Holy Trinity May 10, 2020 Roman Catholic Parish 5th Sunday ... · CWL Corner SCHOLARSHIP...


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Office Hours

Sacramental Preparation and Baptisms—On Hold: Contact Val Magnuson, Pastoral Assistant.

Weddings & Funerals—Contact Fr. Lorne.

5020 Sherwood Drive

Regina, SK S4R 4C2

Phone: 306-543-3838

Fax: 306-949-2544

Email: htrinity@sasktel.net

Website: holytrinityregina.ca

Pastoral Staff Pastor: Very Rev. Lorne Crozon, V.G. 306-924-1993 Pastoral Assistant: Val Magnuson 306-924-2602

Support Staff Hall Inquiries & Office Coordinator: Heather Deis 306-543-3838 Custodian: Dominic Dias

May 10, 2020 5th Sunday of Easter

Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Parish

No Masses until further notice

Monday to Friday 9 am to 1 pm (and often later) Closed May 18-20 & limited services May 21 & 22 (office co-ordinator off all week) - no bulletin May 24

Spiritual Care in Hospital—Catholic chaplains continue to be available to patients

to address spiritual needs, pray, provide a friendly face and comforting presence, talk about people’s fears and concerns, and contact a priest for anointing of the sick.

Pasqua Hospital Chaplain

Bonnie Thiele Hunt


Wascana Rehab Centre Chaplain

Joan Rink


General Hospital Chaplain

Jerry Fitzgerald


Reconciliation: Saturday 4—6 pm Sunday to Friday 9—10 am

Use this link or

on our website

home page.

Many thanks to those who continue to support our parish via Canada Helps online. We need your financial support now more than ever. These donations are deposited directly to our operating account. (Tax receipts generated from Canada Helps.) Envelope donations may be brought to the church when we are open and cheques may be mailed.

Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report—Sign up for our Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report and stay up to date on COVID-19 Updates and other news, delivered to your inbox every Friday morning.

Sign up now

“In this weekend's Gospel, Jesus makes some remarkable claims (to his disciples)… that they will do greater works than Jesus Himself!.. What could Jesus

possibly mean? You and I are unlikely to walk on water.

Consider: Jesus healed dozens, maybe hundreds of people; the Gospels tell us he fed thousands upon thousands. And how many people have received medical attention from Christ’s followers since his Ascension? How many have been fed? How many have been consoled? How many have had the good news preached to them? The answer should stun us, or it is both untold millions and not nearly enough.” (Brett Salkeld, Archdiocese of Regina, excerpted from Sunday Missal)

Church Open for Prayer:

Saturday 4—6 pm

Sunday to Friday 9 am—noon

For Families

Archdiocese Catechetical Resources

including “Faith-fully Navigating

Coronavirus with your Kids”


a month

for MARY

(more inside)

May 18 - 20 Building closed for

Victoria Day & carpet cleaning.

Page 2 Holy Trinity Parish, Regina

Coming Up at Holy Trinity:b. 26


Collection for Education of Seminarians. (May 3)—still accepted. Thanks to all who have mailed or dropped off envelopes.

May 18, 19 & 20—Holy Trinity closed Victoria Day and then 2 days for carpet cleaning. (Normally done the week after Easter when we are closed for a few days; 2020 we stayed open that

week because of Holy Week Mass cancellations.)

Sarcan is Closed—when they reopen, you can help

a village in Mexico.

Save your refundable bottles to donate to the

Cuernavaca Project in Mexico at any Sarcan location in Regina (no glass) when they reopen. Use Drop & Go with key word “project”. The Cuernavaca Project is an outreach of the Archdiocese of Regina, and needs our help with building projects for villagers to be self-sustaining.

Haven’t used Drop & Go? Here’s a video.

CWL Corner SCHOLARSHIP information on bulletin board

with applications and information on various scholarships available.

CWL of Canada National Bursary – submit by May 15.

Holy Trinity CWL Scholarship – submissions by June 30.

