How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps · How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10...


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How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


How to craft a customer avatar worth $1,390 in 10 simple steps - for free!

If you’re struggling to sell your health products, this article is going to be very


Here’s why.

Back in the 1960's, Leeds United were a shabby 2nd division football team. Their

manager, Don Revie, turned them into arguably the greatest club side in the

world. (Yes, I’m “Dirty Leeds”!)

There were many reasons for this.

One of which was "dossiers".

Don Revie used to compile dossiers on Leeds United’s opposition. Massive detail

on each player. Strong points. Weak points. Probably what the players had for

their breakfast. You name it, Leeds had this information.

This was unheard of at the time. Armed with that information, Leeds United could

strategize to a level not seen before in English football.

And more often than not, Leeds won. They won it all. The league, both domestic

cups, European trophies. Only blatant cheating stopped them from the ultimate

prize of the European Cup. (Maybe all that winning was down to the 'lucky blue

suit' Don Revie wore for years - until it became threadbare!)

Anyway, you can create your own dossiers in your business. Only this time it's for

the buyers in your niche.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


It’s called a customer avatar. And having a customer avatar is vital if you want to

sell supplements, health products and info products. You see ...

The biggest reason campaigns flop isn't lack of traffic

Or even having poor sales copy.

It’s not understanding who your buyers are … where they’re coming from … and

what they’re thinking.

That’s why having a customer avatar is so helpful to you.

Now, famous marketer and author Dan Kennedy states in his “No BS” books, the

3 key aspects of marketing.

Creating the right message … aimed to the right audience … in the right media.

If you know the buyer demographics, you can create ultra-targeted sales


If you know where your prospects “hang out”, you would know where to

put your sales messages.

If you know what they’re thinking, you can create sales messages that

speak to your customers. This means that they're more likely to buy from


How much is this information worth to you? A lot, right?

In fact, people are charging over $1,390+ for this information as we speak.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


"A customer avatar can be expensive. Yet they're worth it. The data they contain are the

foundations of your sales messages. Make sure you have your own custom customer avatar"

Well, the good news is you can create a buyer customer avatar very cheaply.

Even for free!

And if you stick around, I'll show you a shortcut method of creating a customer

avatar today. (You can (and should) go deeper if you want the ultimate customer


The great copywriter Gary Bencivenga takes 3 months to do this research. That's

how important this is to your success!)

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Before you go any further What I want you to do is download these little sheets here. No opt-in

required. Either print them out or load them up on your screen. And then go

through this article step-by-step. Fill in the customer avatar worksheet as you go


Download customer avatar worksheet as a PDF Download customer avatar worksheet as a Microsoft Word file (for Windows) Download customer avatar worksheet as a PAGES file (for Mac users) Download customer avatar template as a Microsoft Word file (for Windows) Download customer avatar template as a PAGES file (for Mac users)

Download customer avatar checklist as a PDF Download customer avatar checklist as a Microsoft excel file (for Windows) Download customer avatar checklist as a NUMBERS file (for Mac users)

Download customer avatar example as a PDF Download customer avatar example as a Microsoft Word file (for Windows) Download customer avatar example as a PAGES file (for Mac users)

Download customer avatar 10 step infographic

(Apologies to MAC users if the Pages and Numbers documents aren't formatted correctly. I've run these through a converter. Hopefully they're ok.)

Anyway, let’s dig in by understanding …

Your buyer demographics are hidden here

Notice I said, “buyer demographics”. Not “demographics”. It’s key that you focus

on the buyers in your niche. Otherwise you’ll end up wasting cash on people who

probably won’t buy, right?

To start, I want you to find magazines in your niche. Yes, that’s right. Magazines.

This is where you'll get your best buyer data from. Now, why am I asking you to

get this data from magazines? Aren’t there tons of fancy software programs that

get this data for you?

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Truth is, magazines

spend MILLIONS of

dollars & pounds each

year on market

research. They know who

the buyers are. That’s

how they attract


So, we’re going to be

"parasites" here.

Magazines have done the

hard, expensive work for

us. We’re simply going

to swipe all that million-

dollar data!

There could be a lot of

magazines in your niche.

There might only be a 1

or 2. Doesn’t matter.

Anyway, what you want

to do is hunt for the magazines “media kit”. Sometimes it’s under the websites

“advertise” section.

When you grab this, you’ll be given a great breakdown of the magazines

audience. Age, gender, incomes, politics etc. There's a couple of examples here: (The American Diabetes

Association publishes the magazine "Diabetes Forecast") (

This publishes the magazine "Diabetic Living".)

