How Self-Care is the Most Unselfish Thing You’ll Do For Your Family with Heather Chauvin


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How Self-Care is the Most Unselfish Thing You’ll Do For

Your Family

with Heather

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

What is Self-Care?


*Ebb & Flow of Life

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

What does Self-Care Look like to YOU?

*It may be a muscle you haven’t used in awhile

*did you forget you enjoyed…(painting, writing, singing, yoga. etc.)

*your deepest desire refuel you

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

How do I want to be during this day?

*Take a few minutes in the morning

*Value your body

*Healthy Foods

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

When Mom is happy…

*you model that for your children

*you are a better wife and mother

*you are happier in your life

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Same or Opposite?

We tend to either:

*Do the same as our parents


*The exact opposite

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers


*Be the observer of you

*Watch what stories you tell yourself and others

*Ask, Is this serving me?

*What can I do in this moment to shift?

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

When there is unbalance in the home…

*Look to yourself first

*Is there something you haven’t done or missed?

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Schedule regular maintenance or wait for breakdown?

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Your passion = energy

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Heathers healing journey

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Do you measure up?

We all try to seek some ideal that doesn’t exist

*start the inquiry

*be the private investigator of your own health and happiness

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Self Care

How do I want to feel? What makes you feel that way?

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Self Care

How do I want to feel? What makes you feel that way?

happy connected

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Self Care

How do I want to feel? What makes you feel that way?

happy walk in the garden connected date night with hubby

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Pencil it in

*Get our your calendar now

*Pick 1 thing you can do in the next 24hrs

*Choose a time ex 10am

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Busyness is a choice

Take Dr. Heather’s prescription for Self-Care!

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers

Heather Chauvin is offering a free guided meditation

“Take back control”

Online Conference for Waldorf-inspired Homeschoolers