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Solo, May 2018



Irwan TrinugrohoGuntur Riyanto

Irwan Trinugroho

Faculty member – Faculty of Economics and Business, UniversitasSebelas Maret (UNS), Indonesia

Research and Teaching Fellow – School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia

Visiting Professor – LAPE Universite de Limoges, France; University of Twente, Netherlands

Research consultant to Bank Indonesia, OJK, LPS, USAID and World Bank

UNS Best Lecturer 2015 and UNS Best Scholar (Social Sciences and Humanities) – 2015 and 2016

Risk Supervisory Committee Member, Mandiri Tunas Finance



Editorial Experiences


International Journal of

Governance and Financial


ISSN online: 2399-5033; ISSN

print: 2399-5025


Journal of Asia Business

Studies (Scopus)

Special Issue: Business in

Asian Emerging Markets, a

Focus on Inclusive Growth


Journal of Asia Business

Studies (Scopus) ISSN: 1558-7894


Eurasian Economic Review


ISSN: 2147-429X (electronic


International Journal of

Monetary Economics and

Finance (Scopus)

ISSN online: 1752-0487; ISSN

print: 1752-0479


International Journal of

Education Economics and

Development (Scopus)

ISSN online: 1759-5681; ISSN

print: 1759-5673


International Journal of

Economics and Management


ISSN: 1823-836X

Main Sources

Avkiran (2012) - Empowering yourself to publish in international refereed journals

Tarazi (2015) Writing a Research Paper in Financial Economics

Nys, Tarazi, Trinugroho (2015) – Political Connections, Bank Deposits and Formal Deposit Insurance (JFS)

Trinugroho, Agusman, Tarazi (2014) – Why have bank interest margins been so high in Indonesia since 1997/1998 financial crisis? (RIBAF)

Trinugroho, Agusman, Ariefianto, Darsono, Tarazi (2015) – Determinants of cross regional disparity in financial deepening: Evidence from Indonesian provinces (EB)

Untoro, Angriawan, Trinugroho, Rahardian (2016) – Organization Tenure and Bank Diversification (JGBA)

Writing a Dissertation in English (Universita di Parma)

Academic English Skills (University of Warwick)

QUOTING and PARAPHRASING (University of Western Australia)



Why should we publish our works?

Career and incentives

Scientific contribution and innovation

Institutional development and reputation

Human development and competitiveness



But we should think ……..

Some scientists, teachers, and students believe that when they publish the paper, they have met their goal and that project is completed. But is publication the very last step for the research work of any project, any institution, or any individual? (Yan, 2014)


Poor English

Bad story, even no discussion

Only a replication, no uniqueness and no contribution

No deeper analysis

No robustness checks

Fundamental errors in estimating empirical model

Small sample

Do not know the current state-of-the art

Why most papers written by Indonesian submitted to reputable journals get rejected

A good paper

Contribute to the existing literature



Good story

Unique dataset


Writing a research paper

Plan and Target

Optimist but realistic

Timetable (schedule)



Should be a synergistic partnership - skills (econometrics, theory, writing, English…………..)

Meet the target and timetable

Gentlemen’s agreement (order of authors, …..) – most finance scholars use alphabetical order


Short or long paper?

Traditional structure or a customized structure (based on the journal’s style)?


Writing a paper


Should be the main contribution of the paper

Interesting and raises reader’s imagination

No need to mention all variables in the title

Descriptive title or attention grabbing (provocative) title?

“Political Connections and Firm Performance” or “Politicians on the Board: Heroes or Villains?

Contribution and Findings

Should be highlighted in the abstract, introduction, and conclusion

Be careful for “claiming” a novelty or contribution

Introduction/ motivation

It is the most important part of the paper

Good story – nicely crafted


Writing a paper

Literature Review

Relevant and can be used to generate research question(s) or hypotheses

Literature review ≠ compilation of definitions


Robust and updated methods

Appropriate tools

Should not be over engineering

Results and Analysis

Inferences and their link to literature review and the conceptual framework

Explain “why” – discussion is important


Some journals/ publishers have their own template for abstract

Should be clear and concise


Selecting publication outlet (journal)

Think about the readership of the journal and the target to read your paper.

