How the Hell Did I Fall in Love With a Vampire


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  • 8/8/2019 How the Hell Did I Fall in Love With a Vampire


    How The Hell Did I Fall In Love With A Vampire When I Didn't Even Know They Existed?!

    I woke up to my alarm clock blaring in my ears. It said 9:00 PM.I sighed, picked it up, said some pretty

    colorful words, and threw it in a random direction. I heard a small crash, but decided that it wasn't

    important enough to look for. I got up, and went to my bathroom to take a shower thinking that I

    shouldn't've fallen asleep.

    After I got out, I looked at my reflection. What did I expect? Just because I was eighteen-a full fledged

    adult-now doesn't mean I had to look older. I still had the same black and multi-colored hair, jade green

    eyes, pale skin, and curvy body. I smiled to myself as I wrapped up into a towel and went back to my

    room. I took my costume out of my closet, and held it up. Stacey-my bitch step mom-would hate it. It

    was a Gothic Schoolgirl-with the Brittany Spears skirt and all. After putting it on, and gallons of makeup-

    mostly eyeliner-I decided that I needed a tiara. I dug through the drawers, until I found a small black

    one. I put it on and stepped back. It was perfect!

    I tiptoed down the stairs, trying to be quiet, but Stacey stepped in front of me.

    "And where do you think you're going Ithaca?" She asked.(And yes Ithaca like the street name.)

    "Out. It's the Halloween party down at Swig. And not to mention my eighteenth birthday. I'm gonna

    celebrate." I was going to go to my car, but she grabbed the end of my skirt.

    "In that? It's so dark and short!" She looked like it actually hurt her to say those words.

    "That's exactly why I picked it. And you're not my mom so don't tell me what to do." I pulled away from

    her and ran to Corvette Z06, slamming the door. Driving away, I could still see her standing on the

    doorstep, looking pissed off. I didn't care. Picking up my cell, I called Jack.

    "Hey my lil Emo Faerie." He said, sounding more gay than usual.

    "Hi my little Pixie Pop." We picked each other's names in the seventh grade.

    "Where are you? The party's soo awesome! And there's like hella hot guys here! Great potential!"

    I laughed into the phone. "I'll be right there." I hung up and zoomed down the freeway.

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    As soon as I got into the club, I was ambushed by my friends. "Oh my God!" Camille bounced up and

    down, her blond hair bouncing with her. "I'm soo glad you're here. Jack's been getting on my nerves!


    "Yeah, he won't shut up about the 'hella hot guys' in here." Andrea chimed in.

    Jack rolled his brown eyes. "Whatever."

    For the first time tonight, I realized we were all dressed slightly alike. Camille had on a Gothic Tinkerbell

    costume. Andrea and Jack came together as the Vampire King and Queen. Although Jack looked more

    like the Queen.

    "Holy crap Jack! You have more makeup on than me!" I yelled, causing everyone in a three feet radius to

    look at his glittery makeup.

    "Whatever." He rolled his eyes again.

    After celebrating a bit, they all drifted off to dance with everyone. I leaned against the wall, almost

    suffocating when I saw Jack start dancing with the girls by the poles. I looked into space, catching my

    breath, when a low voice brought me back.

    "Hey there. Wanna dance?" I looked up to find a hot guy staring down at me. He was an easy 6 foot,

    with straggly gold hair, and dark brown eyes.

    "Sure." I shrugged, letting him lead me to the middle of the dance floor. We started dancing to

    Madonna's 4 Minutes. His body slithered against mine, his hands sliding down to my hips. After a few

    minutes of it, the place started to feel like a steam room.

    "Want to get some air?" He asked over the blaring music. I nodded, and he took me outside in the


    We stood there for a second, before he came in front of me, putting a hand on the wall behind me. "So,"

    He leaned in closer. "What's your name?"

    "Ithaca." My voice had a squeak in it.

    He licked his lips. "Mmm, I like it." He put his other hand on the wall, trapping me. "Mine's Daryl."

    "H-hi D-Daryl." I stuttered. This wasn't going to end well.

    He leaned in closer, until our faces were just centimeters apart. He breathed, "Hi your self." before

    putting his lips roughly on mine. I wanted to push him off, kick him, do something, but the only thing that

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    came to mind was to kiss him back. His lips went from my mouth, to my neck. I could think slightly

    better. I started to move, so he just put his weight against me. I felt his teeth graze my skin. They were

    sharp. He bit my neck, and I let out a cry of pain. I felt him start to drink the blood that was flowing. I

    screamed again, and he put his hand over my mouth. I bit down hard, causing him to pull back, calling

    me a bitch. I kicked him, making him stagger back.

    Just as he started to come back at me, a guy came outta nowhere, and tackled him to the ground. I

    started to run away, but my legs felt like they were on fire. I fell to the cold, hard ground. I screamed

    again, as the guy pulled out something that looked a lot like a dagger.

    Letting one last piercing cry of pain, I blacked out.

    I felt as if there was fire in my veins. I screamed and thrashed around, until someone's voice came broke

    through the wall of pain.

    "Shh." The voice soothed. "It'll be alright. I'm going to fix it."

    I couldn't see anything, it was like something was blocking my eyes, but I could still hear the

    determination in the voice. I relaxed a little, but started up again when I felt pressure on my neck. It was

    as if a vacuum was sucking everything out of me. But after a minute the pressure and fire went away and

    I happily went back into unconsciousness.


    When I woke up, it took me a moment to realize that I wasn't in my room. I looked around. Everything

    was soo huge! The walls were long, and tall, draped with red fabric. The windows were also huge, with

    of course, blood red curtains. There were chairs scattered up against the walls(also blood red) and there

    was someone in one of them. He looked to be sleeping-I couldn't see his face, He had his hood on. I

    looked down, and noticed that I was still in my costume. I got out of bed quietly, and almost fell over at

    the sight of it. It was MASSIVE! It was a four post King with a canopy over it, with multiple layers of, yep

    you guessed it, red. Good God, could there be more red anywhere?

    I went over to a pair of French doors that opened to the biggest bathroom I've ever seen There was a

    huge bathtub that looked really comfortable right now. I turned around, and noticed another door across

    the room. I went to it, quietly as to not wake up the sleeping person, and gasped when I saw the huge,

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    and I mean HUGE closet.

    "Like it?" I jumped around and faced the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. He had long black hair, that

    went slightly over his eyes, which were a beautiful shade of gold, and was really really tall. Like I felt like

    a midget with my 5' 7" next to him.

    "Who are you?" I finally managed to say. He smirked and answered. "Why I'm the one that saved you."

    The memories came flooding back into my head. The ally, Daryl, his sharp teeth biting my skin, the guy

    that jumped in front of him, the fire that was burning me. I felt my legs buckle under me. I thought I was

    going to hit the ground, but instead, I felt two strong arms carry me back to my bed. He set me down

    gently before leaning over me.

    "Are you okay?" He asked, looking at me with concern.

    I managed to sit up, with some effort. "Yeah, I guess I just went into shock, that's all."

    He didn't look convinced. "Okay. Oh, by the way, I'm Domanic." He held out his hand.

    "Ithaca." I said, shaking his hand.

    He smiled, and after letting my hand go, stood up. "Breakfast is ready, and, umm, there's some clothes in

    the closet if you want to change." He looked at my costume, and I did too. It was slightly torn with blood

    on it that I didn't notice before.

    "Thanks." I said, going to closet. I turned around in time to see Domanic going out of the room, closing

    the door behind him. I looked back to the closet and chose a pair of baggy sweats and a too big T-shirt. I

    would have taken a shower, but I didn't have any clean undergarments. I put on the clothes and put my

    costume in the bathroom garbage.

    I went to the door, and stepped out into the hall. I suddenly realized that this wasn't a regular house. It

    was a mansion! The hall was huge, with marble floors, and two curving staircases that led down to the

    massive living room. I noticed that there were at least a dozen different hallways on the first and second

    floor. I around, and sure enough, there was another staircase that led to upstairs. I shook my head while

    laughing and walked down the stairs. About half way, I almost jumped out of my skin when someone

    started walking with me out of nowhere.

    "Why hello, who are you?" He asked, looking at me curiously.

    "Umm, Ithaca. And you?"

    "I'm Corren, and here's my brother Damien." I looked over to see another guy. They both looked like

    someone. "And our other brother Domanic is somewhere."

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    That's who they were. I could see it now. They both had dark brown hair, and gold eyes. They looked

    more like twins, than Domanic's brothers. "So that's who you are." I said. Both guys looking at me weird.

    "Whadda mean?" Damien asked me.

    "You guys are Domanic's brothers. I thought you looked like him, kinda." They seemed to be having a

    hard time realizing the fact that I knew Domanic.

    "You mean you met him already?" Corren asked.

    "Yeah, he saved me from this guy Daryl," I shuddered. "Last ni- wait what's today?" I asked both open

    mouthed guys.

    "November 3rd." They both said, still shocked.

    "You mean I've been out all this time?" I shrieked. God. Three days without a shower. Eww.

    The guys were about to answer, but Domanic busted through the door that I'm guessing led to the

    kitchen. I'm guessing that because about three chefs came running out behind him, yelling about a fire.

