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R, E. STILWELL, Manager

MRS. A. J. HIXES, Dryden Correspondent

Telephone: Dryden 9

FREEV1LLE Freeville, J an . 11—William Neil of

Philadelphia is t he guest of his sis­ter, Mrs. Har ry Bush.

Mrs. George H a r t and Miss Laura H a r t are both ill in bed with grip.

Mrs. Antoinette Har te r is spending the winter with her daughter , Mrs. Maude Hastings of Utica.

G. J. R. Inaugural On Friday the 13th

McLEAN McLean, J a n . 11—Mrs. Ray Sti l-

well is ill of the grip. Miss Elizabeth F rench of Dr. Ver

Eugene Seager, 66, Dies at Virgil Home

Freeville, Jan . 12—The Republic gymnasium, a t I o'clock F r i d a y . evening, J an . 13, « ill be the scene of ' N o ° y ' s sani tar ium, Cortland, spent the 38th inaugur; ceremony of the t h e week-end a t her home here. | George Junior Re; ublic and will cul- Mrs. Ella LaMotte is spending lently ill a t the home of a broth minate t he electio! of new governing | some t ime a t Eugene Olds*

Virgil, J a n . 11—It is with great r e ­gret t h a t we record t h e passing of Eugene Seager, Sa turday morning, J an . 7. Mr. Seager was taken vio-

EXTRA VALUE! Men', Heavy Union Suits 69c

Odd Fellows Install I At Public Ceremony

Dryden, J a n . 12—District Deputv Evere t t Nobles and staff of Ludlow-ville were guests of Dryden Lodge of Odd Fellows, Monday night , and in ­stalled the officers of tha t lodge for t h e te rm, as follows: N. G.. Albert Oltz; V. G., LeGrande Cottrell; r e ­cording secretary. Albert Mantey; f inancial secretary. Bert Ferguson; t reasurer , J o h n Noro; R. S. N. G , William Rann ings ; L. S. N. G., F r a n k Sat ter ly : warden. Howard Be]]; conductor, G. A. Hiles; chap­lain S tephen Davenport ; R S. V. G.. Erlo Craft : L. S. V. G . Perry Scofield; outside guard, Bert Foster; inside guard, Frederick Neff: R. S. S„ Fred Macey; L. S. S.. Alfred Scnut t .

T h e ceremony which was open to t h e public, was at tended by a large crowd and a fine supper was served.

• • • • • • • • * • . 7 0 P e o p l e In C a s t • THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO * " E v e r y b o d y ' s H e r e

Dryden Herald, Jan . 12, 1898

Officers of Dryden fair elect­ed at the annual meeting were S. G. Lupton, president; George Cole, vice-president: J. B. Wil­son, secretary; and D. T. Whee­ler, treasurer. The directors were Fred Space, C. D. Burch, T. R. Space. John Tripp, Theron Johnson, and Jay Herrington

ductiou of "Everybody's Here" spon sored by the Dryden community choir, at Dryden opera house, T h u r s ­day and Friday nights, J an . 12 and 13.

officials by the cr izens , which t ook ' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thompson are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bush a n d j place Nov. 9. I' will be followed! convalescing from recent severe a t -

William Neil a t tended the funeral | by the inaugural ball. ; tacks of grip. The ceremony ill include: Invo- i Miss Frances Powell of Little

cation by Rev. W, H. Flaxington, ; Meadows, Pa., is visiting a t the pastor of the I reeville Methodist home of her brother. I. H. Powell, church, followed bf shor t addresses by both retiring and incoming of-

address of the lvered by the Re-W. R. (Daddy)

of their uncle, Willard McMillen, a t Seneca Falls on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Blackman Dryden, J a n . 12—Seventy local j are spending some t ime with Sheriff

people are taking par t in the pro- | F rank Ellis of I thaca , while Mrs. El

officers include: |

Mrs. Rose McCarthy is in Groton for a few weeks.

Misses Grace Lawrence and Mar­ian Miles, who have been absent from their teaching, owing to illness,

] are again in school. The Obahan ta group (10 to 14

J. J Banfield a r d family of Etna South Hill lost their home by fire, the second in seven years.

Summer Hill Pastor Weds at North Creek

McLean firemen had their ' f i rs t annual parade" after breaking down the doors where the old hand fire engine, pur­chased of Dryden village, was detained by one of the business men of the town. The "parade" was the beginning of 1 long period of debate over possession of the old engine.

Womanless Wedding" some months I t h e w e e k - e n d guest of Mr and Mrs. | ton ago.

Willing Workers Meet Dryceu. J an . 12—The Willing

Workers class of the M. E. church will hold the monthly business meet-


er- in-law, Ai Muckey, of Etna , on Dec. 12 last, and never fully recov­ered. Death was due to hear t trouble.

Mr. Seager was born March 31, 1866, the son of Laisdell and Harriet Mclean Seager, on their farm in Vir­gil. On April 16. 1885, he was uni t ­ed in marr iage with Miss Ella Miller, also of Virgil. T h e Rev. W. A. Way performed the ceremony.

To th is marr iage was born one daughter , Maere, who later became Mrs. Orris J. St i l lman of Harford. Mrs. St i l lman died in October, 1921.

