Home Remedies for Diabities


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  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Comprehensive Blog on Ayurveda - Science of life

    yurveda For You

    Saturday, November 14, 2009

    Permanent CURE of Diabetes is possible......................

    According to nature therapy, diabetes is the result of a problem in the

    digestive system. This can be overcome easily, and within a short

    duration of time, with regular practice of yoga, change in life style,

    daily routine and diet control. Generally, people engaged in sedentary

    work suffer from this disease. The insulin produced from the pancreas

    reduces both in quality and quantity, resulting in a high sugar level,

    and the excess glucose flows out through the urine.

    Cure for diabetes:

    The patient should be given proper rest and should take a controlleddiet. The following should be kept in mind at the time of treating

    diabetes. The patient should be stress free. The digestive system should

    function normally and the secondary diseases caused due to diabetes

    should also be treated and controlled.

    Ayurveda For You


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Yogic cure for diabetes:

    * Practice of Kunjal Kriya, Naouli, and Shankh Prakshalan is

    beneficial in this case. (For detailed instructions of these practices

    please see seperate articles on these topics.)

    * Uddiyan Bandh cures digestion related problems.

    * Practice of Kati Chakrasana, Ardhamatysendrasana, Vajrasana,

    Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Mandookasana

    and Padahastasana are very beneficial for diabetes.

    * Bhastrika Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama and

    Brahmari Pranayama are very beneficial in the case of diabetes.

    * The patient should practice all the steps of Surya Namaskar daily.

    Diet control for diabetes:

    Proper diet control is necessary depending upon the age, work and

    condition of the patient.

    A person of normal weight who does not do any physical work should take

    2000 calories; person involved in medium physical work should take 2500

    calories and in case of excessive physical work the calorie intake

    should be 3000 calories.

    The diabetics with low weight need more calories compared to other


    Overweight people should eat less than 2000 calories to prevent fat.

    The best way to fix the calorie intake is to get the urine tested.

    Diabetics can eat curd (yogurt) to maintain their physical strength.

    Ayurveda For You


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Take one to two ounces of bitter gourd juice in the morning to control


    Take fat free milk (250-400 ml) or buttermilk or sprouted moong gram


    Take 30 mg fenugreek seeds or 50 gm fresh myrobalan juice.

    Eat chapattis made with wheat and gram, 250 gm of green vegetables, 25

    to 50 gm of salad, 25 gm of lentil (kidney beans), 150 gm of curd

    (yogurt) or diluted curd.

    Take 30 gm roasted gram in the evening along with a glassful of

    vegetable soup or diluted curd (yogurt).

    Avoid curd (yogurt) at night.

    Important tips for diabetics:

    * Mix soybean, fenugreek and gram flour in wheat flour and eat

    chapattis made out of this flour. Mix the flours in the following

    proportions: Wheat flour-7.5 kg, Gram flour-1.5 kg, Soybean flour- 0.9

    kg, Fenugreek- 0.1 kg

    * Avoid all types of sweets and sweet food, clarified butter, refined

    flour and food made with it, and processed food. Smoking, gutka, andalcohol are completely prohibited.

    * Bitter gourd, wood apple, black plum, and neem leaves are

    beneficial in controlling diabetes.

    * Green leafy vegetables, cholai, bathua, coriander, mint leaves,

    cabbage, cucumber, gourd, wood apple leaves, coconut, radish, tomato,

    Ayurveda For You


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Posted by Dr. Shashikant Patwardhan at 12:37 AM

    Put 60 gm ripe black plums in 300 gm of hot boiling water. Cover the

    vessel with lid. Crush them nicely after 30 minutes and divide into

    three portions. Take one portion three times during the day to reduce

    sugar level.

    Dry the black plum seeds in the shade and prepare a powder. Take three

    grams twice daily with fresh water to overcome diabetes. Continue this

    medicine for 21 days regularly.

    With best wishes,

    Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati

    A Sannyasi from Uttarakhand, India

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    Ayurveda For You


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    What is Diabetes?

    Diabetes is a disorder characterized by excess amount of blood glucose or blood sulack of the hormone insulin in the body or because the insulin that is present in the b

    the body. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetescalled insulin depende

    affects children and teenagers and Type 2 that was previously called non-insulin d

    usually affects adults. If left untreated, high glucose levels can damage blood vess

    problems in the long run.