    "Back up! I need back up!" He yelled, taking Damien and Corren back into the kitchen. I sat down at the

    bottom of the stairs, waiting for them to come back.

    About a half an hour later, they came back through the doors laughing. "Well it took ya long enough." I

    complained, stretching my legs out in front of me.

    Domanic rushed up to me and took my hand. "Sorry. I had a little incident with the stove. Breakfast will

    be late." He said, pulling me to my feet.

    "So I'm guessing that he can't cook huh?" I looked behind Domanic to Corren and Damien. They both

    nodded. " Well, that's alright, I'm used to making the meals at home." I stopped, remembering about

    back home. I wonder where everyone was. I wondered where I was. "Hey, Domanic?" I asked softly.


    "Where am I?" All three guys looked at each other, deciding something.

    "Well, you're in our Castle, and with us. And we're Vampires ." Domanic said.

    These guys were fricken lunatics!

    "I'm sorry . . .what?" I asked.

    Domanic took my arm and led me to the couch. It was as comfortable as it looked. "I said that you're in

    our castle with us. And we're Vampires."

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    "Do you . . .do you . . .do you honestly think that I'm stupid?" I asked, feeling my anger rise slightly.

    "No. I honestly think that you're having a hard time believing that we are Vampires." Corren spoke up.

    "I don't believe you." I said simply, folding my arms across my chest. "I want proof."

    Domanic groaned, and then his face brightened. With a swiftness that left me breathless, he picked me

    up and threw me over his shoulder. I repeatedly hit is back with my fists, yelling at him to put me down,

    but it only made him laugh, and my hands sore. He was as hard as a rock.

    Finally, he let me down and I glared at him. He matched my glare with his own. I gave up, his was more

    impressive. I looked away, into the forest. It was so green, there was green moss, green treetops, green

    grass. It was beautiful. The next thing I saw, however was not. It was a weird creature of some sort. It

    looked like an overgrown rat with wings. It was entirely black with red eyes. It hissed at us, and started

    moving closer.

    "Holy crap! What the hell is that?" I shouted.

    Domanic looked to where I pointed, then back at me. "You still want proof that we're Vampires?" I

    nodded. "Then watch this."

    All three of the boys took off running towards the creature. Corren jumped on it's back and sunk his long

    teeth into it's neck. I looked away when the blood started spurting out. When I looked back, Damien had

    ripped it's arm off, and it landed in front of me, twitching. I yelped and backed up into a tree. Another

    limb flew towards me. I looked down to find that it was gone. Along with the arm. I looked up, and saw

    that Domanic had ripped it's head off and now it started disintegrating.

    They looked back at me, awaiting my reaction. "Well?" Conner asked.

    "Well what?" I snapped. "You just ask well what to me after you killed that . . .that . . . thing?"

    "It wasn't a thing, it was a Demon." Domanic said, walking up to me, I leaned back into the tree as if it

    could go back further. I instantly regretted it once I saw the hurt in all three of their eyes.

    "I'm sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." He said, backing up. I could hear the hurt in his voice. I

    couldn't take it. I ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

    "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't've snapped like that. And I should have believed at first so I didn't have to see

    that." I wrinkled my nose. I let go of him and gave the other two a hug. They all laughed, and I looked

    up at Corren and Damien. "What?" I asked.

    "Nothing, we're just glad that you believe us." Damien said.

    "C'mon lets go back." Damien was about to pick me up, but I held my hands up.

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    "I can walk ya know." I said.

    "I know." He smirked, and threw me over his shoulder-again.

    "What's for dinner?" I asked, skipping down the stairs. I'd spent all day exploring the house with the guys

    and I was starving. "I haven't eaten for three days."

    "Right, well, how 'bout take out?" Corren suggested.

    "Ohh, pancakes!" I shouted running to the kitchen. I took out a bowl, spatula, and climbed onto the

    counter to reach the box of pancake mix. I grabbed it, but just as I turned around, my shoe slipped and I

    fell to the ground, landing on my butt. I was completely covered in powder. I blushed when the guys

    came in and started laughing at me.

    "Oh . . .my . . .God . . . Ithaca! What did . . .you do?" Damien asked, laughing hysterically.

    "I was trying to get the pancake mix." It was soo not cool that they were laughing at me. I picked up

    some of the powder and made my way towards the boys. They didn't even notice me get up they were

    soo busy laughing. But they stopped once I poured the powder on their hair. They looked at me with

    outraged, then surprised expressions. I laughed, and took off running. I ran up the stairs, slipping on one

    of them, got back up, and ran down the hall. I turned around, expecting them to be right behind me, but

    they were nowhere to be seen. I looked back and smacked into something-or someone-cold and hard.

    Looking up, I realized that it was Damien.

    "Uh, bye." I said, running in the other direction, just to be stopped by Corren. "Shit." I mumbled, running

    to the side. I had gotten to the stairs, when Domanic grabbed me from behind, and lifted me into the air

    as if I weighed ten pounds, instead of one hundred ten.

    "Got her." He called, as the others came to us. They laughed when they saw me being held in his hands.

    "You can put me down now." I said. He chuckled.

    "Could, but I don't feel like it." I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were slightly darker. I held his

    gaze until the others spoke up.

    "Alright, enough flirting." Corren said, walking to the kitchen. Domanic abruptly set me down, almost

    causing me to fall.

    "Sorry." He mumbled. I just nodded. We walked to the kitchen in silence. As soon as I opened the door I

    was greeted by a puff of powder in my face.

    "I'm going to kill you!" I yelled at a red faced Damien. He took off running out to the backyard. I ran

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    after him, and found him hiding behind a tree. "Got you!" I yelled, jumping on his back.

    "Hey! Oww! That hurts!" He shouted, as I pulled his hair.

    "Say sorry."


    "No. You!" I pulled harder.







    "Damn dude! She's hella beating you!" We turned around to see Domanic and Corren laughing their

    asses off.

    "She won't get off me!" Damien shouted.

    "He won't apologize!" I defended.

    "She pulled my hair!"

    "He threw pancake dust in my face!"

    Domanic chuckled before taking me off Damien and carrying me to the kitchen.

    When we entered, I saw two people staring at the kitchen. I had to admit, it was pretty bad. There was

    dust everywhere.

    "Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Ithaca." Domanic motioned to the two stunning people. The guy was

    tall, with blond hair and the same gold eyes. The woman was short, with soft waves of black hair. Of

    course her eyes were gold. "Ithaca, meet our parents."

    I suddenly wished that I had ordered Chinese food. "Umm, hello. It's nice to meet you." My voice was


    "You as well." His dad said, extending a hand. "I am Raphiel, and this is my wife Miranda. You may call

    us," He looked to his wife for help.

    "Mom and Dad." She said, giving me a perfect smile.

    I shook both of their hands, getting them lost in the stone grips.

    "Hi." I had more feeling in my voice this time. I was still taken back by the boldness in the fact that I had

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    to call them mom and dad. Well, it's not like my own cared.

    "So, what happened here?" Raphiel asked, motioning to the kitchen. Besides me, Domanic chuckled, no

    doubt remembering the scene I had made.

    "Well, I was going to make pancakes, but I fell, and well, yeah." I hung my head, waiting for them to

    start laughing. Only Domanic did.

    "Domanic, that's enough. It's not polite to laugh when someone gets hurt." Miranda scolded. I tried to

    hold in my laughter.

    "But mom-"

    "No. And now you get to clean up this mess." She started walking to the door. "It's nice meeting you

    Ithaca, I'll see you tomorrow." She left the kitchen with Raphiel following her. He smiled at me before he


    I turned back to Domanic, who was running a hand through his [perfect] hair. "Alright, let's get this

    cleaned up."

    I just about choked with laughter. "You think I'm going to clean this up? Your mom told you to do it. She

    never said anything about me."

    He looked at me, his face filled with disbelief. "What? You're not going to help me?" I shook my head.

    "It'll take me forever!"

    "No it won't." I said, walking to the door. "You're a vampire, you have super speed. See you later." I

    winked at him before leaving.

    I walked around the house, looking for more rooms. I walked up and down the hallways, peeking into

    open doors. I noticed that most were empty. I came to a set of two dark oak doors. They were closed,

    but I really wanted to see what was inside. Quietly, I opened them, and my mouth fell open at what I

    saw. Books! There were shelves upon shelves of them! And I mean big books, like Shakespeare and

    other big, leather bound books- not like the small, He's Just Not That Into You, books. I walked around a

    shelf and saw Raphiel sitting at a desk, reading a big book. Noticing my entrance, he motioned for me to

    sit down.

    "Hello Ithaca, come have a seat, I have some things to discuss with you."

    I walked over, and sat in a big black chair. I sank down, almost being swallowed by it. "What things?" I

    asked curiously. What more could there be than finding out that there's Vampires, Demons, and who

    know what else.

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    "Well, for one, I'm guessing you already know that we're Vampires." I nodded. He continued. "And then,

    there are some other things I have to tell you. See, the other night when my son saved you from Daryl."

