How Can I Check My Credit Score for Free



about credit scores

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When asking about ‘How Can I Check My Credit Score for Free’, I think it should be understood

first that a credit score is merely a part of a comprehensive credit report and that there are several

different gauges for measuring credit scores depending on the concerned company and their

preferences. These different scales of credit score can include for example FICO, Vantage Score,

CE score etc. And any one of these scores could be broken down even further, for instance,

FICO score has 49 different formulae. Be advised that the Fair Credit Reporting Act gives all

individuals the right to get a full credit report from any or all of the three credit bureaus once per

year. Therefore, many websites that promise to provide free credit report or score are actually

signing people up for some sort of subscription service and that person is charged after the trial

period is over.

However, one need not be concerned as these scores generally tend to be close to each other (at

least for the same type of score for example FICO score). Note that scores also vary slightly from

one credit bureau to the other. Now about obtaining free credit score.

Many websites today provide free credit score. Some of them are Credit Sesame, Credit Karma,,, Quizzle. These are most well-known. However, there are lesser

known ones, feel free to search for them too.

Credit Sesame gives your credit score form Experian.

Credit Karma gets the score from Transunion. They also provide with some suggestion as

to where your lapses might be. gives you a FICO and Vantage score. They derive this score from

Transunion, one of the major credit bureaus. asks individuals ten questions about their credit condition to determine

their credit position. As you can guess this are typically about your bill payment history

and so on. You need not provide any identifying information to the site.

Quizzle seems to be the best among the lot with provision for a free report semiannually

which includes a CE Score from CE Analytics. The score ranges between 350 and 850.

If you need to check your credit score just once per year, please do not bother with any of the

sites or bureaus; just got to and you are entitled to get a free copy by

law. Also remember with numerous websites offering free credit report/score service, they

might actually be luring you into paid services. So be careful and always remove yourself

from their services before the trial period is over.