“Yes, it’s true. The best buyer data for your customer avatar is held in magazine data kits

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Usually, the data in each

magazine media kit is

similar. If a magazine is

showing a big difference

with the others, have a

further look. It might be

that it caters to a different


As you'll note, there's a

small difference between

each magazine. Yet

overall, they're in the same

ballpark, right?

We're seeing that women

over the age of 55 are the

most likely buyers.

Diabetes Forecast skews 65/35 in favour of females. Diabetic Living skews

80/20 in favour of females. Not only that, we've discovered that their median

income is between $57,200 - $79,785. 62% are retired. 74% have a college


So, our main buyer demographic is:


Aged over 55+


Income between $57,200 - $79.785

College educated

“Magazine media kits will give you a basic demographic profile of your customers”

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Anyway, steal all that juice buyer demographic data

Now, is there anywhere else you can get this demographic data from? Yes. You

can scoop it up from Google Analytics. (If you use another tracking script, check

to see if it gives you demographic data. Quantcast also gives you a tracking script

which I believe is still free)

Even better is using something such

as What you can

do here is survey your buyers. They’ll

give you your buyer demographics. And

even better, it hooks up with Google


User report will also tell you what your

visitors want. How valuable do you think

that will be for your customer avatar?

At this stage, you should have your buyer demographics jotted down.

Now, we’re going to …

Take this to Cambridge Analytica level (without the "shadiness") Go to Obviously, you'll need a

Facebook account to use the free software.

Now, this isn't about ad targeting on Facebook.

What you're going to do is here is glean some more insights about your

demographic. You see, Facebook gives you such a wealth of data.

“Pro tip – you can also grab all this juicy data from direct mail data cards. You see, those data cards are the result of people buying products. That demographic whipped out their wallets and proved they’ll spend cash. Perfect for your customer avatar.”

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Anyway, you'll be given a choice;

1. Choose everyone on Facebook

2. Choose your fanpage

Unless your Facebook page has an overflow of traffic, choose "everyone on


Type your keyword (in this case diabetes) into the “interests” box on Facebook.

Here, I find the "American Diabetes Association".

They produce the "Diabetes Forecast" magazine. Then select the buyer

demographics that's in the magazine data kits. In this case, women over the age of


How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


(This part is crucial. Don’t stray from the magazine data kits or direct mail data

cards. Stick to the proven buyers. If you find out 80% of your audience is female,

sell to them. Don’t water down your customer avatar by including the 20% of


What you're looking for are things that "jump out". Here's what I mean.

You'll discover that 74% of our buyer demographic is married. This means that

our customer avatar is a married women. That data wasn't in the magazine media

kits. This is why you should also use Facebook Audience Insights for your

customer avatar.

Anyway, I've clicked on the "married" tab. This narrows down our main audience

even further. Now, you'll have a look at "Page Likes" to see what other info you

can scoop up.

As you would expect, they're liking and engaged with other diabetes pages.

However, for now we'll ignore that. We already know that our audience is women

55+ ... have type 2 diabetes ... are retired ... are married ... have a college education

and an income over $57,200.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Look for patterns when creating your customer avatar

What I'm looking for is further patterns not related to diabetes. In particular, their

lifestyle and behaviour.

You'll note that they're also engaged with:

Pray America. This is a page for religion and prayer

Country Door. These sells nature focused home decorations

We Love Birds. As you guessed, this page is for people who love birds.

Happy Grandma & The Grandma's Club. These pages are self-explanatory.

They're for grandmas. Makes sense, right? Our demographic is over 55+

and married. It's likely they've had kids. And it's likely their kids have had

children. I see that an engaged picture on "Happy Grandma"

states, "Having Grandkids is a blessing. Helping to shape their lives is an


How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Fine Southern Dish. This page provides recipes

Dusty Old Thing. This is a nostalgia website for baby boomer women. Lot's

of photo's and articles about fashion, film & cultural references from the

60's and 70's

Crafty Fun. This is a page and website for homemakers.

Woman Within & Chico's. These are both clothing brands

Silver Sneakers. This company sells sneakers to seniors. Their page is full

of low impact exercises and mobility drills

JR Watkins. JR Watkins sells beauty products, bath soaks and other


From You Flowers. This is a company which sells flowers

Temp-tations by Tara McConnell. These sell baking and serving products.

So things like baking dishes, tea sets.

