Homemade Vanilla Extract



extract de vanilie facut in casa

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Vanilla Beans, 3-4 per 8 oz. of vodka  (where to buy)


Glass bottle(s) (where to buy) Funnel (where to buy) Scissors Time and patience (3-6 months)

How To:1. Gather your materials.

2. Start with long, fragrant vanilla beans.  You will need 3-4 vanilla beans per 8 oz. of vodka.

3. Slice your vanilla beans in half, lengthwise. You’ll find tiny specks inside. These are the actual vanilla beans. They are what you use to make delicious treats such as this ice cream. For vanilla extract, you want to keep the tiny beans inside the pod. No need to remove them.

4. Place your long, sliced vanilla beans inside each bottle. Find bottles here.

5. Now, it’s vodka time.

6. Pour the vodka in each bottle. You want the vanilla beans submerged in the vodka.

7. Place the cap on each bottle and allow to sit in a cool, dark place for 3-6 months. The only work required is a weekly gentle shake. The beans will infuse the vodka over this time.

Planning for Christmas in August doesn’t sound so crazy anymore. There is always a method to my madness. At least I like to think so.

8. After 3-6 months your vodka and beans will resemble vanilla extract ready to be used in any homemade treat or be gifted as the perfect Christmas gift.

Sit, back, relax and savor the idea that Christmas is done. Check.

păstăi de vanilie, 3-4 pe 8 uncii de vodca (în cazul în care pentru a cumpăra)• Vodka

• flacon de sticlă (e) (în cazul în care pentru a cumpăra)

• pâlnie (în cazul în care pentru a cumpăra)• foarfece• Timp și răbdare (3-6 luni)1uncie= 35 g
