HTGR Steam Generator Modeling...above the EES bundle. This arrangement is required to minimize tube...


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    5285 P •• R JVJ. Sc< -g* •• a '. — • .: 2 : v Pnce: Pr.nted Copy S5.0C: V c- • ,•-.-• S? :b

    Th s report was prepared as ar. account of work sponsored by the Unted States Governrren! Neither the United States nor the Energy Research and Development Administration United State; Nuclear Regulatory Commiss.on. nor any of fe:r ems oyees. nor my of their contrac'ors. subcontractors, or ther empioveei makes jnv wa rranty. expres? or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy completeness or usefi,.ness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclo ed. or epresents that IS use would not infringe privately owned rights



    Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 t


    T. H. Ker l in , Director

    This work was performed under subcontract 4122 by the UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Nuclear Eng.neering Department KnoxviHe, Tennessee 37916

    Manuscripc Cospleted — 6-2-76 Da*e Published - Ju ly . 1976

    Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office c»" Nuclear Reactor Regulation

    Under Interagency Agreement ERDA 40-545

    NOTICE: This document contains information of a preliminary nature and was prepared primarily for internal use at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. I t is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a f ina l report.

    OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830





  • i i i



    Abstract v

    Introduction v * i

    I . Fort St . Vrain Steam Generator Modeling

    by S. I . Chang 1

    1.1 A Description of the System y 1.2 Lumped Parameter Analysis 6 1.3 Model Formulation 7 1.4 Mathematical Model 8 1.5 Linearization of Equations jg 1.6 Results and Discussion 32 References 49

    I I . Nonlinear Modeling of a HTGft Steam Generator

    by Ming Huei Lee 5 1

    References 5 6

    I I I . Gas-Cooled Steam Gener2tor Linear Model by David G. Renfro 5 8

    IV. Nonlinear. Nodal System Model

    by J. G. Thakkar 72

    IV.1 Steam Properties 72 IV.2 Reactor Tc IV.3 Reheater 73 IV.4 Helium Circulator 74 IV .C Future Work 78 References 79


  • V


    Research activities at The University of Tennessee on gas cooled

    reactor dynamics are described. The main activity is on steam generator

    modeling, using approaches ranging from a relatively simple linear

    representation to a detailed nonlinear representation. Model compari

    sons will involve simulations of the Fort St. Vrain reactor steam

    generator, with emphasis on the evaluation of accuracy vs computation

    costs. A smaller effort is also in progress for modeling the reactor

    core, the main turbine and the blower turbines. Preparations are de

    scribed for using te«t data from Fort St. Vrain for validating the

    dynamic models and identifying important design parameters in the


  • Vll


    The research activities at The University of Tennessee on gas cooled

    •eactor dynamics during 1975 are discussed in this progress report.

    The main purposes of this work are:

    1. component modeling. The emphasis is



    S. I . Chang

    1.1 A Description of the Systeir.

    The Fort St. Vrain plant has two identical once-through type

    steam generator loops arranged in paral lel , each of which consists of

    six individual steam generator modules, located within the cavity cf the

    prestressed concrete reactor vessel (PCRV) and beneath the reactor co»-e

    (see Figure 1.1). Each steam-generator module contains a heat-transfer

    section with a main steam production region and an integral reheater,

    as ».?11 as a PCRV penetration section with suitable inlet and outlet

    connections and helium-pressure barriers.

    The steam generator is used to transfer the heat frcm the heliuir

    coolant to the water/steam. The helium flow that cools the reactor core

    enters the steam generator at high temperature and gives up its heat,

    f i rs t to the reheat steam section, then to the once-through main steam/

    water section. The sections produce main steam and reheat steam as

    demanded by the plant load and main turbine requirements.

    The main design parameters of the system are shown in Table 1.1.

    The modules (Figure 1.2) are divided into three bundles (heating

    surface sectiois) arranged one above the other, made up of helically

    would tuoes supported by perforated plates attached to the central

    support structure.

  • o

    ORV. OWG ?6 7 7S9


    r i g . 1 .1 . rort S t . Vrain 330-MW(e) HTGR.

  • 3

    TABLE 1.1


    100% Steam Flow 252 Steam Flow Load Generator Output (MM) Station Output (MM)

    Helium Flow (lb/hr) Outlet Pressure (psia) Inlet Temperature (F) Outlet Temperature (F) Pressure Drop (psi)

    Feedwater/Hain Steam Flow (lb/hr) Outlet Pressure (psia) Inlet Temperature (F) Outlet Temperature (F) Pressure Drop (psi)

    Reheat Steam Flow (lb/hr) Outlet Pressure (psia) Inlet Temperature (F) Outlet Temperature (F) Pressure Drop (psi)

    342.0 81.2 330.2 67.4

    3,452,400 1,026,000 686 589

    1263 1035 632 501

    3.47 0.36

    2,305,326 574,776 2512 2419 403 299

    1005 1000 590 45

    2,245,366 556,928 600 151 673 570

    1002 1000 42 11

  • A

    ORM. 3WIC -6 ''60 - *T » • Q I

    (M !• Ill a

    big. £.2. ic-t St. Vrain Nuclear Power Plant Steam Generator Module.

  • 5

    1.1.1 Helium Circui t ry

    Helium leaves the core and travels downward to the steam generator. The gas then passes over the reheater, finishing superheater, pre-superheoter, evaporator, and economizer surfaces consecutively. Cold helium exits at the bottom of the steam generator modules and flows into the four suction chambers of the helium circulate-*.

    1.1.2 Main Steam Circuitry Feedwater is distributed to the 12 modules through flow-control

    valves and enters each module through a ringheader. The heat-transfer surfaces of the economizer-evaporator-presuperheater (EES) and finishing superheater (SHI1) bundles are composed of helically wound tubes originating at the feedwater subheaders. In the botvMi EES bundle, the water is preheated, evaporated, and presuperheated. The steam flow is counter current to the helium flow passing over these tubes. Then the crossover tubes lead the presuperheated steam to the finishing superheats (SHII) which is arranged for co-current flow above the EES bundle. This arrangement is required to minimize tube metal temperatures and enhances stability in this section. Superheated steam leaves the SHII bundle via tubes and is collected in the main steam ringheader, which is connected to the main steam piping.

    1.1.3 Integral Reheater f. > -cuitrv Cold reheat steam enters each steam-generator module through

    an annul us. The steam is discharged from the annulus to the reheater (RH) bundle. The RH bundle, also composed of helically wound tubes, is

  • 6

    the uppermost heating surface in the steam generator, and is arranged

    for counter current flow. Hot reheat steam is carried via the

    central reheat pipe through the primary and secondary closures ano

    returns to the intermediate pressure (IP) turbine.

    1.2 Lumped Parameter Aralysis

    The dynamic analysis of a subsystem such as a once through steam

    generator (OTSG) is a distributed parameter problem. However, a lumped

    parameter approach is commonly used for i t s simplicity and ease of

    solution by either analog or digital techniques. The lumped parameter

    modeling technique generally results in the physical system being

    represented in the following fom::

    G(x,x,t) = F^x.t) + F 2(u,t) 1.2.1

    Y(t) = F 3(x,u,t) . 1.2.2

    For dynamic analysis, i t is often des i r^ le to have a linear set of

    coupled differential equations. Equation (1.2.1) can be linearized by

    expanding each term in a Taylor Series about in operating point. If

    the terms above first order are neglected, vhe result is valid as

    long as the variables stay close to the operating point.

    The form of the linearized set of equations i s :


  • 7

    Branch of the Reactor Engineering Department of General Atomic in

    the mathematical model LAP (Linear Analysis Program).

    1.3 Model Formulation

    The linear model of LAP includes the primary system,

    secondary coolant system, and reactor system. Each of these sub

    system models was derived from first principles (conservation of mass

    momentum, energy, and neutrons) except for an apprj imation used

    for the main steam section in the OTSG in early studies. An empirical

    or transfer function approach was adopted for the main steam section.

    This empirical model was obtained by tuning arbitrary constants in

    LAP's' ' transfer function ty^_ model to produce agreement between

    LAP and T A P . ^

    The development and implementation of a linear steam generator

    model derived from first principles was undertaken at GA (work

    performed by W. 0. Leech* "̂ ) because it was believed that an OTSG

    linear model based on first principles would be superior to the original

    model for two reasons. First, a model based on first principles

    yields a better physical understanding. Second, the tuning of the

    arbitrary constants which appear in the transfer function involved a

    large degree of qualitative judgement as to when satisfactory

    agreement was reached between TAP and LAP.

    In order to account for movement of the beginning and end of

    the boiling zone, the main steam section was divided into three regions

    with moving boundaries corresponding to the economizer, evaporator,

    and superheater. The first node upper boundary was defined as tie

  • 8

    length (from the inlet) required for the water to be heated to

    saturation. The second node upper boundary, was defined by the

    additional length required to heat the water from saturated

    to saturated vapor. The third node was defined as the remaining length

    by the steam generator. This formulation allows movement of the points

    where boiling begins (OX quality) and ends (100% quality) and yields

    a low order representation of the physical system that retains all of

    the physical processes usually considered important.

    1.4. Mathematical Model

    1.4.1 Assumptions

    In this model ng, the assumptions can be grouped into two sets:

    those relating to equation developments for each system component and

    those made in obtaining a simplified conceptual system from the real

    system. More details of system assumptions or approximations are made

    in the development following this section.

    Assumptions listed in the following five points refer specifically

    to equation development for the m,in steam section bundle.

    1. Fluid properties a-e uniform at any gi/fn cross section.

    2. Fluid properties for each node are weighted by the properties

    at boundaries.

    3. No heat conduction occurs in the flow direction.

    4. Dynamic effects of gas-pressure changes are negligible, so

    the gas flow rate is assumed to be time dependent only.

    5. Balanced flow and uniform heat flux exist, at any node in the

    main steam sections.

  • 9

    1.4.2 Basic Equations

    Figure 1.3 shows a counter flow heat exchanger. The locations X ? and X, are free to move but always remain at fixed quality. For the

    steam generator model, X~ is the location of saturated liquid (0% quality)

    and X., is the location of saturated vapor (100* quality),

    a. Conservation of Mass

    The basic relationship is:

    Flow in - Flow out = rate of change of mass stored.