    Common Causes of Diabetes

    High blood pressure


    Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities



    Insulin deficiencyHigh cholesterol

    Insulin resistance

    Rarely due to pancreatitis

    Home Remedies for Diabetes

    Tip 1:Boil 15 fresh Mangoleaves in 1 glass of water. Leave overnight. Filter this water and

    morning. Tender mango leaves are very effective to treat diabetes by regulating insulin


    Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Tip 2:

    Basil leaves (tulsi)are packed with antioxidantsthat relieve oxidative stress and

    help in lowering blood sugar levels in the body. Take 2 tablespoons of juice extracte

    drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

    Tip 3:

    Indian blackberry (Jambul) is considered to be an effective medicine for treatinberries and seeds of the Indian blackberry (Jambul) plant help in balancing the glu

    prevent insulin spikes. Powder the dried seeds or leaves of the plant and drink it with w


    Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Tip 4:

    Drink a cup of green teaon an empty stomach daily in the morning before your brea

    health. Green tea has polyphenol content, a strong antioxidant compound that is helpf

    sugar insulin level in the body.

    Tip 5:

    The Vitamin C present in Indian gooseberry(Amla) promotes proper functioning the juice from the fruit and take 2 teaspoons of the juice mixed with a glass of water. C

    in the morning on an empty stomach to keep your blood sugar level in control.


    Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Tip 6:

    Eating a healthy diet that containsvitamins and mineralslike fruits such as apple

    and vegetables like carrots, beet and bitter gourd is essential for keeping your body h

    blood sugar levels.

    Tip 7:

    Drumstick(Moringa) leaves are high in fiber content best known for their ability to leaf increases satiety and helps in slowing the breakdown of food and also in lowering


    Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Tip 8:

    Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of fiber useful for controlling diabetes. The

    soaked in water overnight and should be taken early in the morning before your break

    be powdered and mixed with milk. This can enhance the secretion of glucose-depend

    remedy daily for few months to control blood sugar levels.

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    Natural Home Remedies for Diabetes


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Some fruits are better than others for diabetics. Moreover, diabetics also need to consider

    and glycemic load as they offer information on how different foods affect blood sugar and

    Low glycemic index foods are believed to have a beneficial effect on blood glucose contro

    impact blood sugar levels. Usually,

    . Those with a glycemic index score of 70 and above are considere

    foods with a glycemic index score of 55 and below

    glycemic index foods

    Here are the top 10 fruits for diabetics.

    Top 10 Fruits for Diabetics | Top 10 Home Remedies


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    1. Apples

    The crunchy, juicy and sweet apples may offer protection against diabetes. Apples are hig

    and antioxidants. They also contain pectin that helps and remove harmfu

    lowers the insulin requirements of diabetics by up to 35%.

    detoxify the body

    Plus, apples help prevent heart attacks, reduce the risk of cancer and ward off eye diseas

    Glycemic index: ranges from 30 to 50

    One small to medium-sized apple daily is recommended.

    Suggested serving size:

    2. Cherries

    Cherries have one of the lowest ratings of any fruit on the glycemic index at 22. Cherries c

    carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber and folate.

    Plus, cherries contain anthocyanins that are known to help lower blood sugar by increasin

    50 percent. They also help fight heart disease, cancer and other diseases that are commo

    Cherries can be eaten fresh, canned, frozen or dried. One-half

    good option.

    Suggested serving size:

    3. Black Plums

    Black plums, also known as Jambul or Jamun, can help a lot in . Re

    Muller Medical College in India looked at the effects of black plums in the treatment of diab

    anthocyanins, ellagic acid and hydrolysable tannins in black plums makes this fruit extrem


    controlling blood sugar

    Top 10 Fruits for Diabetics | Top 10 Home Remedies


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    The fruit helps control the conversion of carbohydrates into blood sugar. The excessive th

    problems common among diabetic people can also be controlled by this fruit. Along with th

    seeds of the black plum tree can be used to control blood sugar level.

    One-half cup of black plums daily is recommended, when the fr

    You can also make a powder of dried seeds and eat one teaspoon of the powder with wat

    Suggested serving size:

    4. Guava

    Guava has a high concentration of lycopene, a high amount of dietary fiber and a good am

    potassium. All these nutrients are helpful in maintaining the blood sugar level.

    Those who are at a risk of developing diabetes can help prevent it by drinking guava leaf t

    and crush them. Boil one tablespoon of crushed guava leaves in hot water. Let it steep for

    it. Drink this tea once daily.

    Eat one whole or sliced guava without the peel daily. Alternative

    glass of guava juice.

    Suggested serving size:

    5. Grapefruit

    Grapefruit is one of the American Diabetes Associations recommended superfoods for dia

    fiber and vitamin C, and has a low glycemic index at 25.