His wife, Mrs. Ella Seager and two cousins. Mrs. Mary Ann Givens

lis is recuperating a t her sister's j ficials. The mail home in McGraw. j evening will be d

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. (Daddy> j public's founder, George and Mr. and Mrs. Donald George. Urquhar t spent Wednesday in Syra- The retir ing ^ ^ ^

The comedy is producedI b y t h e I c u s e . i President, Salvad* r Massip of Cuba; > v e a r s ) of Campfire Girls, enjaved same company t h a t presented The | M i s s Lim&n A p g a r of I thaca was ; vice-president. Pa il Jackson of Bos- a t u r e e n d i r m e r . Saturday, a t the

treasurer. Durwood Foster; heme of Mary Louise Bingham. The ' , ~ " ~"7~ ' " ^ : . T Y W «f William Apgar. I secretary of state Olive Brown of older group. Odakota. met in the af- ° f G e e H l 1 1 a n d M r S " J o n n T " P P ° f

Rev. George Benton of Cort land Bradford, Pa. ; ternoon with Misses Murrav and i will be guest speaker a t the services The incoming fficials a re : Pres- Overton. in the Republic chapel a t 3 p . m. I ident, Durwood Poster; vice-presi-! Sunday. | dent, Paul Jackscti; t reasurer, J e a n

Burrall Monroe, who has been ill Whiteley; secretary of state, Albert Tuesday j of grip a t his home here, has r e - ' K e a r n s .

The music for he inaugural ball, which is schedu xi to begin a t 9 p. m., will be fi.rnished by "Red" Herson's orchest r• of I thaca .

ing and tureen evening. J an . 17, a t the home of j turned to his work a t Endicott. Harold Brownell. Each one is asked Mr. and Mrs. E. F . George and to furnish service, sandwiches and a j M i s s Luella George were in Cortland dish to pass. on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pease of I t h a c a Spangler Burs Stone Store moved last week in to the Edsall

Dryden, Jan . 12—Ivan H. Spangler j house on Railroad street, has purchased t.ie stone block on Miss Margaret Roszell was the Main street of Mrs. Anna Dwight i week-end guest of her parents . Dr.

Dryden, survive him. Mr. and Mrs. Seager lived for

many years on their farm south of the village, now owned by Clarence Hubbard, but still called the Seag­er Place. They moved to Virgil in


P.-T. A. Hears Debate McLean, J an . 11—The J an u a ry P . -

T. A. meeting was a t tended by over M a y 1 9 2 2 < after t he death of "their 50. Meacham's Merry Makers of o n l y daughter Maere. Mr. Seager Dryden, assisted by local talent, fur- : n a s ^en for several years a fa i th-nished music. A debate as to f u l a n d influential member of the whether art , music, and l i terature ( V i r g i l c n u r c n < w h e r e he has held are more impor tant in education of j s u c n positions as financial secretary, today than the three R*s, resulted | trustee, and super intendent of the

Dryden. Jan . 12—Elmer West of Red Creek announces the marriage of his daughter . Miss Marguerite Corscaden West, to Rev. O. Charles Newlon of Summer Hill, on Tuesday. J a n . 3, in t h e North Creek Baptist church . T h e Rev. Frederick Nichols performed t h e ceremony.

T h e bride, a t tended North Creek h igh school, and is a graduate of O l e n s Falls Business Ins t i tu te .

Mr. Newlon is a graduate of the Prac t ica l Bible Tra in ing School of B m g h a m t o n a n d of t h e Southern Bapt i s t Theological Seminary, of Louisville, Ky„ where he received his Th .B . degree. *

After J a n . 15, Mr. and Mrs. New­lon will be at home a t the Baptist parsonage a t Summer Hill where he is pastor. • Mr . Newlon is a son of Mr. and Mrs . Charles Newlon of Dryden.

Officers elected by the Y. P . S. C E were Lillian Mirick, president; Argyle McLachlan, vice-president: Lela Tyler, sec­retary; and Mrs. J. B. Fulker-son. treasurer.

Tyler. Mr. Spangler is proprietor of the Wayside Furni ture Store and oc-cirpies part of the building.

and Mrs. C. C. Roszell of Elmira. Lowell Young, who has been ill of

as thma, is better. Mrs. Clarence Parker, who has

been assisting Sheriff and Mrs.

Peruville. Ja i 11—Mrs. Lyman Hinman of Mar; thon spent Satur­day night and unday with her father, Albert Gr en.

Fred Harmon is visiting a t the home of Mr. a r i Mrs. Rowland Powers a t Camil; is.

The Ladies ol the Community church will meet Jan. 18 at 2 o'clock

in the audience voting for the af­firmative, represented by H. H. Howe, A. M. McClurg and H. S. Fowler. The negative debaters were H. L. Vaughn, W. A. Doll and J. C. McKinney. Games under the direc­tion of Prof. Cassavant were en -

The Entre Nous Club of Free ­ville engaged the Dryden band to play for a concert and dance at Lyceum Hall.

Section men on the Lehigh Valley were reduced to a five-hour working day.

Dryden Choir Notes Dryden, Jan . 12—There will be no F rank Ellis a t their home in I thaca ,

rehearsal for the adult choir this re turned to her home here on Mon-week. Next week Thursday evening,, day. Jan . 19, the adult choir will rehearse ! Rev and Mrs. W. H. Flaxington ; t 0 . ° 5 8 ^ n i z e , a _ L a ! i e s

L . ^ ? , , S ^ i e _ t * at 8 o'clock in the Presbyterian and Miss Dorotha Flaxington spent church. (Monday in Syracuse.

