How to be a good presenter 1.ppt


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INTRODUCTION1.1 The concept of oral presentation


Definition of effective oral presentation

“Oral presentation is an interactive process of sharing information, oral presentation is formal, structured, systematic and intended to raise a

particular issue for discussion”

(Gupta, 2008)

Characteristics of good presenter 1. Focusing on the client’s needs. 2. Honest.3. Speaking clearly.4. Making eye contact.5. Implementing body language.6. Managing time wisely.7. Have a back up plan.

(Mubarak, 2013)

1.2 Common issues in oral presentationsNo. Issue Description

1. The unconcluded speech. “Many speakers get to the end of a seminar, and no-one is sure whether they arefinished or not”

2. The ‘unprepared’ presenter -No smooth transition between topics and slides especially in Microsoft PowerPoint.-Presenters are not familiar with the use of ICT tools such as computers.

3. Over-enthusiastic “Presenters fail to keep the enthusiasm level at the professional basis”

4. Lack of awareness towards audiences

“Presenters do not highlight the importance of the topic to be discussed , and assume the audiences are already aware with the topic”

(Radel, n.d.)(Radel, n.d.)

2.0 Why presentation skills are important in business?


Elements Description

Important to individual success. During job interviews, good-relaxing presentation from candidate would captivate attention of employer to hire one.

Important to business success. Business leaders should be seen as one who could convince the buyers to buy their products.

Important to stress reduction. Effective presentation would avoid miscommunication which consequently reduce conflicts to occur.

Important to time management. Good presenter knows how not to waste time talking the unnecessary things in presentation.

Important to public image and opinion Presenter would be ‘judged’ by the audience. If you shine, the chance to ‘win’ is high.

2.1 How to become a good presenter?(Khoo, 2004)

2.11 Preparation Stage:

Research - Research the topic very well; therefore, you would be able to deliver the content very confidently and persuasively.

Organize -Organize the points according to the level of significance.-Possibly, provide few note cards where the points would be written in point forms or mind-map.

Practise - Keep rehearsing in order to ensure that you are familiar with the flow of your presentation. - Do not memorize the text or script.

Mental Preparation -Visualize yourself making a great presentation few days before the day of presentation.

How to become a good presenter?(Khoo, 2004)

2.12 Presentation Stage:

1. Dress well for the presentation. Feel confident.

2. Stand comfortably. Start the presentation by greeting your audience and welcome them with a big smile.

3. Maintain maximum eye contact with your audience.

4. Speak loudly and clearly. Use various tones especially in highlighting the points, posting questions to the audience and so forth.

5. Imply the non-verbal communications in your presentations such as gestures, body movements…

6. Do not rush. Relax and use humour at the appropriate time.

7. Allocate a specific session for ‘Question & Answer’ at the end of presentation

How to become a good presenter?(Khoo, 2004)

2.13 Post-presentation Stage:

1. After the presentation is done, remember to reflect. Identify your strengths and weaknesses.

1. If possible, require some constructive feedbacks from your audiences.


• In conclusion, it could be said that presentation skills are significantly crucial in any fields.

• It serves various purposes such as knowledge-sharing, negotiating, debating and storytelling.

• There is no specific guideline on ‘how to be a good presenter’; however, high-level of confidence and well-understanding of presentation topic are always the two key factors in delivering the good presentation.


• Gupta, S. (2008). Communication Skills and Functional Grammar. New Delhi: University Science Press.

• Khoo, E. (2004). How to Become A Good Presenter. Retrieved October 27, 2013 from

• Mubarak, S. (2010). Construction Project Scheduling and Controlling Second Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

• Torok, G. (n.d.). Why Are Presentation Skills Important?. Retrieved October 27, 2013 from