    I felt a shiver go down my back. "Well, before he did, he bit you. Right?" I gasped. I had totally forgotten

    about that. My hand reached up to my neck and I felt two small dots that were slightly raised. "I'll take

    that as a yes. Then, Daryl disappeared before Domanic could kill him, so as of right now, we have no idea

    where he is. And, when he bit you, well, you started to turn into a vampire." My head started hurting, I

    put my head in my hands. Raphiel looked at me. I waved him to go on. "So, Domanic sucked the venom

    in Daryl's bite out, but he couldn't get it all. If he did, he would have killed you." I looked back up.

    "Which means that you are part Vampire now. Not quite half, but some. About one eighth. I think. You

    may notice that your skin is paler, you might get a little faster. If you are anymore than that, you might

    have an urge to drink blood." My stomach started heaving. Drink blood? Was he insane?! That's


    "I-is that all?" I was scared. He could tell. He reached over and patted my hand.

    "Well, no." I frowned. "You are going to have to stay with us from now on. You are not safe back home."

    That reminded me of something.

    "Where exactly am I?" I asked. "Domanic told me earlier that I'm in a castle, but where?"

    "You are in a castle, but in the Underworld."

    At that point I fainted, slumping into the big chair.

    I woke in a different room this time. It was exactly what the other one looked like, but instead of red,

    everything was blue-good thing it was my favorite color. I sat up to find a petite girl sitting at the foot of

    my bed. She had long, blond hair and chocolate brown eyes. She gave me a warm smile when she saw


    "Ah, good you're awake. My brothers have been worried sick about you. I'm Angelina. But you can call

    me Lina." She extended a small hand to me. I took it, wondering why none of the boys said anything

    about her.

    "I'm Ithaca."

    Her face brightened, and I just about expected her to sprout wings and fly around the room with joy. "Oh

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    my God! You're Ithaca? Domanic's told me soo much about you!"

    "He has?" I was stunned.

    "Why, of course! He's crazy about-" She stopped then, looking like she might explode.

    "Crazy about what?" I asked, very curious. She just shook her head and started talking again.

    "Ugh, finally I have another girl here! I've been all alone in this castle. Of course I have Mom, but like

    she's always soo busy being Queen . . . " I found myself space out-something I did often-then something

    sunk in.

    "Queen?" There was no way there was a queen of the Underworld-then again, what do I know? I'm only

    a human-from the human world. Lina nodded her head. "Of what?"

    "Vampires of course." She looked like I should have already known this. "And Domanic's supposed to be

    King next you know."

    I just about fell over. Domanic? King? No way!

    "Ithaca? Ithaca, are you okay?" Lina shook me slightly.

    "HE'S A PRINCE?" I basically screamed. "HE'S A PRINCE AND HE DIDN'T TELL ME?" Lina just looked at

    me with wide eyes. Why was I overreacting? Did it matter that the first person I met in another world

    just happened to not tell me one of the biggest secrets in the history of biggest secrets? The answer was

    yes. Yes it did matter. I had no idea why it mattered, but it did.

    "Whoa there. Take it easy. The only reason he didn't tell you was because he wanted you to get adjusted

    to all this," She motioned around the room, and to the rest of the Underworld, I'm sure. "first. Then after

    you were ready, he was going to tell you. He just didn't want to scare you away." I had calmed down by

    then, and breathed slowly in and out. I nodded my head in agreement.

    "So, let me get this straight. I'm going to start from the beginning, okay?" She nodded her head. "One,

    I'm in the Underworld. Two, the guy Daryl that attacked me-on my birthday no less, the dickhead-is

    missing, and he bit me. Three, Domanic, who is a Vampire prince, saved me by sucking the venom back

    out, but I'm still one eighth-or more Vampire. And four, I haven't eaten or showered in three days." I

    shuddered at how bad I must smell.

    "Pretty much yeah." Lina said. Then added. "But I just recently learned about you being part Vampire.

    The guys don't even know yet though."

    "They don't?" I thought for sure their Dad would've told them.

    "No. Dad wanted you to tell them." I groaned, and laid back down on the bed.

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    "Why do I have to tell them?" I asked to no one in particular.

    "Dad says it's all part of growing up." She sounded like she didn't believe what her dad said.

    "How old are you?" I asked suddenly. My own boldness shocking me.

    "Well, technically I'm 116 years old, but once you're turned into a Vampire, or even if you're born that

    way, you stop aging at the age of 21. Everything about you stops then. Even your heart."

    "How old are the guys?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

    "Hmm, Damien and Corren are twins, so they're both 150. And Domanic is about 190. The oldest of all of

    us. But remember he stopped aging at 21." She reassured me.

    "Okay. Wait, what does it mean for me to be part Vampire, even only one eighth? "I was suddenly

    nervous to know.

    "That's something you're going to have to talk about with father. Come on, lets go get something for you

    to eat." She must have heard my stomach growling. We got up and walked down the stairs to find all

    three guys in the living room, watching Underworld. I wondered how close it was to the actual thing.

    Seeming to have heard our entrance, Domanic got up and came over to me. "There's our own Sleeping

    Beauty. All better now?" He asked, while my cheeks turned scarlet.

    "Yes, as a matter of fact I am. But," I started, feeling suddenly nervous. Well, had to tell them sometime.

    "I have something to tell you guys." I walked to a chair, Domanic following me curiously. Lina sat down

    besides Conner and turned off the TV.

    "Hey! I was watching that!" He shouted.

    "Well, you know how the real thing is, why do you have to watch some fake? Now, Ithaca has something

    to tell you two." She motioned for me to start, as Conner and Damien turned their attention to me. I

    looked down, and put my hands in my lap, twisting my fingers together.

    "Well, when I was talking to Raph-Dad, earlier, he told me a few things . . .about me." I looked up to find

    everyone with a confused look on their face. "See, he told me that when D-Daryl bit me, and Domanic

    tried to save me, that he couldn't get all the venom out with out killing me. Which means that I'm . . .I'm


    Come on Ithaca. I told myself. It's not that hard. Just tell them. They'll probably be happy. Say it.

    "I'm part Vampire." I blurted out, before I could change my mind. I saw all of the guys eyes widen in


    "YOU'RE PART WHAT?" The all shouted together.

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    "Vampire." I whispered. "But only one eighth." I added quickly.

    "Oh." They said again.

    "Well, I think it's great." Lina said. I smiled at her.

    "Yeah, it's cool." Damien agreed.

    "Awesome." Corren said.

    I looked at Domanic, waiting for his answer. Finally, with a sigh, he met my eyes. They were darker

    again, with red flecks in them.

    "As long as you're happy." He said. I threw my arms around him.

    "I'm very happy." I whispered in his ear.

    I smiled to myself as we drove down the long road. Lina and I had persuaded the guys to take us

    shopping in town. I was especially exited-not only for the fact that I would get to buy new clothes-that I

    was going to see what the Underworld really looked like. And we were going to get some food

    afterwards. I was really hungry. So far, the Underworld looked a lot like mine. There were green trees

    everywhere, and the sky was overcast. My kind of day. You could barely see the sun from behind the


    When we entered the town, I was surprised at what I saw. The people-or something like people-looked

    almost like humans, with the exception of a tail or horns, or purple skin. Domanic looked over at me from

    behind the wheel.

    "Not what you were expecting? Huh?" He asked, smirking. "No, not really. Although, I don't know what I

    was really expecting." I admitted.

    "You'll get used to it." He pulled into a parking spot and sighed. "Come on, lets go shopping!" He said,

    sounding like a girl. I laughed and got out of the car.

    The first store we went to, the sales lady looked at me like I was wearing a trash bag.

    At least I don't look like a cat. I thought walking past her. Although I had to admit, the clothes Domanic

    let me borrow did look kinda bad on me. Whatever.

    Lina and I took off, while the guys lingered by the door, looking uncomfortable. I went to the pants

    section and chose several pairs of skinny jeans and baggy capris. Then, I found a lot of cute vests and

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    shirts with smart-ass sayings on them. I found some hodies too. When I walked up to the cash register, I

    saw Lina with a pile of clothes almost bigger than her. She dumped the clothes on the table and pulled

    out a black card. I realized that it was a credit card. I suddenly realized that I didn't bring any money

    with me.

    As if sensing my distress, Domanic came over to me and pulled out a matching card like Lina's.

    "Don't worry. I'll pay." He said.

    "But it'll cost so much! I couldn't do that-" I started to say, but he put a finger to my lips. They felt like

    fire under his touch.

    "I said, don't worry." He put an arm around my waist, and led me to the girl at the machine. She smiled

    at him, and gave me a slight glare, otherwise she ignored my existence.

    After that store we went to a shoe store and I bought at least ten pairs of Converse and DC's. With the

    exception of a few stilettos.


    "Are we done yet?" Damien whined, carrying like a dozen of Mine and Lina's hundreds of bags.

    "Almost. But I'm getting hungry, so let's get some food." I started leading the way to a restaurant with

    waitresses that had pink skin and cat ears.

    Once we were seated, our waitress came and asked us for our orders.

    "Hi, I'm Katie and I'll be your waitress for tonight." She said to the guys, ignoring Lina and me.

