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  • 8/9/2019 Http 2010 03 One-bangsar-Vs-people


    M O N D A Y , M A R C H 2 9 , 2 0 1 0

    One Bangsar vs The People

    Round 2. Six years ago, a group of Bangsar residentscame out strongly to protest the development of a row of food

    and more food outlets right at their doorsteps. They lost the

    battle despite the support of their MP then. And One Bangsat

    was born.

    Recently, we learned that the residents hadn't lost for good.

    The One Bangsar deal, it turned out, was for a limited period

    of five years. And know what? The 5-year deadline ended last

    December. According to news reports quoting the FT Minister

    and the KL Mayor, One Bangsar and its 9 tenant operators

    must close shop and were required to convert the outlets into

    residential units, as per the agreement.

    But One Bangsar and its powerful friends are not willing to go

    or let go. They say they will sue City Hall and the Government

    of the People.

    I hope the FT Minister [Go Ahead, Sue Us! The Malay Mail,

    Monday 29/3] has the stamina to take them on.

    AT 12:29 PM

    2 3 C O M M E N T S :

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    Journalist, somewhere

    between veteran and

    retired. The Editor of The

    Malay Mail, the President of the

    National Press Club, and still the

    Protem President of the National

    Alliance of Bloggers (All-Blogs).


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    Anonymous said...

    Bro I think it is One Bangsar and not One Bangsat. Phew! I

    notice that Tommy Thomas is acting for Kalimullah's

    restaurant. Tommy Thomas is of course the Pakatan lawyer.

    Kalimullah also got jobs for Tommy thomas handling

    Page 1 of 14rocky's bru: One Bangsar vs The People


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    Khazanah and TNB work. Big bucks bro. The Kalimullah

    cancer is still there. When are we going to be rid of

    Kalimullah, Bodohwi, KJ and the leftovers?

    1:53 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Well then, the government can hire Cecil Abraham to fite

    Tommy in court.


    3:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I read alot of reports in NST that supported the One Bangsat

    deal. Did Kali mis use his position to influnce the editorial?NST pls come clean.

    No 2 Bangsat

    3:04 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Aya u fellas dato locky also goes there so what the big deal.

    3:12 PM

    Anonymous said...


    I'm a full blooded Bangsarian. My family have lived in

    Bangsar for close to 40 years. Back then, that area was a green

    field, though undoubtedly filled with lalang.

    Can we get rid of these new-age gastronomic lalangs and

    replace them with a park?



    3:32 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dear One Bangsar,

    Hit the road Jack,

    Don't you come back,No more, no more ..

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    Elle Kay

    4:35 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Well, when candies are given to children, please try not to

    snatch it back.


    4:40 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Datok Rocky,

    What???? this is the United Nations issue.....the settler OneBangsar is going to stay put, and is not going to nudge from

    the spot, not even 1 nanometer. The scenario look similar to

    the issue of Jewish settlers in the East Jerusalem. Well

    Bangsar folks you are now the Palestinians.. How does it


    Prof Awe Kecik

    4:52 PM

    skilgannon1066 said...

    We have Bangsar Shopping Centre (in which I have spent

    much time imbibing liquid refreshments. Note to warrior xxx

    and anti whatever: if u want to see me and indulge in some

    friendly fisticuffs, look me up at the tapas joint in BSC. U can

    spot me easily - I will be the one reading the Singapore Straits

    Times or LKY's memoirs!) and Bangsar Village I & II.

    I would have thought that would have been enough for the

    yuppies and expats that live in Bangsar or flock there on


    I have yet to patronise any of the restaurants in One Bangsar,

    preferring to get my food fixes at Saravana Bhavan or any of

    the mamak joints around Lucky Gardens.

    5:45 PM

    umar said...

    Rocky Dato,

    Bangsar is not the same place anymore. Gone are the days

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    S I G N T H I S P E T I T I O N T O D A Y

    [ S O C I O - P O L IT I C A L J O U R N O -

    B L O G G E R S ]

    Nuraina A. Samad's 3540 Jalan

    SudinA. Kadir Jasin - The Scribe

    Ahmad A. Talib - Pahit Manis

    Amir Hafizi's The Malay Male

    Ashraf Abdullah's Jejak Pujangga

    Aziz Hassan - Mana Mana

    Firdaus Abdullah - Signboard

    Ibrahim Yahaya - Dunia Tiger

    Jailani Harun - Just Read

    Marhalim - Mal,aysian DefenceMaria A. Samad - Tok Mommy

    Mat Cendana's Blog Review

    Noor Hasilah Ismail - Asam Pedas

    Reme Ahmad's O p E d

    Shamsul Yunos - My Anger

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    YL Chong - Desiderata

    when, Rizal abdullah, Jefri Ramaiah ,

    K.P.Waran,Nadeswaran,Andrew,Wiswalingam and all the

    other Malay Mail and NST journalist gather for Happy Hours

    in Canteena and adjourn to Moonraker or Dinty's.

    Bangsar today is everything fake; you get fake

    whisky,brandy,beer too.Lucky garden is no more lucky. Let's

    move out to Rawang or Kundang if you want peace and fresh


    7:22 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dato' Rocky,

    I was a resident of Bangsar until I left for an overseas stint.