Holy Trinity Vacation Bible School—Aug. 10 to 14 9 am to noon. Parents: we are hopeful that we will be able to proceed as planned. Updates will be posted on our website www.holytrinityregina.ca or contact Val at 306-924-2602 .

COVID-19 Archdiocese of Regina UPDATES:

Stay up to date on protocols: https://archregina.sk.ca/content/covid-19-updates

Archdiocese of Regina

Sunday & weekday Masses online

9 am from Resurrection Parish

Past Masses available under archives.

Prayers and Devotions – Archdiocese website has daily readings and reflections, prayers, stations of the cross and other resources of value during physical distancing. https://archregina.sk.ca/prayers-devotions

Holy Trinity parishioner list being updated. We want to keep in touch through weekly reports from Father Lorne. If you know of someone who hasn’t been receiving these by email, mail or delivery, call the office (306) 543-3838 or email htrinity@sasktel.net to add them to our list.

Continue to Pray for those who were expecting to join the church at Easter, for those who have been preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion, and for parents of young children who attended baptism preparation classes in March and are waiting for baptisms to be permitted again.

Sask Knights of Columbus Vocations Endowment in partnership

with Saskatchewan bishops to help defray the study costs for

Saskatchewan seminarians. More information attached to April 26

online bulletin. Donations should reference Holy Trinity Council

number #10401.

More information about Vocations on the Archdiocese website.

NEW Vocations Director: Fr. Parker Love

MAY—the month of Mary and the Rosary.

Holy Trinity’s statue of Mary is crowned for

May. For centuries, May has been a month of

devotion to Mary. Make time to say a whole

rosary or even a decade every day.

Archbishop Donald Bolen’s Weekly Video Message

View the latest weekly message from Archbishop Don.

STAND FOR LIFE May 11 to 15 Make the pro-life movement visible and bring the March for Life HOME by making homemade signs and hanging them in your windows, churches, yards or on your fence. Draw a pro-life message with chalk on the side-walks in your neighborhood.

Public MARCH FOR LIFE events are cancelled, but we can still STAND FOR LIFE. Pray for all seminarians, at home with the closure of

seminaries due to Covid-19, especially those expecting to be

ordained priests:

From the Archdiocese of Regina, Deacon Christopher Juchacz and

Deacon Andrew Lindenbach (transitional deacons).

From the Archdiocese of Regina, preparing to be ordained transitional

deacon: Christian Lindenbach.

May 1, bishops in North America consecrated dioceses to Mary to seek her protection against the coronavirus. Archbishop Don Bolen consecrated the Archdiocese of Regina to Mary at the 9 am Mass, live-streamed from Resurrection. Homilist Fr. Parker Love.

Available for viewing as archived Mass.

Page 3 www.holytrinityregina.ca

Memorial Flowers extended throughout the Easter

season. Donations accepted at the church or online through Canada Helps. Updated list of names will be posted with every weekend bulletin online until Pentecost

(May 31).

Archdiocese of Regina Good Samaritan Project - Volunteers from all around the diocese can assist if you are in need. If you need groceries or essential items but are ill, immobile or quarantined and so not able to leave the house AT ALL (noting that NONE of us should be leaving more than absolutely necessary!) please contact us and we will set you up with a volunteer who can help. Please also contact us if you live alone and are feeling lonely and isolated. We can arrange for someone to

check in on you by phone.

If you need some assistance, email outreach@archregina.sk.ca anytime.

OR call 306-541-3086 between 9-5 Tuesday-Saturday.

Join Fr. Parker Love for Cold Drinks, Quarantine and Christ Facebook Live—Grab your favorite cold (or hot) beverage, and join Fr. Parker on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/parker.love.3 for a talk every Wednesday while the quarantine lasts. Tune in 7:15 pm, talk starts at 7:30 pm.

Compassionate Listening—If you need a compassionate listening ear during this difficult time, there are spiritual directors and candidates in training who have volunteered their time to be there for anyone who is struggling. See list at https://archregina.sk.ca/archregina-outreach

Muffins For Marian Centre Sandwiches, muffins, or granola bars are being

handed out daily to those in need. About 100 of

each of these is distributed on the days the

centre is open.

