How to clean a Glock Gen 4 Firearm - Alex's...


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How to clean a Glock Gen 4 Firearm

Christian Harvey

Your go to guide for cleaning Glocks new Gen 4 firearms.


How to Clean a Glock 17 Gen 4

Alex Marquard

Christian Harvey

Braylon McCarty



Page 4: Disclaimer

Page 5: Clearing the Glock

Page 6: Field Stripping the Glock

Page 8: Cleaning the Glocl

Page 9: Lubing up the Glock

Page 10: Reassembling and drying the


Page 11: Index

Page 12: Trouble shooting



Guns, pistols, rifles are not toys.

They should always be treated as if

they are loaded.

Always have weapon pointed in a

safe direction away from people,

preferably towards the floor.

While cleaning, do not have

magazines or ammunition on

workbench. Only the firearm and

cleaning materials should be



Step 1: Clear and Make Safe the


This is done in 3 easy steps. Please remember to always point

the pistol in a safe direction.

First, release and remove the magazine.

Second, pull back slide to eject a round if one is in the chamber.

Third, visually and physically inspect chamber and barrel to

confirm that the pistol is clear and safe.


Step 2a: Field Stripping Removing the slide

Using a gunsmith hold (Fig 1,2), slowly pull back the slide

~1/8inch (you will hear a slight click, Fig 3).

At this time pull the take down lever (circled in red), and release

the slide (Fig 4).

The slide is now released and will slide off easily (Fig 5).

Fig 1 Fig 2

Fig 3 Fig 4

Fig 5


Step 2b: Field Stripping Removing return spring and barrel.

To remove the spring. With the barrel facing forward, lightly

press the rear of e spring and lift up the spring (Fig 1)

The barrel should cleanly and easily lift out of the slide (Fig 2).

Your Glock 17 has now been field stripped (Fig 3).

Fig 1 Fig 2

Fig 3


Step 3: Cleaning the Firearm Using different tools (cleaning rod, cotton swabs, nylon brush)

apply solvent to the firearm.

Make sure to clean dirt from the chamber, barrel, and slide rails.

Also clean out the mag well and the barrel locking tabs on the

frame of the Glock.

You can also use solvent to clean the external of the frame and



Step 4: Lubing the Glock DO NO lube the inside of the barrel. This is to remain dry.

Only apply one (at most two) drops of oil to the parts that need


Make sure to oil the slide rails and any part of the slide/barrel

that come in contact with each other.


Step 5: Reassemble and dry fire Reinsert barrel into slide. Making sure the block end is towards

the rear of the side.

When inserting the return spring assembly please not the

direction and the resting place of the spring. The end with the

dimple is inserted into the front of the slide and the flat end is

placed it the upper of the two half circle cut outs on the barrel.

Finally slide the slide assembly on to the frame of the pistol and

pull all the way back to cock the firearm

Dry fire the firearm to confirm it goes click.



Title Page, 1

Table of contents, 2

Disclaimer, 3

Step 1: Clear and make safe the weapon, 4

Step 2: Field stripping, 5-6

Step 3: Cleaning the firearm, 7

Step 4: Lubing the glock, 8

Step 5: Reassemble and dry fire, 9

Trouble shooting, 10



1. Check for an unlocked grip. A Glock must be fired with a

locked wrist. Lock the wrist of your hand when shooting

your Glock.

2. Clean your pistol. Many issues people experience while

shooting are due to dirty and unlubricated guns. Field strip

the Glock and clean all of the internal parts. Oil the gun and


3. Inspect the ammunition you are using. Discard any

misshapen or defective rounds. Try a different brand of

ammunition if the ammunition does not look faulty but you

still suspect it to be at fault.

4. Ensure the magazine is fully inserted. Eject and reinsert the

magazine to make sure it is seated all the way inside the

grip of the pistol.

5. Replace any parts that seem to be malfunctioning.

Extractors, recoil springs, and slide stop levers all wear out

with use and may be causing you problems. Visit a

gunsmith and have your gun inspected if you are not sure

which part may be at fault.

6. Contact Glock customer service after you have exhausted

these options. According to Top Glock, "All services

besides general maintenance should be performed by a

Glock Inc. certified armorer."
