Homework.xps 2


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One day there lived a giant called Borris Giantson, he was 28 years old. He had big goofy, funky teeth that were all different shapes and sizes, like a million different jigsaw pieces. His four fingers were as chunky and as pigs. His two giant, stomping feet were far bigger than a full grown man and finally his face always had one thing… a great big smile! As well as all of this, Borris had coal for eyes because they were so black. Borris has a heart like the softest cushion in the world; he is happy and open-minded to everyone’s ideas if he is doing teamwork. He is a very thoughtful giant and all of his friends liked him extremely much! One of his favourite things to do is do some exercise, a jog/run every single day; one of his special talents is that he can make things out of leaves and twigs (e.g. if he was camping and had forgotten his tent, he could make a shelter out of natural substances). He is employed as a mechanic and he liked to help his clients and fix their cars (and anything else he can help them with).

He lives in a little town fulfilled with jolly and excited giants. Borris had lots of friends who included: Peter, Philip and David. They were always going out with each other to parties and music performances (not forgetting every leap year they would go to the Olympic Games because he is such a sports fan). Any way let’s talk more about the town they live in, it was populated with about 2000 giants and no many animals – they think it is cruel to keep animals as pets so they leave them for the normal sized people (who don’t live with the giants by the way). Borris has a very spoilt sister, as spoilt as a Queen or Princess, but he doesn’t see her a lot. Also he had a mum, (like most people) but she died when Borris was born – I know, sad isn’t it?

Do you remember when I said all the giants were happy and excited? Well they were excited because the town fete was coming up and no one could wait! The reason the town fate was now was because it was the 10th anniversary since the village was named – they had one every year. The fate was tomorrow, (today was

Friday) so just one more sleep until the fun starts. It was midday and time for a run/jog; he usually went for an exercise for about 60minutes.As he was walking he saw one of his friends – David, so he stopped and had a chat to him. David said “Are you coming to the town fate?” Borris replied, “Well, yes I am! Are you going to be there so I can hang out with you?” “Oh well… actually… I can’t make it – sorry mate!” Even though Borris was a bit put off by David saying he was not able to come to the fate that didn’t stop him from going and having some fun with all his other friends!

Not long after his short conversation with David he spotted Philip as he was on the way to the park. “Hello Philip, are you coming to the town fete because David can’t?” “Turns out I have a rugby match tomorrow… but if I could go I would.” He replied with guilt. “That’s okay, it’s not like all of you can’t come, I’m sure Peter won’t let me down.” said Borris with hope and a horrible feeling in his warm heart. When Borris had arrived at the park in a distance he forged out Peter, and as he was so nervous to see whether he could come to the fete, he sprinted over to his last and final hope… Meanwhile Peter was with his little annoying sister playing mini golf (which he hated, it was his least favourite activity), when Borris interrupted and muttered unhappily “Hi can I ask you something, are you going to the town fete, or not?” Soon after Peter replied, “Hmm, let me think, tomorrow… you know what?” Peter started off “Sorry… I actually can’t come because my parents are going out and I need to keep an eye out for my sister at home… but I swear if I could then I definitely would. Sorry dude.”

As Borris was the only giant in town that was sad he walked home sulking and as soon as he got home he collapsed on his bed and started to reflect on all the things he had heard in that hour. He thought to himself “I suppose I won’t be totally alone, I mean there will be other people there won’t there?” So he dozed off to sleep and through the long night he dreamed of being lonely at the fete… After a silent uneventful night he woke up,

dragged on some clothes and took the bus with many other town people (who as well were going to the town fete).As he took the journey he saw Peter at his house with his little sister, Borris waved – but Peter didn’t notice him, he, unlike Borris, was having fun. Around the corner he saw the rugby pitch and saw Philip had scored a try, this time, he didn’t wave because he knew Philip wouldn’t see him. Not long after they arrived at the almost empty fete Borris said quietly to himself “There is barely anyone here, and other than a few stalls and a ride, it all looks very boring.” He was unpleasantly surprised.

Borris was feeling peckish so off he wondered to the fish and chips stall – you see Borris’ favourite thing was food so he couldn’t resist. There were not many people there, so Borris sneaked to the front of the queue, he had a full bowl of chips to eat and he had a whole fish, all to himself. Whilst he was stumbling unhappily and lonely down the damp green grass, the big, black, boulders at the end of his legs (his feet) came across a banana skin, and what do you think Borris did… he swirled in a flip in the air and landed flat on his face, SPLAT! Oops he was wearing his favourite jumper with massive buttons on it and as soon as he had clambered to his feet he realized one of the buttons had just snapped off during these happenings. Now Borris was even more put down, for starters none of his friends could make it to the fete with him and he had now lost the button to his favourite jumper, this day hadn’t gone well for him at all!