Donations of muffins would be very helpful. If you can

help, package the muffins in a container or bag that you do

not want back and bring them to Holy Trinity Office.

Muffins will be picked up first thing Friday morning

(9:15 am) and taken to the Marian Centre.

If you prefer, you can take muffins directly to the Marian Centre at 1835 Halifax Street (back door in the alley). Note that the Centre is closed

Thursday and Sunday.

The Archdiocese of Regina, in communication with Catholic health leaders, has compiled a series of one-page directives and guidelines on a variety of issues affecting churches and sacramental practice during this COVID-19 pandemic. Information is provided on current government directives, private prayer in church, sacraments, weddings, funerals, and more.

Archdiocese of Regina on Social Media ’Like’ us on Facebook. We will have regular Facebook Live prayers and we would love to have you join us! https://www.facebook.com/ArchdioceseofRegina/ You can also find us on Twitter @archioceseofreg and on

Instagram archdioceseofregina.

Fr. Wojciech Wojtkowiak, O.M.I. (Oblate of Mary Immaculate) 50 years of priesthood on May 23

Sister Bernadette Feist of Valley Native Ministry in the Archdiocese of Regina let us know about Fr. Wojtkowiak’s anniversary this month, and asking people to send him a card to remember him. He spent over 20 years in the Archdiocese of Regina working among First Nations people.

Cards may be sent to Rev Wojciech Wojtkowiak, O.M.I. Holy Ghost Parish, 342 Pritchard Ave., Winnipeg MB, R2W 2J3

Fr. Wojtkowiak had hoped to celebrate this milestone with his family in Poland, but his health, and now the coronavirus, has prevented that. Your prayers and cards will be a blessing for him.

St. Joan of Arc is Accepting New Registrations online for the 2020-2021

school year for Pre-K, Kindergarten and Grades 1-8.

Go to website www.rcsd.ca/school/StJoanofArc/Pages/default.aspx#/=

Once there, click on the Banner titled “Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten & New

Year Applications”. This will take you to an online

application form. Once it is filled in and submitted you

will be contacted by the either Mr. Pearce (Principal)

or Mrs. Schneider (Office Manager) who look forward

to hearing from you. Contact us through e-mail at

s.pearce@rcsd.ca (Mr. Pearce) or at p.schneider@rcsd.ca (Mrs. Schneider)

Carmichael Outreach Inc. (from Facebook posting &

reprinted with permission)

“While we are still unable to accept donations on a full scale

until things are back to normal, there are a few things that we

have could really use to help with some of the folks that we are


Looking for donations of:

- Housewares (e.g., pots and pans, dishes, cleaning supplies,

coffee makers, etc.)

- Toiletries (e.g., soap, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant,

tooth brushes and paste, pads and tampons, etc.)

- Light spring jackets

- Shoes (e.g., sneakers).

Donations of these items can be taken to Carmichael Outreach

west door at 1510 12th Avenue anytime Mon-Fri between 9-2.

Thank you absolutely EVERYONE who has been doing

whatever possible to show support.

If you are unable to take them to Carmichael, call the Holy

Trinity, office (306) 543-3838.

Birthright wishes all Mothers a very happy and blessed Mother’s Day. We thank you for remembering us and helping us serve the mothers who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies and come to Birthright. Although we have been forced to lay off our director and close our doors we are still responding to all the women who contact us. Usually we ask you to help support us through our baby bottle fundraiser on Mother’s Day. If you can still support us this year please either mail your donations to Birthright Regina PO Box 3623, Regina Saskatchewan S4P 3L7 or make electronic donations at canadahelps.org (under charity key words please type Birthright Regina). Thank you very much and please pray for all

mothers that they find the help they need to love their babies to life.

Welcome to Holy Trinity! To register in the parish, update your information, or

request donation envelopes, please pick up a form in

the Gathering area (bulletin board), call the parish

office or drop in during office hours, or print a copy

from our website www.holytrinityregina.ca.

