HRM Report on Alfalah Bank


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  • 8/3/2019 HRM Report on Alfalah Bank



    Bank Alfalah Limited was incorporated in June 21st, 1997 as a public limited company under theCompanies Ordinance 1984. Its banking operations commenced from November 1st ,1997. Thebank is engaged in commercial banking and related services as defined in the Banking

    companies ordinance 1962. The Bank is currently operating through 45 branches in 21 cities,with the registered office at B.A.Building, I.I. Chundrigar, Karachi.

    Since, its inception as the new identity of H.C.E.B after the privatization in 1997, themanagement of the bank has implemented strategies and policies to carve a distinct position forthe bank in the market place. Strengthened with the banking of the Abu Dhabi Group and drivenby the strategic goals set out by its board of management, the Bank has invested in revolutionarytechnology to have an extensive range of products and services. This facilitates theircommitment to a culture of innovation and seeks out synergies with clients and service providersto ensure uninterrupted services to its customers.

    The bank perceived the requirements of customers and matches them with quality products andservice solutions. During the past five years, bank has emerged as one of the foremost financialinstitution in the region endeavoring to meet the needs of tomorrow as well as today. Tocontinually upgrade the quality of service to the customers, training of team members in all theintegral aspects of banking, customer service and IT was specially focused.

    The portfolio concentrates on all aspects of conventional banking as well as the financial needsof corporate sector. Dynamic and high value product includes Car Financing, Home Financing,Rupee Travellers Cheques, Credits Cards, Debit Cards, On line Banking, ATM and consumerDurables. In addition to this, Islamic Banking Division is a recent initiative, which operates asseparate branch. It offers Shariah

    Compliant products through a network of five branches, which will increase to 50 by the year2007. The bank is committed to combine all it s energies and resources to bring high value,security and satisfaction to its customers, employees and shareholder. The Bank has invested inrevolutionary technology to have an extensive range of products and services. This facilitatescommitment to a culture of innovation and seeks out synergies with client and service providersto ensure uninterrupted services to it customers.

    V I S I O N

    To be the premier organizations operat ing locally and internationally that provided the

    complete range of financial services to all segments under one roof MISSION

    To develop and deliver the most innovative products, manage customers experience, deliver quality service that contributes to brand strength, establishes a competitive advantage and enhances profitability, thus providing value to the stakeholders of the bank

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    Chief Executive Officer

    Executive InchargeStrategic Planning & Global Marketing

    Executive InchargeInternational &Treasury

    DivisionExecutive InchargeHuman Resources Division

    Executive InchargeIT Division

    Executive InchargeCredit Division

    Executive InchargeSystem & Operation Division.

    Executive InchargeEstablishment & Administratration

    Executive InchargeCredit Monitoring Division

    Executive InchargeBusiness Development DivisionS.A.M./ Car Finance/ Leasing

    Executive InchargeLegal Affairs Division.

    Executive InchargeAudit & Inspection Division

    Executive InchargeFinance Division

    Executive InchargeCorporate Banking,SME Financing & Home Loans

    Executive InchargeIslamic Banking Division

    Executive InchargeNew Products &Service Quality Division

    Executive InchargeCards Division


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    Bank Alfalah Limited has the following departments :

    v Account Opening Department

    v Human Resource Department

    v Trade Finance

    v Credits

    v Accounts Department

    v Administration / Personnel

  • 8/3/2019 HRM Report on Alfalah Bank


    v Special Asset Management (SAM)

    v MIS Department

    v Marketing

    v Cash & Deposits

    v Foreign Currency Accounts


    The policies and practices involved in carrying out the People or Human Resource aspectsof a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising

    The concepts and techniques need to carry out the people or personal aspects of management

    job are:- Conducting job analyses (determining the nature of each employees job) Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates Selecting job candidates Orienting and training new employees Managing wages and salaries (compensating employees) Providing incentives and benefits Appraising performance Communicating (interviewing, counseling, disciplining) Training and developing managers

    Building employee commitment HRs Definition at Bank Alfalah:

    We Are Struggling For People .


    Like other organizations HRM department acts as the mind of the organization. Without theHRM department Bank Alfalah cannot imagine being able to function. At Bank Alfalah, HRMhas great significance, everybody depends on this department for the entire organization to work

    and succeed in its mission.