The Junior choir will rehearse in Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Manning at-the Presbyterian church, J an . 19, at | tended a card par ty a t t he home of 3.30.

Sunday school. He has been a loyal member of Virgil Grange and the Cemetery Association, in both of which he has held respnsible posi­tions. Mr. Seager was record keeper for the Maccabees for many years, and was one of the old time? ' b a n d


joyed and Misses King and Walls of j boys," having played an alto t rom-the faculty, presented a clever skit Refreshments were served as this was the social men's night.

At the annua: church meeting Sunday evening, John Guthr ie and Preston Barton were elected trus­tees for three yi ars and

Students Estimate Beef Weight McLean, Jan . 12

bone in the old Virgil band when he was a young man. He lived his entire life in Virgil.

T h e funeral a t t h e church Tues­day afternoon was preceded by a

A short course prayer a t the house a t 1:30. Rev. Townsend, Sr., former the church, and Mr.

The Masonx ball at the opera house was largely a t tended by Dryden people and their friends from Slaterville. Freeville, Mc­Lean, and other places. Mrs. Margaret Mespell served a six-course supper and Happy Bill Daniels' orchestra played.

Marr i t t i n a 8 r i c u l t u r c i s being given by Prof. I Charles C ^w«^« » — - . . -v . , „ - i c h a n f o r t h ( unexpired term of s - M - V a u g h n > a n d others, four af- pastor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bush in Lansing B u r £ e e n H m d t . e a s e d M r s Edna ternoons a week, to boys outside of Seager's close friend, conducted the

This coming Sunday morning, I last Wednesday evening. l^-nann M M N * * ! * n T 'mmm finan school or any others interested. This service, assisted by Rev. Jesse M. quartets will s i rg special numbers Mrs. Fred Mineah will enter ta in j S a ™ ^ ™ . > 1[Nelson Metzear c o u r s e i s *** h e l d a t t h e r o o m s ™ in both churches. I n the evening ! t he Pyth ian Past Chiefs' Club a t her ! Z l l ^ ™ n L * Z Z™„ ZnT\L S tanton building and is to give an the adult choir will sing special numbers featuring a men's chorus, in the Methodist church.

t r /asurer . C h a r t s Bar ton will be


tained the' membeVs o f the Thimble j • » • * g * * u g ^ . , > w ! * Club a t h e r home Tuesday after­noon.

The Women's Home Missionary Society held its monthly meeting a t

Lobdell, Virgil pastor. I n t e rmen t was made in the Virgil Rural Cem­etery.

Eugene Seager will long be r e -h ° ^ ? e ° V r i ? y S o n enter I « £ r e ^ s e n l a t t v * of the" young peo^ I opportunity to those interested in

Mrs. W. H. Flaxington enter- , Q» J J J ^ ^ J J J , the more; recent methods of farm

board will meet Friday night w i t h ! w o r k - A 1 1 t h e ̂ s t u d e n t s visited j membered as a quiet, reserved, Mrs Edna Kn; pp Mrs Loren t n e f a r m oi G- B - McKinney. Friday, J friendly man, a 'good neighbor, one




$9.85, $13.85, $17.85


$ 9 . 8 5 , $ 1 3 . 8 5 , $ 1 7 . 8 5

W o o l S h i r t s 97c

H e a v y W o r k P a n t s 79c

M o n k e y F a c e G l o v e s 10c

B o o t s o r A r c t i c s $ 1 . 9 5

Missionary Society Meets Dryden, J a n . 13—The Missionary

Society of t h e Presbyter ian church will hold its regular monthly meet­ing with Mrs. Lee Tr ipp , Wednesday afternoon, J a n . 18, a t 3 o'clock. Mrs. Cady will have charge of the devo­t ions and Mrs. Crane will give a book review. Each lady will give a cur ren t i tem for roll call.

• • • •


Gee Hill, J an . l l - M r s . Mary I t n e p a" r sonage on Tuesday Givens is recovering from her recent | T n e A n t i . C a n . t c l a s s ^ n o l d i t s

a t tack of grip so t h a t she sits u p a

| at the home of Miss Eva Collins a t

Burch was elected superni tendent . William D a n m was a guest of

Freeville relative I Sunday. Mrs. R.

who would go out of his way to do someone a kindness. Sympathy is extended Mrs. Seager in her great


and learned many interesting points f irst-handed. Mr. McKinney had them guess on the weight of a cow

T T ^ , a~ I3""«*i«. p icra I h e to preparing for market and will bereavement. L. Teett-er and Miss Clara . . r ' " . . — c . . . . — - TYMnhp-pv w p r p n Por t land Thurs- g l v e $ 1 t o t n e o n e w h o «uessed n e a r " •

meeting a t the Some of Mrs. Clara Chicken thieves recently stole 52 ; 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, | Dryden, Jan . 12-Mounsey Little | Rhode Island Red hens from C. W. j J a n > 1 8 . Bliss. Sunday School Elections

