced solutions were

    found with 6 = 0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08. At the intermediate

    eccentricity ratios of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, only the free solution and that

    for . 0.06 were obtained as it was considered thatt interpolation would

    be quite satisfactory. The results are given in various forms, as will be

    described, but the nomeclature is consistent.

    . Angular speed of the vibration based on non-dimensional


    = Angular speed of the journal and of the faire where both

    are the same.

    Angular speed of the journal.

    CLF = Angular speed of the force.

    Amplitude of the rotating force.

    rLo Eccentricity ratio of the presumed equilibrium position.

    DC Displacement in the direction at right angles to the

    presumed equilibrium position of the line of centres.

    Displacement in the direction along the presumed

    equilibrium position of the line of centres.

    The displacements are measured as a ratio in terms of

    the radial clearance and are therefore equivalent to

    units of the eccentricity ratio.


  • c0

    Because of integrator drift and very slight unbalance of the voltages

    in the analogue the precise 'equilibrium' position could not be recorded

    on the charts, and the maximum amplitude from that position could not be

    measured. Amplitudes given in the results are found by halving the maximum

    displacement in the given directin.

    4.2 The Analogue Results

    4.2.1. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.1

    The response curves are shown in•figs.l0 and 11. It must be

    pointed out before describing them that the amplitudes were very small

    and difficult to measure, especially at the lower end of the speed

    range where they approached the thickness of the recorder's inkline,

    about 0.003 units.

    The free solutions contained a self-sustained vibration which

    remained at a low amplitude until a speed of about 1.8 was reached.

    The amplitude then rapidly increased exceeding the limits of the

    computer (in this case 0.1 units). The frequency ratio (vibration/

    shaft frequency) was approximately one half though it increased slightly

    with speed. From the point where the ratio was exactly one half the

    amplitude suddenly increased. This is seemingly a coincidence for

    there is no obvious connection.

    Imposition of a rotating force tended in general to increase the

    amplitude and lower the stability limit. But at low speeds, of

    about unity, there was some evidence of a larger force diminishing the

    amplitude. The differences, which were small, may have been errors,

    but since the trend could be seen in both x and y the results were

    probably correct.

  • 61

    The oscillations of the forced solutions had speeds of both

    the force and of the self-sustained vibration. Harmonic analyses were

    not attempted because with such small amplitudes it was considered

    worthless. However, by a rough sketching method the changes appeared

    thus. A small force reduced the strength of the self-sustained

    vibration but added a synchronous component making the total amplitude

    slightly greater. A larger force also tended to suppress the natural

    oscillation yet above a certain speed excited it subharmonicly. In

    these solutions the two frequencies were of about the same magnitude.

    Modulation of the x and y traces occurred between certain speeds

    but only when the force had a magnitude of 0.02. This was -unexpected

    since frequency entrainment is more likely in a non-linear system.

    4.2.2. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.2

    Self-sustained vibrations of small amplitude again existed. Their

    frequency ratio was rather less than one half until the speed reached

    2.0. The ratio then rapidly increased and the amplitude became unstable.

    The addition of the rotating force completely suppressed the

    natural oscillation up to a speed of 1.8. An exact half-speed vibration

    then appeared, possibly a subharmonic, though the synchronous component

    was not eliminated. At the same time the amplitude jumped, and

    continued to increase with speed until instability tool: over.

    4.2.3. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.3

    Only very close to the free boundary of instability did self-

    sustained vibrations occur, as illustrated by fig.13. Tests with

    speeds of up to 9 units were performed but there was no sign of a

    higher stable region. (Similar tests were not carried out in the two

    previous cases because of the amplitude limitations). The speed of

  • g0cir.0 /


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    a 0 _




    0 G-0 8.0 •..62., 0


  • the unstable oscillation at the boundary was estimated to be half

    that of rotation.

    A rotating force introduced harmonic oscillations whose

    amplitudes were roughly proportional to its magnitude. At a speed

    dependent on the size of the fame a subharmonic appeared together with

    a jump in the response. The behaviour was similar to the previous


    With the smaller forces it will be seen from fig.13 that there

    was a range where the amplitude remained more or less constant. It

    is in fact a resonance which is more obvious at higher eccentricity


    4.2.4. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.4

    The behaviour of the system was very similar to the previous case.

    There was a small speed range in which a self-sustained vibration

    existed and, with a force, a subharmonic was generated which quickly

    upset stability. The rotating force reduced the stable region but

    here to a slightly greater extent - fig.14.

    4.2.5. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.5

    The stability of the free system was most clearly defined, no

    self-sustained vibrations being produced - figs.l5 and 16. Above the

    boundary a further stable range could not be found.

    The rotating force produced a resonance at a speed of 1.5 and

    its position vas confirmed by examining the initial transients. As

    before the subharmonic oscillation was produced,but well below the

    boundary of instability for the free solution. It was found impossible

    to obtain any results in the speed range 2.4 to 3.2.

  • With the force at its lowest magnitude of 0.02 beats were

    observed in the strip traces as indicated in fig.15. Their cause

    cannot be discerned.