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    Human Resource Department-Hierarchy


    Following are the responsibilities of HR Officer in Bank Alfalah:-

    Recruitment And Selection

    Policy Making

    Retention Program

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    Improve Working Relation Of Employees

    HRM Management Responding To Changing Environment:

    Bank Alfalahs HRM Management is respo nding to changing environment by

    Follow Customers Needs

    Adopt Continuous Changes

    Decentralized Organization


    Bank Alfalah has following competitive advantages over its competitors:

    Strong Pay Structure

    Retention Program

    All Banking System Based On It

    Select People From Top Universities

    Account EI Has 30 Years Work Experience


    The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of personwho should be hired for it

    Job Analysis includes:

    Job Description Job Specification

    Job Description:

    A list of jobs duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, andsupervisory responsibilities

    Job Specification:

    A list of jobs human requirements, that is, the requisite education, skills, personality, and soon

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    There are two methods of collecting Job Analysis Information:-


    Observation INTERVIEWS

    A procedure designed to obtain information from a person through oral responses to oralinquiries

    Who Conducts Interview?

    Interviews are taken by the branch HR head responsible for recruitment and selection

    Types Of Interviews Taken: Structured interview only

    Structured Sequential Interviews

    Pane l Interview

    Criteria for Selecting Candidates:

    Following is the criteria for selecting candidates in Bank Alfalah based on:

    Communication Skills Present Personality Educational Background (etc.) Skills And Competency


    Why Should I Hire You? Why Do You Want To Work For Us? Whats Your Great Strength?

    Whats Your Great Weakness? How Much Salary Do You Expected From Us?


    The development of a pool of applicants for jobs in the organization

    Sources Of Job Recruitments:

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    Following are the some sources of Job Recruitment in Bank Alfalah:

    By Universities

    By Website

    By Coaching

    By Newspapers

    Recruitment Process:

    Following are the recruitment processes in Bank Alfalah:

    1.) Assess need (strategic planning and tactical planning)

    2.) Create a pool of candidates:

    3.) Screen out candidates:

    4.) Make selection

    5.) Evaluate recruitment process:

    1.) Assess need (strategic planning and tactical planning)

    There is no fixed quota of number of employees to be recruited, it depends on need and the

    strategic (organizational) and tactical (branch level) requirements.

    2.) Create a pool of candidates:

    The prospect candidates are attracted through advertisement in the newspapers, on the websiteonline and also the walk in.

    3.) Screen out candidates:

    Through interviews and tests they screen out the less attractive candidates.

    4.) Make selection:

    After further interviews and other processes the final candidate is selected. Questions in aninterview are made by doing proper job analysis of the job. That includes identifying the jobduties and requirements.

    5.) Evaluate recruitment process:

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    Evaluate effectiveness of recruitment by comparing the results to expected results.


    There are two types of recruitment in Bank Alfalah:

    1. Internal2. External

    1. Internal:

    Includes recruiting of already existing employees for new jobs within the organization

    2. External:

    Includes bringing new blood in an organization. Recruiting people who are new


    Bank Alfalah normally

    Less emphasis on Internal Recruitment

    Existing employees can respond to new job offers as externals

    Performance appraisals


    In Bank Alfalah external recruitment is on

    Need basis

    No yearly or monthly recruitments

    Every branch has its own HR department

    Head office sanctions recruitment for new employees

    Adds in leading newspapers (Dawn, Jang)

    College Recruitment (under planning)

    Online application forms

    Short listing

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    Decisions made through head office

    No help from recruiting agencies


    Through direct induction of fresh candidates, Bank Alfalah is able to employ fresh postgraduatecandidates for its organization and the process is as follows:


    Based on requirements of experienced staff, Bank Alfalah also recruits talent from themarketplace. Bank Alfalah offers competitive salary / benefits to worthy professionals at alllevels who wish to join hands with Bank Alfalah. The procedure for selecting such professionalsis as follows:

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    Executive Recruitments:

    In Bank Alfalah, Executive recruitments are done by CEO. Recruitment of MTOs (Management Training Officers):

    In Bank Alfalah, recruitment of MTOs is done on Yearly Basis

    Recruitment of Internees:

    In Bank Alfalah, recruitment of Internees is on

    > Walk-ins

    > Letter of recommendation from college

    Human Resource Assessment

    Bank Alfalah Ltd. has worked hard to build its human resource team and ensure that the qualityof newly inducted staff is not comprised with growth. For recruitment and selection bankspolicy is to hire suitable candidates. By suitable candidates bank refers to candidates havingproper educational qualification, experience and background.

    Bank Alfalah not only is one of the fastest growing bank in Pakistan, that provides its customers

    with a number of financial services, but is also a great employer of human resources, thatprovides its employees with a conducive environment that not only is challenging but also helpsthem in applying and gaining knowledge.

    The above figures show that all prospect employees feel confidence in Bank Alfalah as theirprospective employer. Bank Alfalah, as a response to this confidence has three ways of employing prospect employees for their organization.