    "Umm, I'll have a glass of blood and a side order of onion rings." Domanic handed her the menu, and she

    gave him a smile, her ears twitching. I wanted sooo bad to take her down.

    "I'll have the same."

    "Me too."

    Both the guys handed her their menus and she gave them smiles too.

    She turned to Lina reluctantly and Lina took a glass of red wine and a burger. She basically threw the

    menu at her. I suppressed a laugh.

    "And what will you order?" She asked, giving me a fake smile.

    "A burger, fries, and a fruit punch." I chucked the menu at her and caught sight of Domanic giving me a

    glare. "Please." I added.

    She left without saying anything else.

    "What?" I asked, returning Domanic's glare.

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    "What was that?" It was a rhetorical question. Lina and I just shrugged, and looked out the window. It

    was starting to rain, and it looked so peaceful. It made me want to go outside and dance in rain . . .

    "Hello? Earth to Ithaca!" I snapped back to reality to find Lina snapping her silver nails in front of my



    "I've been calling your name for like ever! Our foods here." She said, giving me the same look everyone

    does-the 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' look. Yeah, I'm used to it.

    "Oh, okay." I took my plate of food and looked at it, checking for any sign that she spit in it. It looked

    fine to me. I took a bite of it, and realized that it was basically raw. I spit it back out in disgust.

    "What's wrong?" Katie asked, fake surprise on her face.

    "It's raw!" I shouted. "Do you know how dangerous that is for a human?" It was dangerous. But the

    worst thing was that I didn't spit it out because I didn't like it. I spit it out, because it was the best burger

    I had ever had! And that scared me. I'm human, I'm not supposed to like raw meat!

    "Oh! I'm so so sorry. I'll take it back." She went to reach for it, but I stopped her. I don't know why I did,

    I just did.

    "No. It's alright. I'll keep it." I said, taking my plate back. She shrugged, and winked at Domanic before

    walking away. I wanted to choke her.

    I ignored the looks that everyone gave me, and reached my drink. I was soo thirsty! As soon as I took a

    sip of it, I started chugging it down. It was the best Fruit Punch I'd ever had. It was sweet, and a little

    tangy, with some other hidden flavor. I was about halfway done with it when I realized what the flavor

    was. It was that coppery taste like in blood. It was then that I realized I was drinking blood! BLOOD!!

    That evil b!tch waitress gave me blood, and I liked it!

    I immediately stopped drinking it, and put the glass on the table. I should've seen it sooner. You could tell

    by looking at it that it was too dark red and thick to be fruit punch. I started feeling sick because I liked it

    so much. I could feel my friend's eyes on me, but I wouldn't look up to meet them.

    "Ithaca." I felt Damien shake my shoulder. I looked up at him.

    "What?" I asked.

    "What's wrong? You look sick." He looked concerned. Hell, I would be too if I saw someone looking as

    sick as I felt.

    "I-I have to go." I tried to get him and Corren to move out of my way, but they wouldn't budge. I gave

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    up and crawled under the table and took off running once I got out. I went into the bathrooms and

    looked in the mirror. I had a little blood on the sides of my mouth. I licked it off before I could think


    "Did you like your drink?"

    I turned around to see Katie standing against one of the stalls. I walked up to her so we were just a few

    feet away.

    "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked-no shouted at her. She didn't do anything but twitch her


    "Simple. You have something I want, and I can't have it. So I fucked with you to make you look bad. And

    I think it worked." She gave me a catty smile.

    "What could I possibly have that you would want?" I asked.

    "That guy out there. The one with the black hair. I want him but he wants you." She shook her head and

    smiled. "Although I don't know why he would want you. Look at your hair." She came over and picked up

    a piece of my hair that was purple.

    I snatched my hair away. "At least I don't have ears and a tail!" I shouted, angry now.

    She started hissing at me, and crouched down as if about to pounce. I smiled then, and backed away.

    The b!tch had no idea what she was doing. She flung herself at me and I dodged her, making her land in

    the wall behind me. I laughed, but stopped when she started choking me.

    -Lina's POV-

    "What's wrong with her?" Corren asked, staring where Ithaca ran to.

    "She's a girl, who knows." Damien shrugged, and ate his food.

    Domanic shook his head. "Ithaca's not like that. There must be something wrong."

    "How would you know? You've known her for like a day." I said, finally saying something. Although, the

    look on her face screamed that there was something wrong.

    "Because." He snapped. "I-I just know." He sighed, putting his head in his hands. I reached over and

    tapped his shoulder. He looked up at me with sad eyes.

    "Let me out. I'm going to find her." He got to his feet, and before he even sat down again, I was in the

    woman's bathroom. I looked around, but didn't see anyone. I turned the corner, and gasped at what I

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    There, right in front of me, was Ithaca. She had the waitress Katie pinned against the wall with her foot.

    She dropped it, spun around and kicked her in the stomach, in less than a second.

    Looks like she's more than one-eighth of a Vampire. I thought.

    Ithaca had leaned over the girl and whispered something in her ear. Even with my extra hearing, I

    couldn't tell what it was. She turned around, and looked un-surprised to see me.

    "Hey." She said, walking past me.

    "What the hell was that?" I asked, dumbfounded. She had totally beaten that girl up. And those types of

    Demons are usually dangerous.

    "Oh, that? Nothing. She just pissed me off, and well . . . " She was hiding something from me. I could

    tell. "I'm really bad at impulse control. So, yeah." She started walking swiftly down the room, until she

    stopped in front of the sinks. She looked at her neck, and I saw it.

    There were ten small scratches across her throat. They looked like claw marks. Which is exactly what

    they were. That mother f***er scratched her! I looked back to where she was, out cold. Ha ha.

    "Son of a mother!" I turned back to see Ithaca staring at her now clear neck. It had healed.

    Okay, definitely more than one-eighth Vampire. That was for sure.

    "I'm more than one-eighth Vampire. Aren't I?" She asked, looking down at me. Yeah, I know I'm short.

    I nodded my head, unable to answer.


    I looked up, startled. "What?"

    She looked at me, her eyes shining. "I said, cool! I've always wanted to be a vampire."

    I shook my head and laughed. "C'mon. The guys are waiting."


    "OHMYGOD! I HAVE TO HAVE THIS ONE!" Ithaca shouted, as she twirled around in the dress she was

    trying on. It was dark blue, with a halter top on top, and flowed out on the bottom, ending right about

    the knees. It made her look taller than she already was.

    "That one was made for you!" I agreed. "Now, how 'bout this one for me?" I showed her the red dress

    that I had on. It was strapless, and went to the floor.

    "Hell yeah!" She said, spinning again. I was so glad when Ithaca decided to go dress shopping.

    We ran out of the dressing rooms-with the dresses still on-and looked through more racks. We'd already

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    had about five each, but it never hurts to have more. I found another one that was purple and went to

    the middle of my thighs. I squealed and looked around to show Ithaca. I saw her looking at a black one

    that had no straps and went down to the floor with a big slit in the left side. Beyond her, I spotted

    Domanic taking in everything she did. I chuckled under my breath and went to try the other dress on.

    I saw Domanic staring at me when I came out in the dress I chose. It was black, and had a small wrap

    below the breast line and a slit that went from the floor to the middle of my thigh. It may be egotistic,

    but I knew I looked good. The dress had made my curves more dominant, and apparently Domanic liked

    girls with curves.

    Why should it matter what he thinks? I asked myself for the fifth time already. But I already knew the

    answer. Ever since the b!tch waitress in the bathroom told me that she made me look bad in front of him,

    that was the only thing I could think about.




    Domanic thinks I look hot. I couldn't stop the thought from going through my mind. I twirled around in

    front of the three way mirror, trying to get thoughts of him out of my head.

    It didn't work.

    I sighed, giving up, and went to go change back into my clothes. Once we had purchased all twelve of

    Lina and my dresses, we started walking down the strip of shops. I was looking around at the stores

    where what seemed like regular people were shopping, when I stopped dead in my tracks.

    There, sitting at a table-in public-was Daryl. He was looking right at me, a smile on his face. I wanted to

    run-and I started to-but Domanic caught my arm.

    "What's wrong?" He asked.

    I pointed to where Daryl sat, only to find that he was gone. A thousand thoughts ran through my head.

    How in the hell did he do that? Where'd he come from? Why was he here? But the most important one

    was, how come I was the only one who saw him?

    "You . . .you didn't see him?" I asked, dumbfounded.

    "See who?" He asked, anxious.

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    I shook my head. Was I imagining things? Impossible! He was there, he smiled at me, he had to be


    "See who?" He asked again, frustration coloring his tone.

    "Daryl! He was sitting right . . . there, and I looked over . . . and he smiled at me . . . then I showed you

    . . . but he was . . . gone." I sounded so fricken crazy, I had a hard time believing my self.

    "Ithaca, he wasn't here. You must finally be going into shock." He started leading me back to the car, but

    I wouldn't move. I was so sure that it was Daryl, that he was here.

    "No." I shook my head again. "I'm sure he was here. I'm positive." I looked up into his big dark brown

    eyes, and couldn't see anything but concern. "You have to believe me. He was here."

