How to Do Teleknesis


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How to do Telekinesis and Energy Work

By Kuriakos


© 2008 Kuriakos

All Rights Reserved

This book may not be reproduced in whole or part by electronic or

other means without permission.

Printed in the USA



Table of Contents


I. The Trance State…….8

II. Beginner Psi Exercises…….10

III. Intermediate Psi Exercises…….12

IV. Advanced Psi Exercises…….15

V. Psi Shapes…….17

VI. Telekinesis…….19

VII. Pyrokinesis…….20

VIII. Electrokinesis…….21

IX. Cryokinesis…….23

X. Aerokinesis…….24

XI. Using Energy Work to Heal People…….25

XII. Practice Makes Perfect…….26

XIII. The Notebook…….27



This text deals with astral and physical forces that can be

dangerous if misused or used carelessly. It is important that the

reader know his or her own physical, emotional, and psychological

limits before undertaking the studies within this book. The

exercises herein and techniques discussed are not to be used in lieu

of the services of trained and qualified professionals such as

physicians or psychologists. The reader is responsible, in every

way, for his or her actions involved in using the rituals in this book

and the author, publisher and the distributor of this text are not

responsible for any undesirable outcomes from the use of this book.


List of Books by the Author

To buy more of the Author’s books please go to www. Available in print and download versions. Magickal Evocation Rituals Luciferian Magick Angel Magick The Necronomicon Ritual Book The Goetia Ritual Book Astrology Magick Numerology Magick Tarot Magick Rune Magick Reiki Magick Greek and Roman Magick Voodoo Magick Egyptian Magick The Fast Road to Enlightenment WorkBook The Qabalah Ritual Book The Enochian Angel’s Ritual book Celtic Magick

And many more at



Want to move objects (telekinesis)? Start a fire

(pyrokinesis)? Send electricity (electrokinesis)? Put words

into people’s minds? Create energy balls (Psi balls)?

Control ice and water (cryokinesis)? Move wind and

affect weather (aerokinesis)? Use energy work to heal

people? From many years of experience, the exercises in

this book will show you quickly and simply step by step

how to easily accomplish all of these tasks and many

more. Anyone can accomplish these tasks with the easy

techniques in this book and a little bit of practice. After

doing these exercises many of your psychic abilities such

as astral projection, clairvoyance etc. will also open us as

well as these exercises greatly train all of your psychic

senses. At the end of this book is a notebook to record

your exercises and results and by doing this you will be

amazed how fast you see will incredible results!


I. The Trance State

For thousands of years many people have been trying

to figure out how to get into the mental state needed to

communicate with spirits. The yogis talked about this for

meditation and many prophets as well. Today we know

as a fact that when the brain slows down it puts us into

this quiet state called a trance. In normal waking day to

day life you are in a beta brain wave state and when your

brain slows down further it is an alpha brain wave state

and then delta which is sleeping. You will know you are

in an alpha brain wave state because your chatter day to

day mind will instead be silent. The easiest way to get

into a trance state is to simple count down from 1 to 30 as

you imagine yourself walking down some steps or going

down in an elevator. Once you are in the trance state then

say to yourself “I am now in a deep trance state” and then

decide on a finger or hand movement that works best for

you. For example you can cross the first two fingers on

each hand. Then say “every time I do this hand gesture I


will be in a deep trance.” So now every time you want to

go into a trance you can simply cross your fingers or use

that hand gesture and you will be immediately in a deep

trance instantly without having to count down to thirty.

This is called a “trigger trance”.


