Hundred Dollar Questions



Who wants to win millions?. Hundred Dollar Questions. Find variables in subtraction equations. Find variables in multiplication equations. Algebraic expressions. Writing variable equations. Find variables in addition equations. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hundred Dollar Questions

Who wants to win millions?








$400 $400 $400$400

$300 $300 $300

$200 $200 $200

$100 $100$100

Writing variable equations

Find variables in addition equations

Find variables in subtraction equations

Find variables in multiplication equations

Algebraic expressions


Write an expression for 23 plus g.

Write an expression for 76 plus y.


Write an expression for 98 minus y.


Write an expression for 100 divided by x.


If x = 8 , what is x + 2 ?


If x = 10 , what is x - 10 ?


If x = 49 , what is x divided by 7 ?


If x = 100 , what is 1,000 divided by x ?


3 + x = 12


Y + 9 = 20


5 + 4 + z = 13


60 + g = 112



11 - 2 = y

h + 4 = 25


15 - 5 – x = 7


57 + y + 30 = 90


8 x y = 16


Y x 12 = 36


12 x d = 120


45 x f = 4,500

