How to give yourself three hours back every day


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How to get three hours back every day

Matt Heinz

President, Heinz Marketing Inc


Why Focus on Productivity?

1. Job success and satisfaction

2. Less stress in your professional & personal life!

3. Better work/life balance

4. Get the right things done

5. Quality over quantity

6. Tackle the BIG projects

Productivity Strategy

1. Focus and discipline

2. Constant prioritization and delegation

3. Mind like water

4. Bias for action

5. Focus on results (external impact)

Part One: Making Time

Avoid active transportation

Always have something to do

Get up earlier

Do important stuff first

Use television time

Use lunch time


Learn to say no

Avoid and cancel meetings

Keep your email offline

Forward your phone to voicemail

Isolate yourself (sometimes)

Part Two: Using That Time

Daily Five & “1 of 5”

First 20 Minutes

The Binder

Three-tiered to-do list

3x5 card at the end of the day

Moleskine (or similar)

Clean, separate desk

Two monitors

No distractions

Two minute rule

Use rules

Waiting For file

Inbox Zero

Read It Later

Google Reader

Take home reading folder

Email rules for newsletters

Magazines: “scan & rip”

Morning Coffee




Toshiba ScanSnap


Organizing ideas