    ORNL-OWG 76-7763


    I WG,


    TG, • TG, t

    WG, > # T G Z G A S

    W G 3 » • TG3 WG4

    1 TG 4


    WG, i

    TG, • TG, t

    TG 2 — l b 3 » • TG3

    WG4 1

    TG 4

    • TM, ( >TM2 • TM 2 « TM 3 • TM 3

    1 Pi Pi P 2 97 STEAM P 3 • HS3



    • »HS, • H S , < >ws 2 • ^ 1 » 3 • HS3 HS4'


    WS, WS, ws2 ws3 ws3 ws4 MST |




    Fig. 1.3. Schematic Representation of a Moving Boundary Model for a Counter Flow Heat Exchanger.

  • in

    Gas side WG. » W G 1 n 0=1,2,3) L 4 J

    where WG = gas flow rate (lb/sec) WG ; = inlet gas flow rate. Here we assume the gas flow rate is a function of time only and

    the same in every section. Water/steam side

    (MS. - L. . A • V -

  • 11

    Conservation of Energy The basic relationship i.: Energy flow in - Energy flow out - Rate of energy transferred

    out = rate of ̂ ergy stored, a. Gas

    < W Gi +l ' H G i + l + Ag * pi +l * K Gi+l • W " < H Gi * H 6 i +

    A g • P f - HG, • *,) - Q g m - A^ • C y • {L B i • TG, (X. + 1 - X.)] 1.4.4

    where HG = enthalpy of gas (Btu/lb) p. = gas density (lb/ft )

    Q = heat transfer rate from gas to metal (Btu/sec) C = constant volume specific heat for the gas (Btu/lb°F) TG » gas temperature (°F)

    We assume that the helium is an ideal gas under the conditions that exist in the steam generator. Then

    HG = C (TG • 459.6) I.4.5

    where C = constant pressure specific heat for the gas (Btu/lb°F). P

    The gas density can also be related to the gas pressure and gas


    P i « PGi • 0.373343/(TG1 • 459.6) (i - 1 , 2 , 3, 4) . 1.4.6

  • 12

    Equation (1-4.4) can be rearranged to yield

    WG i + 1 • HG i + 1 - HG. • m. - Q g m , A g • Cy • ^ . TG\

    ( x i + 1 - x . ) ]

    - A g * * i + l ' H G i + l * V l + A g • p i * H G i * * i 1.4.7

    b. Metal

    The basic relationship i s :

    Heat flow in - Heat flow out = rate of heat storea in the rcetal

    where TM = average metal temperature for the node (°F) C p m = metal heat capacity (Btu/lb-°F) Q = heat transfer rate from metal to steam (Btu/lb)

    M = metal mass per unit length (lb/ft). We ass'ime the metal boundary temperature to be given by the arithmetic average of adjacent node temperatures

    TM i = \ • (7M i = 1 + TTl) for i = 2, 3. 1.4.9

    Substitute Equation (1.4.9) into (1.4.8) and rearrange to yield

    * , • , - £ • o v m . , ) . * . ] . 1-4.10

  • 13

    The heat transfer rates are evaluated as follows:

    -C .

    Q = [Heat transfer area • (TG^ - Tff.)]/[KG. • (WĜ ) g i +

    R- • 0.5]

    _ -C . Q~ = [Heat transfer area - (TM. - TS-)]/[K . • (VJS-) S 1 +

    no 1 1 SI 1 ^ • 0.5]



    K = constant for gas to metal heat transfer 9

    C = flow exponent for gas to metal heat transfer

    K = constant for metal to water heat transfer

    C = flow exponent for metal to water heat transfer

    R = thermal resistivity cf the metal times the tube thickness

    TS = water/steam teirperature.

    C. Water/Steam

    { H S . . HS, - i - • HS, • A • X,) - (HS 1 t, • HS, + ) - 1 — • HS j t )

    * - *i*i» * t i - * - Sr % * •» - -'Vi ~ *«" '• 4-' 3


    HS = enthalpy of water/steam (Btu/lb)

    u = internal energy of water/steam (Btu/lb).

    Rearranging Equation (1.4.13) yields:

    us, • HS, - wsi+, • HS1+, • H- • » • 3E i j j • i, •

  • 14

    Conservation of Momentum

    Since i t is assumed the flow on the gas side of the steam

    generator is time dependent only, there is no need for a momentum

    equation in that region.

    In the water/steam, the basic principle i s :

    ][ forces = Rate of change of momentum.

    P - P - K K T 2 - ( ] ) • PITCH . ( X - + 1 - X.) 1 1 ' T 1 144 • v-


  • 15

    ws1 -. / ( P 0 • - P1>" are functions of pressure with

    fixed quality.

  • 16

    3. No heat conduction in the flow direction.

    4. Balanced flow and uniform heat flux exists at any node.

    5. In the economizer, the flow in equals flow out.

    6. The average water/steam flow rate used in the equation is

    assumed to be a linear average of the flow in and out of

    each node.

    7. The water/steam flow rate is proportional to the square root

    of pressure difference.

    1.4.3 Summary of Equations

    Now for the purpose of review, the following equations are a

    summary of those that must be solved for each node of a moving

    boundary heat exchanger.

    The twelve differential equations are:

    W S i " W S i + l = A { ^ C ^ - ( X i + 1 - X.) - 1 — - X i + 1

    + h' V ( i = u ly 3 ) 1.4.20

    Note that X] = X 4 = 0

    WG 1 + 1 • HG. + 1 - WG, • HG, - Q g m - Ag • Cv . ^ •

    [p\ • TG. • ( X 1 + , - X,) ] - A g • P . + 1 • HG. + 1 • X . + 1

    + A • P i • HGi • X. ( i = 1 , 2, 3) 1.4.21

  • 17

    V" V = M • CP* • t ( X i * l - V • TH 1

    4 < ™ I - T W • * 1 + i - \ - (™i - ™i-i } * * i ]

    (i = J,

  • 18

    5. Three gas flews (WGj, WG 2> WG 3) described by algebraic Equation (1.4.24).

    6. Three water/steam flow (WS 2 > WS 3, WSJ described by

    algebraic Equation (1.4.25).

    The assumed knowns, or inputs to the problem are:

    1. Inlet water pressure (P,)

    2. Inlet water flow and enthalpy (WS,, HS.).

    3. Fixed locations (X,, X.)

    4. Inlet gas temperature and flow (TG 4, WG. ).

    1.5 Linearization of Equations

    The previously derived equations are linearized in the following


    1.5.1 Equation (1.4.20) Linearization

    Equation (1-4.20) is repe-ted as follows:

    H S I - « « • A 4 % • iv, - v - ^ • *,•!+ J? • v '-5-1

    We assume V- is a function of HS. and P.. The average

    quantities HS. and F. are obtained by weighting the end point values

    for each node as follows:

    HS. = W 1 • HS i + (1 - H.) • H S i + 1 1.5.2

    P = u. • p • (l - w,.) • P i + 1 . 1.5.3

  • 19

    The linearized form of Equation (1-4.20) is

    6WS 1 - «WS- + 1 = A l sl 6 X i + 1 • A 2 j i 6H S i • ^ 6H$.^

    **f i b»i i 6 , i ^


    A i i = A • ( r - y—* 1 , 1 M v i + l

    (Note: All the values for each variable in the coefficients represent

    the steady state in the system.)

    *2.1 "* ' Ll • i » p / l 2 i = I 1 1

    = 0 i = 2, 3

    (V is only a function of pressure when i = 2, 3).

    3V, i = 3 A3,i - - * • h • ^ s + A 2

    = 0 i = 1 , 2

    A 4 , i - - A * L i * Hs/Vi

    A 3 ^ i 5,1 -" " A ' L i ' ( 3 V > i + 1 / V

    A6,i =~A ' (v7 - V 6HS. can be related to the temperature TS. as follows:

    3HS, 3HS. 6 H S i " (-5P7 >TS 1 6 p i + «*T57)P1 6 T S i '

  • 20

    Since enthalpy is almost independent of pressure for subcooled water, i.e.,


    For i = I, we have

    ails, 6 H S i = 5 T S r

    1 K i

    The f ina l form of the l inear ized Equation (1.4.20) i s :

    fo. i = l .

    3HS, 3 W S 1 - 6 W S 2 = A l , l 6 *2 + A2'l * ^ \ ' 6 f S l l ' S A


    i * 2

    6WS 2 - 6WS3 = A 6 ? 2 5 X 2 + ( A 4 > 2 + A 5 > 2 ) 5P 2 + A 1 ̂ 1-5.5

    l = 3.

    The term HS4 can be related to the main steam temperature (TS4) and

    pressure ( P j as fo l lows:

    3HS. 3HS.

    3HS. 3HS.

