Homeless Center Presentation Part 1-4


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Part 1 thru 4


the future!

the future is now


it’s time to end homelessness

in the United States of America.

No more excuses.

It’s time to give a damn.

To all existing shelters and related homeless & poverty organizations --- people that are actually in the “trenches” helping the homeless and impoverished every day. Please do NOT be offended by comments made in this presentation. All your efforts and kindness are not forgotten. As you will see, it is time for the “big dogs” to step up to the plate to provide help to much greater numbers of homeless and poor. Our nation is in desperate need of a change. But, never forget, you are true heroes!!! You can provide great experience and knowledge on the following project. Please get on board and help make this happen!

A Note

Homelessness Statistics

According to the U.S.A.’s National Coalition for Homelessness, there are several national estimates that are based on dated information. “The best approximation is from a study done by The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (2007), reporting that approximately 3.5 million people, 1.35 million of them children, are likely to experience homelessness in a given year.”

Statistics Cont’d

A bad economy is scary in and of itself, but the numbers of poor and homeless are becoming even more horrifying.

In a great country such as ours, blessed with so much wealth and “humanity,” this is unbelievable as well as unforgivable.

Secondly, we’re always in the rest of the world’s business and we don’t even take care of our own. I’m very ashamed of us.

Statistics Cont’d

“Alone”poem by Maya Angelou

“Well, I was lying, thinking, last night, how to find my soul a home, where water is not thirsty and bread loaf is not stone. Well, I came up with one thing, and I don't believe that I'm wrong:  Alone, all alone, nobody can make it out here alone. Nobody can make it out here alone.  

Well, there are some millionaires with money they can't use, their wives run around like banshees and their children they're singing the blues,

they've got expensive doctors to cure they're hearts of stone, but nobody, no nobody, can make it alone, alone, all alone. Nobody can make it out here alone.  

Now if you listen closely, I'll tell you what I know, storm clouds are gathering, the wind is gonna blow, the race of man is suffering, and I can hear the moan, But nobody, no nobody, can make it alone.”

“Alone” Cont’d

Just do it!

Homelessness and poverty are devastating, de-humanizing, humiliating and destructive. And, given the right circumstances, it can happen to anyone, rich, as well as poor. All it takes is one, two, or a series of unfortunate events. For instance: natural disaster, stock market crash and economic depression, physical illness, mental illness, post traumatic stress disorder, medical bills, loss of job, bankruptcy, abusive relationships, lack of positive adult role models, physical and learning disabilities, lack of education, prison record, poor social skills, self-destructive behavior (drugs and alcohol), poor credit scores, etc. -- to name a few. Once on the streets, many never recover. Life on the streets kills – and not in a good way.

Year after year the U.S. continues talking about the problems of poverty

and homelessness, forming organizations to study these problems and concerns, laying out statistics for

other governing organizations to study their findings and arrive at new

statistics, blah blah blah!Meanwhile these chronic social ills keep whittling away at our nation’s

health and welfare, morale, and economic and governing resources.

We know the money is there. We need to stop talking and start acting to help

our discarded fellow human beings and American citizens (many war

veteran-heroes). It’s time. Let’s just do it!

“It is a kingly act to assist the fallen.” - by Mother Teresa

Presentation Focus

Please be aware this presentation

is not the result of a fact finding

mission. The focal point of this

presentation is a viable solution to

homelessness, poverty and

related issues such as crime.

The following is an actual model

and business identity for a new homeless center.

Presentation Focus Cont’d

Introducing to you

A fabulous new grand scalehomeless center model!

Sanctuary center

The following 3 slides include color

variations forSanctuary Center logo. Please note

the use of the Greek symbol for omega [W], meaning “the

end.” Naturally this theme is symbolic to the

reference of “the end of

homelessness.”These are only

ideas and not cast in stone.

Sanctuary Center Cont’d


All About Sanctuary CenterPart 2 of 4 of Presentation

“Love and kindness are the very basis of society. If we lose these feelings, society will face tremendous difficulties; the survival of humanity will be endangered.” - by The Dalai Lama

Laws of Operation

Sanctuary Center is a national project

controlled at federal level. All

federal, state, city, and county

government homeless

programs and organizations as

well as private shelters and

organizations will become a type of

conglomerate and pool resources and

key personnel.

