How do other cultures influence our own? ¿Quienes fueron los Aztecas? (Who were the Aztecs?) Talk...


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How do other cultures influence our own?

¿Quienes fueron los Aztecas?(Who were the Aztecs?)Talk to your friends about it.

¿Donde vivian?(Where did they live?)Answer the questions with the help of a friend

next to you.

1. Canada

2. Mexico

3. El Salvador

¿Cuando viviron?When did they live?Answer the question. Look at the time line.

Discuss your answer with a friend.

In the timeof the Kings,queens andknights

Around The timeChristopherColumbusarrived to America

Around the FrontierDays when the country was movingWest

¿Qué cosas hicieron los Aztecas?(What are some of the things the Aztecs are known for?

1.Why did they build pyramids?

What’s the most important accomplishment in Aztec culture?

Is this accomplishment still important to people today?

¿Porque era importante para ellos utilizar mascaras?

(Why was it important to them to wear masks?)

¿Cual era el trabajo del emperador?

(What was the emperor’s job?)

¿Cómo utilizaban los chiles?

(How did the Aztecs use hot chilli peppers?

¿Porqué eran los “quetzales” y “jaguares importantes para los Aztecas?

(Why were “quetzales” and “jaguars” important to the Aztecs?)

¿Porqué desapareció el Imperio Azteca?

(Why did the Aztec Empire disappear?)