Virgil, J an . 11—Mrs. Bernice Car-

has gone to Cuba, N. Y., where he I Brown on the H m e r Palmer place. I M i s s Doris Baker, who has b e e n | + "*« a n a • • * nelson Metzgar en- j s ^ j " £ h Officers* for 1 9 3 3 ^ £ ' I P f l ° l , r

. = r t m o rim. « i t h HW «vn State troooers traced the theft to Ln „ . u _ i ,„~« „ „ a _ * « _ _ • « l i n J tertained a dinner par ty of sixteen | 5 ™ W / c n o o \ O I i l c ! 5 S i o r . a r e " i were in McLean J a n 11-Communi ty | p e n i r ' a S f l t o . " c h a r l e i " s i t t e r i y

>«W««]M>* » n U « « l **.££i^.**.~.^ X—.—. 1AQO *. — .*. m t r "

will pass some time with his Burton Little and family.

Earle F. Lupton is in Syracuse this

son, j Sta te troopers traced the theft to m a t h e r h o m e h e r e re turned Sun-Cortland lads, who sold the fowls in d a v t o cutchogue, Long Island, to Bmghamton. They had been ob- r e s u m e n e r work as teacher. Pau l

week, at tending the Kelvinator served hanging about the place a j B a k e r o f i t h a c a accompanied her to school. Mrs. Lupton and Mrs. John couple of days previous to t he theft ; \ C o r t i a n d , where she took the bus for

him and s p e n t ! t w o toys with one bicycle. j j ^ g j ^ a n d . Norman Mynard of Dryden, pre- i Mr. and Mi's. F r ank L. Becker,

Mr. and Mrs. John Southworth viously of this section, is recovering! w n o have been ill of grip, are much

Etna, Sunday, to see Mrs. guests Saturday night in honor of i super in tendent , L. H. D u n h a m ; a s - S a t t e r l y . s sister, Mrs. Ai Muckey.

W. C. T. U. Plans Work Noro accompanied Dryden, J an . 13—The Dryden Monday there.

b ranch of the W. C. T. U. will ob­serve Prohibit ion Day. Monday, Jan . were in Auburn, Friday, called there irom a n a t tack of pneumonia in t he I improved. 16, wi th a tureen luncheon a t 13:30, by the serious illness of Miss Mary Cortland county hospital. The members of the Alfhild class a t t he Presbyter ian church, follow- Montgomery. I E d Morris of the Yaples farm is | a n d their husbands will have a cov ing which a program will be given MJ. a n d M r s Eugene Space. Mr. and plans presented for the year's a n d M ^ Thomas Lormor. Mrs. activities, Stella Hanford. Mr. and Mrs. D. P .

Bartholomew, Miss Mabel Bar thol ­omew and Mrs. G. T. Rockwell were in Cortland. Friday, to at tend the funeral of George W. Conable of Jamaica. L. I.

Mrs. M. Etedmore is a t the Cort­land hospital for some time for

: suffering from an at tack of rheuma ered dish dinner a t the town hall, ^ i s m - j Fr iday noon. Each member is asked

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Carrier, t o b r i n g o n e o r m o r e articles t h a t Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hutchings, Mr. | c a n ^ s o l d m a w h i t e e lephant sale

their son Grover on his bir thday. Folk games will be played in the

community house, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stone and Rev. Loren Burch will be in charge.


Club Meets Friday Dryden, Jan . 12—Dryden Literary

€lut> will meet Friday, J an . 13. with Miss Weaver. The roll call will con­sist of naming famous French people. Mrs. Ellis will read a paper on t he Basque Country. Miss Weaver t reatment will give a book review on "The Basque Country" by Mrs. D. C. Fish-

and Mrs. Ernest Johnson and Mr and Mrs. Clarence Givens were en-t e r t a h ^ by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Somers of the Cortland-Virgil road on Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Carrier r e -

which is to follow the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mack

called on Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bak­er and family of Brooktondale on I Miller a t Home Sunday afternoon. Seager a t Virgil


Harford, J a n 11—Mr. and Mrs. Lois Wilcox of Binghamton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Wilcpx.

Mrs. Fannie Cdmonds and Mrs. Cora Wavle were in Cortland, Satur-

sistant, John Heffner; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Nellie Sherwood; as­sistant, John Pickens; men's class, A. M. McClurg; women's class, W. H. Wiser; Golden Links class, Prof. J. R. Cassavant; Fidelis, Mrs. J. C. McKinney; Buds of Promise, Miss Marian Webb; Live Wire, Dr. and

Teacher Marr ied on Christmas D»f Virgil, J a n . 11—Announcement

has been made here of the marriafe on Chr i s tmas Day, hi Endioott ol Miss Genevieve Downey of Union Center and Alfred Jones of Bmg­hamton . Mrs. Jones is the com* mercial instructor in the Virgil school and Mr. Jones is a barber in Richford. Mr. and Mrs. Jones an boarding with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon V. Vunk. Mr. Jones goes daily to and frm his work 'in Richford.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Springer, Miss Bernice Trowbridge and Miss R u t h McKinney were in Syracuse, Sun ­day evening, to hear the celebrated , . . _ . . tmM. . - . opera s ta r and singer. Madame | f_ame. P ^ e d ,Fr iday n igh t b r t r a Schumann -Heinck.

