How the Colours You Wear Affect Your Day



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How the colours you wear affect your day

Bad Colours in Life1

The colours we decide to enclose ourselves affect us more than we think. As a society, we associate colours with so many different things - they have meanings away from simple visual stimulation. Some studies even suggest that we feel colours more than we see them.Colour and Good Luck2

You perhaps know that interior designers use colour to create different moods in different rooms - to inspire, energize, or calm. Why not apply that concept to your clothes? Channel some of the power of colours into your outfits and see what happens. Here's a rundown of all the popular colours, what they signify, and how you can use them to your advantage in your outfits.Red3

Want to get someone's attention? Red is your colour! The colour red empowers and draws attention toward the wearer. It's also strongly associated with romance and passion, making it a perfect date-night colour. But be careful - it's also been said that red stimulates the appetite and makes us hungry for junk food, so wear with caution if you're trying to eat healthier.Orange4

Like red, orange draws attention and energy, but unlike intense red, it's a little more soothing. While orange is a difficult colour for some skin tones to pull off, if you have the colouring to work it, orange will help put you in a positive, energetic mood.Yellow5

Sunny shades of yellow are the perfect thing to cheer you up on a bad day, so if you're feeling down, wearing yellow could help perk you back up. Yellow is also associated with intelligence and inspiration, so wearing something yellow on the day of your big final exam might help you come up with some extra answers.Green6

Shades of green are calm and soothing, as well as associated with nature and the outdoors. That's why green is one of spring's most popular shades. Green is also refreshing and has been found to reduce stress in those who look at it. If you're feeling really overwhelmed during finals week, add green to your outfit and you might feel more relaxed.Blue7

Blue is a colour that can be both peaceful and calming as well as cold and standoffish. If you're feeling really stressed out, the colour blue can help you feel more relaxed. If you're sad, however, you might want to steer away - the colour blue can subconsciously make you feel more "blue." Studies also show that blue can make you more creative, so if you want to channel some genius for your art project, wearing blue might be able to help. It can't hurt, right?Purple8

Regal and sophisticated, purple is associated with creativity and luxury. Like red, purple is a very stimulating colour which can boost your energy level when you see it. It's also a colour that's sometimes associated with spirituality and intuition, so if you're having trouble making a decision, paint your nails lavender and see what comes to you.Pink9

Of course we all know pink as the true girly-girl's favorite colour, but it's also associated with romance and happiness. Pink is very calming, so don't wear it if you need tons of energy. Because of its romance association, pink is a good choice for a date. You can also wear it anytime you're a little bummed out for a boost. Of course, if you personally hate pink, then (obviously) this won't work for you.White10

Missing summer on a cold spring day? Wear white! It reflects light and reminds us of sunnier days. It's also associated with peace, innocence, simplicity, and cleanliness, although in Japan, white carnations mean death - who knew? Wear white when you want to bring out any other colours you're wearing - it enlivens anything you pair with it.Black11

If you're going for a promotion at work or interviewing for a new job, you might want to wear black - it signifies power, seriousness, authority, and responsibility, all qualities your boss is likely looking for. Outside the office, black is also a colour that will give you some rocker-chick edge. If you're shy but want to feel like a badass one day, some black studded ankle boots should do the trick!