    Plus, grapefruit contains the flavonoid known as naringenin that increases the bodys sens

    helps you , which is an important factor in preventing and contromaintain a healthy weight

    Half of a large grapefruit (about three-quarters of a cup) daily w

    sugar level. Eating the fruit, rather than drinking the juice, provides the most benefits relate

    Suggested serving size:

    Top 10 Fruits for Diabetics | Top 10 Home Remedies


  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    Home Remedies for DiabetesHome Home Remedies Home Remedies for Diabetes

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    Diabetes, also called diabetes mellitus, has become a very common heath

    problem. There are two main types of diabetes- in which the

    body does not produce insulin and in which the body does

    not produce enough insulin or the insulin that is produced does not work


    type 1 diabetes

    type 2 diabetes

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    Some of the common symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, weight loss

    (even though you are eating more), excessive thirst, increased urination, cut

    and bruises that are slow to heal and blurred vision.

    While there is no cure for diabetes, with your blood sugar level under controlyou can live a totally normal life. There are various natural remedies for

    diabetes that will help you control your blood sugar level.

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    Here are the top 10 home remedies for diabetes. Needless to say, you also

    need to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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  • 7/25/2019 Home Remedies for Diabities


    (Out of the 10, we have covered 3 highly effective home remedies in this

    video as well.)

    1. Bitter Gourd

    Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, can be helpful for controlling

    diabetes due to its blood glucose lowering effects. It tends to influence the

    glucose metabolism all over your body rather than a particular organ or


    It helps increase pancreatic insulin secretion and prevents insulin resistance.

    Thus, bitter gourd is beneficial for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. However,

    it cannot be used to entirely replace insulin treatment.

    Drink some bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach each morning. First remove

    the seeds of two to three bitter gourds and use a juicer to extract the juice. Add

    some water and then drink it. Follow this treatment daily in the morning for at

    least two months.

    Also, you can include one dish made of bitter gourd daily in your diet.

    2. Cinnamon

    Powdered cinnamon has the ability to lower blood sugar levels by

    stimulating insulin activity. It that can help

    prevent and fight diabetes.

    contains bioactive components

    Certain trials have shown that it can work as an effective option to lower

    blood sugar levels in cases of uncontrolled type-2 diabetes.

    Cinnamon, however, should not be taken in excess because we commonly

    use Cassia cinnamon (found in most grocery stores) which contains a

    compound called coumarin. It is a toxic compound that increases the risk of

    liver damage.

    There is another variety of this herb known as Ceylon cinnamon or true

    cinnamon. It is considered safer for health but its effects on blood glucose

    levels have not been studied adequately.

    Mix one-half to one teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of warm water. Drink it daily.

    Another option is to boil two to four cinnamon sticks in one cup of water and

    allow it to steep for 20 minutes. Drink this solution daily until you see


    You can also add cinnamon to warm beverages, smoothies and baked goods.

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    3. Fenugreek

    Fenugreek is an herb that can also be used to control diabetes, improve

    glucose tolerance and lower blood sugar levels due to its hypoglycaemic

    activity. It also stimulates the secretion of glucose-dependent insulin. Being

    high in fiber, it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars.

    Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Drink the water

    along with the seeds in the morning on an empty stomach. Follow this remedy

    without fail for a few months to bring down your glucose level.

    Another option is to eat two tablespoons of powdered fenugreek seeds daily with


    4. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

    Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla, is and Indiangooseberry juice promotes proper functioning of your pancreas.

    rich in vitamin C

    Take two to three Indian gooseberries, remove the seeds and grind it into a fine

    paste. Put the paste in a cloth and squeeze out the juice. Mix two tablespoon of

    the juice in one cup of water and drink it daily on an empty stomach.

    Alternatively, mix one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry juice in a cup of bitter

    gourd juice and drink it daily for a few months.

    5. Black Plum or Indian Black Berry (Jambul)

    Black plum or jambul, also known as jamun can help a lot in controlling

    blood sugar level because it contains anthocyanins, ellagic acid,

    hydrolysable tannins etc.

    Each part of the Jambul plant such as the leaves, berry and seeds can be

    used by those suffering from diabetes. In fact, research has shown that the

    fruits and seeds of this plant have hypoglycemic effects as they help reduce

    blood and urine sugar levels rapidly.

    The seeds, in particular, contain glycoside jamboline and alkaloid jambosine

    that regulate control blood sugar levels.

    Whenever this seasonal fruit is available in the market, try to include it in

    your diet as it can be very effective for the pancreas. Else you can make a

    powder of dried seeds of Jambul fruit and eat this powder with water twice a

    day. This fruit is native to India and its neighboring countries but you can find

    it at Asian markets and herbal shops.