    "Alright. Corren, Damien." Both guys looked up at him. "Go put the bags in the car, and then scope out

    the area. Lina, stay here with Ithaca while I go look too." He ordered, then looked back at me, and as if

    sensing my distress, added, "I'll be right back. Don't worry-I'll take care of you." Then, he did something

    I think he didn't even expect. He bent down and kissed the top of my head. He took off running before I

    could comprehend what had happened.

    Lina walked up to me, and smiled. "Did he just do what I thought he did?" I asked, my terror

    momentarily suppressed by my shock.

    "The dropping everything we bought part," She motioned to the bags on the ground. "Or the part where

    he kissed you?"

    "Yeah, that part." I said.

    "I think he did."

    I was about to say something, but someone grabbed me from behind. I saw Lina look shocked at first,

    but then her face turned to pure fury and hatred. I tried to turn around, but the person was to strong.

    "Well, well, what do we have here?" I froze at the sound of his voice.


    Daryl was right behind me, holding me. I kicked him where it counts, as hard as possible, and felt him let

    go of me as he fell to the ground. I turned around, to find him laying on the ground, groaning in pain. I

    smirked at him, and leaned down.

    "What we have here is that you just got beat up by a girl." I laughed in his face.

    He stood up with a swiftness that would have made me fall over and hit the ground, if he hadn't caught

    me. I pushed off of him, and stumbled backwards. He was still in pain, you could tell, but he looked more

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    pissed off than anything else. I gulped, actually kinda afraid of him. His eyes were completely red and his

    fangs were twice the size they were before. I started to back away, only to find myself in his iron grasp

    yet again. I spun around and looked up at him. He was smiling at me, and it made me more scared. It

    was a smile that raised the hairs on the back of my neck. Behind me, I heard Lina growl. I wanted to turn

    around and look at her, but I wasn't going to take my eyes off of Daryl.

    "Don't worry, I won't hurt her." He said, almost sounding like he meant it. "Yet." He added.

    Holy shit! I screamed in my head. He's going to kill me! Domanic! Help me!

    "Let go of her." Came the most beautiful voice. I turned around this time to find Domanic, Corren, and

    Damien standing with Lina. They looked so fricken scary, I thought I was going to pee my pants.

    "Fine." He let me go, and I ran over to Domanic, hugging myself to him. "But remember, I'm a royal too.

    And now it's war." And with that he left. And I don't mean he walked away, I mean he left. Like he just

    disappeared right there, in front of us.

    What the Fuck?! I thought. Did he just say war? And I thought there was only one Vampire King and

    Queen. What the hell is going on?! I started to feel dizzy from everything that was going on.

    "We need to take her back home." I heard Lina say. I was too out of it to respond.

    I felt two strong arms pick me up, and take me back to the car.


    -Domanic's POV-

    I waited on the foot of her bed for her to wake up. She'd had such a hard time since she came here, and

    I felt bad for her. I mean it was her birthday for God's sake. And she got attacked, and taken back to a

    house full of Vampires. And as much as she might like it here, she has no idea how much danger she's in.

    I mean she smells so delicious, it hurts when I can't catch her scent. I sighed, and looked at her. She

    looked so peaceful in her sleep. Just by looking at her, I could almost feel like all the evil things in the

    world were gone. I looked away from her-reluctantly- and stared into space, thinking about what had

    happened, and what I had to do.

    What happened: Daryl came back, and he wants Ithaca. She is part Vampire, and there's something

    going on with her-I don't know what, but I sure as hell don't like it. Then, Daryl declared war.

    What I have to do: Keep Ithaca away from him. Find out what is going on with her-at all costs, as long as

    it keeps her safe. And find out what the heavy feeling in my chest is.

    I looked back at her, and was startled to find that she was staring at me with those bright green eyes.

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    Those eyes made me want to melt.

    "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I asked, my tone soft.

    "Yeah, but . . . what . . . happened?" She looked really confused.

    "C'mon, I know the person for you to talk to." I picked her up from the bed, ignoring her protests, and

    walked to the Library. I walked slow, prolonging the moment with her. I don't know why I wanted to

    spend so much time with her, I just . . .did.

    We entered the Library, and I sat down in one of the big chairs in front of my father's desk.

    "What can I do for you children?" He asked, smiling at us. I realized that Ithaca was still in my lap. I

    decided that as long as she was comfortable, that I wouldn't move.

    "Well . . . I want to know everything. From the beginning." Ithaca said, shifting her weight on me, so she

    was facing Dad. I smiled at natural it looked-her being so close to me. The heavy lump on my chest got

    even heavier.

    "Okay," He began, closing the thousand year old book he was reading. "It all started with . . ."

    I laid there, my eyes bulging. It was a lot of shit to take in. I mean, I was just told that there's been a

    rivalry between Domanic's family and Daryl's family that goes back thousands of years. Behind me, I

    heard Domanic snicker. I turned around, and my eyes probably started bulging more. I was sitting on his

    lap! No, I was laying on Domanic's lap. I realized that I must have been to wrapped up in the facts of

    everything that I didn't notice that I was laying on him. I turned back around and blushed, feeling my

    heart speed up uncontrollably. The look on both of the Vampire's faces showed that they had to have

    heard it. I suppressed a sigh.

    "Is that all?" I asked Raphiel.

    "Err, well no. You already know that Daryl is actually a Demon Prince-who can take the form of any


    "Like a shapeshifter." I commented.

    "Yes, like a shapeshifter. And from what I've heard of the story is that since you're here, and with us, that

    he's declared war." I shivered. "I don't know why he wants you, or why he wants war, but I sure as hell

    don't like it."

    "Me neither." Domanic said in a gruff voice.

    "What should we do?" I asked.

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    "Well, for the time being, until we know what's really going on, I'm sending out some troops to spy on

    him, keep him in check . . ." He paused, thinking something over. "And I think that you and the rest of

    my children should go back to the Human world."

    My mouth dropped. The Human World. I didn't know what to make of it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go

    back. I loved it here. Okay, I've only been here for, well, less than a week, but it was so nice. And I didn't

    want to go back home. My parents probably didn't even know I was gone. Of course, I did miss my

    friends. It's been a few days since I've seen them, and I'm sure they're worried about me.

    "Back to her world?" Domanic asked. "You want us to go back to her world? But we have no one with us

    there! We could get ambushed!" I flinched back at his voice, and he immediately stopped. "I'm sorry." He

    whispered to me. I just nodded.

    "I will send a few guards to look after you all. Don't worry you'll be safe." He assured us.

    "Well . . . okay." Domanic said, then started joking. "I've never been to high-school."

    I laughed. "Never?"

    He shook his head. "Nope. Never."

    "Wow. 190 years of living, and you never went to High-school." I said, mostly to myself. Domanic gave

    me a puzzled look.

    "How do you know how old I am?" He asked.

    "Lina told me." I answered.

    His face darkened. "I should've known. What else did she tell you?"

    "Nothing." I said, then added. "Yet."

    "Ithaca-" He was cut off.

    "Okay you two. You better start packing. Long trip." Raphiel said.

    "Okay." Dimitri picked me back up, and started walking out of the room, but I stopped him.

    "I need to ask Dad something. I'll be right there." I said, making him put me down.

    "Okay." He left the Library.

    "Umm . . .Dad?" I sat down, nervous.

    He looked up from his book again. "Yes?"

    "Well, there are some things that I feel are not normal, and I think that you would be the one to help

    me." I said, looking at the floor.

    "Oh. Okay. Well, let me get Miranda." He picked up the phone on the desk dialed a number and waited.

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    "Please come to the Library hun." He said, then hung up.

    Within seconds Miranda was there, sitting in the chair next to me. "What is it?" She asked. "Oh, hello

    Ithaca." She greeted me.

    "Hi Mom." I still felt weird calling her that.

    "Miranda, Ithaca says that there are some things that are not normal going on, and that we could help."

    Raphiel said.

    "What kinds of things?" She asked, turning to me.

    "Umm . . .well . . ." I decided to just spit it out. "See, Dad told me that I was one-eighth Vampire, and

    that a few things would be different, and they are, but I've noticed that I am faster and stronger than

    before, and that I . . .want . . .blood." I said all in one breath.

    "Oh." Mom and Dad said together.

    Oh shit. Here it comes.

    "Well then. I think you are more than one-eighth Vampire." He said.

    "Obviously." Mom said. I tried to hold my laughter.

    "Well, what I mean is that I think you are more like half Vampire." He corrected.

    Again-my eyes bulged, and my mouth dropped open. "Half Vampire?"

    They both nodded-and even though I really wanted to-I forced myself to not faint-I'd done that enough


    "But, how? You said that Domanic had sucked out the venom." I was starting to sound whiny so I

    stopped talking.

    "Well, yeah, but the venom must have blended into the blood stream enough that he couldn't taste it

    anymore. It's actually a very common mistake."

    "Okay, but what about the whole blood thing? I can't just go around sucking people dry. I'd go to jail." I


    "Not all Vampires drink human blood." Miranda chimed in. "We drink animal blood."

    "Okay, but I still haven't told anyone, and what about when I go back to school? Will I want to drink my

    friend's blood?" I asked.

    "Maybe. But you can try to still be with them. But if it gets too hard, I suggest that you avoid any human

    interaction." Raphiel suggested.

