Hungarian Thermal Insulation Systems (part 2)


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7/29/2019 Hungarian Thermal Insulation Systems (part 2) 1/3

THERM O-S | Hungarow att Kft .  

H - 6400 Kiskunh alas, Kard u. 20 

THERM O-S® is a ceram ic based super-t hin (0.5-2.5 mm ) t hermal insulat ion coat ing.I t is designed t o b lock heat load, m oist ure penet ration, and air inf i l trat ion over a surface and t hrough

t hese feat ures to econom ize energy cost s. THERM O-S® is one of t he m ost ef fect ive and longestlasting ceramic insulation coatings on t he m arket to day. 1 l i tre substance covers 1 m 2 at 1 m m t h in

coating (insulation capacity is equal to 5 cm t hick rock wo ol)  

To get general dist ribut ion right w e expect you t o buy 40 ,000 l itr es of THERM O-S® in the first year.

The min imu m volum e to b e ordered f or t he first t ime is 4000 l itres. The price of t he THERM O-S® is

about 8.0-8.80 €/ l Ex-works Kiskunhalas (depending on t he pr oduct type and quant i ty). Our price

offer is very com peti t ive! Ful l product inform ation m aterial , technical support and pr ofessional

hands-on training are provided t o our part ners. W e organize regular program s for users to

underst and the needs of consum ers.

Product range:

-  THERM O-S® Front :

o  w ater based, flexible therm al insulation coating (80% of m icro-vacuum hem ispheres)

o  developed for exterior surfaces

o  flexible thermal insulation coating

o  vapor permeable (breathes)

-  THERM O-S® Int er io r: o  wat er based, flexible th erm al insulation coating (80% of micro-vacuum

hemispheres)o  developed for int erior surf aceso  not vapor perm eable 

-  THERM O-S® M osaic:

o  Whit e, ceramic based therma l insulati on panel (80% of m icro-vacuum hem ispher es)

o  designed for ind oors and out door s usage

-  THERM O-S® Eco: o  wat er based, flexible th erm al insulation coating 

o  developed for int erior and ext erior surfaces

o  designed for “ do-it -your self” p urpo ses – easy to u seo  not vapor perm eable 

-  THERMO-S® M et al: o  designed fo r m et al sur faces 

o  wat er based, flexible th erm al insulation coating 

o  not vapor perm eable;

o  no m aint enance need

o  i ts l ifespan is 3-4 years longer comp ared to ro ck woo l.

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THERM O-S | Hungarow att Kft .  

H - 6400 Kiskunh alas, Kard u. 20 

2 m m Therm o-S® reduced the surface tem perat ure fr om 99 oC to 50 oC

The technical param eters you can find in enclosed safet y m aterial datasheets.

The THERM O-S® is environm ent ally fri endly non-t oxic mat erial; our pr oduct is accepted b y organic

and/ or passive house construction and retr ofi t purposes.

THERM O-S® increases energy efficiency and reduces uti l i ty bil ls; the pay back tim e of t he invest m ent

is short er compared t o ot her energy saving investm ents.

The THERM O-S® m ulti ceram ics t echnology pro vides corr osion prot ection and r educes t he surface

maintenance needs by a fact or of four over the no rm al l ife span of any appl icat ion.

This t ype of coat ing was already used successfu lly:

-  Interior or exterior wal ls of:

o  wood,

o  metal,

o  concrete,o  standard wal lboard,

o  stone

o  stu cco and monu ment s;

-  for r oofin g surf aces of steel, rubber, t ar or asphalt

shingle-  for homes, condom iniums, apart ment s, war ehouse,

comm ercial bu ildings, hot els, offic e buildings and


-  agricult ure silos

-  oil pip es, heat p ipes, o il tanks.

The coatings themselves protect against weathering

and dam age fro m t he environm ent . THERM O-S® wil l

provide 15-20 years of protection. (Interior 30 years

of protection). It 's important to note the substance

resist to the b ig warm (120 °C) and t he b ig co ld ( - 45

°C), at th e sam e tim es it has wat er resistance abil ityt oo. The ceramics are consistent in t heir effect iveness

through al l weather condit ions, whether high

humidi ty or not, and maintains resistance to al l

fu ngus as such.

The THERM O-S® can be coated by knurled p ut t y knife, rolled o r sprayed depend on com pressivestren gth . If sprayed: Use a GRACO 695 air less sprayer .

Please, be inform ed, t hat sample m at erials are sent via DHL t o you t oday. I hope, Ther m o-S m eetsyour requirem ents and you are interested in th e country distr ibut or posit ion.

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THERM O-S | Hungarow att Kft .  

H - 6400 Kiskunh alas, Kard u. 20 

I look forw ard you r kind answer; b elieve a mut ual advantageous business relation ship.

If you have any other qu estio n, please do not hesitat e contact wit h m e. Tech datasheet , M SDS

official technical appro val etc

Best Regards,


dir ecto r M sc.Sc. B.Sc.Econ.M BA