Two Game* Fr iday Night Virgil, J a n . 11—The basket ball

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mason of Mrs. F . E. Ryan ; Sunshme, Misses I Dryden called on their mtoher, Mrs. Esther French and Rowena H u f f ; i M a r v Mason, and their aunt , Mrs. beginners, Miss Ruth Fi t ts . | E l l a ^ a g e r , Sunday evening.

At the recent meeting of the F i - : Mrs. Elizabeth Carpenter of Dry-delis class Roger Reniff was elected \ den and Miss Pearl Case of Cuyler president; Robert Mineah, vice- | spent Sunday with Mrs. Ella Seager.

Virgil and McLean t eams results! in victory for the Virgil high school quintet , but defeat for t h e V. H. S [ Reserves. On Fr iday night, Jan. 13. there will be two games a t Virgil T h e high school plays a team from Cort land and the fast firemen's five plays Blodgett Mills.

president; Constance H. Waldron, day, and called on Mrs .Dorothy i secretary; Naomi Shimer, treasurer. Hughes and Mr and Mrs.

and Mrs. Jerome Eugene

and neighbors at cards. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bolton of M r s . Douglas Nash contributed

Twin Orchu-ds, Bmghamton, were ' songs to guitar accompaniment. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Recent callers a t the home of Mr.

- — - — - . . _ . . Mr. and Mrs. F rank Burns ana M r a n d M r s William Edmonds cently enter temed a party of f r i ends | c h i l d r e n ) W i n i I r e d a n d Marcella, of ; a t t e n d c d t n e f u n e r a l o f h e r mtjktk

I thaca were guests on Sunday of Eugene Seager, a t Virgil, Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Stanton. j afternoon.

The Buds of Promise class offic­ers a re : President, Lina J. Waldron; vice-president. Helen Steele; secre­tary, Marian Marble; treasurer, Mary L. Bingham.

The postponed Christ ian Endeavor par ty of Dec. 31, was held a t the

Miss Clara McKinney Is able to be in school again after her recnt ill­ness. Her mother, Mrs. Robert McKinney, is confined to the bed with grip.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neeley of Cort­land spent Sunday with *,heir pa r ­ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sweet.

Dr. and Mrs. Alton Parker Bouton

David Ada my. Mr. and Mrs. John Tripp and Mrs.

J a n . 12—Dryden Home A n n a G l v e i L S w e r e a t V i r g i l x ^ . Home Bureau Meetings

Dryden, Bureau met with Mrs. Carl Mott, Thursday . J an . 5. with 32 members a n d one visitor present. Mrs. Lor­m o r and Mrs. Bloom gave several recipes for prepar ing fruit.

T h e nex t meeting will be with Mrs . Edi th Tr ipp, Thursday, Jan . 19. Mrs . K a t e Bayland will give t he first of a series of lessons in dressmaking. T h e lesson will begin promptly a t 10:30

T h e hostesses will be Mrs. Tr ipp. Mrs . Mantey. Mrs. Monroe and Mrs. •Ferguson.

and Mm, E. G. Feint were Mr. and Mrs. A H. Loope of Cuyler, Mr. and

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Swartwood mo- Dr. D. M. R\ an of Dryden was I parish house, Saturday evening and ! and son Alton George of Malone are tored to Falls, Pa., on Sunday, called, Tuesday, o see Quinton Pull-1 w a s enjoyed by a large company. ! spending the week with their uncle

Big Storm Predicted Virgil, J an . 11—Friday night. Jan

13. is the da te picked by Virgil Grange for the annua l Grange sup­per. Fr iday the 13th, seems like i risky date in view of the fact that Grange supper n ight always brinff a big snow storm. A large attend­ance is expected, however.

day. to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Tripp's cousin. Eugene Seager.

J. D. Ross passed the week-end in j Lansing. New York City and Atlantic City.

Friends in Dryden have learned that Miss Jennie Marvin has moved from Lake Wales. Fla., where she has been spending some t ime with

Mrs. I ra Baker and Frank Loope of j gwartwood

where they were guests of the for mer 's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Mar t in

Cortland, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Loope and Mrs. L. L. Blancher of South


M. L. Vunk of Virgil is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Clar­ence Parker.

William Danns of Peruville was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Danns and Mrs. Nettie Danns on Sunday.

Mrs. Maude Mulligan, who has

ing, who has b< en ill since Christ­mas.

Ward Parker 1 as been working in

and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bouton. Dr. Bouton is a t tending a O. E. S. Club Elects

McLean, Jan . 1 2 - A t the recent | conference in I thaca . Alton Tyler's pi nee for t h e Helmers I O. E. S. club meeting held with Mrs. Dairy Company the past week as | W. R. Hemingway, officers for 1933

Miss Margaret Buckley was en ­tertained one night this week by

Asbury and Vicinity

. - ;~_, c V i,*! * I „,«,.« « i ^ f « ^ . " o . lc i j««* »*«. * mrte Mrs. A. Parker Bouton, a t t h e home Mr. Tyler h a s been ill of grip. were elected: President, Mrs. Amos | , . . J _ _ .

