Homelearning Create a factfile China’s 1 child policy What? Why? Aadvantages/disadvantages...


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Create a factfile China’s 1 child policyWhat?Why?

Aadvantages/disadvantagesEvaluate its effectiveness (using figures)

You must you data


All understand pros/cons of an ageing population

All identified the causes of overpopulation in Gambia

All understand the effects of overpopulation on people and the environment in Gambia

Ageing PopulationsAdvantages Disadvantages

Complete the questions sheet

Youthful Population:Case Study The Gambia

Gambia is an example of a country with a youthful population.

What does this mean?

How can you tell from these graphs?

Describe the location of The Gambia

Model answer

The Gambia is located in western Africa. It is bordered to the north, east and south of Senegal and has a small coastline on the Atlantic ocean to the west. It’s borders correspond to the path of the Gambia river.

What is Gambia like?Use the figures to compare Gambia to the UK

Gambia UK

Population million

1.8 61,113

Growth rate 2.6 0.3

Births per women

5 1.7

Birth rate per 1000

38 11

Life expectancy

54 79

Infant mortality

69 5

Death rate 22 10

Gambia’s population is growing at a rapid rate of 2.6% compared to the UK’s slow increase of 0.3%. The population has risen from 1.5 to 1.8 million in 9 years. This will be causing problems in the country because …….

Low life expectancy of 54 years in Gambia compared to 79 years in the UK shows use Gambians do not live as long because ……………..

Watch the video

Why are their so many young people in Gambia?

What issues does this cause for people, environment and resources?

Problems in Gambia

Very few medical facilities

Youthful population

SolutionsWhat solutions were proposed and how effective

were they?1995 2000 2009

Population million 1.3 1.5 1.8

Growth rate 3.7 3.3 2.6

Births per women 6.1 5.8 5

Birth rate per 1000

45 42 38

Life expectancy 51 52 54

Infant mortality 87 81 69

Death rate 17 19 22

Sustainable GambiaWhat is sustainable?

How is Gambia trying to conserve their resources?Why is education the key to the future?


Meeting the needs of the _________ without impacting on the needs of the __________

How is looking after the forest sustainable?How is educating people about deforestation


Over population

From this... To this!

Natural Resources in Gambia

1. What is happening to the natural resources in Gambia?

2. Why is this happening?3. How are they trying to solve the problem and who

is involved?

The future of Gambia

Explain, using a case study, how a government or NGO’s have managed population (4)

How does this sustain the well being of the people that live in the country?

Why is education the key to Gambia’s future?

Gambia’s population has been growing rapidly and has meant that a youthful population exists within the country. The future of Gambia is relying on the education of the young children. Education is the key to Gambia’s future because …………

To create a case study about Gambia using the information from the last few lessons.Include:Why Gambia has an overpopulated country and a youthful population?Gambia is over populated because……… This means that …………. and thereforeName 2 problems this has created and how they are trying to solve the problems.One problem Gambia has is ……. This is because……………………… One they try to solve

the problem is by ………..A second problem is …………….How are they trying to sustain the resources in the country?Resources that are being used are ……………. As there are so many people this is a

problem because ……………..One way of sustaining this is to ……………….. which means ………. A second way to

sustain resources is to ……

What is the future of the country?Gambia has many issues which the Government and NGO’s are trying to solve. The

future looks more promising for Gambia because ……