You are invited to join our parish council. Do more than you could by yourself. Contact Wally Kaip at 306-949-1709 or at wpkaip@accesscomm.ca Upcoming Pancake Breakfasts at Holy Trinity — May 10 (Mother’s Day) —cancelled. On Hold: June 7

Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report The week’s top local stories, parish and diocesan events, and national and international news of Catholic interest deliv-ered to your in-box every Friday.

Catholic Women's League

We invite you to join our Council.

For information on membership and benefits, please contact: Sherry Enns

at 306-530-5846

Cell: (306) 530-6318 Regina

Pray our advertisers who are affected by the impact of COVID-19.

Deborah Canevaro Independent Beauty Consultant


Donna Witt Independent Senior Sales Director


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Milo Korchinski & Matt Bulych, Rita Verbeem from Debbie Bulych

Mitch Fesyk from Karen Fesyk

Caroline & Peter Germaine from Marlene Schnell

Pauline & Jack Graves from Judy Perreault

Maguire & Toth Families from Maureen Toth

Deceased Family Members from Nick & Noella Holash

Jerry Schropp, Mark Eberle from Dorothy E. Schropp

Carl & Helen Lenius, Gordon Mack from L. & C. Mack

Lawrence Hladun from Deanna

2020 Donations made in memory of:

Holy Trinity

Easter Memorial Flowers

Thank you from your Liturgy


Environment & Decor

During this unprecedented time of cancelled public Masses, we want to remember those who have made offerings for Masses to be said for the repose of the souls of our dearly departed. We remember them here until public Masses may again be said:

Memorial Flowers Extended—Donations accepted throughout the Easter season, with names added here and published in the weekly online bulletin

Garry Zerr

Rose Grebinski

Fred & Leona Kleefeld

Bea Simes

Narcisco Naces Sr., Benilda Naces

Sally Brodner

Sr. Joan Burns

Albert Fahlman

Max Kesslering

Andrew Puetz

Martin & Johanna Hader

Theresa (mother of Regi Mathew)

Tyronne Fisher

Gord Prawdzik

Terence Gibney

Marcel Fernette



Archdiocese of Regina

BulletinMay 10, 2020

5th Sunday of Easter

Page One

Thinking Faith 190: Creationism and the Catholic Church - Part 1Deacon Eric and Dr. Brett begin a multipart series on Creationism and the Catholic Church. Young earth, old earth, 6 days, billions of years. What does the Church say?Show Snippet: “Both the fundamentalist and the atheist think that Christians who read and believe the Bible, need to be Creationists...and there’s a deep irony there, that the two groups that agree on that, are the groups that despise each other the most...”http://thinkingfaith.libsyn.com/creationism-and-the-catholic-church-part-1

During this difficult time, your parish is here for you! Contact your local parish for the various ways they can keep you connected.Our parishes have to be closed to protect the safety of all of us during this outbreak. Our parishes have regular and ongoing expenses, although we can’t attend Mass, these expenses still remain. During this time it’s prudent to consider how you might support your parish. Your donation can be made to any parish through the Archdiocese of Regina by:• Pre-authorized direct debit• E-Transfer• Offline by cheque • Phone• Credit cardVisit our website for more information on how you can continue to support your parish.

Weekday and Sunday MasesMasses will be livestreamed from Resurrection Parish,

Regina at 9:00 AM daily - archregina.sk.ca/live

Archbishop Donald Bolen’s Weekly MessageView the latest weekly video message from Archbishop Donald Bolen https://archregina.sk.ca/archbishops-office/archbishop-bolen-weekly

Care for our Common HomeIf you haven’t already watched the first two episodes of “Caring for our Common Home”, we are working our way through Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si `and we would love to have you join us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ArchdioceseofRegina/ This week we are looking at Chapter 3 – The Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis. We are going to look at the theme of deconstructing Anthropocentrism. If you don’t know what that means, tune in Thursday, May 7 at 7:00 PM to find out. You can catch up on our previous episodes at: https://youtu.be/OHPJeheoCo8?t=13

Pope Francis’ Monthly Prayer Intentions - MayFor DeaconsWe pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church. https://thepopevideo.org/

The Archdiocese of Regina, in communication with Catholic health leaders, has compiled a series of

one-page directives and guidelines on a variety of issues affecting churches and

sacramental practice during this COVID-19 pandemic. Information is provided on current

government directives, private prayer in church, sacraments, weddings, funerals, and more.