  • 21

    Af ter 6HS. is replaced by «P 3 and sTS^, we have

    3HS, «WS3 - 6WS4 - A 3 j 3 ( *) 6 fS 4 + 6 1 6P 3

    4 v1

    + A 6 j 3 6 X 3 1.5.6


    3HS 6 1 = < A4,3 + A5,3> + A 3,3 *

  • 22

    The l inear ized form of Equation (1.4.21) i s as follows

    B, • 5HG.., + B 0 . 5WG. + B, • «TG-., + C. - 5TG-1,1 l+ l 2,1 l 3,1 i+ l 4,1 l

    + B. . 5TG. + B c . 5X.^, + Bc - *X- + B, . 6TM. = 4,1 l 5,1 i+ l 6,1 i 7,1 l


    A 7 , i * X i + l + A 8 , i * X i + A 9 , i 6 T G i

    — — " ( C n i + ^ E l , 1 = * - O D - L . • ( T G . - T t y . K g i - C g | • WG ^

    -C . ? (K • • WG 9 + 0.5R.) gi I

    E 2 - i = * * 0 D * ( K g i * W G ° * 5 R i }

    B l , i = H G i + l - E l , i - ( 1 - F i }

    B 2 , i = - H G i - E l , i * F i

    B, - - WG. , • C 3 , i i+ l pg


    4,1 " h,i • L i

    3. • = - WG. • C 4 , i i pg

    Bs.i = - E2,i • fre,-1™,)

    B 6 , i = " 8 5 , i

    6 7 , i ' E 2 , i • L i 1.5 .9 ( c o n t . j

  • 23

    h,i - A 9 " ( C v g • h • T G i - '1*1 - H B , t l )

    AQ . = - A • (C • p. • TG. - p. • Mb) 8, i g vg i i i 7'

    A- , = A • C • L. • p. 9,1 g vg 1 M i

    For i = 1

    B, 1 6WG2 + B 2 1 6WG, ^ B., 1 6TG 2 + C. , 5TG, + 6. 1 5TG

    + B 5 , l 6 X 2 + B 7 , l 6 ™ 1

    A 7 , 1 6 X 2 + A 9 , 1 6 T G 1 1.5.9

    1 = 2

    Bl,2 6 W G 3 t B2,2 6 W G 2 + P3,2 6 T G 3 + C4,2 6 T G 2 + B4,2 6 T G 2

    + B c 5 5X_ + B, 0 6X- + B. 0 6TM, = 5,£ 3 6,Z 2 /,2 2

    A7,2 6 X 3 + A8,2 **2 + A9,2 < T G2 1.5.10

    i = 3 Bl,3 6 W G 4 + B2,3 6 W G 3 + B3,3 6 T G 4 + C4,3 6 T G 3 * B4,3 6 T G 3

    + B, , 6X 0 + 8., ., 6TH-

    A 8 , 3 5 X 3 + A 9 , 3 6 T G 3 1.5.11

  • 24

    Note that e i ther the variable 5TG or the variable 6TG can be eliminated

    by using Equation (1 .5 .8 ) . In order to make changes of the weight factor

    (F.) i n the system dynamic response study convenient, we keep both

    variables in the equation.

    1.5.3 Equation (1.4.22) Linearization

    Equation (1.4.22) is repeated as fol lows:

    JL_ i Q - 0 = M • C • [ ( X . A , - X.) • TM. + ± • (TM. - TM. A J • wgm ins pm l x i+l v i 2 v l i +V

    * i + l " 2~ ' ( ™ i " ^ i - l * * X i ] ( 1 = K 2 * 3 ) ' U 5 ' 1 2

    We assume the term TS\ in 0 is a function of P. and HS~.. l ins i i

    And, l e t

    P. = W. • P. + (1 - W.) • P.^. i l l ' r l+l

    HSi = Wi • HS i + (1 - W.) • H S i + r

    The l inearized form of Equation (1.4.22) as follows:

    B 8, i 6 X i + l - b 8 , i 6 X i + B9,1 «™1 + V i 6 T G i

    + B, , . 6WG,., + B v . , 6WG. + (B . . . + B., .) 6P\ .2,1 i+ l U , i l 14,1 15, i l

    + B 1 6 , i 6 H \ + B 1 7 , i 6 H S i + l + B 1 8 , i m i * B 1 9 , i ' 5 W S i + l

    = A l l , i 6 T M i + A 1 2 , i 6 X i + l + A 13 , i 5 X i

  • 25

    where -CS, E, t » T - 0 0 • (KS. • WS i • 0.5R ) _ 1

    -(CS,*1) £S.i " **°° * L i * " i " C S i * H S * ( T"i " * V

    " C S i -2 • (KS t • «S l • 0.5 Rj) '

    * 8 . i " £ 2 . i • ^ I - T R i ) . £ 4 i . ( T ? f i . T s - 1 ) . 0 .

    (For at the steady state, the heat transferred in equals the heat

    transferred out.)

    B 9 , i " - E 2 , i * L i * E 4 , i * L i

    B 10, i * E 2 . i ' L i

    B 13. i " E l . i ' F i

    B 14. i ' E 4 . i ' ^ m " L i

    «15.1 " E4.1 • ^ ^ * h

    B i 6 . i ' E4.i • imf>p - L i « - '

    » 0 1 » 2, 3

    (For i * 2 , 3, TS. is function of P. only with fixed quality.)

  • 26


    1 = 1 , 2

    18,1 5,1 i

    B 19.1 = " E5.1 * " ' V

    A, , . » M • C . L. 11,1 pro i

    A i 2 . i 4 M - c p B - ( ™ > - T , w

    *13.i " " ? H * V (™i - ^ - l *

    The f i n a l l inear ized equations fo r each node are:

    For \ » 1

    B 9 , l + 6 ™ 1 + B 1 C , 1 6 T B 1 *• B 12.1 d W G 2 + B 1 3 , l 6 W G 1

    aHS, * < B14,1 + W 4P1 + B 16, l * ^ \ ' * T S 1 + B 1 8 , l 6 W S 1

    * B i 9 j « W V V i 5 ^ i + ' V , 5 * 2 I * 5 ' 1 2

  • 27

    i = 2

    B 9 ,2 fi™2 + B 1 0 , 2 6 T G 2 + B 1 2 , 2 6 W G 3 + B 13.2 6 W G 2

    + ( B 1 4 , 2 + B 1 5 , 2 ) i P 2 + B 18 ,2 6 W S 2 + B 19.2 d W S 3

    = A n > 2 6 T K 2 + A ] 2 ) 2 « X 3 * A 1 3 i 2 oX2 1.5.13

    i = 3 B 9,3 6 ™3 + B 10,3 6 T G 3 + B 12,3 6 W G 4 + B 13.3 5 H G 3

    3HS4 + G 2 6P 3 + B 1 7 j 3 • ( a T ^ ) p 4 . 5 T S 4 + B 1 8 > 3 6HS3 + B ] g 3 « S 4

    = A 1 U 3 6TM3 • A 1 3 > 3 6X 3 1.5.14

    3HS4 where

    6 z e t B 1 4 t 3 H 1 5 ( 3 + B 1 7 t 3 . ( 1 - W 3 ) - ( ^ T S ^

    1.5.4 Equation (1.4.23) Linearization

    Equation (1.4.23) is repeated as follows:

    MS. • HS. - WS. + 1 - H S . + 1 • < U " A " i t % * °1 •

    (X. + 1 - X,)] * A • [ 1 - • H S i . *. - 1 — • HS i + 1 • X i + 1 ]

    ( i = 1 , 2, 3). .1.5.15

    Assume the 0. and V. are functions of P. and HS.. Let

    3HS « H Si • (^'quality • i Pi < ^ 2 . 3 > -

  • 28

    Note: I t is 0* quality at boundary 2 and 100* quality

    at boundary 3. The linearized form of Equation (1.4.23) is as follows:

    B 2Q.i 6 H S i + B 2 1 , i 4 M S i * B 22 , i < H S i + l + B23,i « * i * l

    - B 24,i 6 X i + l + B24,i 6 X i " B 25.i 6 ™i + B 2 6 . i fiPi

    + B 2 7 , i iPHI + B23,i * P M = A U , i ' 5 * S i + A 1 6 , i ' '» S i * l

    * ( A 1 5 i + A 1 7 i ) 3 P . • A 1 8 i 1 « i + 1 • A 1 9 J 5 i ,

    where sT5.

    B 20 , i ' " l " E 4 , i • • S ' • ' = 0 i • 2. 3

    B 2 1 , i = H W E 5 . i _ 3TS4

    B22,i - " « M • E 4 , i • L i ' ' 3

    = 0 i = 1 , 2

    B 2 3 , i = - H S i + l + < 1 - , ' i » - E 5 , i

    B 2 4 , 1 - - E 4 , i - < T H i - T J i '

    B,r • = - E, , • L.

    Z5,i 4,1 i

    aTs. aTs". «, • - E4, • s • v * . * ( *#« , 4 1 !

    I n B 2 6 , i ' B 27, i> and B ^ . , we le t

    6 P i = 2 ^ 6 p i - l + 6 f V

  • 29

    for 1 = 1

    1 = 1

    1 = 3

    1 3 H S 2 B26 1 = D l " 2 ' M S ' ( aP~^ Z 6 J ' z a P 2 quality

    B27 1 * " I ' M S ' ( a F ^ < f / » l * 3 K 2 quality

    B28.1 " °

    1 aHS. oHS~ B 26,2 = D 2 " 2 ' W S * C (aPY" ,quality " ( ?P 2 ~ ) qual i ty 1

    1 3 H S 3 B27,2 = " 2" * H S ' ( ^ q u a l i t y

    1 3 H S 2 B 28,2 = 2 ' U S * (5P 2~ )quality

    3HS B 2 6 . 3 s 0 3 + ? * M S - ^ q u a l i t y

    B27,3 = °

    1 3 H S 3 B28,3 " 2 * W S ' (1PJ )quality

    A14,i " A * Li * r ' ' [V1 * ^ P , " °1 ' ^ V i ' 1 = 0 1 « 2 , 3

    , 3U. 3V.

    9 aO. 3V,

  • •jyj

    i * 3

    * 0 I » 1 , 2

    D i H S i * l

    » 8 » 1 Vi v i + 1

    0, HS,

    The linearized equations for each node are: 1 • 1

    dHS B 20 .1 * ( 3 T ^ ) P 1 * 3 T S 1 * B 21.1 4 W S 1 * B 23.1 * S 2

    ~ B 2 4 , l aZ " B ? 5 , l fiTRl + B 26,1 * P 1 + B 27 ,1 &P2 3HS,

    " A 1 4 , l ' ( n s ; V 6 t S l + ( A 15 ,1 + A 1 7 , l } * P 1 + A 13,1 *h ( 3 7 ) 1 M

    B 21 ,2 6 M S 2 + B 23,2 6 W S 3 " B 24,2 j X 3 * B 24 ,2 « X2

    - B 2 5 2 «TH2 • B 2 6 > 2 6P2 * B 2 7 2 «P3 • B 2 8 > 2 6P}


  • : i

    where 3HS.