Laws of Operation Cont’d

The time is now!

Laws of Operation Cont’d The federal government will provide active job placement assistance and/or training to all those individuals being displaced and are unemployed casualties due to the project.

As a federal project, all major cities exceeding a specified population (i.e. 1,000,000 or whatever is realistic) will be required to establish a Sanctuary Center structure based on given operational models as approved by the governing U.S. federal homelessness bureaucracy.

Laws of Operation Cont’dThis project is not optional to heavily populated urban areas.

Sanctuary Centers will provide transit services for the homeless in surrounding urban/suburban areas.

Greyhound bus and Amtrak train services will be utilized for those in outlying rural areas not covered by Sanctuary Center transit.

Laws of Operation Cont’d

Until the center structures are erected, the homeless

are provided shelter in a variety of buildings such as

closed schools, government warehouses, civic centers, pre-existing

shelters, empty office structures, empty churches,

tent cities on government property, etc.

Laws of Operation Cont’dThe homeless, are first and foremost, the ones

that are offered the bulk of the jobs surrounding the

planning and construction of the

centers. Training will be provided where


Of course, the government gives tax breaks to businesses that donate products and services towards

this effort.

Sanctuary Center Funding

I am not actually involved in the field of finance, government grants, venture capital, philanthropy and non-profit organizations, etc. (not by any stretch of the imagination) but the following list is simply general ways for the funding of Sanctuary Center.

We can make it work!

• Income tax forms should include donations to homelessness instead of the political race

•All existing homeless shelters and homeless organizations become a government conglomerate and pool all resources

• All major retailers include donations to homelessness at all points of purchases

•Residents of Sanctuary Center that have an income pay an affordable % to Sanctuary Center for room and board

•All individuals without a regular income have the option of working for room and board a few hours per week

•Government grants will cover individuals that are completely incapacitated and unable to provide any income/personal support

• Residents will run most on-site businesses which will provide support to the Sanctuary Center itself

•Additional on-site low-income housing units for families will provide extra income for the center

•Find government resources from projects that are beyond the bounds of necessity during a tough economy (some aspects of the space program for instance)

•Capital venture funding and philanthropy

•Donation of time for project planning and construction materials and apartment furnishings by large retailers

•Collect money owed to U.S.A. for protection in the war in the Middle East and cease further involvement

structure’s core fundamentals

please“gimme shelter”

Core Fundamentals Cont’d Sanctuary Center is a self-contained 24 hour-a-day, security conscious, temporary housing solution, however, there are no limitations as to how long an individual can reside there --- with the very rare exception. This will become apparent in the next slide. Sanctuary Center does not

force people back onto the streets, ever. It provides shelter in almost every sense of the word.

On-site social workers help find affordable housing for those individuals/families that are ready to leave Sanctuary Center or that would like to transfer to the low-income units, if available. No one is ever forced to leave. The exception to that rule indicated earlier, is a violent

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

personality that is not controllable through the psychiatric unit/medication. These individuals are released into police custody on a charge or into a specialized psychiatric unit.

space-saving, organizedhigh-rise complex

Core Fundamentals Cont’dThe Center is comprised of 4 high-rise apartment complexes and 1 commercial building. Each of the apartment high-rises are 50 stories and the commercial building 15 stories. The separate apartment buildings house the following populations:

•Building A – Kids & Teens•Building B – Young Adults & Families•Building C – Middle Aged Adults & Families•Building D – Seniors & Low Income Housing

Core Fundamentals Cont’dEach apartment building has

designated floors for specific population categories.

For instance:

•By gender free of drugs & alcohol

•By gender with physical illness but no addiction problems

•By gender detoxing, pre-rehab

•By gender with illness and addictions

•By gender with chronic addictions

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

The standard apartments in all buildings for singles house 4 individuals each.

Note: At the point of the initial intake process, each individual is required to participate in an involved personal and psychiatric questionnaire evaluation using Sanctuary Center-specific software in order to determine roommate compatibility.

