How to Config MTG200 With Elastix - Dinstar€¦ · How to Config MTG200 With Elastix Dinstar...


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How to Config MTG200 With Elastix

Dinstar Technologies Co., Ltd.

Address: Floor 6, Guoxing Building, Changxing Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China


Telephone: +86-755-26456664

Fax: +86-755-26456659




1. Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 3

2. Elastix Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Add An Extension ............................................................................................................... 3

2.2 Add SIP Trunk ..................................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Add Outbound Routes ......................................................................................................... 7

3.Soft Phone Configuration ................................................................................................................. 8

4.MTG200 Configuration ................................................................................................................. 10

4.1 Login the MTG200 ........................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Network Configuration ..................................................................................................... 10

4.3 PRI Trunk .......................................................................................................................... 11

4.4 SIP Trunk .......................................................................................................................... 12

5. Check and Test ............................................................................................................................. 13

5.1 Check MTG200 Trunk Status ........................................................................................... 13

5.2 Check Elastix Status .......................................................................................................... 14

5.3 Make Call .......................................................................................................................... 14

5.4 Check the CDRs ................................................................................................................ 15

1. Overview

E1/T1 cableInternet




This is a typical network diagram of MTG200 working with Elastix. VoIP user can register to

Elastix . If the user of VoIP want to make call to PSTN. The Elastix will send the calls to MTG200

via SIP Trunk, and the MTG200 send the calls to PSTN via PRI trunk.

In this document, I will teach you how to configurate it so that you can make call from softPhone

to PSTN , and make call from PSTM to softPhone. This is just a demo .You can connect more

SIP phone or softPhone .

Convention :

The IP of softPhone is The extension number is 101

The IP of Elastix is

The IP of MTG200 is

The phone numbers of E1 line is 075588886666 (you can have more phone number )

The test phone number of making call is 075566668888

2. Elastix Configuration

If you don't have a Elastix, please get the knowledge of how to setup Elastix via internet. You just

need set some extensions account and add a trunk to connect MTG200.

2.1 Add An Extension

Input the IP of your Elastix. Click the main menu PBX, then Extension. You can see as below.

Select Generic SIP Device ,and then click Submit. You can see as below.

Fill the User Extension /display name/secret .and then click Submit.

After you have click the submit. The Elastix will remind you to Apply Configuration Changes

Here. You can see as below. You just need click it.

You have successfully created an extension.

2.2 Add SIP Trunk

Click Trunks on the left menu and you will be taken to“Add SIP Trunk”a page to select what sort

of trunk you want to create. Click“Add SIP Trunk”.

This is where you will configure the trunk. The main fields of interest at the moment are

the“Outgoing Settings” and the “Incoming Settings”.

Trunk Name: This can be whatever you want to be, it is used to help us identify which trunk it is.

PEER Details: Here we provide the information we are registering to with our provider,username,

password and server address.

User Context: The username provid your vsp. This will be your

USER Details: Here you only really need to enter the password provided by your

2.3 Add Outbound Routes

1) Give a name to this outbound route. Here I just named it "7_outside" which means.

2) Set Dail Patterns. Which means if you dail a number"7XXX", it will delete the prefix number

"7", and route the remain numbers to Trunk Sequence.

3) Select the SIP trunk to outbound route.

3.Soft Phone Configuration

Click the right button of your mouse on the Soft Phone. It will display the below. Click "SIP

Account Settings".

Click "Add" to add a SIP Accounts.

Fill the follow information. Fill the IP address and Port in the Domain.Then click OK.

Click "Close"

If the soft phone show like below, it shows you have correctly config it.

4.MTG200 Configuration

4.1 Login the MTG200

The MTG200 has two ethernet interface. FE0 is Service Ethernet Interface and FE1 is

Management Ethernet Interface. The default IP of FE1 is So Please connect FE1 to

your local network. And make sure you can arrival the IP of 192.168.11.X.

Input the IP in your browser. Login the MTG. It will request for Authentication.

The default user name and password is "admin".

To guarantee the system safety. When login for the first time, the system will prompt the user to

modify the password. The interface is shown as below. please make sure do not forget it.

After inputting the old password, input a new password and confirm it by inputting it again.

4.2 Network Configuration

Config the IP address of Service Ethernet Interface. Here I set a static IP address. See as below. If

you want connect MTG200 to internet, you can set a public networks IP or Obtain IP address


4.3 PRI Trunk

See as below. Click add.

Here I just add one PRI trunk. You can add more. Select User Side as the ISDN Terminal Side.

If you can not make sure, you can consult with the SP(the Provider of PSTN)

4.4 SIP Trunk

See as below. Click add.

Select Registration to the Remote Party to Yes and Call Mode to Peer. Then fill the SIP user name

and password. Then fill the remote IP and port. The default SIP port is 5060.

5. Check and Test

5.1 Check MTG200 Trunk Status

If you have done the steps above,Please Check the below status before you make a call.

In the PSTN Trunk status , make sure the Link Status is Established.

In the SIP trunk Status ,make sure Register Status is Registered and Link Status is Established.

5.2 Check Elastix Status

Click Tools, You will see as below. Input "sip show peers", then click Execute. You will see that

the status is "OK". So the extension 101/102 and the trunk 3360 work well.

5.3 Make Call

You can make a call now. When the call is answered ,you can see as below.

You can also check the PRI Call Statistics and SIP Call Statistics.

The PRI Call Statistics can show Current Calls、Accumulated Calls、Percent of Call Completed

The SIP Call Statistics just show Current Calls.

You can also check the Elastix when the call is answered. As show in the below, "A" and "C"

mean the channel is being used, If the call end, the color will turn green ; "B" and "D" show the

call duration.

5.4 Check the CDRs

Click the main menu "reports", then"CDRs report", you can see the CDRs as below.