    4.2.6. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.6

    Instability of the free system did not commence until the speed

    reached 6.9. From a speed of about 2 an exceedingly small self-

    sustained vibration appeared in the y-direction only. It is shown

    on fig.17. Its speed was between 2.2 and 2.4 but this dropped at the

    boundary to 1.5, corresponding to the forced resonance.

    With the force of magnitude 0.06 the resonance and the jump to

    the subharmonic followed the pattern of the previous cases. The

    occurrence of the subharmonic appeared though, in this case, to be

    closely connectedito the speed of instability.

    A stable region could not be found in the speed range 2.2 to 6.9

    even when the magnitude of the force was substantially reduced.

    4.2.7. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.7

    The response curves for the equilibrium eccentricity of 0.7 are

    shown in figures 18 and 19. Very small oscillations were produced by

    the free system in the y-direction alone but they were only just

    noticeable. There was no boundary of stability in the range tested,

    but at a speed of 7.5 there was a sudden burst of self-sustained

    vibrations, in both directions, which almost disappeared again at a

    speed of 8.4. The frequencies and amplitudes are illustrated on the

    graphs though no explanation can be offered.

    The harmonic resonance et a speed of 1.3 was pronounced. At

    higher speeds, though, the resconse was largely dependent on the

    magnitude of the force, and governed whether or not the


  • -7r

    subharmonic or the second harmonic resonance would appear.

    The peculiarities at this eccentricity ratio are probably due

    to the extension range of the test range and the appearance of a

    second resonance. However a system with two degrees of freedom does

    not necessarily have two resonances, as shown by Arnold (1) but here

    there is a definite possibility. Also because of the behaviour of the

    free system unusual effects are almost bound to be produced.

    4.2.8. Equilibrium Eccentricity Ratio 0.8

    The free equations again exhibited very small oscillations in the

    y-direction only. The speeds of the vibrations are indicated on fig.20.

    Addition of a rotating force produced the response curves of

    figs.20 and 21 which are similar to the last case. However a second

    resonance was not ohlserved, yet, because a force of 0.08 produced

    instability throughout the higher speed range, it is considered that

    it does exist.

    The figures illustrate the significance of the regions of unstable

    transients. They correspond to where one:half, or one third, of the

    shaft (forte) speed is equal to either the resonant speed or that of

    the self-sustained vibrations.

    4.2.9. Amplitude Contour and Frequency Maps,

    For one particular value of the magnitude of the force, 0.06, an

    amplitude contour map has been drawn; fig.22. The results obtained

    above have been used. Only the amplitude in the x-direction is given,

    for it is apparent from the previous graphs that the maximum amplitude

    can be expected in this direction even though it varies with

  • 19

    eccentricity ratio. The particular magnitude of the force was

    chosen as it is representative of the others, and the amplitudes, in

    general, are large. This would make the contours more obvious. Results

    obtained from the solution at an eccentricity ratio of 0.9 have been

    included but, as stated before, they cannot be regarded as completely


    The frequency map - fig.23 - gives the main speed of vibration

    of the free and forced solutions. Cnly one force has been illustrated

    and its magnitude is the same as for the amplitude contours. Unless

    otherwise rtated vibrations occur at the speed of the force or, in the

    free state, there is no oscillation.

    The two maps are together self-explanatory and illustrate the

    amplitude and frequency of any vibration to be expected under given

    operating conditions.

    4.2.10. Solutions where the Journal and !-_;xcitation Sneeds are


    Solutions were only obtained at the eccentricity ratio of 0.5 and

    for four values of the journal rotation. The curves were remarkably

    similar though complicated. For clarity, the results for one speed

    alone are presented - fig.24. The upper two graphs show the maximum

    amplitude in the x- andy-directions against the speed of the exciting

    force. Underneath are illustrated the various speeds of vibration

    that could be seen in the traces.

    VEenever possible the natural frequency of the oil film was

    excited by the force, whether by sub- or super-multiplication. v:ith

  • a high speed force there was only a small amplitude oscillation but

    a slight peak did occur when the ratio of the force to the vibration

    speed was one third. At a value of this ratio of one half, the

    amplitude went beyond the limits of the computer. Two solutions were

    obtained at SLF - 2.8 depending on which frequency occurred.

    .Ao the *peed of the force was further decreased the resonance was

    harmonically excited. Just below this region the solutions included

    a modulation at the speeds indicated, probably produced by the proximity

    of the resonance. At lower speeds of the force several minor peaks

    were found. Their presence is difficult to explain for it is unlikely

    experimental errors were the cause. However it may be that the

    equations in this range are very sensitive which, combined with the

    fact that the analogue was not designed for the purpose, gave rise

    to the peculiarities. The peak at S),, . 0.65 is quite distinct caused

    by the force having half the natural speed of the resonance.

    With the other speeds of rotation the response curves were

    similar except on one point. At the lowest testedvam. 1.84, no

    unstable solutions were found there being only a very small peak when

    the force was at twice the natural speed. The most likely reason for

    the difference is that the force was of insufficient magnitude to

    produce the effect.

  • ea

    4.3 Discussion of the Analogue Results

    Only a brief outline of the results has been given on purpose. The

    equations of motion are very interesting in themselves and warrant much

    discussion but the aims and assumptions of the work must not be overlooked.

    There is another point to be considered. E-A Automation Systems Limited,

    who programmed the computer, admitted that this was the most complicated