II. Beginner Psi Exercises

Making Psi Balls

1. Cup your hands together and visualize a ball of energy between


2. Continue to do this until you can really feel a very strong Psi ball

Compressing the Psi Ball #1

1. Make a Psi ball

2. Pull your hands apart and visualize the ball getting bigger

3. Put your hands closer and visualize the ball getting smaller or


Compressing the Psi Ball #2

1. Make a Psi ball

2. Visualize the Psi ball getting denser and denser


Controlling the Psi Ball #1

1. Make a Psi ball

2. Visualize the Psi ball doing what you want it to do

Controlling the Psi Ball #2

1. Make a Psi ball

2. Visualize the words of what you want it to do going into the ball

3. Let go of your Psi ball

Controlling the Psi Ball #3

1. Make a Psi ball

2. Visualize what you want the ball to do going into the center of

the ball

Controlling the Psi Ball #4

1. Make a Psi ball

2. Visualize a drop down menu of options drop down from the ball

3. Visualize the option you want appearing on the list

4. Select the option you want

5. Let go of your Psi ball

III. Intermediate Psi Exercises


Bending a Fork or Spoon

1. Take out a fork or spoon

2. Do the trigger trance

3. Rub your finger lightly over the surface of the fork or spoon

4. Focusing on feeling the surface and not thinking what it is

5. Visualize the atoms of the fork or spoon and the atoms of your

finger mixing with the air to become a liquid substance

6. When you feel the substance warm and gooey then bend the

object with your mind!

The Psi Wheel #1

1. Buy a “Psi wheel” on Ebay or make it this way: Take a flat based

thumbtack and turn it up so the sharp point is facing upwards and

take a ¼ by ¼ inch paper or aluminum foil and balance it on top of

the thumbtack.

2. Do the trigger trance

3. Focus on one corner of the foil or paper and will the foil or paper

to move in a clockwise direction and then reverse the direction

The Psi Wheel #2

1. Do the trigger trance


2. Place your hands around the Psi wheel as if they were on a bowl

that was over the Psi Wheel

3. Visualize a Psi ball and then it spinning around really fast in

either direction and spinning the Psi wheel with it

The Psi Wheel #3

1. Do the trigger trance

2. Make a Psi ball

3. Place the Psi ball on top of the wheel and say: “Please help me

move this Psi wheel now”

The Pendulum

1. Buy a Pendulum at any occult store or online or attach a weight

to a string

2. Do the trigger trance

3. Decide which direction is “yes” or “no” and make it swing in that

direction to establish this.

5. Now ask a “yes” or “no” question and then see which direction the

weight swings. This information will be accurate information to any

question you have in your life directly from the Universe.


IV. Advanced Psi Exercises

How to Move a Small Object

1. Use a small lightweight object such as a ring

2. Do the trigger trance

3. Visualize a tunnel between you and the object

4. Visualize your energy like a hand pulling the object towards you

and make the proper noise in your head as if you are really pulling

this object towards you

How to Send a Psychic Message

1. Do the trigger trance

2. Look at the person and see their mind as a big black hole that is

sucking everything into it

3. Visualize your mind as a white sphere of light

4. Connect your mind with the other person’s mind with a beam of

light that looks like electricity current back and forth

5. Send each word of your message to the person’s mind or black

hole and visualize it going down into them

6. Make the words thicker if you want them to be louder

7. Make the words thicker or louder for people that tend to talk a

lot so as to make sure they hear it.



V. Psi Shapes

Psi Shapes

1. Make a Psi ball

2. Move the ball into the shape you want it to look like

Psi Protection Shield

1. Visualize a big tall layer of energy

2. Visualize wrapping this energy around your body over and over

and make it as thick as you want it to be.

3. Put metal or any materials you want in your shield to give your

shield extra protection

4. Visualize in what ways this shield will protect you and against

what energy or person


Psi Sword

1. Stretch out your hand and visualize energy wrapping around

your arm and turning into a sword

2. Use the sword and make sure the shape stays the same but

affects the other shape.