Scope and journal policy

There is an inverse relation between journal quality (impact factor, indexing …) and acceptance rate

Be careful about predatory publishers and journals

Publication Fees



Submitting a Paper

Try to get many inputs from colleagues (or conferences) before submitting a paper to a journal

Need to make a judgment as to when we think the paper has adequate quality to survive referees (we should also consider our target)

Be careful, editors reject so many manuscripts without sending them to referees (e.g. poor English, not suitable with the journal, journal policy ………..)

In the cover letter, tell the editor what is the uniqueness of your paper.

Journal’s author guidelines should be followed

Timely correspondence with the editor and address him/her by surname (e.g. Dear Professor ……………..)

Closely monitor the progress of our paper

Don’t forget to write a paragraph for acknowledgement (for funding, comments and suggestions, assistance ……………..)


Responding to the referees

An invitation to revise and re-submit normally doubles the chances of our paper but it does not guarantee publication

We should assume that we will be dealing with hostile referees who are more likely to look for reasons to reject than accept your submission. Of course, sometime we may be lucky to have generous referees.

We need to mention in our reply all issues raised, including those we may not have addressed as required by the referees.

If we are unable to address a particular issue raised by a referee, politely explain why and thank the referee for raising it.

Undertake revision promptly


What should we do if the editor rejects our paper?

We could thank the editor/referees and mentionthat we look forward to publishing with them atanother time. The manuscript then will be revisedand submitted to another outlet

We could politely and carefully challenge theeditor’s decision on the grounds that refereesoverlooked important aspects of the paper

We could decide not to waste time with thisjournal and thus, do nothing


After acceptance …………

Author agreement – copyright

Accepted manuscript


Article in press – Early cite

Assigned page numbers, issue, volume and DOI (final publication)




Cover Letter


Invitation to re-submit




Editor Rejection without sending to review process

In light of the appropriateness of your manuscript for our journal, your

manuscript has been denied publication in the ……………………………..

Thank you for considering the ………………….. for the publication of your

research. I hope the outcome of this specific submission will not

discourage you from the submission of future manuscripts.

I think such papers shall get the desk rejections.

Also check the plagiarism of this paper.

Total 7 pages (including references) and even abstract and opening of Literature

review is plagiarized.

Articles which do not conform to minimum standards shall be rejected by the

editors without even being sent for scientific peer review.

Example of rushing the editor


Dear Dr Irwan,

Expectedly, can i know when i will be notified for the feedback for the

manuscript of JABS-05-2017-0077?


Detailed responses to referees


Invitation – proofread


Accepted Manuscript


Article in press


Final publication

Writing a research paper in English

The use of English

Write in English from the start

Never try to translate your writing from your first language

Do not trust online translators

An appropriate academic style, but do not use over-formal vocabulary


Writing a research paper in English

Avoid plagiarism!

Most students who plagiarize do so unintentionally, they just do not know…

Putting the reference in the bibliography at the end is NOT ENOUGH

Understanding and practising of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing are important

Plagiarism is very easy for supervisors to detect

We can use anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin, iThenticate, ….)


Writing a research paper in English

Avoid repetitions (redundancy)

Use synonyms (but not too many)

Formal writing requires the full form (does not, cannot, it is, they are) not 'spoken forms' (doesn't, can't, it's, they're).

Sentence length and complexity (choppy writing vs stringy and long sentences)

We could use ‘I’ or ‘we’ but not too many. We could substitute with “It is arguable that”, “It has been known that” …..

Allow yourself to use the passive voice whenever comfortable (but be careful, some journals insist to use more active voice)


Writing a research paper in English

Quoting Make sure you enclose short quotes in inverted commas and indent long


Include the author’s surname, date of publication AND page number in the text of your essay or report

Follow each quote with a discussion, explanation or critique which makes it clear why you used the quote and how it develops your argument

Make sure the quote is integrated into your essay or report in a grammatically correct way

Keep quotes to under 10% of your work

According to Chan (2009, p.18) “water temperatures in the north of Australia are rising faster than predicted 10 years ago”. This information indicates that scientists ...