Do you see how Facebook Audience Insights is so powerful? The magazine

media kits & direct mail data cards are the foundation for your customer avatar ...

Facebook helps you paint a picture of your ideal customer - for free! Before, we had a fuzzy image of our customer avatar. Now we've got a much

clearer image, right?

When I look at all this, I now see a grandmother who dotes on her grandchildren.

Likely, she plays an active part in their upbringing.

She sees herself as a nurturer. Hence why she also likes baking and sees herself

as a homemaker.

She's concerned about moving into old age without mobility. After all, lack of

mobility means she'll be dependent on others.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


She's also religious, believing in the

power of prayer. She's feeling

confused about the world today

and pines for a simpler past. She

loves nature and animals. She's

depressed about her ageing.

And of course, there's her feelings

and thoughts about diabetes. (More

on that in a bit.)

Now, this is an example for

someone with diabetes. Likely, your audience is going to be different. It might be

that your audience is crazy about dogs. Or loves going for long walks. However,

the list below is what you want to be looking out for when creating a customer


Copy your data into the customer avatar worksheet. (Or as much as you can




Political affiliation




Education level

What books they read

What TV shows they watch

What magazines they read

What they're liking and clicking on

What ads they're watching

“Finding a stock image of your “average” customer can help you form a picture of them in your mind”

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


What groups they're in

Their income levels

Their spending methods

Purchase behaviour (what else are they spending their money on)

Even how much their house is worth!

Now, it’s great knowing who your buyers are. And we've got a good idea of their

lifestyle. What you're going to do next is look at what they're buying ... and ... what

they're thinking.

What else are they spending their cash on?

At present, we've discussed your buyer demographics and lifestyle. Let's look at

what they're spending their cash on relating to their health issue.

At this stage, you want to hop onto Amazon.

Type in your main keyword. Let's stick with

diabetes. You'll see that the page brings up a

mixture of books and blood sugar testers. (If

you're wanting to get details on

supplements,, you'll need to type in "blood

sugar supplement". Supplements won't show

up in results for chronic conditions.)

Sort these by average customer review. This

brings forth the products people are

spending their money on. Generally, more

reviews = more sales, right?

You'll get a deep insight into spending habits just from this free tactic alone.

You're seeing what your customers are trying out to deal with their health

issue. Check the reviews and see what people are saying. Both good and bad.

Look for patterns. What they're really passionate about. What they hate. What

they enjoy.

"Pro tip - You can also break down into separate categories in Amazon. Books, widgets, TV shows, foods, beauty products etc. Not only does this help you get a better idea of buying habits for your customer avatar. It also helps your formulate ideas for other products."

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


The greatest skill you can have? It could be this ... When you know how your customers feel about their health issues, you’ll find it

easier to sell to them.

Read this next section carefully. It’s absolute gold. This part is the real key to a

high impact customer avatar. Especially if you’re selling supplements, health

products and information products.

What I do to begin with is type “Day in the life of _____”. “Living with _____”.

“Typical day with _____”. “_____ forum”.

When you do this, you should find websites where people share personal stories.

They’ll literally map out what it’s like to live with their health issue. I know from

the magazine media kits that the bulk of our audience has type 2 diabetes. Here's

some examples:

And this (to the right) is the type of

story you'll see.

If it’s a blog or YouTube video, you’ll

see tons of comments below. You

might find people saying things

like “omg! You’ve just described

how I feel” or “haha, so true.”

Even better are forums. You can

spot the hot topics here. Forums

give people the emotional safety to

unleash all their thoughts & feelings.

This includes all that painful and

“When you start reading their stories, you’ll start to know your audience better than they know


How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


embarrassing stuff they don't reveal in public! Why? Because you can be

anonymous. Here's an example of a diabetes forum:

You’ll also find out what else they’re trying, what’s worked for them and what’s

not working for them.

You might even find some common enemy your prospects all hate!

I’d also delve into Facebook groups larger than 1,000 members which are active.

Ask them questions. Jot down their problems, frustrations, emotions.

Soak this all up to create your customer avatar

All those rants, pleas for help and tears. Live in their shoes. Imagine what life is

like for them.

You should … if you get the time … spend some physical, real world time with real

people in your niche. We’re talking support groups if they exist. Or, you can chat

to people online. Don’t be “weirdo marketer”. Just chat about their lives. Show

some empathy.

Remember, you’re dealing with health issues here. Some of these can be very

painful, embarrassing and downright depressing.

