How the UK will Embrace Battery TechnologyKeyn… · Battery costs around 3-5x current powertrain...


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How the UK will EmbraceBattery Technology

UKPDiM18, MTC AnstyJune 2018

Prof. David Greenwood

Advanced Propulsion Systems

WMG, The University of Warwick

Drivers for Electrification in Automotive


Climate Change &Air Quality

Industrial Opportunity


Energy Security

Source:Cornell University from Edwards 2001

Consumer demandSource:Adweek


Powertrain roadmap for cars is well understood by manufacturers

Degrees of Electrification


Mild Hybrid

Full Hybrid



Engine Motor



100kWFull transient

Starter motorStop/start

12V3kW, 1kWh

90-100kWFull transient

3-13kWTorque boost / re-gen

12-48V5-15kW, 1kWh

60-80kWLess transient

20-40kWLimited EV mode

100-300V20-40kW, 2kWh

40-60kWLess transient

40-60kWStronger EV mode

300-600V40-60kW, 5-20kWh

30-50kWNo transient

100kWFull EV mode

300-600V100kW, 10-30kWh

No Engine 100kWFull EV mode

300-600V100kW, 20-60kWh


Power / Energy ratio dictates the battery technology

Pack Capacity (kWh)







EV power / energy ratio will increase as rangebecomes more rational and performance improves

Chart Legend:

MHEV: Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle

HEV: Hybrid Electric Vehicle

PHEV: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

EV: (Pure) Electric Vehicle

A C-rate is a measure of the rate at which a battery is discharged relative to its maximum capacity. A 1C rate meansthat the discharge current will discharge the entire battery in 1 hour.


Battery is the defining component of an electrified vehicle




Ride andHandling



Biggest challenge for commercialization is battery cost


Lithium Ion batteries are improving rapidlyCosts have fallen dramatically due totechnology, production volume andmarket dynamics

Pack cost fallen from $1,000/kWh to<$250/kWh in less than 8 years

Nykvist et al 2014

Volumetric energy density is increasingdue to better materials and cell structure

Doubled in 15 years

Requires continued innovation tocontinue


Plug-In Vehicle sales in Europe 2016


Batteries are a major commercial opportunity

Conventional Vehicle

One third of conventional vehicle cost is powertrain

UK manufactures 1.7M cars per year, EU makes 18M per year

Assuming constant volumes and average battery pack cost of £6000 car, and 50% EV/PHEV share by 2035

This represents a UK supply chain opportunity of >£5bn/year by 2035

EU supply chain opportunity of over £50bn/yr at 2035

Rate of EV/PHEV market growth determined by customer uptake

Uptake will be determined by vehicle cost, range, charging infrastructure and fiscal regime

Electric Vehicle

Motor and power electronics cost around60% of conventional powertrain

Battery costs around 3-5x currentpowertrain

Rest of vehicle costs similar as before –increased costs for HVAC, brakes andsuspension systems

Battery is >50% of overall vehicle value


Report Ref: p.1; p.9 ©2018

Automotive direction of travel – 20 years ?


Now $130/kWh (cell)$280/kWh (pack)

2035 $50/kWh (cell)$100/kWh (pack)

Energy Density

Now 700Wh/l,250Wh/kg (cell)

2035 1400Wh/l,500Wh/kg (cell)

Power Density

Now 3 kW/kg (pack)

2035 12 kW/kg (pack)


2035 eliminate thermalrunaway at pack level toreduce pack complexity

1st Life

Now 8 years (pack)

2035 15 years (pack)


Now -20° to +60°C (cell)

2035 -40° to +80°C (cell)


2035 full predictivemodels for performance

and aging of battery


Now 10-50% (pack)

2035 95% (pack)©2018


electrolyte,separator, binder

Cell Pack & BMSApplication(Vehicle /

Automotive Battery Supply Chain

High Vol OEM

Tier 1 Low Vol OEMMaterials supplier (e.g. JM)

Cell Supplier (e.g. Panasonic)

2nd life /Recycling


2nd User ?

Industrial Chemists (e.g. 3M)


Why in the UK ?


International competition to secure this supply chain is strong, and the UK hascapability which can grow to play a leading role:

• Sunderland is currently the EU’s only operational automotive battery factory

• Profitable car industry with vehicle assembly in UK and plans to build more EVand PHEVs

• A quarter of EU’s low emission vehicles are currently manufactured in the UK

• UK academic base and scientific infrastructure is world class• UK invented Li-Co battery

• Supply chain companies exist which could support industry growth• includes chemical industry and SMEs as well as traditional auto suppliers

• Strong relationships between companies and with government

But this is a highly competitive landscape, and co-ordinated action is required

• Skills, Technology, Manufacturing, Logistics, Infrastructure

• Action on supply side and demand side requires temporal alignment to optimiseROI

Possible UK Industry Engagement for AutomotiveBatteries

Raw MaterialsMaterials and



separator, etc.Cell Manufacture

Module,Pack and BMS

Vehicle Application2nd life /


UK does not havemineral resources tosupport mining andrefinement of rawmaterials.

No import challenges.

Abundance of rawmaterials is not a majorconcern.

Infrastructure to mineand refine may notgrow fast enough.

Contribution of recycledmaterials in the future

UK academia and spin-outcompanies developmaterials for future.

Industrial chemicalscompanies (e.g. JM, BASF,3M) could produce powdermaterials in the UK fromimported raw materials.

