HUMAN REPRODUCTION Aka the most awkward classes of your life!




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HUMAN REPRODUCTION Aka the most awkward classes of your life! OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson you should be able to: Label male reproductive anatomy List the functions of different parts of the male reproductive system including hormones REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY MALE REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY Scrotum Encloses the testicles Can move closer or further from the body to adjust temperature Testes Produce sperm The haploid cells produced by meiosis in males Produce testosterone Located externally within the scrotum Also called the gonads Epididymis Storage and maturity of sperm cells Muscles move sperm cells through vas deferens when aroused MALE REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY Vas deferens Transport sperm to the urethra Seminal vesicle Produces fructose Fructose is used for energy by sperm cells Prostate gland Provides additional fluids which nourish sperm MALE REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY Bulbourethral gland Produce clear slippery fluid to help lubricate the urethra Also neutralize any acidity within the eurethra Urethra Transport sperm or urine Blocks urine during arousal Penis Semen is expelled (ejaculated) through the end of the penis during sexual intercourse Semen Consist of sperm (reproductive cells) and additional liquids produced by glands previously mentioned HORMONES - MALES Hormones regulate many cycles in the human body, males and females reproductive systems use hormones in different ways. Follicle stimulating hormone Stimulates production of sperm Luteinizing hormone Stimulates testosterone production Testosterone male hormone Produced in the gonads Development of male reproductive organs Production of sperm Stimulates more muscle mass, facial hair, voice change and sex drive OBJECTIVES By the end of this lesson you should be able to: Label the female reproductive anatomy List the functions of different parts of the female reproductive system including hormones FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY Labia Externally located Protect the reproductive system Contain glands which secrete oils and sweat Vagina Joins the uterus to the outside of the body Uterus Divided into two parts The cervix which is connected to the vagina The Corpus which is the main body FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY Ovaries Glands located on either side of the uterus Produce eggs and hormones Also called gonads Fallopian tubes Transport eggs from the ovaries to the uterus Conception (fertilization of egg by sperm) occurs in the fallopian tubes Gonads: Gland that produces gametes (egg or sperm), in males the testes, in females ovaries. MENSTRUAL CYCLE 28 day cycle typically (24-34 days) Follicle stimulating hormone causes follicles to mature over the first 14 days Follicles contain one oocyte (egg) cell Estradiol (estrogen) levels rise over the first 14 days Stimulates luteinizing hormone production Luteinizing hormone stimulates oocyte release from mature follicle. This is called ovulation and begins the luteal phase MENSTRUAL CYCLE The follicle remains in the ovary and turns into corpus luteum Releases progesterone Progesterone inhibits FSH and LH FSH and LH are needed for corpus luteum to survive Released egg travels down the fallopian tubes Fertilization happens within the fallopian tubes If there is no fertilization menstruation begins TWO OPTIONS Fertilization Sperm and egg merge pregnancy occurs No fertilization The lining of the uterus sheds, menstrual blood flows through the cervix and exits the body via the vagina HORMONES - FEMALE Estradiol Causes the lining of the uterus to thicken and grow Initiates maturation of a single egg in the ovaries Follicle stimulating hormone Stimulates growth of follicles in the ovary Luteinizing hormone Development of ovaries Stimulation of Estradiol production Day 14 of menstrual cycle causes oocyte to release from follicle Progesterone Released by corpus luteum Inhibits follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone FERTILIZATION TO BIRTH Sperm meets egg. Its a girl! Its a boy.. Oh its twins! OVERVIEW IN VIDEO FORMAT 3 stages of pregnancy zygotic Embryonic Fetal ZYGOTIC STAGE - FIRST DAYS Fertilization typically happens in the top 1/3 of the fallopian tubes After the egg has been fertilized it is now called a zygote Zygote: Cell formed by the fusion of two gametes (egg and sperm) The zygote travels down the fallopian tube into the uterus Cells begin dividing Once in the uterus the zygote attaches to the uterine wall ZYGOTIC STAGE TWINS Monozygotic twins Monozygotic from one zygote (1 egg, 1 sperm) Happens very early on when there are only a few cells (2-6 days) Zygote splits into two separate zygotes Placenta may be shared but may not be Dizygotic twins Dizygotic from two zygotes (2 eggs, 2 sperm) SIGNS OF PREGNANCY Missed period A missed period does not always mean you are pregnant! Tired Feeling sick Nausea, possibly vomiting Larger breasts May be more sensitive Increased frequency of urination Typically after 6 weeks Mood swings Craving certain foods Leg cramps PREGNANCY TESTS Pregnancy tests detect changes in hormone levels Can detect pregnancy 8-10 days after ovulation (after the egg is released from the ovaries) Can get false negatives Says you are not pregnant when you are Rarely get false positives(says you are pregnant when you are not) Can occur though, especially if instructions are not followed Doctors office typically uses the same type of tests you can buy in store Doctors may also use blood tests EMBRYONIC STAGE 3-8 WEEKS Embryo Multicellular organism in the earliest stages of development Begins after implantation on