If you’ve got the time, watch TV shows and documentaries on YouTube.

What are people saying?

Buy some of the top selling books in your niche. How are the authors

describing their health issue? What are all the reviewers saying on


Have a look at your competitor’s websites. Particularly those that are doing

well. See what sales messages they’re including.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Talk to prospects to find out what their hopes, fears, dreams and desires

are. Talk to your past customers to find out how your product changed

their life. How did they feel before and what are they feeling now?

You can also see if certain things confuse and piss off your prospects.

You’ll likely pick up on this when you look at discussions online. And you can

check this by typing “keyword” + FAQ and “keyword” + complaints into Google.

Now, when you have all this info, you’ll be able to overcome the 2 BIG objections:

1. You don’t understand me

2. I’ve tried it before and I’ve been scammed

Basically, what you’re doing here is listening. Listening is arguably the greatest

skill you can have as a marketer.

Where are they "hanging out"?

If you've followed the steps above, you should have noted the places your

customers "hang out".

This includes the Facebook groups ... the websites they go to talk with others ...

the YouTube channels they watch ... The TV shows they watch ... the magazines

they read ... the groups they're a part of (online and offline.)

Now, creating a customer avatar isn't about laser-targeting your traffic. It will

however be a useful reference, right? To keep on top of your market? To follow

the same groups and forums? Read the same magazines and watch the same TV


It'll sure help you gain a deeper understanding of your prospect’s beliefs and

desires - crucial for your customer avatar.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


What's your audiences core belief?

We’ve touched upon this already. What you’ll do now is nail down some core

beliefs your audience has. Their current beliefs will affect their actions when they

see your sales message. If your sales message doesn't "jive" with them, they're

hitting their back button ... deleting your emails ... or sticking your direct mail

letter in the bin.

What do they believe in general? Do they believe the government is good

or bad? Do they believe the NHS is a force for good? Do they believe

health insurance companies are good or bad?

What do they believe about the health issue they face? Do they think it’s

hopeless to improve? Are they optimistic? Do they believe they need

special knowledge? Do they think it takes a lot of time, money and effort to


What do they believe about the marketplace? Is it viewed positively or

negatively by your audience? Do they believe health publishers are good

or bad? Do they believe people who sell supplements are good or bad.

Think about lawyers and landlords. They’re mostly disliked. Doctors,

teachers, are more popular.

What do they believe about your type of product? Do they believe they

don’t really work? Or do they believe it’s hyped up nonsense? Maybe a bit


What do they believe about others selling in your market? Do they believe

that other people have more expertise? More experience? Better

products? Do they believe there’s lots of “shady” characters? Do they

believe people offer a lot of value?

Ever unsure? ASK! Not just with surveys. Go into forums etc and ask them


How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


What's your audience REALLY wanting?

Do you own a copy of Vic Schwab’s brilliant “How to Write a Good

Advertisement? If not, don’t worry. On page 44, he begins to map out the likely

core desires of your audience. And on page 47, he boils down what people really


They want to gain They want to be They want to do They want to save

Health Good parents

Express their

personalities Time

Time Sociable, hospitable

Resist domination by

others Money

Money Up-to-date Satisfy their curiosity Work

Popularity Creative Emulate the admirable Discomfort

Improved appearance

Proud of their

possessions Appreciate beauty Worry

Security in old age Influential over others

Acquire or collect

things Doubts

Praise from others Gregarious Win others' affections Risks

Comfort Efficient

Improve themselves




Leisure "First" in things

Pride of


Recognised as



(business, social)

Increased enjoyment


Personal prestige

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


When you read all the forums … when you watch all the videos … the stories … the

hopes, dreams and fears, note what they’re really wanting. As you create your

customer avatar, pluck these “wants” from the above table.

With the diabetes example, I'm seeing that our demographic wants good health

... to be good grandparents ... wants to eat "junk" food guilt free ... get away from

discomfort of being dependent on others in old age ... and avoid the worry of

amputations, blindness etc.

What's their secret desire? Why are they buying your products?

Let’s narrow things down a bit. And, go a little deeper.

Why are they wanting to gain and save? Why are they wanting to be seen in a

certain way? Why are they wanting to do certain things?

Well, here's the list of things people really want - BADLY - boiled down to the 10

most fundamental:







Physical fitness


Good health


How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Everything any person wants fits

into one of those

categories. Everything.

And virtually all of this is linked to

something much deeper. To be

honest, this is a massive and

controversial subject. In fact, I’ll

create a separate article. This will

map out the one unifying core

desire that virtually everyone has.