    I couldn't find my voice entirely so I just answered. "Oh. Okay. Thanks." And walked numbly out of the

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    room to pack for my "long trip".

    "Ithaca? Ithaca are you in there?" I heard Domanic call from outside my bathroom door.

    "Yeah. I'll be out in a minute." I called back. I decided that it was high time that I took a shower.

    I finished my shower and stepped out in a towel. I looked around frantically for my clothes, until I

    realized that I didn't have them in the bathroom.

    "Son of a Mother!" I yelled, reaching for the door knob. I stopped when I realized that Domanic was just

    out there. "Crap." I swore.

    I cracked the door open and poked my head out. I didn't see him anywhere, so I stepped all of the way

    out and walked over to my closet.

    "Oh. I. Umm . . ."

    I spun back around, and came face-to-face with Domanic.

    "Hi. Umm . . . I forgot my clothes. In here." I tightened the towel to me.

    "Yeah. I noticed." He scratched the back of his head. This was getting really awkward.

    "So . . . I'm all packed." I tried to make conversation(although you'd think it was useless.)

    "Huh? Oh great." He answered. He looked really distracted.

    Well there's a girl in a towel standing right in front of him for one. I thought. Wouldn't that distract you?

    "Soooo, I'm going to get my clothes . . . and get dressed." I said, taking some random items from my

    closet. I looked down at them and sighed. I had picked a sock, mini skirt, and hat. Hmm, not good

    enough. I looked back and picked out some other clothes. I got a pin-striped vest, some baggy capris,

    and chucks. Of course I got new undergarments. I ran back to my bathroom and put them on. I dug

    through the drawers until I found some eye liner and lip gloss. I walked back out, and walked over to

    Domanic who was staring at me.

    "Careful, you might get drool on the carpet." I warned, walking to the door.

    He went in front of me and opened the door. "Well it's hard not to drool over someone as hott as you."

    I stopped in my tracks and looked up at him. I was stunned that he had said that. He was usually so


    "What?" He asked, worried.

    Before I could change my mind, I went on my tip-toes and kissed him. It wasn't meant to be a big kiss,

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    but when he put a hand behind my neck, pushing me closer to him, and when I reached up and snaked

    my hands through his glorious hair, that's exactly what happened.

    Like before, whenever he touched me I felt like my skin was burning where we touched. Now, it felt like

    my entire body was burning. But a good type of burning. Like I was sitting in front of a blazing fire. Sure,

    I'd kissed other guys before, but nothing compared to this. This was pure bliss. I felt myself getting light


    As much as I wanted to continue our . . . conversation. We were interrupted. By Corren.

    "Hey love birds. Everyone's waiting for you two. Get down here." He said, walking back down the stairs.

    Domanic pulled away from me, and smiled. "That was interesting." He said.

    "Yes. Very interesting." I agreed, grabbing my bags that were by the door.

    "Shall we go?" He asked.

    "Yes. We shall." I looped my free arm with his and we walked down the stairs.

    Once we got there we could see everyone staring at us. Corren told them no doubt. "Blabber mouth."

    Domanic said.

    "You know it." Corren responded.

    "I think they're cute." Lina gave me a big smile.

    "Yeah, yeah. Let's go." Damien walked out the door with his bags. I shrugged and followed him.


    I groaned, and stretched my legs. The plane ride had taken forever. They just had to act like regular

    people and take a plane back to the Human world. We had taken their jet and arrived in a fake air port in

    Port Angeles. I'd spent the last six hours on the plane playing games with the guys or talking with Lina.

    Occasionally I would sneak a glance at Domanic, and when he was looking at me, we would wink at each

    other. It was kinda like a I kissed you wink. Yeah, okay, everyone else already knew, but it was still

    thrilling to wink at each other.

    When I got off the jet I was amazed by how much I really missed it. I loved the big sky, and nearly

    empty streets. I loved how it was almost always windy and overcast. The only thing that I didn't like

    about it was the various smells. They had some pretty gruesome ones.

    I turned around to find the guys and Lina looking around, definitely taking everything in with their extra

    Vampire senses. I walked back to them.

    "Like it?" I asked.

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    Corren and Damien nodded. Lina looked really shocked, and Domanic looked pleased.

    "It's cool." He said.

    "I've lived here my whole life." I answered, taking my bags to the car that was waiting for us.

    Once we were all in, I started asking a few questions.

    "So, where are we staying?"

    "At a house by the school you went to." Lina answered.

    "Are we going to my high school?" I was in the middle of my senior year.


    "How'd you get them to let you in?" I could tell that I was getting on their nerves slightly.

    "We have our ways. Now, just relax." Domanic said, putting a hand on my knee.

    I slumped down in the seat. "Fine." I grumbled. He just smiled.


    My mouth dropped when we pulled up in front of the house. It was a fricken massive house! It was two

    stories tall and had a nice Victorian theme. I loved it. I jumped out of the car and ran up to the porch.

    There was even a wrap around porch! I had always wanted one. I opened the door and ran inside. The

    walls were a light shade of blue and there was a staircase at the end of the room. I ran up it, and found

    several doors. I opened the first one to find a bedroom. The second and third ones were bedrooms too.

    The fourth one was a bathroom, and the fifth and sixth ones were bedrooms. The one door at the end of

    the hall was the only one I hadn't opened. When I did, I nearly fell down.

    It was the master bed room. The walls were indigo, and there were hard wood floors. The door that was

    to the right was open, and I found that it held a bathroom with a big garden tub and a double sink. I

    walked back out and walked to the walk in closet. I figured that it would all of my new clothes perfectly. I

    walked to the top of the stairs, that overlooked the living room where everyone was standing. They

    looked up, after they heard me coming.

    "Dibs on the Master bedroom!" I yelled, and ran back into the room, locking the door behind me.

    "Awww! Come on Ithaca! No fair! You got a head start!" Damien yelled from outside.

    "Yeah! No fair, we want a look inside." Corren said.

    "Well . . ." I mused. "Too bad!" I put my weight against the door and laughed.

    "Fine! You can have the stupid room! I don't want it." Lina huffed, and I heard her walk away. The twins

    must have left too, because I could only hear Domanic out there.

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    "Ithaca let me in." He said.


    "Because I don't want the room. And besides, I have all your clothes out here." I could hear the smile in

    his voice.

    I opened the door only to be tackled to the ground.

    "Hey . . . wait . . . stop!" I gasped between kisses. Yep, that's right, Domanic was kissing me.

    "What's wrong?" He asked, looking confused.

    I shrugged. "Nothing. I just wanted to see if you'd listen."

    He gave me an evil smile and started kissing me again. This time I didn't say anything, I just kissed him


    "Lets go get some dinner." I suggested, once my stomach started growling.

    "Cool." He stood up, and threw me over his shoulder. "You know, you have a nice a-"

    I cut him off. "Finish that sentence and I'll kick your ass." I warned.

    "Yeah, sure." He said. He put me down in the living room, on the floor.

    "We're going to have to go furniture shopping soon." I noted, looking around. There was no furniture at


    "Okay. How 'bout this weekend?" Lina asked, sitting in the middle of the room

    "Cool." I said.

    "What's for dinner?" Domanic asked.

    "We ordered take-out while you two were "busy"." Lina said. I narrowed my eyes at her.

    "What? It's true." She said.

    "Where's Corren and Damien?" I asked, dropping the subject.

    "They went to pick the food up." She said.

    "Okay. Hey . . . guys?" I asked, nervous.

    "Yeah?" They asked.

    "Umm . . . never mind."

    "Come on Ithaca. You know you can tell us anything." Domanic said. I shook my head, and he groaned.

    "Hmm . . . seems to me like someone doesn't want the master bedroom." Lina said. "I'll just have to take

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    it then." She acted like she was disappointed.

    "I have something to tell you!" I blurted out. I really liked the room.

    "Which is?" They asked after I stopped talking.

    "Umm . . . well . . ." Just then, Corren and Damien walked in carrying the food.

    "Alright. We got the food. Lets eat." They put the food down, and everyone started eating.

    I knew that Vampires didn't need to drink only blood, it's just what they preferred. But after I finished my

    food, I started feeling a little sick.

    "Hey, Ithaca, what were you going to tell us before?" Lina asked, making me feel even more sick.

    "Umm . . . listen. I don't really know how to say this, but I . . . I am . . . h-half . . ." I could barely go on.

    "Vampire." I whispered.

    "What?" Domanic asked.

    "I-I'm half V-Vampire." I stuttered. "A-and I-I like bloo-bl-blood. A lot." I finished.

    Damien dropped his chop sticks, and Corren started at me. I couldn't bring myself to look at the other


    Lina was the first one to speak up. "Well then. This changes things." I finally looked up at her, confused.

    "What things?" I asked.

    "Things like what food we're going to eat. I know you probably don't like drinking blood, but your going

    to have to. And we're going to teach you to hunt. And, we're going to have to set limits on your

    interaction with Humans." She explained.

    "Yeah. Mom and Dad said that." I agreed. "Well, they said that I can try to hang with my old friends, but

    if it gets too hard to resist, that I have to stop talking to them." My voice was faint by the end.