    S ' ^ l ^ ' - y • B22.3 • < i ^ T S 4 aHS

    G4 " A15.3 * A17.3 + ' A16.3 ' < w f \ '

    The nine l inear ized algebraic equations are

    6UGi - «WG1n (1 - 1, 2, 3) 1.5.18

    ATG- = F 1 • 6TGi + (1 - F.) • «TG.+1 (i « 1, 2, 3) 1.5.19

    «WS2 » KlCg • (5P] - 6P2) 1.5.20


    KK2 = — 2(PrP2)

    6WS3 = KK 3 • (6P 2 - 5P 3 ) 1.5.21


    US KK3 =

    2(P 2 -P 3 )

    5WS4 = KK4 • (6? 3 - fiP4) 1.5.22


    WS KK„ »

    4 2M 4) 3 4' The linearized equations from (1.5.4) to (1.5.22) can then be

    arranged in a matrix form.

  • 32

    1.6 Results and Discussion

    The linearized equations presented in the above section were

    used to calculate the frequency response and time response of the main

    steam generator (no reheater) for selected inputs. In obtaining these

    results, two different sets of equations were used. In the f i r s t set,

    the feedwater pressure, P Q , (see Figure 1.3) is held constant; hence

    the description "constant pressure model" (CPSG). In the second set,

    the variable MS, (feidwater flow) is held constant; hence, the

    description "constant flow model" (CFSG). The frequency response and

    time responses for the constant pressure and constant flow models were

    calculated for e ± input selected.

    The code SFRMOD^5' was used to calculate the frequency resoonse.

    The input to SFRMOD is of the form:

    A , £ * A 2 ; = ? 1.6.1


    A, = matrix of constant coefficients related to differential


    A 2 = matrix of constant coefficients related to algebraic


    x = vectors of system variables

    ? = forcing vector for the selected input.

    Before calculating the time response, i t was necessary to

    transfer the system of algebraic and differential equations (1.6.1)

  • 33

    describing the steam generator to the following form

    dX. -£ = AX. + ? . 1.6.2 dt d d where X. = vector of state variables a A = matrix of constant coefficients f. = forcing terms for the system input.

    (5) This was performed using the computer code PUREDIfF.v ' The input to PUREDIFF consists of the A, and A- matrices and 7 vector as in Equation (1.6.1). The A,, A-, and A matrices appear in Table 1.2 and Table 1.3.

    TABLE 1.2


    Number Variables

    1 , 2 , 3 6 P r 6 P 2 , 6? 3

    4 . 5 , « . 7 6TG,, 6TG 2 , 6TG 3 , 6TG4

    8 , 9 , 10 6TB,, 6 T M 2 , a?M3

    1 1 , 12 6Xn, 5XA

    13 6MST

    14, 15, 16 S T G . , fiTG"2, 6TG3

    17, 18, 19, 20 6WS r 6WS2, 6WS3, «WS4

  • 34

    T^BLE 1.3


    Number State Variables

    1 . 2 , 3, 4 s P r « P 2 . « P 3 , «TG4

    5 , 6 , 7 «TK,. 6t i^ , sTilj

    8, S SX ,̂ 6X3

    10 «MST

    11,12,13 6TG,. oTS^, 6TG3

    A1(I ,J ) 1 1 2.61053E-01 2 11 2.28625E 01 3 i2 1.05238E 01 8 8 7.41049E 03 9 11-7.91655E 03

    10 12-1.09647E 04 12 2 9.45497E 02 13 3 3.67353* 02 14 11-3.11099E 02 15 12-3.11099E 02 16 16 2.59237E 01

    A2(I .J ) 1 17-1.00000E 00 2 19 l.GOGOOE 00 4 4-7.5OO00E-0J 5 5-6.70000E-01 6 6-3.00OO0E-O1 7 7 2.00000E 00 8 14-9.37232E 02 9 2-9.14281E 01 9 18 4.74777E 01

    10 10 3.89902E 03 IC 19 3.52938E 01 11 2 2.59346E 01 l i 17-4.71644E 02 12 2 3.78754E 01 12 11 1.54129E 03 12 19 1.02896E 03 13 10-2.94904E 03 13 19-1.08763E 03 14 5-5.95539E 02 14 14 9.37232E 02 15 9-5.95840E 02 l i 15 5.95840E 02 16 10-S.49973E 02 17 1 6.18079E 00 18 2 7.24S00E 00 19 3 '..85951E 00 20 20 l.OOOOOE 00

    1 11 3.38096E 01 2 12 1.47444E 0) 3 13-5.05814E-01 8 11-7.91655E 03 9 12-1.09647E 04 11 J. 4.14207E 02 12 11 1.57921E 04 13 12 9.52171E 03 14 14 3.67501E 01 15 15 1.97891E 01

    1 18 l.OOOOOE 00 3 19-1.00000E 00 4 5-2.50000E-01 5 6-2.30000E-01 6 7-7.00OOOE-O1 8 1-8.77428E 01 8 17 8.58445E 01 9 9 2.35927E 03 9 19 2.33845E 01

    10 13-1.83209E 03 10 20 8 . .3522E 01 11 8-2.61185E 03 11 18 7.48713E 02 12 3-2.76181E 01 12 12-1.54129E 03 13 2 2.76181E 01 13 12 1.8M34E 03 13 20 1.48584E 03 14 8-9.37232E 02 15 5 5.95539E 02 i5 l l -1 .61186t : 01 16 6 5.95539E 02 16 12-1.89635E 03 17 17 l.OOOOOE 00 18 18 l.OOOOOE 00 19 19 l.OOOOOE 00

    2 2 1.01479E OJ 3 3 3.13884E-01 7 7 l.OOOOOE 00 9 9 4.71117E 03

    10 10 7.51123E 03 11 11-6.98903E 02 12 12 8.68772E 03 13 13-4.25746E 02 15 11 3.11099E 02 16 12 3.11099E 02

    2 18-1.00000E 00 3 20 l.OOOOOH 00

    -4 14 l.OOOOOE 00 5 15 l.OOOOOE 00 6 16 l.OOOOOE 00 8 8 3.54908E 03 8 18 2.86148E 01 9 15-5.95840E 02

    10 3 1.42560E 02 10 16-9.49973E 02 t l 1 1.13677E 02 11 11-1.39502E 03 12 1-2.59346E 01 12 9-1.76343K 03 12 18-8.24805E 02 13 3-1.25829E 02 13 13 2.04697E 03 14 4 5.95539E 02 14 11 1.45888E 03 15 6-5.95539E 02 15 12 1.611B6E O'i 16 7-5.95539E 02 !6 16 0.49973E 02 l o 1-7.24500E 00 19 2W./5951E 00 20 3-1.37705E 00

  • 35

    TABLE T . 3 (Continued)

    THE REDUCED Al-MATREC IS 1 1-2.0806900E 01 1 2 1.3222581E 01 1 5 6.2250166E 00 1 8 3.3246164E 00 2 1 6.5625935E 00 2 2-8.12296"»0E 00 2 3 2.4341621E 00 2 5 3.2062525E-01 2 6 5.0771427E 00 2 8-4.2665825E 00 2 9 4.4378195E 00 3 1-2.629428SE 00 3 2 5.6758375E 00 3 3-1.1549730E 01 3 5-3.3963531E-01 3 6 2.2627077E 00 3 7 2.8572784E 01 3 8-2.1591740E 00 3 9-1.5588333E 01 3 I0-1.9833328E 01 4 4-2.0000000E 00 5 1-1.9712412E-01 5 2 1.4782137E-01 5 5-5.3030968E-01 5 8-2.7431257E-02 5 11 1.2647772E-01 6 1 4.7485876E-01 6 2-2.6879144E-01 6 3-8.7153971E-02 6 5 4.1298445E-02 6 6-1.3141069E 00 6 8 7.3300046E-01 6 9-7.1094406E-01 6 12 1.2646991E-01 7 1 5.9283441E-01 7 2-3.4774709E-01 7 :-o.:T97608E-02 7 5 7.6574564E-02 7 fi-5.1015300E-01 7 7-5.1910526E-01 7 8 4.8681015E-01 7 9-4.4591367E-01 7 10 2.4390888E-01 7 13 1.264G112E-01 8 1-2.364I872E-01 8 2 1.1217344E-01 8 5-4.8073113E-02 8 8-2.5674574E-02 9 1 4.0627545E-01 3 2-2.3232561E-01 9 3-4.1429687E-02 9 5 5.2477356E-02 9 6-3.4961307E-O1 9 8 3.3361596E-01 9 9-3.0558920E-01 10 1 6.8181896E 00 10 2-4.9869909E 00 10 3-1.6296978E 00 10 5 8.8068461E-01 10 6-5.8672705E 00 10 7 1.773230CE 01 10 8 5.5988035E 00 10 9-1.6029999E 01 10 10-1.2308591E 01 11 1-2.0013561E 00 11 2 9.4958210E-01 11 4 2.4830109E 01 11 5 2.5095078E 01 11 8-3.9918015E 01 11 11-4.7107468E 01 11 12 3.2246902E 01 il 13-3.5471603E 01 12 1 1.0103191E 01 12 2-5.4155455E 00 12 3-6.5127712E-01 12 4-1.0479436E C2 12 5 1.5806589E 00 12 6 2.4610168Z 01 12 8 8.7103363E 01 12 9-8.62591B6E 01 12 12-7.5017975E 01 12 13 1.4970625E 02 13 1-4.8762445E 00 13 2 2.7884445E 00 13 3 4.9725193E-01 13 4 7.6581772E 01 13 5-6.2984949E-01 13 6 4.1961641E 00 13 7 3.6651230E 01 13 8-4.0041618E 00 U 9 7.6815918E 01 13 13-1.1323302E 02

    The time response calculations were performed using the computer

    code MATEXP.

  • 36

    TABLE 1.4


    Description of Perturbed Constant Flow Model or Run No. Input Variable Constant Pressure Model

    1 Helium flow rate (1 lb/sec) CFSG

    2 Helium flow rate (1 lb/sec) CPSG

    3 Helium i n l e t temperature ( i°F) CFSG

    4 Helium in le t temperature (1°F) CPSG

    5 Feedwater f lew rate (1 lb/sec) CFSG

    1.6.1 Discussion of Results fo r Run No. 1 (Figure 1.4 to 1.7).

    Run No. 1 shows the CFSG model time response and frequency

    response fo r a 1 lb/sec increase i n helium flow ra te . Increased helium

    flow rate increases the heat t ransfer rate from the helium to the

    secondary coolant through the tube w a l l . For constant out le t steam

    header pressure and feedwater flow ra te , the steam pressure

    i n i t i a l l y rises and then approaches the or ig inal value. This is

    because there is no increase in feedwater flow to sustain the r i se .