    Now that I am back in Malaysia I see that Bangsar has really

    transformed into something that I could never imagine.

    On one hand it has become a chic area while on the other it

    has certainly caused a lot of misery to the residents! I truly

    symphatise with the residents. As for me, looks like I have to

    move out from Bangsar as the ambiance that I was used too is


    7:31 PM

    nstman said...

    I back One Bangsar one million per cent. It's time the

    business community stand up to little napoleons like City Hall

    and fight for their rights. City Hall is behaving like thugs to

    appease residents who think they own bangsar. i have a

    message to Bangsar residents. Bangsar does not belong to

    you. It also belongs to the Bangsar business community. The

    business community is one of the main reasons why bangsar

    is thriving. Bangsar doesnt need people like Rocky to butt in

    and play the role of hero. This is an acid test for Malaysia. if

    this is the way, City Hall treats the business community, I am

    afraid investors will go elsewhere. I urge the business

    committee to dig in and fight to the last. We can never allow

    miscreants posing as reidents to lord over Bangsar. And we

    dont need Umno overlords like Raja Nong Chiks play politics.

    Bangsar needs business to survive. Bangsar doesnt need

    washed up politicians and bloggers to play god.

    8:05 PM

    Anonymous said...

    When is Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) or the much

    feared MACC are going to go after Kalimulah a/l Masheerul

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    P O L I T I C I A N S

    Zulkifli Noordin

    Wee Choo Keong

    Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz

    Tony Pua

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    Did you know that Al Capone who killed more than a dozens

    people was finally got caught over income tax evasion? He

    spent many decades languishing in jail and finally died in it!

    Bangsar Two!

    8:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    lagi-lagi Pak Lah ... woi Rocky, kasi chance sama orang tua tu

    lah !!

    10:51 PM

    Arif said...

    " They lost the battle despite the support of their MP then.And One Bangsat was born."

    You purposely wrote that? "One Bangsat"?

    12:35 AM

    Anonymous said...

    And NST man is not playing God??? Oh pppleaseee! U

    pakatan idiots should stop these double standards NOW! And

    stop blaming everything on UMNO and BN!


    6:56 AM

    Anonymous said...

    1. one bangsar was born against the will of the residents.

    nstman could well be a stakeholder in the scheme of things.

    business v residents? residents lah nstman...

    2. bangsar residents association head george joseph protested

    vehemently five years ago but to no avail, why? mainstream

    media was told not to carry. media moguls own One Bangsar

    lah, they had parties, farewell dinners, all published in the

    media what...the same media moguls who preached freedom

    of expression and being liberal were also guilty of media


    check the star, nst 5/6 years ago...all because the media

    moguls had business interests in One Bangsar...

    Page 5 of 14rocky's bru: One Bangsar vs The People


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    the same media moguls who accused BN of accumulating

    wealth through dubious means were perhaps guilty of conflict

    of interests?

    all the best to raja nong chik and fuad

    - CITY BOY -

    7:32 AM

    Anonymous said...


    Take your business elsewhere; Solaris perhaps?

    Bangsar has been around for more than 60 years. I don't

    think Bangsar needs upmarket restaurants "to survive" - we

    can survive on Mahbub food alright!


    9:10 AM

    2wrongs0right said...

    This is a case of flip follow flop.

    IN the first place; WHY allow commerce to encroach into

    residential area? Tentula Residents' Association marah; they

    are already under pressure to cope with the overhead crow

    menace yang sampai now appear to be n unsolveable problem

    and a feature of life walking or parked under the trees in that


    Then they see their neighbourhood taken over by clubs and

    pubs. Bangsar ni dulu ladang getah! Having done a FLIP,

    comes the FLOP :reverse the earlier decision without

    consideration to Returns on Investments (ROI)s for the

    businesses (regardless of whether we have a beef with the

    tycos or not)

    Maladministration is the the civil servants must pay

    for this decision with their jobs!!!

    10:49 AM

    bodoh.pandai said...

    For Rocky these days, anything with a slightest hint of KJ,

    Badawi, or Kalimullah is bangsat .

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    So, anything you read here or malay mail should be read with

    that knowledge

    One Malaysia can, One Bangsar cannot !


    11:51 AM

    :: J o h n :: said...

    Sometimes we got to think of the people that are less

    fortunate like me.

    We did in fact scout a wedding reception last year and

    confimed and paid bangsar seafood garden for the venue and

    our reception is to be held on NOVEMBER 2010.

    Now this thing came out and it is really unfortunate for us as

    well because we might need to relocate and time is not on our


    9:39 PM

    Anonymous said...


    You made me shed a tear ! Remember Zamanphas? and

    Restoran Rocky (co-incidence???? with the laksa lady?

    8:46 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Orang bangsar orang kaya, ... kalau jual rumah boleh dapat

    uta-juta tu, apa yang jadi kat orang bangsat, penduduk ke

    apa ke, pergi mampus aku tak peduli. Kalau masalah orang

    kampung ok la.


    12:40 AM

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