“House Problems” Hebrews 3:1-6 Common House Problems The Wrong Builder, Heb.3:3 >can turn a...


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“House Problems”Hebrews 3:1-6

Common House Problems

• The Wrong Builder, Heb.3:3>can turn a dream home into a nightmare!

>So too with the “House of God” (cf.1Tim.3:15), if anyone other than Jesus Christ is the “builder”.

>Preachers, Elders, Deacons, Bible Class Teachers, and Members are all just “contractors building for the Lord!” Eph.4:11-12

Common House Problems

• A Bad Foundation.>The very words give us the shivers and raises our

blood pressure! Are there more frightening words to a home buyer/owner?

>Of such problems we are well warned, Matt.7:24-27.

>1Cor.3:10ff deals with problems of attempting to build on inadequate foundations. (cf.Eph.2:20)

Common House Problems

• Poor Lighting.>Seems to be fashionable to have dim, or “indirect” lighting. (I’m suspicious of such in restaurants!)

>Shouldn’t be the case with God’s House for Jesus is the Light! John 8:12; 12:35-36

>If He’s not present and made bright through emphasis, there will be light problems no matter how many “watts” are added.

>We should be illumined by His example, Phil.2:5-9; and His teaching, John 12:44-50.

Common House Problems

• Insufficient Insulation!>Ever lived in a house that was “hot as a hen in a wool basket”

in the summer, and “cold as igloo” in winter? That’s why “porch sitting” became so popular!

>The Lord’s House can have this problem too:

-Eph.4:11-12, diversity of offices is to “equip the saints”.

-For what?

-To “build up the body (or in this case, “house”) of Christ.”

-For how long or how high?

-Note v.13, “until we all attain the unity of the faith…”

>Why? See v.14. This is an insulation issue!

Common House Problems

• Insufficient Insulation! (continued)

>We can’t completely insulate ourselves from the world as individually or collectively (see 1Cor.5:9-10), but….

>we must insulate ourselves to the extent that we are able to keep the cold world outside, and the warmth of love & fellowship inside! 1John 5:19 & James 4:1-4.

Got “House Problems”?There’s only one thing to do:

Go back to the original blueprint and build it right!