M. E. Church Notes Dryden, J an . 12^—Sunday morning.

J a n . 15. Class meeting will be held a t 9:45. T h e morning service of wor-

Etna. Jan . 11—The Delta Chi so­ciety will sponsor a clam chowder

the family of the late W. I. Baucus, ; supper in t h e dining room of the | been very ill, is much improved. to Winter Park, where she has taken ; church Friday evening, from 5:30 an apar tment for the remainder of | ^ 1 1 a u a r e served. The public is the winter. i invited.

Mrs. D C. Mahan is ill a t her j The W. C. T. IT. will hold an all- j fron, 66, died Saturday morning, j and Mrs. Clarence Schoolcraft home in Pleasant street. Miss Addie day meeting Friday a t t he home of | J an . 7, a t t he home of her daughter, | Dryden, Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Alice Heffron Dies Freeville, J an . 11—Mrs. Alice Hef-

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Royce and Strong; vice-president, Mrs. Har t Mrs. Ber tha S tmard a t tended the ! F i t t s ; secretary, Mrs. Merwin Webb; funeral of their uncle Elijah Ears- j treasurer, Mrs. Claude Reniff. I t ley, a t Caroline was decided t o meet every three

Mrs. Libbie Culver is on t h e sick-1 weeks on Friday, and the next meet- o - t - ^ i nn» A™ - r r

list. Miss m** Moore is gaining i ing will be Jan . 20, with Mrs. Fi t ts . | *»?]** M n L - * B r i s t o 1 o n e +* F r a n k C. Ellis, slowly.

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Weiler and Mr. | Theater Par ty Planned

Asbury, J an . 11—Mr. and Mrs. De-Wit t LaBar have moved from Ithactl to their place here.

Mrs. George Teeter, who is ill, will given a sunshine box by her friends | last Sunday.

Leslie Armstrong of Ithaca, » f former resident of Lansing, has beet

Mrs. Clara Morehead of Cort land appointed under-sheriff by 8hertf! l i f t * * <v»^ lk*V«- T 1» T>-4 , .» , .1 ~ — ~ J _ — r r

of Mr. and Mrs. George Bouton Miss Buckley and Mrs. Bouton were classmates in Cortland high school in 1924.

Carmer is caring for her

and Mrs. Floyd Adams called on Mr. I McLean, Jan . 12—Fourteen en-a t joyed the hospitality of Mrs. Clara

Bliss and Mrs. Lillice Francis in

Bank Offic«rs Re-elected Dryden Jan. 12—Officers and di

Mrs. James E. Hamblin and Mrs. Nelson M. Mount. All women of the community are invited.

Mrs. L. J. Williams, a t t h e George Junior Republic. Fuenra l services were held Monday afternoon a t 2

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brown of Syra-1 Cortland a t the U-go I-go club cuse spent the week-end with her meeting on Thursday. Mrs. Ray parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen. | Teeter and Miss Clara McElheny of

Ruth Maughn is winner for t h e ! o'clock, a t the home of Mrs. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Roe Conrad called | Peruville joined the club a t the ship a t 10:30, with message t h a t will r e c t o r s ot g j Fus t " N a t i o n a l Bank | • * * * t h e ^ c i t i z e n competition ; hams. Rev. Mark Rich of Groton on Wallace Live rmore on Michigan j meeting. Plans were made for a be practical and helpful. The church o f D r v d e n w e r e re-elect7dTt t he an-" I * ^ D r > ' d e n school sponsored by | officiated and burial was in Groton Hill, Sa turday • fternoon

last week. . A son was born on Dec. 29, to Mr 1 Mrs. Ella Atkins of Bmghamton , ; a n d M r s J a m e s Stark ol Norti|

Miss Alice Kniffen and a friend of ; Lansing, former residents of this ft-Roscoe, and Miss Florence Austin cinity. of Homer were week-end guests a t : Kenneth Farreil recently under-the Kniffen home. w e n t a n operation for the removal of

Charles Houseman has been a p - adenoids and tonsils in the Tomp-p o i n ^ d dog enumerator . k i n s County Memorial hospital H

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schanze and i thaca . He has re tu rned home. daughters Gloria and R u t h spent a M l s s Mildred Lan te rman of Ithac*|

school a t study will follow the ser- n u a l meeting on Tuesday: President, J. D. Ross; vice-president, C. vice. There will be classes for all.

T h e Epworth League will meet for s tudy and devotion at 6 p. m. The evening service will be held in this church and will be evangelistic.

D -Griswold; cashier Dorr S. Fellows; assistant Ciishier. Mary L. Hatfield; directors. J. D. Ross. C. D. Griswold. Ray F. Saitsman. C. B Snyder. C.

the W. C. T. U Ruth will compete \ Rural cemetery, with n in th grade girls of the other Surviving are one high schools of the county in I thaca \ Heffron of Groton; next manth . The one presenting t he | Mrs. Williams, two

theater par ty the week of Jan . 23. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wavle spent

son, Edward Tuesday afterno -n and evening with one daughter , j Mr. and Mrs. I 'hineas Phoenix a t sisters, Mrs. | Freeville.

Paul D Wilson.


Good singing and the old t ime Gos- D Williams. Dr. R. C. TarbeU. and "Del.

On Tuesday evening, Jan . 17. ther? wiU be a group meeting for men. Men from the surrounding churches represented in our group will be with us. Supper will be served at 6:3D. at 25 cents. Following the supper dis­cussion groups led by lay speakers will be conducted, the subjects being. Sunday school work, and evange­lism. This will be followed by an address by Dr. Vernon McCombs on L a t i n American Missions,

T h e young people will meet for an h o u r of prayer and the discussion of problems t h a t confront us on Wed­nesday evening a t 7:30.