    We were all silent for a moment.

    "I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed." I stood up and walked up the stairs. Just as I reached for my bedroom's

    door knob, Domanic stepped in front of me.

    "Wait. We need to talk." He said. I just rolled my eyes, pushed past him, and sat in the middle of the

    floor. I forgot that there was no bed.

    "Ithaca. Talk to me." I looked up at him, and his face softened. He came and sat down next to me, and

    rubbed my face. I lifted my hand up, and when I brought it back down, it was wet.

    I was crying.

    I let out a humorless laugh. "You know, the last time I cried was five years ago."

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    "What happened five years ago?" Domanic asked.

    "My Mom died."


    We kept silent for a second. I made sure that I didn't start crying again.

    Domanic was the first to break the silence. "Listen Ithaca. I want to help you."

    I looked up at him. "Help me?"

    "Yeah. Help you adjust. It's hard becoming a Vampire."

    "Really? It seems like a piece of cake to me." I said sarcastically.

    His face fell, and I immediately felt bad. How could things have gone from so good to so bad in a few


    "I'm sorry. I know you're just trying to help." I put a hand on his shoulder. He looked back up at me-his

    golden eyes sparkling.

    "I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you into talking to me. You do strike me as

    the type of person who doesn't exactly like to talk." He chuckled then.

    "You're right. I don't like to talk."

    "Okay, but you're going to talk to me. Right now." He said, taking my face in his hands.

    What the fuck? What happened to the whole 'I shouldn't have pushed you into talking to me' crap?

    Where the hell did that go?

    I pushed away from him. "What the hell? You just said that you shouldn't have pressured me into talking

    to you. What are you doing right now?" I didn't give him a chance to answer. "Making me talk to you!

    That's what!"

    He sighed. "Listen Ithaca. I know you don't want to talk, but you have to. It'll be better if you do."

    "Better if I do? Better if I do?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "How the hell would it be better?

    It's just going to end up with us yelling, and me possibly crying. And trust me, you don't want that."

    "Ithaca! Listen to me! I know it's going to be hard. Trust me, I know." His voice-even though it was just a

    whisper-was pleading. "Okay? I know. I've been here before. I know your tough and think that you don't

    need to talk, but you do. When you turn into a Vampire, every thing is out of wack. Your emotions and

    thoughts get all fucked-up." He took my hand in his, and looked me in the eyes. "If it wasn't for my Dad

    making me talk, and making me say things that bothered me to no end, I'd be a savage right now. Being

    a Vampire is hard. Even if your only half. And, you know what? It gets even harder. Wanting blood, it

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    never goes away, but being able to say 'no' even to yourself-it's hard-but it helps. You just need someone

    there with you, no matter what. And you have all of us here for you." He smiled then, and my head

    started to hurt.

    I knew what he was saying was right. I knew that some day I was going to have to sort this all out. But

    at that moment, the only thing that I wanted to do was run. Run away from it all. From being a Vampire,

    from talking. Even from Domanic.

    And that was exactly what I did.

    I ran down the stairs, and out of the house, before my mind caught up to what I was doing.


    -Domanic's POV-

    I sat there, my eyes wide.

    She left. She just took off running, leaving me staring at the spot she had just been sitting in like an idiot.

    I ran back down stairs, and found my siblings staring at the front door.

    "We need to go look for her." I tried to sound brave even though I was so scared. Ithaca had no idea

    what she was doing. How much danger she was going to cause if she didn't work things out. "Now!" I

    yelled, since everyone was standing there, staring at me.

    We ran around in the dead of night, looking for Ithaca.

    I sat in on the ground of an ally, trying to sort everything out.

    So much crap had happened to me lately, and I felt as if I had no control over it. I didn't like that feeling.

    It made me feel weak.

    Suddenly, a scent came to me. It was familiar, yet, not. After a few moments, I identified it as three

    different smells. Three people.

    To my horror, my stomach started rumbling, and I could feel pain coming from inside me mouth.

    My head shot up, and I saw the three people standing in the mouth of the ally.

    The first was a short girl, and she had long brown hair, and big green eyes. The second was a slightly

    taller girl, with blond hair, and green eyes. The third was a guy. He was taller than the other two, taller

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    than me too, and had brown hair and brown eyes. I couldn't see his face fully at first, because something

    on it was blinding me. Then, after a moment, I realized what it was.

    Glittery makeup.

    I took a quick intake of breath as I realized who the people were.

    Andrea, Camille, and Jack.


    -Domanic's POV-

    We'd spent hours on looking for Ithaca. She was no where to be found.

    "I think

    we should just go home." Lina finally said.

    "No!" I snapped.

    "But Dom-"

    "I said, NO!"

    I saw Lina start to argue back, but Corren stopped her. "Lets look around one more time, and if we still

    can't find her, we'll go home."

    It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it would do. "Fine."

    "Fine." Lina agreed.

    I could tell that Domanic was about to say something, but he was interrupted by squealing. Girls


    "What the hell?" Corren asked, turning around to see four people walking out of an ally down the street.

    Well, three people walking-the fourth had to be dragged out.

    We all used our extra hearing to listen to their conversation.


    -Ithaca's POV-

    "Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ithaca where have you been?" Camille asked.

    "Yeah, we've been looking everywhere." Andrea said.

    "We've been scared sick." Jack looked really stressed out.

    I felt kinda bad for scaring them so much. I also felt bad for wanting to kill them. Yeah, you heard me

    correctly. Don't make me repeat it.

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    "Umm . . ." Crap. I didn't have a story. I mean, yeah they're my friends and all, but really, if someone was

    to tell you they spent the past few days with Vampires in the Underworld, wouldn't you put them in an


    "She's been with me." Domanic said, putting an arm around my shoulder.

    I could see everyone looking at me to see if it was true, so I acted.

    "Oh, there you are baby. I was looking for you." I looked up, and gave him a smile.

    "Really? I was looking for you too." His voice matched mine. Mushy with love. Ugh.

    I looked back at my friends, and I could see that they believed it. Thank God.

    "That's good. Umm, Ithaca can I talk to you?" Jack asked.

    "Umm, okay." I acted as if leaving Domanic was hard. It slightly was-not that I was going to let anyone

    know that.

    He led me a few feet away from everyone and whispered, "Where have you been?"

    "I told you. With Domanic." Sometimes Jack was too observative for his own good.

    He looked like he didn't really believe it, but he still nodded. "Alright. I believe you. But, tell me if

    anything happens. Okay?"

    "Okay." I lied.

    We walked back to the three to find that Damien, Corren and Lina were with them.

    "There you are Ithaca!" Lina squealed, as if I hadn't seen her a few hours ago. "I've been wondering

    where you were."

    She went to give me a hug, and to keep up the act, I hugged her back. Iwent ridged.

    "Don't think for a second that we're done here." She whispered, loud enough for only the Vampires to


    When we pulled back, she had a sweet smile on her face. Note to self: Never, NEVER piss a Vampire off.

    "Soo," Camille started, rocking back on her heels. "are these your friends?"

    "Mmhm." I answered, looking as cheery as possible. It was kinda hard.

    "Cool." Andrea said, looking at Corren.

    Suddenly, an idea came to me. "Hey, guys, wanna come back to our place?" I asked.

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    Here we go again. He better not try to kiss me. Not now.

    "Hell no! Go away!" I yelled.

    I heard him growl. "Damn it Ithaca! Let me in. We need to talk."

    Oh god no. Not this again.

    Don't ask me why I opened the door, I just did. It was like something inside of me was telling me to. So

    when I opened the door, and screamed, I wouldn't blame you if you said: I told you so.

    I screamed because Domanic was standing there-with a dead bunny.

    Can you say Yum?

    I mean eewwww!

    Yeah, that's what I meant.

    "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" I shouted, jumping back.

    "Breakfast. Enjoy." He threw the thing at me and walked away.

    I caught it before it hit the ground, and sunk my teeth into it. Oh, did I forget to tell you that I have

    fangs now?

    Cause I do.

    They retract when I don't want them-but only a little, it still hurts to pull them all the way back. They're

    about an inch and a half long, and as sharp as a needle.

    I LOVE them.

    When I was finished with my breakfast I walked downstairs and threw it away in the trash.

    I felt so alive! So refreshed. I felt as if I could walk on water, lift up a car. Do anything!

    Which I just about could.

    I saw everyone starting to walk out the door. I caught up to them, and we walked to the school in



    One of the differences that I noticed was that in the Underworld, people treated Domanic and his siblings

    different. They all had respect for them, treated them like royalty(no duh). Here . . . it was different.

    Sure people still looked at them like royalty-they were all inhumanly beautiful people Vampires. But the

    only reason they looked at them like that was because A. They were gorgeous B. They were new and C.

    Rumors about them had been spread.

    Not good.

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    Throughout the day, I had been looked at, stared at, glared at, and whispered about. No doubt about my

    new look: paler skin, darker eyes, and more pronounced features. And the fact that I was sitting with 'the

    New Kids' added to the whispering. Most of it really didn't bother me cause I get gossip talked about me

    a lot. Doing drugs, drinking on school property, that sort of thing. But this stuff bothered me because

    most of it was that I was gone for . . . however long I was gone-I still don't remember-because I was

    pregnant. And Domanic was the father.