Yet for now, understand a lot of our

desires relate to sex. Not the

physical act. But the act of reproduction. This is in the DNA of all species. The

desire to reproduce. (As the late comedian Bill Hicks once said, “we’re a virus with


For now, simply note the 10 desires above.

With our diabetes example, I'm seeing that our audience wants good health. In

fact, our media kit from Diabetes Forecast says 91% are looking for new ways to

live a healthier life.

What's the dominant, resident emotion?

Moving on, let’s look at how your product fits in with your customer avatar.

Remember when you looked at all those forums & comments from your


What you want to do now is write out … in your own words … a day in the life of

your ideal customer. Write out what their day is like from the moment they

awake, to the moment they sleep.

"Most, if not ALL of our behaviour boils down to

our desire to reproduce successfully. This is a

fascinating, yet confusing subject. A separate

article will be created to cover this in depth."

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Don’t just go into the functional details. Go into the feelings. Your customer will be

feeling some negative emotions. Not just physical pain, but emotional pain such








Escape (desires to)



Belonging (lack of)

Have you ever read anything by Clayton Makepeace? If so, you’ll have heard him

talk about “dominant resident emotions”.

You should focus on the one, dominant emotion your audience is feeling. There

are others, too. Yet, the thrust of your sales message will be on one dominant

emotion. Pick it and write it down.

In the case of diabetes, the big one is guilt. They feel they're to blame for having

diabetes. And on top of that, they feel guilty when the eat something "bad". They

feel guilt that their diabetes might mean they're a "burden" to others.

There's some fear and anger, too. Fear of blindness and amputations. Anger at

the way she's portrayed and seen by others. Even desire to escape into the past.

Yet guilt is the main one.

Next up, you want to ...

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Write out your customers perfect day

What result do people get from your product?

List out their exact results and experiences. Both the straight up benefits (their

wants and desires) … and … the emotions and feelings attached to them.

The deeper emotional benefits are the

ones we’ve previously discussed. You

can boil this down to what are they

fantasising about? What is the life they

really want?

You can also look at this like “before and

after” testimonials.

Usually, you get a story of disaster and despair. They pick up your product and

their life’s transformed.

Paint a vivid picture in your customer avatar worksheet. From the moment they

wake, to the moment they sleep.

Are surveys pointless for your customer avatar? Now, are surveys useful for helping you create a customer avatar? Or are they a

complete waste of your time?

Surveys can be very powerful when they’re used correctly. Typical questions to

ask are:




Political affiliation

“Pro tip – do you know of any long running successful ads in your niche? If so, look at what emotions, benefits & messages they use. A successful sales message is a short-cut to your customer avatar. After all, it’s a proven seller!”

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps



“How many product(s) have you bought in this niche in the last 12 months?”

“What is the single most important reason you want to _____?”

“What is it you love about _____?”

“What do you fear most about _____?”

“If you had superman powers, what would you change about _____?”

Here's a key point to making the most of your survey feedback. Don't listen for

the most common responses. Listen for the responses that sound the most


The most common responses are the bread and butter benefits for your sales

copy. They'll sell copies of your products for you in enough quantities to make

them profitable.

The most desperate ones … the ones that talk about real pain … are the ones that

will turn a profitable promotion into a potential monster.

Those are the ones that can kick your conversion rates up by multiples instead of


Those are your million-dollar selling points.

(They're also the things you should focus on for your higher-priced back-end

products and services.)

Do this. Don’t skip this part thinking your product is so amazing that all you need

is some great sales copy.

Great sales copy can only be produced when you know your customer.

This is why a customer avatar is so vital.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Buyer demographics + understanding your prospect = Ultra-targeted sales messages.

When you start matching this up with demographic data, you can be more

precise with your sales messages.

Find out that 55% of your market is really into golf? Then you can include these

little details into your sales messages. Selling joint pain relief? Well, now you’re

selling joint pain relief to golfers over the age of 55. You can tell them that they

could be smashing a golf ball down the fairway to the amazement of their


If you find out they’re extremely embarrassed about a health issue ... are female

between the ages of 35—55 ... and spend a lot of time on Facebook ... could your

message be about relieving embarrassment ... with a headline mentioning their

age ... whilst you advertise to them on Facebook?

With our diabetes example, we'd include little tidbits about their grandchildren.

How she loves to bake and why. Her fears about being dependent on others.