uterine wall Umbilical cord joins embryo to placenta Placenta organ attached to the uterine wall Provides nourishment to the embryo/fetus EMBRYONIC STAGE Cells begin to differentiate Differentiation cells take on specialized roles 3 weeks brain and heart begin to develop 4 weeks limbs, bones and gonads 5 weeks eyes, nose and lungs 6 weeks hands/feet, fingers/toes SEXUAL DIFFERENTIATION Males have an X and Y chromosome Females have two X chromosomes The Y chromosome has a gene called the SRY gene At 7 weeks the presence of SRY causes the gonads begin to develop into testes At 8 weeks testosterone is secreted which causes the rest of the male reproductive tract to develop. The X chromosome has no SRY gene In the absence of the SRY gene gonads develop into ovaries FIRST MONTH By the end of the first month, the embryo is about 1/10 of an inch long. About the size of a poppy seed. FIRST MONTH TWO MONTHS The embryo is about 1 inch long and has distinct, slightly webbed fingers. Veins are clearly visible. The heart has divided into right and left chambers. TWO MONTHS FETAL PERIOD From 9 weeks after conception to birth Increase in size, systems begin to function Age of viability: 22 to 28 weeks The baby is now referred to as a fetus Fetus a human or animal in later stages of development, but before birth THREE MONTHS By now the fetus is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long and is fully formed. It has begun swallowing and kicking. All organs and muscles have formed and are beginning to function. FOUR MONTHS Fetus is covered with a layer of thick, downy hair called lanugo. Heartbeat can be heard clearly. Baby begins to kick. ULTRASOUND Ultrasounds can be used to get an image of the fetus determine length of pregnancy detect gender of fetus Determine number of babies Can detect defects Typically done between weeks FIVE MONTHS A protective coating called vernix caseosa begins to form on baby's skin. By the end of this month, the fetus will be nearly 8 inches long and weigh almost a pound. Fetus may be viable after the end of the fifth month 4 MONTHS SIX MONTHS Eyebrows and eyelids are visible. The fetus lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, breathing motions begin. Fetus can now hear talking/singing etc. 6 MONTHS SEVEN MONTHS By the end of the seventh month, the fetus weighs about 3 1/2 pounds and is about 12 inches long. EIGHT MONTHS Baby is gaining about half a pound per week, and layers of fat are piling on. Has probably turned head- down in preparation for birth. Weighs between 4 and 6 pounds. NINE MONTHS Fetus is 6 to 9 pounds and measures between 19 and 22 inches. May move less due to lack of space. HOW BIG IS THAT BABY BABIES! AND DONT FORGET THESE BABIES Mrs INFLUENCES ON PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT Teratogens: something which can cause a birth defect Typically an environmental factor Alcohol and cigarettes, drugs (medicinal or otherwise) TERATOGENS: DISEASES, DRUGS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Potentially dangerous drugs Environmental hazards are treacherous because were often unaware of their presence Radiation, mercury, lead Many diseases pass through the placenta directly and attack the fetus HOW TERATOGENS INFLUENCE PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT May cause defects to specific parts of the body at specific times of fetal development. EFFECTS OF TERATOGENS LABOR AND DELIVERY Stage 1: starts when the muscles of the uterus contract and ends when the cervix is fully enlarged (about 10 cm) Stage 2: baby is pushed down the birth canal Stage 3: placenta is expelled THREE STAGES OF LABOR THE ORIGINS OF LIFE When does life begin? Think When do you think life begins? Do you think that other cultures may have a different view of when life beings? Pair Talk with your neighbor about it Share Share with the rest of the class FIRST NATIONS PERSPECTIVE ON THE BEGINNING OF LIFE Quote from an elder: It is said child birth is like a flowing river, it is so beautiful and easy when the time comes if you look after yourself and your babyEating right is very important Your bodys whole universe will react if you keep putting bad foods into it In many First Nations societies, birthing was a woman-centred process while in others, family and community members of both genders played important roles Many Aboriginal societies perceived children to arrive in the world in perfect harmony and embody innate wisdom because they had close ties to the spirit world The process of birth brought the child from the spirit world to the physical world thus the deep connection to the spiritual world that infants are thought to have. Inuit believe that the spirit of deceased elders re-enter the world through newborns Spirit is created at the moment of conception (sperm meets egg) OTHER VIEWS The Catholic church (and Christians in general) believe life begins at conception (sperm meets egg) The US government gives all women the right to abortion in the first 3 months of pregnancy In the second trimester they also have the right however only if the health of the mother is at risk due to the pregnancy. Section 223(1) of the Criminal Code says that a child becomes a human being when it has "completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother." In other words, the child has no rights and protection until after birth (Byfield, 2002). THE FUTURE FOR CANADA? In Saskatchewan abortions can occur up to 16 th week of pregnancy. (12 weeks in Saskatoon 16 in Regina) The choice is solely that of the female (males have no rights at this point) The Liberal party will be in power shortly All Libe "all Liberal MPs, regardless of their personal views, would be expected to vote pro-choice," - Justin Treudeau Pro-choice essentially means it is the womans right to do what she wants in regards to abortion.