How you will earn mba in the future



The explosion of online business programmes has greatly affected B-schools and experts predict that most of them will shut down in next 10 years. In fact in the coming 25 years the way you earn a business degree will change drastically.

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How You Will Earn MBA In The Future What is the future of MBA? It’s online! Technology has empowered students to pursue entire MBA programmes at highly affordable tuition fees and learn from the best professors from best institutes from across the globe. Anny Gordon 9/29/2014

What do you think business education will be like in the near future? Would we

still attend lectures in classrooms and be burdened by debt to earn an MBA?

Not likely. In fact most will not even attend a classroom. The lectures,

assignments and student discussions will happen online. Business students will

be able to access every aspect of the learning experience as many times as they

want to learn the lessons effectively.

MBA In The Future

Most reputed and established professors will become convincing teachers and

several among them will act as free agents

who will not be attached with any single

institution or university. With the help of

technology, free-agent professors will

teach students directly and the universities

will probably end up acting as middlemen

looking for a chunk of the profits.

Moreover, educators will not require any

university affiliation as online education

will enable these professors to establish

their own brands.

The cost of higher education will reduce

drastically and business education will

become modular by nature. As a student

you will have the option to select the best universities and best professors from

around the world to earn a postgraduate business diploma or degree that

interests you. The need for sitting in classrooms for hours will be eliminated

and earning degrees and diplomas will become much easier and affordable.


Will It Spell Doom For Business Education?

I don’t think so. As MBA increasingly

goes online, different elements of

traditional B-school learning will also

become unbundled, including student

selection, social development,

extracurricular leadership, alumni

networking and career management. As a

result a huge number of business schools will end up losing their appeal.

Richard Lyons, Dean of Haas School of Business, University of California

Berkeley has unflinchingly claimed that almost 50 per cent of US business

schools will be out of business in the next 5 to 10 years. In fact, Clay

Christensen of Harvard Business School believes that half of the universities in

the US might go bankrupt in the coming 15 years as a result of the growing

demand for online learning.

Disrupting the B-School Model

However, the collapse of the business

schools will not be due to the falling

demands of business degrees. Paul Danos,

Dean of Tuck School of Business

(Dartmouth College) said “Businesses have

grown enormously in complexity and scope,

and more than ever they need ethical, skilled,

well-educated, creative leaders who are global in outlook.”

As education is now being effectively delivered through the internet, it has

created extensive interference in the business of business education. The fact is

technology has resulted in reducing the cost of education as it is now being



delivered to immeasurable number of students. Moreover, if you want to pursue

an MBA without quitting your job or if you want to attend a specific

programme offered by an institute on another part of the world, then online

business education can make it possible for you.

The explosion of online postgraduate business diploma programmes and

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which are largely free, is greatly

affecting the source of income of most B-schools.

Power of Technology

Technology has empowered students like you to

pursue entire MBA programmes at highly affordable

tuition fees and learn from the best professors from

best institutes from across the globe. You can choose

to combine different courses online and earn

accredited qualifications. This will not only add value

to your resume but will also make you equal to

traditional business school graduates.

There may be still some challenges and online programmes might lag somewhat

behind on-campus programmes, but in the coming 25 years all that will

probably change to a great extent.

So What Does It Mean For You?

If you want to earn an MBA, then you can simply earn

a postgraduate diploma in business online from a

recognised B-school, irrespective of its location. You

can easily work full time and still manage time to study

at your convenience without slogging through the




Although the changes that will occur in the next 25 years will create new

challenges and alter the way we learn, but eventually you will greatly benefit

from the evolution.

What do you think about the boom of online business education? Feel free to

share your thoughts and concerns by commenting below.