T h e Thursday evening prayer meet ing will be held in the Presby­t e r i an church.

i t is worthy of note tha t every de- ' pax tment of our church shows an increasing interest and loyalty, and a n increase in the amount of work actual ly accomplished. This is es­pecially t rue of our Sunday school.

best original speech on the essen-1 Mary Murcel of I thaca and Mrs. tials of a good citizen will be given Harry Blake of Sayre, Pa.; seven a tr ip to Wasliington during the grandchildren and one great-grand- HARFORD MILLS Easter vacation.

Miss Abigal Burr returned Monday to her teaching in Locke after a two-weeks vacation.

Mrs. Orra M. Rhodes visited from Thursday until Sunday in Cazenovia. She was accompanied home by Mr.

Dryden A% Depar tment Dryden. Jan. 12—The A.g I and Ag

I I classes are studying "Plant Dis- . _ _ ^ „ .*>. eases" and "Culling and Selecting ; fnd ***>J**** D" B a U . e y . a n d Fwr-Poultry' in preparation for judging at Cornell during Farmers ' Week,


Miss Dwight Injured McLean. Jan . 12—Miss Matie

. . i —, « " « . m i o i i nut**; , a Dwight was painfully cut about face j s p e n c i i n g some t ime with his «u»-and scalp, Tuesday evening w h e n . t e m a l m m m , , , ^ M r s L P . B r i s . the car in which she was riding ^ skidded on the icy road, a mile south

few days recently with relatives in Rochester.

Donald Hoose of Dryden has been spending a few days with his grand­mother, Mrs. Alvah Hoose, and is


a former resident of Lansing, arrfl Albert Baker of Gardiner , Mainef were married on Dec. 31, a t the par­sonage of the F i rs t M. E. church icl I thaca, by Rev. Alfred P . Comaul Mr. and Mrs. Baker are residing ttf I thaca.

next month. The Ag IV class is working on the

job. "Preparing a plan for rearrang-

ley D. Bailey, who called a t he r home and a t the home of William A. Williams and George B. Bailey.

Clarence Davis a n d family have

K. of P . Teams Vanquished Freeville, Jan . 11—The Gordon Gas

basket ball t eam was victorious over t he Knights of Pythias quintet by a 39-19 score in their encounter Sat­urday evening a t t he Republic gym­nasium. The Junior Knights of Pythias t eam also bowed the same evening to the I thaca Ramblers, who won a 42-0 victory-

moved from I thaca to their new ing a farm business." The farm n o m e ' r « * n t l y purchased from Allen business is their home farm or E ^ 0 -whatever farm they have taken a Mfc a n d M1"3- Howard Personius survey of. I t takes into considera- *** Howard Hough were guests, Sun-tion the lour important efficiency d f y j , o f ^ r ^ a n d M r s " w m i a m Myers s h a w o f N e w Y o rk : City, a fromer

The funeral

Funeral of Milton Shaw Freeville, Jan. 11—Rev. W. H.

Flaxington officiated on Wednesday afternoon at t h e funeral of Milton

Harford Mills Jan . 11—Guests a t the home of Heroert Dellow the past week were Mr. a id Mrs. Walter Del-low and family of Homer on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. A G. Dellow and two children of Virgil on Saturday and Sunday, Mr. ai d Mrs. Leslie Del-low and daughh r of Virgil and Bert Dellow of Home r.

Mrs;. Louise K lis is in I thaca for a time, where he ha« work as a nurse under Dr Bull.

Mr. and Mrs. I red Bradt of Hunt ' s Corners and Mr and Mrs. Lyman Watros of Martt thon were dinner guests of Mr. ai d Mrs. John Sears, Tuesday.

of the village, and crashed against a telephone pole. Miss Dwight was thrown t h r u a window. No one else was injured.

Mrs. Frank Barnes is slightly im­proved. about mother I

Rural Neighbors Enter ta ined McLean, J an . 12—The Rural

Neighbors held their first 1933 meet­ing on Thursday with Mrs. Pauline Locke, who served dinner a t one o'clock. Mrs. Carl D u n h a m was a p ­pointed reporter for t he club, which is meeting for dinner on Jan . 19, with Mrs. Grace Howe.

factors, size, balance, production and o f Hayt 's Comers.

Presbyter ian Church Notes Dryden, Jan . 12—Service on Sun­

day morning a t 10:30, Allowed by the Sunday school. " • a t 6 o'clock.

labor efficiency, which are needed to have a satisfactory and profitable business

The fourth years students in Ag are selecting and preparing topics for their speeches, which are to be given some t ime after regents. Prof. Harrington Speaks on Radio

On Tuesday. Feb. '. Prof. D. B. ]

Truly Rural Village There is a village in Norfolk, Eng­

land, named Glmiagham, which has 500 inhabitants, but no baker, butch­er, fishmonger, draper or evon a policeman It has only one tiny genera! store to meet its demands for food, and there is neither doc-

resident of McLean, took place In t he Methodist church a t McLean and burial was in Mc­Lean cemetery.