Writing a research paper in English

Paraphrasing Find synonyms to replace the original words of the key points and

phrases (except technical words)

Change the word order, sentence structure and grammar wherever you can

Change the way the ideas are combined if you can do so without changing the meaning

Put quotation marks around any string of words that you could not change without significantly altering the meaning

Compare your paraphrased text with the original

Check that your paraphrase is sufficiently different from the original and that you have retained its overall meaning

Check that the paraphrase is relevant to your assignment topic

Make sure that you have correctly referenced the text you have paraphrased using the referencing system recommended by your discipline or faculty


Writing a research paper in English


Be consistent with the style for your references (Harvard vs Vancouver)

Harvard:According to Trinugroho (2015), it could be argued that …………..

Vancouver:In his study, Trinugroho (2) asserts …………

It is better to use the reference software (Endnote, Mendeley, Zotero ….)


Example: Turnitin checking for similarity


Example of repetitions (redundancy)

The owners of small businesses claim that there is no way that small businesses can compete with massive companies like Wal-Mart. There are many reasons why they cannot compete with these companies, such as the fact that small businesses do not have as much access to advertising as large businesses like Wal-Mart. Small businesses also have limited hours of operation compared to large businesses. Also, small businesses have fewer staff and a lack of specialized staff. Small businesses also have a smaller inventory, and having a small inventory means that they cannot lower prices to the extent that large businesses like Wal-Mart reduce their prices. Small businesses are also usually not given the opportunity to experiment with new retailing methods. Finally, small businesses also often suffer from a lack of building space


Example: Very Poor Translation


Example of repetitions (redundancy)

The owners of small businesses claim that there is no way that small businesses can compete with massive companies like Wal-Mart. There are many reasons why they cannot compete with these companies, such as the fact that small businesses do not have as much access to advertising as large businesses like Wal-Mart. Small businesses also have limited hours of operation compared to large businesses. Also, small businesses have fewer staff and a lack of specialized staff. Small businesses also have a smaller inventory, and having a small inventory means that they cannot lower prices to the extent that large businesses like Wal-Mart reduce their prices. Small businesses are also usually not given the opportunity to experiment with new retailing methods. Finally, small businesses also often suffer from a lack of building space


Example of Poor Paraphrasing

Compared with 30 years ago, water usage in Perth has increased 40%

Compared with 30 years ago, water usage in Perth has increased nearly 50%

About 50% of houses built after 2000 have at least two bathrooms and more and more people have their own swimming pools

About half the houses built after 2000 have at least two bathrooms and their own swimming pools


Example of Poor Citation

Financial deepening generally refers to the growth in the scale of financial transactions in the relation to the real economy, which could reduce the inequality (Hamori, 2012).

Bahegot (1873) and Hicks (1960) argue that financial system plays a critical role in facilitating the mobilization of capital for immense work

Based on Charantimath (2005), a family-owned business can be defined as a profit-oriented company where the majority shares are on average owned by either a single extended family or one family member with substantial impact from other family members.


Example of Choppy Writing

UK polling data throughout the 1950s shows that happiness levels were above what they are today. The proportion of people saying they are "very happy" has fallen from 52% in 1957 to just 36% today (GfK NOP, 2011). Survey results in Britain are similar to data from America. In the U.S., social scientists have done a great deal of research into levels of life satisfaction. Their survey findings reveal that happiness levels have gradually declined over the last quarter of a century. But Britain and America are wealthy countries. In fact, in almost every developed country in the Western world, happiness levels have remained largely static over the past 50 years. This is despite huge increases in income. Britain, for example, is three times richer than in the 1950's. Clearly, happiness and well-being do not necessarily depend on material wealth.

10 sentences


Example of very long and complicated sentence

Issues of gender, like those associated with race, are often highly complex given that they arise in contexts of human interaction, which are often unpredictable and also determined, to a great extent, though not exclusively so, by emotional response, which makes people react in unexpected and unplanned ways.

Having traced the history of nationalism in Europe, which was the recurring political theme of the 20th century, this essay will now address the question as to why certain countries have experienced it more overtly than others, paying particular attention to the UK and Germany, which are quite polarised in this respect, and are examples which show the degree to which cultural tradition plays a role in determining the political direction in which a country chooses to go.