Latent capability identifiedin adjacent sectors, e.g.paints, water treatment.

Alternatively, could beimported without difficulty.

Large companies (e.g. JM,Nissan) could producecoated electrodes,electrolytes andseparators in the UK

JV’s between OEMs andexisting overseasmanufacturers possible

Manufacturing processequipment can bedeveloped in the UK.

Comprises 50% of cell costand significant IP value.Best co-developed withcells

Alternatively, could beimported but have shelflife and transport issues.

Large scale cell assemblycompanies located inthe UK.Fastest achievedthrough foreign directinvestment/capability ?

Will be driven by UKdemand, and commoncell formats would easebusiness case

Possible route throughcollaborations betweenUK OEMs?

UK manufactured cellscould be export to EU.

Cells could be importedfrom Asia but with longlead time and transportissues, and maybe notlatest technology

Passenger car OEMs inUK could manufacturemodules and packs line-side to support vehiclesassembled in the UK.

UK based Tier 1 supplychain required tosupport lower volumeapplications (CV, OHV,taxi, etc.)

Alternatively modulesand/or packs can beimported but withsignificant logistics andcost impact.

Would increaselikelihood of cellassembly in UK.

High volume: vehicle andpack assembly highlylikely to be co-located.

Keep batteries, keepvehicle assembly. Losebatteries, possibly losevehicle assembly. Cellassembly investmentlikely to pivot on moduleand pack assemblylocations.

Manufacturing scale uprepresents a technicaland commercial risk.

End of life batterydisposal recognised assignificant economic andenvironmental concern.

2nd Life applicationsdemonstrated technicallybut commercial modelsuncertain.

Technologies lacking forlarge scale recycling andmaterials recovery.

Scarce and valuablematerials in particularrequire attention (rareearths, cobalt, etc.)

Report Ref: p.9-10 ©2018

Faraday Challenge announced 21 April 2017

Report Ref: p.11

• The first 3 areas set to receive investmentthrough the fund – healthcare andmedicine, clean and flexible energy, androbotics and artificial intelligence – wereannounced at the 2017 Spring Budget. TheBusiness Secretary has today confirmed thetotal investment in each field (subject tobusiness case approval):

• Clean and flexible energy or the ‘FaradayChallenge’: an investment of £246 millionover 4 years to help UK businesses seizethe opportunities presented by thetransition to a low carbon economy, toensure the UK leads the world in thedesign, development and manufacture ofbatteries for the electrification of vehicles

• Through the ISCF, government will bringtogether the UK’s world leading researchwith the ambitions of business to meetthese challenges head-on. The fundingallocations announced today are designedto help deliver a step-change in the UK’sability to turn strengths in research intocommercialised products. ©2018

Joined up approach developed with strong delivery focus

RESEARCHFaraday Institution

(EPSRC) £78M yrs 1-4

Application inspired fundamental research.Managed programme of large academic

collaborations with active project management andIP management

DEVELOPMENTInnovate UK£88M yrs 1-4

Dedicated I-UK CR&D Platform.Catapult investment to support facilities.

Additional to existing mechanisms

SCALE-UPAdvanced Propulsion Centre

£80MUK Battery Industrialisation Centre

+ APCX Calls for manufacturer-led projects.

INDUSTRIALISATION BEISExisting mechanisms for infrastructure and co-

ordination (RGF, LEPs, DiT…)

Challenges set and renewedby Faraday Challenge Board










Materials andElectrochemistry




Pack & BMSVehicle

Application2nd Life /Recycling

Advisory Group(Auto, Energy, Transport Industrial)

Programme Management Board(Funders – EPSRC, IUK, APC)

Faraday Battery Challenge

Steps in Cell Development

Gramme Scale

Typically university scale researchusing small quantities of hand-madematerials

Used for fundamental materialsresearch and initial half-cellexperiments at coin cell scale

Funders typically EPSRC, FaradayInstitution

E.g. Oxford, UCL, Imperial, WMG

Kilotonne Scale

Full scale, high volumemanufacturing plant. Typically 6-50GWh/year

Used to deliver very large volumesof cells with no variation orflexibility to chemistry, format orquality. Cost/kWh and processconsistency are critical

E.g. Tesla Gigafactory, LG Cheongju,Panasonic Osaka, Samsung Ulsan

Tonne Scale

Typically full scale manufacturingfacilities used at low rate. Expensive,inflexible, and impossible to accessexcept by owner. UKBIC providesbespoke facility for this purpose.

Used to develop and prove materials,cell design, manufacturing processesand parameters “at-rate” prior to fullplant investment

E.g. No public facility in UK or EU

Kilogramme Scale

Typically corporate R&D lab orUniversity / Catapult centre

Used to demonstrate scalability ofmaterials to full size cell, and todevelop electrode mixtures,deposition processes and cellformats.

Funders typically Innovate UK,EPSRC, Faraday Institution

E.g. WMG, QinetiQ



Schematic layout – prototype plantUKBIC: Schematic


Opens 2020




• UK Automotive Industry and Government are strongly aligned around needand opportunity for batteries

• Joined-up mechanism and appropriate resources committed to make this real

• Policy to action in less than 12 months. Programmes well underway on allfronts

• New industry sectors now engaging:

• Chemical

• Aviation

• Electricity distribution

Image source: 20-FIA-Formula E.jpg, FIA

• The race is on, and we’ve started well…

Thank you

Prof. David Greenwood

Advanced Propulsion Systems

WMG, The University of Warwick