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    The orientation program of Bank Alfalah contains:

    Introductory Lecture

    Printed Employee Hand book in Bank Alfalah

    Time Duration

    Familiarize new employees with their new jobs, work units and organization in general.


    All employees selected through this process, have to first complete a probation period beforegiven a complete status of a Bank Alfalah employee. The major benefit of this procedure is thatBank Alfalah can employee a large number of employees at a lower cost. The procedure foraccepting a batch trainee is as follows:


    The process of teaching new employee the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.

    Basic Steps in Training:

    Following are the basic steps in training employees in Bank Alfalah:

    Need Analysis

    Instructional Design

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    Evaluation and follow up

    - Training Mangers and faculty is hired for training purposes.

    - Training Mangers are in their respective head offices

    The Training Centers Of Bank Alfalah:

    Bank Alfalahs training centers are in Karachi & Lahore. These training centers are responsiblefor providing multi-level high quality training programs in following areas:

    - Consumer banking operations

    - Credit administration/documentation

    - Trade finance operations- Marketing & selling skills- Customer service skills- Performance appraisal skills- Time management & personal effectiveness


    Training Calendar: In Bank Alfalah, Head office devises a calendar according to which they train their employees

    Need Basis:

    In Bank Alfalah, Branch Manger realizes that specific department lacks in some skill.


    On The Job Training:

    Training a person to learn a job while working on it

    Off The Job Training:

    Training an employee to learn a job while providing him a class room environment


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    On The Job Training in Bank Alfalah is done by

    Making teams of new employees with a few old specialized Employees.

    Contribution to overall productivity.

    Lower cost

    Lower Time

    Management Training Officers (MTO) Training Program:

    In Bank Alfalah, MTOs training program is 3 months On the Job Training & 9 months Off the Job Training.


    In Bank Alfalah, Off the Job Training is done by

    In-house training ,done at least once a year

    Employees from all over Pakistan attend seminars and courses.

    Employees are tested after the completion of the course

    Specialist trainers are hired

    Provide a proper learning environment to the employees Professional faculty is hired

    Increases employee loyalty

    Labor productivity is zero

    Cost is high

    Time is consumed

    Training & Development:

    In Bank Alfalah, employee is trained & developed in following different operations:

    Consumer Banking Operations

    Credit Marketing & Credit Proposals

    Credit Administration/Documentation

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    Trade Finance Operations

    Marketing & Selling Skills

    Customer Services Skills

    Performance Appraisal Skills (Self Appraisal)

    Time Management & Personal Effectiveness


    Evaluating an employees current and / or past performance relative to his or her performance standards

    The performances of employees are appraised yearly at Alfalah Bank. HR head said that

    Performance appraisal helps us in estimating employees current performance, setting work standards and then providing feedback to employees with the aim of eliminating performancedeficiencies.


    The Appraisal Methods at Bank Alfalah are

    1. Self Appraisal Method



    1. Problems During Appraisal

    Unfair Assessment (Bias)


    In this service oriented industry behavior is as important as performance on job. To managebehaviors and appraise company has devised a managing behavior system to evaluate their corevalues. Each employee in such a system is rated against the behavior performance achieved,against the required benchmark applicable, depending on the Job Grade.


    Alfalah Bank Has laid down the following Performance Standards:

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    1-Demonstrates Commitment

    2-Aligns Activities

    3-Promotes Alfalah Long Term Objectives


    In Bank Alfalah, Managing Career & Fair Treatment is based on:

    Promotion Decision

    How To Handle Transfer

    Communication At Alfalah

    Manage Dismissals


    Pay Plans:

    Pay plans Alfalah are establish on the basis of job ratings. All jobs are ranked from top tobottom, on the bases of compensable factor. Employee with higher rank gets highest pay andincentives.

    Compensation Plans for Employees:

    In Bank Alfalah, compensation plan for employees includes:

    Basic Salary


    Medical Facilities


    Incentive Plans: In Bank Alfalah, incentive are provided to

    Managers and Executives

    Middle and Lower Level Employees

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    The employee benefits & services provided by Bank Alfalah are

    Health & Life Insurance

    Paid Annual Vacations, Leaves, Holidays Health Insurance Of Parents Pension & Provident Fund

    Discount On Company Products Annual Bonuses Educational Plans Social Events Customized Services Creative, Learning & Healthy Environment Highly Qualified, Experienced & Committed Staff Profit & Gain Sharing Plans

    Financial Benefits:

    The financial benefits provided by Bank Alfalah to its employees are

    Severance Pay

    Severance Pay is given according to

    1. Policy2. Give Full & Final Settlement3. Half Salary As A Complementary (Optional)

    Supplemental Unemployment Benefits

    Supplemental Unemployment Benefits are given

    1. During Annual Routine Audits2. Other Privileges

    Insurance Benefits:

    Bank Alfalah gives insurance benefits on

    Workers Compensation Complete Life Insurance Hospitalization & Medical Insurance

    Other Benefits:

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    Other benefits provided by Bank Alfalah to its employees are

    Pregnancy Compensation 2 Bonuses For Each Employee Faster Promotion Introduction Of MENTORS Bank Alfalah MOHTISIB Staff Suggestion Scheme Family Community Concept Salary Of Own Choice Job Rotation Facility Prizes & Gifts Refreshment Packages Short Courses & Trainings + Training Material Traveling & Stay Allowances Communication Benefits

    Retirement Benefits:

    Bank Alfalah gives retirement benefits on the basis of

    Age Pension Plans Provident Fund Facility Early Retirement Window No-golden Offerings & Defined Contrib. Plan No-social Security & Deferred Profit Sharing

    Services Benefits:

    Following services benefits are provide by Bank Alfalah to the employees:

    Introduction Of MENTORS (HR REPRESENTATIVE) Counseling Services -

    Financial, Career, Job-placement, Grievances

    Bank Alfalah Mohtisib Lunch & Learn Program

    Employee Transportation Educational & Training Subsidies Flexible Benefits Programs (Few-limitations) No-subsidized Child & Elder Care


    Bank Alfalah is

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    Strict About Occupational Safety Laws Obeying The OSHA Standards Major Responsibility Br. Manager Routine Safety Audits Inspection & Citations By Head Branch Managing Proper Responsibilities & Rights Of Both Employer & Employee

    Avoiding the Causes Of Accidents:

    Bank Alfalahs management plays an important role in avoiding the three causes of accidents

    Unsafe conditions Unsafe acts Accident prone people


    Following are the steps that taken by Bank Alfalahs HR Department to solve the healthproblems in the organization and make possible remedial changes

    Smoke Free Environment Role Of Mentors ; Regarding Job-stress , Burn-out , Health Conditions Remedies For VDTS & Other Tools Vaccinations & Health Treatments

    Other Precautionary Measures:

    Other precautionary measures taken by Bank Alfalah for the safety of employees are

    1. Personalized Attention To Employees2. Angry Employees Management3. Temporary Stop The Working4. Counseling5. Real Root Problem6. Use Of Personal Skills7. Professional Attitude Adopted

    8. Future Avoidance


    BAL is one of the fastest growing banks in Pakistan. In the light of these situations we can makean analysis.


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    Bank is in its growing stages so there is good financial position.

    Professional and Committed workforce

    Low cost than other major banks

    Increasing the number of branches in the country

    Successfully launching new Product Lines

    Well experienced and quality staff

    Efficient internal communication system


    Although the bank is growing fastly but it has some weaknesses which it should remove to makeitself further strong.

    Less Advertisement

    Slow in introducing new products

    The staff is not satisfied with the salary structure

    Gives its staff less benefits


    Extension of International network of the branches

    Introduction of innovative products

    Growing market

    ATM facility for all customers


    Uncertain economic conditions

    Action taken by competitors


    HRM managers at Bank Alfalah are performing a great job as far it is concerned

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    Motivating them and looking after them. Along with the other managers and employees

    HRM managers are also doing a great job in achieving company goals and objectives. There is avery calm and friendly atmosphere at Bank Alfalah because of the HRM department and theirpolicies for keeping their employees happy, productive and efficient.


    It is observed that the employees were overburdened so they have to stay at branch till late atnight. In this way their efficiency is affected and hiring more employees can reduce their work.

    The employees should be signed jobs for specific period and than they should shifted to otherdepartment so that they gain knowledge of other jobs.

    Bank Alfalah Limited should properly advertise and Communicate to public about the servicesprovided by it, so that more customers will be attracted.

    The banks managem ent should give more incentives and pay scale of officers should berevised & improved.

    System and operations should be more defined and organized.

    IT draw backs should be improved.

    Administration drawbacks should be improved by the strict control of general issues.

    Some employees waive the bank charges (Statement charges, cheque book charges etc) that

    decrease the income of the bank. Lockers, ATM, all these facilities should be provided to attract more customers.

    Expenditures must be control, which are very high.


    Personal Refernces

    Mr. Zulfiqar, Accounts Officer.

    (Bank Alfalah Ltd., Wah Cantt Branch)

    Mr. Waqas, Customer Services Officer.

    (Bank Alfalah Ltd., Wah Cantt Branch)

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    Web Resources

    Bank Alfalah ( Wikipedia ( State Bank of Pakistan (

    Google (