How do Koreans celebrate weddings? Unit 11. Wedding Ceremony


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How do Koreans celebrate weddings?

Unit 11

Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Reception

TV Series “Friends”Chandler & Monica - Proposal They get engaged.

Chandler & Monica – Wedding Ceremony and Reception

Before You Read:

What gift do you give for an engagement or a wedding?

Do you prefer a modern or a traditional wedding?

What do you do after a wedding ceremony?

Unit 11: Vocabulary

1. banquet

2. ceremony

3. deliver

4. document

5. exchange

6. hired

7. match

8. shout

9. get engaged

10. in-law

11. set a date

12. take a sip

Vocabulary – Unit 11 1. hired – to pay someone do something for you

2. match – two people who are alike

3. ceremony – families get together for special event

4. exchange – give each other something

5. document – special piece of paper

6. deliver – to bring or give something to someone

7. shout – talk loud; not quiet

8. banquet – reception or a special dinner with many people

Words That Go Together

1. in – law – family of your husband or wife

2. set a date – to decide on a day for a wedding

3. get engaged – before marriage

4. take a sip – drink slowly

Understanding the Reading

1. Before Koreans get married, they A. go to a fortune teller. (paragraph 3 – line 3)

2. At the engagement ceremony, D. the two families meet and give gifts. (paragraph 4 – line 4)

3. At the wedding ceremony, C the bride and groom sit at a table. (paragraph 6 – lines 4-5)

Remembering Details

1. The four pillars are the year, month, day, and hour of a person’s birth.

2. A fortune-teller predicts the young couple’s destiny.

3. The young woman keeps the document with her husband’s four pillars.

4. The friends of the groom deliver the box at night.

5. The goose is a symbol of love because it has only one partner in its life.

6. Noodles represent a long and happy life.

Making Inferences p. 79

1.S – paragraph 3 line 6

2.S – paragraph 3 line 5


4.S – paragraph 9 line 1-2


Vocabulary – Unit 11 1. We exchange presents on Valentine’s Day.

2. In many countries, people exchange gifts on Christmas.

3. I exchange gifts with my friends after graduation.

4. I exchange gifts with other people on New Years Day.

5. I sometimes exchange gifts with my girlfriend on our anniversary.

6. The most important document is my bachelor’s degree.

7. My important documents are my I-20 and other certificates.

8. My birth certificate is an important document.

Vocabulary – Unit 11

1. In-laws usually don’t get along because the families are different.

2. Sometimes in-laws hate each other and fight.

3. Yes, in-laws usually get along. My family likes my wife’s family.

4. I’ll find my perfect match in my dreams.

5. When I am ready to marry, I will have my parents choose my future match.

6. I’ll know my perfect match after we talk for a month.

7. I will find my match after I date a lot of people.

8. My mother will find my perfect match. OR My parents will find my perfect match.

9. I will find my perfect match by myself.

Vocabulary – Unit 11 1. A Korean man will give his fiance a big diamond

when he gets engaged.

2. In my country, we have two ways to get engaged: you can date someone then get engaged, or you can have your family choose someone for you.

3. In Japan, the man gives the woman an engagement ring.

4. They usually meet together, and the man asks the woman. IF she says yes, he gives her a ring, and they celebrate.

5. People usually get engaged after they fall in love.

6. The man’s family goes to the woman’s house to see her and her family for engagement.

Vocabulary – Unit 11 1. Amazon delivers the orders to my house.

2. The mailman delivered the letters promptly.

3. My parents delivered my luggage to my new apartment.

4. My friend’s part-time job is to deliver pizza.

5. When we graduate university, we have a big banquet.

6. My host mother hires house cleaners every Monday.

7. He hired a detective to find his wife.

8. When I graduate from university, I will look for a company to hire me.

9. I hired a tutor to help me with writing.

Vocabulary – Unit 11 1. You can hire a body guard to protect you.

2. I shouted to get rid of my stress.

3. When I get angry, I shout.

4. I usually shout when someone doesn’t hear me.

5. I attended a wedding banquet in a beautiful place.

6. She took a sip of wine.

7. Before I drink hot tea, I take a sip.

8. I take a sip when I try new drinks.

deliver (v) delivery (n)delivered (adj)

The mailman will deliver and important package. Ahmed has been waiting all day for the delivery. Then he has to bring the delivered package to the office at school.