    The main steam temperature (TS4) increases s ign i f i can t l y (1.44°F),

    whereas the temperature r ise for the helium out let node (average)

    is re la t i ve ly low (0.63°F). The steady values of each output in time

    response af ter 300 sec are close to the magnitude of the frequency

    response at low frequency (0.004 rad/sec) jus t as they should be.


  • 37

    oo* 00 02- OO'Oll- 00 09 , 0 1 * (S33U030IHSWHd

    e s: 0, «_# m c —* 3 z: Q

    1/ • tr. y - \

    o v; v. •^ a» N ^ ' ce

    3 >> O o »—* c u. 41 3 E CT 3 01 - ^4 u •—1

    ml* 5J z

    , o m * J

    . -~ oi 14 • 3 QC u


  • ORNL OWC It JJt* OHNI llWd lb nth

    i v i i i i n n — J i i r m i l „•> i » 11 mi . i i i i m i l , \o* To^ "i or h of i o"



    10' j f i i m i l J—i » i mil—;,i i i i i mi .-t—ri i M I I I TO 10' ICf 10' FREQ. (RflO/SEC.)

    P3B 00

    FREO. (RAO/SEC.) P3B

    Fig. 1.6. Frequency Response of Helium Outlet Temperature to Helium Flow (CFSG).

    Fig. 1.7. Frequency Response of Main Steam Pressure to Helium Flow (CFSfi).

  • 39

    The response curves of the outputs are almost monotonic and

    settle down within 165 seconds (0.006 rad/sec in frequency domain).

    The time lag is primarily due to the thermal capacitance of the metal,

    water/steam mass and the thennal resistance from the primary to the

    secondary coolant.

    1.6.2 Discussion of Results for Run No. 2 (Figure 1.8 to 1.11)

    Run No. 2 shows the CPSG model time response and frequency

    response for a 1 lb/sec increase in helium flow rate. The system

    OBM-DWG 76-7766

    ^ . 0 0

    ^ . 0 0

    ^ . 0 0

    80.00 160.00 240.00 TIME (SEC)

    80.00 160.00 TIME (SEC)


    *Af 0.0004 320.00

    A= 0.6453


    e e o*= 1-5023

    80.00 160.00 240.00 TIME (SEC)


    Fig. 1.8. CPSG Time Response to a 1 lb/sec Step Increase of Helium Flow.

  • I

    H W 3 -o re i •»: < • • * - •

    r-r OC C • 1 re i— rr \C


    in rr K

    AB^MK) 10° JO"* JO"' itf 101

    i imiuT • •••••••r • i i n , i , r a i iiinuT

    PHASE (DEGREES) -150.00 -100.00 -50.00 0.00

    re -r. >— I H- re -n C XI TJ 3 c m ency



    £ J) ?c D

    y—v re o n x N t/2 O C 3 w X


    - re "


    re 3 •o re

    c re

    X! ' C


    X • 1

    x re


    o -n N 3) m o o

    OD JO

    m n


    Mb/sec' ABSIMR)

    2 3 H S 6 7 6 9 J t f I I I I IQI I I I

    PHASE(0EGREES1 -40.00 -20.00 0.00

    CD JQ


    Ot I

  • * l

    ORNL-DWG 76-7769 O o

    v 3 — i i 1 1 H I T — j i i I I I I I I n—i i i I I I I I . i—i i i I I I I I ,

    Tcry ho-* \o'1 \

  • 42

    1.6.3 Discussion of Results for Run No. 3 (Figure 1.12 to 1.15)

    Run No. 3 shows the CFSG model time response and frequency response

    for a 1°F increase in helium in le t temperature. Increased temperature

    of the primary helium coolant increases the rate of transfer of thermal

    energy from the primary to the secondary coolant. "P3B" increases

    i n i t i a l l y , ther, returns to the or iginal value due to the constant

    O R M OWG 76 7770

    ^ . 0 0



    80.00 TIME (SEC)

    A = 0 . 0 0 6 0 160.00 210.00 320.00

    A * - A = 0 . 3 7 1 1

    80.00 160.00 240.00 320.00 TIME (SEC)

    e e c*= 1 . 6 4 0 7

    80.00 160.00 240.00 320.00 TIME (SEC)

    Fig. 1.12. CFSG Time Response to a 1°F Step Increase of Helium In l e t Temperature.

  • OHNI own 76 >>n

    10"" _y > i m n i — - t > i I ' I I I I I I — , , i i t " ' " t fjt' i i »i it T5 W icf1 ^ o 4

    FREQ. (RflD/SEC.) TS4

    fej < » • — • — i 'S

    ^ ^ •

  • 44

    i«"ti ;>» i . *

    T J i l l mil—-a—1 • 1 mil—,1 i i i m«i . 1—1 1 1 mi l I f f* ™ 0 ^ \0'1 10* W

    FREO. (RflO/SEC.) P3B

    F i g . 1 .15. Tempera ture .

    — 3 1 1 nu l l _ 1 • ' i •"'L ?—1 1 1 mil . 1—r 1 t m n , l(T \ f ™ 0 ' 10* I t f

    FflEO.(RflD/SEC.) P38

    Frequency Response of Main Steam Temperature to Helium I n l e t

    feedwater f low. Al l the temperature nodes increased following the

    increase of helium i n l e t temperature.

    1.6.4 Discussion of Results fo r Run No. 4 (F ig j re 1.16 to 1.19).

    Run No. 4 shows the CPSG model time response frequency

    response fo r a 1°F increase in helium i n l e t temperature. The system

    transient responses for th is run are s imi lar to those of Run No. 3.


  • OHNL DWG 76 7 7 74

    ^ . 0 0

    V. oo



    , , A = 0.0002 80.00 160.00 240.00 320.00

    TIME (SEC)

    A= 0.3798

    80.00 160.00 i^O.OO 320.00 TIME (SEC)

    e a » w * * *> A = 1 . 6 7 4 4

    80.00 TIME (SEC)

    160.00 240.00 320.00

    Fig. 1.16. CPSG Time Response to a 1°F Step Increase of Helium Inlet Temperature.

    OHM ()WO 'IS I'll

    "\Q* "̂ Q-l1 \Q-X' ' \tf' '"""^ (), FREQ. (RAD/SEC.)


    To' l o° FREQ. (RRD/SEC.)



    Fig. 1.17. Frequency Response of Main Steam Temperature to Helium Inlet Temperature (CPSG).

  • OHM OW(i IA 1)16

    10' 751—i i i i n i i — . , i i i 11 m i — 7 ^ — i i i T I I I I « i i t 11 m Yo- W ^ V

    FREQ. IRflO/SEC.) 1 GIB

    1 a—t i i mil—z?—t ' ' m i l 1'—i i r m i l — . r i i r inn .

    Tor* "io \ o' T O 0 \ o FREO. (RflO/SEC.)

    TG1R Fis. 1.18. Frequency Response of Helium Out

    let Temperature to Helium Inlet Temperature.

    (JKNI I)*(I It III)

    W W Sd> FREQ. (RflD/SEC.)

    P3B at

    'io' itf FREO. (RflD/SEC.)


    Fig. 1.19. Frequency Response of Main Steam Pressure to Helium Inlet Temperature (CPSC).

  • 47

    1.6.5 Discussion of Results for Run No. 5 (Figure 1.20 to 1.23).

    Run No. 5 shows the CFSG time response and frequency response

    fo r a 1 lb/sec increase in feedwater flow ra te . For constant helium

    flow rate and i n l e t temperature, the temperature in the secondary

    coolant c i r c u i t drops (-2.74°F) following the increased feedwater f low

    ra te . The helium out le t temperature also drops (-0.68°F).

    For constant ou t le t steam header pressure, the main steam pressure

    increases by 0.71 psi in order to sustain the increase in the feedwater

    flow ra te .

    ^ . 0 0




    OHNL DWG 76 777B

    , , ,A= 0.7073

    80.00 160.00 2>I0.00 TIME (SEC)


    80.00 '60.00 240.00 TIME (SEC)

    A= -0.6783 320.00

    -2.7389 80.00 160.00 240.00

    TIME (SEC) 320.00

    i-ig. 1.20. CFSG Time Tvesponse to a 1 l b / s e c Step I n c r e a s e of Feedwater Flow.

  • '•nfc V: rt rt

    1 rr?

    H H -rJ 9 0 3 • • o ( I i—* n • a h j rt t—• C • •-! n

    "1 rt ^ 0 fC

    £ •n c (i) fD rt D a. O « *< fi: r t 73 rt n M •J.

    ~o I T J o I—" D 0 in 3T (D

    ^ o Ci i-n • T ; tn 2 n BJ

    flBS(MR) ,io° ,io" JO"1 ,io° jo1

    1 I IIHill • I fii.i.r 1 I mini • f l i m n r

    PHRSE(DECREES) 70.00 110.00 150.00 190.00

    (Tb7i« )

    acr* >-= 00 r- • 3

    •a I-I Q • M r^ C t*j IT • c fr. -r. rt (D C J3

    C **1 C


    m o

    £ 3 5 ns r> •33 a. >< o £ V . B) PC W) r t re m rt tc o •1 T3

    o «̂ •*: D l— 03 c re z o

    q •4

    RBS(HR) PHASE (DEGREES! J Or 1 Cr -120.00 -so.oo -uo.oo

    • ~ — • • • • • p • • _ | • •




  • 4?

    U^^L iS**\* -

    FREO. (RAD/l-EC.) 7G1B

    ——a—i i i mri 3—i i 111 m .1 i i 11 m i . i i i 11 m i . icr* "icr* Her' "ICT lo*

    FREO. (RflO/SEC.) TG1B

    Fig. 1.23. Frequency Response of Main Steam Pressure to Feedwater Flow (CFSG).