13,000 plus bedsper complex

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

The number of available units/beds for single individuals per building are as follows:

•Building A – 960 rooms with 3,840 beds for kids & teens

•Building B – 840 rooms with 3,360 beds for young adults

•Building C – 840 rooms with 3,360 beds for middle aged adults

•Building D – 480 rooms with 1,920 beds for seniors

Each of the single’s units are approximately 800-900 square feet. The units for families are as follows. Dimensions not yet determined. This will require an architect.

•Building B - 3 floors each of 15-2 bedroom apts and 10-3 bedroom apts

•Building C – 3 floors each of 15-2 bedroom apts and 10-3 bedroom apts

•Building D – low income housing – 6 floors each for studios, 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apts

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

functional commercialproperty

Core Fundamentals Cont’dNext, about the commercial space. Again, this is about 15 stories high with underground parking for employees. It contains the following business types: •Level 1 – Barista; courtyard restaurant; clothing store; groceries & personal items store; household goods & furniture store; vending center; public restrooms

•Level 2 – Skyway to residential buildings; medical; dental; pharmacy; optical; bank; public restrooms

•Level 3 – Intake Evaluations

•Level 4 – Detox & Psychiatric Units

•Commercial Cont’d

•Level 5 – Treatment Center

•Level 6 – Lockers; dressing rooms; showers; gym; public restrooms

•Level 7 – Job center; computer lab; adult education; public restrooms

•Level 8 – Business office; property management

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

•Commercial Cont’d

•Level 9 – Community center; public restrooms

•Level 10 – *Sanctuary Art Center; public restrooms

•Levels 11 thru 15 - Open for potential business growth

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

Please know that I had created this project before knowing that

there actually already exists, an art

studio/gallery named “Sanctuary Art Center”here in Seattle. I hoped to get their permission to use the name while

integrating their program into the

project (indicated on level 10).

•Commercial Cont’d

•Note: The 26th floor of each of the 4 apartment buildings also houses a security office; a grocery & personal items store; vending center; community center; and computer labs – no apartments are found on this floor.

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

high-end security

Core Fundamentals Cont’dSanctuary Center is very geared for safety and security. There is a 10-12 foot perimeter fence surrounding the entire complex. Each perimeter side has a security office and an installed airport security style metal detector system and armed security. All weapons are confiscated. With the exception of the employee parking garage (which requires a key card and also has a security station), there is no way to get into the facility without going through security.

Core Fundamentals Cont’dIn the commercial part of the complex, depending upon the business at hand, each floor has its own security measures from the list as follows:

•Security offices •Cameras•Controlled entry points•Physical presence armed security•Elevator security codes

The resident buildings and rooms require entry via the resident room key/debit card. If someone loses their card, they have to go through security for a temporary replacement card in order to enter the building and room.

resident security

Core Fundamentals Cont’d

Knowing residents have usually experienced a hard or even violent life, Sanctuary Center is very concerned with resident’s physical safety and security. It is also very important they feel safe and secure. Sanctuary wants residents to feel at home yet protect themselves and personal property from any potential problems, as much as possible. That said, the following personal security measures have been taken:

•Each bedroom has a separate locked walk-in closet with dresser for each resident.

Core Fundamentals Cont’d•All bathrooms have 2 private commode stalls•All bathrooms have 2 private dressing rooms with showers•All bathrooms have a cabinet that has a lock on each shelf.•All beds are self-contained units or “cubbies” with electrical outlets and a built in light, fan & alarm. Each cubby/bed has a pull down door and can lock from the inside while the resident sleeps. •Lastly, each resident is assigned a locked kitchen cabinet.

Core Fundamentals Cont’d Resident rooms contain large screen, wall TV’s. They are bolted down. In the event the 4 roommates are viewing TV together but don’t wish to watch the same thing, the TV’s have the capability of splitting into 4 separate 20 inch screens. Each

split screen requires the use of a corresponding set of headphones for audio. The headphones are not necessary once the viewing has been restored to a single large screen.

parking garages

In addition to the employee parking garage under the commercial building, across the street from the Sanctuary Center, outside of the perimeter fence, is a security-based parking garage for residents and low-income housing renters. Key card ID’s are required for access.

Core Fundamentals Cont’d