Former McLean Man Dies McLean. Jan . 12—The funeral of

Mrs Fred La *y & in E m i r a . M U t o n S n a w - •*• o f * — W ? * • w a s Mrs. « e o Lacy w m « ™ J ; h e l d Wednesday afternoon. Mr.

*$£** ^ ^ " * n g r a n d * Shaw Uved in McLean many years. c h ^ m e n w h o a i e U I _ . . . . i He is survived by his wife, who was

Mrs. Eva Chambers • M £ ™ £ Alida Benham, and one daughter , Lusk and Mrs. E. W. Willcox w w i . . , . . . __. ^ _ - ^*^-Mrs. Lucy Shaver, dinner guests c Friday.

Glen Stil lmar of Athens was the

C. E. S. meets Harrington will give a radio talk \ tor. chemist, dentist, nor a public over station WESG. Cornell. His I house. Oimir gham has a railway

".phe evening service t o P i c Wl11 * • "High Spots in a Future j running through it but no station. T i n V mTthe Methodist church at Fanners Association as a principal It fronts on to t i e sea. yet the sea ? o'clock Prayer meeting is com- s e e s "•" n * t i m e » 1 2 : 1 5 to * » Is not visible from the village Itself monlv held on Thursdav evenings at Hiirb School Honor Roll | because it stands 90 feet above sea ™" J Robert Homer, Arland Hotchkiss, j l**eL At dusk the whole village

The anniversarv occasion is l e a s ' J o h n Newlon, Robert Hoose, Ken- «»«* * *«**• E *ch hou.se has oil t h a n six weeks away, Feb. 12-19. ne th Powers, Marjorie Carpenter, [ lamps for illumination, but in the

Mrs Dunlop is directing the choir Elnora Smith, Coreva Willard, Alice winter the inhabitants prefer to go to t h e absence of Mr. Dunlop. She Wood. Armina Crosby, Helen Pud- to bed Immediately they have fln-Sso contributed a solo to the wor~ ney, Vivian Powers, Ruth D a n n . i ^ h e d work r u h e r than sit doing

s h i p service Sunday evening. Ruth Kurt*, Olive Kurt*. J nothing.

Insurance Company Elects Freeville, J a n . 11—The annua l , ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ _ _ _ _

meeting of the Groton-Drydea Fire g ^ t o f MJS. Ann Welch, Monday. Insurance Company was held in the Freeville town hall a t 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Ray Hollister and C. B. Snyder were re-elected to the position of directors.

Miss Lena Shaw, who is a teacher in Jersey City.

P.-T. A. Enter ta ins Virgil, J a n . 11—Those who a t ­

tended the meeting of the Paren t -Teachers Association a t the school

| house Monday evening were priv­ileged: to see two plays by the 7th and 8th grade youngsters and one play presented by Mr. and Mrs. Hay-den Olmstead and Mr. and Mrs. Ru­per t Bays. Mrs. Bays, vice-presi­dent of the P.-T. A., was in charge. A pleasing enter ta inment was p re ­pared by Mrs. Lawrence Bristol, which, included music by a masked orchestra and a stunt , "The Animal Fair ," by the Mason youngsters. Nancy Lee Mason, aged ?.VJ years, pleased the audience with a solo, "Pony Boy. ' Refreshments were served.

Mrs.—One th ing she's outspoken.

Mr.—Not by anyone t h a t I know

Get the Right C l m n Now Delay* Are

Church Services Rev. Jesse M. Lobdell, Pastor

Morning service a t 10:30; Sunday) school a t 12:30; evening service a t 7:20.

On Thursday evening, J an . 19, the | prayer service and annua l election

Natives Taka to Jasx Mrs. Wallace I usk and Mrs. F r ank At a birthday party held near

Allen of Mara hon were dinner Sydney, on the Coraki native reaer-guests of Mr. and Mrs. John l a t h - vation, Australian blacks danced rop Thursday. the Charleston, tango, waltz and

The people of Hunt ' s Corners one-step. No corroboree, no boom- of trustees will be preceded by t h e hold a prayer meeting a t the home erangs, no war paint. Just Jars "Friendly Folks Fellowship" supper, of Rev. C. E. R i e p on Friday even- dances to an accordion. Everyone is invited.

Freeville, J an . 11—The Republic nig -All the coast native* are aophia- Mr. and Mrs. H, Wfcrd Stewart a t -basket ball -earn was victorious over ; ticated," sayi John A Bennett, see- tended an annua l al l-day meeting of the Cazenovia Seminary t eam in j Be sure you are r ight before find- j retary of the aborigineea* protective t he P . of I. insurance directors.

_ *— - . - — T o Q ^ y h a r e t 0 ^ w m y | a p s a l t aman a t tended t h e a n -

Repablic F i r e Wine

their encounter a t t he Republic ing fault, else you may wish you gymnasium on Fr iday night . T h e . hadn ' t s tar ted something. score was 35-24. T h e Republic t e a m ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ will play St. Mary's h igh school A cable road was a t best a wire-team a t t he gym Thursday night , 'pull ing affair.

board. back to find old style tribal dances and music Soon the old custom* will be a memory."—San Fraactaca Chronicle.

nua l election of officers of t h e Dry­den t a n k o n Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mason have • i moved on to thei r new farm.

The Proper Glasses


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