    Boy was that a lie.

    The last contact that I had with him was when he threw the rabbit at me. Nice. And even before that, we

    NEVER DID ANYTHING. I really HATE him right now. So this kinda bothered me.

    The other thing that bothered me was: IF I was pregnant-which I am not-and someone knew wouldn't

    that mean that I LOOKED pregnant? Does that mean I look fat? God, if anything I would look thinner.

    Vampires are very thin for some reason. So, what the hell?

    I was in Biology when it happened.

    There was Missy flirting with Domanic. I could hardly contain the urge to go over to them and throw

    Missy into the wall. Okay, most people would probably think that with me being half Vamp and all that I

    would want to drink her blood. Yea, well it smells nasty. Trust me, NO ONE would want to do that. And

    you know what? I would want to beat the crap out of Domanic. Yell at him, "What the hell is wrong with

    you? Flirting with another girl! What about me?!"

    What about me? I had no claim on him. He wasn't my boyfriend no matter how much I wanted that. But

    I still felt a boiling passion build up inside of me, turning my insides, making me want to do horrible

    things to Missy-not that I haven't wanted to do that before.


    I was jealous. Jealous because Domanic was flirting back with her. Her and not me. Because I'm an idiot

    and had to run off and screw things up. Ya know that I've never been jealous before? "No way!" You

    think, well it's true. What's there to be jealous about? I had a family-broken, but still a family-friends,

    materialistic items that had almost no sentimental value to me. But more shocking, I'd never been jealous

    over a guy. I'd always thought that if he wasn't the one talking with me, he wasn't for me. That if I ever

    was jealous because a guy was with another girl and not me, that he was the one for me.

    So, why was I feeling this way now?

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    Not being able to stand them anymore, I walked straight out of Biology class, ignoring the teacher's

    bickering. I could feel Domanic's eyes boring into the back of my skull. I walked down the stairs, out to

    the courtyard, past that, and stopped when I had walked across the school, to the right field. I sat in the

    middle of it, and pulled out my ipod. Oddly, it relaxed me to listen to any song that had something to do

    with ripping someone's heart out. Hey, don't give me that look, you know it helps.

    I don't know how long I was sitting there, but when I looked at my watch, it said 2:30. I'd skipped my

    last four classes, which meant that I'd have detention tomorrow. Yeah, my school sucks. I got up and

    dusted myself off, and started walking away. It kinda bothered me to be alone. I'd been with at least one

    person for the past few days. It felt weird to be by myself. I laughed at the thought. I'd always been the

    type of person that would revel in being alone. Now, it was slightly scary.

    Never paying attention to where I was going, of course I didn't notice that I wasn't back at the house

    when I walked up to the very familiar oak door. I stopped short of reaching touching the door knob when

    it hit me. I was back home! At my house! Where my bitch of a step mom was. Where my annoying little

    brother tortured me. And my Dad that was never home. Suddenly having these things didn't seem so

    bad. I opened the door-it was never locked-and stepped inside.

    Everything was exactly how I had left it. The cream furniture, the white carpet, light yellow walls.

    Everything was how it was supposed to be.

    Except me. I wasn't how I was supposed to be. I was half Vampire. And my family was not. They were

    Human, what I was supposed to be. Or, maybe not. I'd always believed that fate worked in twisted ways.

    Maybe this was part of it.

    "Ithaca! Oh Ithaca! There you are!"

    I turned to see Stacey running towards me with an-now way!- actually genuine smile on her face, with,

    what's that? Actual tears running down it. That woman never shed a tear for me. I guess she really does

    care. The only one she cares about is Dad. True. I highly doubt that she cares about me. No need to get

    ahead of myself.

    "You scared me half to death! Don't ever do that again." She hugged me tightly, while she sobbed into

    my hair. "I couldn't sleep, and your father's been worried too! He would hardly talk to any of us." Damn,

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    am I good or what? I knew she was only worried about Dad.

    "Umm . . . I'm sorry?" I wasn't sure how to say anything. If I told her what I told Jack and them, she'd

    ground me for hanging out with a guy. On the other hand . . .

    Here's how I imagine that conversation:

    "Oh, honey, where've you been these past few days?" She asks.

    "Oh, well, let's see. I was almost raped by a shape-shifting Demon, then as if that wasn't enough I was

    taken back to the Underworld to live with six Vampires." I say as if we were talking about the weather.

    Stacey just looks at me with a blank expression.

    "I've slightly fallen in love with one of them, but now feel like killing him and Missy-I'm sorry about that. I

    know how much you like her. Then, we came back here, cause there's a war between the Demons and

    Vampires there."

    She reaches for the phone.

    "Oh, and did I forget to mention that I'm half Vampire. Cause I am. And I ate a bunny this morning. It

    was delicious."

    I get cut off by the fifty people that come busting through the door with masks and weapons.

    "Take her away! She's insane!" Stacey yells.

    I continue to be put in a straight jacket and hauled away to an Insane Asylum where my room mate,

    called Bob talks to themselves(I never said it was a girl)and wets the bed.

    Hmm . . . not exactly how I imagine spending my time here.

    So, I try something else.

    "Oh, Honey, where've you been these past few days?" She asked.

    "Oh, I've just been with some new friends." I said. I realized that I was eighteen now. I could do

    whatever I wanted. Well, almost whatever. I'd be charged as an adult in court now. Damn.

    "I hope I get to meet them soon."

    "You will." I lied through my teeth.

    My dad walked through the door at that moment. He looked shocked to see me.

    "Your . . . home." He finally said.

    "Mmhm." I nodded.

    He ran over to me and gave me a big hug. I felt my eyes fill with tears. It's been years since he's hugged

    me. "I missed you. Promise me you'll never do that again." He whispered.

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    I felt my heart stop-not literally, I'm not full Vamp. How could I lie to him like that? Of course I'll have to

    leave like that again. I could barely stand hugging him so closely now. Imagine having to do that


    I pulled away from him and faked a smile. "I'm so so sorry that I left." It wasn't totally a lie, I was sorry

    that I went out that night, I was sorry that my life had turned up-side-down, but I wasn't completely

    sorry that I left. I had too. I just had too.

    Seeming to fall for the subject change, Stacey walked over to Dad. "C'mon Dave, dinner's ready." She led

    him to the dining room, leaving me standing in the living room, debating. Should I, or should I not?

    Which one is the right thing to do?

    I decided that I should.

    I ran up the stairs to my room. It was, just like the rest of the house, untouched. My electric blue walls,

    small bed, black furniture, posters of random bands all were as I had left them. I walked around to the

    side of my bed and looked at the mess that lied there.

    My clock that I had thrown when I woke up on Halloween had crashed into my picture that stood on my

    little night-stand. It broke my heart-again, not literally-to see it broken. It was a picture of my Mother.

    With her jet black hair and her blazing eyes. Her eyes were like blazing emeralds. I'd always admired my

    mother. That's why it hurt me to see the only picture that I had left of her broken.

    I bent down and picked up the shards of glass, making sure not to cut myself. I wasn't sure what would

    happen if my blood spilled out; I wasn't curious enough to find out. I threw them in my trash basket,

    neatly placed the photo in my wallet that was on top of my dresser. I began throwing all my clothes in my


    Hopefully this was the right thing to do.


    -Domanic's POV-

    "What the hell do you mean, you don't know where she went?" Lina screamed in my face. "How could

    you lose a Human being?"

    "Half-Human." Corren and Damien Corrected. We both shot them a dark look. "Sorry." They mumbled.

    "Look. First of all, I was busy." I smiled slightly at the thought of 'busy'. I had been talking to Missy

    Cromwell, who was no doubt trying to make me fall for her flirting. I had gone along with her just to

    ruffle Ithaca's feathers. Guess that wasn't such a good idea. "And second of all, she isn't my

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    responsibility. She can take care of herself." Yea, well she could.

    "That's not the point!" Lina continued to shout, she started pacing up and down the hallways in the

    house. "Did you ever think that maybe Daryl isn't in the Underworld? Huh? Ever think that he's here,

    waiting for us to slip up like you just did?" She was getting really angry now. Her eyes were turning to

    black. "And, what was so important to you that you couldn't take care of the girl you love?" She asked.

    "Excuse me?" I asked, appalled. Me love her? "How could I love a girl like that? She's an annoying, thick

    headed, selfish . . .smart . . . amazingly beautiful . . . brave girl who's invaded my life, and filled it with . .

    . with . . . " I drifted off, realizing what had just come out of my mouth. "See? How could I love a girl like


    Lina just smirked, and so did the guys. "Mmhm." They said together.

    "Hey guys. Ready to meet my parents?"

    Oh. Crap.

    -Domanic's POV-

    We all turned around to see Ithaca standing in the doorway with several bags and boxes surrounding her.

    "H-how long were you standing there?" I asked, horrified.

    "Long enough."

    "H-how much did you hear?" This was just perfect.

    "Enough." She smirked, then sighed. "Listen guys, my parents are in my car. Outside. So, 'yall