HUD Foundation Guide Complete



Complete guide to designing, applying for permits and building permanent foundations for manufactured homes.

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Ordering Information for the PERMANENT FOUNDATIONS GUIDE


Additional copies of the Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing and

the Software User’s Guide and software can be downloaded from the Word Wide Web at


Order Form □ Please send me _____ copies of Permanent Foundation Guide for Manufactured

Housing (HUD-007487) at $5.00 each

□ Please send me _____ copies of the Software User’s Guide and software for Windows 95 (HUD-7586-2, CD) at $15.00 each

Mail this form to HUD USER, P.O. Box 23268 Washington, DC 20026-3268. All orders must be prepaid. To place credit card orders or for more information, call 1-800-245-2691 or 1-800-927-7589 (TDD), or fax 1-202-708-9981 Name: _________________________________________________ Title: ___________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City:_______________________ State: __________________ Zip: _______________ □ Enclosed is a check or money order payable to HUD USER Charge my: _____MasterCard ______Visa Acct no: _________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Exp Date: ___________ □ Enclosed is a Government Purchase Order No: _______________________________
