Holy Family Catholic School We are your community school ...Gurushanth, and Alexandra...


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Trust Trust

Principal’s Message

Experience the benefits of a small, family school

We are your community school We welcome everyone

We provide spiritual and personalised learning for your children

Term 1 Week 2

Holy Family Catholic School

Our School Vision Holy Family School aspires to be a school community where all are celebrated and challenged to be the very best they can be in the image of Jesus with a

desire for life long learning.



Parish Priest:

Fr. Michael Shadbolt


(03) 9792-4317

Mass Times:

Saturdays 5:00pm Mass -Spanish

6:30pm Mass


9:30am Mass

11:00 Mass

7:00pm Healing Mass (except in January & October)


Mr. Steve Twomey Email:

principal@hfdoveton. catholic. edu.au

School Secretary: Mrs. Bernadette Blaney


(03) 9791 1853


(03) 9792 3113

Website: www.hfdoveton.catholic.



100 Power Rd Doveton 3177

School Hours: 8:45 School Commences 10:00 Fruit break inside 11:00 Children eat lunch 11:15 Play Break 1 11:45 2nd period of lessons commence 1:45 Children eat snack 1.55 Play Break 2 2:30 3rd period of lessons 3:30 Dismissal






Hello Holy Family Community,

Welcome back everyone to 2017.

It was great seeing everyone back after the holidays, especially our new children and their families. This year we have new enrolments spread across the school.

During the Christmas break the school had its usual big clean up. Also during the break our new chrome books were delivered. We have purchased 50 of these and they will be used in the senior school. Along with the chrome books we have had a number of the existing laptops repaired. All the children in the senior school will have a personal device. The grade three, four and five’s will have a chrome book and the grade sixes a laptop. The children will be responsible for the device they are using. We also have more iPads for the junior students and they will also have access to the laptops.

The long term plan is that children coming into the senior school will get a new chrome book when they start in grade three. The chrome books will be purchased by the parents. Over this year we will be looking at different ways that this can be done and we will also be discussing it with parents to get your opinion on the matter.

We have had a large number of parents attend our first two Monday morning assemblies and flag raising. It was great seeing the large number of parents attending. This year the students will be having a bigger role in running assemblies. Also at the start of each one we will be lighting our school candle.

We will be having Parent Information Sessions plus Camp Meetings on Thursday the 23rd February. The Junior School information session is 5:30pm and the Senior School information session will start at 6:00pm. If you wish to have a private appointment with your child’s teacher you will be able to arrange a time after the presentation. Following the Senior session the Camp meetings for grades 3 to 6 will take place.

The Grade 5 and 6 students will be going to Anglesea for 2 nights from Wednesday the 29th March till Friday the 31st March. The Grade 3 and 4 are going to have an overnight camp at school. This will be the first time that we have done this. They will stay at school on the last Thursday of Term 1. That will also be the last night of the Grade 5 and 6 camp.

On Tuesday evening this week we had the Junior Prayer and Pyjama evening. This event for the children and their families from the junior school was very well attended and was enjoyed by all who came. A big thanks to the junior school teachers who organised it.

Page 2 Holy Family News Term 1 Week 2

Please join us for our Commissioning Mass, this Sunday 12th February at 9:30am. Father Michael will bless the staff in

their work this year and present the Year 6 student leaders with their badges. Morning Tea will be held in the staffroom

after Mass. Everyone welcome.

Thursday 9th February Parent Forum Session 2.30pm & 5pm Sunday 12th February Staff and Leaders Commissioning Mass 9.30am Wednesday 15th February NO PREPS TODAY Wednesday 22nd February NO PREPS TODAY Thursday 23rd February Family Information Session Juniors 5:30pm Family Information Session Seniors 6:00pm Wednesday 1st March Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass Preps start FULLTIME Tuesday 7th March Twilight School Sports 5pm Friday 17th March St Patrick’s Day Monday 13th March Labour Day NO SCHOOL

Page 3 Holy Family News Term 1 week 2

Celebrations to

Alna, Gurpreet, Rebecca, Alpha, Bas, Nisan, Aravinth, Nisayini, Gabriel, Hailey, Marcus, Faustina, Monica,

Christina, Abilashini, Darren, Reece, Harman, Ella-Mae, Alana,

Gurushanth, and Alexandra


Gabriel, Curtis, Joseph, Jessica, Darren, Shreya and Kim

Congratulations to

Alana, Kees , Trinity,

Kuirowl, Methya

and Elainie who

were elected as our

school leaders for

this year. They all

wowed us with their


speeches outlining

the qualities that

they would bring to

their leadership

roles. Well done!

We know you will all

do a great job

representing our

school community.

We would like to welcome two new students to Holy

Family this year, Shreya and Kim who are

both in year3. We warmly welcome you to

our school community.

We began our school year with an assembly on the first day. It was great to welcome our new Preps and have so many new parents attend. Please join us for our flag raising assembly every Monday

morning at 8:45 am. They are usually held outside on the asphalt unless it is raining when we have them in the library.

Page 4 Holy Family News Term 1 Week 2

Nihal Petar Aaron Gurpreet Frankie

Aniola Bhelissa Joseph

William Joshua Simon Blaze Lathusan

Nicolas Marlon Alna Christina Willow

Emmanuel Maria Jessica Mercy Richelle