Hormone Cookbook



Hormone Cookbook. Joanna Wilson, D.O., NACP Board-certified Internal Medicine. My first hormone memory…. Familiar Uses of Hormone Therapies. Freedom from menstrual symptoms Control of when and how many children we have Reversal of infertility Relief of menopausal symptoms. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Hormone CookbookJoanna Wilson, D.O., NACPBoard-certified Internal Medicine

  • My first hormone memory

  • Familiar Uses of Hormone TherapiesFreedom from menstrual symptomsControl of when and how many children we haveReversal of infertilityRelief of menopausal symptoms

  • Sex Hormones Affect These Issues, Too!Infection susceptibilityAsthmaOral healthAutoimmune diseaseVascular diseaseHigh blood pressureDementiaBone strengthMuscle strengthMental health Breast, lung, prostate, colon, kidney cancerAnd just about every other disease

  • How Hormones WorkCofactors which modify the cells responseTiming of hormone production (pulsatile or continuous)Dose responseCentral control (positive and negative pituitary feedback)Interaction with other hormonesCell surface receptor

  • Main Ingredients For Todays RecipesEstrogenProgesteroneTestosterone

  • Progesterone EffectsProtects the uterus from overgrowth due to estrogen stimulationHelps nerve cells repairPrevents bloating from estrogenInhibits the breakdown of serotoninHelps stabilize moodIncreases body temperature during ovulationAntiinflammatoryIncreases appetiteImproves sleepChemotherapy for breast, prostate, and renal cell cancers

  • Testosterone EffectsMuscle mass and strengthBone massSex drive

  • Estrogen EffectsImproved cognition and memoryImproved neuronal healingImproved glucose toleranceMaintenance of fat distribution in peripheryImproved bone mass and strengthRaises HDL, lowers LDL cholesterolImproved blood vessel healing

  • Estrogen Receptor Locations


  • Ovarian Hormones in 28 Day Cycle

  • Brain- Ovary Conversation-Positive FeedbackBrainOvary

  • How Do We Convince The Brain To Ignore The Ovary?

  • Negative FeedbackNo surge = No ovulation

    All (combination) birth control pill options have stable daily estrogen doseLow, consistent hormone dose prevents pituitary surge to prevent ovulation


  • Progestogen Receptor Activations

  • Progestogen Characteristics and Side Effects

  • Can We Prevent Ovulation Only When We Need To?

  • Emergency Contraception175 pounds


  • Contraceptive Pill OptionsCyclic- 7 days of no progestin (withdrawal)MonophasicTriphasic Continuous- no withdrawal weekMonophasic only

  • Estrogen and Progestin Levels on Continuous vs Cyclic Birth Control

  • Vein Clot Risks(per 10,000women/year)46910 to520

  • MENOPAUSERecipe #3

  • Endothelial Cell Layers in Healthy Postmenopausal and Premenopausal WomenPostmenopausal cells show evidence of endothelial cell death, denudation, and RBC, platelet, and protein attachment, as well as fractured basal membranes, and loss of intercellular junctions

    Premenopausal cells show tight connections, a continuous layer of endothelial cells, and thick plasma membranes

  • Estrogen SourcesBefore MenopauseOvariesAfter MenopauseAdrenal glandsFatTissues

  • Labrie F (2007) Drug Insight: breast cancer prevention and tissue-targeted hormone replacement therapyNat Clin Pract Endocrinol Metab 3: 584593 doi:10.1038/ncpendmet0559Figure 4Effect of age on DHEA and DHEA-S levels in women

  • Why Not Just Start Everyone On Hormones?

  • Timing Hypothesis of Menopausal Hormone Therapy

  • Safest Therapy ChoicesFDA Approved:Transdermal EstradiolVaginal Progesterone (cyclic)

    Not FDA Approved:Bioidentical therapy

  • Compounded Bioidentical HormonesDosing schedule mimics premenopausal state in postmenopausal womenPlant derived hormones modified to be identical to human moleculesNot regulated for purity of modification processSaliva levels do not accurately measure tissue levelsProgestogen skin cream has not been proven effective to prevent endometrial cancer

  • Testosterone SupplementationRisksPossible increased risk of breast cancerAcneHair loss

  • Manipulation of Testosterone SupplementationAromatase blocker to reduce conversion to estrodiol (Femara, Arimidex)5-reductase blocker to reduce conversion to dihydrotestosterone (Propecia)

  • Estrogen Therapy ChallengesEstrogen receptors in tissues cycle, but independently of ovarian functionSerum or saliva tests do not show what is needed in the cellsOptimal levels for dosing are not knownReceptor stimulation or blockade is required to prevent cancer and blood clotsWe dont know how to do this, yet!

  • Creating the Perfect Estrogen Replacement

  • ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING CHEMICALSIngredient Substitutions and Flavor Enhancers

  • Yummy Endocrine Disruptors (Phytoestrogens)

  • Endocrine Disruptors = Hormone Receptor Imposters

  • www.dnr.metrokc.gov/WTD/community/edc


  • EDCs are commonly found in food and food containers, plastic products, furniture, toys, carpeting, building materials, and cosmetics. They are often released from the products that contain them and enter the bodies of humans and wildlife through dust or through the food chain.

  • Endocrine Society Scientific Statement

    Endocrine Society Scientific Statement

  • Newest EDC: Triclosan

  • Developmental Stage at Exposure to EDC Changes Impact

  • Hormone Cookbook: SummaryEstrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone contribute to the health of every cell and organUsing hormones in various ways helps us maintain reproductive control and prolong healthExposure to chemicals which stimulate hormone changes may have long-term effects