Page Two

BULLETIN BOARDSpilling the Tea: on Catholic Social Teachings This week we have Fr. Parker Love as our Special Guest who is going to come and talk to us about the Christian Virtue of HOPE! We will be discussing Pope Emeritus Benedict’s Spec Salvi, in hope we were saved. This week our Facebook Live will be on Tuesday, May 5 at 6:00 pm. Rather than our regularly scheduled 7:00 pm. If you can’t join us then, don’t worry, this will be posted to our YouTube channel shortly afterwards, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx-MMJwsBsisM4-8Q3Ao5Oo_AbCgyN9we Archdiocese of Regina Weekly ReportSign up for our Free Archdiocese of Regina Weekly Report and stay up to date on COVID-19 Updates and other news, delivered to your inbox every Friday morning. Sign up now: https://archregina.sk.ca/news

Compassionate ListeningIf you find that during this difficult time you need a compassionate listening ear, visit archregina.sk.ca/archregina-outreach for a list of spiritual directors and candidates in training who have volunteered their time to be there for anyone who is struggling.

Good Samaritan Outreach ProjectThe Archdiocese of Regina has volunteers from all around the diocese who are willing to reach out if you are in need. If you need groceries or essential items but are ill, immobile or quarantined and so not able to leave the house AT ALL (noting that NONE of us should be leaving more than absolutely necessary!) please contact us and we will set you up with a volunteer who can help. Please also contact us if you live alone and are feeling lonely and isolated. We can arrange for someone to check in on you by phone. We are committed to operating in such a way that the Health Canada Guidelines, and provincial Public Health Orders from our Chief Medical Officer and provincial government are strictly adhered to. If you need some assistance please email outreach@archregina.sk.ca at anytime. OR call 306-541-3086 between 9-5 Tuesday-Saturday.

Join Fr. Parker Love for Cold Drinks, Quarantine and Christ Facebook LiveGrab your favorite cold (or hot) beverage, and join Fr. Parker on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/parker.love.3 each Wednesday during the quarantine join Fr. Parker for a different talk. Tune in 7:15 PM, talk starts at 7:30 PM.

Stewardship Bulletin Bit

“The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” (1 Peter 2:7)

Every person has been given gifts from the Holy Spirit. These are called “charisms” and they are used to build God’s kingdom on earth. While many people are able to recognize their natural talents and abilities, they may be unsure of their charisms. If you know someone who is struggling for a direction in life, give them a little encouragement. Help them discern their charisms and how God is calling them to use them. Remember - no gift is too small or insignificant in God’s salvation plan.

Archdiocese of Regina445 Broad St. North

Regina, SK S4R 2X8306-352-1651

www.archregina.sk.ca Bulletin announcements can be sent to:


COVID-19 UPDATESThe Pastoral office is now closed to the public until further notice, if you need to reach a staff member, the best way to contact them is by email. A full list of their contact information, along with other resources is available on the COVID-19 Updates page at archregina.sk.ca.

Online Catechetical ResourcesOur Catechist Robert Barr has put together a wide variety of online resources for children, teens, adult and families https://archregina.sk.ca/catechetical-support-parishes

Prayers, Devotions and Resources Visit the Prayers and Devotions page to find information on daily mass, daily readings and reflections, prayers, stations of the cross and other resources that may be valuable during this time of social distancing. https://archregina.sk.ca/prayers-devotions-resources Also see our page with French Resources: https://archregina.sk.ca/fr/prieres-devotions-et-ressources