Cultural references from the 60's & 70's. How she can avoid the guilt and end the

worries of dependency. Our headline might mention her age group. The human

images we use would be people like her.

Match this up with a powerful offer. You might just have a winner on your hands.

How to create your customer avatar

Right, let's look at knocking up your own customer avatar. You should have

already downloaded the customer avatar worksheet ... customer avatar template

... and customer avatar checklist.

What you should do is fill in the customer avatar worksheet. Ignore the customer

avatar template for the moment. Go through this article and put in as much

information as possible. Try and visualise your customer. Then, I want you to go

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


to a stock photo website. You can use Pixabay and Pexels which are both free

sites. Or you can use Crestock.

This will let you buy stock images for $1 each. And they're better than the freebie


Hunt for photos of people who resemble your demographic. Pick the one you

think "looks" like your customer. If it's a 55+ grandmother, you might want to use

the keyword "grandmother".

If it's a hipster vegan, you would search for hipster vegan. Simple, right? Paste

this image into your customer avatar worksheet.

Now, before you do anything else, take some time out. Meditate on everything

you know about your buyer. Maybe even have a sleep first. This is pretty intense

stuff, isn't it?

After your break, go and fill in the customer avatar template. All you do here is

condense the answers in your worksheet And then save it.

Congratulations! You've now created your own customer avatar. Here's a

customer avatar example.

Yours will look different of course.

And this is something I've just knocked up to give you an idea. It might be

different if I really dived into the "diabetes" area.

However, you get the idea, right?

Now, that's how to create a customer avatar. This is the end result of days, weeks

and perhaps even months of research.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Yes, If you want to really know your market ... so you can create products and

sales messages that sell ... then you need to take your time with this.

There's a reason people charge $1,390 for the information that these profiles


As I said, Gary Bencivenga ... (perhaps the greatest copywriter alive today) ... takes

3 months to do all this in-depth research (including product and market research

However, didn't I promise you a ...

Shortcut method of creating your customer avatar in 3 hours?

It won't be perfect. However, it will be good enough. And you can build on it over


“This is a quick example of a customer avatar for someone who has diabetes”

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Shortcut Customer Avatar Creation

1. Grab a magazine media kit. If you can't find one, use a direct mail data card.

2. Swipe the demographics. Put them into your customer avatar worksheet and

customer avatar template.

3. Go to Google. Type in "day in the life of _____ (insert health condition). Read 5-10

stories. Then type it out into your own words.

4. Go to Type in the health condition.

Look up the top selling 3-4 products. View the salepages. These are products which

are selling now. It's the result of research which you can pinch for your customer


5. Decide what dominant emotion is being invoked. Fear? Guilt? Revenge? Anger?

Embarrassment? What "hot buttons" are pushed over and over in the sales page?

6. Note the beliefs the sales pages assume. Your readers will have certain about their

condition, the marketplace, doctors, and people like you selling products. What are


7. See the "perfect life" transformation the sales page paints. What is the sales page

describing? What is it your customers truly want?

Fill this into your customer avatar worksheet. Give yourself a 10-15 minute break.

Then boil it down into your customer avatar template.

If you've not already done so, download the worksheet, template and checklist.

In a soon to be released article, I’m going to take this a step further. I’m going to

hand you a profile of your best buyers. And a traffic source home to 56 million

cash rich buyers. Best of all, your competitors probably don't use it!

Stay tuned.

How to create a $1,390 customer avatar in 10 steps


Summary of how to create a customer avatar in 10 steps


About the author My name is Craig Harrison. I help people sell more health

supplements and information products. I discovered

persuasion in print almost by accident. A few years ago, I was

thrust into the world of negotiating claims for the largest

volume law firm in the UK. And to be honest, I was hopeless.

The department was shipping money overboard and losing

claims left, right and centre.

However, I helped to turn the department around. Not by learning all the “ins and

outs” of law. But by learning persuasion. Specifically, I discovered the direct

response advertising book “The Robert Collier Letter Book”. (It has a great section

on “collection letters” – very helpful at the time!)

This book (along with some trial and error) helped me rake in over £1.4 million in a

little over 4 years. I now use those persuasion skills to help people sell more

health supplements and information products.

Whether you sell supplements, organic food, powdered fruit or health

information products, I can provide you with the sales copy to sell more of them.

To get more information, go here to see if I can help you today.

To your success

Kaizen Health Marketing Limited 8 Park Bottom Low Moor Bradford BD12 0UA Company Number: 11309853