    1. Richardson, D. C , "Linear Modeling and Control of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR) Power Plant," Gulf-GA-A12062, April 1972.

    2. Savery, C. W., e t a l . , "TAP - A Fortran IV Program for tne Transient Analysis of the HTGR Power Plant Performance," Gulf General Atomic, 1966.

  • 50

    3. Leech, W. D., Personal communication, General Atomic, 1974.

    4 . Ray, A. , "A Nonlinear Dynamic Model of a Once-Through Subcri t ical Steam Generator," M. S. Thesis, Northeastern Universi ty, 1974.

    5. Harrington, R. M., Personal communication, The University of Tennessee, 1974.

    6. B a l l , S. J . and R. K. Adams, "MATEXP: A General Purpose Dig i ta l Computer Program for Solving Ordinary D i f fe ren t ia l Equations by the Matrix Exponential Method," ORNL-TM-1933, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (August 1967).

  • I 51



    Ming-Huei Lee

    A nonlinear model is important wher large disturbances or various

    operation levels are involved in the simulation of a steam generator.

    I t is expected to be more accurate than the l inear model for these

    conditions, The nonlinearity of the system parameters and the

    spatial effects cause the problem to be quite complex, Moreover,

    since the uncertainties in the system parameters are s ign i f i can t ,

    the results w i l l have uncertainties. Therefore, i n the nonlinear

    model, the spatial e f fec t , the nonlinear parameters and the

    uncertainties in system parameters are three major areas of concern.

    Practical methods for handling spatial effects require the use

    of lumps to represent the spatial d is t r ibut ions. However, as the

    number of lumps is increased, the computing time is also increased.

    I t is important to know whether a few-lump model can provide the

    necessary accuracy. In th is study, the number of lumps w i l l be

    varied to f ind the number required to reach asymptotic performance as

    the number of lumps increases.

    The system parameters which are involved in major nonlinear

    terms include the thermal conduct ivi t ies, heat capacit ies, and

    viscosit ies of f l u i d (steam, water, helium) and/or tube metal,

    surface tension of water, supression factor and some other factors

    in the heat transfer correlat ions. These parameters may be evaluated

    using available subroutine programs or by using emperical equations

    which are obtained by least square methods.

  • 52

    In studying the uncertainties in system responses due to parameter

    uncertainties, the heat transfer coefficients and two phase multiplier

    factors are most important, since their inaccuracy could be up to 20%.

    Other important parameters with significant uncertainties will also

    be studied for their sensitivities.

    The dynamic equations for the transient state were derived from

    the fundamental differential equations. The conservation of energy,

    the conservation of momentum, and the conservation of mass equations

    were developed into a moving boundary model. The developed model was

    compared to different models from a literature survey so that an

    assessment of model assumptions and approximations could be made.

    The literature was revi wed to find the data and correlations

    required for the steam generator model. A short summary of the

    information from the literature and other preparations for the model

    development follow:

    A. Survey on heat transfer correlations and/or friction factors,

    1. For single phase

    a. Seban and McLaughlin's correlation (2)

    b. Mori and Nakayama'sx correlation c. Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Coils summarized

    (3) by Srinivasan et a l . (4)

    d. Srinivasan's ' correlation e. I to 's corre lat ion.

    All of the above correlations are for helical coils -

    one of the features of the HTGR steam generator. The

    correction factor for helical tubes from (e) or (a) was

  • 53

    selected to use in this study, since the applicable

    range of Reynold numbers and curvature i s adequate for

    HT6R steam generator.

    For two phase, steam/water

    a. Borishanskii, et a l ' s . ' correlat ion (stra ight tube)

    b. Owhadi, Be l l , and Crain's correlation (coi l tube) (8)

    c. Crain and Bel l 's correlat ion (co i l tube) (9)

    d. Chen's correlation (st ra ight tube)

    e. Rohsenow's * correlat ion (stra ight tube)

    f . Miropolski i 's ' correlat ion (st ra ight tube)

    (a) through (e) are for nucleate bo i l ing and subcooled

    bo i l i ng , ( f ) is for f i lm bo i l i ng .

    Chen's correlat ion, Rosenhow's corre la t ion, and Borishanskii 's

    corrections were selected for use in the nucleate boi l ing

    and subcooled boi l ing region. The last two correlations

    were evaluated at high pressure and high temperature.

    The Miropolskiy's correlat ion was selected to use in

    the dryout region for high pressure and high temperature.

    The correction factor for hel ical coi ls is the same as for single phase, which is based on the discussion in (b)

    (91 or the suggestion of Co l l ie r . '

    For single phase, steam (13)

    a. Miropolskii and Shitsmanv ' correlation b. Bishop et al's/ 1 4' correlation The correction factor for coil tube is the same as for single phase water.

  • 54

    4. For helium side heat transfer and pressure drop through banks

    of helical tubes, the G i l l i ' s J ; correlations were selected

    to use. Grimi^on's - straight tube bank data are necessary

    for evaluating G i l l i ' s correlations.

    Development of the two phase pressure gradient in homogeneous

    models by employing Colebrook f r i c t i o n coef f ic ient , I to 's

    curve pipe correction factor, and McAdams ' ' two phase

    viscosi ty 's def in i t ion was made.

    Obtaining the ercperical equations for the nonlinear parameters.

    The thermal conductivit ies of the f l u id and tube metal, the

    viscosit ies of f l u i d , the surface tension of water, suppression

    factor and so on are necessary to obtain the i r emperical equations

    for practical use. Some of these equations may be found in the

    l i te ra ture survey; some of them were obtained by using l inear

    regression methods to f i t the numerical tab le . .

    Steady State Program.

    The steady state program has been developed in the multilump case

    so that the steady state distr ibut ions of the state variables can

    be obtained. This was done for three purposes: (a) To study the

    differences of the results by using di f ferent correlations and to

    compare them to the HTGR steam generator design data; (b) to

    evaluate the adequate average state variables for the transient

    study in a few lump models; (c) to provide the i n i t i a l conditions

    to the transient case.

  • 55

    ihe steady state prog rain contains the main program and the following


    1) SUBROUTINE FRCTN 2) SUBROUTINE TWOFRC 3) SUBROUTINE SUBFRC 4) SUBROUTINE EQCKT 5) SUBROUTINE TW0EK1 6) SUBROUTINE TW0EK2 7) SUBROUTINE SUBEK 8) SUBROUTINE VSCST 9) SUBROUTINE VISFG 10) SUBROUTINE SUBVIS. 1) , 2), and 3) are used to evaluate the Colebrook friction factors by an i terat ion method for single phase steam, t»o phase steam/

    water and single phase water respectively. 4 ) , f ; ) , 6 ) , and 7)

    are used to evaluate the equivalent thermal conductances, tube

    temperature and tube surface temperature by an i tera t ion method for

    single phase steam, two phase steam/water dryout region, two phase

    steam/water nucleate boi l ing region, and the single phase water

    region respectively. 8 ) , 9 ) , and 10) are used to evaluate the

    dynamic viscosit ies of the above three regions.

    The steady state program is now being tested and debugged.

    In the fu ture, the following are planned:

    1. Comparison of steam generator models using d i f ferent assumptions,

    approximations, and correlat ions.

    2. Steam generator dynamic simulation.

  • 56

    3. Sensi t iv i ty to the system parameters.

    4. Study of small and large disturbances.

    5. Extension of the model from a few lumps to many lumps.


    R. A. Seban and E. F. McLaughlin, "Heat Transfer in Tube Coils with Laminar and Turbulent How," In t . J . Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 6, pp. 387-395, 1963.

    Yasuo Mori and Wataru Makayama, "Study on Foroed Convective Heat Transfer in Curveo Pipes," In t . J . Heat Ma.~s Transfer, Vol. 10, pp. 681—695, 1967.

    P. S. Srinivasan, S. S. Nandapurkar, and F. A. Holland, "Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Coi ls," The Chemical Engineer, London, 1968, Ho. 218, P.CE113.

    P.S. Srinivasan, S. S. Nandapurkar, and F. A. Holland, "Fr ict ion Factors for Coi ls," Trans. Instn. Chem. Engrs.,Vol. 48, p. T156, 1970.

    H. I t o , "Fr ic t ion Factors for Turbulent Flow in Curved Pipes," J . of Basic Engineering, p. 123, June 1959.

    A. A. Andreevskii, V. M. Borishanskii, V. S. Fokin, V. fJ. Fromzel, G. P. Danilova, G. S. Bykov, and V. A. Chistyakov. "Recommendations for Computing the Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Two-Phase Steam-Water Flow in the Pipes of a Steam Generator," Heat Transfer-Soviet Research, Vol. 5, Mo. 3, p. 130, 1973.

    Al i Owkadi, K. J . B e l l , and B. Crain, "Forced Convection Boil ing Inside He*Ically-Coiled Tubes," I n t . J . Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 11, pp. 1779-1793, 1968.

    B. Crain and K. J . B e l l , "Forced Convection Heat Transfer to a Two-Phase Mixture of Water and Steam in a Helical Co i l , " American Ins t i tu te of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, No. 131, Vol. 69, p. 30, 1973.

    J . G. Co l l i e r , Convective Boil ing and Condensation, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972.


  • 57

    10. W. H. Rohsenow, "A Method of Correlating Keat-Transfer Data for Surface Boi l ing of Liquids," Trans, of ASME, Vol. 74 3 pp. 968-976 (1952).

    11. L. Duchatelle, L. de Nucheze, and M. G. Robin, "Theoretical and Experimental Study of Phcnix Steam Generator Prototype Modules," Nuclear Technology, Vol. 24, p. 12-", 1974.

    12. Z. L. Miropolski i , "Heat Transfer in Film Boil ing of a Stean-Water Mixture in Steam-Generating Tubes," AEC-tr-6252, 1963 (Teploenergotika, Vol. 10, No. 5, p. 49, 1963).

    13. L, Miropolskii and M. E. Shitsman, "Heat Transfer to Water and Steam at Variable Specific Heat ( in near c r i t i ca l region)," Soviet Physics-Technical Physics,Vol. 2 , No. 10, p. 2196, 1957.

