HP Laptop viral idea By Holly Brockwell and Hanja Baruschke


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HP Laptop viral ideaBy Holly Brockwell and Hanja Baruschke

Who are we talking to?

The target audienceSam loves Dr. Dre and considers himself an expert on hip-hop music. He openly mocks pop and is a bit of a snob about his tastes.

He’s the ideal candidate for an Envy 14 Beats Edition laptop, because it’ll allow him to listen to all his favourite tunes the way the artists intended. And give him bragging rights over ‘lesser’ music fans.

Sam fancies himself a bit of an undiscovered star, and enjoys showing off his rapping skills while his girlfriend plays Singstar. He’s also got all the moves down and doesn’t mind showing it on the club dancefloor after a few cold ones.

The target audienceAlthough he lives in middle England, Sam likes to use rap slang and occasionally pretend he’s from the hood. Any excuse to dress up like one of his idols without feeling daft is fully embraced.

If we can give Sam the chance to express his inner hip-hop star in a fun, amusing way, we’ll get his attention and affection for the brand.

He has a laptop but hasn’t really thought about the speakers on it. Once he’s familiar with the Envy 14 Beats Edition, he’ll be smitten.

So how do we get him there?

The idea‘Envy My Beats’

Envy My BeatsWe give hip-hop and rap fans the chance to create their own music video, quickly and easily. They can put their face on the star, choose their own hip hop honeys and pick from a list of Dre tracks and video scenes to make something that looks good but feels theirs.

We’ll call the hip hop honeys ‘Beatches’, pronounced bee-atch-es, because rap stars are known for referring to women as ‘b*tches’, and ‘biatches’ is the jokey, slang version. By capitalising on this to create ‘Beatches’, HP can show it understands the target audience and the language they use, while not offending anyone.

We could potentially also offer male dancers for the videos if HP feels the female target audience is large enough to warrant it.

Envy My BeatsAs with any rap video, there’ll be plenty of product placement – for the Envy 14 Beats Edition laptop, naturally. The video will be made up of prerecorded scenes with the user’s face digitally added in, so HP will be in charge of how and where the laptop appears. The video will position the laptop as the rap star’s must-have accessory, and its musical talents will feature heavily. Ideally, Dr. Dre would also appear in the video with the ‘star’.

The videos will have a strong viral element because wannabe rap stars will be dying to share their first music video with their friends, and it’ll be fun to make a video featuring one of your mates and send it to them. All of which will spread the message about the laptop and its music credentials, as well as strengthening the link to Dr. Dre.

How it worksYou choose a rap star’s body, your Beatches, a background setting and a Dre track. Then you upload a photo of your face, or take one on the spot with your webcam, and tell us your stage name.

We then create your video to your specifications, including little mentions of your stage name (eg. one of the Beatches wears a t-shirt with your name on it, gig posters in the background, etc) and other small touches that make the video seem really ‘yours’.

All videos upload automatically to HP’s YouTube account, and we encourage the user to share it on Twitter and Facebook too.

What it looks like – creating the video

What it looks like – sharing your video

Any questions?

Drop us a line: hollypop@gmail.com and hanjab@gmx.de

Or give us a call:07983 046 502 or 07964 543 980

Thank you for reading.
