How Much Do Wind Turbines Cost



If you are interested in wind turbines you may wonder how much they cost. There is some money upfront before you can rep the rewards but to me it's worth it. Plus it's just fun.

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How Much Do Wind Turbines Cost?

Wind Turbines come in various sizes and prices depending on the kW you will need. I will go into finding out home many kW you will need in the next article. For right now, I will fixate on the 10 kW wind turbine. There are many manufacturers out there with all different kinds of pricing depending on whether you are a do-it-yourself person or if you need installers to complete the installation. If you are going to tie into the grid with it, you will need expert installers plus an electrician. These people add to the cost. I will give you estimated costs for windmills using 10 kW then you will have to find out how much your installer and electrician will charge you to tie in. A Do-It-Yourself person could potentially use a wind turbine to just run the barn, garage but not the main house or if you live in the country the whole house off the grid. Remember all states have different laws regarding installation of wind turbines. Prices from across the globe differ. I am giving you US prices in US dollars. A 10 kW single phase could cost as much as $31,000 not installed. Do not let that number scare you. The prices go down from there. For example, a 7.5 kW wind generator would cost roughly $25,000. Now you are saying, “I don’t have that kind of money.” The federal government and state government are giving rebates or tax credits for installing these types of systems. You will need to check with your state to see if they are offering rebates. You can also check with the government as they have programs too.

Please be aware the rebates require properly completed paperwork to get the rebate. We are small farmers and we decided to buy a wind turbine. We bought just the turbine and the motor along with a converted for approximately $500. We then had to buy the mast (pole) and grounding wires. All in all, it cost us approximately $1000.00 to put up an 800 W (which is less than 1 kW). We tried a cheap simple setup to see if it would work in our area and it has. We are looking forward to building a more powerful one, which will probably cost $8,000 or more to add to our current system. As I said, wind turbines are costly but in the long run as our electric and gas bills keep going up, this will never change the cost of $0 for energy to run your house. You are probably thinking wow! $25,000 to buy one for my whole house that is a lot of money! Well let me give you the run down on the federal and state rebates for these systems using Florida as an example. Energy Savings in Florida: (2010) - Estimated System Cost: $26,000 - Federal/State Tax Credit: $3,000 - State/Utility Rebate: $16,000 - Net Cost: $7,000 - Cumulative Lifetime Savings (25 Years): $44,162 - Investment Return: 22.9% So you can see that the question, “How much do wind turbines cost?” can be varied depending on state, how much wind, and if there are local utility rebates for wind energy.