    14. A. A. Bishop, F. J . Krambeck, and R. 0. Sandberg, "High Temperature Supercrit ical Pressure Water Loop, Part I I I , Forced Correction Heat Transfer to '.uperheated Steam at High Pressure and High Prandtl Numbers," WCAP-2056 (p t . 3) 1964,

    15. P. V. G i l l i , "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop fcr Cross Flow Through Banks of Mul t is tar t Helical Tubes with Uniform Incl inat ions and Uniform Longitudinal Pitches/ ' Nuclear Science and Engineering, 22, pp. 298-314 (1965).

    16. E. D. Grimison, "Correlation and Ut i l i za t ion of New Data on Flow Resistance and Heat Transfer for Cross Flow of Gases Over Tube Banks," Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 59, p. 583, 1937.

    17. L. F. Moody, "Fr ic t ion Factors for Pipe Flow," Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 66, p. 671, 1944. ~~

    18. W. M. McAdams, et a l . , "Vaporization Inside Horizontal Tubes-II-Benzene-Oil Mixtures," Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 64, p. 193 (1942).

  • 58



    David G. P^nfro

    This phase of the project is concerned with the development and

    investigation of a l inear , moving-boundary model for the Fort St.

    Vrain steam generators. In this progress report, a br ie f history

    of the work in th is area w i l l be reviewed before describing the current

    project in greater de ta i l .

    General Atomic uses a l inear model of the HTGR-NSS in part of the

    design process of the plant control system. This mathematical model is

    called LAP (Linear Analysis Program). I t was developed by combining

    l inear models of the reactor, primary coolant, and secondary coolant

    systems. Each of these models was derived from f i r s t principles using

    the basic conservation equations except for the steam generator. GA

    was unable to develop a satisfactory steam generator model by the time

    the rest of the system models were ready, so an empirical or transfer

    function model was substituted. However, a rodel based on the physical

    system s t i l l was considered to be more desirable. The development

    and evaluation of this model is the purpose of the current project.

    General Atomic developed a lumped-pa-ameter, three-node, moving-

    boundary mcdel for the steam generator. The lumped parameter approach

    was chosen fo r i t s s impl ic i ty and ease of solut ion. The moving boundary

    technique attempts to account for movement of the beginning and end of

    the boi i ing zone as steam generator conditions change. This is accomplished

    by dividing the main steam section into three regions with moving

    boundaries between the economizer and evaporator zones and the evaporator

  • 59

    and superheater zones. This representation allows a f a i r l y simple model

    that overcomes the d i f f i c u l t i e s encountered by f ixed boundary models.

    The oroject at The University of Tennessee is based on the or iginal

    GA model just described. A version of LAP and the iecessary data

    including steady state parameters were supplied by GA. To improve the

    physical va l id i ty of the time responses of the or ig inal GA steam generator

    model, S. I . Chang at UT made several basic modifications. These included

    the revision of equations to allow for replacement of node-boundary state

    var ables by node-averaged state variables where applicable. A sketch

    of the steom generator model with variables as modified by Chung is

    shown in Figure I I I . l . As indicated by the f i gu re , both node-boundary state




    HS, WS,

    • TG.


    • H S , WS.



    •== „. , .WG, jTG 2 GAS TG,

    oTM, >TM,


    P? STEAM • • WS,

    ( T V ,


    ORNL-OWG 76-7763

    W G 4 • T G 3 <

    T G ,

    • T M ,


    _^_ HS3 HS 4 t WS, WS,





    Fig. III.l. Steam Generator Nodal Structure.

  • 60

    node-averaged variables remain in the model equations. As suggested by

    GA, these are related by using a weighting factor, W., as fol lows.

    7 i = Y i y i + Y i + i ° - V • ° - w i i 1 - I I I J

    where Y. and Y. , are the boundary quantit ies and Y. is the node-averaqed

    quantity. The weighting technique is very s igni f icant since i t is

    used for temperatures on the primary side and for flow rates, pressures,

    and enthalpies on the secondary side. In addit ion, internal energies,

    specif ic volumes, and temperatures on the secondary side are calculated

    from the previously-averaged pressures and enthalpies. GA suggested

    specif ic values for each of the three nodal weight factors at which

    they arrived by physical and in tu i t i ve reasoning. These suggested

    weight factors influenced the calculation of the steady state

    parameters they supplied. Chang used these weight factors and the rest

    of the GA-supplied data to produce time responses that seemed reasonable

    and va l i d . However, when he varied the weight in the helium entrance node,

    (W.A to investigate i t s e f fec t , the time responses were s imi lar in character

    to the previous ones but markedly oi f ferent in magnitude. This result

    was a subject for some concern for at least two reasons. F i r s t , the

    primary side infl.;ence was not thought to be so s ign i f icant . Also, GA

    arrived at the suggested weight", f a i r l y a rb i t ra r i l y so there was l i t t l e

    reason to believe they were the ideal ones to use.

    This area of concern with weighting factors along with a basic

    need to veri fy the model modifications independently were the reasons

    behind th is phase of the project at UT. The i n i t i a l purposes were to

    veri fy the unexpected s igni f icant dependence on the primary side weighting

  • 61

    factors, next to investigate these effects on both the primary and

    secondary sides, and then to offer some explanation for the dependence

    or to suggest changes to improve the weighting technique. Since the

    beginning of this work, the investigation has broadened to include a

    more general sensitivity study of the mode 1 and examination of model

    assumptions made in its development.

    The first task was to verify the work done on the model at UT by

    S. I. Chang. An attempt was made to duplicate his development and compare

    the results at each stage. First, the model equations were derived from

    the basic conservation equations. Next, the equations were linearized

    and set up in the model form with specified state variables and

    perturbation variables. All discrepancies found were resolved by

    mutual agreement and the final model form was decided upon. The next

    task involved a review of LAP and its STMGEN subroutine to insure that

    the model in its latest form was being implemented properly. After the

    program was corrected for necessary changes, it was revised into a

    simplified form with all extraneous statements in STMGEN that remained

    from the GA version deleted. Finally, the input data for LAP as

    supplied by GA was checked for accuracy. The entire process just

    described that was done in preparation for the model investigation

    was time-consuming but necessary. Although several mistakes were

    located and corrected, no major' errors were discovered that completely

    invalidated results obtained previously. The major benefit was an added

    degree of confidence that could be placed in the steam generator model.

    In the investigation of various model assumptions, the assumption

    that the gas dynanics are negligible was questioned. The appropriate

  • 62

    modification to the model was made to include such effects but no

    results have been obtained at this time.

    As a first step in the investigation of the dependence on the

    weight factors in Chang's model, some of the steam generator time

    response results that he had obtained were verified. Although slightly

    different due to the corrections made, the responses were still affected

    greatly by the variation of W 3. The responses of main steam temperature

    (TS4) and helium outlet node temperature (TG1B) to a 1°F helium inlet

    step and a 1 Ibm/sec helium flow step are shown in Figures III.2-5. As

    shown, the asymptotic values of some variations can more than double

    when W, is increased from 0.45 vo 0.55. (Note: the GA value suggested

    for use is 0.30. Some responses for this value are shown later.)

    ORNL-OWG 76-7784

    5.0 •

    4.0 •

    Method 1

    Time (sec.)

    Fig. III.2. Helium Inlet Temperature Perturbation (1°F).


  • r--u

    J. 41;


    OHNL OWTG 76-77«5

    •-4 *0r the ^ i ' « » Outlet r̂ xJp 4v*r«9t ?e«Ger«tjr*, s**»tft

  • 64


    2 0 t

    ORNL DWG "6 7:8?

    Method 1

    W, 045


    l " t

    4 1 69

    h 0 9 0

    r 0 5 t

    40 80 ;20 160 Time Isec)

    200 240 280 320

    Fig. ill.5. Helium Flow Rate Step (1 lbm/sec).

    This behavior led to an examination of the equations and the

    program for an explanation of th is dependence. Included in the input

    data, GA supplied steady-state values for the helium node boundary

    temperature (TG.) but supplied no values for the helium node-averaged

    temperatures (TG-). These were calculated in the subroutine by Chang

    using whatever weight factors the user chose tc input. This meant that

    steady state va'lues of TG.. were being varied as the weights were varied.

    This change affected the heat transferred out of the primary side as well

    as other t^rms where TG~. appeared in the equation coeff ic ients. So i t

    seemed that the variat ion of TG". with weight was responsible for the

    large dependence on weight factors.

  • 65

    To avoid th is problem, i t was necessary to calculate steady-state

    values of TIT. that were not weight-dependent. This was accomplished by

    calculating T5\ with the or ig inal 6A weight factors. In th is way,

    the steady-state values of TG. and TG. were constant and the weights

    could be varied independently. Results using this approach are shown

    in Figures I I I . 6 - 9 . As shown, the time responses were no longer very

    dependent on weighting factors. This method seemed adequate unt i l the

    question was raised that var iat ion of weight factors whileTG- .. and TG. ^ 3 iss iss

    were f ixed violated the relat ion i n Equation ( I I I . l ) . To avoid t h i s , i t

    i t was decided to calculate TG~. with the or ig inal weights as before

    but to recalculate TG. with each new set of weight factors input.




    = 2.0


    Method 2

    0 W3 = 0.43

    x W3 = 3.65

    40 JO

    ORNL- DWG 76- 7788

    = 1.62

    - 1.55

    12) 160 Tins (sec.

    200 240 230 320

    Fig. I I I . 6. Helium In le t Temperature Per turbat ion (1°F).

  • 66

    ORNL OWG 76 7789

    • 2 .1

    * £ _ l . i . ft 3 O

    s * i -4

    ttuod 2

    O M

    Fig. III.7. Helium Inlet Temperature Perturbation (1°F),





  • 67

    ORNL-OWG 76 7791

    'tethod 2

    Tir» (sec!

    F i g . I I I . 9 . Helium Flow Rate Step (1 l b m / s e c ) .

