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JANUARY / 2015


Part 1



IDENTITY CARD NO. : 900308-08-5279

TELEPHONE NO. : 011-26299615


LEARNING CENTRE : Greenhill Learning Centre

Review Of 5 Articles :

In the era of globalization, human capital is one of the major assets for a particular organization.

There 5 (five) different type of view on the human capital planning, recruiting & selection.

According to Dan Ofori & Majoreen (2001) an effective recruitment and selection

practices are key factors to the entry point of human resources in any organization and they also

tend to determine the success and sustainability in the organization.

It explained management as a process of managing the resources of the organization.

These resources he mentioned are financial, physical, information and human. Mathis and

Jackson (2010) admitted that, of all resources available to organizations, humans are the glue that

hold or bind the other resources.

Recruitment is the process of generating a pool of capable people to apply for

employment to an organization whiles selection is the process by which specific instruments are

employed to choose from a pool of applicants’ most suitable for the job taking into

consideration, management goals and legal requirements . Recruiting and selecting the wrong

candidates can have extensive negative cost implications, while effective processes can

contribute to a reduction in turnover and therefore increase in productivity.

Based on statement given by Gregory, Patrick and Evan (2009) say that a strategic plan

guides the organization in successfully meeting the organizational mission. Once the strategic

plan a organization can create a human capital plan that will give a boarded management

decisions in the present support not the future direction of the organization.

Hiring a new employee with the skill and abilities that an organization vitally need in the

near future. Moreover, planning of each recruitment need to be look into at the eligibility and

keeping mind that recruitment involves a group qualified candidate

Human capital planning is been implemented by an organization to make sure that the

firm have a proper right number of people, right people at the right time. Where the process of

Human capital planning, recruiting and selection have to be properly carried out so that it has a

maximum long-run benefits. This statement is strongly agreed by Francis, Joy, Ideh (2012).

Human capital planning provides answers to such questions as: i) How many people will

be needed? ii) What skills, knowledge and competencies will they require? iii) Will existing

human resource meet the identified need(s)? iv) Is further training and development needed? v)

Is recruitment necessary? vi) When will the new people be needed? vii) When should training or

recruitment start? viii) What other “People” implications are there in such areas as productivity

and commitment?

In addition, Anyadike (2013) says that productivity is a major element in a organization.

Where the well planned and managed human capital is the greatest asset of an organization.

Recruitment is the phase that immediately precedes selection. Its purpose is to pave the

way for the selection process by producing ideally the smallest number of candidates who appear

to be eligible either in performing required tasks or developing the ability to do so within a

period of time acceptable to the employing organization

Planning is essential for productivity and organizational effectiveness and efficiency

because it acquires best human resources, focuses on corporate goal, utilizes human resources,

develops human resources, reduces uncertainty and labor cost, regularizes production, maintains

good industrial relation, keeps records, and controls human resources.

Fred C (2012) defines that human capital planning is a forecast plan on the number and

type of employees to achieve the organizational goals. Human capital planning includes the job

analysis which includes the job description and specifications.

Human capital planning begins with a forecast of the number and types of employees

needed to achieve the organization’s objectives. Planning also involves job analysis, which

consists of the preparation of job descriptions and job specifications. Of particular concern for

today’s executives is the growing body of laws regulating the human resource management