VI. Telekinesis

Telekinesis Exercise #1

1. Use a light cheap plastic ring to start off with or a light object

2. Do the trigger trance

3. Visualize a wall of energy in front of you that looks like glass

4. Put your hands out in front of you and push the wall so that it

will push the ring or object you are using

Telekinesis Exercise #2

1. Use a light cheap plastic ring to start off with or a light object

2. Do the trigger trance

3. Visualize the object very slowly move

Telekinesis Exercise #3

1. Use a light cheap plastic ring to start off with or a light object

2. Visualize a hand coming out from your mind and grabbing the

object very tightly as your energy still surrounds the hand

3. Visualize the hand slowly moving or pulling the object or even

floating the object

VII. Pyrokinesis


Put Out a Flame or Fire

1. Light a candle

2. Make a tunnel between your mind and the flame and feel an

oneness with the flame

3. Will the flame to go out

Start a Flame or Fire

1. Light a candle and then blow the flame out

2. With the flame still bright, visualize the flame to grow bigger and

bigger and get hotter and hotter

Heating up a Penny

1. Put a penny in the palm of your hand

2. Visualize a flame on the penny for as long as you can to heat it


VIII. Electrokinesis


Feeling Electricity and Sending it out

1. Do the trigger trance

2. Close your eyes and visualize electricity flowing throughout

your body like a real electric current making noise.

3. Then shoot this electricity out through your hands to your TV or

radio to see if it messes up the reception

4. You may see faint pencil lines or sparks of electricity

5. Practice this daily for 10-15 minutes for a few weeks before you

expect to see results


1. Do the trigger trance

2. Make a Psi ball

3. Visualize the electricity going out from your hands into the Psi ball

making sparks and noise emitting from all around the ball

4. Don’t do this technique on a person as it can harm them



1. Do the trigger trance

2. Make a psi ball of electricity

3. Build up electricity in your arm and shoot it out of your hand

and work on controlling the amount of electricity that comes out in

a blast


IX. Cryokinesis

Working with Ice/Water Energy

1. Hold an ice cube in your hands and do this daily for a longer

period of time until you condition your body to adjust to it. Also

take colder showers to adjust your body to a colder temperature.

This make take up to two months so be patient.

2. Do the trigger trance

3. With your hands out in front of your stomach area, shape your

hands in a ball and visualize some cold energy sweeping by you

and forming and ice ball. You will feel a cold point in your hands

which is where this ice energy is being created from.

Dropping the Temperature in a Room

1. Do the trigger trance

2. Focus on dropping the temperature in the room and getting

colder and colder until it feels like ice and visualize a thermometer

dropping as well

3. Visualize waves of ice emitting from you body and going

throughout the entire room

X. Aerokinesis


Controlling Air and Wind

1. Do the trigger trance

2. Feel the air and temperature of it and how strong or weak it is

3. When the wind blows in your direction then increase its effect on

your body. In time practice this with no wind at all.


XI. Using Energy Work to Heal People

Healing with your psychic gifts is a very easy thing but the

secret is to be able to strengthen your energy through focusing it

and practicing on developing your concentration.

The Healing Exercise for Healing People

1. Place your hands about an inch above the persons place on their

body that needs to be healed

2. Hold your hands there and make sure you feel their energy and

then slowly move your hands back away from the area but make

sure you keep feeling the energy. Do this as far as you want too.

You don’t need to focus on anything but just feeling their energy.

3. When you feel the energy pulling back then stop the healing and

you are all done.

Practice makes perfect!



XII. Practice Makes Perfect

The Latest scientific research now proves that any person that is

really great at something has practiced every day for seven years

on average. This includes singers, writers, dancers and yes

Magicians too! Most people do something once or twice and give

up. A few people go on and do it for five years and then give up

and one person will go on and do it daily for decades and will be

really great at it! Most people then see that one person who is great

in their field and say to them that they are lucky when in reality

they never saw the daily practice that they did on average for seven

years. The researched showed that they not only must do it daily

but they must also be persistent on success and try to improve their

results constantly. So you have the power to be great at anything

you want. It all depends on what you are willing to do every day

persistently for seven years. So if you want to be a great Psychic

then practice every day!!


XIII. The Notebook


The Notebook


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The Notebook


The Notebook