    Results using this method are shown in Figures III.10-13. As shown, the

    responses are more weight-dependent than those of the second method

    (Figures III.6-9) but less weight-dependent than those of the first method

    (Figures III.2-5). The third method is actually more closely related to

    the first since weight changes lead to changes in various steady-state

    parameters in both schemes. As a result, the flaws inherent in the

    first method due to steady-state values being adjusted are present in

    the third as well. However, from the results, the effect of changing T 6iss 1 S n o t a s 1 m P ° r t a n t a s changing TG.

    The previous discussion of weighting schemes illustrates flaws in

    all three methods. However, when dealing with a linear model, several

  • 68

    OHNt OttG 76 7 792

    « ' t I ' * I =* A'


    Fig. III.10. Helium Inlet Temperature Perturbation (1°F)

    letiiod i

    •*, = 0.30

    • *. ' 3.6i

    ORNL OWG 76 7793

    Fig. III.11. Helium Inlet Temperature Perturbation U°F),


  • 69

    ORNL DWG 76 7794

    f.-.ti-Z i

    5 , .

    « . 4 , ..f.

    r E


    3 • - » —t— —•— —f " . J .


    ^ z2&z*=^ r 1 —I— - r : • ' = \ 3 =

    4 : ;; \v. I6T ;M :•!"; ?ff! •J?i

    Fig. III.12. Helium Flow Rate Step (1 Ibm/sec)

    ORNL DWG 76-7795


    w ' 1.30

    121 K.T Tir» ( S I T . )

    Fig. III.13. Helium Flow Rate Step (1 lbm/sec)

  • 70

    approximations and assumptions have been made already. The question

    of importance is what additional approximations or assumptions are

    implied when weighting factors or any other parameters are adjusted.

    For example, the methods given above modify the model in ways

    ranging from the amount of heat transferred from the primary side into

    the tube metal (method 1) to the helium boundary outlet temperature

    (method 3).

    The next step in the investigation will be to classify the possible

    weighting factor schemes along with the assumptions they imply and the

    results they produce. In addition, methods need to be developed for

    the variation of the weighting factors on the secondary side independently

    from the primary. Examination of the relationship between primary and

    secondary sides throi i the heat balance should produce these methods.

    If such parameters as pressure and enthalpy on the secondary side could

    possibly be weighted independently of each other, another weighting

    factor effect could be observed. All of these results have led to a

    broadening of the scope of the work in the project to a consideration of

    the variation of other parameters besides the weight factors. A more

    general sensitivity study will be performed where various parameters

    that are fairly arbitrary (like weight factors) or not precisely known

    (like heat transfer coefficients) can be examined and the accompanying

    assumptions and consequences outlined.

    Since two of the techniques discussed for variation of the primary

    weight factors involved changing steady-state parameters, possibly

    the most accurate way to determine the effects of such variations would

    be to recalculate a completely new set of steady-state values for each

  • 71

    proposed variation. This method will b? investigated to see if it is

    feasible to develop such a capability at UT.

    In conclusion, results from the investigation of the effects of

    variation of weighting factors on the steam generator response have

    been obtained and have led to a broader sensitivity study of the

    model. A more general classification of the assumptions made and the

    results obtained when parameters are varied is desirable and will be

    developed. Assumptions such as the neglect of gas dynamics have been

    selected for further verification. These future studies should yield

    valuable information about significant parameters and assumptions

    used in this steam generator model.

  • 72


    J. G. Thakkar

    This section b r i e f l y describes work being done in formulating the

    nonlinear system models, for the Fort St. Vrain nuclear steam supply

    system. The helium circulator model has been completed and some

    improvements were made in the reactor, steam generator and reheater


    IV.1 Steam Properties

    ASME steam tables were added in the steam generator program using

    available function generating capabi l i ty , in CSMP I I I , of the forms

    y = f (x) and y = f ( x , z ) . This is a convenient way to calculate

    thermodynamic properties of both saturated and superheater steam.

    The results were found to be comparable with the previous model where

    steam properties were calculated using polynomial f i t s . The comparison

    of two cases for the change in main steam outlet temperature ( for 1°T

    step change in Helium in le t temperature) is shown in Figure IV .1 .

    IV.2 Reactor

    The reactor model was reformulated using the prompt jump model '

    i . e . , sett ing

    dt i i

    This gives an algebraic equation for the reactor power, which allows

    us to take larger time steps while integrating the heat transfer

    equations. For small react iv i ty perturbations (~5£) results from the


  • 73

    CBNL OWC 76 7796

    — Reference Case (Polynomial f i t )

    » ASHE Steai Tables




    1 1

    .. c :;



    / X * % (


    1 1 i 20.0 40.0 SO.O

    Tine (sec-wls)

    80.0 100.0

    •ig. IV.1. 1°F Step Change in Helium Inlet Temperature.

    prompt jump model give less than 2:= error compared with the reference

    case. For larger reactivity perturbations (~40c) the error increases to

    about 2(h. This is probably due tc the comparatively large neutron

    life time ("1.85 x 10~ sec) in the HTGR. (The prompt jump model

    gives accurate results for shorter neutron life times, i.e., in fast

    reactors ' ) .

    IV. 3 Reheater The reheater model was updated using new constants and steady

    state values from the General Atomic memo (2) This is being tested

  • 74

    for perturbations in primary in le t temperature, primary f low, and

    steam flow. The preliminary results are shown in Figures IV.2-3.

    IV.4 Helium Circulator

    Fort St. Vrain has four identical helium c i rcu la to rs , two in each

    loop. Each circulator unit consists of an axial flow compressor, a

    single stage steam-turbine main dr ive, and a single stage water-turbine

    auxi l iary dr ive. The schematic of the system is shown in Figure IV.4.

    The c i rculator steam turbine operates on cold reheat steam from

    the exhaust of the high pressure turbine. The c i rcu lator turbines are

    in series with the main turbine. Steam enters the blower turbine at

    about 875 psia and 748°F and leaves i t at 685 psia and 611°F. Steam

    from the exhaust of the c i rculator turoine flows to the reheater section

    of the steam generator, About 5% of the steam flow bypasses the

    c i rculator turbine, at f u l l load, to provide a control margin. The

    bypass flow is adjusted to the desired value by maintaining a nearly

    constant pressure rat io across the blower turbine.

    Helium from the steam generator exi t enters the c i rculator at

    about 638°F and 686 psia and leaves the circulator at 647°F and 700

    psia and enters the reactor in le t plenum.

    The mathematical model of the circulator is based on conservation (3) equations and performance maps for the turbine and the c i rcu la to r . '

    The c i rculator dynamic characteristics are evaluated from the

    conservation of momentum equation

  • r


    •m + * • i i • i i "» i *> i i i * ' i

    2HZ 1 1 1 1 1 i • • • I I I 1 | 1 1 I 1

    : : i : : : i i i i t i • • t - » • * • • i i • | ( • • * • ! | i

    1 • • • • i f I I

    | I * » I 1 1 t 1 i * l 1 1 •

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    I | 1 * 1 1

    i * i i i i i * i i > i i

    • • • i i •

    r* ~t r i • i i i i tf v m 1 | » 1 1 I

    i • i i t i • • • i | i • i i

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    i • i t i i

    I f i i i 1 l • • i i

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    i i 1 : i i

    : ; i ! i ; i i i > i i i i i i I 1

    • • " 1 1 1 1 1 1 •» * - r • , i i | | * * * i i i i i i>* ** r* , | | | |



    O •T.

    3) 31 C o a. en o



    mi ^ I .

    w 3 L* ^ a o ^ c o w w o o o o ^ c o * ; c o o > * « « * < ^ « « > ^ p I • . » » O

  • 76

    2 *

    ---• i i : : • * - * — i I 1 i i • 2 2 2 i i i t ; ;

    i i i i i • i i i i i • • t i l l * i i i i i • I I I I I (

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  • 77

    Reactor Core

    Steam Generator

    OHNL-WfG 76-7799

    Steam In — * 748° F

    875 PSIA

    Blower Turbine

    647°F 700 PSIA Helium Circulator

    Helium In 638° F

    686 PSIA

    Steam Out 611 °F

    685 PSIA

    Fig. IV.4. Schematic of Blower Turbine Helium Circulator.

    I = mass moment of inertia of the blower turbine rotor shaft w = angular velocity T = Torque exerted by steam T = Torque exerted by helium. T and T r are calculated from energy balances, as follows T t * Pt/w T c - Pc/w P t = power transmitted to the turbine P = power required by the compressor.

    t steam hs T

  • 7Q

    wsteam = s t e a m f 1 o w r a t e t n r o u 9 n the turbine

    "hs = l s e n t r ° P i c steam enthalpy drop through the turbine

    iy = turbine ef f ic iency

    P c = V * A h H e / r i c

    w H = Helium flow rate through the compressor

    Ah H = Helium enthalpy rise through the compressor

    n = compressor efficiency.

    n , i-j., A. , and AP„ are calculated from the compressor and the

    turbine performance maps.

    The computer program for the circulator model has been completed

    and is being debugged and tested for the steam flow perturbation.

    Future Work

    1. Model the steam turbines

    2. Review the steam generator model, to explain the differences with

    the linear steam generator model currently used in LAP, particularly

    for the primary inlet temperature perturbation.

    3. Improve pressure drop and heat transfer correlations in the models.

    4. Couple all subsystems of Fort St. Vrain to obtain an overall model

    for the plant and test it for different perturbations and

    sensitivity to changes in different system parameters.

    5. Prepare for correlation of model predictions with trip test results.


  • 79


    1. SaDhier, D., L. W. Kirsch, etc. , "A Reactor Core Model for a Fast

    Breeder Power Plant Simulation," 2nd Power Plant Dynamics,

    Control and Testing Symposium, Knoxville (1975).

    2. Tang, C. K., Fort St. Vrain Linear Analysis Program Documentation

    with Data for 100% and 25% Loads, General Atomic Memo SAB:

    OCT: 545: 75 (November 1974).

    3. Versteegen, P. L., and D. A. Sargis, A Program to Evaluate the

    Series Steam Turbine Helium Circulator Performance Under

    Dynamic Conditions, Trpical Report SAI-75-562-LJ (April 1975).