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    6. Mango Leaves

    The delicate and tender mango leaves can be used to treat diabetes by

    regulating insulin levels in the blood. They can also help improve blood lipid


    Soak 10 to 15 tender mango leaves in a glass of water overnight. In the morning,

    filter the water and drink it on an empty stomach.

    You can also dry the leaves in the shade and grind them. Eat one-half teaspoon

    of powdered mango leaves two times daily.

    Cell TherapyDr.Block55 Years Experience,Placenta-Thymus Cell Therapy, SwissCell Therapy

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    Recommended For You: 10 Superfoods To Curb Diabetes

    Top 10 Fruits for Diabetics Top 10 Herbs and Spices for Diabetes

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    10 Health Benefits of CuminHome Kitchen Ingredients 10 Health Benefits of Cumin

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    The aromatic seeds of cumin are a popular ingredient in North African,

    Middle Eastern, Western Chinese, Indian and Northern Mexican cuisine. The

    seeds closely resemble caraway seeds in appearance, but have a different

    flavor and aroma.

    Apart from adding flavor to a dish, cumin boasts health benefits, too. It has


    antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiflatulent, carminative, stimulant, and

    antispasmodic properties

    It is an excellent source of dietary fiber and minerals, such as iron, copper,

    calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc and magnesium. It also has

    E, A, C and several B-complex vitamins.

    You can use both ground and whole cumin seeds to season curries, soups

    and stews. Even the powder of dry-roasted cumin seeds can be added to

    salads, yogurt, smoothies and juices.

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    Horlicks India1 Health Drink, 5 ProvenBenefits. Clinically Proven.

    Know More!

    Here are the top 10 health benefits of cumin.

    1. Aids Digestion

    Cumin is a popular ingredient in Ayurveda for digestive problems, such as

    stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea and morning


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    It stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes that support digestion. It

    even works as a great acid neutralizer to . Plus, being

    carminative in nature, it reduces gas-related problems.

    fight stomach acidity

    A 2008 study published in Food Chemistry highlighted the digestive benefits

    of cumin.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of roasted cumin seed powder in a glass of water. Drink it once

    or twice daily.

    You can even add teaspoon each of roasted cumin seed powder and black

    pepper to a glass of buttermilk and drink it once daily.

    2. Cures Bloating

    Abdominal bloating makes the stomach feel full and tight due to gas buildup

    in the small intestine. This can lead to stomach pain and abdominaldiscomfort.

    Bloating can occur due to a number of factors, such as constipation,

    indigestion, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and irritable bowel syndrome


    A 2013 study published in the Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases

    says that cumin extract is effective in improving all IBS symptoms, including


    Bring 1 cup of water to boil.1.

    Add 1 pinch each of ground cumin, ginger powder and sea salt along with

    teaspoon of fennel seeds.


    Simmer for 5 minutes.3.

    Strain, allow it to cool and drink it.4.

    Repeat as needed.5.

    3. Eases Colic PainDue to its carminative and wind-relieving qualities, cumin is also good for

    , which is a common problem in babies.relieving colic pain

    Put 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds in a cup.1.

    Pour hot water over it and cover it.2.

    Allow it to steep for 15 minutes.3.

    Strain the solution.4.

    Give 1 or 2 teaspoons of this cumin water to your child once a day to soothe colic



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    4. Treats Anemia

    Iron deficiency is one of the main causes of anemia. Being a good source of

    iron, cumin can help treat this condition. Iron aids the production of

    hemoglobin, a substance in your blood that transports oxygen throughout

    your body. Iron also aids in energy production and metabolism.

    In fact, 1 tablespoon of cumin provides 4 milligrams of iron.

    Include ground cumin in your cooking to prevent iron deficiency and treat

    anemia while easing symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety, cognitive

    malfunction and digestive issues.

    5. Induces Lactation

    As cumin is rich in iron and calcium, it is very

    . It increases secretions from the mammary glands

    to stimulate milk production.

    good for lactating mothers as

    well as pregnant women

    Furthermore, it provides strength and energy to new mothers after delivery.

    Mix 1 teaspoon of cumin powder in a glass of warm milk.1.

    Add some honey for taste2.

    Drink it daily at night (after dinner) for several weeks.3.

    6. Aids Weight Loss

    Cumin is an effective addition to any weight-loss diet. A 2014 study

    published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice noted the positive

    effect of cumin powder on the body composition and lipid profiles of

    overweight and obese women.

    It even helps reduce body fat percentage, fasting cholesterol, triglycerides

    and low-density lipoproteins (LDL or the bad cholesterol).

    Furthermore, it makes your metabolism work harder and also cuts down food


    Add 1 teaspoon of dry-roasted cumin seeds to 1 cup of yogurt. Eat it twice


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